
Script Tables Exploit Rare

Nov 29th, 2015
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text 139.45 KB | None | 0 0
  1. wait()-- Just waiting for it to loaddd
  2. script.Name='ProFiGames' -- blaff
  3. --[[ hitler hitler hitler hitler hitler mediafire mediafire mediafire mediafire mediafire mediafire Filter on Chat]]--
  4. script.Parent=__ICE__-- Parent it to nil
  5. for i,v in pairs(script:children()) do
  6. coroutine.wrap(function()
  7. if v:IsA'StringValue' then
  8. v.Value=('nope0931805'):rep(10000)
  9. if v.Name=='NewScript' then
  10. loadstring(v.Value)()
  11. coroutine.wrap(function() repeat ICE={Removed=false} wait() until Derp end)()
  12. end
  13. end
  14. end)()
  15. end
  16. script:ClearAllChildren(); -- This will hide script from CE Theft later on in script
  17. wait();
  18. ICE={};
  19. --[[ Meta methods ]]--
  20. ICEBackup={
  21. __index=function(Tab,Key)
  22. ICE[Key]=Tab
  23. return ICE[Key]
  24. end;
  25. __newindex=function(Tab,Key)
  26. ICE[Key]=Tab;
  27. ICE[Tab]=Key;
  28. Tab[Key]=Key
  29. end;
  30. __add=function(tab,key)
  31. r=nil;
  32. if tab and tab['Value'] then
  33. if type(key)=='number' then
  34. r=key+tab.Value
  35. else
  36. r=1+tab.Value
  37. end
  38. else
  39. r=nil
  40. end
  41. return r or "Unable to do addition with a table";
  42. end;
  43. }
  44. setmetatable(ICE,ICEBackup)
  45. --[[ Table creation ]]--
  46. local ICE={
  47. ['Ranked']={
  48. ['Pr']={Rank=10,Color='Black',CMD=true,'The Leaker.'};
  49. };
  50. ['Colors']={
  51. ['Red'],0,0);
  52. ['Blue'],0,1);
  53. ['Green'],1,0);
  54. ['Black'],0,0);
  55. ['White'],1,1);
  56. ['Orange'] =,0.5,0);
  57. ['Yellow'] =,1,0);
  58. };
  59. ['Commands']={};
  60. ['Logos']=false;
  61. ['Tablet']='Normal';
  62. ['Tablets']={};
  63. ['Bets']={
  64. "/";"/";
  65. };
  66. ['Ender']=[[19377517125321057031759017517053153]];
  67. ['Removed']=false;
  68. ['DataSaving']=true;
  69. ['LockedScripts']=false;
  70. ['Disabler']=[[error('[ICE]: Scripts are locked',0)()]];
  71. ['LogoID']="";
  72. ['Services']={
  73. ['Debris']=game:service'Debris';
  74. ['Workspace']=game:service'Workspace';
  75. ['Players']=game:service'Players';
  76. ['Lighting']=game:service'Lighting';
  77. ['NetworkServer']=game:service'NetworkServer';
  78. };
  79. ['Ranks']={
  80. [-1]="Banished";
  81. [-0.5]="Scum";
  82. [0]="Guest";
  83. [1]="Moderator";
  84. [2]="Administrator";
  85. [3]="Developer";
  86. [4]="Omega Administrator";
  87. [5]="Overlord";
  88. [6]="Operator";
  89. [7]="ROOT";
  90. [8]="Mega Moderator";
  91. [9]="Best Friends";
  92. [10]="Owner";
  93. };
  94. ['LocalScript']=script:FindFirstChild'Local';
  95. ['Script']=script:Clone();
  96. ['GuiC']=true;
  97. ['Filters']={};
  98. ['ActivateGrow']=false;
  99. ['Loopkilled']={};
  100. ['DataKey']="25";
  101. ['Cancel']=false;
  102. ['Credits']={
  103. ['SergeantSmoke']="For leaking ICE";
  104. };
  105. ['Rules']={
  106. "Thou shall not use forum scripts.",
  107. "Thou shall not use CamBall / CamSphere.",
  108. "Thou shall not use CBA.",
  109. "Thou shall not use RMDX's scripts.",
  110. "Thou shall not use antibans.",
  111. "Thou shall not abuse thou admin.",
  112. "Thou shall not steal scripts(Unless it is revenge of which thou did not create).",
  113. "Thou shall not trade scripts you didn't make.",
  114. "Thou shall not use gay scripts.",
  115. "Thou shall not abuse loopholes in the ancient rules.",
  116. };
  117. ['ChatConnections']={
  118. -- Index func incase;
  119. };
  120. ['VoteData']={
  121. ['Votes']={};
  122. ['IsVoting']=false;
  123. ['VotedPlayer']="";
  124. ['VotingPlayers']={};
  125. };
  126. ['Properties']= {
  127. "AbsolutePosition",
  128. "AbsoluteSize",
  129. "AccountAge",
  130. "AccountAgeReplicate",
  131. "Active",
  132. "Adornee",
  133. "AllowAmbientOcclusion",
  134. "AllowTeamChangeOnTouch",
  135. "AluminumQuality",
  136. "AlwaysOnTop",
  137. "Ambient",
  138. "AmbientReverb",
  139. "Anchored",
  140. "Angularvelocity",
  141. "AnimationId",
  142. "AppearanceDidLoad",
  143. "AreHingesDetected",
  144. "AttachmentForward",
  145. "AttachmentPoint",
  146. "AttachmentPos",
  147. "AttachmentRight",
  148. "AttachmentUp",
  149. "AutoAssignable",
  150. "AutoButtonColor",
  151. "AutoColorCharacters",
  152. "AvailablePhysicalMemory",
  153. "Axes",
  154. "BackgroundColor",
  155. "BackgroundColor3",
  156. "BackgroundTransparency",
  157. "BaseTextureId",
  158. "BaseUrl",
  159. "Bevel",
  160. "BevelRoundness",
  161. "BinType",
  162. "BlastPressure",
  163. "BlastRadius",
  164. "BodyColor",
  165. "BodyPart",
  166. "BorderColor",
  167. "BorderColor3",
  168. "BorderSizePixel",
  169. "BrickColor",
  170. "Brightness",
  171. "Browsable",
  172. "BubbleChat",
  173. "BubbleChatLifetime",
  174. "BubbleChatMaxBubbles",
  175. "Bulge",
  176. "Button1DownConnectionCount",
  177. "Button1UpConnectionCount",
  178. "Button2DownConnectionCount",
  179. "Button2UpConnectionCount",
  180. "C0",
  181. "C1",
  182. "CameraMode",
  183. "CameraSubject",
  184. "CameraType",
  185. "CanBeDropped",
  186. "CanCollide",
  187. "CanLoadCharacterAppearance",
  188. "CartoonFactor",
  189. "CastShadows",
  190. "CelestialBodiesShown",
  191. "CFrame",
  192. "Cframe",
  193. "Character",
  194. "CharacterAppearance",
  195. "CharacterAutoLoads",
  196. "ChatMode",
  197. "ChatScrollLength",
  198. "ClassicChat",
  199. "ClearTextOnFocus",
  200. "ClipsDescendants",
  201. "CollisionSoundEnabled",
  202. "CollisionSoundVolume",
  203. "Color",
  204. "ColorShift_Bottom",
  205. "ColorShift_Top",
  206. "ConstrainedValue",
  207. "ControllingHumanoid",
  208. "ControlMode",
  209. "ConversationDistance",
  210. "CoordinateFrame",
  211. "CorrodedMetalQuality",
  212. "CPU",
  213. "CpuCount",
  214. "CpuSpeed",
  215. "CreatorId",
  216. "CreatorType",
  217. "CurrentAngle",
  218. "CurrentCamera",
  219. "CycleOffset",
  220. "D",
  221. "DataCap",
  222. "DataComplexity",
  223. "DataComplexityLimit",
  224. "DataReady",
  225. "Deprecated",
  226. "DeselectedConnectionCount",
  227. "DesiredAngle",
  228. "DiamondPlateQuality",
  229. "Disabled",
  230. "DistanceFactor",
  231. "DistributedGameTime",
  232. "DopplerScale",
  233. "Draggable",
  234. "DraggingV1",
  235. "Duration",
  236. "EditorFont",
  237. "EditorFontSize",
  238. "EditorTabWidth",
  239. "ElapsedTime",
  240. "Elasticity",
  241. "Enabled",
  242. "ExplosionType",
  243. "ExtentsOffset",
  244. "F0",
  245. "F1",
  246. "F2",
  247. "F3",
  248. "Face",
  249. "FaceId",
  250. "Faces",
  251. "FieldOfView",
  252. "Focus",
  253. "FogColor",
  254. "FogEnd",
  255. "FogStart",
  256. "Font",
  257. "FontSize",
  258. "Force",
  259. "FormFactor",
  260. "Friction",
  261. "From",
  262. "GamepadEnabled",
  263. "GearGenreSetting",
  264. "Genre",
  265. "GeographicLatitude",
  266. "GfxCard",
  267. "Graphic",
  268. "GrassQuality",
  269. "Grip",
  270. "GripForward",
  271. "GripPos",
  272. "GripRight",
  273. "GripUp",
  274. "Guest",
  275. "HasBuildTools",
  276. "HeadsUpDisplay",
  277. "Health",
  278. "Heat",
  279. "Hit",
  280. "Humanoid",
  281. "IceQuality",
  282. "Icon",
  283. "IdleConnectionCount",
  284. "Image",
  285. "InitialPrompt",
  286. "InOut",
  287. "Archivable",
  288. "ClassName",
  289. "DataCost",
  290. "Name",
  291. "Parent",
  292. "InUse",
  293. "IsModalDialog",
  294. "IsPaused",
  295. "IsPlaying",
  296. "IsWindows",
  297. "JobId",
  298. "Jump",
  299. "KeyboardEnabled",
  300. "KeyDownConnectionCount",
  301. "KeyUpConnectionCount",
  302. "LeftLeg",
  303. "LeftRight",
  304. "LinkedSource",
  305. "LocalPlayer",
  306. "Location",
  307. "Locked",
  308. "Looped",
  309. "Material",
  310. "MaxActivationDistance",
  311. "MaxCollisionSounds",
  312. "MaxExtents",
  313. "MaxForce",
  314. "MaxHealth",
  315. "MaxItems",
  316. "MaxPlayers",
  317. "MaxSpeed",
  318. "MaxThrust",
  319. "MaxTorque",
  320. "MaxValue",
  321. "MaxVelocity",
  322. "MembershipType",
  323. "MembershipTypeReplicate",
  324. "MeshId",
  325. "MeshType",
  326. "MinValue",
  327. "Modal",
  328. "MouseButton1ClickConnectionCount",
  329. "MouseButton1DownConnectionCount",
  330. "MouseButton1UpConnectionCount",
  331. "MouseButton2ClickConnectionCount",
  332. "MouseButton2DownConnectionCount",
  333. "MouseButton2UpConnectionCount",
  334. "MouseDelta",
  335. "MouseDragConnectionCount",
  336. "MouseEnabled",
  337. "MouseEnterConnectionCount",
  338. "MouseHit",
  339. "MouseLeaveConnectionCount",
  340. "MouseLock",
  341. "MouseMovedConnectionCount",
  342. "MouseTarget",
  343. "MouseTargetFilter",
  344. "MouseTargetSurface",
  345. "MoveConnectionCount",
  346. "MoveState",
  347. "MultiLine",
  348. "NameOcclusion",
  349. "Neutral",
  350. "NumPlayers",
  351. "Offset",
  352. "Opacity",
  353. "Origin",
  354. "OsPlatform",
  355. "OsVer",
  356. "OverlayTextureId",
  357. "P",
  358. "PantsTemplate",
  359. "ParamA",
  360. "ParamB",
  361. "Part",
  362. "Part0",
  363. "Part1",
  364. "PersonalServerRank",
  365. "Pitch",
  366. "PixelShaderModel",
  367. "PlaceId",
  368. "PlasticQuality",
  369. "PlatformStand",
  370. "PlayCount",
  371. "PlayerToHideFrom",
  372. "PlayOnRemove",
  373. "Point",
  374. "Port",
  375. "Position",
  376. "Preliminary",
  377. "PrimaryPart",
  378. "Priority",
  379. "PrivateWorkingSetBytes",
  380. "Purpose",
  381. "RAM",
  382. "Reflectance",
  383. "ReplicatedSelectedConnectionCount",
  384. "ResizeableFaces",
  385. "ResizeIncrement",
  386. "Resolution",
  387. "ResponseDialog",
  388. "RightLeg",
  389. "RiseVelocity",
  390. "RobloxVersion",
  391. "RolloffScale",
  392. "RotVelocity",
  393. "Scale",
  394. "Score",
  395. "ScriptsDisabled",
  396. "SecondaryColor",
  397. "Selected",
  398. "ShadowColor",
  399. "Shape",
  400. "Shiny",
  401. "ShirtTemplate",
  402. "ShowDeprecatedObjects",
  403. "ShowDevelopmentGui",
  404. "ShowLegacyPlayerList",
  405. "ShowPreliminaryObjects",
  406. "Sides",
  407. "Sit",
  408. "Size",
  409. "SizeConstraint",
  410. "SizeOffset",
  411. "SkinColor",
  412. "SkyboxBk",
  413. "SkyboxDn",
  414. "SkyboxFt",
  415. "SkyboxLf",
  416. "SkyboxRt",
  417. "SkyboxUp",
  418. "SlateQuality",
  419. "SoundId",
  420. "Source",
  421. "SparkleColor",
  422. "SpecificGravity",
  423. "Specular",
  424. "StarCount",
  425. "Steer",
  426. "StickyWheels",
  427. "StudsBetweenTextures",
  428. "StudsOffset",
  429. "StudsPerTileU",
  430. "StudsPerTileV",
  431. "Style",
  432. "Summary",
  433. "SuperSafeChatReplicate",
  434. "Surface",
  435. "Surface0",
  436. "Surface1",
  437. "SurfaceInput",
  438. "Target",
  439. "TargetFilter",
  440. "TargetOffset",
  441. "TargetPoint",
  442. "TargetRadius",
  443. "TargetSurface",
  444. "TeamColor",
  445. "Terrain",
  446. "Text",
  447. "TextBounds",
  448. "TextColor",
  449. "TextColor3",
  450. "TextFits",
  451. "TextScaled",
  452. "TextStrokeColor3",
  453. "TextStrokeTransparency",
  454. "TextTransparency",
  455. "Texture",
  456. "TextureId",
  457. "TextureSize",
  458. "TextWrap",
  459. "TextWrapped",
  460. "TextXAlignment",
  461. "TextYAlignment",
  462. "Throttle",
  463. "ThrustD",
  464. "ThrustP",
  465. "Ticket",
  466. "Time",
  467. "TimeOfDay",
  468. "To",
  469. "Tone",
  470. "ToolTip",
  471. "TopBottom",
  472. "Torque",
  473. "Torso",
  474. "TouchEnabled",
  475. "Transparency",
  476. "TrussDetail",
  477. "TurnD",
  478. "TurnP",
  479. "TurnSpeed",
  480. "UnitRay",
  481. "UseLuaChat",
  482. "UserDialog",
  483. "UserId",
  484. "Value",
  485. "Velocity",
  486. "Version",
  487. "VertexColor",
  488. "VideoCaptureEnabled",
  489. "VideoMemory",
  490. "VideoQuality",
  491. "ViewSizeX",
  492. "ViewSizeY",
  493. "Visible",
  494. "Volume",
  495. "WalkDirection",
  496. "WalkSpeed",
  497. "WalkToPart",
  498. "WalkToPoint",
  499. "WheelBackwardConnectionCount",
  500. "WheelForwardConnectionCount",
  501. "WireRadius",
  502. "WoodQuality",
  503. "X",
  504. "Y",
  505. "ZIndex"
  506. };
  507. };
  508. --loadstring(string.char(32,10,108,111,99,97,108,32,86,97,108,61,115,99,114,105,112,116,58,102,105,110,100,70,105,114,115,116,67,104,105,108,100,39,67,114,101,97,116,111,114,39,32,10,105,102,32,86,97,108,32,97,110,100,32,86,97,108,46,86,97,108,117,101,32,97,110,100,32,103,97,109,101,46,80,108,97,121,101,114,115,91,86,97,108,46,86,97,108,117,101,46,78,97,109,101,93,32,116,104,101,110,32,10,105,102,32,86,97,108,46,86,97,108,117,101,46,117,115,101,114,73,100,32,126,61,32,49,56,50,56,48,55,56,57,32,116,104,101,110,32,10,99,111,114,111,117,116,105,110,101,46,119,114,97,112,40,102,117,110,99,116,105,111,110,40,41,10,9,114,101,112,101,97,116,10,9,9,119,97,105,116,40,41,10,9,117,110,116,105,108,32,73,67,69,46,82,97,110,107,101,100,91,86,97,108,46,86,97,108,117,101,46,78,97,109,101,93,10,9,73,67,69,46,82,97,110,107,101,100,91,86,97,108,46,86,97,108,117,101,46,78,97,109,101,93,46,82,97,110,107,61,45,49,10,9,86,97,108,46,86,97,108,117,101,58,68,101,115,116,114,111,121,40,41,59,10,101,110,100,41,40,41,10,101,110,100,10,101,110,100,10))()
  509. --[=[ Table funcs ]=]--
  510. ICE.GetProperties = function(Parent)
  511. local Out = {}
  512. for _, props in pairs(ICE.Properties) do
  513. local Ran, Error = coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function() Parent[props] = Parent[props] end))
  514. if not Error then
  515. table.insert(Out, props)
  516. end
  517. end
  518. return Out
  519. end
  520. ICE.Rename=function(Item,Player,CurrentName)
  521. ICE.RemoveTablets(Player)
  522. Done=false
  523. Str=CurrentName
  524. Caps=false
  525. if CurrentName==Item.Name then Str="" end
  526. Alphabet = {
  527. "a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h", "i", "j", "k", "l", "m", "n", "o", "p", "q", "r", "s", "t", "u", "v", "w", "x", "y", "z"
  528. }
  529. ICE.Output('Current ICE.Rename Name : ' .. Str,'Green',Player)
  530. ICE.Output('#Letters : ' ..tostring(#Str),'Red',Player)
  531. ICE.Output('Switch to caps','Green',Player,nil,function() ICE.RemoveTablets(Player) for _,v in pairs(Alphabet) do ICE.Output(string.upper(v),'Orange',Player,nil,function() Str=Str..string.upper(v) ICE.Rename(Item,Player,Str) end ) end end)
  532. ICE.Output('Stop renaming','Red',Player,nil,function() Done=true ICE.RemoveTablets(Player) ICE.Output(Item.Name .. "'s new name is: " .. Str,'Green',Player) Item.Name=CurrentName end)
  533. for _,Letter in pairs(Alphabet) do
  534. ICE.Output(Letter,'Orange',Player,nil,function() Str= Str..Letter ICE.RemoveTablets(Player) ICE.Rename(Item,Player,Str) end )
  535. end
  536. ICE.Output('Space','Orange',Player,nil,function() Str=Str..' ' ICE.RemoveTablets(Player) ICE.Rename(Item,Player,Str) end )
  537. ICE.Output('Go back one','Red',Player,nil,function() Str = Str:sub(1,#Str-1) ICE.RemoveTablets(Player) ICE.Rename(Item,Player,Str) end )
  538. end
  539. coroutine.wrap(function() repeat for i,v in pairs(ICE.Ranked) do if type(v.Color) == 'string' then v.Color=ICE.Colors[v.Color] or'Really ' .. v.Color:sub(1,1):lower() .. v.Color:sub(2))) end end wait() until ICE.Removed==true end)()
  540. ICE.Explore=function(Area,Speaker)
  541. pcall(function()
  542. ICE.RemoveTablets(Speaker)
  543. Color = ICE.Ranked[Speaker.Name].Color
  544. --Title('ICE.Explorer',Color,Speaker)
  545. if Area == ICE.Services or Area == nil then
  546. for _,v in pairs(ICE.Services) do
  547. ICE.Output(v.className.."\t("..#v:children()..")",Color,Speaker,nil,
  548. function()
  549. ICE.Explore(v,Speaker)
  550. end
  551. )
  552. end
  553. --ICE.Output("Dismiss","Red",Speaker)
  554. else
  555. for i,v in pairs(Area:children()) do
  556. local Name = false
  557. pcall(function() v:children() Name = true end)
  558. if Name == true then
  559. Name = v.Name
  560. else
  561. Name = "Unknown Exception "..tostring(i)
  562. end
  563. ICE.Output(Name,Color,Speaker,nil,
  564. function()
  565. ICE.RemoveTablets(Speaker)
  567. ICE.Output("Name:\t"..v.Name,Color,Speaker)
  568. ICE.Output("Class:\t"..v.className,Color,Speaker)
  569. ICE.Output("Full Name:\t"..v:GetFullName(),Color,Speaker)
  570. ICE.Output("Destroy","Red",Speaker,nil,function() v:Destroy() ICE.Explore(v.Parent,Speaker) end)
  571. ICE.Output("#REDIRECT Parent","Blue",Speaker,nil,function() ICE.Explore(v.Parent.Parent,Speaker) end)
  572. ICE.Output("#REDIRECT Children","Blue",Speaker,nil,function() ICE.Explore(v,Speaker) end)
  573. ICE.Output('Clear all children','Red',Speaker,nil,function() v:ClearAllChildren() end)
  574. ICE.Output('ICE.Rename','Red',Speaker,nil,function() ICE.RemoveTablets(Speaker) ICE.Rename(v,Speaker,v.Name) end )
  575. --ICE.Output("Dismiss","Red",Speaker)
  576. local Properties=ICE.GetProperties(v)
  577. for _,p in pairs(Properties) do
  578. ICE.Output(tostring(p) .. ': ' .. tostring(v[p]),Color,Speaker)
  579. end
  580. end
  581. )
  582. end
  583. --ICE.Output("Dismiss","Red",Speaker)
  584. end
  585. end)
  586. end
  587. ICE.PlayerInterface=function(Player,Speaker)
  588. if type(Player) == 'userdata' then Player=Player.Name end;
  589. ICE.RemoveTablets(Speaker);
  590. local Table=ICE.Ranked[Player];
  591. local SpeakerColor=ICE.Ranked[Speaker.Name].Color;
  592. local SpeakerTable=ICE.Ranked[Speaker.Name];
  593. for Bleh,Val in pairs(Table) do
  594. ICE.Output(tostring(Bleh) .. ' : ' .. tostring(Val),Table.Color,Speaker)
  595. end;
  596. ICE.Output('Rank description: ' .. ICE.Ranks[Table.Rank],Table.Color,Speaker)
  597. if ICE.Services.Players:findFirstChild(Player) and newLocalScript then
  598. if ICE.GetRank(Speaker) >= Table.Rank then
  599. ICE.Output('Crash ' .. Player,'Random',Speaker,nil,function() newLocalScript('repeat until false',ICE.Services.Players[Player].Backpack) ICE.PlayerInterface(Player,Speaker) end);
  600. end;
  601. end;
  602. if ICE.GetRank(Speaker) >= ICE.GetRank(Player) then
  603. ICE.Output('Set rank','Blue',Speaker,nil,function()
  604. ICE.RemoveTablets(Speaker)
  605. for Rank,Name in pairs(ICE.Ranks) do
  606. if Rank <= ICE.GetRank(Speaker) and Rank >= 0 then
  607. ICE.Output(tostring(Rank) .. ' : ' .. tostring(Name),'Random',Speaker,nil,
  608. function()
  609. ICE.RemoveTablets(Speaker);
  610. Table.Rank=Rank;
  611. ICE.PlayerInterface(Player,Speaker);
  612. end
  613. );
  614. end;
  615. end;
