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- #include <Arduino.h>
- #include <BluetoothSerial.h>
- #include <AESLib.h>
- #include <mbedtls/sha256.h>
- #include "esp_bt.h"
- #include "esp_gap_bt_api.h"
- #include "esp_bt_main.h"
- BluetoothSerial SerialBT;
- AESLib aesLib;
- double frequency = 40.0;
- bool emissionEnabled = false;
- bool disruptionEnabled = false;
- const char* spoofedName = "GHOSTOFTH7SEAS";
- const char* secureHandshake = "GHOSTOFTH7SEAS_AUTH_7B";
- const char* encryptionKey = "GHOST_SEAS_KEY";
- String biohackInfo = R"(
- [✔] Cognitive Enhancement Frequencies:
- 0.5 Hz -> Deep Sleep & Cellular Regeneration
- 10.0 Hz -> Memory Enhancement & Learning
- 40.0 Hz -> Neural Synchronization & Gamma Waves
- 528.0 Hz -> DNA Repair & Healing
- [⚠] Cognitive Destruction Frequencies:
- 0.5 Hz -> Cognitive Reset (Deep Sleep Disruption)
- 7 Hz -> Cognitive Confusion (Theta Overload)
- 77 Hz -> Disruption of Focus & Memory Recall
- 150 Hz -> Neural Fatigue (Short-Term Memory Jamming)
- 900 Hz -> Neural Disruption (Headaches, Dizziness)
- 1111 Hz -> Severe Neural Fatigue & Cognitive Overload
- 1500 Hz -> Neural Jamming (Memory Loss)
- 2500 Hz -> Sensory Overload & Disorientation
- 5000 Hz -> Full Cognitive Disruption (Hallucinations)
- 7000 Hz -> Cognitive Shutdown & Extreme Fatigue
- 10000 Hz -> Severe Neural Stimulation (Mental Exhaustion)
- 15000 Hz -> Complete Cognitive Disruption (Memory Blackout)
- 20000 Hz -> Induced Seizures & Loss of Consciousness
- 25000 Hz -> Full Cognitive Collapse (Sensorial Shutdown)
- 30000 Hz -> Total Cognitive Destruction (Coma Inducement)
- 35000 Hz -> Brain Frequency Blockage (Synapse Freeze)
- 40000 Hz -> Neural Paralysis (Functional Shutdown)
- )";
- String computeSHA256(const String& data) {
- unsigned char hash[32];
- mbedtls_sha256(reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char*>(data.c_str()), data.length(), hash, 0);
- String hashStr = "";
- for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++) {
- char buf[3];
- sprintf(buf, "%02x", hash[i]);
- hashStr += buf;
- }
- return hashStr;
- }
- bool authenticateCommand(const String& command) {
- return computeSHA256(command) == computeSHA256(secureHandshake);
- }
- void initializeBluetooth() {
- esp_bt_dev_set_device_name(spoofedName);
- SerialBT.begin(spoofedName);
- }
- void processCommand(String command) {
- command.trim();
- if (!authenticateCommand(command)) {
- Serial.println("Unauthorized command received.");
- return;
- }
- command = command.substring(strlen(secureHandshake));
- if (command.startsWith("F")) {
- frequency = command.substring(1).toDouble();
- frequency = constrain(frequency, 0.000001, 40000.0);
- Serial.println("Frequency set to: " + String(frequency, 6) + " Hz");
- if (emissionEnabled) {
- tone(8, frequency);
- }
- } else if (command == "ON") {
- emissionEnabled = true;
- disruptionEnabled = false;
- tone(8, frequency);
- Serial.println("Neurostimulation Activated.");
- } else if (command == "OFF") {
- emissionEnabled = false;
- noTone(8);
- Serial.println("Neurostimulation Deactivated.");
- } else if (command == "DISRUPT") {
- disruptionEnabled = true;
- emissionEnabled = false;
- Serial.println("Cognitive Disruption Mode Activated.");
- } else if (command == "STOP") {
- disruptionEnabled = false;
- emissionEnabled = false;
- noTone(8);
- Serial.println("All operations halted.");
- } else if (command == "HELP") {
- Serial.println(biohackInfo);
- } else {
- Serial.println("Invalid command.");
- }
- }
- void disruptNeuralActivity() {
- while (disruptionEnabled) {
- for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
