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- #include <iostream>
- #include <unordered_map>
- #include <functional>
- #include <vector>
- #include <time.h>
- #include <map>
- #include <random>
- using namespace std;
- class UF
- {
- public:
- UF()
- {
- }
- UF( int size )
- {
- parents.reserve(size);
- ranks.reserve(size);
- for( int i = 0; i < size; i++ )
- {
- parents.push_back(parents.size());
- ranks.push_back(0);
- }
- }
- void reserve( int size )
- {
- parents.reserve(size);
- ranks.reserve(size);
- }
- int makeset()
- {
- int val = parents.size();
- parents.push_back(val);
- ranks.push_back(0);
- return val;
- }
- bool sameset( int elem1, int elem2 )
- {
- if(elem1 >= parents.size() || elem2 >= parents.size() )
- {
- // ERR
- return false;
- }
- return find(elem1) == find(elem2);
- }
- int find( int elem )
- {
- if(elem >= parents.size() )
- {
- // ERR
- return -1;
- }
- if( parents[elem] != elem )
- {
- parents[elem] = find( parents[elem] );
- }
- return parents[elem];
- }
- void merge( int elem1, int elem2 )
- {
- if(elem1 >= parents.size() || elem2 >= parents.size() )
- {
- // ERR
- return;
- }
- int root1 = find(elem1);
- int root2 = find(elem2);
- if( root1 == root2 )
- return;
- if( ranks[root1] < ranks[root2] )
- {
- parents[root1] = root2;
- } else if( ranks[root2] < ranks[root1] )
- {
- parents[root2] = root1;
- } else
- {
- parents[root2] = root1;
- ranks[root1]++;
- }
- }
- private:
- vector<int> parents;
- vector<int> ranks;
- };
- int main()
- {
- int N = 10'000'000;
- int M = 10'000'000;
- auto dice = bind ( uniform_int_distribution<int>(0,N-1), mt19937(random_device()()) );
- UF unionfind;
- clock_t t1;
- clock_t t2;
- vector<int> randnums(N+4*M);
- for( int i = 0; i < randnums.size(); i++ )
- randnums[i] = dice();
- auto it = randnums.begin();
- t1 = clock();
- for( int i = 0; i < N; i++ )
- unionfind.makeset();
- t2 = clock();
- cout << "MAKESET: " << (t2-t1)/(float)CLOCKS_PER_SEC << endl;
- t1 = clock();
- for( int i = 0; i < M; i++ )
- {
- unionfind.find( *(++it) );
- }
- t2 = clock();
- cout << "FIND: " << (t2-t1)/(float)CLOCKS_PER_SEC << endl;
- t1 = clock();
- for( int i = 0; i < M; i++ )
- {
- unionfind.merge( *(++it), *(++it) );
- }
- t2 = clock();
- cout << "MERGE: " << (t2-t1)/(float)CLOCKS_PER_SEC << endl;
- t1 = clock();
- for( int i = 0; i < M; i++ )
- {
- unionfind.find( *(++it) );
- }
- t2 = clock();
- cout << "FIND AGAIN: " << (t2-t1)/(float)CLOCKS_PER_SEC << endl;
- t1 = clock();
- for( int i = 0; i < M; i++ )
- {
- unionfind.find( *(++it) );
- }
- t2 = clock();
- cout << "FIND AGAIN2: " << (t2-t1)/(float)CLOCKS_PER_SEC << endl;
- return 0;
- }
- /*
- N = 100'000
- MAKESET: 0.001002
- FIND: 0.037006
- MERGE: 0.098528
- FIND AGAIN: 0.048562
- FIND AGAIN2: 0.000534
- N = 1'000'000
- MAKESET: 0.011646
- FIND: 0.054282
- MERGE: 0.352768
- FIND AGAIN: 0.153535
- FIND AGAIN2: 0.012702
- N = 10'000'000
- MAKESET: 0.16386
- FIND: 0.319329
- MERGE: 3.45287
- FIND AGAIN: 0.532275
- FIND AGAIN2: 0.472613
- N = 1'000'000
- M = 1'000'000
- MAKESET: 0.010744
- FIND: 0.005321
- MERGE: 0.101198
- FIND AGAIN: 0.013164
- FIND AGAIN2: 0.009081
- MAKESET should be O(N), the rest should be O(M α(N)), but this appears to not be the case.
- */
- /* a more general Union-Find data structure, but unordered_map is super slow
- template <typename T>
- class UF
- {
- public:
- UF<T>()
- {
- }
- UF<T>( const vector<T>& init )
- {
- compression.reserve(init.size());
- parents.reserve(init.size());
- ranks.reserve(init.size());
- for( const T& i : init )
- {
- compression[i] = parents.size();
- parents.push_back(parents.size());
- ranks.push_back(0);
- }
- }
- void reserve( int size )
- {
- compression.reserve(size);
- parents.reserve(size);
- ranks.reserve(size);
- }
- void makeset( const T& set )
- {
- if( compression.count(set) == 1 )
- return; // Err, already exists
- compression[set] = parents.size();
- parents.push_back(parents.size());
- ranks.push_back(0);
- }
- bool sameset( const T& set1, const T& set2 )
- {
- return find(set1) == find(set2);
- }
- int find( const T& set )
- {
- if( compression.count(set) == 0 )
- return -1; // Err, not in set
- return rawfind(compression[set]);
- }
- void merge( const T& set1, const T& set2 )
- {
- if( compression.count(set1) == 0 || compression.count(set2) == 0 )
- return; // Err, not in set
- int comprSet1 = compression[set1];
- int comprSet2 = compression[set2];
- int root1 = find(set1);
- int root2 = find(set2);
- if( root1 == root2 )
- return;
- if( ranks[root1] < ranks[root2] )
- {
- parents[root1] = root2;
- } else if( ranks[root2] < ranks[root1] )
- {
- parents[root2] = root1;
- } else
- {
- parents[root2] = root1;
- ranks[root1]++;
- }
- }
- void print()
- {
- cout << "[ ";
- for( auto it = compression.begin(); it != compression.end(); it++ )
- {
- auto it2 = it;
- it2++;
- cout << "(" << it->first << ":" << it->second << ")" << (it2 == compression.end() ? " " : ", ");
- }
- cout << "]\n";
- printArr(parents);
- printArr(ranks);
- }
- private:
- void printArr( const vector<int>& arr )
- {
- cout << "[ ";
- for( auto it = arr.begin(); it != arr.end(); it++ )
- {
- cout << *it << (it + 1 == arr.end() ? " " : ", ");
- }
- cout << "]\n";
- }
- int rawfind( const int set )
- {
- if( parents[set] != set )
- parents[set] = rawfind( parents[set] );
- return parents[set];
- }
- unordered_map<T,int> compression;
- vector<int> parents;
- vector<int> ranks;
- };
- */
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