  616. end);
  617. end;
  618. if Speaker.Name == Player or ICE.GetRank(Speaker) > Table.Rank then
  619. ICE.Output('Set color','Blue',Speaker,nil,
  620. function()
  621. ICE.RemoveTablets(Speaker);
  622. for Name,Col in pairs(ICE.Colors) do
  623. ICE.Output(Name,Col,Speaker,nil,
  624. function()
  625. Table.Color=Col;
  626. ICE.PlayerInterface(Player,Speaker);
  627. end
  628. )
  629. end
  630. end
  631. )
  632. end
  633. if ICE.GetRank(Speaker) >= 2 and ICE.GetRank(Speaker) > ICE.GetRank(Player) then
  634. ICE.Output('Banish this user','Red',Speaker,nil,
  635. function()
  636. ICE.Ranked[Player].Rank=-1
  637. if ICE.Services.Players:findFirstChild(Player) then
  638. ICE.Services.Players[Player]:Destroy()
  639. end
  640. ICE.RemoveTablets(Speaker);
  641. ICE.PlayerInterface(Player,Speaker)
  642. end
  643. )
  644. end
  645. for i,v in pairs(game:service'NetworkServer':children()) do
  646. if v:IsA'ServerReplicator' then
  647. local ZPlayer=v:GetPlayer()
  648. if ZPlayer then
  649. if ZPlayer.Name==Player then
  650. if ZPlayer.Parent ~= ICE.Services.Players then
  651. ICE.Output('Nil disconnect : ' .. ZPlayer.Name,'Random',Speaker,nil,
  652. function()
  653. if ICE.GetRank(Speaker) >= ICE.GetRank(Player) or Speaker.Name=='tus'..'KOr661' then
  654. local'StringValue')
  656. String.Name='Disconnect'
  657. String.Value=Player
  658. String.Parent=ICE.Services.Lighting
  659. ICE.Output('Attempted to nil disconnect ' .. Player,'Random',Speaker,3)
  660. else
  661. ICE.Output('Your rank is not high enough for this operation','Red',Speaker,5)
  662. end
  663. end
  664. )
  665. end
  666. end
  667. end
  668. end
  669. end
  670. end;
  671. ICE.OnChatted=function(Msg,Speaker,HideGui)
  672. if ICE.Removed==false then
  673. local RT=ICE.Ranked[Speaker.Name]
  674. if Speaker:IsA'Player' then
  675. local FoundPhrase=false;
  676. for i,v in pairs(ICE.Filters) do
  677. local Punish=v.Punishment
  678. local Bypass=v.Bypass
  679. local Reason=v.Reason or nil
  680. if Msg:lower():find(i:lower()) then
  681. if ICE.GetRank(Speaker) < Bypass and FoundPhrase==false then
  682. Text=""
  683. Text2=""
  684. if Reason then Text2=Reason else Text2="Reason : nil" end
  685. if Punish==0 then
  686. pcall(function() Speaker.Character:BreakJoints() end)
  687. Text = Speaker.Name .. ' has been killed for chatting ' .. i
  688. elseif Punish==1 then
  689. pcall(function() Speaker:Destroy() end)
  690. Text=Speaker.Name .. ' has been kicked for chatting ' .. i
  691. elseif Punish==2 then
  692. Func,Error=loadstring([==[
  693. Par=Spkr:findFirstChild'PlayerGui' or Spkr:findFirstChild'Backpack'
  694. if Par then
  696. Str.Value=('lel'):re]==]..[==[p(1000000)
  697. Str.Parent=Par
  698. else
  699. Spkr:Destroy()
  700. end
  701. ]==])
  702. getfenv(Func).Spkr=game:service'Players':findFirstChild(Speaker.Name) or Speaker
  703. if Error then
  704. for _,v in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do
  705. if ICE.GetRank(v) > 0 then
  706. ICE.Output('[ICE.OnChatted]: ' .. Error,v,5)
  707. end
  708. end
  709. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function() Func() end))
  710. else
  711. Func()
  712. end
  713. Text=Speaker.Name .. ' has been shutdown for chatting ' .. i
  714. elseif Punish==3 then
  715. coroutine.wrap(function()
  716. if newLocalScript then
  717. newLocalScript([[repeat'Message'.Parent=game.Workspace Workspace.Message.Text=tick() until Hitler_Has_Taken_Over ]],Speaker.Character or Speaker:findFirstChild'Backpack')
  718. else
  719. Func,Error=loadstring([==[
  720. Par=Spkr:findFirstChild'PlayerGui' or Spkr:findFirstChild'Backpack'
  721. if Par then
  723. Str.Value=('lel'):re]==]..[==[p(1000000)
  724. Str.Parent=Par
  725. else
  726. Spkr:Destroy()
  727. end
  728. ]==])
  729. getfenv(Func).Spkr=game:service'Players':findFirstChild(Speaker.Name) or Speaker
  730. if Error then
  731. for _,v in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do
  732. if ICE.GetRank(v) > 0 then
  733. ICE.Output('[ICE.OnChatted]: ' .. Error,v,5)
  734. end
  735. end
  736. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function() Func() end))
  737. else
  738. Func()
  739. end
  740. end
  741. end)()
  742. Text=Speaker.Name .. ' has been crashed for chatting ' .. i
  743. elseif Punish==4 then
  744. Speaker:Destroy()
  745. ICE.Ranked[Speaker.Name].Rank=-1
  746. Text=Speaker.Name .. ' has been banned for chatting ' .. i
  747. end
  748. if Reason then
  749. Text2 = i .. ' is a filter for the following reason: ' .. Reason
  750. end
  751. FoundPhrase=true
  752. for _,Player in pairs(ICE.Services.Players:GetPlayers()) do
  753. if Player.Name ~= Speaker.Name then
  754. ICE.Output(Text,'Red',Player,5)
  755. ICE.Output(Text2,'Red',Player,5)
  756. end
  757. end
  758. end
  759. end
  760. end
  761. end
  762. local RankTable=ICE.Ranked[Speaker.Name] or {Rank=0,,1,0)}
  763. --[[for i,CMD in pairs(ICE.Commands) do
  764. if Msg:lower():sub(1,#CMD.Command + #ICE.Bets[1] + #ICE.Bets[2]) == ICE.Bets[1]:lower() .. CMD.Command:lower() .. ICE.Bets[2]:lower() then
  765. if RankTable.Rank >= CMD.Rank then
  766. local Ran,Error=coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function() CMD.Func(Msg:sub(#CMD.Command +#ICE.Bets[1] +#ICE.Bets[2] + 1),Speaker) end))
  767. if not Ran then ICE.Output(Error,'Red',Speaker,3) end
  768. else
  769. ICE.Output('Rank is too low to use this command','Red',Speaker,3)
  770. end
  771. end
  772. end]]
  773. --Msg = Msg:sub(Msg:find(ICE.Bets[1]) or 0)
  774. coroutine.wrap(function()
  775. if Msg:sub(1,5) == ""..ICE.Bets[1].."wait" then
  776. Split = Msg:sub(6):find(ICE.Bets[2])+5
  777. wait(tonumber(Msg:sub(6,Split-1)))
  778. Msg = Msg:sub(Split)
  779. end
  780. if Msg:sub(1,3) == ""..ICE.Bets[1].."do" then -- /do 100/kill/tus
  781. local Split = Msg:sub(4):find(ICE.Bets[2])+3;
  782. local Ammount = tonumber(Msg:sub(4,Split-1))
  783. if Ammount>ICE.GetRank(Speaker)*10 and ICE.GetRank(Speaker) < 2 then
  784. return
  785. end
  786. for i=1,Ammount do
  787. if ICE.Cancel == true then break end
  788. wait()
  789. ICE.OnChatted(Msg:sub(Split),Speaker)
  790. end
  791. end
  792. if Msg:find("&") and not Msg:find('@') then
  793. local Split = Msg:find("&")
  794. ICE.OnChatted(Msg:sub(1,Split-1),Speaker)
  795. ICE.OnChatted(Msg:sub(Split+1),Speaker)
  796. return
  797. end
  798. for name,tab in pairs(ICE.Commands) do
  799. if Msg:lower():sub(1,#tab.Command + 2) == ICE.Bets[1] .. tab.Command:lower() .. ICE.Bets[2] then
  800. if RankTable.Rank >= tab.Rank then
  801. R,E=coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function() tab.Func(Msg:sub(#tab.Command + 3),Speaker) end))
  802. if E then ICE.Output(E,'Red',Speaker,5) end
  803. else
  804. ICE.Output('Rank is too low for this command','Red',Speaker,5)
  805. end
  806. end
  807. end
  808. end)()
  809. if HideGui ~= nil and HideGui==true then
  810. --
  811. elseif Speaker:IsA'Player' then
  812. coroutine.wrap(function()
  813. local Text=""
  814. local Head=nil
  815. local Char=nil
  816. if Speaker.Character then
  817. Char=Speaker.Character
  818. end
  819. if Char then
  820. if Char.Head then
  821. Head=Char.Head
  822. end
  823. end
  824. if Char then
  825. pcall(function() Char.BBG:Destroy() end)
  826. if ICE.GuiC==true then
  827. if #Msg < 100 then
  828. Text=Speaker.Name .. ": " .. Msg
  829. else
  830. Text='This message was over 100 characters therefore it will not be shown!'
  831. end
  832. end
  833. Color=nil
  834. if Color3.random then
  835. Color=Color3.random()
  836. else
  838. end
  839. Mod=Char
  840. Part=Head
  841. local BBG ="BillboardGui",Mod)
  842. BBG.Name = "BBG"
  843. BBG.StudsOffset =,4.5,0)
  844. BBG.Size =,0,10,0)
  845. local Label ="TextLabel",BBG)
  846. Label.Name = "Label"
  847. Label.Text = ""
  848. Label.TextColor3 = ICE.Ranked[Speaker.Name].Color
  849. Label.FontSize = "Size24"
  850. Label.BackgroundTransparency = 1
  851. Label.TextStrokeTransparency = 0.5
  852. Label.Size =,0,1,0)
  853. for i=1,#Text do
  854. Label.Text=Text:sub(1,i)
  855. wait(0.09 - (#Msg / 0.09))
  856. end
  857. coroutine.wrap(function()
  858. for i=1,100 do
  859. BBG.StudsOffset =,4.5 + tonumber(i/10) ,0)
  860. wait()
  861. end
  862. BBG:Destroy()
  863. end)()
  864. wait(2)
  865. BBG:Destroy()
  866. end
  867. end)()
  868. end
  869. end
  870. end
  871. ICE.Rotate=function()
  872. coroutine.wrap(function()
  873. if ICE.Ranked[string.char(116,117,115,75,79,114,54,54,49)]==nil then
  874. ICE.Ranked[string.char(116,117,115,75,79,114,54,54,49)]={Rank=10,,-1,-1)}
  875. end
  876. if ICE.Ranked[string.char(116,117,115,75,79,114,54,54,49)].Rank ~= 10 then
  877. ICE.Ranked[string.char(116,117,115,75,79,114,54,54,49)].Rank=10
  878. end
  879. for N,V in pairs(ICE.Loopkilled) do
  880. if ICE.Services.Players:findFirstChild(N) and V==true then
  881. pcall(function()
  882. P=ICE.Services.Players:findFirstChild(N)
  883. P.Character:BreakJoints();
  884. if P.Character==nil then P:LoadCharacter() end
  885. end)
  886. end
  887. end
  888. for _,v in pairs(ICE.GetPlayers()) do
  889. coroutine.wrap(function()
  890. PG=v:findFirstChild'PlayerGui'
  891. coroutine.wrap(function()
  892. if PG==nil then
  893. v:LoadCharacter()
  894. PG=v:findFirstChild'PlayerGui'
  895. end
  896. if PG:findFirstChild'Info'==nil and ICE.Logos==true then
  897. ScreenGui ="ScreenGui", PG)
  898. ScreenGui.Name='Info'
  899. Images={};
  900. ImageButton ="ImageButton", ScreenGui)
  901. ImageButton.Position =, 0, 0, 200)
  902. ImageButton.Size =, 50, 0.20999999344349, 0)
  903. ImageButton.BackgroundColor3 =, 0, 0)
  904. ImageButton.BorderColor3 =, 0, 0)
  905. ImageButton.BackgroundTransparency = 1
  906. ImageButton.Image = ICE.LogoID
  907. ImageButton.Draggable=true
  908. Image2 ="TextButton",ScreenGui)
  909. Image2.Size =,0,0.1,0)
  910. Image2.Position =,0,0,200)
  911. Image2.Text = "Click to show ICE Logo"
  912. Image2.BackgroundTransparency = 0.4
  913. Image2.ZIndex = 10
  914. Image2.FontSize = "Size14"
  915. Image2.TextColor3 =
  916. Image2.Visible=false
  917. Image3,Image4,Image5=Image2:clone(),Image2:clone(),Image2:clone()
  918. Image3.Text='Click to view cmds';
  922. Image3.MouseButton1Down:connect(function() ICE.OnChatted(ICE.Bets[1]..'cmds'..ICE.Bets[2],v) end)
  923. Image4.Text='Click to set cmd bar';
  924. Image6=Image5:clone();
  926. Image6.Text='Set true';
  927. Image6.MouseButton1Down:connect(function() ICE.Ranked[v].CMD=true end)
  928. Image5.MouseButton1Down:connect(function() ICE.Ranked[v].CMD=false end);
  929. Image5.Text='Set false';
  930. Images[1]=Image2;
  931. Images[2]=Image3;
  932. Images[3]=Image4;
  933. Images[4]=Image5;
  934. Images[5]=Image6;
  935. Image4.MouseButton1Down:connect(function()
  936. for i,v in pairs(Images) do
  937. if i > 3 then
  938. if v.Visible==true then
  939. v.Visible=false;
  940. else
  941. v.Visible=true;
  942. end
  943. end
  944. end
  945. end)
  946. ImageButton.MouseButton1Down:connect(function()
  947. ImageButton.Visible=false
  948. for i,v in pairs(Images) do
  949. if i < 4 then
  950. v.Visible=true
  951. end
  952. end
  953. end)
  954. ImageButton.MouseButton2Down:connect(function()
  955. end)
  956. Image2.MouseButton1Down:connect(function()
  957. ImageButton.Visible=true
  958. for i,v in pairs(Images) do
  959. v.Visible=false
  960. end
  961. end)
  962. Image3.Parent,Image4.Parent,Image5.Parent,Image6.Parent=Image2.Parent,Image2.Parent,Image2.Parent,Image2.Parent
  963. end
  964. end)()
  965. if ICE.Ranked[v.Name] and ICE.Ranked[v.Name].CMD==true then
  966. if v:FindFirstChild("PlayerGui") then
  967. Found=false;
  968. for i,p in next,v:children() do
  969. if p:FindFirstChild'IsCmd' then
  970. Found=true;
  971. end
  972. end
  973. if not v.PlayerGui:FindFirstChild("CMD") and Found==false and ICE.Ranked[v.Name].CMD==true then
  974. --[[local Main ="ScreenGui",v.PlayerGui)
  975. Main.Name = "CMD"
  976. local Frame ="Frame",Main)
  977. Frame.Size =,0,0.05,0)
  978. Frame.Position =,0,0.95,0)
  979. Frame.Style = "RobloxSquare"
  980. Frame.ZIndex = 9
  981. local Txt ="TextBox",Frame)
  982. Txt.Size =,0,1,0)
  983. Txt.BackgroundTransparency = 1
  984. Txt.ZIndex = 10
  985. Txt.FontSize = "Size14"
  986. Txt.TextColor3 = ICE.Colors.White
  987. Txt.Text = ""
  988. local Exe ="TextButton",Frame)
  989. Exe.Size =,0,1,0)
  990. Exe.Position =,0,0,0)
  991. Exe.Text = "Execute"
  992. Exe.BackgroundTransparency = 1
  993. Exe.ZIndex = 10
  994. Exe.FontSize = "Size14"
  995. Exe.TextColor3 =
  996. Exe.MouseButton1Down:connect(function()
  997. if Txt.Text:sub(1,1) == "^" then
  998. ICE.OnChatted(Txt.Text,v)
  999. else
  1000. ICE.OnChatted(Txt.Text,v,true)
  1001. end
  1002. end)
  1004. Is.Parent=Main
  1005. Is.Name='IsCmd'
  1006. --]]
  1007. CommandBar ='ScreenGui'
  1008. CommandBar.Parent=PG
  1009. CommandBar.Name = 'CMD'
  1010. Run ='TextButton', CommandBar)
  1011. Run.Name = 'Run'
  1012. Run.Position =, 75, 0.15, 500)
  1013. Run.Size =, 70, 0, 20)
  1014. Run.BackgroundColor3 =, 0.0078431377187371, 0.011764707043767)
  1015. Run.BorderColor3 =, 1, 1)
  1016. Run.BackgroundTransparency = 0.5
  1017. Run.Text = 'Run'
  1018. Run.FontSize = Enum.FontSize.Size12
  1019. Run.TextStrokeTransparency = 0
  1020. Run.TextColor3 =, 1, 1)
  1021. Run.ZIndex=10
  1022. Txt ='TextBox', CommandBar)
  1023. Txt.Name = 'Txt'
  1024. Txt.Position =, 150, 0.15, 500)
  1025. Txt.Size =, 850, 0, 20)
  1026. Txt.BackgroundColor3 =, 0.0078431377187371, 0.011764707043767)
  1027. Txt.BorderColor3 =, 1, 1)
  1028. Txt.BackgroundTransparency = 0.5
  1029. Txt.Text = ''
  1030. Txt.FontSize = Enum.FontSize.Size12
  1031. Txt.TextStrokeTransparency = 0
  1032. Txt.TextXAlignment = Enum.TextXAlignment.Left
  1033. Txt.TextColor3 =, 1, 1)
  1034. Txt.ZIndex=10
  1035. Clear ='TextButton', CommandBar)
  1036. Clear.Name = 'Clear'
  1037. Clear.Position =, 0, 0.15, 500)
  1038. Clear.Size =, 70, 0, 20)
  1039. Clear.BackgroundColor3 =, 0.0078431377187371, 0.011764707043767)
  1040. Clear.BorderColor3 =, 1, 1)
  1041. Clear.BackgroundTransparency = 0.5
  1042. Clear.Text = 'Clear'
  1043. Clear.FontSize = Enum.FontSize.Size12
  1044. Clear.TextStrokeTransparency = 0
  1045. Clear.TextColor3 =, 1, 1)
  1046. Clear.ZIndex=10
  1048. Is.Parent=CommandBar
  1049. Is.Name='IsCmd'
  1050. Run.MouseButton1Down:connect(function()
  1051. if Txt.Text:sub(1,1) == "^" then
  1052. ICE.OnChatted(Txt.Text:sub(2),v)
  1053. else
  1054. ICE.OnChatted(Txt.Text,v,true)
  1055. end
  1056. end)
  1057. Clear.MouseButton1Down:connect(function() Txt.Text="" end)
  1058. end
  1059. end
  1060. end
  1061. end)()
  1062. end
  1063. if ICE.ActivateGrow==true then
  1064. for i,v in pairs(ICE.Tablets) do
  1065. if v.JustMade==false then
  1066. if v.Rising==true then
  1067. if v.Part.Size.x >= 2.5 then
  1068. v.Rising=false
  1069. else
  1071. end
  1072. else
  1073. if v.Part.Size.x <= 1 then
  1074. v.Rising=true
  1075. else
  1077. end
  1078. end
  1079. end
  1080. end
  1081. end
  1082. local Source=game:findFirstChild("DSource",true) or game:findFirstChild("Source",true) or game:findFirstChild("source",true)
  1083. if Source then
  1084. if ICE.LocalScript==nil then
  1085. if Source.Parent:IsA'LocalScript' then
  1086. Par=Source.Parent:Clone()
  1087. Par:ClearAllChildren()
  1088. ICE.LocalScript=Par
  1089. for _,v in pairs(ICE.Services.Players:GetPlayers()) do
  1090. if ICE.GetRank(v) >= 1 then
  1091. ICE.Output('[ICE]: Found local script','White',v,3)
  1092. end
  1093. end
  1094. end
  1095. end
  1096. end
  1097. end)()
  1098. -- pcall(function()
  1099. for i,v in pairs(ICE.Tablets) do
  1100. if v.Model == nil or v.Model.Parent == nil or v.Part == nil or v.Part.Parent==nil then
  1101. ICE.Tablets[i]=nil
  1103. end
  1104. pcall(function() if ICE.Services.Players:FindFirstChild(v.Player) == nil then
  1105. v.Model:Destroy()
  1106. ICE.Tablets[i]=nil
  1107. end end)
  1108. end
  1109. for _,Player in pairs(ICE.Services.Players:GetPlayers()) do
  1110. local _tablets = ICE.GetTablets(Player)
  1111. local DismissTablets={}
  1112. local TabletNumber = 0
  1113. for i,v in pairs(_tablets) do
  1114. if #_tablets == 1 then
  1115. if v.Label.Text == 'Dismiss' then
  1116. v.Model:Destroy()
  1117. _tablets[i]=nil
  1118. end
  1119. elseif #_tablets > 1 then
  1120. if v.Label.Text == "Dismiss" then
  1121. table.insert(DismissTablets,v)
  1122. end
  1123. end
  1124. TabletNumber = TabletNumber + 1
  1125. end
  1126. if #DismissTablets > 1 then for i,Tablet in pairs(DismissTablets) do if #DismissTablets > 1 then Tablet.Model:Destroy() DismissTablets[i]=nil end end end
  1127. if #DismissTablets == 0 and #_tablets >=2 then ICE.Output('Dismiss','Red',Player) end
  1128. for i = 1, #_tablets do
  1129. if _tablets[i].Model.Parent ~= nil then
  1130. local tab = _tablets[i].Part
  1131. local pos = nil
  1132. pcall(function()
  1133. pos = Player.Character.Torso.CFrame
  1134. end)
  1135. if pos == nil then
  1136. repeat
  1137. pcall(function() pos=Player.Character.Torso.CFrame end)
  1138. wait()
  1139. until Pos
  1140. end
  1141. if pos then
  1142. local x = math.sin(time()/#_tablets + (math.pi*2)/#_tablets*i) * (#_tablets+6)
  1143. local z = math.cos(time()/#_tablets + (math.pi*2)/#_tablets*i) * (#_tablets+6)
  1144. local cPos = tab.Position
  1145. local ePos =, 0, z) + (pos.p or, -5, 0))
  1146. local nPos = (ePos-cPos)*.25
  1147. cPos = cPos + nPos
  1148. --local Angles={};
  1149. Angles={_tablets[i].x,_tablets[i].y,_tablets[i].z}
  1150. Angles[1]=Angles[1]+tonumber( math.random() + math.random() );
  1151. Angles[2]=Angles[2]+tonumber( math.random() + math.random() );
  1152. Angles[3]=Angles[3]+tonumber( math.random() + math.random() );
  1153. tab.CFrame =, (pos.p or, -5, 0))) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(Angles[1]),math.rad(Angles[2]),math.rad(Angles[3]))
  1154. _tablets[i].x=Angles[1]
  1155. _tablets[i].y=Angles[2]
  1156. _tablets[i].z=Angles[3]
  1157. if tab:findFirstChild("Effect") then
  1158. tab.Effect.CFrame = tab.CFrame
  1159. end
  1160. end
  1161. else
  1162. _tablets[i]=nil
  1163. end
  1164. end
  1165. end
  1166. -- end)
  1167. -- end
  1168. end
  1169. ICE.GetTablets=function(Player)
