

Sep 24th, 2023
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  1. $ grep -ni "WBK_DAH.*..., line" arma3server_x64_2023-09-24_04-01-52.rpt -A 3 -B 3
  2. 72313- 4:05:08 Error position: <WBK_DAH_Deaths_HighCaliberEnabled) and
  3. 72314->
  4. 72315- 4:05:08 Error Undefined variable in expression: wbk_dah_deaths_highcaliberenabled
  5. 72316: 4:05:08 File WBK_DAH_Anims\scripts\XEH_preInit.sqf..., line 186
  6. 72317- 4:05:08 Error in expression <or_PLAYERS) and (isPlayer _unit)) or (!(WBK_DAH_Deaths_EnableFor_AI) and !(isPla>
  7. 72318- 4:05:08 Error position: <WBK_DAH_Deaths_EnableFor_AI) and !(isPla>
  8. 72319- 4:05:08 Error Undefined variable in expression: wbk_dah_deaths_enablefor_ai
  9. 72320: 4:05:08 File WBK_DAH_Anims\scripts\XEH_preInit.sqf..., line 177
  10. 72321- 4:05:08 "NER_units_monitorUnitUpdate(R Echo 3-5:1, id ): updating unit because of update delay!"
  11. 72322- 4:05:08 "NER_units_monitorUnitUpdate_updateUnit(R Echo 3-5:1): updating unit, current pos(ATL): [7265.14,2388.87,0.00146484]"
  12. 72323- 4:05:08 "NER_units_updateUnit(R Echo 3-5:1): enter"
  13. --
  14. 103767- 4:06:06 Error position: <WBK_DAH_Deaths_HighCaliberEnabled) and
  15. 103768->
  16. 103769- 4:06:06 Error Undefined variable in expression: wbk_dah_deaths_highcaliberenabled
  17. 103770: 4:06:06 File WBK_DAH_Anims\scripts\XEH_preInit.sqf..., line 186
  18. 103771- 4:06:06 Error in expression <or_PLAYERS) and (isPlayer _unit)) or (!(WBK_DAH_Deaths_EnableFor_AI) and !(isPla>
  19. 103772- 4:06:06 Error position: <WBK_DAH_Deaths_EnableFor_AI) and !(isPla>
  20. 103773- 4:06:06 Error Undefined variable in expression: wbk_dah_deaths_enablefor_ai
  21. 103774: 4:06:06 File WBK_DAH_Anims\scripts\XEH_preInit.sqf..., line 177
  22. 103775- 4:06:06 "NER_units_unitHealthMonitor(R Echo 3-4:1): check, is injured: false, isSafe: true"
  23. 103776- 4:06:06 "NER_units_monitorRefreshNearSimpleVehicles(R Bravo 3-2:1): checking near vehicles at pos [11046.7,1476.76,0.00106812], grid 110019, radius 50"
  24. 103777- 4:06:06 "NER_units_monitorRefreshNearSimpleVehicles(R Bravo 3-2:1): checking, near veh count: 0"
  25. --
  26. 103784- 4:06:06 Error position: <WBK_DAH_Deaths_HighCaliberEnabled) and
  27. 103785->
  28. 103786- 4:06:06 Error Undefined variable in expression: wbk_dah_deaths_highcaliberenabled
  29. 103787: 4:06:06 File WBK_DAH_Anims\scripts\XEH_preInit.sqf..., line 186
  30. 103788- 4:06:06 Error in expression <or_PLAYERS) and (isPlayer _unit)) or (!(WBK_DAH_Deaths_EnableFor_AI) and !(isPla>
  31. 103789- 4:06:06 Error position: <WBK_DAH_Deaths_EnableFor_AI) and !(isPla>
  32. 103790- 4:06:06 Error Undefined variable in expression: wbk_dah_deaths_enablefor_ai
  33. 103791: 4:06:06 File WBK_DAH_Anims\scripts\XEH_preInit.sqf..., line 177
  34. 103792- 4:06:06 "NER_units_unitHealthMonitor(R Delta 1-4:1): check, is injured: false, isSafe: true"
  35. 103793- 4:06:06 "NER_units_monitorRefreshNearSimpleVehicles(R Charlie 4-2:1): checking near vehicles at pos [11252.1,2345.37,0.00158691], grid 112028, radius 50"
  36. 103794- 4:06:06 "NER_units_monitorRefreshNearSimpleVehicles(R Charlie 4-2:1): checking, near veh count: 0"
  37. --
  38. 114020- 4:06:25 Error position: <WBK_DAH_Deaths_HighCaliberEnabled) and
  39. 114021->
  40. 114022- 4:06:25 Error Undefined variable in expression: wbk_dah_deaths_highcaliberenabled
  41. 114023: 4:06:25 File WBK_DAH_Anims\scripts\XEH_preInit.sqf..., line 186
  42. 114024- 4:06:25 Error in expression <or_PLAYERS) and (isPlayer _unit)) or (!(WBK_DAH_Deaths_EnableFor_AI) and !(isPla>
  43. 114025- 4:06:25 Error position: <WBK_DAH_Deaths_EnableFor_AI) and !(isPla>
  44. 114026- 4:06:25 Error Undefined variable in expression: wbk_dah_deaths_enablefor_ai
  45. 114027: 4:06:25 File WBK_DAH_Anims\scripts\XEH_preInit.sqf..., line 177
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