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- program SRLUpdater;
- function GetRemoteSRLVersion(tryagain: Boolean): string;
- var
- pageSauce: string;
- begin
- pageSauce := ps_GetPage(';a=commit');
- Result := Between('<tr><td>commit</td><td class="sha1">', '</td></tr>', pageSauce);
- if (Result = '') or (pageSauce = '') then
- begin
- if (tryagain) then
- begin
- Writeln('Error retrieving remote SRL version. Trying again');
- Result := GetRemoteSRLVersion(False);
- end
- else
- begin
- Writeln('Error retrieving the remote SRL version. Not trying again');
- end;
- end;
- end;
- function IsSRLDownloaded(out uptodate: Boolean): Boolean;
- var
- remoteVersion, localVersion: string;
- begin
- Result := SettingsIsKey('SRLVersion');
- if (Result) then
- begin
- remoteVersion := GetRemoteSRLVersion(True);
- if (remoteVersion = '') then
- begin
- Writeln('Unable to get remote version - assuming SRL include is up to date');
- uptodate := True;
- end
- else
- begin
- localVersion := SettingsGetKeyValue('SRLVersion');
- uptodate := localVersion = remoteVersion;
- if (uptodate) then
- Writeln('The local SRL include is up-to-date!')
- else
- Writeln('The local SRL include is not up-to-date');
- end;
- end
- else
- begin
- uptodate := False;
- Writeln('There currently is no local version of the SRL includes!');
- end;
- end;
- type
- TFile = record
- path, filename: string;
- end;
- TSVNFile = record
- local, remote: TFile;
- end;
- TMatch = record
- start, finish: string;
- end;
- TFilter = record
- exp, dir, fil: string;
- local, remote: TMatch;
- end;
- TSVN = record
- name: string;
- skip: TStringArray;
- baseloc: TSVNFile;
- files: array of TSVNFile;
- filter: TFilter;
- rev: TMatch;
- col: Boolean;
- end;
- function Explode(str, del: string): TStringArray;
- var
- i, l, dL: Integer;
- begin
- i := 0;
- l := -1;
- SetLength(Result, 0);
- if (str = '') then
- Exit;
- dL := Length(del) - 1;
- repeat
- Inc(l);
- SetLength(Result, l + 1);
- i := Pos(del, str);
- if i <= 0 then
- Break;
- Result[l] := Copy(str, 1, i - 1);
- Delete(str, 1, i + dL);
- until false
- Result[l] := Copy(str, 1, Length(str));
- end;
- function ReturnPage(svn: TSVN; dir: TSVNFile; tryagain: Boolean): string;
- var
- url: string;
- begin
- url := svn.baseloc.remote.path + dir.remote.path;
- Result := GetPage(url);
- if (Result = '') then
- begin
- if (tryagain) then
- begin
- Writeln('Downloading url "' + url + '" failed - trying again');
- Result := ReturnPage(svn, dir, False);
- end
- else
- begin
- Writeln('Downloading url "' + url + '" failed - not trying again');
- end;
- end;
- end;
- procedure RawCollectSVN(var svn: TSVN; cur_dir: TSVNFile);
- var
- input, tmpLoc, tmpRem: string;
- split: TStringArray;
- h, i: Integer;
- new_dir: TSVNFile;
- sk: Boolean;
- begin
- input := ReturnPage(svn, cur_dir, True);
- split := Explode(input, svn.filter.exp);
- for i := 0 to High(split) do
- begin
- for h := 0 to High(svn.skip) do
- begin
- sk := Pos(svn.skip[h], split[i]) > 0;
- if sk then
- Break;
- end;
- if sk then
- Continue;
- tmpLoc := Between(svn.filter.local.start, svn.filter.local.finish, split[i]);
- tmpRem := Between(svn.filter.remote.start, svn.filter.remote.finish, split[i]);
- if (tmpLoc = '') or (tmpRem = '') then
- Continue;
- if Pos(svn.filter.dir, split[i]) > 0 then // Handle directory
