
The Quest System Notecard

Nov 18th, 2024
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  1. The menu text - Please choose an option
  2. The initial Greeting - Touch me to get a menu.
  3. Dialog Completion Notice - You've completed the dialog chain!
  4. The Next Quest Notice - Touch me to continue to the next part of the quest.
  7. ID| Caption| # Options| OptionsList| Next ID
  9. #Start|What faction did you want to Join?| 2| Red,Blue|#Red,#Blue
  10. #Red|Welcome to the Red faction. What class are you?| 4| Mage,Warrior,Healer,Tank|#Mage,#Warrior,#Healer,#Tank
  11. #Blue|Welcome to the Blue faction. What class are you?| 4| Mage,Warrior, Healer,Tank|#Mage,#Warrior,#Healer,#Tank
  12. #Mage|What kind of Mage?|2|Wizard,Sorcerer|#Wizard,#Sorcerer
  13. #Warrior|What kind of Warrior?|2|Traditional,Monk|#Traditional,#Monk
  14. #Healer|What kind of Healer?|2|Cleric,Favored Soul|#Cleric,#Favored Soul
  15. #Tank|What kind of Tank?|2|Sword & Board,Two-Handed|#SB,#TH
  16. #Wizard|You chose Wizard|1|Okay|#NextNotecard
  17. #Sorcerer|You chose Sorcerer|1|Okay|#DiffCheck1
  18. #Traditional|You chose Traditional|1|Okay|#Reward
  19. #Monk|You chose Monk|1|Okay|#Reward
  20. #Cleric|You chose Cleric|1|Okay|#Reward
  21. #Favored Soul|You chose Favored Soul|1|Okay|#Reward
  22. #SB|You chose Sword & Board|1|Okay|#Reward
  23. #TH|You chose Two-Handed|1|Okay|#Reward
  24. #DiffCheck1|Difficulty Check|10|Acrobatics,Brawling|#DC1Acrobatics,#DC1Brawling,#DC1Pass,#DC1Fail
  25. #DC1Acrobatics|Acrobatics Difficulty Check|1|Make Rolll|#00000
  26. #DC1Brawling|Brawling Difficulty Check|1|Okay|#DC1PassFail
  27. #DC1PassFail|A dummy line for the previous one to cycle to to buy the script time|1|Okay|#00000
  28. #DC1Pass|Congrats! You passed!|1|Yay|#RestOfStory
  29. #DC1Fail|Sorry, you failed.|2|Retry,Fail|#DC1Cycle,#End
  30. #RestOfStory|Here's where you'd put in more of the story.|1|Rest of Story|#End
  31. #Reward|Here's your reward!|1|Get Reward|#Item
  32. #Item|#Alternate Dialog|5|Fate Points|#End
  33. #End|Dialog Complete|1|Complete|#00000
  34. #NextNotecard|Next part of quest|1|New Quest|#Alternate Dialog
  36. ID| Caption| # Options| OptionsList| Next ID
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