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- ;YouTube Script (Parse Vids and Search) v4.7
- ;Made by nick1
- ;Last edit April 14 2012
- ;For help type /YouTube in mIRC
- ;2D0 -- Download videos in a few formats [[possible?]], anything else?
- ;EDITS -- added an auto update checker, fixed time format for x:0x:x videos
- alias -l yversion {
- return v4.7
- }
- menu status,channel,query {
- YouTube:youtube
- }
- alias YouTube {
- dialog -m YouTube YouTube
- }
- dialog Youtube {
- title "YouTube v4.7"
- size -1 -1 219 139
- option dbu
- icon $mircdirYoutube.ico, 0
- link "View Script On Hawkee", 1, 138 2 59 8
- button "Exit", 7, 72 126 72 12, cancel
- tab "About", 10, 2 9 214 114
- link "YouTube Script (Parse Vids and Search) v4.7 -- Post Bugs and Feature Requests Here", 24, 5 25 208 8, tab 10
- text "Last updated on April 14, 2012", 19, 7 37 83 8, tab 10
- text "This script created by nick1", 18, 4 2 66 8
- text "Please post suggestions, complaints, or bugs on the hawkee link (or in chat)", 20, 7 48 188 8, tab 10
- text "The script automatically will attempt to protect itself from spam and won't parse the same link twice in a row", 21, 7 59 205 14, tab 10
- text "!commands will notice the user; @commands will be public to the channel", 13, 7 92 175 8, tab 10
- text "Default behavior is to run on every channel for every nick. Use the Nick and Channel Settings Tabs to change it for invidividual channels or nicks.", 65, 7 75 208 14, tab 10
- link "Click here to chat (leave a message for nick1)", 66, 95 37 110 8, tab 10
- text "Use the Basic Options Tab to adjust which parts of the script will run and basic formatting options.", 23, 7 103 207 13, tab 10
- tab "Basic Options", 2
- box "Search Commands", 60, 7 52 186 20, tab 2
- text "youtube <search terms>; ytsearch <search>; ysearch <search terms>", 62, 10 60 175 8, tab 2
- box "Disable Options", 5, 7 23 189 27, tab 2
- check "Disable Search - Disables commands below", 11, 11 29 123 10, tab 2 flat
- check "Disable Parse - Disables the script from automatically sending info", 14, 11 38 175 10, tab 2 flat
- box "Output Options", 9, 7 74 194 47, tab 2
- check "Disable Views - Removes 'Views: <Views>'", 15, 11 81 136 10, tab 2
- check "Disable Length - Removes 'Length: <Length>'", 16, 11 90 130 10, tab 2
- check "Disable User - Removes 'User: <User>'", 17, 11 99 132 10, tab 2
- check "Disable Formatting - Removes Colors and Bold", 22, 11 109 167 10, tab 2
- tab "Channel Settings", 3
- list 6, 8 56 202 59, tab 3 sort size extsel vsbar
- edit "", 8, 9 26 155 25, tab 3 multi autohs autovs
- text "List of channels the script will NOT run on", 12, 48 50 101 6, tab 3
- button "Add", 4, 172 27 37 12, tab 3
- button "Remove", 63, 172 42 37 12, tab 3
- button "Click here to enter #channels ...", 64, 10 27 153 23, tab 3
- tab "Nick Settings", 26
- text "List of nicks the script will NOT run for", 70, 48 50 101 6, tab 26
