
Thief of Time - Hippo

Oct 29th, 2024
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  1. The sun was nailed to the sky, the air was heavy and humid, and a pair of nostrills was watching her from a few feet away. Susan had been brought up to be practical and that meant swimming lessons. The Quirm College for Young Ladies had been very advanced in that respect, and its teachers took the view that a girl who couldn't swim two lengths of the pool with her clothes on wasn't making an effort. To their credit, she'd left knowing four swimming strokes and several life-saving techniques, and was entirely at home in the water. She also knew what to do if you were sharing the same stretch of water with a hippopotamus, which was to find another stretch of water. Hippos only look big and cuddly from a distance. Close up, they just look big.
  3. Susan summoned up all the inherited powers of the deathly voice plus the terrible authority of the
  4. schoolroom, and yelled, GO AWAY!
  6. The creature floundered madly in its effort to turn round, and Susan struck out for the shore. It was an unsure shore, the water becoming land in a tangle of sandbanks, sucking black muck, rotted tree roots and swamp. Insects swirled around and-
  8. ***
  10. The Thief of Time - p330-331
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