

Feb 17th, 2019
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  1. # dumbass.mrc - Seb @ undernet - version 1 on 17/02/2019
  2. #
  3. # This is a better version of the /ignore usage. It will allow you to seill see that the user in question interacts
  4. # in the channel, without having to see his dumb spam in the channel. It's pretty useful when you don't play Trivia
  5. # but you like to be in your friend's channel. Or when there is annoying talking bots that think they are funny.
  6. # This will show something like that in the channel: <CriptoSiD> ***************
  7. # There is also a window called @dumbass that will still display the text they said, just in case you want to know.
  8. #
  9. # version 1: First build for text and notices. I don't see the point of hiding join/part/quits. *yet*
  10. # Feb 2019  I will also add right click menu and a list of hostnames that are in this list. .ini file usage is
  11. #                  in my opinion the best way to store small amounts of data. If you have more then 10 people
  12. #                  in your ignore list, you probably need to close your client for a month or 2.
  13. #
  14. # Latest version of this script found here:
  15. #
  16. #########################################################################
  19. on ^*:text:*:#:{
  20.   if ($readini(dumbass\list.ini,$mknickfn($nick),$network) {
  21.     if (!@dumbass) { window -nek @dumbass }
  22.     aline -p 0 @dumbass $timestamp This dumbass said something in $chan
  23.     aline -p 0 @dumbass $timestamp $+(<4,$nick,>) $1-
  24.     haltdef | echo $chan $+(<4,$nick,>) $str(*,15)
  25.   }
  26. }
  27. on ^*:NOTICE:*:*:{
  28.   if (!@dumbass) { window -nek @dumbass }
  29.   aline -p 0 @dumbass $timestamp This dumbass sent you a notice
  30.   aline -p 0 @dumbass $timestamp $+(<4,$nick,>) $1-
  31.   haltdef
  32.   echo $chan $+(<4,$nick,>) $str(*,15)
  33. }
  35. alias add.dumbass {
  36.   writeini dumbass\list.ini $mknickfn($1) $network $address($1,2)
  37.   aline -p @dumbass $+([,$fulldate,]) $+([14,$network,]) Added $+(7,$1,) to dumbass list.
  38.   echo -at $+([4,DumbAss,]) Added $+(7,$1,) to dumbass list.
  39. }
  40. alias del.dumbass {
  41.   remini dumbass\list.ini $mknickfn($1) $network $address($1,2)
  42.   aline -p @dumbass $+([,$fulldate,]) $+([14,$network,]) Removed $+(7,$1,) from dumbass list.
  43.   echo -at $+([4,DumbAss,]) Removed $+(7,$1,) from dumbass list.
  44. }
  46. on *:START:{
  47.   if (!$window(@Dumbass)) {
  48.     window -nek @dumbass
  49.     aline -p @dumbass [dumbass.mrc] Script loaded correctly! version 1
  50.     aline -p @dumbass [dumbass.mrc] Creating directory $mircdirdumbass/
  51.     aline -p @dumbass [dumbass.mrc] To see the manual commands with this script, type: /dumbass
  52.     aline -p @dumbass [dumbass.mrc] For help about this script join #social on undernet and ask Seb
  53.   }
  54. }
  55. menu nicklist {
  56.   [Dumbass.mrc]
  57.   .Add $$1:add.dumbass $$1
  58.   .Remove $$1:del.dumbass $$1
  59. }
  61. menu channel {
  62.   [Dumbass.mrc]
  63.   .View list:list.dumbass
  64. }
  66. alias list.dumbass {
  67.   if ($ini(dumbass\list.ini,0) == $null) { echo -a 14[4Dumbass14] List Empty | halt }
  68.   var %o = 1
  69.   while (%o <= $ini(dumbass\list.ini,0)) {
  70.     aline -p @dumbass 14[4Dumbass14] $ini(dumbass\list.ini,%o)
  71.     inc %o
  72.   }
  73. }
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