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it unlocks many cool features!
- const DEFAULT_LANG = {
- button: {
- add: "Añadir personaje"
- },
- msg: {
- error: "Ha ocurrido un error, inténtalo de nuevo.",
- confirm: "¿Confirmar acción?"
- },
- modal: {
- password_placeholder: "",
- password_label: "Contraseña",
- username_label: "Nombre de usuario",
- username_placholder: "",
- login_button: "Añade la cuenta"
- }
- };
- const DEFAULT_OPT = {
- logo: '',
- enableReorder: true,
- confirm: true,
- updateAvatar: true,
- customButtons: [],
- blockClass: 'switcheroo',
- deleteIcon: `×`,
- addIcon: `+`,
- errorMsg: 'Ha ocurrido un error, inténtalo de nuevo.',
- confirmMsg: '¿Confirmar acción?',
- modal: {}
- };
- function extend(obj1, obj2) {
- var keys = Object.keys(obj2);
- for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i += 1) {
- var val = obj2[keys[i]];
- obj1[keys[i]] = ['string', 'number', 'array', 'boolean'].indexOf(typeof val) === -1 ? extend(obj1[keys[i]] || {}, val) : val;
- }
- return obj1;
- }
- (function (global) {
- 'use strict';
- global.monomer = global.monomer || new MONOMER();
- function Switcheroo(selector = '#switcheroo', options = {}, lang = {}) {
- this.component = document.querySelector(selector);
- this.options = extend(DEFAULT_OPT, options);
- this.lang = extend(DEFAULT_LANG, lang);
- this.createFormModal(this.options.modal);
- this.elements = {
- loginButton: document.querySelector('[data-action="open-login"]'),
- loginFormID: 'fa-login-form',
- classPrefix: '.' + this.options.blockClass,
- deleteButtonClass: '.' + this.options.blockClass + '__delete'
- };
- if (!localStorage.hasOwnProperty('switcheroo')) {
- localStorage.setItem('switcheroo', "[]");
- }
- this.buildSwitcheroo();
- this.bindEvents();
- }
- Switcheroo.prototype.bindEvents = function () {
- let t = this;
- document.delegateEventListener('click', '[data-action="open-login"]', e => {
- });
- document.delegateEventListener('click', '[data-action="switcheroo"]', function (e) {
- if (t.isCloseButton(e)) {
- t.deleteRecord(;
- }
- });
- if (t.options.updateAvatar) {
- document.delegateEventListener('contextmenu', '[data-action="switcheroo"].active', function (e) {
- t.updateAvatar(this, e);
- });
- }
- document.delegateEventListener('click', '[data-action="switcheroo"]:not(.active)', function (e) {
- if (!t.isCloseButton(e)) {
- if (t.options.confirm) {
- var r = confirm(t.lang.msg.confirm);
- if (r == true) {
- t.switch(this);
- }
- } else {
- t.switch(this);
- }
- }
- });
- };
- Switcheroo.prototype.isUserLoggedIn = function () {
- return monomer.user().logged();
- };
- Switcheroo.prototype.add = async function (form) {
- let fields = monomer.getFormData(form);
- let credentials = (({ username, password }) => ({ username, password: monomer.cipher(password) }))(fields);
- /* new async/await way */
- if (this.isUserLoggedIn()) await this.logout();
- await this.login(credentials, (data) => {
- credentials = Object.assign({}, credentials, this.updateCredentials(data));
- this.update(credentials);
- monomer.reload();
- }, () => {
- this.errorAlert();
- });
- /* end */
- }
- Switcheroo.prototype.switch = async function (user) {
- let id =;
- let switcheroo = this.findSwitcheroo(id);
- if (!switcheroo) return this.errorAlert();
- if (this.isUserLoggedIn()) await this.logout();
- await this.login(switcheroo, monomer.reload, () => {
- this.errorAlert();
- });
- }
- Switcheroo.prototype.login = function (credentials, success, error) {
- return monomer.login(credentials['username'], monomer.decipher(credentials['password']))
- .then(res => {
- this.statusCallbacks(res, success, error);
- });
- };
- Switcheroo.prototype.logout = function (success, error) {
- let t = this;
- return monomer.logout().then(res => {
- this.statusCallbacks(res, success, error);
- });
- };
- Switcheroo.prototype.statusCallbacks = function (res, success, error) {
- if (res.status) {
- if (success) success(;
- } else {
- if (error) error(;
- }
- };
- Switcheroo.prototype.errorAlert = function () {
- alert(this.lang.msg.error);
- };
- Switcheroo.prototype.update = function (credentials) {
- if (!this.credentialsExists(credentials['id'])) {
- this.switcherooCredentials.push(credentials);
- this.updateStorage();
- }
- };
- Switcheroo.prototype.findSwitcheroo = function (id) {
- return this.switcherooCredentials.find(x => === id);
- }
- Switcheroo.prototype.deleteSwitcheroo = function (id) {
- this.switcherooCredentials = this.switcherooCredentials.filter(function (obj) {
- return !== id;
- });
- };
