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- -- 3d printer program by Al Sweigart
- os.loadAPI('hare')
- -- TODO: I might move this function into the hare library later.
- function split(str)
- -- splits a string into an array of strings
- -- Example: 'a b c' -> {'a', 'b', 'c'}
- local result, word
- result = {}
- -- Note: The gmatch() function is
- -- beyond the scope of this book.
- for word in str:gmatch("%w+") do
- table.insert(result, word)
- end
- return result
- end
- function getTurtleInventoryCounts()
- local currentInventory = {}
- local slot
- for slot = 1, 16 do
- local itemDetails = turtle.getItemDetail(slot)
- if itemDetails ~= nil then
- if currentInventory[itemDetails['name']] == nil then
- currentInventory[itemDetails['name']] = itemDetails['count']
- else
- currentInventory[itemDetails['name']] = currentInventory[itemDetails['name']] + itemDetails['count']
- end
- end
- end
- return currentInventory
- end
- function buildBlockFunction(x, y)
- -- currentLayer is a global variable we can use for the layer number
- if bp[x .. ',' .. y .. ',' .. currentLayer] == nil then
- -- no block at this position, so just return
- return
- end
- local blockName = legend[bp[x .. ',' .. y .. ',' .. currentLayer]]
- if hare.selectItem(blockName) == false then
- error('Could not find a ' .. blockName .. ' block in inventory.')
- end
- turtle.placeDown()
- end
- local SECTION_END_MARK = '~'
- local cliArgs = {...}
- local blueprintFile = cliArgs[1]
- local i, bpNumLayers, slot
- if blueprintFile == nil then
- print('Usage: 3dprint <blueprintFile>')
- return
- end
- -- validate the blueprint file
- if not fs.exists(blueprintFile) then
- error('Cannot find blueprint file ' .. blueprintFile)
- end
- legend = {} -- contains all the legend information from the blueprint file, NOTE: this is a global variable
- -- parse the blueprint's key
- bpNumLayers = 0
- local fp =, 'r')
- local line = fp.readLine()
- while line ~= SECTION_END_MARK do
- -- check for early end of file
- if line == nil then
- error('Unexpected end of file in legend section.')
- end
- -- check that there's an equal sign
- if string.sub(line, 2, 2) ~= '=' then
- error('No equal sign in legend section line: ' .. line)
- end
- -- make sure a block name is after the equal sign
- if string.len(string.sub(line, 3)) == 0 then
- error('No block name given for key: ' .. string.sub(line, 1, 1))
- end
- -- Ex. if line is 'C=minecraft:cobblestone', key is 'C' and value is 'minecraft:cobblestone'
- legend[string.sub(line, 1, 1)] = string.sub(line, 3)
- line = fp.readLine()
- end
- bp = {} -- NOTE: this is a global variable
- local bpLayerSizes = {} -- keys '<layerNum>width' for width and '<layerNum>length' for length of each layer
- print('Parsing blueprint...')
- -- parse the layers of the blueprint
- local bpchar, x, y, z
- z = 0
- while true do
- --print('layer: ' .. z)
- -- read in a single layer section
- bpLayerSizes[z .. 'maxx'] = 0
- bpLayerSizes[z .. 'maxy'] = 0
- line = fp.readLine()
- if line == nil then
- --print('end of file')
- break
- end
- y = 0
- -- read in all the lines for this layer
- while line ~= SECTION_END_MARK do
- --print('line y: ' .. y)
- -- read in each character from the line
- for i = 1, string.len(line) do
- x = i - 1
- --print('char x: ' .. x)
- local bpchar = string.sub(line, i, i)
- if bpchar ~= '.' then -- ignore periods in the blueprint file
- bp[x .. ',' .. y .. ',' .. z] = bpchar
- --print(x .. ',' .. y .. ',' .. z .. '=' .. bpchar)
- -- check to see if we should expand the size in bpLayerSizes
- if x > bpLayerSizes[z .. 'maxx'] then
- bpLayerSizes[z .. 'maxx'] = x
- end
- if y > bpLayerSizes[z .. 'maxy'] then
- bpLayerSizes[z .. 'maxy'] = y
- end
- end
- end
- line = fp.readLine()
- if line == nil then
- error('Unexpected end of file in layer ' .. z)
- end
- y = y + 1
- end
- bpNumLayers = bpNumLayers + 1
- z = z + 1
- end
- fp.close()
- -- start building
- currentLayer = 0 -- NOTE: this is a global variable
- local coordinates, blockChar, itemDetails, blockName, numBlocksNeeded
- while currentLayer < bpNumLayers do
- print('Building layer ' .. currentLayer .. '...')
- turtle.up() -- move up first to build this layer
- -- do an inventory check to see if you can build the current layer
- -- count up the kinds of blocks and amount needed of each kind for the current layer
- currentLayerBlockNeeds = {}
- for coordinates, blockChar in pairs(bp) do
- -- coordinates is going to be an xyz coordinate string, ex. '2,60,0'
- coordinates = split(coordinates)
- if tonumber(coordinates[3]) == currentLayer then
- -- these coordinates are for the current layer
- if currentLayerBlockNeeds[legend[blockChar]] == nil then
- currentLayerBlockNeeds[legend[blockChar]] = 1
- else
- currentLayerBlockNeeds[legend[blockChar]] = currentLayerBlockNeeds[legend[blockChar]] + 1
- end
- end
- end
- -- count up the kinds of blocks and amount of each kind in the turtle's inventory
- currentInventory = getTurtleInventoryCounts()
- -- compare currentLayerBlockNeeds with currentInventory to make sure we have enough blocks of each type
- for blockName, numBlocksNeeded in pairs(currentLayerBlockNeeds) do
- local numBlocksHave
- if currentInventory[blockName] == nil then
- numBlocksHave = 0
- else
- numBlocksHave = currentInventory[blockName]
- end
- if numBlocksHave < numBlocksNeeded then
- -- we don't have enough blocks, calculate how many more we need
- print('Need ' .. (numBlocksNeeded - numBlocksHave) .. ' more ' .. blockName)
- while true do
- -- keep waiting until the player adds the needed blocks
- os.sleep(1)
- currentInventory = getTurtleInventoryCounts() -- recheck the inventory numbers
- if currentInventory[blockName] ~= nil and currentInventory[blockName] >= numBlocksNeeded then
- break
- end
- end
- end
- end
- -- we have enough blocks to begin building this layer
- hare.sweepField(bpLayerSizes[currentLayer .. 'maxy'] + 1, bpLayerSizes[currentLayer .. 'maxx'] + 1, buildBlockFunction)
- currentLayer = currentLayer + 1
- end
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