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- #include <iostream>
- #include <cstring>
- #define MAX 100
- using namespace std;
- enum typeC{standard,loyal,vip};
- class UserExistsException{
- private:
- char msg[256];
- public:
- UserExistsException(const char * msg){
- strcpy(this->msg, msg);
- }
- const void print(){
- cout << this->msg;
- }
- };
- class Customer{
- private:
- char name[50];
- char email[50];
- typeC type;
- int noBought;
- static int baseSale;
- static int addSale;
- const void copy_obj(const Customer &orig){
- strcpy(this->name,;
- strcpy(this->email,;
- this->type = orig.type;
- this->noBought = orig.noBought;
- }
- public:
- Customer(){
- strcpy(this->name, "Unknown");
- strcpy(this->email, "");
- this->type = (typeC)0;
- this->noBought = 0;
- }
- Customer(const char * name, const char * email, typeC type, const int noBought){
- strcpy(this->name, name);
- strcpy(this->email, email);
- this->type = type;
- this->noBought = noBought;
- }
- Customer(const Customer &orig){
- this->copy_obj(orig);
- }
- Customer &operator=(const Customer &orig){
- if(this != &orig)
- this->copy_obj(orig);
- return *this;
- }
- const int sale(){
- if(this->type == standard)
- return 0;
- else if(this->type == loyal)
- return baseSale;
- else
- return addSale + baseSale;
- }
- static const void setDiscount1(const int newDisc){
- baseSale = newDisc;
- }
- friend ostream &operator << (ostream &os, Customer &orig){
- os << << "\n" << << "\n" << orig.noBought << "\n";
- if(orig.type == standard)
- os << "standard ";
- else if(orig.type == loyal)
- os <<"loyal ";
- else
- os << "vip ";
- os << << "\n";
- return os;
- }
- const char * getEmail(){
- return this->email;
- }
- const typeC getType(){
- return this->type;
- }
- const int getNoBought(){
- return this->noBought;
- }
- const void setType(typeC newType){
- this->type = newType;
- }
- };
- int Customer::baseSale = 10;
- int Customer::addSale = 20;
- class FINKI_bookstore{
- private:
- Customer * cs;
- int noCs;
- const void copy_obj(const FINKI_bookstore &orig){
- this->cs = new Customer[orig.noCs+1];
- for(int i=0; i<orig.noCs; i++)
- this->cs[i] = orig.cs[i];
- this->noCs = orig.noCs;
- }
- public:
- FINKI_bookstore(){
- this->cs = new Customer[0];
- this->noCs = 0;
- }
- FINKI_bookstore(const FINKI_bookstore &orig){
- this->copy_obj(orig);
- }
- FINKI_bookstore &operator=(const FINKI_bookstore &orig){
- if(this != &orig){
- delete [] this->cs;
- this->copy_obj(orig);
- }
- return *this;
- }
- ~FINKI_bookstore(){
- delete [] this->cs;
- }
- FINKI_bookstore &operator += (Customer &add){
- for(int i=0; i<this->noCs; i++)
- if(!(strcmp(this->cs[i].getEmail(), add.getEmail())))
- throw UserExistsException("The user already exists in the list!\n");
- Customer * tmp = new Customer[this->noCs+1];
- for(int i=0; i<this->noCs; i++)
- tmp[i] = this->cs[i];
- tmp[this->noCs++] = add;
- delete [] this->cs;
- this->cs = tmp;
- return *this;
- }
- const void setCustomers(Customer * customers, int n){
- this->noCs = n;
- this->cs = new Customer[n+1];
- for(int i=0; i<n; i++)
- this->cs[i] = customers[i];
- }
- const void update(){
- for(int i=0; i<this->noCs; i++){
- if(this->cs[i].getType() == standard && this->cs[i].getNoBought() > 5)
- this->cs[i].setType(loyal);
- else if(this->cs[i].getType() == loyal && this->cs[i].getNoBought() > 10)
