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- // This script is adapted from the Second Lif Wiki at:
- //
- // Instead of turning on light, it rotates the prim and provides provide floating text
- // Modified 12/8/20 by Sabia Innovia, Innovia Designs
- integer isEffectOn;
- default
- {
- on_rez(integer start_param)
- {
- // Restarts the script every time the object is rezzed
- llResetScript();
- }
- touch_start(integer total_number)
- {
- // toggle isEffectOn between TRUE and FALSE
- isEffectOn = !isEffectOn;
- if (!isEffectOn)
- {
- llSetText("Click\n\nMe!",<0,255,255>,1.0);
- // Turn off rotation by setting gain to zero if prim not clicked
- llTargetOmega(<0,0,1>,PI,0.0);
- }
- else
- {
- llSetText("Happy\n\nHannukkah!",<0,255,255>,1.0);
- // turn on rotation - spin the dreidel!
- llTargetOmega(<0,0,1>,PI,1.0);
- }
- }
- }
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