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- unit uExpressionParser;
- {$mode Delphi}
- interface
- uses
- Classes, SysUtils, Generics.Collections,
- uDCLData, uDCLConst;
- function ParseLogicalExpression(S: String): Boolean;
- function LogicalParser(S: String): TList<TCondition>;
- function CalcLogicalExpression(var Conditions: TList<TCondition>): Boolean;
- implementation
- uses
- uStringParams;
- function LogicalParser(S: String): TList<TCondition>;
- var
- LeftMode, RightMode, NotExists, InString: Boolean;
- LeftSide, RightSide: String;
- p, l, i: Integer;
- ConditionType: TConditionTypes;
- ConditionItem: TCondition;
- LastConditionPair: TPairCondition;
- begin
- Result:=TList<TCondition>.Create;
- LastConditionPair:=pcNone;
- S:=S+'&';
- LeftMode:=True;
- RightMode:=False;
- InString:=False;
- NotExists:=False;
- LeftSide:='';
- l:=Length(S);
- p:=1;
- ConditionType:=ctND;
- RightSide:='';
- while p<=l do
- begin
- if S[p]='(' then
- begin
- LeftMode:=False;
- RightMode:=True;
- end
- else
- if S[p]=')' then
- begin
- if NotExists then
- ConditionType:=ctNotIn
- else
- ConditionType:=ctIn;
- LeftMode:=False;
- RightMode:=False;
- end
- else
- if S[p]='[' then
- begin
- LeftMode:=False;
- RightMode:=True;
- end
- else
- if S[p]=']' then
- begin
- if NotExists then
- ConditionType:=ctNotBt
- else
- ConditionType:=ctBt;
- LeftMode:=False;
- RightMode:=False;
- end
- else
- if S[p]='=' then
- begin
- if NotExists then
- ConditionType:=ctNotEq
- else
- ConditionType:=ctEq;
- LeftMode:=False;
- RightMode:=True;
- end
- else
- if S[p]='<' then
- begin
- ConditionType:=ctLe;
- LeftMode:=False;
- RightMode:=True;
- if S[p+1]='=' then
- begin
- ConditionType:=ctLeEq;
- Inc(p);
- end;
- if S[p+1]='>' then
- begin
- ConditionType:=ctNotEq;
- Inc(p);
- end;
- end
- else
- if S[p]='>' then
- begin
- ConditionType:=ctGt;
- LeftMode:=False;
- RightMode:=True;
- if S[p+1]='=' then
- begin
- ConditionType:=ctGtEq;
- Inc(p);
- end;
- end
- else
- if S[p] in ['&', '|'] then
- begin
- ConditionItem:=TCondition.Create;
- ConditionItem.FieldNameLeft:=LeftSide;
- ConditionItem.ConditionType:=ConditionType;
- case ConditionType of
- ctEq, ctNotEq, ctGt, ctGtEq, ctLe, ctLeEq: begin
- ConditionItem.Values.Add(GetClearParam(RightSide, ''''));
- end;
- ctBt, ctNotBt, ctNotIn, ctIn: begin
- for i:=1 to ParamsCount(RightSide) do
- begin
- ConditionItem.Values.Add(GetClearParam(GetParam(RightSide, i), ''''));
- end;
- end;
- end;
- ConditionItem.ItemCondition:=LastConditionPair;
- Result.Add(ConditionItem);
- LeftMode:=True;
- RightMode:=False;
- LeftSide:='';
- RightSide:='';
- ConditionType:=ctND;
- NotExists:=False;
- if S[p]='&' then
- LastConditionPair:=pcAnd;
- if S[p]='|' then
- LastConditionPair:=pcOr;
- end
- else
- begin
- if S[p]='!' then
- begin
- if LeftMode then
- begin
- if not InString then
- begin
- LeftMode:=False;
- NotExists:=True;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- if (S[p]<>' ') or InString then
- begin
- if LeftMode then
- begin
- LeftSide:=LeftSide+S[p];
- end
- else
- if RightMode then
- begin
- RightSide:=RightSide+S[p];
- end;
- end;
- if S[p]='''' then
- begin
- InString:=not InString;
- end;
- end;
- inc(p);
- end;
- end;
- function GetPairCondition(ItemCondition: TPairCondition; CurrResult, LastResult: Boolean): Boolean;
- begin
- case ItemCondition of
- pcNone: begin
- Result:=CurrResult;
- end;
- pcAnd: begin
- Result:=LastResult and CurrResult;
- end;
- pcOr: begin
- Result:=LastResult or CurrResult;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- function CalcLogicalExpression(var Conditions: TList<TCondition>): Boolean;
- var
- CondItem: TCondition;
- S: String;
- LastResult, LocalResult: Boolean;
- begin
- LastResult:=True;
- for CondItem in Conditions do
- begin
- if CondItem.Values.Count>0 then
- begin
- case CondItem.ConditionType of
- ctEq: begin
- LastResult:=GetPairCondition(CondItem.ItemCondition, CondItem.FieldNameLeft=CondItem.Values[0], LastResult);
- end;
- ctNotEq: begin
- LastResult:=GetPairCondition(CondItem.ItemCondition, CondItem.FieldNameLeft<>CondItem.Values[0], LastResult);
- end;
- ctGt: begin
- LastResult:=GetPairCondition(CondItem.ItemCondition, CondItem.FieldNameLeft>CondItem.Values[0], LastResult);
- end;
- ctGtEq: begin
- LastResult:=GetPairCondition(CondItem.ItemCondition, CondItem.FieldNameLeft>=CondItem.Values[0], LastResult);
- end;
- ctLe: begin
- LastResult:=GetPairCondition(CondItem.ItemCondition, CondItem.FieldNameLeft<CondItem.Values[0], LastResult);
- end;
- ctLeEq: begin
- LastResult:=GetPairCondition(CondItem.ItemCondition, CondItem.FieldNameLeft<=CondItem.Values[0], LastResult);
- end;
- ctBt, ctNotBt: begin
- case CondItem.ConditionType of
- ctBt: begin
- if (CondItem.Values.Count>=2) and (CondItem.FieldNameLeft<=CondItem.Values[0]) and (CondItem.FieldNameLeft<=CondItem.Values[1]) then
- begin
- LastResult:=GetPairCondition(CondItem.ItemCondition, True, LastResult);
- end
- else
- LastResult:=GetPairCondition(CondItem.ItemCondition, False, LastResult);
- end;
- ctNotBt: begin
- if (CondItem.Values.Count>=2) and (not ((CondItem.FieldNameLeft<=CondItem.Values[0]) and (CondItem.FieldNameLeft<=CondItem.Values[1]))) then
- begin
- LastResult:=GetPairCondition(CondItem.ItemCondition, True, LastResult);
- end
- else
- LastResult:=GetPairCondition(CondItem.ItemCondition, False, LastResult);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- ctNotIn, ctIn: begin
- LocalResult:=CondItem.ConditionType=ctNotIn;
- for S in CondItem.Values do
- begin
- if S=CondItem.FieldNameLeft then
- begin
- LocalResult:=CondItem.ConditionType=ctIn;
- break;
- end;
- end;
- LastResult:=GetPairCondition(CondItem.ItemCondition, LocalResult, LastResult);
- end;
- end;
- end
- else
- begin
- LastResult:=GetPairCondition(CondItem.ItemCondition, False, LastResult);
- end;
- end;
- Result:=LastResult;
- end;
- function ParseLogicalExpression(S: String): Boolean;
- var
- Conds: TList<TCondition>;
- begin
- Conds:=LogicalParser(S);
- Result:=CalcLogicalExpression(Conds);
- end;
- end.
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