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- options:
- token: ODIyOTIzNDk0NTkyMzQ4MTcw.YFZVOg.6bcUVHeSShb2oDGoI2IIV1DXym0
- bot: ColdBot
- prefix: .
- staffRole: Staff
- status: do not disturb
- statusAktivitet: watching
- statusBesked: Seneste køb på Cold
- Kanal: 822925136646111322
- ticketKategori: Test
- VerifyRole: 822439693915783200
- mcChatDiscord: true
- mcChatDiscordID: 822925136646111322
- buyChatId: 823287960946343936
- variables:
- {emeralder::*} = 0
- on load:
- login to "{@token}" with the name "{@bot}"
- set status of "{@bot}" to {@status}
- mark "{@bot}" as {@statusAktivitet} "{@statusBesked}"
- if {Tickets} isn't set:
- set {Tickets} to 0
- on unload:
- set status of "{@bot}" to do not disturb
- on chat:
- if "{@mcChatDiscord}" = "true":
- set {_tid} to 2nd element of split "%now%" at " "
- send "(%{_tid}%) **%player%** » %message%" to channel with id "{@mcChatDiscordID}" with "{@bot}"
- guild message receive seen by "{@bot}":
- if discord id of event-channel is "{@Kanal}":
- wait 5 seconds
- delete event-message
- function buyTing(p: player, k: text, a: integer):
- create embed:
- set the title of embed to title with text "BUYCRAFT"
- set the color of the embed to Aqua
- set {_mb} to a new message builder
- append line "**Spiller Info**" to {_mb}
- append line "Navn: %{_p}%" to {_mb}
- append line "Købt: %{_k}%" to {_mb}
- append line "Pris: %{_a}% Emeralder" to {_mb}
- append line "" to {_mb}
- append line "**Server Info**" to {_mb}
- append line "Navn: Cold" to {_mb}
- append line "Online: %size of all players%" to {_mb}
- append line "Tjent: %{emeralder::*}%" to {_mb}
- append line "" to {_mb}
- append line "**/SERVER COLD**" to {_mb}
- set the description of embed to "%{_mb}%"
- set the timestamp of the embed to now
- send last created embed to channel with id "{@buyChatId}" with "{@bot}"
- command /købting [<offline player>] [<text>] [<integer>]:
- permission: admin
- trigger:
- if arg-3 is set:
- buyTing(arg-1, "%arg-2%", arg-3)
- else:
- send "&c/købting spiller ting pris"
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