
Combat experience

Nov 22nd, 2023 (edited)
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  1. Saxon had been running Strike Six for Belltower Associates Incorporated for
  2. a little over two years now, and Kano was the only man who had
  3. stayed with him for all that time. Where Saxon had been recruited directly
  4. from the British Army's Special Air Service, Kano had "liberated"
  5. himself from a Namibian crime lord's war band after a Belltower battalion
  6. had wiped out his former boss's drug-running network. The rest of
  7. the team had similarly diverse origins, men and women gathered up from
  8. national armies, police forces, criminal groups, all of them drawn in
  9. by steady pay and high rates of danger money from the largest private army
  10. in the world.
  12. Saxon wasn't one to shy away from the word "mercenary." It was what he
  13. was, what he did for a living; calling himself a "military contractor"
  14. made it sound softer, somehow—and Ben Saxon liked the grit of the real
  15. thing. It was the main reason he had walked into Belltower's offices on
  16. the very same day the armed forces of His Majesty's Crown had told him
  17. that his services were no longer required; the idea of a life on civvie
  18. street just simply did not register with him. He liked it here in the thick; it
  19. felt right.
  21. - Deus Ex: Icarus Effect, Chapter 1 pg. 25-26
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