- list 71, 8 56 202 60, tab 26 sort size extsel vsbar
- button "Remove", 72, 172 42 37 12, tab 26
- button "Add", 73, 172 27 37 12, tab 26
- edit "", 69, 9 26 155 25, tab 26 multi autohs autovs
- button "Click here to enter Nicks ...", 74, 10 27 153 23, tab 26
- tab "Just For Fun", 68
- text "See if you can check all the checkboxes! Warning: there might not be a reward.", 27, 25 52 144 14, tab 68
- check "Check Box", 44, 123 24 50 10, tab 68
- check "Check Box", 43, 130 32 50 10, tab 68
- check "Check Box", 53, 135 42 50 10, tab 68
- check "Check Box", 42, 128 58 50 10, tab 68
- check "Check Box", 51, 130 73 50 10, tab 68
- check "Check Box", 41, 112 67 50 10, tab 68
- check "Check Box", 35, 87 73 50 10, tab 68
- check "Check Box", 34, 76 82 50 10, tab 68
- check "Check Box", 39, 82 92 50 10, tab 68
- check "Check Box", 55, 90 98 50 10, tab 68
- check "Check Box", 38, 132 100 50 10, tab 68
- check "Check Box", 47, 131 90 50 10, tab 68
- check "Check Box", 37, 125 82 50 10, tab 68
- check "Check Box", 54, 48 99 50 10, tab 68
- check "Check Box", 49, 26 101 50 10, tab 68
- check "Check Box", 40, 29 93 50 10, tab 68
- check "Check Box", 56, 33 83 50 10, tab 68
- check "Check Box", 33, 18 80 50 10, tab 68
- check "Check Box", 48, 14 68 50 10, tab 68
- check "Check Box", 50, 39 69 50 10, tab 68
- check "Check Box", 52, 79 63 50 10, tab 68
- check "Check Box", 46, 81 41 50 10, tab 68
- check "Check Box", 36, 94 31 50 10, tab 68
- check "Check Box", 45, 47 37 50 10, tab 68
- check "Check Box", 31, 27 33 50 10, tab 68
- check "Check Box", 30, 42 25 50 10, tab 68
- check "Check Box", 28, 7 25 50 10, tab 68
- check "Check Box", 29, 8 35 50 10, tab 68
- check "Check Box", 32, 6 43 50 10, tab 68
- check "Check Box", 75, 152 76 50 10, tab 68
- check "Check Box", 76, 162 37 50 10, tab 68
- check "Check Box", 77, 164 24 50 10, tab 68
- check "Check Box", 78, 42 108 50 10, tab 68
- check "Check Box", 79, 165 86 50 10, tab 68
- check "Check Box", 80, 162 109 50 10, tab 68
- check "Check Box", 81, 147 105 50 10, tab 68
- check "Check Box", 82, 164 64 50 10, tab 68
- check "Check Box", 83, 5 74 50 10, tab 68
- check "Check Box", 84, 155 57 50 10, tab 68
- check "Check Box", 85, 6 107 50 10, tab 68
- check "Check Box", 86, 76 106 50 10, tab 68
- check "Check Box", 87, 6 89 50 10, tab 68
- }
- on *:dialog:youtube:init:0: {
- FillChannelBox
- FillNickBox
- yupdate
- $iif(%_youtube.nocolor == true,did -c youtube 22,noop)
- $iif(%_youtube.noviews == true,did -c youtube 15,noop)
- $iif(%_youtube.nolength == true,did -c youtube 16,noop)
- $iif(%_youtube.nouser == true,did -c youtube 17,noop)
- $iif($group(#search) != on,did -c youtube 11,noop)
- $iif($group(#parse) != on,did -c youtube 14,noop)
- }
- alias FillChannelBox {
- did -r youtube 6
- var %y 1
- while (%y <= $numtok(%youtubefetch,44)) {
- did -a youtube 6 $gettok(%youtubefetch,%y,44)
- inc %y
- }
- }
- alias FillNickBox {
- did -r youtube 71
- var %y 1
