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- var input = File.ReadAllLines("input.txt");
- // The grid is a square of 131x131 tiles. S is in the exact center at (65, 65).
- // The edge rows and columns are all open, and S has a straight path to all of them.
- // It takes 65 steps to reach the first set of edges, then 131 more to reach every next set.
- // When we reach the first edges, the points form a diamond.
- // Then we run to the next edges, and to the ones after that, making the diamond grow.
- // For each of those 3 runs, we will store the number of steps taken (x) and the number of open tiles at that step (y).
- // 3 pairs are enough to interpolate the growth function - y = f(x),
- // so I went searching for an online Lagrange interpolation calculator,
- // because that is all I can remember about numerical methods from college. :)
- // I found this, and it helped:
- // It's a quadratic formula! (it's a square grid, and with every step we form a perfect diamond, so it makes sense)
- // So we can just calculate the formula for X = 26501365, and we get the answer.
- const long totalSteps = 26501365L;
- var sequenceCounts = new List<(int X, int Y)>();
- var startPosition = input.Length / 2; // 65
- var start = new Position(startPosition, startPosition);
- var visited = new HashSet<Position> { start };
- var steps = 0;
- for (var run = 0; run < 3; run++)
- {
- for (; steps < run * 131 + 65; steps++) // First run is 65 steps, the rest are 131 each.
- {
- var nextOpen = new HashSet<Position>();
- foreach (var position in visited)
- {
- foreach (var dir in new[] { Direction.Up, Direction.Down, Direction.Left, Direction.Right })
- {
- var dest = position.Move(dir);
- if (input[Modulo(dest.Row)][Modulo(dest.Col)] != '#')
- {
- nextOpen.Add(dest);
- }
- }
- }
- visited = nextOpen;
- if (steps == 63)
- {
- Console.WriteLine($"Part 1: {visited.Count}");
- }
- }
- sequenceCounts.Add((steps, visited.Count));
- }
- // Lagrange interpolation
- double result = 0;
- for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++)
- {
- // Compute individual terms of formula
- double term = sequenceCounts[i].Y;
- for (var j = 0; j < 3; j++)
- {
- if (j != i)
- {
- term = term * (totalSteps - sequenceCounts[j].X) / (sequenceCounts[i].X - sequenceCounts[j].X);
- }
- }
- // Add current term to result
- result += term;
- }
- Console.WriteLine($"Part 2: {result}");
- return;
- static int Modulo(int number)
- {
- return ((number % 131) + 131) % 131;
- }
- internal record Direction(int Row, int Col)
- {
- public static Direction Up = new(-1, 0);
- public static Direction Down = new(1, 0);
- public static Direction Left = new(0, -1);
- public static Direction Right = new(0, 1);
- }
- internal record Position(int Row, int Col)
- {
- public Position Move(Direction dir)
- {
- return new Position(Row + dir.Row, Col + dir.Col);
- }
- }
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