- this->cs[i].setType(vip);
- }
- }
- friend ostream &operator << (ostream &os, FINKI_bookstore &orig){
- for(int i=0; i<orig.noCs; i++)
- os << orig.cs[i];
- return os;
- }
- };
- int main(){
- int testCase;
- cin >> testCase;
- char name[MAX];
- char email[MAX];
- int tC;
- int discount;
- int numProducts;
- if (testCase == 1){
- cout << "===== Test Case - Customer Class ======" << endl;
- cin.get();
- cin.getline(name,MAX);
- cin.getline(email,MAX);
- cin >> tC;
- cin >> numProducts;
- cout << "===== CONSTRUCTOR ======" << endl;
- Customer c(name, email, (typeC) tC, numProducts);
- cout << c;
- }
- if (testCase == 2){
- cout << "===== Test Case - Static Members ======" << endl;
- cin.get();
- cin.getline(name,MAX);
- cin.getline(email,MAX);
- cin >> tC;
- cin >> numProducts;
- cout << "===== CONSTRUCTOR ======" << endl;
- Customer c(name, email, (typeC) tC, numProducts);
- cout << c;
- c.setDiscount1(5);
- cout << c;
- }
- if (testCase == 3){
- cout << "===== Test Case - FINKI-bookstore ======" << endl;
- FINKI_bookstore fc;
- int n;
- cin >> n;
- Customer customers[MAX];
- for(int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
- cin.get();
- cin.getline(name,MAX);
- cin.getline(email,MAX);
- cin >> tC;
- cin >> numProducts;
- Customer c(name, email, (typeC) tC, numProducts);
- customers[i] = c;
- }
- fc.setCustomers(customers, n);
- cout << fc <<endl;
- }
- if (testCase == 4){
- cout << "===== Test Case - operator+= ======" << endl;
- FINKI_bookstore fc;
- int n;
- cin >> n;
- Customer customers[MAX];
- for(int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
- cin.get();
- cin.getline(name,MAX);
- cin.getline(email,MAX);
- cin >> tC;
- cin >> numProducts;
- Customer c(name, email, (typeC) tC, numProducts);
- customers[i] = c;
- }
- fc.setCustomers(customers, n);
- cout << "OPERATOR +=" << endl;
- cin.get();
- cin.getline(name,MAX);
- cin.getline(email,MAX);
- cin >> tC;
- cin >> numProducts;
- Customer c(name, email, (typeC) tC, numProducts);
- fc+=c;
- cout << fc;
- }
- if (testCase == 5){
- cout << "===== Test Case - operator+= (exception) ======" << endl;
- FINKI_bookstore fc;
- int n;
- cin >> n;
- Customer customers[MAX];
- for(int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
- cin.get();
- cin.getline(name,MAX);
- cin.getline(email,MAX);
- cin >> tC;
- cin >> numProducts;
- Customer c(name, email, (typeC) tC, numProducts);
- customers[i] = c;
- }
- fc.setCustomers(customers, n);
- cout << "OPERATOR +=" << endl;
- cin.get();
- cin.getline(name,MAX);
- cin.getline(email,MAX);
- cin >> tC;
- cin >> numProducts;
- Customer c(name, email, (typeC) tC, numProducts);
- try{
- fc+=c;
- }
- catch(UserExistsException &ex){
- ex.print();
- }
- cout << fc;
- }
- if (testCase == 6){
- cout << "===== Test Case - update method ======" << endl << endl;
- FINKI_bookstore fc;
- int n;
- cin >> n;
- Customer customers[MAX];
- for(int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
- cin.get();
- cin.getline(name,MAX);
- cin.getline(email,MAX);
- cin >> tC;
- cin >> numProducts;
- Customer c(name, email, (typeC) tC, numProducts);
- customers[i] = c;
- }
- fc.setCustomers(customers, n);
- cout << "Update:" << endl;
- fc.update();
- cout << fc;
- }
- return 0;
- }
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