- while (%y <= $numtok(%nolinks,44)) {
- did -a youtube 71 $gettok(%nolinks,%y,44)
- inc %y
- }
- }
- on *:dialog:youtube:sclick:*: {
- if (($did == 1) || ($did == 24)) {
- run
- }
- elseif ($did == 66) {
- run
- }
- elseif ($did == 22) {
- set %_youtube.nocolor $iif($did(22).state,true,false)
- }
- elseif ($did == 15) {
- set %_youtube.noviews $iif($did(15).state,true,false)
- }
- elseif ($did == 16) {
- set %_youtube.nolength $iif($did(16).state,true,false)
- }
- elseif ($did == 17) {
- set %_youtube.nouser $iif($did(17).state,true,false)
- }
- elseif ($did == 11) {
- $iif($group(#search) == on,.disable,.enable) #search
- }
- elseif ($did == 14) {
- $iif($group(#parse) == on,.disable,.enable) #parse
- }
- elseif ($did == 4) {
- set %youtubefetch $addtok(%youtubefetch,$iif(($left($did(8),1) == $chr(35)),$did(8),$+($chr(35),$did(8))),44)
- did -r youtube 8
- FillChannelBox
- }
- elseif ($did == 73) {
- set %nolinks $addtok(%nolinks,$did(69),44)
- did -r youtube 69
- FillNickBox
- }
- elseif ($did == 63) {
- if ($did(8) != $null) {
- set %youtubefetch $remtok(%youtubefetch,$iif(($left($did(8),1) == $chr(35)),$did(8),$+($chr(35),$did(8))),44)
- did -r youtube 8
- }
- if ($did(6).seltext != $null) {
- set %youtubefetch $remtok(%youtubefetch,$did(6).seltext,44)
- }
- FillChannelBox
- }
- elseif ($did == 3) {
- did -t youtube 4
- }
- elseif ($did == 26) {
- did -t youtube 73
- }
- elseif ($did == 72) {
- if ($did(69) != $null) {
- set %nolinks $remtok(%nolinks,$did(69),44)
- did -r youtube 69
- }
- if ($did(71).seltext != $null) {
- set %nolinks $remtok(%nolinks,$did(71).seltext,44)
- }
- FillNickBox
- }
- elseif ($did isnum 28-56) {
- var %r $r(1,2)
- if (%r == 1) {
- $iif(($r(1,3) == 1),.timercheck -m 1 13 did -c youtube $r(75,87),.timeruncheck -m 1 13 did -u youtube $r(75,87))
- }
- else {
- $iif(($r(1,3) == 1),.timercheck -m 1 13 did -c youtube $r(28,56),.timeruncheck -m 1 13 did -u youtube $r(28,56))
- }
- }
- elseif ($did isnum 75-87) {
- var %r $r(1,2)
- if (%r == 1) {
- $iif(($r(1,3) == 1),.timercheck -m 1 13 did -c youtube $r(75,87),.timeruncheck -m 1 13 did -u youtube $r(75,87))
- }
- else {
- $iif(($r(1,3) == 1),.timercheck -m 1 13 did -c youtube $r(28,56),.timeruncheck -m 1 13 did -u youtube $r(28,56))
- }
- }
- }
- raw 408:*: msg $2 $remove($strip($13-),$chr(9))
- alias urlencode {
- return $replacex($regsubex($$1-,/([^\w\s])/Sg,$+(%,$base($asc(\t),10,16,2))),$chr(32),+,$chr(43),%2B)
- }
- #search on
- on $*:text:/^[!@]y(outube|t|tsearch|search|ousearch|outubesearch)(\s|$)/Si:*: {
- $iif($istok(%youtubefetch,$chan,44),halt,noop)
- $iif($istok(%nolinks,$nick,44),halt,noop)
- if ($($+(%,botflood.,$nick),2)) {
- if ($($+(%,botflood.,$nick),2) >= 50) {
- ignore -u60 $address($nick,2)
- msg $chan $+($nick,$chr(44)) You have been put on ignore for 60secs for abusing the bot.
- halt
- }
- elseif ($($+(%,botflood.,$nick),2) >= 40) {
- msg $chan $+($nick,$chr(44)) Please do not flood the bot.