- Switcheroo.prototype.updateCredentials = function (data) {
- // make sure everything is formatted for localstorage
- return {
- id: this.catchID(data),
- avatar: this.catchAvatar(data),
- username: this.catchUsername(data)
- }
- };
- Switcheroo.prototype.credentialsExists = function (id) {
- return this.switcherooCredentials.some(function (el) {
- return === id;
- });
- };
- Switcheroo.prototype.updateAvatar = function (user, e) {
- e.preventDefault();
- let user_id =;
- let toUpdate = this.findSwitcheroo(user_id);
- let currentAvatar = monomer.user().avatar();
- if (toUpdate['avatar'] == currentAvatar) return;
- toUpdate['avatar'] = currentAvatar;
- this.updateRecord();
- };
- Switcheroo.prototype.updateRecord = function () {
- this.updateStorage();
- monomer.reload();
- };
- Switcheroo.prototype.deleteRecord = function (id) {
- this.deleteSwitcheroo(id);
- this.updateStorage();
- monomer.reload();
- };
- Switcheroo.prototype.updateStorage = function (obj) {
- localStorage.setItem('switcheroo', JSON.stringify(obj || this.switcherooCredentials));
- };
- Switcheroo.prototype.isCloseButton = function (e) {
- var el =;
- return el.matches(this.elements.deleteButtonClass);
- };
- Switcheroo.prototype.catchAvatar = function (data) {
- let pattern = new RegExp(/_userdata\["avatar"\] = "(.+)";/, "gm");
- return pattern.exec(data)[1];
- }
- Switcheroo.prototype.catchID = function (data) {
- let pattern = new RegExp(/_userdata\["user_id"\] = (\d+);/, "gm");
- return pattern.exec(data)[1];
- };
- Switcheroo.prototype.catchUsername = function (data) {
- let pattern = new RegExp(/_userdata\["username"\] = "(.+)";/, "gm");
- return pattern.exec(data)[1];
- };
- Switcheroo.prototype.buildSwitcheroo = function () {
- var c = this.options.blockClass;
- = 'none';
- this.switcherooCredentials = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('switcheroo'));
- let docFrag = document.createDocumentFragment();
- let wrapper = document.createElement('ul');
- wrapper.classList.add(c + '__squircles');
- if (this.options.logo) {
- this.createLogoElement(wrapper);
- }
- this.switcherooCredentials.forEach(el => {
- this.createSwitcherooUser(el, wrapper);
- });
- /* options */
- const login = document.createElement('li');
- login.classList.add(c + '__squircle', c + '__squircle--button');
- login.dataset.action = 'open-login';
- login.innerHTML = this.options.addIcon;
- login.appendChild(this.createTooltip(this.lang.button.add))
- wrapper.appendChild(login);
- this.createCustomButtons(wrapper);
- docFrag.appendChild(wrapper);
- this.component.appendChild(docFrag);
- };
- Switcheroo.prototype.createSwitcherooUser = function (user, wrapper) {
- let c = this.options.blockClass;
- let list = document.createElement("li");
- list.classList.add(c + '__squircle');
- =;
- list.classList.toggle('active', ( == monomer.user().id()));
- /* draggable */
- if (this.options.enableReorder) {
- list.draggable = true;
- list.addEventListener('dragstart', this.dragStart.bind(this));
- list.addEventListener('dragover', this.dragOver.bind(this));
- list.addEventListener('dragend', this.dragEnd.bind(this));
- }
- list.dataset.action = 'switcheroo';
- // create avatar
- let avatar = document.createElement("div")
- avatar.classList.add(c + '__avatar');
- avatar.innerHTML = user.avatar.replace(/\\"/g, '"');
- if (this.options.enableReorder) {
- avatar.draggable = false;
- avatar.querySelector('img').draggable = false;
- }
- list.appendChild(avatar);
- // create popper
- list.appendChild(this.createTooltip(user.username));
- // create delete
- let del = document.createElement('div');
- del.classList.add(c + '__delete');
- if (this.options.enableReorder) {
- del.draggable = false;
- }
- del.innerHTML = this.options.deleteIcon;
- list.appendChild(del);
- wrapper.appendChild(list);
- };
- Switcheroo.prototype.createLogoElement = function (wrapper) {
- let c = this.options.blockClass;
- let logo = document.createElement('a');
- logo.classList.add(c + '__squircle', c + '__logo');
- logo.href = '/';
- logo.innerHTML = this.options.logo;
- logo.appendChild(this.createTooltip('Accueil'));
- wrapper.appendChild(logo);
- this.createDividerLine(wrapper);
- };
- Switcheroo.prototype.createDividerLine = function (wrapper) {
- const divider = document.createElement('li');
- divider.classList.add(this.options.blockClass + '__divider');
- wrapper.appendChild(divider);
- };
- Switcheroo.prototype.createCustomButtons = function (wrapper) {
- const t = this;
- const buttons = this.options.customButtons;
- const c = this.options.blockClass;
