

Sep 2nd, 2018
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  1. Name: Solstice
  3. What He Prefers to be named sometimes: The Chosen One
  5. Age: 13, And always stays 13
  7. Date of Birth: Irrelevant
  9. Species: WAS a human
  11. Height: unknown
  13. Gender: Changes
  15. Strentgth: Irrelevant
  17. Knowledge: Beyond Description
  19. Appearance: (There are three styles of him, each differ in the book series i make. [NOT PUBLISHED]
  20. 1st: A jacket with a scarf that has the two ends on the back, Normal, The usual pants, and some shoes.
  21. 2nd: the same stuff, except, with a halo with four diamond shaped ruby material, and another smaller halo on top of the bigger halo, with a large version of the diamond in the middle of it.
  22. 3rd: Same as First, except he wears a hat with cat ears on it (get the reference?)
  24. Personality: All
  26. Traits: 7 (i hope you dont get the cancerous reference)
  28. Abilities: Fire, Water, Earth, Poison, Nature, Ice, Lava, Weather, Wind, Time, Space, Aesthetic, Aurora, Geometrical, Dimensional, Warp, Visibility, Mechanical, Dark Matter, Light Matter, Equinox Matter, Rainbow Matter, Energy, Pulse, Sound, Electricity, Gravity, Soul, Emotions, Light, Darkness, Lunar, Solar, Nebula, StarDust, BloodSpell, Life, Death, Aether, Nether, Void, Realm, Telekinesis, Pixel, Memes, Consciousness, Existence, Non-Existence, Mathematical, Rubber, Vizard, Program, Imagination (Of course lel), Haki, Illusion, Chaos, Corruption, Steam, Order, Creation, Destruction, Equinox, Nuclear, Rainbow, Agony, Constellation, Apocalypse (Same As Chaos, Except, Large-Scale.), Plot, God Magic, Infinity, Absolute Infinity, Paradoxia (An infinite element more powerful than infinite), Nightmare, Mythical Animals, Null Magic (Ability to create own elements), Omnitrinity, Omniuniversal ([Omni = All] so I'm All-Universal) Possession, Strings (Another kind of possession but different), Touhou (Bullet hell), Photo negativity (Everything turns opposite, including common sense and Logic itself, except the user.), Quantum, Luck, Karma, Judgement (Changes the mysterious forces of the world in order for one to change "road" e.g. Someone winning but using Judgement it suddenly loses), CopycatBreak (Prevents people from using abilities that copycat the person they fight.), Ban, Cero , Resurrection, Healing, OmniVision (Ability to read/talk to minds even though they have spells that are unreadable, and this ability prevents any mind-reading magic), Spirit (Difference from Soul is that soul is the thing making people alive. while Spirit is the essence of their soul that creates their emotions), Form Magic (Can transform to any form you like), Atomic, Dreams, Plasma, Friction, Prism, Skill (Improves real skills), Sense (Increases Senses Infinitely.), Stands (Jojo reference, creates stands.), Shadow, Hyper-dimension Element (Futuristic Element. Holograms and stuff.), Chronicle Blades (Eight different swords. Two at your hands, the rest is floating like your wings. you get the reference? [CAN BE ALSO SCYTHES]), Memory, Instant-Surgery (Takes Someone's Insides in an INSTANT, without even doing anything at it. just staring.), Magic Nullification, Physical Nullification, Null (All-out nullification.) Sand, Magnets, Magnetic Sand, Size, Necromancer (Spawns ANY living objects), Explosion, Alteration, Hadou Numbers (Way of Destruction), Power, Reality, Fiction, Omniarch, Patakinesis (the ability to have control over the ineffable, the unknown and the unknowable, transcending metaphysical laws and boundaries. It also manipulates imaginary solutions, which symbolically attributes the properties of objects, described by their Virtuality, to their lineaments.), Tetrakinesis (the ability to use the combined forces of science, magic, divinity and philosophy, giving the user potentially unlimited power over the four concepts. This power encompasses the four aspects that define reality and are used by any being to understand the universe and god itself.), Miracles, Undescriptive Anti-Plot Control, Undescriptive Span of Powers, Undescriptive Description, Insensible Time Disruption/Illusion, Omni-Embodiment (The ability to embody everything and anything.), Omni-Awareness (aware of everything, All.), Omni^Omni-Abilities (Ability to manipulate all Omni-abilities,, beyond or below.), you know what? yeah just think of EVERY POSSIBLE FREAKING POWER. his abilities are beyond that.