- inc -z $+(%,botflood.,$nick) 20
- halt
- }
- else {
- inc -z $+(%,botflood.,$nick) 25
- }
- }
- else {
- inc -z $+(%,botflood.,$nick) 25
- }
- var %ticks $ticks
- if ($2) {
- set $+(%,ysearch.,%ticks,.msgtype) $iif($chan,$iif($left($strip($1),1) == @,msg $chan,notice $nick),msg $nick)
- set $+(%,ysearch.,%ticks,.search) $2-
- set $+(%,ysearch.,%ticks,.query) $urlencode($2-)
- sockopen $+(ysearch.,%ticks) 80
- }
- elseif ($2 == $null) {
- notice $nick 4Incorrect Syntax - Use10 $1 <search term>
- }
- }
- on *:input:*:{
- $iif($istok(%nolinks,$active,44),return,noop)
- $iif($istok(%youtubefetch,$active,44),return,noop)
- var %ticks $ticks
- if (($remove($1,$left($strip($1),1)) == ysearch) || ($remove($1,$left($strip($1),1)) == ytsearch) || ($remove($1,$left($strip($1),1)) == youtube) || ($remove($1,$left($strip($1),1)) == yt) || ($remove($1,$left($strip($1),1)) == youtubesearch)) {
- if ($left($1,1) != /) {
- if ($2 != $null) {
- set $+(%,ysearch.,%ticks,.msgtype) msg $active
- set $+(%,ysearch.,%ticks,.search) $2-
- set $+(%,ysearch.,%ticks,.query) $urlencode($2-)
- sockopen $+(ysearch.,%ticks) 80
- }
- elseif ($2 == $null) {
- .timerYTInputSyntax -m 1 100 echo -at 4Incorrect Syntax - Use10 $1 <search term>
- }
- }
- }
- elseif ((** iswm $1-) || (** iswm $1-)) {
- if ($left($1,1) != /) {
- var %i 1
- while (%i <= $numtok($1-,32)) {
- if ((** iswm $($+($,%i),2)) || (** iswm $($+($,%i),2))) {
- set $+(%,youtube.,%ticks,.url) $strip($($+($,%i),2))
- var %tag $($+(%,youtube.,%ticks,.url),2)
- var %tag $iif($matchtok(%tag,v=,1,38),$v1,%tag)
- var %tag $deltok($deltok(%tag,2,35),2,38)
- set $+(%,youtube.,%ticks,.tag) $remove(%tag,?,m.,v=,/watch?src_vid=,https://,http://,www.,/v/,,,,/watch?v=,/watch,?v=,$chr(31),#!,/)
- }
- inc %i
- }
- if ($($+(%,youtube.,%ticks,.tag),2) == $null) {
- unset $+(%,youtube.,%ticks,.*)
- }
- else {
- set $+(%,youtube.,%ticks,.msgtype) msg $active
- set $+(%,youtube.,%ticks,.nick) $nick
- set $+(%,youtube.,%ticks,.chan) $chan
- set $+(%,youtube.,%ticks,.network) $network
- sockopen $+(youtube.,%ticks) 80
- }
- }
- }
- }
- on *:sockopen:ysearch*: {
- sockwrite -nt $sockname GET $+(/feeds/api/videos?q=,$($+(%,ysearch.,$remove($sockname,ysearch.),.query),2),&v=2&prettyprint=true&max-results=1) HTTP/1.1
- sockwrite -nt $sockname Host:
- sockwrite -nt $sockname $crlf
- }
- alias nohtml { return $regsubex($$1-,/^[^<]*>|<[^>]*>|<[^>]*$/g,) }
- on *:SOCKREAD:ysearch*: {
- if ($sockerr) { echo -a SOCKET ERROR: $sockerr | halt }
- sockread %sockreader
- if (*<title>* iswm %sockreader) {
- set $+(%,ysearch.,$remove($sockname,ysearch.),.title) $replace($nohtml(%sockreader),&quot;,",&#39;,',",",&,&,',',",")
- var %i 0
- while (%i <= $numtok($($+(%,ysearch.,$remove($sockname,ysearch.),.search),2),32)) {
- inc %i
- set $+(%,ysearch.,$remove($sockname,ysearch.),.title) $regsubex($($+(%,ysearch.,$remove($sockname,ysearch.),.title),2), /\b( $gettok($($+(%,ysearch.,$remove($sockname,ysearch.),.search),2),%i,32) )\b/gix, $+($chr(2), \1, $chr(2)))
- }
- }
- elseif (*<id>* iswm %sockreader) {