- begin
- new_dir.local.path := cur_dir.local.path + tmpLoc;
- new_dir.local.path := new_dir.local.path + '/'
- new_dir.remote.path := cur_dir.remote.path + tmpRem;
- Writeln('Discovered directory "' + cur_dir.local.path + tmpLoc + '"');
- if not DirectoryExists(svn.baseloc.local.path + new_dir.local.path) then
- if not CreateDirectory(svn.baseloc.local.path + new_dir.local.path) then
- Writeln(format('Could not create the folder: %s',[svn.baseloc.local.path + new_dir.local.path]));
- RawCollectSVN(svn, new_dir);
- end
- else if Pos(svn.filter.fil, split[i]) > 0 then // Handle file
- begin;
- h := Length(svn.files);
- SetLength(svn.files, h + 1);
- svn.files[h].local.path := cur_dir.local.path;
- svn.files[h].local.filename := tmpLoc;
- svn.files[h].remote.path := cur_dir.remote.path;
- svn.files[h].remote.filename := tmpRem;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- procedure CollectSVN(var svn: TSVN);
- var
- start: TSVNFile;
- t: Integer;
- begin
- Writeln('Now starting to collect "' + + '"');
- t := GetSystemTime;
- RawCollectSVN(svn, start);
- svn.col := True;
- t := GetSystemTime - t;
- Writeln('Finished collecting "' + + '" in ' + IntToStr(t) + ' ms');
- Writeln('A total of ' + IntToStr(Length(svn.files)) + ' files were collected');
- end;
- procedure DownloadSVN(svn: TSVN);
- var
- i, f, l, t: Integer;
- s, remoteVersion: string;
- opt: TReplaceFlags;
- begin
- Writeln('Now starting to download "' + + '"');
- Writeln('');
- opt := [rfReplaceAll];
- t := GetSystemTime;
- l := Length(svn.files);
- for i := 0 to l - 1 do
- try
- s := svn.baseloc.local.path + svn.files[i].local.path + svn.files[i].local.filename;
- f := RewriteFile(s, False);
- if (f = -1) then
- begin
- Writeln('Error writing ''' + s + '''' + ' (' + IntToStr(i) + ' of ' + IntToStr(l - 1) + ')');
- Continue;
- end
- else
- Writeln(s + ' (' + IntToStr(i) + ' of ' + IntToStr(l - 1) + ')');
- WriteFileString(f, GetPage(svn.baseloc.remote.path + svn.files[i].remote.path + svn.files[i].remote.filename));
- CloseFile(f);
- except
- Writeln('Failed to download file.');
- end;
- t := GetSystemTime - t;
- Writeln('Finished downloading "' + + '" in ' + IntToStr(t) + ' ms');
- remoteVersion := GetRemoteSRLVersion(True);
- if (remoteVersion = '') then
- begin
- Writeln('Appears to have successfully updated SRL, but unable to update the settings with the new version');
- Writeln('This will most likely mean you will be told your SRL include is outdated, even if it is not');
- Writeln('Please bear with us and either ignore it until you know SRL has been updated or update again :)');
- end
- else
- begin
- SettingsGetSetDefaultKeyValue('SRLVersion', remoteVersion);
- end;
- end;
- function ReturnSRLSVN: TSVN;
- var
- opt: TReplaceFlags;
- begin
- := 'SRL';
- Result.baseloc.remote.path := '';
- opt := [rfReplaceAll];
- Result.baseloc.local.path := Replace(IncludePath + 'SRL/', '\', '/', opt);
- if not DirectoryExists(Result.baseloc.local.path) then
- CreateDirectory(Result.baseloc.local.path);
- Result.filter.exp := '<';
- Result.filter.dir := 'dir';
- Result.filter.fil := 'file';
- Result.filter.local.start := 'name="';
- Result.filter.local.finish := '"';
- Result.filter.remote.start := 'href="';
- Result.filter.remote.finish := '"';
- Result.rev.start := 'rev="';