- if (buttons.length > 0) {
- buttons.forEach(el => {
- if (!el) return;
- let button;
- const isValidLink = (monomer.isValidURL(el.action) || (typeof el.action === 'string' && el.action.indexOf('/') === 0));
- if (isValidLink) {
- button = document.createElement('a');
- button.href = el.action;
- } else if (typeof el.action === 'function') {
- button = document.createElement('div');
- button.addEventListener('click', function (e) {
-, e, this);
- });
- }
- if (!button) return false;
- if (Array.isArray(el.classes)) button.classList.add( => `${c}__button--${x}`));
- if (typeof el.before === "boolean" && el.before) = "-1";
- button.classList.add(c + '__squircle', c + '__button');
- button.innerHTML = el.html;
- if (el.tooltip && typeof el.tooltip === "string") button.appendChild(this.createTooltip(el.tooltip));
- wrapper.appendChild(button);
- });
- }
- };
- Switcheroo.prototype.createTooltip = function (tooltip) {
- let c = this.options.blockClass;
- // create popper
- let popper = document.createElement("div");
- if (this.options.enableReorder) {
- popper.draggable = false;
- }
- popper.classList.add(c + '__popper');
- // create popper text
- let textNode = document.createElement("div");
- textNode.classList.add(c + '__popper-text');
- if (this.options.enableReorder) {
- textNode.draggable = false;
- }
- textNode.innerHTML = tooltip;
- popper.appendChild(textNode);
- return popper;
- };
- Switcheroo.prototype.createFormModal = function (options) {
- let t = this;
- const form = document.createDocumentFragment();
- const c = 'switcheroo';
- const vdom = VD.h('form', {
- className: c + '__form',
- name: 'form_login',
- method: 'post',
- action: '/login',
- onSubmit: (e) => {
- e.preventDefault();
- this.add(;
- }
- },
- VD.h('div', {
- className: c + '__form-row'
- },
- VD.h('label', {
- for: c + '-username',
- className: c + '__form-label'
- }, t.lang.modal.username_label),
- VD.h('input', {
- type: 'text',
- className: c + '__form-input',
- id: c + '-username',
- name: 'username',
- required: true,
- maxlength: '40'
- }),
- ),
- VD.h('div', {
- className: c + '__form-row'
- },
- VD.h('label', {
- for: c + '-password',
- className: c + '__form-label'
- }, t.lang.modal.password_label),
- VD.h('input', {
- className: c + '__form-input',
- type: 'password',
- id: c + '-password',
- name: 'password',
- required: true,
- maxlength: '32'
- })
- ),
- VD.h('input', {
- type: 'checkbox',
- style: 'display: none;',
- name: 'autologin',
- checked: true
- }),
- VD.h('div', {
- className: c + '__form-row'
- },
- VD.h('button', {
- name: 'login',
- className: c + '__form-button'
- }, t.lang.modal.login_button)
- )
- );
- form.appendChild(VD.createElement(vdom));
- this.loginModal = monomer.modal({
- content: VD.createElement(vdom),
- maxWidth: 400
- });
- };
- Switcheroo.prototype.isBefore = function (el1, el2) {
- let cur;
- if (el2.parentNode === el1.parentNode) {
- for (cur = el1.previousSibling; cur; cur = cur.previousSibling) {
- if (cur === el2) return true;
- }
- }
- return false;
- };
- Switcheroo.prototype.dragStart = function (e) {
- e.stopPropagation();
- let target =;
- target.closest('.' + this.options.blockClass).classList.add('dragged');
- e.dataTransfer.effectAllowed = 'move';
- e.dataTransfer.setData('text/html', this.innerHTML);
- this.draggedElement = target;
- };
- Switcheroo.prototype.dragOver = function (e) {
- e.stopPropagation();
- let target ='li');
- if (this.isBefore(this.draggedElement, target)) {
- this.insertDraggedBefore(this.draggedElement, target);
- } else {
- this.insertDraggedBefore(this.draggedElement, target.nextSibling);
- }
- };
- Switcheroo.prototype.insertDraggedBefore = function (el1, el2) {
- el2.parentNode.insertBefore(el1, el2);
- };
- Switcheroo.prototype.dragEnd = function (e) {
- e.stopPropagation();
-'.' + this.options.blockClass).classList.remove('dragged');
- this.draggedElement = null;
- this.sortSwitcheroo();
- };
- Switcheroo.prototype.sortSwitcheroo = function () {
- let els = document.querySelectorAll('#switcheroo [data-id]');
- /* get new order */
- let newOrder = [];
- els.forEach(el => {
- newOrder.push(;
- });
- let result = [];
- newOrder.forEach((key) => {
- /* go through each id added in new order */
- var found = false;
- this.switcherooCredentials.filter(function (item) {
- if (!found && == key) {
- result.push(item);
- found = true;
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- })
- });
- this.updateStorage(result);
- };
- global.Switcheroo = Switcheroo;
- })(window);
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