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Oct 7th, 2023
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  1. Icon row:
  3. - Icy Touch icon
  4. -- Frost Fever icon with duration left
  5. -- Start flashing with 1px glow yellow color when <= 3s left
  6. -- Icy Touch icon again when FF is missing, with constant glow (maybe yellow border)
  7. - PS Icon (same thing as IT)
  8. - Blood strike icon
  9. -- Prio #1: Unholy Might when it's up with duration (ID: 67117)
  10. -- Prio #2: Desolation when it's up with duration, flashing glow when <= 3s left
  11. -- Blood Strike icon again when a) Prio #1: Unholy Might is missing, even if we have deso, b) Prio #2: When desolation is missing with constant glow
  12. -- If both might and deso are up and have >=5 sec left, then glow BB
  13. - Scourge Strike icon (if SS spec)
  14. -- Unholy force icon with duration left (ID: 67383)
  15. -- Scourge strike icon when UF is missing
  16. -- Constant glow, if FF, BP are up on the target, aka it's time to pop this
  17. - Death and Decay icon
  18. -- When CD desaturate and show CD
  19. -- Glow when all of desolation, unholy might, and unholy force are up and >=5 seconds on them
  20. - Blood tap icon
  21. -- Track CD + Desaturate
  22. -- Glow when all runes are up, GF is missing from Pet, and is not on CD
  25. Proc row:
  27. - Death coil
  28. -- Available only when all runes are on CD
  29. -- When > 40 RP
  30. -- Glows when > 80 RP
  31. -- Plays sound when 100% RP (forgot to cast)
  32. - Frenzy icon that pops up on 6-7 timer
  33. -- Simple UH rune needed
  34. -- After frenzy is up on your pet, and the pull timer is counting (detect db timer), print message for char to SIT
  35. - Glove icon
  36. -- Show and glow, if CD is finished, and Gargoyle CD is more than 55 seconds away
  38. Bar row:
  39. - Gargoyle bar duration when up (green color)
  41. General changes:
  42. - Remove haste pot and hyperspeed from Gargoyle macro
  43. - New macro with haste pot + hyperspeed
  44. - Army
  46. New opener:
  47. * Bone shield
  48. * UH Presence
  49. * Frenzy 6-7 sec before pull (check if my GF + Sit macro can be pressed twice, wasting the rune) (it can, GF has 10 sec CD)
  50. * /sit
  51. * PS
  52. * IT
  53. * BS
  54. * SS
  55. * BS
  56. * BT
  57. * GF
  58. * GARG
  59. * DND
  60. * ERW
  61. * _HASTE_
  62. * ARMY
  64. * BPRES when GARG Is over
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