
oam bug GB blue test

Sep 9th, 2016
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  1. cp $nn
  2. ld bc, $fe00
  3. xor a
  4. inc bc
  5. dec a
  6. jr nz, fc
  7. ret
  9. whatever x1 (coin case)
  10. []j. x254
  11. gary x3
  12. soda pop x32
  13. tm52 x3
  14. tm01 xAnything
  16. name player whatever
  17. name rival p (lowercase)
  18. do nsc route up to pewter mart
  19. buy escape rope in pewter for duping
  20. tfly x2 for missingno
  21. walk inside guard building
  22. underflow
  23. swap escape ropes with coin case
  24. scroll down the cursor is on the []j. directly under the cancel button (to verify, check if pressing up has the cancel button overlap)
  25. toss 1 from []j.
  26. move cursor 1 up, toss all of cancel button
  27. scroll back down to the first []j. you see, then toss the cancel above it again
  28. repeat until all cancels are gone
  29. swap 2nd item with []j. x255
  30. toss 1 from the swapped []j. x255
  31. swap third item (escape rope) with fourth item
  32. swap third item with gary in rival name (scroll down a while)
  33. toss 1 from options
  34. toss 16 from warping master balls, warp to viridian city
  35. scroll down a bit to tm01, press select
  36. swap with 6th item in item menu
  37. walk to route 1
  38. swap escape rope with 7th item
  39. swap 5th item with tm52 x64 near warping
  40. scroll down a long way to soda pop x72 near great ball x34 and master ball x[]9
  41. swap soda pop x72 with 4th item
  42. flash save
  43. toss 77 from gary
  44. toss 40 from soda pop
  45. toss 61 from tm52
  46. toss any []j. x255 from item underflow twice
  48. inventory should look like:
  49. coin case x1 (coin case)
  50. []j. x254
  51. gary x3
  52. soda pop x32
  53. tm52 x3
  54. tm01 x10
  56. save
  57. swap escape rope x243 with gary x74 above burn heal x1
  58. record results
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