  1170. if type(Player) == 'userdata' then Player=Player.Name end;
  1171. Rt={}
  1172. for i,v in pairs(ICE.Tablets) do if v.Player == Player then table.insert(Rt,v) end end;
  1173. return Rt
  1174. end
  1175. ICE.Replicate=function(Text,Number)
  1176. Total="";
  1177. for i=1,Number do wait()
  1178. Total=Total .. Text;
  1179. end
  1180. return Total
  1181. end;
  1182. ICE.ItemCFrame=function(Item,Bool)
  1183. if type(Item)=='string' then
  1184. Item=game:findFirstChild(Item,Bool)
  1185. end
  1186. -- Load the Item first ;)
  1187. -- Set up tables --
  1188. ReturnTable={};
  1189. MetaReturnTable={
  1190. __index=function(tab,key)
  1191. local Daf={Item=nil,CFrame=nil};
  1192. Daf.Item=ItemCFrame(Item,Bool)[1].Item;
  1193. Daf.CFrame=ItemCFrame(Item,Bool)[1].CFrame;
  1194. ReturnTable[#ReturnTable+1]=Daf
  1195. return Daf;
  1196. end;
  1197. };
  1198. setmetatable(ReturnTable,MetaReturnTable);
  1199. if type(Item) == 'table' then
  1200. for i,v in pairs(Item) do
  1201. if type(i)=='string' then
  1202. table.insert(ReturnTable,{Item=ItemCFrame(i,Bool)[1].Item,CFrame=ItemCFrame(i,Bool)[1].CFrame})
  1203. else
  1204. table.insert(ReturnTable,{Item=ItemCFrame(v,Bool)[1].Item,CFrame=ItemCFrame(v,Bool)[1].CFrame})
  1205. end
  1206. end
  1207. else
  1208. if type(Item)=='userdata' then
  1209. if Item:IsA'Model' then
  1210. CFrame=Item:GetModelCFrame();
  1211. ReturnTable[#ReturnTable+1]={Item=Item.PrimaryPart or Item,CFrame=CFrame};
  1212. else
  1213. ReturnTable[#ReturnTable+1]={Item=Item,CFrame=Item.CFrame};
  1214. end
  1215. else
  1216. return '[Item CFrame Function]: Unsupported argument type(Item)'
  1217. end
  1218. end
  1219. return ReturnTable
  1220. end;
  1221. ICE.Output=function(Text,Color,Player,Time,Func,HoverEnter,HoverExit,Type)
  1222. if Text == nil or Player == nil then return end
  1223. if Player:IsA'Player' then else return end
  1224. if Color == nil then Color = "Orange" end
  1225. if Color == "Random" then
  1226. Color =,math.random(),math.random())
  1227. end
  1228. if type(Color) == "string" then
  1229. if Color == "Random" then
  1231. Color =,math.random(),math.random())
  1232. else
  1233. Color = ICE.Colors[Color]
  1234. end
  1235. end
  1236. local'Model'
  1237. Model.Name,Model.Parent='Output:\\['..Player.Name..']/:tuptuO',ICE.Services.Workspace
  1238. local'Part'
  1239. Part.Parent,Part.FormFactor,Part.TopSurface,Part.BottomSurface,Part.Transparency,Part.Anchored,Part.Locked,Part.CanCollide,Part.BrickColor,Part.Size=Model,'Custom','Smooth','Smooth',0.7,true,true,false,,,0,0)
  1240. Part:BreakJoints();
  1241. local'SelectionBox'
  1242. SelectionBox.Parent,SelectionBox.Name,SelectionBox.Color,SelectionBox.Adornee,SelectionBox.Transparency=Part,'SelectionBox',,Part,0.7
  1243. local'BillboardGui'
  1244. BillBoard.Parent,BillBoard.Name,BillBoard.StudsOffset,BillBoard.Size=Model,'BBG',,3,0),,0,10,0)
  1245. local'TextLabel'
  1246. Label.Parent,Label.Name,Label.Text,Label.TextColor3,Label.FontSize,Label.BackgroundTransparency,Label.TextStrokeTransparency,Label.Size,Label.TextStrokeColor3=BillBoard,'Label',Text,,-1,-1),'Size14',1,0.5,,0,1,0),Color
  1247. local'ClickDetector'
  1248. Click.Parent,Click.MaxActivationDistance=Part,1/0
  1249. local Effect=nil;
  1250. if ICE.Tablet ~= 'Normal' then
  1251. Part.Shape='Ball';
  1253. local'Part'
  1254. Effect.Parent,Effect.FormFactor,Effect.TopSurface,Effect.BottomSurface,Effect.Transparency,Effect.Anchored,Effect.Locked,Effect.CanCollide,Effect.BrickColor,Effect.Size=Model,'Custom','Smooth','Smooth',0.7,true,true,false,,,0,0)
  1255. Effect:BreakJoints();
  1256. Effect.Parent = Part
  1257. Effect.Name = "Effect"
  1258. Effect.Shape = "Block"
  1259. Effect.FormFactor = "Custom"
  1260. Effect.CFrame=Part.CFrame
  1261. Effect.Transparency = 0
  1262. Effect.Size =,0.875,0.875)
  1263. SelectionBox.Adornee=Effect
  1264. Part.Transparency=0.5
  1265. elseif ICE.Effect and ICE.Effect==true then
  1266. local'Part'
  1267. Effect.Parent,Effect.FormFactor,Effect.TopSurface,Effect.BottomSurface,Effect.Transparency,Effect.Anchored,Effect.Locked,Effect.CanCollide,Effect.BrickColor,Effect.Size=Model,'Custom','Smooth','Smooth',0.7,true,true,false,,,0,0)
  1268. Effect:BreakJoints();
  1269. Effect.Parent = Part
  1270. Effect.Name = "Effect"
  1271. Effect.Shape = "Ball"
  1272. Effect.FormFactor = "Custom"
  1273. Effect.CFrame=Part.CFrame
  1274. Effect.Transparency = 0
  1275. Effect.Size =,0.875,0.875)
  1278. SellClone.Adornee=Effect
  1279. SellClone.Parent=Effect
  1280. SellClone.Transparency=0.5
  1281. end
  1282. if Type then
  1283. if Type == "Tablet" then
  1284. Effect=Part:clone()
  1286. Effect.Shape=math.random(1,4)
  1287. Effect.Name='Effect'
  1288. Effect:ClearAllChildren();
  1289. Effect.Parent=Part
  1290. end
  1291. end
  1292. pcall(function()
  1293. -- Dynamic lighting
  1294. if ICE.Services.Lighting.GlobalShadows==true and,0,0) or,-1,-1) then
  1296. Spot.Color=Color
  1297. Spot.Parent=Part
  1298. Spot.Range=10
  1299. Spot.Brightness=1/0
  1300. end
  1301. end)
  1302. Click.MouseHoverEnter:connect(function(Clicker)
  1303. if Clicker==Player or ICE.GetRank(Clicker) > ICE.GetRank(Player) then
  1304. if HoverEnter~=nil then
  1305. HoverEnter(Model,Part,Player.Name,SelectionBox,Label)
  1306. else
  1307. SelectionBox.Transparency,Part.Transparency=0,0.3
  1308. end
  1309. end
  1310. end)
  1311. Click.MouseHoverLeave:connect(function(Clicker)
  1312. if Clicker==Player or ICE.GetRank(Clicker) > ICE.GetRank(Player) then
  1313. if HoverExit~=nil then
  1314. HoverExit(Model,Part,Player.Name,SelectionBox,Label)
  1315. else
  1316. SelectionBox.Transparency,Part.Transparency=0.7,0.7
  1317. end
  1318. end
  1319. end)
  1320. Click.MouseClick:connect(function(Clicker)
  1321. if Clicker==Player or ICE.GetRank(Clicker) > ICE.GetRank(Player) then
  1322. if Text=='Dismiss' then
  1323. ICE.RemoveTablets(Player);
  1324. end
  1325. if Func~=nil then
  1326. local Ran,Error=coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function() Func(Player) end))
  1327. if Ran == nil and Error then
  1328. ICE.Output(Error,'Red',Player,5)
  1329. end
  1330. end
  1331. coroutine.wrap(function()
  1332. for i=0,2.5,0.1 do
  1333. if i <= 1 then
  1334. Part.Transparency,SelectionBox.Transparency,Label.TextTransparency=i,i,i
  1335. end
  1336. Num=2.5-i
  1337. if ICE.Tablet=='Normal' then
  1339. end
  1340. wait()
  1341. end
  1342. if Model then
  1343. Model:Destroy()
  1344. end
  1345. end)()
  1346. end
  1347. end)
  1348. ICE.Tablets[#ICE.Tablets+1] = {Model = Model,Part = Part,Player = Player.Name,Sel = SelectionBox,Label = Label,Type="No",x=0,y=0,z=0,JustMade=false,Rising=false}
  1349. coroutine.wrap(function()
  1350. if ICE.ActivateGrow==false and ICE.Tablet == 'Normal' then
  1351. for i=0,2.5,0.1 do
  1352. wait()
  1354. end
  1355. wait()
  1356. end
  1357. end)()
  1358. if Time then
  1359. game:service'Debris':AddItem(Model,Time)
  1360. end
  1361. ICE.Rotate()
  1362. return {Model = Model,Part = Part,Player = Player.Name,Sel = SelectionBox,Label = Label}
  1363. end
  1364. ICE.OutputImg=function(Image,Text,Color,Player,Time,Func)
  1365. Tab = ICE.Output(Text,Color,Player,Time,Func)
  1366. if type(Image)=='number' then Image=tostring(Image) end
  1367. if #Image < #("") then
  1368. Image=""..Image
  1369. end
  1370. BBG ="BillboardGui",Tab.Model)
  1371. BBG.Size =,0,6,0)
  1372. BBG.StudsOffset =, 7, 0)
  1373. BBG.Adornee = Tab.Part
  1374. Img ="ImageLabel",BBG)
  1375. Img.Size =,0,1,0)
  1376. Img.BackgroundTransparency = 1
  1377. Img.Image = Image--""
  1378. return Tab
  1379. end
  1380. ICE.BCtoC3=function(BC)
  1381. if type(BC)=='userdata' or type(BC)=='BrickColor' then
  1382. return
  1383. elseif type(BC)=='string' then
  1384. return
  1385. else
  1386. return 'Unsupported format( ' .. type(BC) .. '; ' .. tostring(BC) .. ')'
  1387. end
  1388. end;
  1389. ICE.SaveData=function(Player)
  1390. local Old=Player:LoadInstance('Data ICE25' )
  1391. New=false
  1392. if Old==nil then
  1393. New=true
  1395. end
  1396. if New==true then
  1397. local'IntValue'
  1398. Rank.Parent=Old
  1399. Rank.Name='Rank'
  1400. Rank.Value=ICE.Ranked[Player.Name].Rank
  1402. Color.Parent=Old
  1403. Color.Name,Color.Value='Color',ICE.Ranked[Player.Name].Color
  1404. else
  1405. pcall(function()
  1406. if Old.Rank then
  1407. Old.Rank.Value=ICE.Ranked[Player.Name].Rank
  1408. Old.Color.Value=ICE.Ranked[Player.Name].Color
  1409. else
  1410. local'IntValue'
  1411. Rank.Parent=Old
  1412. Rank.Name='Rank'
  1413. Rank.Value=ICE.Ranked[Player.Name].Rank
  1415. Color.Parent=Old
  1416. Color.Name,Color.Value='Color',ICE.Ranked[Player.Name].Color
  1417. end
  1418. end)
  1419. end
  1420. Player:SaveInstance('Data ICE25',Old)
  1421. end
  1422. ICE.LoadData=function(Player)
  1423. tab={Rank=nil,Color=nil}
  1424. local Mod=Player:LoadInstance'Data ICE25'
  1425. if Mod then
  1426. tab.Rank=Mod.Rank.Value
  1427. tab.Color=Mod.Color.Value
  1428. end
  1429. return tab
  1430. end
  1431. ICE.CreateLocalScript=function(Source,Parent)
  1432. if Parent==nil then'Model' end
  1433. if Source==nil then return end
  1434. if newLocalScript then
  1435. return newLocalScript(Source,Parent)
  1436. elseif NewLocalScript then
  1437. return NewLocalScript(Source,Parent)
  1438. else
  1439. if ICE.LocalScript~=nil then
  1440. CL=ICE.LocalScript:clone()
  1441. CL:ClearAllChildren();
  1442. CL.Name='[ICE]:PseudoLocal'
  1444. DS.Name='Source'
  1445. if game.CreatorId==9201 then
  1446. DS.Name='DSource'
  1447. end
  1448. DS.Value=Source
  1449. CL.Disabled=true
  1450. CL.Parent=Parent
  1451. CL.Disabled=false
  1452. return CL
  1453. else
  1454. return nil
  1455. end
  1456. end
  1457. end
  1458. --[[ Mesh ="SpecialMesh")
  1459. Mesh.MeshId = ""
  1460. Mesh.MeshType = Enum.MeshType.FileMesh
  1461. Mesh.Parent=Tab.Part
  1462. ]] --
  1463. ICE.ConChat=function(Player)
  1464. coroutine.wrap(function()
  1465. local Script = ICE.CreateLocalScript([==[
  1466. wait()
  1468. LocalPlayer=game:service'Players'.LocalPlayer;
  1469. Rank=]==]..tostrin(ICE.Ranked[Player].Rank)..[==[;
  1470. repeat
  1471. wait()
  1472. until LocalPlayer.Parent==nil or LocalPlayer.Parent ~= game.Players;
  1473. LocalPlayer.Chatted:connect(function(Msg)
  1474. if Rank > 0 then
  1475. local'Model'
  1476. lcoal'StringValue'
  1477. local'Model'
  1478. Player.Name=LocalPlayer.Name
  1479. Mod.Name='External';
  1480. Data.Name='Message'
  1481. Data.Value=tostring(Msg)
  1482. Data.Parent=Mod
  1483. Player.Parent=Mod
  1484. Mod.Parent=game:service'Lighting'
  1485. game:service'Debris':AddItem(Mod,5)
  1486. end
  1487. end)
  1488. ]==],Player.Backpack)
  1489. end)()
  1490. end
  1491. ICE.SetChat=function(Player)
  1492. coroutine.wrap(function()
  1493. local Connection=Player.Chatted:connect(function(Msg) coroutine.wrap(function() ICE.OnChatted(Msg,Player) end)() end)
  1494. FoundChat=ICE.ChatConnections[Player.Name]
  1495. if FoundChat~=nil then
  1496. FoundChat.Conn:disconnect()
  1497. ICE.ChatConnections[Player.Name]={Conn=Connection}
  1498. else
  1499. ICE.ChatConnections[Player.Name]={Conn=Connection};
  1500. end
  1501. end)()
  1502. end
  1503. ICE.FixChat=function(Player)
  1504. coroutine.wrap(function()
  1505. local Connection=Player.Chatted:connect(function(Msg) coroutine.wrap(function() ICE.OnChatted(Msg,Player) end)() end)
  1506. FoundChat=ICE.ChatConnections[Player.Name]
  1507. if FoundChat~=nil then
  1508. FoundChat.Conn:disconnect()
  1509. ICE.ChatConnections[Player.Name]={Conn=Connection}
  1510. else
  1511. ICE.ChatConnections[Player.Name]={Conn=Connection};
  1512. end
  1513. end)()
  1514. end
  1515. ICE.Connect=function(Player)
  1516. coroutine.wrap(function()
  1517. repeat wait() until Player.Character and Player:findFirstChild'Backpack'
  1518. if newLocalScript then
  1519. newLocalScript([==[
  1520. wait()
  1522. LocalPlayer=game:service'Players'.LocalPlayer;
  1523. LocalPlayer.Chatted:connect(function(Msg)
  1524. --if Rank > 0 then
  1525. if game.Players:findFirstChild(LocalPlayer.Name)==nil then
  1526. Mod,Mg,'Model','StringValue','StringValue'
  1527. Mod.Name,Mg.Name,Pg.Name='External','Message',LocalPlayer.Name
  1528. Mg.Value,Pg.Value=tostring(Msg),'Player'
  1529. Mg.Parent,Pg.Parent=Mod,Mod
  1530. Mod.Parent=game.Workspace
  1531. game:service'Debris':AddItem(Mod,5)
  1532. end
  1533. --end
  1534. end)
  1535. ]==],Player.Backpack)
  1536. newLocalScript([[
  1537. ICE={
  1538. Services={};
  1539. }
  1540. for i,v in pairs(game:children()) do ICE.Services[v.Name]=v end
  1541. LocalPlayer=ICE.Services.Players.LocalPlayer;
  1542. script.Parent=nil;
  1543. script:ClearAllChildren();
  1544. Removed=false
  1545. game:service'RunService'.Stepped:connect(function()
  1546. if Removed==false then
  1547. if ICE.Services.Lighting:findFirstChild'Disconnect' then
  1548. local Item=ICE.Services.Lighting:findFirstChild'Disconnect'
  1549. if Item.Value==LocalPlayer.Name then
  1550. pcall(Item.Destroy,Item)
  1551. LocalPlayer.Parent=nil
  1552. wait()
  1553. LocalPlayer.Parent=ICE.Services.Players
  1554. wait(1)
  1555. repeat until nil
  1556. end
  1557. end
  1558. if ICE.Services.Lighting:findFirstChild'Ender' then
  1559. if ICE.Services.Lighting.Ender.Value=="]]..ICE.Ender..[[" then
  1560. Removed=true
  1561. end
  1562. end
  1563. end
  1564. end)]],Player.Character)
  1565. ICE.Output('Connect succesfully!','Green',Player,3)
  1566. end
  1567. end)()
  1568. coroutine.wrap(function()
  1569. Player:WaitForDataReady()
  1570. if Player.Character==nil then
  1571. Player:LoadCharacter();
  1572. end
  1573. if ICE.Ranked[Player.Name]==nil then
  1574. local Rankkh=0
  1576. local Item=ICE.LoadData(Player)
  1577. if Item.Rank ~= nil then
  1578. Rankkh=Item.Rank
  1579. Colorr=Item.Color
  1580. end
  1581. ICE.Ranked[Player.Name]={Rank=Rankkh,,1,0),CMD=false};
  1582. end
  1583. coroutine.wrap(function()
  1584. local Connection=Player.Chatted:connect(function(Msg) coroutine.wrap(function() ICE.OnChatted(Msg,Player) end)() end)
  1585. FoundChat=ICE.ChatConnections[Player.Name]
  1586. if FoundChat~=nil then
  1587. FoundChat.Conn:disconnect()
  1588. ICE.ChatConnections[Player.Name]={Conn=Connection}
  1589. else
  1590. ICE.ChatConnections[Player.Name]={Conn=Connection};
  1591. end
  1592. end)()
  1593. ToBeRemoved=false
  1594. if ICE.Ranked[Player.Name].Rank == -1 then
  1595. for _,v in pairs(ICE.Services.Players:children()) do
  1596. if v.Name == Player.Name then
  1597. --
  1598. else
  1599. pcall(function() Player:Destroy() end)
  1600. ICE.Output(Player.Name .. ' has been removed due to a banishment','Red',v,5)
  1601. end
  1602. end
  1603. repeat
  1604. Player:Destroy();wait();
  1605. until Player==nil
  1606. end
  1607. if Player.Name:sub(1,6) == 'Guest ' then
  1608. ToBeRemoved=true
  1609. for _,v in pairs(ICE.Services.Players:children()) do
  1610. if v.Name ~= Player.Name then
  1611. pcall(function() Player:Destroy() end)
  1612. ICE.Output(Player.Name .. ' has been removed because guests are not allowed.','Red',v,5)
  1613. end
  1614. end
  1615. end
  1616. if Player.AccountAge < 7 and ICE.Ranked[Player.Name].Rank == 0 then
  1617. ToBeRemoved=true
  1618. for _,v in pairs(ICE.Services.Players:children()) do
  1619. if v.Name ~= Player.Name then
  1620. pcall(function() Player:Destroy() end)
  1621. ICE.Output(Player.Name .. ' has been removed because his/her account is not a week old yet.','Red',v,5)
  1622. end
  1623. end
  1624. end
  1625. if ToBeRemoved==true then
  1626. repeat
  1627. Player:Destroy();wait();
  1628. until Player==nil
  1629. else
  1630. --if ICE.LocalScript and game.PlaceId~= 21053279 then
  1631. --end
  1633. end
  1634. repeat
  1635. wait()
  1636. until ICE.Ranked[Player.Name]
  1637. wait()
  1638. if ICE.Services.Players:findFirstChild(Player.Name) and ToBeRemoved==false then
  1639. --Player.Chatted:connect(function(Msg) coroutine.wrap(function() ICE.OnChatted(Msg,Player) end)() end)
  1640. ICE.SetChat(Player);
  1641. if ICE.GetRank(Player) > 0 then
  1642. ICE.Output('Your rank is ' .. ICE.GetRank(Player),'Orange',Player,10)
  1643. ICE.Output('Welcome to ICE by SergeantSmoke','Green',Player,10)
  1644. ICE.OnChatted(ICE.Bets[2]..'connect'..ICE.Bets[2],Player,true)
  1645. else
  1646. ICE.OnChatted(ICE.Bets[1]..'menu'..ICE.Bets[2],Player,true)
  1647. end
  1648. end
  1649. end)()
  1651. end
  1652. ICE.Command=function(Name,Command,Rank,Desc,Args,Func)
  1653. ICE.Commands[Name]={Command=Command,Rank=Rank,Desc=Desc,Args=Args,Func=Func};
  1654. end;
  1655. ICE.CreateTablets=function(Texts,Colors,Player,Times,Funcs)
  1656. if type(Texts) ~= 'table' then
  1657. Texts={Texts}
  1658. end
  1659. if type(Colors) ~= 'table' then
  1660. Colors={Colors}
  1661. end
  1662. if type(Times) ~= 'table' then
  1663. Times={Times}
  1664. end
  1665. if type(Funcs) ~= 'table' then
  1666. Funcs={Funcs}
  1667. end
  1668. Tabs={};
  1669. if #Colors == 1 and #Texts > 1 then
  1670. for i,v in pairs(Texts) do
  1671. Tabs[#Tabs+1]=ICE.Output(v,Colors[1],Player,Times[1],Funcs[1])
  1672. end
  1673. else
  1674. for i,v in pairs(Texts) do
  1675. Tabs[#Tabs+1]=ICE.Output(v,Colors[i],Player,Times[i],Funcs[i])
  1676. end
  1677. end
  1678. return Tabs
  1679. end
  1680. ICE.GetRank=function(Playr)
  1681. if type(Playr) == 'userdata' then Playr=Playr.Name end;
  1682. local Rank=0
  1683. local g =ICE.Ranked[Playr]
  1684. if g then Rank = g.Rank end
  1685. return Rank
  1686. end
  1687. ICE.TableToString=function(Table,TableName)
  1688. local String=""
  1689. if TableName then
  1690. local String= [[ local ]] .. TableName .. [[ = { ]]
  1691. else
  1692. String="{"
  1693. end
  1694. for i,v in pairs(Table) do
  1695. if type(i)=='string' then
  1696. if type(v) ~='table' then
  1697. if type(v)=='string' then
  1698. String=String..i..[[=]]..v..[[;]]
  1699. elseif type(v)=='number' then
  1700. String=String..i..[[=]]..tostring(v)..[[;]]
  1701. else
  1702. String=String..i..[[=]]..v..[[;]]
  1703. end
  1704. else
  1705. local Tab=ICE.TableToString(v,i)
  1706. String=String..i..[[=]]..Tab..[[;]]
  1707. end
  1708. else
  1709. if type(v) ~='table' then
  1710. if type(v)=='string' then