- Result.rev.finish := '"';
- Result.skip := [];
- end;
- procedure MovePlugins(svn: TSVN; dest: string);
- var
- i, f: Integer;
- s: string;
- o: Boolean;
- begin
- for i := 0 to High(svn.files) do
- if {$IFDEF LINUX} (Pos('.so', svn.files[i].local.filename) > 0)
- {$ELSE} (Pos('.dll', svn.files[i].local.filename) > 0) {$ENDIF} then
- try
- Writeln('Found plugin "' + svn.files[i].local.filename);
- if (Pos('Simba', svn.files[i].local.path) <= 0) then
- begin
- Writeln('Not a Simba plugin - ignoring');
- Continue;
- end;
- o := False;
- f := OpenFile(svn.baseloc.local.path + svn.files[i].local.path + svn.files[i].local.filename, False);
- if (f = -1) then
- begin
- Writeln('Error opening file ''' + svn.baseloc.local.path + svn.files[i].local.path + svn.files[i].local.filename + '''');
- Continue;
- end;
- ReadFileString(f, s, FileSize(f));
- CloseFile(f);
- o := True;
- f := RewriteFile(dest + svn.files[i].local.filename, False);
- if (f = -1) then
- begin
- Writeln('Error opening file ''' + dest + svn.files[i].local.filename + '''');
- Continue;
- end;
- WriteFileString(f, s);
- CloseFile(f);
- except
- Writeln('Failed to save plugin.');
- if o then
- Writeln('Problem involved rewriting the file at target folder')
- else
- Writeln('Problem involved opening the sauce file to read');
- end;
- end;
- var
- MainMenuItem, MenuCheck, MenuUpdate, MenuMove : TMenuItem;
- started: Boolean;
- procedure CheckSRLVersions;
- var
- tmp: Boolean;
- begin
- IsSRLDownloaded(tmp);
- end;
- procedure UpdateSRL;
- var
- svn: TSVN;
- begin
- svn := ReturnSRLSVN;
- CollectSVN(svn);
- DownloadSVN(svn);
- end;
- procedure OnSRLUpdaterClick(Sender: TObject);
- var
- svn: TSVN;
- begin
- Writeln('Click!');
- if (Sender = MenuCheck) then
- begin
- CheckSRLVersions;
- Writeln('We checked and you''re fine, or maybe not!');
- end
- else if (Sender = MenuUpdate) then
- begin
- UpdateSRL;
- Writeln('Updated you - looks good, or does it?');
- end
- else if (Sender = MenuMove) then
- begin
- svn := ReturnSRLSVN;
- CollectSVN(svn);
- MovePlugins(svn, PluginPath);
- end;
- end;
- procedure Init;
- begin;
- MainMenuItem := TMenuItem.Create(Simba_MainMenu);
- MainMenuItem.Caption := 'SRL';
- Simba_MainMenu.Items.Add(MainMenuItem);
- MenuCheck := TMenuItem.Create(MainMenuItem);
- MenuCheck.Caption := 'Check for new SRL';
- MenuCheck.OnClick := @OnSRLUpdaterClick;
- MainMenuItem.Add(MenuCheck);
- MenuUpdate := TMenuItem.Create(MainMenuItem);
- MenuUpdate.Caption := 'Update SRL';
- MenuUpdate.OnClick := @OnSRLUpdaterClick;
- MainMenuItem.Add(MenuUpdate);
- MenuMove := TMenuItem.Create(MainMenuItem);
- MenuMove.Caption := 'Move SRL plugins';
- MenuMove.OnClick := @OnSRLUpdaterClick;
- MainMenuItem.Add(MenuMove);
- started := True;
- end;
- procedure Free;
- begin
- if (started) then
- begin
- MenuCheck.Free;
- MenuUpdate.Free;
- MainMenuItem.Free;
- end;
- end;
- procedure Attach;
- var
- tmp: Boolean;
- begin
- MainMenuItem.Visible := True;
- IsSRLDownloaded(tmp);
- end;
- Procedure Detach;
- begin
- Writeln('Fine, look after your own includes. See if we care!');
- MainMenuItem.Visible := False;
- end;
- function GetName : string;
- begin;
- result := 'SRL Updater';
- end;
- function GetVersion : string;
- begin;
- result := '1.0';
- end;
- begin
- end.
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