- set $+(%,ysearch.,$remove($sockname,ysearch.),.tag) $gettok($nohtml(%sockreader),4,58)
- }
- elseif (*<name>* iswm %sockreader) {
- set $+(%,ysearch.,$remove($sockname,ysearch.),.user) $nohtml(%sockreader)
- }
- elseif (*<yt:duration seconds='* iswm %sockreader) {
- var %t $duration($gettok(%sockreader,2,39),3)
- if (($gettok(%t,2,58) == 00) && ($gettok(%t,1,58) == 00)) {
- %t = $puttok(%t,0,2,58)
- }
- if (($left($gettok(%t,2,58),1) == 0) && ($right($gettok(%t,2,58),1) != 0) && ($right($gettok(%t,2,58),1) isnum)) {
- if ($gettok(%t,1,58) == 00) {
- %t = $puttok(%t,$right($gettok(%t,2,58),1),2,58)
- }
- }
- if (($left($gettok(%t,1,58),1) == 0) && ($right($gettok(%t,1,58),1) != 0) && ($right($gettok(%t,1,58),1) isnum)) {
- %t = $puttok(%t,$right($gettok(%t,1,58),1),1,58)
- }
- $iif($gettok(%t,1,58) == 00,%t = $gettok(%t,2-3,58),noop)
- set $+(%,ysearch.,$remove($sockname,ysearch.),.time) %t
- }
- elseif (*<yt:statistics* iswm %sockreader) {
- set $+(%,ysearch.,$remove($sockname,ysearch.),.viewcount) $bytes($gettok(%sockreader,4,39),bd)
- var %msg 1,0You0,4Tube 10Link:4 $+ $($+(%,ysearch.,$remove($sockname,ysearch.),.tag),2) $&
- 10Title:4 $($+(%,ysearch.,$remove($sockname,ysearch.),.title),2) $&
- $iif(%_youtube.noviews == true,$null,10Views:4 $($+(%,ysearch.,$remove($sockname,ysearch.),.viewcount),2)) $&
- $iif(%_youtube.nolength == true,$null,10Length:4 $($+(%,ysearch.,$remove($sockname,ysearch.),.time),2)) $&
- $iif(%_youtube.nouser == true,$null,10User:4 $($+(%,ysearch.,$remove($sockname,ysearch.),.user),2))
- $($+(%,ysearch.,$remove($sockname,ysearch.),.msgtype),2) $iif(%_youtube.nocolor == true,$strip(%msg),%msg)
- unset $+(%,ysearch.,$remove($sockname,ysearch.),*)
- sockclose $sockname
- }
- }
- #search end
- #parse on
- on $*:text:/youtu(.be|*: {
- $iif($istok(%youtubefetch,$chan,44),halt,noop)
- $iif($istok(%nolinks,$nick,44),halt,noop)
- if ($($+(%,botflood.,$nick),2)) {
- if ($($+(%,botflood.,$nick),2) >= 50) {
- ignore -u60 $address($nick,2)
- msg $chan $+($nick,$chr(44)) You have been put on ignore for 60secs for abusing the bot.
- halt
- }
- elseif ($($+(%,botflood.,$nick),2) >= 40) {
- msg $chan $+($nick,$chr(44)) Please do not flood the bot.
- inc -z $+(%,botflood.,$nick) 20
- halt
- }
- else {
- inc -z $+(%,botflood.,$nick) 10
- }
- }
- else { inc -z $+(%,botflood.,$nick) 10 }
- var %i 1
- var %ticks $ticks
- while (%i <= $numtok($1-,32)) {
- if ((** iswm $($+($,%i),2)) || (** iswm $($+($,%i),2))) {
- set $+(%,youtube.,%ticks,.url) $strip($($+($,%i),2))
- var %tag $($+(%,youtube.,%ticks,.url),2)
- var %tag $iif($matchtok(%tag,v=,1,38),$v1,%tag)
- var %tag $deltok($deltok(%tag,2,35),2,38)
- set $+(%,youtube.,%ticks,.tag) $remove(%tag,?,m.,v=,/watch?src_vid=,https://,http://,www.,/v/,,,,/watch?v=,/watch,?v=,$chr(31),#!,/)
- }
- inc %i
- }
- set $+(%,youtube.,%ticks,.msgtype) msg $iif($chan,$v1,$nick)
- if (($($+(%,youtube.,%ticks,.tag),2) != %_youtube.last) && ($($+(%,youtube.,%ticks,.tag),2) != $null)) {
- set $+(%,youtube.,%ticks,.nick) $nick
- set $+(%,youtube.,%ticks,.chan) $chan
- set $+(%,youtube.,%ticks,.network) $network