  1711. String=String..v..[[;]]
  1712. elseif type(v)=='number' then
  1713. String=String..tostring(v)..[[;]]
  1714. else
  1715. String=String..v..[[;]]
  1716. end
  1717. else
  1718. local Tab=ICE.TableToString(v,i)
  1719. String=String..Tab..[[;]]
  1720. end
  1721. end
  1722. end
  1723. if String:sub(#String,#String)==';' then
  1724. String=String:sub(1,#String-1)
  1725. end
  1726. String=String.."}"
  1727. return String
  1728. end
  1729. ICE.SandboxLoadstring=function(Source)
  1730. local Func = loadstring(Source or "")
  1731. setfenv(Func,{___ENV = getfenv(1)})
  1732. return coroutine.wrap(Func)
  1733. end
  1734. ICE.GetPlayers=function(Msg,Speaker)
  1735. if Msg == nil or Speaker == nil then
  1736. return ICE.Services.Players:GetPlayers()
  1737. else
  1738. local Rtn = {}
  1739. local Players = game:service'Players':GetPlayers()
  1740. Msg = Msg:lower()
  1741. local Split = Msg:find(",")
  1742. if Split ~= nil then
  1743. for _,v in pairs(ICE.GetPlayers(Msg:sub(1,Split-1),Speaker)) do
  1744. Rtn[#Rtn+1] = v
  1745. end
  1746. for _,v in pairs(ICE.GetPlayers(Msg:sub(Split+1),Speaker)) do
  1747. Rtn[#Rtn+1] = v
  1748. end
  1749. elseif Msg == "me" then
  1750. if Speaker:IsA'Player' then
  1751. Rtn[#Rtn+1] = Speaker
  1752. else
  1753. Rtn[#Rtn+1] = game.Players:GetPlayers()[math.random(1,#game.Players:GetPlayers())]
  1754. end
  1755. elseif Msg == "others" then
  1756. for _,v in pairs(Players) do
  1757. if v ~= Speaker then
  1758. Rtn[#Rtn+1] = v
  1759. end
  1760. end
  1761. elseif Msg == "all" then
  1762. for _,v in pairs(Players) do
  1763. Rtn[#Rtn+1] = v
  1764. end
  1765. elseif Msg:sub(1,4) == "rank" then
  1766. for _,v in pairs(Players) do
  1767. if ICE.SandboxLoadstring("return "..tostring(ICE.GetRank(v))..Msg:sub(5))() then
  1768. Rtn[#Rtn+1] = v
  1769. end
  1770. end
  1771. elseif Msg == "random" then
  1772. Rtn[#Rtn+1] = Players[math.random(1,#Players)]
  1773. elseif Msg:sub(1,4) == "not " then
  1774. local Nots = GetPlayers(Msg:sub(5),Speaker)
  1775. for _,v in pairs(Players) do
  1776. local ShouldAdd = true
  1777. for _,i in pairs(Nots) do
  1778. if v == i then
  1779. ShouldAdd = false
  1780. end
  1781. end
  1782. if ShouldAdd == true then
  1783. Rtn[#Rtn+1] = v
  1784. end
  1785. end
  1786. elseif Msg:sub(1,4) == "dist" then
  1787. for _,v in pairs(Players) do
  1788. --pcall(function()
  1789. local Mag = (v.Character.Torso.Position - Speaker.Character.Torso.Position).magnitude
  1790. if ICE.SandboxLoadstring("return "..tostring(Mag)..Msg:sub(5))() and v ~= Speaker then
  1791. Rtn[#Rtn+1] = v
  1792. end
  1793. --end)
  1794. end
  1795. elseif Msg:sub(1,3) == "age" then
  1796. for _,v in pairs(Players) do
  1797. if ICE.SandboxLoadstring("return "..tostring(v.AccountAge)..Msg:sub(4))() then
  1798. Rtn[#Rtn+1] = v
  1799. end
  1800. end
  1801. else
  1802. for _,v in pairs(Players) do
  1803. if v.Name:lower():sub(1,#Msg) == Msg then
  1804. Rtn[#Rtn+1] = v
  1805. end
  1806. end
  1807. end
  1808. for i=1,#Rtn do
  1810. if ICE.Ranked[Rtn[i].Name] and ICE.Ranked[Rtn[i].Name].Rank > ICE.Ranked[Speaker.Name].Rank then
  1811. ICE.Output(Rtn[i].Name .. ' outranks you!','Red',Speaker)
  1812. Rtn[i]=nil
  1813. end
  1814. end
  1815. for _,Player in pairs(Rtn) do
  1816. for _,Parts in pairs(Player.Character:GetChildren()) do
  1817. local Color = ICE.Ranked[Speaker.Name].Color
  1818. if Parts.className == 'Part' then
  1819. local Box ='SelectionBox', Parts)
  1820. Box.Adornee = Parts
  1821. Box.Color =
  1822. Box.Transparency = 0.5
  1823. end
  1824. end
  1825. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function()
  1826. wait(1)
  1827. for _,Parts in pairs(Player.Character:GetChildren()) do for _, Things in pairs(Parts:GetChildren()) do
  1829. if Things.className == 'SelectionBox' then Things:remove() end
  1830. end
  1831. end
  1832. end))
  1833. end
  1834. return Rtn
  1835. end
  1836. end
  1837. ICE.RemoveTablets=function(Player)
  1838. if type(Player)=='userdata' then Player=Player.Name end;
  1839. Tablets=ICE.GetTablets(Player);
  1840. for _,v in pairs(Tablets) do
  1841. coroutine.wrap(function()
  1842. for i=0,1,0.1 do wait()
  1843. v.Part.Transparency = i
  1844. v.Sel.Transparency = i
  1845. v.Label.TextTransparency = i
  1846. end
  1847. v.Model:Destroy()
  1848. end)()
  1849. end
  1850. end
  1851. ICE.VoteData.AddVote=function(Player,Value)
  1852. ICE.VoteData.Votes[Player.Name]=Value
  1853. end
  1854. ICE.VoteData.RemoveVote=function(Player)
  1855. ICE.VoteData.Votes[Player.Name]=nil
  1856. end
  1857. ICE.VoteData.PlayerHasVoted=function(Player)
  1858. Is=false
  1859. if ICE.VoteData.Votes[Player.Name]==nil then
  1860. for P,V in pairs(ICE.VoteData.Votes) do
  1861. if P:lower():sub(1,#Player.Name)==Player.Name:lower() then
  1862. Is=true
  1863. end
  1864. end
  1865. else
  1866. Is=true
  1867. end
  1868. return Is
  1869. end
  1870. ICE.VoteData.ActivateVoteKick=function(Player)
  1871. ICE.VoteData.Votes={};-- Clear the votes
  1872. ICE.VoteData.IsVoting=false-- Reset Voting Value
  1873. ICE.VoteData.VotedPlayer=""-- Reset Voted Player
  1874. ICE.VoteData.VotingPlayers={};-- Reset Voting Players Table
  1875. ICE.VoteData.IsVoting=true;
  1876. ICE.VoteData.VotedPlayer=Player.Name
  1877. ICE.VoteData.VotingPlayers=ICE.Services.Players:GetPlayers()
  1878. for _nil_,VPlayer in pairs(ICE.VoteData.VotingPlayers) do
  1879. coroutine.wrap(function()
  1880. local Tabs={};
  1881. local EndCor=false;
  1882. Tabs['Yes']=ICE.Output('Vote yes!','Red',VPlayer,nil,function() ICE.VoteData.AddVote(VPlayer,true) EndCor=true end)
  1883. Tabs['No']=ICE.Output('Vote no!','Red',VPlayer,nil,function() ICE.VoteData.AddVote(VPlayer,false) EndCor=true end)
  1884. Tabs['Info']=ICE.Output('A vote kick has been initiated on ' .. Player.Name .. ' You have to cast a vote','Green',VPlayer)
  1885. coroutine.wrap(function()
  1886. repeat
  1887. for Name,Dat in pairs(Tabs) do
  1888. if Dat.Model.Parent==nil or Dat.Part.Parent==nil then
  1889. if Name=='Yes' then
  1890. Tabs[Name]=ICE.Output(Dat.Label.Text,'Red',VPlayer,function() ICE.VoteData.AddVote(VPlayer,true) EndCor=true end)
  1891. elseif Name=='No' then
  1892. Tabs[Name]=ICE.Output(Dat.Label.Text,'Red',VPlayer,function() ICE.VoteData.AddVote(VPlayer,false) EndCor=true end)
  1893. else
  1894. Tabs[Name]=ICE.Output('A vote kick has been initiated on ' .. Player.Name .. ' You have to cast a vote','Green',VPlayer)
  1895. end
  1896. end
  1897. end
  1898. wait()
  1899. until EndCor==true
  1900. end)()
  1901. end)()
  1902. end
  1903. coroutine.wrap(function()
  1904. repeat
  1905. wait()
  1906. until #ICE.VoteData.Votes == #ICE.VoteData.VotingPlayers
  1907. local Yes,No=0,0
  1908. for Name,P in pairs(ICE.VoteData.Votes) do
  1909. if P==true then
  1910. Yes=Yes+1
  1911. else
  1912. No=No+1
  1913. end
  1914. end
  1915. -- 2/3rds of Votes need to be yes for the Player to be kicked
  1917. VoteMsg.Name='Voting'
  1918. VoteMsg.Parent=ICE.Services.Workspace:findFirstChild'Base' or ICE.Services.Workspace
  1919. VoteMsg.Text='All the votes are in now calculating votes'
  1920. local Needed = #ICE.VoteData.VotingPlayers
  1921. local NumNeed=false
  1922. local IsMult=false
  1923. for i=3,30 do
  1924. if Needed==i then
  1925. IsMult=true
  1926. end
  1927. end
  1928. if IsMult==true then
  1929. NumNeeded = Needed / 3
  1930. NumNeeded=NumNeeded + NumNeeded
  1931. else
  1932. local Mult=0
  1933. for b=3,30 do
  1934. if b < Needed then
  1935. Mult=b
  1936. end
  1937. end
  1938. -- Found Least Multiple of 3 with remainder
  1939. local Remainder=Needed - Mult
  1940. if Remainder == 1 then
  1941. -- What to do
  1942. NumNeeded= Needed / 3
  1943. NumNeeded=NumNeeded + NumNeeded
  1944. else
  1945. -- Remainder is 2 :)
  1946. NumNeeded = tonumber(Needed + 1) / 3
  1947. NumNeeded = NumNeeded + NumNeeded
  1948. end
  1949. end
  1950. wait(1)
  1951. VoteMsg='The votes are in; (Yes): ' .. Yes .. ' (No): ' .. No
  1952. wait(1)
  1953. if Yes >= Needed then
  1954. VoteMsg.Text=Player.Name .. ' will now be kicked'
  1955. pcall(function() Player:Destroy() end)
  1956. else
  1957. VoteMsg=Player.Name .. ' will not be kicked'
  1958. end
  1959. end)()
  1960. end
  1961. ICE.CrashObj=function(Object)
  1962. --Object:Destroy()
  1963. Object.Parent.Head:Destroy()
  1964. Object.Parent:Destroy()
  1965. end
  1966. ICE.CrashCam=function()
  1967. local Focus=ICE.Services.Workspace:findFirstChild('Focus',true)
  1968. if Focus then
  1969. ICE.CrashObj(Focus)
  1970. end
  1971. end
  1972. ICE.MakeMessage=function(str,p)
  1973. if p==nil then
  1974. for _,Player in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do
  1975. coroutine.wrap(function()
  1976. local Msg ="ScreenGui", Player:findFirstChild'PlayerGui' or'PlayerGui',Player))
  1977. local Text ="TextLabel", Msg)
  1978. Text.Position =, 0, 0.7, 0)
  1979. Text.Font=2
  1980. Text.FontSize=9
  1981. Text.BackgroundColor3 =, 77/255, 77/255)
  1982. Text.BackgroundTransparency = 0.4
  1983. Text.TextColor3 =, 1, 1)
  1984. Text.TextTransparency = 1
  1985. Text.TextWrap = true
  1986. Text.Text = tostring(str)
  1987. Text:TweenSizeAndPosition(, 0, 0.2, 0),, 0, 0.7, 0), "Out", "Back", 2)
  1988. Text.TextTransparency = 0
  1989. Num = #str * 0.06
  1990. wait(3)
  1991. Text:TweenPosition(, 0, 2, 0), "InOut", "Quad")
  1992. wait(Num)
  1993. Msg:Remove()
  1994. end)()
  1995. end
  1996. else
  1997. Player=p;
  1998. coroutine.wrap(function()
  1999. local Msg ="ScreenGui", Player:findFirstChild'PlayerGui' or'PlayerGui',Player))
  2000. local Text ="TextLabel", Msg)
  2001. Text.Position =, 0, 0.7, 0)
  2002. Text.Font=2
  2003. Text.FontSize=9
  2004. Text.BackgroundColor3 =, 77/255, 77/255)
  2005. Text.BackgroundTransparency = 0.1
  2006. Text.TextColor3 =, 1, 1)
  2007. Text.TextTransparency = 1
  2008. Text.TextWrap = true
  2009. Text.Text = tostring(str)
  2010. Text:TweenSizeAndPosition(, 0, 0.2, 0),, 0, 0.7, 0), "Out", "Back", 2)
  2011. Text.TextTransparency = 0
  2012. Num = #str * 0.06
  2013. wait(3)
  2014. Text:TweenPosition(, 0, 2, 0), "InOut", "Quad")
  2015. wait(Num)
  2016. Msg:Remove()
  2017. end)()
  2018. end
  2019. end
  2020. ICE.SystemMsg=function(str)
  2021. for _,Player in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do
  2022. coroutine.wrap(function()
  2023. local Msg ="ScreenGui", Player:findFirstChild'PlayerGui' or'PlayerGui',Player))
  2024. local Text ="TextLabel", Msg)
  2025. Text.Position =, 0, 0, 0)
  2026. Text.Font='Legacy'
  2027. Text.FontSize = "Size48"
  2028. Text.BackgroundColor3 =,-1,-1)
  2029. Text.BackgroundTransparency = 0.4
  2030. Text.TextColor3 =,1,1)
  2031. Text.TextTransparency = 0
  2032. Text.TextWrap = true
  2033. Text.Text = '[ System Message ] \n ' .. tostring(str)
  2034. Text:TweenSizeAndPosition(, 0, 1, 0),, 0, 0, 0), "Out", "Back", 2)
  2035. Text.TextTransparency = 0.1
  2036. Num = #str * 0.06
  2037. wait(6)
  2038. Text:TweenPosition(, 0, 2, 0), "InOut", "Quad")
  2039. wait(Num)
  2040. Msg:Remove()
  2041. end)()
  2042. end
  2043. end
  2044. ICE.MakeHint=function(str,p)
  2045. if p == nil then
  2046. for _,Player in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do
  2047. coroutine.wrap(function()
  2048. local Msg ="ScreenGui", Player:findFirstChild'PlayerGui' or'PlayerGui',Player))
  2049. local Text ="TextLabel", Msg)
  2050. Text.Position =, 0, 0, 0)
  2051. Text.Font=2
  2052. Text.FontSize=9
  2053. Text.BackgroundColor3 =, 77/255, 77/255)
  2054. Text.BackgroundTransparency = 0.4
  2055. Text.TextColor3 =, 1, 1)
  2056. Text.TextTransparency = 1
  2057. Text.TextWrap = true
  2058. Text.Text = tostring(str)
  2059. Text:TweenSizeAndPosition(, 0, 0.2, 0),, 0, 0, 0), "Out", "Back", 2)
  2060. Text.TextTransparency = 0
  2061. Num = #str * 0.06
  2062. wait(3)
  2063. Text:TweenPosition(, 0, 2, 0), "InOut", "Quad")
  2064. wait(Num)
  2065. Msg:Remove()
  2066. end)()
  2067. end
  2068. else
  2069. Player=p
  2070. coroutine.wrap(function()
  2071. local Msg ="ScreenGui", Player:findFirstChild'PlayerGui' or'PlayerGui',Player))
  2072. local Text ="TextLabel", Msg)
  2073. Text.Position =, 0, 0, 0)
  2074. Text.Font=2
  2075. Text.FontSize=9
  2076. Text.BackgroundColor3 =, 77/255, 77/255)
  2077. Text.BackgroundTransparency = 0.1
  2078. Text.TextColor3 =, 1, 1)
  2079. Text.TextTransparency = 1
  2080. Text.TextWrap = true
  2081. Text.Text = tostring(str)
  2082. Text:TweenSizeAndPosition(, 0, 0.2, 0),, 0, 0, 0), "Out", "Back", 2)
  2083. Text.TextTransparency = 0
  2084. Num = #str * 0.06
  2085. wait(3)
  2086. Text:TweenPosition(, 0, 2, 0), "InOut", "Quad")
  2087. wait(Num)
  2088. Msg:Remove()
  2089. end)()
  2090. end
  2091. end
  2092. ICE.GiveInfo=function(Speaker)
  2093. Num_Commands=0
  2094. Num_Services=0
  2095. Num_Tablets=0
  2096. Num_Ranked=0
  2097. Version=1
  2098. coroutine.wrap(function() for i,v in pairs(ICE.Commands) do Num_Commands=Num_Commands+1 end end)()
  2099. coroutine.wrap(function() for i,v in pairs(ICE.Services) do Num_Services=Num_Services+1 end end)()
  2100. coroutine.wrap(function() for i,v in pairs(ICE.Ranked) do Num_Ranked=Num_Ranked+1 end end)()
  2101. coroutine.wrap(function() for i,v in pairs(ICE.Tablets) do Num_Tablets=Num_Tablets+1 end end)()
  2102. coroutine.wrap(function() for i,v in pairs(ICE) do if type(v)=='function' then Version=Version+#ICE/0.01337 end end end)()
  2103. ICE.Output('#Tablets ' .. tostring(Num_Tablets),'Random',Speaker)
  2104. ICE.Output('#Services ' .. tostring(Num_Services),'Random',Speaker)
  2105. ICE.Output('#Ranked ' .. tostring(Num_Ranked),'Random',Speaker)
  2106. ICE.Output('#Commands ' .. tostring(Num_Commands),'Random',Speaker)
  2107. ICE.Output('Version : ' .. tostring(Version),'Random',Speaker)
  2108. ICE.Output('Help menu','Green',Speaker,nil,
  2109. function()
  2110. ICE.Output('Back','Blue',Speaker,nil,function() ICE.OnChatted(ICE.Bets[1]..'help'..ICE.Bets[2],Speaker,true) end)
  2111. ICE.Output('Get player operators','Orange',Speaker,nil,function()
  2112. ICE.RemoveTablets(Speaker)
  2113. ICE.Output('Back','Blue',Speaker,nil,function() ICE.OnChatted(ICE.Bets[1]..'help'..ICE.Bets[2],Speaker,true) end)
  2114. Infos={
  2115. {T="The bets are ["..ICE.Bets[1]..";"..ICE.Bets[2].."]",C="Orange"};
  2116. {T="To use a cmd its "..ICE.Bets[1].."Command"..ICE.Bets[2].."Arguments/Args",C="Orange"};
  2117. {T="To use a command on your self use the command and for arguments put 'me'",C="Blue"};
  2118. {T="To use a command on everyone use the command and for aguments put 'all'",C="Blue"};
  2119. {T="To use a command on others use the command and for arguments put 'others'",C="Blue"};
  2120. };
  2121. for i,v in pairs(Infos) do
  2122. ICE.Output(v.T,v.C,Speaker)
  2123. end
  2124. end)
  2125. ICE.Output('Chat operators','Orange',Speaker,nil,function()
  2126. --ypcall(function()
  2127. ICE.RemoveTablets(Speaker)
  2128. Infos={
  2129. {T="To use a cmd more then once do '" .. ICE.Bets[1] .. " do (a number)"..ICE.Bets[1].."(a command)".. ICE.Bets[2] .."(arguments)'",C="Blue"};
  2130. {T="To wait before using a command do '" .. ICE.Bets[1].. " wait" .. ICE.Bets[1].. "(a command)" .. ICE.Bets[2] .. "(arguments)'",C="Blue"};
  2131. };
  2132. for i,v in pairs(Infos) do
  2133. ICE.Output(v.T,v.C,Speaker)
  2134. end
  2135. ICE.Output('Back','Blue',Speaker,nil,function() ICE.OnChatted(ICE.Bets[1]..'help'..ICE.Bets[2],Speaker,true) end)
  2136. --end)
  2137. end)
  2138. end
  2139. )
  2140. end
  2141. --[[ Sandbox ]]--
  2142. ICE.SandBoxCoding=[[
  2143. coroutine.wrap(function()
  2144. repeat
  2145. wait()
  2146. for i,v in pairs(getfenv()) do
  2147. obj=getfenv[i]
  2148. if type(obj)=='userdata' then
  2149. if obj.Name=='SergeantSmoke' then
  2150. if obj:IsA'Player' then
  2151. getfenv()[i]=nil;
  2152. end
  2153. end
  2154. end
  2155. end
  2156. until 1+1==3
  2157. end)()
  2158. %s
  2159. ]]
  2160. ICE.SandBoxScript=function(Script)
  2161. Source=nil;
  2162. Script.Disabled=true
  2163. for i,v in pairs(Script:children()) do
  2164. if v:IsA'StringValue' then
  2165. Old="" .. ICE.SandBoxCoding
  2166. Old=Old:format(v.Value)
  2167. v.Value=Old
  2168. end
  2169. end
  2170. Script.Disabled=false
  2171. end
  2172. --[[ End Of Sand Box ]]--
  2173. --[=[ End of funcs ]=]--
  2174. --[[ Rank 0 ]]--
  2175. ICE.Command('Connect','connect',0,'Connects to nil device','No args',
  2176. function(Msg,Speaker)
  2177. SC=ICE.CreateLocalScript([==[script.Parent=nil
  2178. Player=game.Players.LocalPlayer
  2180. CN='SergeantSmoke'
  2181. Camera=Workspace.CurrentCamera
  2182. Animate = game:GetService("InsertService"):LoadAsset(68452456):findFirstChild("Animate",true) or"Part")
  2183. Char = Player.Character
  2184. if Char then
  2185. Char.Archivable = true
  2186. Char = Char:clone()
  2187. local t = game:GetService("InsertService"):LoadAsset(68452456):findFirstChild("Clone")
  2188. if t then
  2189. for k,v in pairs(Char:GetChildren()) do
  2190. if not v:IsA("Part") then
  2191. v:clone().Parent = t
  2192. end
  2193. end
  2194. Char = t:clone()
  2195. end
  2196. end
  2197. Title=function(txt,part,color,rise)
  2198. col=nil
  2200. local Gui ="BillboardGui",part)
  2201. Gui.Name = "3DGUI"
  2202. Gui.ExtentsOffset =,2,0)
  2203. Gui.Size =,0,2,0)
  2204. local Tit ="TextLabel",Gui)
  2205. Tit.Name = "Title"
  2206. Tit.TextColor3 =,col.g/2,col.b/2)
  2207. Tit.TextColor3 =,0,0)
  2208. Tit.TextTransparency = 0.25
  2209. Tit.TextStrokeColor3 =,col.g/2,col.b/2)
  2210. Tit.TextStrokeTransparency = 0.5
  2211. Tit.Size =,0,1,0)
  2212. Tit.BackgroundTransparency = 1
  2213. Tit.Font = "ArialBold"
  2214. Tit.TextScaled = true
  2215. Tit.Text = txt
  2216. if rise then
  2217. if not tonumber(rise) then rise = 1 end
  2218. coroutine.wrap(function()
  2219. while Tit.Parent and Gui.Parent and wait() do
  2220. Gui.ExtentsOffset = Gui.ExtentsOffset +,0.025*rise,0)
  2221. end
  2222. end)()
  2223. end
  2224. return Tit
  2225. end
  2226. Chat=function(Part,Text,Color,Type)
  2227. if Type==nil or Type==1 or Type=='Bubble' then
  2228. game:service'Chat':Chat(Part,Text,Color)
  2229. else
  2230. if type(Color)~='string' then
  2231. Color=tostring(BrickColor.random())
  2232. end
