
Manus permission

May 15th, 2020
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  1. de "Manus" <[email protected]>
  2. à "Benjamin LOISON" <benjaminsemail@anonymous>
  3. date 15/05/20 14:10
  4. objet Re: Permission to use your content packs in my video games
  6. Hi,
  8. no, my models are not open-source. But if you want, you can use them in
  9. your game. I can also help you with the Shapebox stuff if needed because
  10. i created the classes in TMT for this stuff some years ago.
  12. My complete set of models (even the ones i never published) is available
  13. through the Online Model Library which is part of the Toolbox. You can
  14. find it under Modelling -> Online Model Library. You can find all my
  15. models as mtb of class file there
  17. b/r
  19. Manus
  21. Am 15.05.2020 um 03:34 Uhr schrieb Benjamin LOISON:
  22. >
  23. > Hello,
  24. >
  25. > I am working on a big project, creating a whole video game (using only
  26. > C++, SDL and OpenGL). You may find some pictures
  27. > here:
  28. >
  29. > Five years after the beginning of this project, I am implementing
  30. > vehicles, I made a python script to convert Flan's Mod vehicle into my
  31. > video game. However I only manage addBox for the moment but I will add
  32. > addShapeBox, addShape3D... I just have a few models made by myself
  33. > with the ToolBox, I would like to have some more... I can't find out
  34. > any declaration about whether or not your models for your content
  35. > packs (like Civil and DayZ) are open-source.
  36. >
  37. > My game is semi-closed-source
  38. > ( I would like to use
  39. > your models into my video game, if you grant me your permission. If
  40. > so, it would be easier to work with .mtb or .java files of your
  41. > vehicles in the content packs Civil and DayZ (1.7.10 version prefered).
  42. >
  43. > If you also would like to be quoted within the game and in its files,
  44. > it is absolutely not a problem.
  45. >
  46. > Thank you anyway for the great content you shared with everyone
  47. >
  48. > Best regards,
  49. >
  50. > Benjamin Loison
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