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- module MCollective
- module Agent
- # A registration agent that places information from the meta
- # registration class into a mongo db instance.
- #
- # To get this going you need:
- #
- # - The meta registration plugin everywhere [1]
- # - A mongodb instance
- # - The mongo gem installed ideally with the bson_ext extension
- #
- # The following configuration options exist:
- # - plugin.registration.mongohost where the mongodb is default: localhost
- # - plugin.registration.mongodb the db name default: puppet
- # - plugin.registration.collection the collection name default: nodes
- # - plugin.registration.extra_yaml_dir the presense of this key indicates a directory
- # containing additional yaml files to push into an 'extra' key in the registration data. All files
- # in the directory are pushed into a hash with keys being the file name (with the
- # path and .yml extension stripped) and the value being the contents. default: false
- # Each document will have the following data:
- # - fqdn - the fqdn of the sender
- # - lastseen - last time we got data from it
- # - facts - a collection of facts
- # - agentlist - a collection of agents on the node
- # - classes - a collection of classes
- #
- # A unique constraint index will be created on the fqdn of the sending
- # hosts.
- #
- # Released under the terms of the Apache 2 licence, contact
- # [email protected] with questions
- class Registration
- attr_reader :timeout, :meta
- def initialize
- @meta = {:license => "Apache 2",
- :author => "R.I.Pienaar <[email protected]>",
- :url => ""}
- require 'mongo'
- @timeout = 2
- @config = Config.instance
- @mongohost = @config.pluginconf["registration.mongohost"] || "localhost"
- @mongodb = @config.pluginconf["registration.mongodb"] || "puppet"
- @collection = @config.pluginconf["registration.collection"] || "nodes"
- @yaml_dir = @config.pluginconf["registration.extra_yaml_dir"] || false
- Log.instance.debug("Connecting to mongodb @ #{@mongohost} db #{@mongodb} collection #{@collection}")
- @dbh =
- @coll = @dbh.collection(@collection)
- @coll.create_index("fqdn", {:unique => true, :dropDups => true})
- end
- def handlemsg(msg, connection)
- req = msg[:body]
- if (req.kind_of?(Array))
- Log.instance.warn("Got no facts - did you forget to add 'registration = Meta' to your server.cfg?");
- return nill
- end
- req[:fqdn] = req[:facts]["fqdn"]
- req[:lastseen] =
- # Optionally send a list of extra yaml files
- if (@yaml_dir != false)
- req[:extra] = {}
- Dir[@yaml_dir + "/*.yaml"].each do | f |
- req[:extra][File.basename(f).split('.')[0]] = YAML.load_file(f)
- end
- end
- # Sometimes facter doesnt send a fqdn?!
- if req[:fqdn].nil?
- Log.instance.debug("Got stats without a FQDN in facts")
- return nil
- end
- by_fqdn = {:fqdn => req[:fqdn]}
- #require 'pp'
- #pp by_fqdn
- doc_id = nil
- before =
- begin
- doc = @coll.find_and_modify(:query => by_fqdn, :update => {'$set' => req}, :new => true)
- doc_id = doc['_id']
- rescue Mongo::OperationFailure
- doc_id = @coll.insert(req, {:safe => true})
- ensure
- after =
- Log.instance.debug("Updated data for host #{req[:fqdn]} with id #{doc_id} in #{after - before}s")
- end
- nil
- end
- def help
- end
- end
- end
- end
- # vi:tabstop=2:expandtab:ai:filetype=ruby
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