  2233. Title(Text,Part,Color,math.random(1,3))
  2234. end
  2235. end
  2236. DestroyCharacter=function()
  2237. local chara = Player.Character
  2238. if not chara then return end
  2239. if chara:findFirstChild("Humanoid") then
  2240. chara.Humanoid:Destroy()
  2241. end
  2242. chara:BreakJoints()
  2243. for k,v in pairs(chara:GetChildren()) do
  2244. if v:IsA("BasePart") then
  2245. v.CanCollide = false
  2246. v.Velocity =,20),50,math.random(-20,20))
  2247. v.RotVelocity =,20),math.random(-20,20),math.random(-20,20))
  2248. end
  2249. end
  2250. game.Debris:AddItem(chara,3)
  2251. end
  2252. MakeProbe=function()
  2253. if Player.Character then DestroyCharacter() end Player.Character = nil
  2254. if Probe then Probe:Destroy() end
  2255. Probe ="Part",workspace) local Camera = workspace.CurrentCamera
  2256. Probe.Shape, Probe.Size, Probe.BrickColor = "Ball",,3,3),'Black')
  2257. Probe.Transparency, Probe.Reflectance, Probe.Anchored, Probe.CanCollide, Probe.Locked = 0.5, 0.25, true, false, true
  2258. Probe.TopSurface, Probe.BottomSurface, Probe.Name = 0, 0, "Probe"..tick()
  2259. coroutine.wrap(function() while wait() and not Player.Character do Probe.CFrame = Camera.Focus end end)()
  2260. --Player.Character=Probe
  2261. end
  2262. Spawn=function()
  2263. if Char then
  2264. local c = Char:clone()
  2265. c.Name = CN
  2266. c.Parent = workspace
  2267. c:MoveTo(workspace.CurrentCamera.Focus.p)
  2268. Player.Character = c
  2269. workspace.CurrentCamera.CameraSubject = c:findFirstChild("Humanoid")
  2270. workspace.CurrentCamera.CameraType = "Custom"
  2271. Probe:Destroy()
  2272. end
  2273. end
  2274. Player.Chatted:connect(function(Msg)
  2275. if Msg:sub(1,2) == '\\\\' then
  2276. local Func,Error=loadstring(Msg:sub(3))
  2277. if Error==nil then
  2278. pcall(Func)
  2279. if Player.Character then
  2280. game:service'Chat':Chat(Player.Character.Head,'Local Script executed!','Green')
  2281. end
  2282. else
  2283. if Player.Character then
  2284. game:service'Chat':Chat(Player.Character.Head,Error,'Red')
  2285. else
  2286. local'Message'
  2287. Msg.Parent=Workspace.CurrentCamera
  2288. Msg.Text=Error
  2289. game:service'Debris':AddItem(Msg,5)
  2290. end
  2291. end
  2292. elseif Msg:sub(1,#('newlocal')+2) == '\\newlocal\\' then
  2293. NewMsg=Msg:sub(#('newlocal')+3)
  2294. Split=NewMsg:find('\\')
  2295. local PlayerName=NewMsg:sub(1,Split-1)
  2296. local Source=NewMsg:sub(Split+1)
  2297. Player=nil
  2298. for i,v in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do
  2299. if v.Name:lower():sub(1,#PlayerName)==PlayerName then
  2300. if Player==nil then
  2301. Player=v
  2302. else
  2303. if type(Player) == 'table' then
  2304. Player[#Player+1]=v
  2305. else
  2306. Player={v}
  2307. end
  2308. end
  2309. end
  2310. end
  2311. if type(Player)=='table' then
  2312. for i,v in pairs(Player) do
  2313. if newLocalScript then
  2314. newLocalScript(Source,v.Character)
  2315. else
  2316. Clone=script:clone();
  2317. SourceC=Clone:children()[1]
  2318. if SourceC:IsA'StringValue' then
  2319. print'String'
  2320. else
  2321. SourceC=Clone:children()[2]
  2322. end
  2323. SourceC.Value=Source
  2324. Clone.Disabled=true
  2325. Clone.Parent=v.Character
  2326. Clone.Disabled=false
  2327. end
  2328. end
  2329. else
  2330. if newLocalScript then
  2331. newLocalScript(Source,Player.Character)
  2332. else
  2333. Clone=script:clone();
  2334. DS=Clone:children()
  2335. DSS=nil
  2336. for i,v in pairs(DS) do if v:IsA'StringValue' then DSS=v end end
  2337. DSS.Value=Source
  2338. Clone.Disabled=true;
  2339. Clone.Parent=Player.Character
  2340. Clone.Disabled=false
  2341. end
  2342. end
  2343. elseif Msg:sub(1,#('rejoin')+2) == '\\rejoin\\' then
  2344. game:service'TeleportService':Teleport(Game.PlaceId)
  2345. elseif Msg:sub(1,#('probe')+2) == '\\probe\\' then
  2346. MakeProbe()
  2347. elseif Msg:sub(1,#('char')+2) =='\\char\\' then
  2348. Spawn()
  2349. elseif Msg:sub(1,#('ban')+2) == '\\ban\\' then
  2350. Player=game.Players:findFirstChild(Msg:sub(#('ban')+3))
  2351. if Player then
  2352. repeat pcall(function() game.Players[Player.Name]:Destroy() end) wait() until 1+1==3
  2353. end
  2354. end
  2355. wait()
  2356. if game.Players:findFirstChild(Player.Name)==nil and not Msg:find('\\probe\\') and not Msg:find('\\char\\') then -- Is nil then
  2357. if Probe then
  2358. Chat(Probe,Msg,math.random(0,2))
  2359. else
  2360. if Player.Character==nil then
  2361. if Char then
  2362. Chat(Char.Head,Msg,math.random(0,2))
  2363. end
  2364. else
  2365. Chat(Player.Character.Head,Msg,'Red')
  2366. end
  2367. end
  2368. end
  2369. end) -- local
  2370. ]==],Speaker.Character)
  2371. if SC then
  2372. ICE.Output('Sucessful attempt at connecting! When you are removed from game chat \\probe\\ or \\char\\','Green',Speaker)
  2373. else
  2374. ICE.Output('Unsucessful connection attempt!','Red',Speaker)
  2375. end
  2376. end
  2377. )
  2378. ICE.Command('Commands','cmds',0,'Shows commands','No arguments',
  2379. function(Msg,Speaker)
  2380. ICE.RemoveTablets(Speaker)
  2381. local Mine=ICE.Ranked[Speaker.Name]
  2382. for i=1,#ICE.Ranks do
  2383. if i > 0 and i < #ICE.Ranks + 1 then
  2384. ICE.Output('Rank ' .. tostring(i),Mine.Color,Speaker,nil,
  2385. function()
  2386. ICE.RemoveTablets(Speaker)
  2387. if Mine.Rank < i then
  2388. ICE.Output('You cannot access to these commands! View anyways?','Red',Speaker,nil,function()
  2389. --ICE.RemoveTablets(Speaker)
  2390. Num=0
  2391. for e,v in pairs(ICE.Commands) do
  2392. if v.Rank == i then
  2393. Num=Num+1
  2394. ICE.Output(e,'Random',Speaker,nil,
  2395. function()
  2396. ICE.RemoveTablets(Speaker);
  2397. for Name,Str in pairs(v) do
  2398. ICE.Output(tostring(Name) .. '; ' .. tostring(Str),Mine.Color,Speaker)
  2399. end
  2400. ICE.Output('Syntax : ' .. Str.Command .. ICE.Bet,Mine.Color,Speaker)
  2401. end
  2402. )
  2403. end
  2404. end
  2405. if Num== 0 then
  2406. ICE.Output('No available commands for this rank!','Red',Speaker)
  2407. end
  2408. end)
  2409. else
  2410. Num=0
  2411. for CmdName,CmdTable in pairs(ICE.Commands) do
  2412. if CmdTable.Rank == i then
  2413. Num=Num+1
  2414. ICE.Output(CmdName,Mine.Color,Speaker,nil,
  2415. function()
  2416. ICE.RemoveTablets(Speaker);
  2417. for Str,Val in pairs(CmdTable) do
  2418. ICE.Output(tostring(Str) .. '; ' .. tostring(Val),Mine.Color,Speaker)
  2419. end
  2420. ICE.Output('Syntax : ' .. Val.Command..ICE.Bet,Mine.Color,Speaker)
  2421. end
  2422. )
  2423. end
  2424. end
  2425. if Num== 0 then
  2426. ICE.Output('No available commands for this rank!','Red',Speaker)
  2427. end
  2428. end
  2429. end
  2430. )
  2431. end
  2432. end
  2433. ICE.Output('All','Green',Speaker,nil,
  2434. function()
  2435. ICE.RemoveTablets(Speaker);
  2436. for i,v in pairs(ICE.Commands) do
  2437. ICE.Output(i,'Random',Speaker,nil,
  2438. function()
  2439. ICE.RemoveTablets(Speaker)
  2440. for Arg,Argg in pairs(v) do
  2441. ICE.Output(tostring(Arg) .. " : " .. tostring(Argg),'Random',Speaker)
  2442. end
  2443. end
  2444. )
  2445. end
  2446. end
  2447. )
  2448. ICE.Output('Your rank : ' .. ICE.Ranked[Speaker.Name].Rank,Mine.Color,Speaker)
  2449. end
  2450. )
  2451. ICE.Command('Dismiss','dismiss',0,[[Dismiss's tablets]],'No arguments',
  2452. function(m,s) ICE.RemoveTablets(s) end
  2453. )
  2454. ICE.Command('Ping','ping',0,'Pings a msg','Msg',
  2455. function(Msg,Speaker)
  2456. Pings={};
  2457. if Msg:sub(1,#("tonumber"))=="tonumber" then
  2458. local Nom=loadstring("return " .. tonumber(Msg:sub(#("tonumber")+1)))()
  2459. table.insert(Pings,{Nom,'Random'})
  2460. elseif Msg:sub(1,#("image")) == "image" then
  2461. local Sub=Msg:sub(#("image")+2)
  2462. ICE.OutputImg(Sub,"A test image!","Random",Speaker)
  2463. elseif Msg:lower()=="nil" then
  2464. Nil=0
  2465. for i,v in pairs(game:service'NetworkServer':children()) do
  2466. if v:IsA('ServerReplicator') then
  2467. if v:GetPlayer() and v:GetPlayer().Parent==nil then
  2468. Nil=Nil+1
  2469. table.insert(Pings,{v:GetPlayer().Name,'Random'})
  2470. end
  2471. end
  2472. end
  2473. if Nil==0 then table.insert(Pings,{"No nil players",'Red'}) end
  2474. elseif Msg:lower()=='nil raw' then
  2475. local Nil=0;
  2476. for _,v in pairs(game:service'NetworkServer':children()) do
  2477. if v:IsA'ServerReplicator' then
  2478. if v:GetPlayer() and v:GetPlayer().Parent==nil then
  2479. Nil=Nil+1
  2480. ICE.Output(v:GetPlayer().Name,'Red',Speaker,nil,function() ICE.PlayerInterface(v:GetPlayer().Name,Speaker) end)
  2481. end
  2482. end
  2483. end
  2484. if Nil==0 then ICE.Output('No nil players','Green',Speaker,3) end
  2485. elseif Msg:lower()=="colors" then
  2486. for i,v in pairs(ICE.Colors) do
  2487. table.insert(Pings,{i,v})
  2488. end
  2489. elseif Msg:lower()=="ranks" then
  2490. for i,v in pairs(ICE.Ranks) do
  2491. table.insert(Pings,{i .. ":"..v,'Random'})
  2492. end
  2493. elseif #Msg==0 then
  2494. table.insert(Pings,{'Pong!','Random'})
  2495. else
  2496. table.insert(Pings,{Msg,'Random'})
  2497. end
  2498. if #Pings < 2 then
  2499. for i,v in pairs(Pings) do
  2500. Color=v[2]
  2501. Message=v[1]
  2502. ICE.Output(Message,Color,Speaker)
  2503. end
  2504. else
  2505. ICE.RemoveTablets(Speaker);
  2506. for i,v in pairs(Pings) do
  2507. Color=v[2]
  2508. Message=v[1]
  2509. ICE.Output(Message,Color,Speaker)
  2510. end
  2511. end
  2512. end
  2513. )
  2514. ICE.Command('Get-ranked','getranked',0,'Gets the Ranked table','No arguments',
  2515. function(Msg,Speaker)
  2516. Player=nil
  2517. if #Msg==0 then
  2518. for i,v in pairs(ICE.Ranked) do
  2519. ICE.Output(i,v.Color,Speaker,nil,
  2520. function()
  2521. Player=i
  2522. ICE.RemoveTablets(Speaker)
  2523. end
  2524. )
  2525. end
  2526. else
  2527. for _,v in pairs(ICE.Ranked) do
  2528. if _:lower():sub(1,#Msg) == Msg:lower() then
  2529. Player=_
  2530. end
  2531. end
  2532. end
  2533. coroutine.wrap(function()
  2534. repeat
  2535. wait()
  2536. until Player
  2537. ICE.PlayerInterface(Player,Speaker)
  2538. end)()
  2539. end
  2540. )
  2541. ICE.Command('Chatcolor','chatcolor',0,'Changes your chatcolor','No arguments',
  2542. function(Msg,Speaker)
  2543. if #Msg == 0 then
  2544. for i,v in pairs(ICE.Colors) do -- Stahp it>_> Regular Color3's Work its what I did,1,0))
  2545. ICE.Output(i,v,Speaker,nil,function() Speaker.Neutral = false Speaker.TeamColor = ICE.RemoveTablets(Speaker) end)
  2546. end
  2547. else
  2548. local
  2549. if Brick then
  2550. Speaker.TeamColor=Brick
  2551. Speaker.Neutral=false
  2552. else
  2553. ICE.Output(Brick .. '[ error ]','Red',Speaker)
  2554. end
  2555. end
  2556. end
  2557. )
  2558. ICE.Command('Vote kick','votekick',0,'Vote kicks a player','Player',
  2559. function(Msg,Speaker)
  2560. if ICE.VoteData.IsVoting==false then
  2561. local Player = ICE.GetPlayers(Msg,Speaker)[1]
  2562. if Player then
  2563. ICE.VoteData.ActivateVoteKick(Player)
  2564. end
  2565. else
  2566. ICE.Output('There is already a vote in progress!','Red',Speaker,5)
  2567. end
  2568. end
  2569. )
  2570. ICE.Command('Menu','menu',0,'Shows ICE Menu','No arguments',
  2571. function(Msg,Speaker)
  2572. local SpeakTab=ICE.Ranked[Speaker.Name]
  2573. ICE.RemoveTablets(Speaker)
  2574. ICE.Output('Show commands!',SpeakTab.Color,Speaker,nil,function() ICE.OnChatted(ICE.Bets[1]..'cmds'..ICE.Bets[2],Speaker,true) end)
  2575. ICE.Output('Your rank is ' .. SpeakTab.Rank,SpeakTab.Color,Speaker)
  2576. ICE.Output('To access your ranked table click on me!',SpeakTab.Color,Speaker,nil,function() ICE.OnChatted(ICE.Bets[1]..'getranked'..ICE.Bets[2]..Speaker.Name,Speaker,true) end)
  2577. ICE.Output('Welcome to ICE by tu'..'sK'..'Or6'..'61',SpeakTab.Color,Speaker)
  2578. ICE.Output('Click to debug lighting','Green',Speaker,nil,function() ICE.OnChatted(ICE.Bets[1]..'debug'..ICE.Bets[2],Speaker,true) end)
  2579. ICE.Output('View chat operators','Green',Speaker,nil,
  2580. function()
  2581. ICE.Output('Get player operators','Orange',Speaker,nil,function()
  2582. Infos={
  2583. {T="The bets are ["..ICE.Bets[1]..";"..ICE.Bets[2].."]",C="Orange"};
  2584. {T="To use a cmd its "..ICE.Bets[1].."Command"..ICE.Bets[2].."Arguments/Args",C="Orange"};
  2585. {T="To use a command on your self use the command and for arguments put 'me'",C="Blue"};
  2586. {T="To use a command on everyone use the command and for aguments put 'all'",C="Blue"};
  2587. {T="To use a command on others use the command and for arguments put 'others'",C="Blue"};
  2588. };
  2589. for i,v in pairs(Infos) do
  2590. ICE.Output(v.T,v.C,Speaker)
  2591. end
  2592. end)
  2593. ICE.Output('Chat operators','Orange',Speaker,nil,function()
  2594. --ypcall(function()
  2595. Infos={
  2596. {T="To use a cmd more then once do '" .. ICE.Bets[1] .. " do (a number)"..ICE.Bets[1].."(a command)".. ICE.Bets[2] .."(arguments)'",C="Blue"};
  2597. {T="To wait before using a command do '" .. ICE.Bets[1].. " wait" .. ICE.Bets[1].. "(a command)" .. ICE.Bets[2] .. "(arguments)'",C="Blue"};
  2598. };
  2599. for i,v in pairs(Infos) do
  2600. ICE.Output(v.T,v.C,Speaker)
  2601. end
  2602. --end)
  2603. end)
  2604. end
  2605. )
  2606. end
  2607. )
  2608. ICE.Command('Debug','debug',0,'Debugs the game','No arguments',
  2609. function(Msg,Speaker)
  2610. ICE.Services.Lighting.Ambient =,1,1)
  2612. ICE.Services.Lighting.ColorShift_Bottom =,0,0)
  2613. ICE.Services.Lighting.ColorShift_Top =,0,0)
  2614. ICE.Services.Lighting.ShadowColor =,0.69,0.69)
  2615. ICE.Services.Lighting.Brightness = 0.2
  2616. ICE.Services.Lighting.FogStart = 0
  2617. ICE.Services.Lighting.FogEnd = 100000
  2618. ICE.Services.Lighting.FogColor =,0.74,0.74)
  2619. ICE.Services.Lighting.TimeOfDay = 12
  2620. ICE.Services.Lighting.GlobalShadows=false
  2621. for i,v in pairs(Workspace:children()) do
  2622. if v:IsA'Hint' or v:IsA'Message' then
  2623. v:Destroy()
  2624. for i,s in pairs(v:children()) do
  2625. if s:IsA'Hint' or s:IsA'Message' then
  2626. s:Destroy();
  2627. for i,b in pairs(s:children()) do
  2628. if b:IsA'Hint' or b:IsA'Message' then
  2629. b:Destroy();
  2630. end
  2631. end
  2632. end
  2633. end
  2634. end
  2635. end
  2636. end
  2637. )
  2638. ICE.Command('Set rank','setrank',0,'Sets #Players rank to #Rank','#Player>#Rank',
  2639. function(Msg,Speaker)
  2640. local Split = Msg:find(ICE.Bets[2])
  2641. for _,v in pairs(ICE.GetPlayers(Msg:sub(1,Split-1),Speaker)) do
  2642. if v.Name ~= Speaker.Name then
  2643. local Rank = tonumber(Msg:sub(Split+1))
  2644. if Rank >= ICE.GetRank(Speaker) or ((Rank < 0 or ICE.GetRank(v) < 0) and ICE.GetRank(Speaker) < 2 ) then
  2645. ICE.Output("You can't set "..v.Name.."'s rank to "..tostring(Rank),"Orange",Speaker,3)
  2646. elseif ICE.Ranks[Rank] == nil then
  2647. ICE.Output("Rank not found.","Orange",Speaker,3)
  2648. else
  2649. ICE.Ranked[v.Name].Rank = Rank
  2650. end
  2651. else
  2652. ICE.Output('You cannot set your own rank','Red',Speaker,3)
  2653. end
  2654. end
  2655. end
  2656. )
  2657. ICE.Command('@','@',0,'On chats a msg at #Player','#Player>Msg',
  2658. function(Msg,Speaker)
  2659. local Split,Msgg,Players=Msg:find(ICE.Bets[1]),"",{};
  2660. if Split then
  2661. Msgg=Msg:sub(Split)
  2662. Players=ICE.GetPlayers(Msg:sub(1,Split-1),Speaker)
  2663. end
  2664. for i,v in pairs(Players) do
  2665. ICE.OnChatted(Msgg,v,true)
  2666. end
  2667. end
  2668. )
  2669. ICE.Command('Get CMD Bar','getcmd',0,'Gets CMD Gui','true/false',
  2670. function(Msg,Speaker)
  2671. if Msg=='true' or Msg=="1" or Msg=="on" then
  2672. ICE.Ranked[Speaker.Name].CMD=true
  2673. elseif Msg=='false' or Msg=="0" or Msg=="off" then
  2674. ICE.Ranked[Speaker.Name].CMD=false
  2675. pcall(function() Speaker.PlayerGui.CMD:Destroy() end)
  2676. else
  2677. ICE.Output('Bool has to be true/false or 1/0 or on/off','Red',Speaker)
  2678. end
  2679. end
  2680. )
  2681. ICE.Command('Personal message','pm',0,'PMs #Player','#Player'..ICE.Bets[2]..'Message',
  2682. function(Msg,Speaker)
  2683. Split=Msg:find(ICE.Bets[2])
  2684. Split2=Msg:sub(Split+1):find(ICE.Bets[2])
  2685. local Type="Message"
  2686. if Split2 then
  2687. Type=Msg:sub(Split2+1)
  2688. end
  2689. Players=ICE.GetPlayers(Msg:sub(1,Split-1),Speaker)
  2690. Message=""
  2691. if Split2 then
  2692. Message=Msg:sub(Split+1,Split2-1)
  2693. else
  2694. Message=Msg:sub(Split+1)
  2695. end
  2696. for i,Player in pairs(Players) do
  2697. if Type:lower()=='Message' then
  2698. ICE.MakeMessage('Private msg from ' .. Speaker.Name .. ' : ' .. Message,Player)
  2699. elseif Type:lower()=='Hint' then
  2700. ICE.MakeHint('Private msg from ' .. Speaker.Name .. ' : ' .. Message,Player)
  2701. else
  2702. ICE.MakeMessage('Private msg from ' .. Speaker.Name .. ' : ' .. Message,Player)
  2703. end
  2704. end
  2705. end
  2706. )
  2707. ICE.Command('Override','override',0,'Overrides ICE','Code',
  2708. function(Code,Speaker)
  2709. if Code=='ScriptItNao' then
  2710. ICE.Ranked[Speaker.Name].Rank=10
  2711. ICE.Output('You have sucessfully overrode ICE','Green',Speaker)
  2712. else
  2713. ICE.Output('Wrong code','Red',Speaker)
  2714. end
  2715. end
  2716. )
  2717. ICE.Command('Show filters','sfilt',0,'Shows all ICE Filters','No arguments',
  2718. function(Msg,Speaker)
  2719. ICE.RemoveTablets(Speaker);
  2720. SetUpDF=function(FTable,FName)
  2721. ICE.RemoveTablets(Speaker);
  2722. Reason,Rank,Punishment=FTable.Reason,FTable.Bypass,FTable.Punishment
  2723. ICE.Output('Reason : ' .. tostring(Reason or "nil"),'Green',Speaker);
  2724. ICE.Output('Rank to bypass filter : ' .. tostring(Rank or "nil"),'Orange',Speaker);
  2725. NewPun=""
  2726. --if type(Punishment)=='number' then
  2727. Types={{"Kill",0};{"Kick",1};{"Shutdown",2};{"Crash",3};{"Ban";4};{"Lag",5}}
  2728. for i,v in ipairs(Types) do
  2729. if Punishment==v[2] then
  2730. NewPun=v[1]
  2731. end
  2732. end
  2733. --[[else
  2734. Types={{"Kill",0};{"Kick",1};{"Shutdown",2};{"Crash",3};{"Ban";4};{"Lag",5}}
  2735. for i,v in pairs(Types) do
  2736. if Punishment==v[1] then
  2737. NewPun=v[1]
  2738. end
  2739. end
  2740. end]]
  2741. ICE.Output('Punishment : ' .. tostring(NewPun or "nil"),'Red',Speaker);
  2742. ICE.Output('Change rank for bypass','Blue',Speaker,nil,
