
Engine.ini (Outer Worlds)

Nov 25th, 2019 (edited)
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  1. [SystemSettings]
  2. ; IMPORTANT : This file must be put in "read-only" or all commented line will be removed by the game
  4. ; Image Quality (disable it if you use ReShade)
  5. ;r.TonemapperFilm=1                    ;activated by default, more vivid and powerful colors, at the cost of a necessary brightness increase
  6. ;r.Tonemapper.Sharpen=0.8              ;immensely reduces TAA blurriness by sharpening, raised slightly after TAAFrameWeight got changed again with v1.4
  7. ;r.Tonemapper.Quality=4                ;improves Tonemapper quality
  8. ;r.Tonemapper.GrainQuantization=1      ;disables possible noise added by Tonemapper
  10. ; AntiAliasing / TemporalAntiAliasing
  11. r.DefaultFeature.AntiAliasing=2       ; forces a specific AA-type: 0=none, 1=FXAA, 2=TemporalAA(default)
  12. r.PostProcessAAQuality=6              ; improves the quality of AntiAliasing
  13. r.MaxAnisotropy=16                    ; improves the quality of AntiAliasing
  14. r.ScreenPercentage=100                ; native TAA
  15. r.TemporalAACatmullRom=0              ; sharper TAA filter kernel, caused light flickering issues, so forces the sharper TAA filter kernel to be off
  16. r.TemporalAACurrentFrameWeight=0.2    ; helps preventing "TAA ghosting", faster visual responsiveness
  17. r.TemporalAASamples=2                 ; minimzes jittered positions and flickering for TAA, fluid camera movement visuals
  19. ; Motion Blur
  20. r.MotionBlur.Max=0                    ; disables motion blur
  21. r.MotionBlurQuality=0                 ; disables motion blur
  23. ; Chromatic Aberration
  24. r.SceneColorFringe.Max=0              ; disables chromatic aberration, greatly increasing image quality
  25. r.SceneColorFringeQuality=0           ; disables chromatic aberration, greatly increasing image quality
  27. ; Shadow/Light/Fog
  28. r.HighQualityLightMaps=1              ; enables high quality lightmaps
  30. ; Depth of Field / LOD
  31. r.DepthOfFieldQuality=0               ; disables depth of field
  32. r.StaticMeshLODDistanceScale=0.35     ; reasonably increases rendered distance for static meshes
  33. foliage.LODDistanceScale=6            ; increases rendered distance for foliage to minimize "popping in" of grass/trees/...
  35. ; Streaming
  36. r.Streaming.PoolSize=0                ; first make streaming pool size unlimited (default = 3000)
  37. r.Streaming.LimitPoolSizeToVRAM=1     ; and then limit pool size to VRAM size (default = 0)
  38. r.Streaming.MaxTempMemoryAllowed=128  ; (default = 50)
  39. r.Streaming.HiddenPrimitiveScale=1    ; keep assets at full resolution even when out of view (default = 0.5)
  40. r.Streaming.UseAllMips=1              ; remove any resolution requirements for mips (default = 0)
  42. ; Improvements for reduce stutter & slowdown during gameplay
  43. ; - these settings will increase VRAM consumption
  44. ; - these settings might cause loading to take a lot longer
  45. ;   but after the game should perform a lot better though !
  46. ; Maybe disable these if your loading are too long and/or game isn't on a SSD
  48. ;r.TextureStreaming=0                            ; (default = 1)
  50. ; Makes the game try to fully load textures as soon as the map is loaded, instead of loading them as you play
  51. ;r.Streaming.FullyLoadUsedTextures=1             ; (default = 0)
  52. ;r.Streaming.HLODStrategy=2                      ; forces all LOD mips to be loaded rather than streamed (default = 0)
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