- sockopen $+(youtube.,%ticks) 80
- }
- }
- on *:sockopen:youtube*: {
- sockwrite -nt $sockname GET $+(/feeds/api/videos/,$($+(%,youtube.,$remove($sockname,youtube.),.tag),2),?v=2&prettyprint=true) HTTP/1.1
- sockwrite -nt $sockname Host:
- sockwrite -nt $sockname $crlf
- }
- on *:SOCKREAD:youtube*: {
- if ($sockerr) { echo -a SOCKET ERROR: $sockerr | halt }
- else {
- var %sockreader
- sockread %sockreader
- if (*<title>* iswm %sockreader) {
- set $+(%,youtube.,$remove($sockname,youtube.),.title) $replace($nohtml(%sockreader),&quot;,",&#39;,',",",&,&,',',",")
- }
- elseif (*<name>* iswm %sockreader) {
- set $+(%,youtube.,$remove($sockname,youtube.),.user) $nohtml(%sockreader)
- }
- elseif (*<yt:duration seconds='* iswm %sockreader) {
- var %t $duration($gettok(%sockreader,2,39),3)
- if (($gettok(%t,2,58) == 00) && ($gettok(%t,1,58) == 00)) {
- %t = $puttok(%t,0,2,58)
- }
- if (($left($gettok(%t,2,58),1) == 0) && ($right($gettok(%t,2,58),1) != 0) && ($right($gettok(%t,2,58),1) isnum)) {
- if ($gettok(%t,1,58) == 00) {
- %t = $puttok(%t,$right($gettok(%t,2,58),1),2,58)
- }
- }
- if (($left($gettok(%t,1,58),1) == 0) && ($right($gettok(%t,1,58),1) != 0) && ($right($gettok(%t,1,58),1) isnum)) {
- %t = $puttok(%t,$right($gettok(%t,1,58),1),1,58)
- }
- $iif($gettok(%t,1,58) == 00,%t = $gettok(%t,2-3,58),noop)
- set $+(%,youtube.,$remove($sockname,youtube.),.time) %t
- }
- elseif (*viewCount='* iswm %sockreader) {
- set $+(%,youtube.,$remove($sockname,youtube.),.viewcount) $bytes($gettok(%sockreader,4,39),bd)
- set %_youtube.last $($+(%,youtube.,$remove($sockname,youtube.),.tag),2)
- var %msg 1,0You0,4Tube 10Title:4 $($+(%,youtube.,$remove($sockname,youtube.),.title),2) $&
- $iif(%_youtube.noviews == true,$null,10Views:4 $($+(%,youtube.,$remove($sockname,youtube.),.viewcount),2)) $&
- $iif(%_youtube.nolength == true,$null,10Length:4 $($+(%,youtube.,$remove($sockname,youtube.),.time),2)) $&
- $iif(%_youtube.nouser == true,$null,10User:4 $($+(%,youtube.,$remove($sockname,youtube.),.user),2))
- $($+(%,youtube.,$remove($sockname,youtube.),.msgtype),2) $iif(%_youtube.nocolor == true,$strip(%msg),%msg)
- unset $+(%,youtube.,$remove($sockname,youtube.),*)
- sockclose $sockname
- }
- }
- }
- #parse end
- on *:sockclose:youtube*: {
- unset $+(%,youtube.,$remove($sockname,youtube.),*)
- sockclose $sockname
- }
- on *:sockclose:ysearch*: {
- unset $+(%,ysearch.,$remove($sockname,ysearch.),*)
- sockclose $sockname
- }
- alias yupdate {
- echo -atc info 12[04YouTube12] Checking for updates...
- sockopen yupdate 80
- }
- on *:sockopen:yupdate: {
- sockwrite -nt $sockname GET /snippet/8577/ HTTP/1.1
- sockwrite -nt $sockname Host:
- sockwrite -nt $sockname $crlf
- }
- on *:SOCKREAD:yupdate: {
- if ($sockerr) { echo -a SOCKET ERROR: $sockerr | halt }
- sockread %sockreader
- if (*<title>* iswm %sockreader) {
- var %x $gettok($nohtml(%sockreader),7,32)
- echo -atc info 12[04YouTube12] Current: $yversion Latest: %x Status: $iif($yversion == %x,Up to date,Please update at
- sockclose $sockname
- }
- }
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