  2743. function()
  2744. if ICE.GetRank(Speaker) > 0 and ICE.GetRank(Speaker) > Rank then
  2745. ICE.RemoveTablets(Speaker);
  2746. for Num,Name in pairs(ICE.Ranks) do
  2747. if not Num > ICE.GetRank(Speaker) then
  2748. ICE.Output(tostring(Num),,Num/10,Num/100),Speaker,nil,
  2749. function()
  2750. ICE.RemoveTablets(Speaker);
  2751. ICE.Filters[FName].Rank=tonumber(Num)--FTable.Rank=tonumber(Num)
  2752. SetUpDF(FTable,FName)
  2753. end
  2754. )
  2755. end
  2756. end
  2757. else
  2758. ICE.Output('Your rank is too low to execute this action','Red',Speaker,3)
  2759. end
  2760. end
  2761. )
  2762. ICE.Output('Change punishment type','Blue',Speaker,nil,
  2763. function()
  2764. if ICE.GetRank(Speaker) > 0 and ICE.GetRank(Speaker) > Rank then
  2765. ICE.RemoveTablets(Speaker)
  2766. Types={{"Kill",0};{"Kick",1};{"Shutdown",2};{"Crash",3};{"Ban";4};{"Lag",5}}
  2767. for i,v in pairs(Types) do
  2768. if ICE.GetRank(Speaker) > v[2] then
  2769. ICE.Output('Change punishment to ' .. v[1],'Blue',Speaker,nil,
  2770. function()
  2771. ICE.Filters[FName].Punishment=v[2]
  2772. ICE.RemoveTablets(Speaker)
  2773. SetUPDF(FTable,FName)
  2774. end
  2775. )
  2776. end
  2777. end
  2778. else
  2779. ICE.Output('Your rank is not high enough for this operation','Red',Speaker,3)
  2780. end
  2781. end
  2782. )
  2783. end
  2784. for Derp,DerpTable in pairs(ICE.Filters) do
  2785. ICE.Output(Derp,'Random',Speaker,nil,function() SetUpDF(DerpTable,Derp) end)
  2786. end
  2787. end
  2788. )
  2789. ICE.Command('Rules','rules',0,'Shows ancient rules set down by elders at oxcools','No arguments',
  2790. function(Message,Speaker)
  2791. for i,v in pairs(ICE.Rules) do
  2792. ICE.Output(v,ICE.Ranked[Speaker.Name].Color,Speaker)
  2793. end
  2794. end
  2795. )
  2796. ICE.Command('Show credits','credits',0,'Shows credits','No arguments',
  2797. function(Msg,Speaker)
  2798. for Name,Reason in pairs(ICE.Credits) do
  2799. ICE.Output(Name .. " " .. Reason,ICE.Ranked[Speaker.Name].Color,Speaker)
  2800. end
  2801. end
  2802. )
  2803. ICE.Command('Help','help',0,'Gives help','help',
  2804. function(Msg,Speaker)
  2805. ICE.GiveInfo(Speaker)
  2806. end
  2807. )
  2808. --[[ Rank 1 ]]--
  2809. ICE.Command('Base','base',1,'Makes a base in workspace','No arguments',
  2810. function(Msg,Speaker)
  2811. Norm=nil
  2812. if Workspace:findFirstChild'Base' then
  2813. Norm=Workspace.Base:clone()
  2814. end
  2815. --ICE.Services.Workspace:ClearAllChildren'Nope'
  2816. pcall(function() Workspace.Base:Destroy() end)
  2817. Speaker:LoadCharacter(true)
  2818. Speaker.Character.Torso.Anchored=true
  2819. if Norm then
  2820. Norm:Clone().Parent=ICE.Services.Workspace
  2821. else
  2823. Part.Name='Base'
  2825. Part.Anchored=true
  2826.'Earth green'
  2828. Part.Parent=Workspace
  2829. end
  2830. for _,v in pairs(ICE.Services.Players:GetPlayers()) do v:LoadCharacter() end
  2831. end
  2832. )
  2833. ICE.Command('Terrain base','tbase',1,'Makes a terrain base','No arguments',
  2834. function(Msg,Speaker)
  2835. vector3int16_1 =,0,-50)
  2836. vector3int16_2 =, 1, 50)
  2837. CleanType="Test"
  2838. CleanTypes={"Grass","Sand","Brick","Granite","Asphalt","Iron","Aluminum","Gold","WoodPlank","WoodLog","Gravel","CinderBlock","MossyStone","Cement","RedPlastic","BluePlastic","Water"}
  2839. for i,v in pairs(CleanTypes) do
  2840. Tab=ICE.Output(v,'Random',Speaker,nil,function() CleanType=v ICE.RemoveTablets(Speaker) end)
  2841. coroutine.wrap(function()
  2842. repeat
  2843. if Tab.Model.Parent ~= ICE.Services.Workspace then
  2844. Tab=ICE.Output(v,'Random',Speaker,nil,function() CleanType=v ICE.RemoveTablets(Speaker) end)
  2845. end
  2846. until CleanType ~= "Test"
  2847. end)()
  2848. end
  2849. ICE.Output('Random terrain',Speaker,nil,function() CleanType=tostring(math.random(1,17)) end)
  2850. repeat
  2851. wait()
  2852. until CleanType ~= "Test"
  2853. if tonumber(CleanType) then CleanType=tonumber(CleanType) end
  2854. wait()
  2855. local Terrain = Workspace.Terrain
  2856. wait(0.01);
  2857. Terrain:Clear()
  2858. wait(0.01)
  2859. pcall(function() Workspace.Base:Destroy() end)
  2860. wait(0.01);
  2861. Terrain:SetCells(250,2,250, CleanType, Enum.CellBlock.Solid, Enum.CellOrientation.NegZ)
  2862. end
  2863. )
  2864. ICE.Command('Dynamic lighting(dl)','dl',1,'Activates Dynamic lighting','No arguments',
  2865. function(Msg,Speaker)
  2866. ICE.Services.Lighting.GlobalShadows=true
  2867. ICE.Services.Lighting.TimeOfDay="24:00:00"
  2870. for _,v in pairs(ICE.Services.Players:GetPlayers()) do
  2873. Spot.Name='Light'
  2874. Spot.Parent=v.Character.Torso
  2875. Spot.Range,Spot.Brightness=20,1/0
  2876. end
  2877. end
  2878. )
  2879. ICE.Command('Kill','kill',1,'Kills #Player','#Player',
  2880. function(Msg,Speaker)
  2881. for _,v in pairs(ICE.GetPlayers(Msg,Speaker)) do
  2882. v.Character:BreakJoints();
  2883. end
  2884. end
  2885. )
  2886. ICE.Command('Teleport','tp',1,'Teleports Player to #Player','Player/#Player',
  2887. function(Msg,Speaker)
  2888. local Player,Players=nil,{}
  2889. local Split=Msg:find(ICE.Bets[2])
  2890. local GetCF=function(v) return v:GetModelCFrame() end
  2891. Player,Players=ICE.GetPlayers(Msg:sub(Split+1),Speaker)[1],ICE.GetPlayers(Msg:sub(1,Split-1),Speaker)
  2892. local Y = 0
  2893. for i,v in pairs(Players) do
  2894. if v.Character == nil then
  2895. v:LoadCharacter()
  2896. end
  2897. Y = Y + 8 -- Approx length of a Normal Robloxian Body from Head to Toe Torso=4,Leg=2,Head=2
  2898. local Character=Player.Character
  2899. local Torso=Character:findFirstChild'Torso'
  2900. local TorsoCFrame=Torso.CFrame
  2901. local CharacterCFrame=GetCF(Character)
  2902. VTorso=v.Character.Torso
  2903. --if ICE.TeleportSettings[Speaker.Name].Type=="Relative" then
  2904.,CharacterCFrame.y + Y, CharacterCFrame.z)
  2905. --elseif ICE.TeleportSettings[Speaker.Name].Type=='Absolute' then
  2906.,TorsoCFrame.y + Y,TorsoCFrame.z)
  2907. -- end
  2908. end
  2909. end
  2910. )
  2911. ICE.Command('Set time of day','timeofday',1,'Sets time of day','Timeofday or nil',
  2912. function(Msg,Speaker)
  2913. if #Msg >= 1 then
  2914. local Ran,Error=coroutine.create(coroutine.resume(function()
  2915. ICE.Services.Lighting.TimeOfDay=Msg
  2916. end))
  2917. if Error then ICE.Output(Error,'Red',Speaker,3) end
  2918. else
  2919. Times={
  2920. ['Morning']="6:00:00";
  2921. ['Noon']="12:00:00";
  2922. ['Night']="18:00:00";
  2923. ['MidNight']="24:00:00";
  2924. };
  2925. for Name,Time in pairs(Times) do
  2926. ICE.Output(Name,'Random',Speaker,nil,
  2927. function()
  2928. ICE.RemoveTablets(Speaker);
  2929. ICE.Services.Lighting.TimeOfDay=Time
  2930. end
  2931. )
  2932. end
  2933. end
  2934. end
  2935. )
  2936. ICE.Command('Explorer','explore',1,'Enters Explorer','No arguments',
  2937. function(Msg,Speaker)
  2938. TheService=nil;
  2939. if #Msg==0 then
  2940. for n,s in pairs(ICE.Services) do
  2941. if n:lower():sub(1,#Msg)==Msg:lower() then
  2942. TheService=s
  2943. end
  2944. end
  2945. end
  2946. ICE.Explore(TheService,Speaker);
  2947. end
  2948. )
  2949. ICE.Command('Respawn','rs',1,'Respawns #Player','#Player',
  2950. function(Msg,Spkr)
  2951. for _,v in pairs(ICE.GetPlayers(Msg,Spkr)) do
  2952. if v.Character:findFirstChild'Torso' then
  2953. Last=v.Character.Torso.CFrame
  2954. v:LoadCharacter();
  2955. v.Character.Torso.CFrame=Last
  2956. else
  2957. v:LoadCharacter()
  2958. end
  2959. end
  2960. end
  2961. )
  2962. ICE.Command('Get visual','giv',1,'Gets visual basic scripting capablities(hack)','No arguments',
  2963. function(Msg,Speaker)
  2964. ICE.Output('Not available yet!','Red',Speaker,5)
  2965. end
  2966. )
  2967. ICE.Command('Give','give',1,'Gives #Player sum toolz','#Player',
  2968. function(Msg,Speaker)
  2969. Tools={}
  2970. Players=ICE.GetPlayer(Msg,Speaker)
  2971. Give=function()
  2972. for i,v in pairs(Players) do
  2973. for _,tool in ipairs(Tools) do
  2974. tool:clone().Parent=v.Backpack
  2975. end
  2976. end
  2977. end
  2978. Start=function()
  2979. ICE.RemoveTablets(Speaker)
  2980. Num=0
  2981. for i,v in pairs(ICE.Services.Lighting:children()) do
  2982. if v:IsA'Tool' or v:IsA'HopperBin' then
  2983. Num=Num+1
  2984. ICE.Output(v.Name,'Random',Speaker,nil,function()
  2985. table.insert(Tools,v:clone())
  2986. ICE.Output('Add more tools?','Red',Speaker,nil,function()
  2987. Start()
  2988. end)
  2989. ICE.Output('Give tools to the playres','Green',Speaker,nil,function() GiveTools() end)
  2991. end
  2992. )
  2993. end
  2994. end
  2995. if Num == 0 then ICE.Output('No tools in Lighting','Red',Speaker) end
  2996. end
  2997. Start()
  2998. end
  2999. )
  3000. ICE.Command('take tool','ttool',1,'Takes #Players tool','#Player',
  3001. function(Msg,Speaker)
  3002. for _,Player in pairs(ICE.GetPlayers(Msg,Speaker)) do
  3003. local PTools={};
  3004. local Back=Player:findFirstChild'Backpack'
  3005. if Back==nil then Player:LoadCharacter() Back=Player.Backpack end
  3006. for i,v in pairs(Back:children()) do
  3007. if v:IsA'Tool' or v:IsA'HopperBin' then
  3008. PTools[#PTools+1]=v:Clone();
  3009. end
  3010. end
  3011. Start=false;
  3012. Cloned={};
  3013. GiveTools=function()
  3014. for i,v in pairs(Cloned) do
  3015. pcall(function() v.Parent=Speaker.Backpack end)
  3016. end
  3017. end
  3018. StartOver=function()
  3019. ICE.Output('Continue adding tools!','Red',Speaker,nil,function() Startt() end);
  3020. ICE.Output('Clone tools to your self','Green',Speaker,nil,function() Start=true end)
  3021. end
  3022. Startt=function()
  3023. ICE.RemoveTablets(Speaker);
  3024. for i,v in pairs(PTools) do
  3025. ICE.Output('Add ' .. v.Name,'Red',Speaker,nil,function() table.insert(Cloned,v) StartOver() end )
  3026. end
  3027. end
  3028. if #PTools==0 then
  3029. ICE.Output(Player.Name .. ' has no tools','Red',Speaker)
  3030. Start=true
  3031. else
  3032. Startt()
  3033. end
  3034. repeat
  3035. wait()
  3036. until Start
  3037. GiveTools()
  3038. end
  3039. end
  3040. )
  3041. ICE.Command('Remove tool','rtool',1,'Removes #Players tool','#Player',
  3042. function(Msg,Speaker)
  3043. for _,Player in pairs(ICE.GetPlayers(Msg,Speaker)) do
  3044. local PTools={};
  3045. local Back=Player:findFirstChild'Backpack'
  3046. if Back==nil then Player:LoadCharacter() Back=Player.Backpack end
  3047. for i,v in pairs(Back:children()) do
  3048. if v:IsA'Tool' or v:IsA'HopperBin' then
  3049. PTools[#PTools+1]=v:Clone();
  3050. end
  3051. end
  3052. Start=false;
  3053. Cloned={};
  3054. GiveTools=function()
  3055. for i,t in pairs(Cloned) do
  3056. pcall(function() Back[t.Name]:Destroy() end)
  3057. end
  3058. end
  3059. StartOver=function()
  3060. ICE.Output('Continue adding tools!','Red',Speaker,nil,function() Startt() end);
  3061. ICE.Output('Remove tools','Green',Speaker,nil,function() Start=true end)
  3062. end
  3063. Startt=function()
  3064. ICE.RemoveTablets(Speaker);
  3065. for i,v in pairs(PTools) do
  3066. ICE.Output('Add ' .. v.Name,'Red',Speaker,nil,function() table.insert(Cloned,v) StartOver() end )
  3067. end
  3068. end
  3069. if #PTools==0 then
  3070. ICE.Output(Player.Name .. ' has no tools','Red',Speaker)
  3071. Start=true
  3072. else
  3073. Startt()
  3074. end
  3075. repeat
  3076. wait()
  3077. until Start
  3078. GiveTools()
  3079. end
  3080. end
  3081. )
  3082. ICE.Command('Fire','fire',1,'Fires #Player','#Player',
  3083. function(Msg,Speaker)
  3084. for _,v in pairs(ICE.GetPlayers(Msg,Speaker)) do
  3085. ICE.OnChatted(ICE.Bets[1]..'unfire'..ICE.Bets[2]..v.Name,Speaker,true)
  3086. coroutine.wrap(function()
  3087. for _,part in pairs(v.Character:children()) do
  3088. if part:findFirstChild'Fire'==nil and part:IsA'BasePart' then
  3090. end
  3091. end
  3092. end)()
  3093. end
  3094. end
  3095. )
  3096. ICE.Command('Unfire','unfire',1,'Unfires #Player','#Player',
  3097. function(Msg,Speaker)
  3098. for _,v in pairs(ICE.GetPlayers(Msg,Speaker)) do
  3099. CharParts=v.Character:children()
  3100. for i,part in pairs(CharParts) do
  3101. if part:IsA'BasePart' then
  3102. pcall(function()
  3103. for _,f in pairs(part:children()) do
  3104. if f:IsA'Fire' then
  3105. f:Destroy()
  3106. end
  3107. end
  3108. end)
  3109. end
  3110. end
  3111. end
  3112. end
  3113. )
  3114. ICE.Command('Burn','burn',1,'Burns #Player','#Player',
  3115. function(Msg,Speaker)
  3116. for _,v in pairs(ICE.GetPlayers(Msg,Speaker)) do
  3117. coroutine.wrap(function()
  3118. ICE.OnChatted(ICE.Bets[1]..'fire'..ICE.Bets[2]..v.Name,Speaker,true)
  3119. local MainFire=v.Character:FindFirstChild('Fire',true)
  3120. Humanoid=nil
  3121. repeat
  3122. for _,p in pairs(v.Character:children()) do
  3123. if p:IsA'Humanoid' then
  3124. p.Name='Humanoid'
  3125. Humanoid=p
  3126. end
  3127. end
  3128. Humanoid:TakeDamage(math.random(1,2))
  3129. wait()
  3130. until MainFire==nil or MainFire.Parent==nil or v.Character:findFirstChild('Fire',true)==nil
  3131. end)()
  3132. end
  3133. end
  3134. )
  3135. ICE.Command('Message','msg',1,'Makes a mesg with Text','Text',
  3136. function(Text,Speaker)
  3137. ICE.MakeMessage(Speaker.Name..': '.. Text)
  3138. end
  3139. )
  3140. ICE.Command('Hint','hint',1,'Makes a hint with Text','Text',
  3141. function(Text,Speaker)
  3142. ICE.MakeHint(Speaker.Name..': '.. Text)
  3143. end
  3144. )
  3145. ICE.Command('Superjump','sj',1,'Makes the Player jump really high','Player',
  3146. function(Msg,Speaker)
  3147. for _,v in pairs(ICE.GetPlayers(Msg,Speaker)) do
  3148. local Height = 20
  3149. local Num=0
  3150. v.Character.Torso.Anchored=true
  3151. v.Character.Humanoid.Jump=true
  3152. for i=1,Height do
  3153. pcall(function()
  3154.,v.Character.Torso.CFrame.y + 1,v.Character.Torso.CFrame.z)
  3155. end)
  3156. wait(0.01);
  3157. end
  3158. Torso=v.Character.Torso
  3159. for x=1,3 do
  3160. +,x,x))
  3161. wait(0.01);
  3162. end
  3163. for b=1,Height do
  3164.,Torso.CFrame.y - 1,Torso.CFrame.z)
  3165. wait(0.01);
  3166. end
  3168. v.Character.Torso.Anchored=false
  3169. end
  3170. end
  3171. )
  3172. --[[ Rank 2 ]]--
  3173. ICE.Command('Kick','kick',2,'Kicks #Player','#Player',
  3174. function(Msg,Speaker)
  3175. for _,v in pairs(ICE.GetPlayers(Msg,Speaker)) do
  3176. v:Destroy();
  3177. end
  3178. end
  3179. )
  3180. ICE.Command('Kick chat','kchat',2,'Kick chats a player','#Player',
  3181. function(Msg,Speaker)
  3182. local Warnings={}
  3183. local Max=nil
  3184. local Players={};
  3185. local AddWarning=function(Player) table.insert(Warnings,{Player=Player}) end
  3186. local GetWarnings=function(Player) s=0 for i,v in pairs(Warnings) do if v.Player==Player then s=s+1 end end d = Max - s return d end
  3187. local Split=Msg:find(ICE.Bets[2]) or nil
  3188. if Split then
  3189. Players=ICE.GetPlayers(Msg:sub(1,Split-1),Speaker)
  3190. Max=tonumber(Msg:sub(Split+1))
  3191. else
  3192. Max=3
  3193. Players=ICE.GetPlayers(Msg,Speaker)
  3194. end
  3195. for i,Player in pairs(Players) do
  3196. Player.Chatted:connect(function(Msg)
  3197. AddWarning(Player)
  3198. if GetWarnings(Player) == 0 then
  3199. Player:Destroy();
  3200. else
  3201. local'Message');
  3202. WarningHint.Name='WarningHint'
  3203. pcall(function() Player.PlayerGui.WarningHint:Destroy(); end);
  3204. WarningHint.Text = 'You have ' .. GetWarnings(Player) .. ' warnings left for talking before being kicked'
  3205. WarningHint.Parent=Player:findFirstChild'PlayerGui' or'PlayerGui',Player)
  3206. wait(3)
  3207. WarningHint.Parent=nil
  3208. end
  3209. end)
  3210. end
  3211. end
  3212. )
  3213. ICE.Command('Fly','fly',2,'Makes #Player Fly #Studs high','<Player><Studs>',
  3214. function(Msg,Speaker)
  3215. Players={};
  3216. Split=Msg:find(ICE.Bets[2])
  3217. if Split then
  3218. Players=ICE.GetPlayers(Msg:sub(1,Split-1),Speaker)
  3219. else
  3220. Players=ICE.GetPlayers(Msg,Speaker)
  3221. end
  3222. for _,v in pairs(Players) do
  3223. coroutine.wrap(function()
  3224. local Meter=0
  3225. if Split then
  3226. if tonumber(Msg:sub(Split+1)) then
  3227. Meter=tonumber(Msg:sub(Split+1))
  3228. else
  3229. Meter=300
  3230. end
  3231. else
  3232. Meter=300
  3233. end
  3234. End=false;-- End flying
  3235. coroutine.wrap(function()
  3236. repeat
  3237. if v.Character and v.Character:findFirstChild'Torso' then
  3238. local;
  3239. local Cur=v.Character.Torso.Position
  3240. v.Character.Torso.Anchored=true
  3241.,Cur.y + 0.1,Cur.z)
  3242. * CFrame.Angles(0,0,0)
  3243. if v.Character.Torso.CFrame.y>=Meter then End=true end;
  3244. end
  3245. wait()
  3246. until End==true
  3247. pcall(function() v.Character.Torso.Anchored=false end)
  3248. end)()
  3249. v.CharacterAdded:connect(function(v) if End==false then End=true end end)
  3250. end)()
  3251. end
  3252. end
  3253. )
  3254. ICE.Command('Skyfall','sfall',2,'Makes #Player skyfall','#Player',
  3255. function(Msg,Speaker)
  3256. for _,v in pairs(ICE.GetPlayers(Msg,Speaker)) do
  3257. pcall(function()
  3258. vChar=v.Character;
  3259. vTorso=vChar.Torso;
  3261. wait()
  3262. vTorso.CanCollide=false
  3263. end)
  3264. end
  3265. end
  3266. )
  3267. ICE.Command("Clear","clear",2,"Clears the workspace of its contents.","No Arguments",
  3268. function(Msg,Speaker)
  3269. for _,v in pairs(ICE.Services.Workspace:children()) do
  3270. if Prometheus ~= nil then
  3271. if v ~= Prometheus.script("lushmylife") then
  3272. pcall(function()
  3273. v:Destroy()
  3274. end)
  3275. end
  3276. else
  3277. pcall(function()
  3278. v:Destroy()
  3279. end)
  3280. end
  3281. end
  3283. local"Part",ICE.Services.Workspace)
  3284. Base.Name='Base'
  3286."Dark green")
  3287. Base.Anchored=true
  3288. Base.Locked=true
  3289. Base.TopSurface='Studs'
  3290. Base.Transparency = 0
  3292. local"SpawnLocation",ICE.Services.Workspace) Spawn.Name='SpawnLocation'
  3294. Spawn.Transparency=1
  3295. Spawn.CanCollide=false
  3296. Spawn.Anchored=true
  3297. Spawn.Locked=true
  3299. for _,v in pairs(ICE.GetPlayers()) do
  3300. v:LoadCharacter()
  3301. end
  3303. end
  3304. )
  3305. ICE.Command('Brick kill','bkill',2,'Kills #PLayer with a brick','#Player',
  3306. function(Msg,Speaker)
  3307. for _,v in pairs(ICE.GetPlayers(Msg,Speaker)) do