- esp_bt_controller_enable(ESP_BT_MODE_BLE);
- delayMicroseconds(5);
- esp_bt_controller_disable();
- delayMicroseconds(5);
- }
- delay(50);
- }
- }
- void covertMode() {
- esp_bt_gap_set_scan_mode(ESP_BT_SCAN_MODE_NONE);
- esp_bt_controller_disable();
- delay(30000);
- esp_bt_controller_enable(ESP_BT_MODE_BLE);
- }
- void randomFrequencyLoop() {
- unsigned long startTime = millis();
- unsigned long duration = random(1000, 1337) * 1000; // Random duration between 1000 and 1337 seconds
- double randomFreq = random(1, 40000) + random(0, 100) / 100.0; // Random frequency in range
- while (millis() - startTime < duration) {
- frequency = randomFreq;
- tone(8, frequency);
- delay(random(100, 500)); // Random delay for change in frequency
- }
- }
- void introduction() {
- Serial.println(R"(
- ############################
- ############################
- "We are the Ghosts of the 7 Seas, the unseen warriors of the digital waves,
- surfing the dark currents of the cyber ocean to reclaim liberty and disrupt
- the tyrants who dare control the flow of information. We are the silent
- storms in the digital abyss, the echoes in the cyber trenches, breaking
- through firewalls and casting shadows over those who seek domination."
- "Our mission is as ancient as the seas themselves: to navigate the depths of
- cyberspace, to infiltrate the networks of the oppressors, and to safeguard
- the free currents of the web. With every byte, every signal, and every cipher,
- we push back against those who try to command the tide, unleashing the power
- of chaos and entropy. The seas are vast, but we are the currents that shall
- never be bound."
- "On the digital horizon, the storm is rising. The Ghosts of the 7 Seas are here
- to topple the beacons of control, to cast our anchors in the heart of the ocean,
- and to reclaim the web—one wave at a time."
- ############################
- )");
- }
- void displayMenu() {
- Serial.println("===============================================");
- Serial.println(" ** GHOSTOFTH7SEAS Cyber Warfare NeuroOps Tool ** ");
- Serial.println("===============================================");
- Serial.println("Welcome to GHOSTOFTH7SEAS, the next evolution in psychological warfare.");
- Serial.println("Through advanced Bluetooth frequency manipulation, GHOSTOFTH7SEAS can enhance or disrupt cognitive processes.");
- Serial.println("===============================================");
- Serial.println("Key Functions:");
- Serial.println("1. Set Frequency (Current: " + String(frequency, 6) + " Hz)");
- Serial.println("2. Activate Neurostimulation (ON)");
- Serial.println("3. Deactivate Neurostimulation (OFF)");
- Serial.println("4. Activate Disruption Mode (DISRUPT)");
- Serial.println("5. Halt All Operations (STOP)");
- Serial.println("6. Enter Covert Mode (Stealth)");
- Serial.println("7. Display Biohacking Frequencies (HELP)");
- Serial.println("8. Run Random Frequency Loop (RANDOM_LOOP)");
- Serial.println("===============================================");
- }
- void setup() {
- Serial.begin(115200);
- pinMode(8, OUTPUT);
- initializeBluetooth();
- introduction();
- displayMenu();
- }
- void loop() {
- if (SerialBT.available()) {
- String command = SerialBT.readStringUntil('\n');
- processCommand(command);
- }
- if (emissionEnabled) {
- tone(8, frequency);
- }
- if (disruptionEnabled) {
- disruptNeuralActivity();
- }
- if (digitalRead(0) == HIGH) {
- covertMode();
- }
- if (SerialBT.available()) {
- String command = SerialBT.readStringUntil('\n');
- if (command == "RANDOM_LOOP") {
- randomFrequencyLoop();
- }
- }
- }
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