  30. Backstory: Was once a normal person, he likes playing Oneshot because he likes the main character. one day however..... he woke up on the same game he did, then he thought... "if i am real, and this is not, then i can..." and he got his abilities. He's an indescribable being when it comes to his imagination. now he's overpowered as hell. no actually, beyond hell. he called himself "The Chosen One". he tries to be non-edgy as much as possible, but now? how will he do it?
  33. How Powerful is Solstice?
  35. Solstice is above the abilities of any form of omnipotence.
  37. Solstice is beyond justification.
  39. Solstice surpasses Cantor's Absolute Infinity.
  41. Solstice surpasses all of the transfinite numbers and ordinals.
  43. Solstice is beyond size.
  45. Solstice is beyond containment.
  47. Solstice is above Infinity.
  49. Solstice can't be contained.
  51. Solstice can defy anything.
  53. Solstice can't be controlled.
  55. Solstice is created from nothing, and only himself, when he turned into Solstice.
  57. Solstice is beyond instantaneousness.
  59. Solstice can stop and is already beyond any unimaginable & imaginable or undefinable & definable paradox.
  61. Solstice is beyond any impossible & possible interpretation of logic.
  63. Solstice is illogical & logical.
  65. No Form of logic applies to Solstice.
  67. Solstice is beyond physics.
  69. Solstice is beyond fiction.
  71. Solstice is beyond any form of immunity, or nullification.
  73. Solstice is beyond criticism and analysis.
  75. Solstice can & can't be killed.
  77. Solstice is & not an Astral.
  79. Solstice's Knowledge is beyond Cantor's Absolute Infinity.
  81. Solstice's Knowledge is beyond all of the transfinite numbers & ordinals.
  83. Solstice's Knowledge is impossible & possible.
  85. If you manage to OverPower Solstice, you are the lowest and highest in existence, therefore, nothing contains you, but also creating a superposition, which can be defined as a paradox, as said, Solstice can stop all (un)definable and (un)imaginable paradoxes.
  87. By placing yourself, or a structure (such as a -verse) equal to or above Solstice, you or that structure is automatically the lowest in existence.
  89. Solstice exceeds the realms of possibility and impossibility into something else altogether, as no semblance of logic, non-logic, or language may express the true meaning of Himself.
  91. As said before, "Solstice is beyond the abilities of Omnipotence."
  93. Solstice can't at least be partially be ruled over, even with omniarch (or... Absolute Domination, Existence Lordship/Mastery, Omniverse Lordship, Sovereignty, Total Supremacy, Ultimate Lordship)
  95. Solstice. can't be controlled.
  97. The abilities of an omnipotent are infinite, therefore, they should be able to get past Solstice, but Solstice is beyond omnipotence, creating a paradox.
  99. But, as said before, "Solstice can beyond-instantly end (and is already beyond) any (un/in)imaginable/definable paradox."
  101. Not even True Omnipotence is able to affect Solstice, seeing as every single statement True Omnipotence has the power to infinitely manipulate doesn't apply to Solstice. However, if true omnipotence can do absolutely anything, only bound by fiction, and Solstice wrote on a fictional plane that can be transfictional due to the statements written on it, could Author Authority affect Solstice? Well, the answer is yes, and no. nothing fictional is able to affect anything from the real-life world, obviously, but if Solstice transcends fiction and nonfiction entirely, real-life transfictional beings should be able to affect it, right? No, and yes. This is called The Real Life Principle, defined below.
  103. The Real Life Principle is used to describe the infinite web of created, solved, destroyed, and newly created paradoxes created by an author combating the transcendent logic of Solstice.
  105. If the author created a paradox, and Solstice solves that paradox, and the author makes it so that Solstice can't solve paradoxes, Solstice would solve that too, right? An infinite amount of paradoxes are created from here, being rapidly solved and another infinite array of things are created for each paradox solved. This goes on forever.
  107. But can't Solstice solve the principle? Yes. But by solving the principle, an infinite amount of principles are created with every way to solve Solstice's power to solve paradoxes, but if Solstice can solve that, an infinite amount of paradoxes are created for the infinite amount of paradoxes solved for the infinite amount of principles created and solved. This also goes on forever, being multiplied infinitely each time a paradox is created.
  109. BUT. Solstice can stop the Real Life Principle, in beyond instantaneous, and beyond total instantaneous, instantaneously, and so on.
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