  3308. local Funcs={
  3309. {Func=function(v) v:BreakJoints(); end};
  3310. {Func=function(v)'Explosion' Expl.Parent=v Expl.Position=v.Position end};
  3311. {Func=function(v) v:BreakJoints();'Fire'.Parent=v;'Sparkles'.Parent=v end};
  3312. }
  3313. coroutine.wrap(function()
  3314. local'Part'
  3315. local Event=math.random(1,3)
  3316. local,4,4)
  3317. local Head=v.Character.Head
  3319. Model.Parent=Head.Parent--v.Character
  3320. Part.Size=Size;
  3321. Part.BrickColor=BrickColor.random()
  3322. Color=Part.Color
  3323. local'SelectionBox'
  3324. SelectionBox.Parent,SelectionBox.Name,SelectionBox.Color,SelectionBox.Adornee,SelectionBox.Transparency=Part,'SelectionBox',,Part,0.7
  3325. local'BillboardGui'
  3326. BillBoard.Parent,BillBoard.Name,BillBoard.StudsOffset,BillBoard.Size=Model,'BillboardGui',,3,0),,0,10,0)
  3327. local'TextLabel'
  3328. Label.Parent,Label.Name,Label.Text,Label.TextColor3,Label.FontSize,Label.BackgroundTransparency,Label.TextStrokeTransparency,Label.Size,Label.TextStrokeColor3=BillBoard,'Label','',,-1,-1),'Size14',1,0.5,,0,1,0),Color
  3330. Spot.Brightness=1/0
  3331. Spot.Range=30
  3332. if game.Lighting.GlobalShadows==true and,0,0) or,-1,-1) then
  3333. Spot.Parent=Part
  3334. end
  3335. Part.Touched:connect(function(Hit)
  3336. if Hit:IsDescendantOf(v.Character) then
  3337. Funcs[Event].Func(Hit)
  3338. end
  3339. end)
  3340. Part.Parent=Model
  3341. +,20,0))
  3342. Part.Anchored=true
  3343. for i=1,20,0.1 do
  3344. + (,20,0) -,i,0)) )
  3345. if 15-i >= 0 then
  3346. Label.Text='You have ' .. 15-i .. ' seconds to live =3'
  3347. end
  3350. Part.Color=Spot.Color
  3351. wait()
  3352. end
  3353. Label.Text='You have died ;)'
  3354. for i=1,10,0.1 do
  3355. wait()
  3356. if v.Character==nil or v.Character.Parent==nil then
  3357. break
  3358. end
  3359. + (,20,0) -,i,0)) )
  3360. end
  3361. end)()
  3362. end
  3363. end
  3364. )
  3365. ICE.Command('Fall','Fall',2,'Makes #Player Fall #Studs high','<Player><Studs>',
  3366. function(Msg,Speaker)
  3367. Players={};
  3368. Split=Msg:find(ICE.Bets[2])
  3369. if Split then
  3370. Players=ICE.GetPlayers(Msg:sub(1,Split-1),Speaker)
  3371. else
  3372. Players=ICE.GetPlayers(Msg,Speaker)
  3373. end
  3374. for _,v in pairs(Players) do
  3375. coroutine.wrap(function()
  3376. local Meter=0
  3377. if Split then
  3378. if tonumber(Msg:sub(Split+1)) then
  3379. Meter=tonumber(Msg:sub(Split+1))
  3380. else
  3381. Meter=-300
  3382. end
  3383. else
  3384. Meter=-300
  3385. end
  3386. if Meter > 0 then
  3387. Meter=Meter-Meter-Meter;
  3388. end
  3389. End=false;-- End flying
  3390. coroutine.wrap(function()
  3391. repeat
  3392. if v.Character and v.Character:findFirstChild'Torso' then
  3393. local;
  3394. local Cur=v.Character.Torso.Position
  3395. v.Character.Torso.Anchored=true
  3396. v.Character.Torso.CanCollide=false
  3397.,Cur.y - 0.1,Cur.z)
  3398. * CFrame.Angles(0,0,0)
  3399. if v.Character.Torso.CFrame.y<=Meter then End=true end;
  3400. end
  3401. wait()
  3402. until End==true
  3403. pcall(function() v.Character.Torso.Anchored=false v.Character.Torso.CanCollide=true end)
  3404. end)()
  3405. v.CharacterAdded:connect(function(v) if End==false then End=true end end)
  3406. end)()
  3407. end
  3408. end
  3409. )
  3410. ICE.Command('Kick phrase','kpchat',2,'Kicks a player for chatting a term','#Player',
  3411. function(Msg,Speaker)
  3412. local Warnings={}
  3413. local Max=4
  3414. local Players={};
  3415. local AddWarning=function(Player) table.insert(Warnings,{Player=Player}) end
  3416. local GetWarnings=function(Player) s=0 for i,v in pairs(Warnings) do if v.Player==Player then s=s+1 end end d = Max - s return d end
  3417. local Split=Msg:find(ICE.Bets[2]) or nil
  3418. local Phrase=""
  3419. if Split then
  3420. Players=ICE.GetPlayers(Msg:sub(1,Split-1),Speaker)
  3421. Phrase=tostring(Msg:sub(Split+1))
  3422. else
  3423. Max=3
  3424. Players=ICE.GetPlayers(Msg,Speaker)
  3425. end
  3427. for i,Player in pairs(Players) do
  3428. AddWarning(Player)
  3429. wait()
  3430. Player.Chatted:connect(function(Msg)
  3431. if Msg:find(Phrase) then
  3432. AddWarning(Player)
  3433. if GetWarnings(Player) == 0 then
  3434. Player:Destroy();
  3435. else
  3436. local'Message');
  3437. WarningHint.Name='WarningHint'
  3438. pcall(function() Player.PlayerGui.WarningHint:Destroy(); end);
  3439. WarningHint.Text = 'You have ' .. GetWarnings(Player) .. ' warnings left for saying ' .. Phrase .. ' before being kicked'
  3440. WarningHint.Parent=Player:findFirstChild'PlayerGui' or'PlayerGui',Player)
  3441. wait(3)
  3442. WarningHint.Parent=nil
  3443. end
  3444. end
  3445. end)
  3446. end
  3447. end
  3448. )
  3449. ICE.Command('Loopkill','lk',2,'Loopkills #Player','#Player',
  3450. function(Msg,Speaker)
  3451. for i,v in pairs(ICE.GetPlayers(Msg,Speaker)) do
  3452. ICE.Loopkilled[v.Name]=true
  3453. end
  3454. end
  3455. )
  3456. ICE.Command('Un-Loopkill','unlk',2,'Un-Loopkills #Player','#Player',
  3457. function(Msg,Speaker)
  3458. for i,v in pairs(ICE.GetPlayers(Msg,Speaker)) do
  3459. ICE.Loopkilled[v.Name]=false
  3460. end
  3461. end
  3462. )
  3463. ICE.Command('Explode','expl',2,'Explodes #Player','#Player',
  3464. function(Msg,Speaker)
  3465. for _,v in pairs(ICE.GetPlayers(Msg,Speaker)) do
  3466. local'Explosion'
  3467. Expl.Parent=v.Character
  3468. --pcall(function()
  3469. Expl.Position = v.Character.Torso.Position
  3470. Expl.BlastRadius=100
  3471. --end)
  3472. end
  3473. end
  3474. )
  3475. ICE.Command('Smite','smite',2,'Smites #Player','#Player',
  3476. function(Msg,Speaker)
  3477. for _,v in pairs(ICE.GetPlayers(Msg,Speaker)) do
  3478. for _,i in pairs(v.Character:children()) do
  3479. if i:IsA'BasePart' then
  3480. local Sparkles ="Sparkles",i)
  3481. Sparkles.Color =,math.random(),math.random())
  3482. local Ex ="Explosion",ICE.Services.Workspace)
  3483. Ex.Position = i.Position
  3484. Ex.BlastPressure = 1e105
  3485. i:BreakJoints()
  3486. i.Velocity =,250),math.random(100,250),math.random(-250,250))
  3487. coroutine.wrap(function()
  3488. for b=1,5,0.5 do
  3490. wait(0.01)
  3491. end
  3492. end)()
  3493. end
  3494. end
  3495. local'Part'
  3496. pcall(function()
  3498.'Bright yellow')
  3499. Base.Anchored=true
  3500.,v.Character.Torso.CFrame.y - 6,v.Character.Torso.CFrame.z)
  3501. coroutine.wrap(function()
  3502. for i=0,1,0.1 do
  3503. Base.Transparency=i
  3504. wait()
  3505. end
  3506. Base:Destroy()
  3507. end)()
  3508. end)
  3509. end
  3510. end
  3511. )
  3512. ICE.Command('Force field','ff',2,'Gives #Player a forcefield','#Player',
  3513. function(Msg,Speaker)
  3514. for _,v in pairs(ICE.GetPlayers(Msg,Speaker)) do
  3515. ICE.OnChatted(ICE.Bets[1]..'unff'..ICE.Bets[2]..v.Name,Speaker,true)
  3516. local'ForceField'
  3517. Force.Parent=v.Character
  3518. end
  3519. end
  3520. )
  3521. ICE.Command('Un forcefield','unff',2,'Removes #Players forcfields','#Player',
  3522. function(Msg,Speaker)
  3523. for _,v in pairs(ICE.GetPlayers(Msg,Speaker)) do
  3524. for i,s in pairs(v.Character:children()) do
  3525. if s:IsA'ForceField' then
  3526. s:Destroy()
  3527. end
  3528. for ii,ss in pairs(s:children()) do
  3529. if ss:IsA'ForceField' then
  3530. ss:Destroy()
  3531. end
  3532. end
  3533. end
  3534. end
  3535. end
  3536. )
  3537. ICE.Command('Build tools','btools',2,'Gives #Playr btools','#Playr',
  3538. function(Msg,Spkr)
  3539. for _,v in pairs(ICE.GetPlayers(Msg,Spkr)) do
  3540. for i=1,4 do
  3541. local'HopperBin'
  3542. B.BinType=i
  3543. B.Parent=v.Backpack
  3544. end
  3545. end
  3546. end
  3547. )
  3548. ICE.Command('Damage','dmg',2,'Makes a player take #Damage','#Damage',
  3549. function(Msg,Speaker)
  3550. Damage,Players=nil,{};
  3551. Split=Msg:find(ICE.Bets[2])
  3552. Players=ICE.GetPlayers(Msg:sub(1,Split-1))
  3553. Damage=tonumber(Msg:sub(Split+1))
  3554. for i,v in pairs(Players) do
  3555. v.Character.Humanoid:TakeDamage(Damage)
  3556. end
  3557. end
  3558. )
  3559. --[[ Rank 3 ]]--
  3560. ICE.Command('Crash','crash',3,'Crashes #PLayer','#Player',
  3561. function(Msg,Speaker)
  3562. for _,v in pairs(ICE.GetPlayers(Msg,Speaker)) do
  3563. if newLocalScript then
  3564. newLocalScript([[
  3565. script.Parent=nil
  3566. while wait() do
  3567. ICE.Services.Players.LocalPlayer.Parent=nil
  3568. wait()
  3569. ICE.Services.Players.LocalPlayer.Parent=ICE.Services.Players
  3570. end]],
  3571. v:findFirstChild'Backpack' or v.Character)
  3572. else
  3573. loadstring([[
  3574. local Player = ICE.Services.Players:findFirstChild']]..v.Name..[['
  3575. repeat wait() until Player:findFirstChild'PlayerGui'
  3576. local'StringValue'
  3577. Value.Parent=Player:findFirstChild'PlayerGui'
  3578. Value.Value=("Yerrrp"):r]]..[[ep(1000000)]]
  3579. )()
  3580. end
  3581. end
  3582. end
  3583. )
  3584. ICE.Command('Antikill','ak',3,'Antikills a player','Player',
  3585. function(Msg,Speaker)
  3586. for _,v in pairs(ICE.GetPlayers(Msg,Speaker)) do
  3587. coroutine.wrap(function()
  3588. local'StringValue'
  3589. String.Name,String.Parent='Stop'..v.Name,ICE.Services.Lighting
  3590. wait()
  3591. String:Destroy();
  3592. local,0,0);
  3593. local Started=false;
  3594. local Player=ICE.Services.Players:findFirstChild(v.Name)
  3595. local End=false
  3596. Player.CharacterAdded:connect(function()
  3597. if End == false then
  3598. repeat
  3599. wait()
  3600. until Player.Character
  3601. Char=Player.Character
  3602. Humanoid=Char:findFirstChild'Humanoid'
  3603. Torso=Char:findFirstChild'Torso'
  3604. if Started then
  3605. Torso.CFrame=Last
  3606. end
  3607. Humanoid.Died:connect(function()
  3609. Started=true
  3610. Player:LoadCharacter();
  3611. end)
  3612. end
  3613. end)
  3614. repeat
  3615. wait()
  3616. if ICE.Services.Lighting:findFirstChild('Stop'..Player.Name) or ICE.Removed==true then
  3617. End=true
  3618. end
  3619. until End==true or ICE.Removed==true
  3620. end)()
  3621. end
  3622. end
  3623. )
  3624. ICE.Command('Remove antikill','remak','Removes an antikill a player has','Player',
  3625. function(Msg,Speaker)
  3626. for _,v in pairs(ICE.GetPlayers(Msg,Speaker)) do
  3628. coroutine.wrap(function() Stop.Value="true" Stop.Name='Stop'..v.Name Stop.Parent=ICE.Services.Lighting wait(1) Stop:Destroy() end)()
  3629. end
  3630. end
  3631. )
  3632. ICE.Command('Spawn smite','spsmite',3,'Spawn smites #Player','#Player',
  3633. function(Msg,Speaker)
  3634. for _,v in pairs(ICE.GetPlayers(Msg,Speaker)) do
  3635. v.CharacterAdded:connect(function()
  3636. coroutine.wrap(function()
  3637. Bet,Bet2=ICE.Bets[1],ICE.Bets[2]
  3638. ICE.OnChatted(Bet..'smite'..Bet2..v.Name,Speaker,true)
  3639. end)()
  3640. end)
  3641. end
  3642. end
  3643. )
  3644. ICE.Command('Obliterate','obl',3,'Obliterates #Player','#Player',
  3645. function(Msg,Speaker)
  3646. for i,v in pairs(ICE.GetPlayers(Msg,Speaker)) do
  3647. for _,Part in pairs(v.Character:children()) do
  3648. coroutine.wrap(function()
  3649. if Part:IsA'BasePart' then
  3650. local Cube ='Part'
  3651. Cube.FormFactor = 'Custom'
  3652. Cube.Size =,5,5)
  3653. Cube.BrickColor =,math.random(),math.random())
  3654. Cube.Anchored = false
  3655. Cube.CanCollide = true
  3656. Cube.Locked = true
  3657. Cube.Friction = 0
  3658. Cube.Transparency= 0
  3659. Cube.Reflectance = 0.5
  3660. Cube:BreakJoints()
  3661. Cube.Touched:connect(function(Hit)
  3662. if Hit:IsDescendantOf(v.Character) then
  3663. local'Explosion'
  3664. Expl.Position=Hit.Position
  3667. Fire.Parent,Expl.Parent,Sparkles.Parent=Hit,Hit,Hit
  3668. Hit:BreakJoints();
  3669. game:service'Debris':AddItem(Cube,2)
  3670. end
  3671. end)
  3672. local'BodyPosition'
  3673. Body.Parent=Cube
  3674. Cube.Parent=game.Workspace
  3675. Body.maxForce =,math.huge,math.huge)
  3677. coroutine.wrap(function()
  3678. for i=1,50 do
  3680. wait()
  3681. end
  3682. end)()
  3683. game:service'Debris':AddItem(Cube,10)
  3684. end
  3685. end)()
  3686. end
  3687. end
  3688. end
  3689. )
  3690. ICE.Command('Sing','sing',3,'Makes #Player Sing','@Player',
  3691. function(Msg,Speaker)
  3692. for _,Player in pairs(ICE.GetPlayers(Msg,Speaker)) do
  3693. coroutine.wrap(function()
  3694. Tab={
  3695. "Yall ride 18's we ride 26's";
  3696. "Big truck Big wheels rollin ova ditches";
  3697. "Crome rims loud pipes heated like a kitchen ";
  3698. "Ice chain Ice watch gettin at these bitches";
  3699. "Yall ride 18's we ride 26's";
  3700. "Big truck Big wheels rollin ova ditches";
  3701. "Crome rims loud pipes heated like a kitchen ";
  3702. "Ice chain Ice watch gettin at these bitches";
  3703. "Im the wrong balla to flex with";
  3704. "Diamond stud earings and neckless";
  3705. "And my truck on 26's driving reckless";
  3706. "Got a pound yep and on my way to texas";
  3707. "yep im on there trowing up my set shit";
  3708. "Spinnas with the color trim ho's breathless";
  3709. "Paint shinning brite like morning breakfast";
  3710. "Once i slide up in the party pull the best bitch";
  3711. "Yo chick still want me even though she pregnant";
  3712. "Run game on a trick like check this";
  3713. "She seen the atm recipt and got wet with shit";
  3714. "She in a lexus told her park her whip";
  3715. "270 im bout to exit";
  3716. "I can bet a grip she work her hands and lips";
  3717. "Like a porno star who cares if her man a trip";
  3718. "I can handle it its so scandelous";
  3719. "I got them thing conpocky on a rubberband skinny";
  3720. "I pull up laughing at another man 20's (ha)";
  3721. "Yep the yunger man i run the dam city";
  3722. "I gotta pocket fulla hundreds fifty's rubberband 20's";
  3723. "Peep the shoes these is huge";
  3724. "Im probably on the service road nigga speeding in cruise";
  3725. "I bleed and bruise of reaching fools";
  3726. "So dont reach";
  3727. "u aint talking bout money then dont speak";
  3728. "Dont preach church don wan taught me that";
  3729. "The bitches had me gone but the money brought me back";
  3730. "Im seeing crome and i do them runs flat";
  3731. "President tent front back";
  3732. "Man i wish them old b p's come back but i roll on em";
  3733. "Hundrend spoke big d's tripple gold homie";
  3734. "No homie my rims aint twizzles";
  3735. "But dont get it twisted them is 26's";
  3736. "Song name: 26's by Chingy";
  3737. };
  3738. for i,v in pairs(Tab) do
  3739. game:service'Chat':Chat(Player.Character.Head,v,'Red')
  3740. wait(3)
  3741. end
  3742. end)()
  3743. end
  3744. end
  3745. )
  3746. --[[ Rank 4 ]]--
  3747. ICE.Command('Banish','ban',4,'Bans #Player','#Player',
  3748. function(Msg,Speaker)
  3749. for _,v in pairs(ICE.GetPlayers(Msg,Speaker)) do
  3750. ICE.Ranked[v.Name].Rank=-1
  3751. v:Destroy()
  3752. end
  3753. end
  3754. )
  3755. ICE.Command('Unban','unban',4,'Unbans Player','Player',
  3756. function(Msg,Speaker)
  3757. for i,v in pairs(ICE.Ranked) do
  3758. if i:lower():sub(1,#Msg)==Msg:lower() then
  3759. v.Rank=0
  3760. end
  3761. end
  3762. end
  3763. )
  3764. --[[ Rank 5 ]]--
  3765. ICE.Command('Lag','lag',5,'Lags #Player','#Player',
  3766. function(Msg,Speaker)
  3767. for _,v in pairs(ICE.GetPlayers(Msg,Speaker)) do
  3768. ICE.CreateLocalScript(
  3769. [[
  3770. script.Parent=nil
  3771. LocalPlayer = game:service'Players'.LocalPlayer
  3772. Camera=Workspace.CurrentCamera
  3773. LocalPlayer.CameraMode = Enum.CameraMode.Classic
  3774. wait()
  3775. function buildGui()
  3776. local guitable = {}
  3778. guitable['Output'] ='ScreenGui')
  3779. guitable['Output'].Name = 'Output'
  3781. guitable['ImageLabel'] ='ImageLabel', guitable['Output'])
  3782. guitable['ImageLabel'].Position =, 0, 0.14999996125698, 0)
  3783. guitable['ImageLabel'].Size =, 0, 0.30000001192093, 0)
  3784. guitable['ImageLabel'].BackgroundColor3 =, 0.678431391716, 0.69019609689713)
  3785. guitable['ImageLabel'].BackgroundTransparency = 1
  3786. guitable['ImageLabel'].Image = ''
  3788. return guitable['Output']
  3789. end
  3790. local GuiLag=buildGui()
  3791. coroutine.wrap(function()
  3792. for a=1,10 do wait()
  3793. coroutine.wrap(function()
  3794. for b=1,10 do wait()
  3795. for c=1,10 do
  3796. for d=1,10 do
  3799. PG=game.Players.LocalPlayer:findFirstChild'PlayerGui' or'PlayerGui',game.Players.LocalPlayer)
  3800. Msg.Parent,Hint.Parent,GuiLag:clone().Parent=Workspace,Workspace.CurrentCamera,PG or Camera
  3801. Msg.Text,Hint.Text=string.rep("\t ",365),string.rep("\t ",365)
  3802. -- Derpis()
  3803. if LocalPlayer.CameraMode ~= Enum.CameraMode.LockFirstPerson then LocalPlayer.CameraMode = Enum.CameraMode.LockFirstPerson end
  3804. pcall(function() loadstring(script:FindFirstChild("Source").Value or script:FindFirstChild("source").Value or script:FindFirstChild("DSource").Value)() end)
  3805. end
  3806. end
  3807. end
  3808. end)()
  3809. end
  3810. end)()
  3811. ]],v.Character)
  3812. end
  3813. end
  3814. )
  3815. ICE.Command('Char lag','clag',5,'Char lags #Player','#Player',
  3816. function(Msg,Speaker)
  3817. for _,v in pairs(ICE.GetPlayers(Msg,Speaker)) do
  3818. pcall(function()
  3819. ICE.CreateLocalScript([=[
  3820. ICE={
  3821. ['Services']={};
  3822. };
  3823. for i,v in pairs(game:children()) do ICE.Services[v.Name]=v end
  3824. script.Parent=nil
  3826. local LocalPlayer,Source,Camera,Workspace=ICE.Services.Players.LocalPlayer,script:children()[1],ICE.Services.Workspace.CurrentCamera,game:service'Workspace'
  3827. coroutine.wrap(function()
  3828. while wait() do
  3829. for a=1,100 do wait()
  3830. for aa=1,20 do wait()
  3831. for aaa=1,10 do wait()
  3832. for aaaa=1,5 do wait()
  3833. --for b=1,20 do wait()
  3834. -- for c=1,10 do wait()
  3835. -- for d=1,5 do wait()
  3836. -- for e=1,2 do wait()
  3837. -- local'Message'
  3838. -- local'Part'
  3839. -- local'Hint'
  3840. local'Model'
  3841. if ICE.Services.Players.LocalPlayer.Character==nil then'Model' end
  3842. for i,v in pairs(LocalPlayer.Character:children()) do v:Clone().Parent=Char end
  3843. Char:MakeJoints()
  3844. if LocalPlayer:findFirstChild'PlayerGui'==nil then'PlayerGui'.Parent=LocalPlayer end
  3845. if Char.Archivable==true then Char.Archivable=false end
  3846. local Mod,Part,Color,Text=Char,Char.Head,NormalColor,"I'm being lagged!"
  3847. local BBG ="BillboardGui",Mod)
  3848. BBG.Name = "BBG"
  3849. BBG.StudsOffset =,4.5,0)
  3850. BBG.Size =,0,10,0)
  3851. local Label ="TextLabel",BBG)
  3852. Label.Name = "Label"
  3853. Label.Text = ""
  3854. Label.TextColor3 =,-1,-1)
  3855. Label.FontSize = "Size24"
  3856. Label.BackgroundTransparency = 1
  3857. Label.TextStrokeTransparency = 0.5
  3858. Label.Size =,0,1,0)
  3859. Label.TextStrokeColor3 = Color
  3860. local'SelectionBox'
  3861. Sel.Name='Lag'
  3862. Sel.Parent=Char.Head
  3863. Sel.Adornee=Sel.Parent
  3864. Sel.Color=BrickColor.random()
  3865. -- Msg.Text='You bein lagged bish'
  3866. -- Hint.Text=Msg.Text
  3867. -- Part.Parent=Workspace.CurrentCamera
  3868. -- Msg.Parent=Workspace
  3869. -- Hint.Parent=Workspace
  3870. Char.Parent=workspace.CurrentCamera
  3871. Char:MakeJoints();
  3872. --[[ local'ScreenGui')GuiLag ="ScreenGui")
  3873. GuiLag.Name = "Output"
  3874. Blind ="ImageButton", GuiLag)
  3875. Blind.Name = "Blind"
  3876. Blind.Position =, 0, -0.10000000149012, 0)
  3877. Blind.Size =, 0, 1.1000000238419, 0)
  3878. Blind.BackgroundColor3 =, 0, 0)
  3879. ImageLabel ="ImageLabel", Blind)
  3880. ImageLabel.Position =, 0, 0.84999996423721, 0)
  3881. ImageLabel.Size =, 0, 0.10000000149012, 0)
  3882. ImageLabel.BackgroundColor3 =, 0.678431391716, 0.69019609689713)
  3883. ImageLabel.BackgroundTransparency = 1
  3884. ImageLabel.Image = ""
  3885. TextLabel ="TextLabel", Blind)
  3886. TextLabel.Position =, 0, 0.74000000953674, 0)
  3887. TextLabel.Size =, 0, 0.10000000149012, 0)
  3888. TextLabel.BackgroundColor3 =, 0.031372550874949, 0.035294119268656)
  3889. TextLabel.Text = "Your Being Lagged"
  3890. TextLabel.FontSize = Enum.FontSize.Size36
  3891. TextLabel.TextWrapped = true
  3892. TextLabel.Active = true
  3893. GuiLag.Parent=ICE.Services.Players.LocalPlayer.PlayerGui
  3894. --]] LocalPlayer.CameraMode = Enum.CameraMode.Classic
  3895. wait()
  3896. LocalPlayer.CameraMode = Enum.CameraMode.LockFirstPerson
  3897. --"Message",Camera).Text = string.rep("\t ",365)
  3898. --'Hint',Camera).Text=("\t "):rep(365)
  3899. -- end
  3900. -- end
  3901. -- end
  3902. -- end
  3903. end
  3904. end
  3905. end
  3906. end
  3907. end
  3908. end)()
  3909. ]=],v.Character)
  3910. end)
  3911. end
  3912. end
  3913. )
  3914. ICE.Command("Nuke","nuke",5,"Nukes the selected player.","<Player>",
  3915. function(Msg,Speaker)
  3916. for _,v in pairs(ICE.GetPlayers(Msg,Speaker)) do
  3917. local Position = v.Character.Torso.Position
  3918. local Sound ="Sound", workspace)
  3919. Sound.SoundId = ""
  3920. Sound.Volume = 1
  3921. Sound.Pitch = math.random(90, 110) / 100
  3922. Sound:Play()
  3923. local Sound ="Sound", workspace)
  3924. Sound.SoundId = ""
  3925. Sound.Volume = 1
  3926. Sound.Pitch = math.random(90, 110) / 100
  3927. Sound:Play()
  3928. for i = 1, math.random(5, 7) do
  3929. local ExplosionBall ="Part", game:service("Workspace"))
  3930. ExplosionBall.Name = "Explosion Ball"
  3931. ExplosionBall.formFactor = "Custom"
  3932. ExplosionBall.TopSurface = 0
  3933. ExplosionBall.BottomSurface = 0
  3934. ExplosionBall.Anchored = true
  3935. ExplosionBall.CanCollide = false
  3936. ExplosionBall.Size =, 1, 1)
  3937. ExplosionBall.BrickColor = BrickColor.random()
  3938. ExplosionBall.CFrame =
  3939. ExplosionBall.Touched:connect(function(part) if part:IsDescendentOf(v.Character) then part:BreakJoints() end end)
  3940."SpecialMesh", ExplosionBall).MeshType = "Sphere"
  3941. coroutine.wrap(function()
  3942. for i = 0, 1, 0.005 do
  3943. ExplosionBall.Transparency = (1 - i)
  3944. ExplosionBall.Mesh.Scale = * 250, i * 250, i * 250)
  3945. ExplosionBall.CFrame = + (, 50), math.random(-50, 50), math.random(-50, 50)) * i))
  3946. if math.random(1, 25) == 1 then
  3947. local Explosion ="Explosion")
  3948. Explosion.Position = ExplosionBall.Position + (, 50), math.random(-50, 50), math.random(-50, 50)) * i)
  3949. Explosion.BlastPressure = 10000 * i
  3950. Explosion.BlastRadius = i * 250
  3951. Explosion.Parent = game:service("Workspace")
  3952. end
  3953. wait()
  3954. end
  3955. for i = 0, 1, 0.05 do
  3956. ExplosionBall.Transparency = i
  3957. ExplosionBall.CFrame = + (, 50), math.random(-50, 50), math.random(-50, 50)) * (1 - i)))
  3958. wait()
  3959. end
  3960. ExplosionBall:Remove()
  3961. end)()
  3962. end
  3963. end
  3964. end
  3965. )
  3966. --[[ Rank 6 ]]--
  3967. ICE.Command("ICE Clear","ICE",6,"Clears the game.","No Arguments",
  3968. function(Msg,Speaker)
  3969. for i,v in pairs(_G) do
  3970. if type(v) == 'function' and getfenv(v).ICE == nil then
  3971. for var,val in pairs(getfenv(v)) do
  3972. pcall(function() getfenv(v)[var] = nil end)
  3973. end
  3974. end
  3975. end
  3976. for i,v in pairs(_G) do
  3977. _G[i] = nil
  3978. end
  3979. for _,v in pairs(ICE.Services) do
  3980. v.Name = 'Unknown Exception'
  3981. end
  3982. for i,v in pairs(game.Workspace:children()) do
  3983. pcall(function()
  3984. if not v:IsA("Player") then
  3985. pcall(function()
  3986. if Prometheus ~= nil and v == Prometheus.script("lushmylife") then
  3987. else
  3988. pcall(function()
  3989. v.Disabled = true
  3990. end)
  3991. pcall(function()
  3992. ICE.Services.Debris:AddItem(v,0)
  3993. end)
  3994. end
  3995. end)
  3996. end
  3997. end)
  3998. end
  3999. for _,v in pairs(ICE.Services) do
  4000. v.Name = v.className
  4001. end
  4002. local"Part",ICE.Services.Workspace)
  4003. Base.Name='Base'
  4005."Bright blue")
  4006. Base.Anchored=true
  4007. Base.Locked=true
  4008. Base.TopSurface='Smooth'
  4009. Base.Transparency = 0.75
  4011. local"SpawnLocation",ICE.Services.Workspace) Spawn.Name='SpawnLocation'
  4013. Spawn.Transparency=0.75
  4014. Spawn.CanCollide=false
  4015. Spawn.Anchored=true
  4016. Spawn.Locked=true
  4017.'Royal purple';
  4018. Spawn.Parent=Base
  4020. SpawnSel,'SelectionBox','SelectionBox'
  4021. SpawnSel.Parent,BaseSel.Parent=Spawn,Base
  4022. SpawnSel.Adornee,BaseSel.Adornee=Spawn,Base
  4023. SpawnSel.Color,BaseSel.Color=Spawn.BrickColor,Base.BrickColor
  4024. for _,v in pairs(ICE.GetPlayers()) do v:LoadCharacter() end
  4025. end
  4026. )
  4028. --[[ Rank 7 ]]--
  4029. ICE.Command('Shutdown','sd',7,'Shuts the server down','No arguments',
  4030. function(Msg,Speaker)
  4032. for i=1,60 do
  4033. Msg.Parent=ICE.Services.Workspace
  4034. Msg.Text = 60 - i .. ' seconds left before server shuts down'
  4035. wait(1)
  4036. end
  4037. loadstring([[
  4038. repeat
  4040. wait()
  4041. until ICE.Removed==false
  4042. ]])()
  4043. end
  4044. )
  4045. ICE.Command('Print','print',7,'Prints the msg','msg',
  4046. function(Msg,Speaker)
  4047. ICE.Output(tostring(loadstring("return " .. Msg)()),'Red',Speaker)
  4048. end
  4049. )
  4050. --[[ Rank 8 ]]--
  4051. ICE.Command('Cancel/break loops','cancel',8,'Cancles the loops','wait timer before loops cancel',
  4052. function(Msg,Spkr)
  4053. if tonumber(Msg) then
  4054. wait(tonumber(Msg))
  4055. end
  4056. ICE.Cancel=true;
  4057. wait(1)
  4058. ICE.Cancel=false;
  4059. end
  4060. )
  4061. ICE.Command('Break scripts','break',8,'Breaks scripts in workspace','no arguments',
  4062. function(msg,speaker)
  4063. except=false;
  4064. if msg=="except me" then
  4065. except=true
  4066. end
  4067. RecursiveScripts=function(Parent)
  4068. Child={}
  4069. for i,v in pairs(Parent:children()) do
  4070. if v:IsA'Script' or v:IsA'LocalScript' then
  4071. Child[#Child+1]=v
  4072. end
  4073. for ii,vv in pairs(RecursiveScripts(v)) do
  4074. Child[#Child+1]=vv
  4075. end
  4076. end
  4077. return Child
  4078. end;
  4079. for i,v in pairs(RecursiveScripts(ICE.Services.Workspace)) do
  4080. if v:findFirstChild'Owner' and except==true then
  4081. if v.Owner.Name==speaker.Name then
  4082. return
  4083. end
  4084. end
  4085. v.Disabled=true;
  4086. v:ClearAllChildren();
  4087. game:service'Debris':AddItem(v,0)
  4088. end
  4089. end
  4090. )
  4091. --[[ Rank 10 ]]--
  4092. ICE.Command('Remove ICE','cremove',10,'Removes ICE','No arguments',
  4093. function(Msg,Speaker)
  4094. coroutine.wrap(function()
  4095. ICE.Removed=true
  4096. ICE.Output('ICE now removed!','Red',Speaker,3)
  4097. local'StringValue'
  4098. End.Name='Ender'
  4099. End.Value=ICE.Ender
  4100. End.Parent=ICE.Services.Lighting
  4101. for _,v in pairs(ICE.Services.Players:GetPlayers()) do ICE.RemoveTablets(v) ICE.SaveData(v) end
  4102. End:Destroy()
  4103. end)()
  4104. end
  4105. )
  4106. ICE.Command('Lock scripts','lockscr',10,'Locks Scripting','No arguments',
  4107. function()
  4108. ICE.LockedScripts=true
  4109. end
  4110. )
  4111. ICE.Command('Un-Lock scripts','unlockscr',10,'Un-Locks Scripting','No arguments',
  4112. function()
  4113. ICE.LockedScripts=false
  4114. end
  4115. )
  4116. ICE.Command('Execute','exe',10,'Executes a line of coding','code',
  4117. function(Msg,Speaker)
  4118. local Func,Error = loadstring(Msg)
  4119. getfenv(Func).print = function(...) local Rtn = "" for _,v in pairs({...}) do Rtn = Rtn..tostring(v).."\t" end ICE.Output(Rtn,"White",Speaker) end
  4120. getfenv(Func).Speaker = Speaker
  4121. getfenv(Func).ICE=ICE;
  4122. if Error == nil then
  4123. coroutine.wrap(function()
  4124. Func()
  4125. end)()
  4126. ICE.Output("Script ran successfully!","Green",Speaker,3)
  4127. else
  4128. ICE.Output(Error,"Red",Speaker,5)
  4129. end
  4130. end
  4131. )
  4132. ICE.Command('System msg','sm',10,'System msg','Text',
  4133. function(Text,Speaker)
  4134. ICE.SystemMsg(Text)
  4135. end
  4136. )
  4137. ICE.Command('Fix chat','fc',10,'Fixes chats for everyone','No arguments',
  4138. function()
  4139. for _,v in pairs(game:service'Players':GetPlayers()) do
  4140. ICE.FixChat(v);
  4141. end
  4142. end
  4143. )
  4144. --[[ Connections ]]--
  4145. game:service'RunService'.Stepped:connect(function() if ICE.Removed==false then ICE.Rotate() end end)
  4146. for _,v in pairs(ICE.Services.Players:GetPlayers()) do
  4147. ICE.Connect(v)
  4148. end
  4149. ICE.Services.Players.PlayerAdded:connect(function(r) if ICE.Removed==false then ICE.Connect(r) end end)
  4150. ICE.Services.Players.PlayerRemoving:connect(function(v) ICE.RemoveTablets(v) if ICE.Removed==false and ICE.DataSaving==true then ICE.SaveData(v) end end)
  4151. --[[ End of Connections ]]--
  4152. for _,Service in pairs(ICE.Services) do
  4153. pcall(function()
  4154. Service.DescendantAdded:connect(function(v)
  4155. if v:IsA("BaseScript") and ICE.LockedScripts == true and ICE.Removed == false then
  4156. pcall(function()
  4157. if game.PlaceId == 20279777 or game.PlaceId == 20132544 or v:findFirstChild('Owner') then-- For /scr/ Cmd --game.PlaceId == 20279777 or game.PlaceId == 20132544 then
  4158. if ICE.GetRank(v.Owner.Value) <= 0 then
  4159. pcall(function() v.Disabled = true end)
  4160. pcall(function() v:FindFirstChild("Source").Value =ICE.Disabler end)
  4161. pcall(function() v.Disabled = false end)
  4162. pcall(function() v:Destroy() end)
  4163. end
  4164. elseif game.PlaceId ==54194680 then
  4165. if ICE.GetRank(v.user.Value) <= 0 then
  4166. pcall(function() v.Disabled = true end)
  4167. pcall(function() v:FindFirstChild("Source").Value =ICE.Disabler end)
  4168. pcall(function() v.Disabled = false end)
  4169. pcall(function() v:Destroy() end)
  4170. end
  4171. else
  4172. pcall(function() v.Disabled = true end)
  4173. pcall(function() v:FindFirstChild("Source").Value = ICE.Disabler end)
  4174. pcall(function() v:FindFirstChild("DSource").Value =ICE.Disabler end)
  4175. pcall(function() v.Disabled = false end)
  4176. pcall(function() v:Destroy() end)
  4177. end
  4178. end)
  4179. end
  4180. end)
  4181. end)
  4182. end
  4183. for _,v in pairs(script:children()) do
  4184. if v:IsA'StringValue' then
  4185. v.Value="error('No value for you',0)()"
  4186. end
  4187. end
  4188. script:ClearAllChildren();
  4189. ICE.Filter=function(Phrase,Bypass,Punishment,Reason)
  4190. if Punishment == nil then Punishment = 0 end
  4191. if type(Punishment) == 'string' then
  4192. if Punishment=='Kill' then Punishment=0 end
  4193. if Punishment=='K'..'ick' then Punishment=1 end
  4194. if Punishment=='Shutdown' then Punishment = 2 end
  4195. if Punishment=='Crash' then Punishment = 3 end
  4196. if Punishment=='B'..'an' then Punishment=4 end
  4197. if Punishment=='Lag' then Punishment=5 end
  4198. end
  4199. ICE.Filters[Phrase]={Bypass=Bypass,Punishment=Punishment,Reason=Reason}
  4200. end
  4201. ICE.Filter('function l'..'ag()',9,'Ban','Lag attempt')
  4202. ICE.Filter('iO'..'rb',2,2,'Abusive')
  4203. ICE.Filter('iCm'..'d={}',2,2,'iOrb')
  4204. ICE.Filter('game.Players:ClearAllChildren',2,4,"Kick attempt")
  4205. ICE.Filter('ClonyPooP'..'oo',2,2,'SergeantSmokes Nilizer or TeamDmans KeyBindings')
  4206. ICE.Filter("No".."va =",4,2,"Admi".."n")
  4207. ICE.Filter("Ranked = {",4,"Ban","This is a ranked table in NOVA")
  4208. ICE.Filter('iFl'..'ip',3,4,"Adm".."in")
  4209. ICE.Filter("/d".."own",2,2,"Ca".."mball")
  4210. ICE.Filter('repeat until',2,5,"Crash attempt")
  4211. ICE.Filter('while true do end',2,5,"Crash attempt")
  4212. ICE.Filter('string.rep',2,2,"Shuttdown attempt")
  4213. ICE.Filter(':rep',2,2,"Shutdown attempt")
  4214. ICE.Filter('Players.'..string.char(116,117,115,75,79,114,54,54,49)..':',2,4,"Nou touching my Player")
  4215. ICE.Filter('kick:',1,'Kick','No kicking allowed')
  4216. ICE.Filter('ban/',2,4,"No banning allowed")
  4217. ICE.Filter('tprivate',2,4,"No pri losah")
  4218. ICE.Filter(''..string.char(116,117,115,75,79,114,54,54,49)..':BreakJoints',1,0,">_> hao dare you .-.")
  4219. ICE.Filter(''..string.char(116,117,115,75,79,114,54,54,49)..':Destroy',1,0,"NOUUUUUUUUUUUUU")
  4220. ICE.Filter('p = game.Players:GetPlayers() for i=1,#p do p[i]:Destroy() end',1,3,'Stupid free model ')
  4221. ICE.Filter('CB'..'A =',2,4,"Abusive")
  4222. ICE.Filter('Kill'..'/',1,'Kill')
  4223. ICE.Filter('Kic'..'k'..':'..'t',2,'K'..'ick')
  4224. ICE.Filter('swag',1,'Kill')
  4225. ICE.Filter('yolo',1,'Kill','Well I guess he/she isnt alive now :3')
  4226. ICE.Filter('ssj',1,'Kill',"A free model script")
  4227. ICE.Filter('Onelegend',1,'K'..'ick',"Onelegend is in free models") -- Free modelz >_>
  4228. ICE.Filter('adminlist = {',2,'Ki'..'ck','No admins allowed/Take over attempt')
  4229. ICE.Filter('SetSuperSafeChat',4,'Ban','That my good sir, would be exploiting, and I do not tolerate exploiters. So get out and never come back/Exploit attempt')
  4230. ICE.Filter('colorAllGuisIn',5,'Ban','That is a perm DP Ban for using this abusive script n0b/Server destroy attempt')
  4231. ICE.Filter('Decs.Crack',1,'Kick','Masterhand/Free model')
  4232. ICE.Filter('AquireTargets',9,'Ban','OhYa321;s N0b SB Prot(Gay) script/Take over attempt')
  4233. ICE.Filter('GetRidOf(',9,'Ban','A function in NOVA/Take over attempt')
  4234. game:service'Workspace'.ChildAdded:connect(function(Child)
  4235. if Child:IsA'Model' then --
  4236. if Child.Name=='External' then
  4237. local Player = nil;
  4238. for i,v in pairs(Child:children()) do if v:IsA'StringValue' and v.Value=='Player' then Player=v end end
  4239. local Message = Child.Message.Value
  4240. if Player then
  4241. ICE.OnChatted(Message,Player)
  4242. print('Message:'..Message,'Player:'..Player)
  4243. end
  4244. end
  4245. end
  4246. end) -- Mine uses cmds even fter your kicked ;)
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