

Oct 6th, 2019
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  1. function mod(tool,data)
  2. env = require(game:GetService("Players")["LocalPlayer"]["Backpack"][tool]["Setting"])
  3. env.Auto = true
  4. env.MuzzleOffset =, 0.625, 3.25)
  5. env.BulletOffset =, 0.625, 1.25)
  6. env.BaseDamage = 1000
  7. env.FireRate = 0.001
  8. env.ReloadTime = 4
  9. env.AmmoPerMag = math.huge
  10. env.Spread = 0
  11. env.Range = 2000
  12. env.HeadshotEnabled = true
  13. env.HeadshotDamageMultiplier = 1.3
  14. env.MouseIconID = "316279304"
  15. env.IdleAnimationID = 94331086
  16. env.IdleAnimationSpeed = 1
  17. env.FireAnimationID = 94332152
  18. env.FireAnimationSpeed = 1
  19. env.ReloadAnimationID = 95384819
  20. env.ReloadAnimationSpeed = 1.5
  21. env.EquippedAnimationID = nil
  22. env.EquippedAnimationSpeed = 1
  23. env.WalkSpeedRedutionEnabled = false
  24. env.WalkSpeedRedution = 6
  25. env.HoldDownEnabled = false
  26. env.HoldDownAnimationID = 1637489010
  27. env.HoldDownAnimationSpeed = 0.5
  28. env.BulletHoleEnabled = true
  29. env.BulletHoleSize = 1
  30. env.BulletHoleTexture = {64291961}
  31. env.BulletHoleVisibleTime = 15
  32. env.BulletHoleFadeTime = 15
  33. env.HitEffectEnabled = true
  34. env.HitSoundIDs = {
  35. 186809061,
  36. 186809249,
  37. 186809250,
  38. 186809252
  39. }
  40. env.HitSoundPitch = math.random(90, 110) / 100
  41. env.CustomHitEffect = false
  42. env.BloodEnabled = true
  43. env.HitCharSndIDs = {
  44. 245630921,
  45. 245630994,
  46. 245631056,
  47. 245631112,
  48. 245631167
  49. }
  50. env.HitCharSndPitch = 1
  51. env.TweenLength = 0.5
  52. env.EasingStyle = Enum.EasingStyle.Quint
  53. env.EasingDirection = Enum.EasingDirection.Out
  54. env.TweenLengthNAD = 0.5
  55. env.EasingStyleNAD = Enum.EasingStyle.Quint
  56. env.EasingDirectionNAD = Enum.EasingDirection.Out
  57. env.WhizSoundEnabled = false
  58. env.WhizSoundID = {
  59. 342190005,
  60. 342190012,
  61. 342190017,
  62. 342190024
  63. }
  64. env.WhizSoundVolume = 1
  65. env.WhizSoundPitch = 1
  66. env.HitmarkerEnabled = true
  67. env.HitmarkerIconID = "286279066"
  68. env.HitmarkerFadeTime = 0.5
  69. env.MuzzleLightEnabled = true
  70. env.LightOffset =, 0, 0)
  71. env.LightBrightness = 1
  72. env.LightColor =, 1, 1)
  73. env.LightRange = 45
  74. env.LightShadows = true
  75. env.VisibleTime = 0.015
  76. env.BulletShellEnabled = false
  77. env.BulletShellOffset =, 0.4, 0)
  78. env.ShellSize =, 0.144, 0.524)
  79. env.AllowCollide = false
  80. env.ShellScale =, 2, 2)
  81. env.ShellMeshID = "94295100"
  82. env.ShellTextureID = "94287792"
  83. env.DisappearTime = 5
  84. env.IronsightEnabled = true
  85. env.FieldOfViewOS = 40
  86. env.MouseSensitiveOS = 0.2
  87. env.SpreadRedutionOS = 0.6
  88. env.LimitedAmmoEnabled = false
  89. env.Ammo = math.huge
  90. env.MaxAmmo = math.huge
  91. env.ShotgunEnabled = false
  92. env.BulletPerShot = 8
  93. env.ShotgunReload = false
  94. env.ShotgunClipinAnimationID = nil
  95. env.ShotgunClipinAnimationSpeed = 1
  96. env.ShellClipinSpeed = 0.5
  97. env.BurstFireEnabled = false
  98. env.BulletPerBurst = 3
  99. env.BurstRate = 0.075
  100. env.SniperEnabled = false
  101. env.FieldOfViewS = 12.5
  102. env.MouseSensitiveS = 0.2
  103. env.SpreadRedutionS = 0.6
  104. env.CameraShakingEnabled = true
  105. env.Recoil = 0
  106. env.AngleX = 0
  107. env.AngleY = 0
  108. env.RecoilSpeed = 0.01
  109. env.DampeningSpeed = 0.06
  110. env.RecoilRedution = 0.2
  111. env.ExplosiveEnabled = false
  112. env.Radius = 8
  113. env.VisualizerEnabled = false
  114. env.BulletSpeed = 50
  115. env.BulletSize =, 0.1, 100)
  116. env.BulletColor = Color3.fromRGB(245, 205, 48)
  117. env.BulletTransparency = 0.25
  118. env.BulletMaterial = Enum.Material.Neon
  119. env.FadeTime = 0.25
  120. env.BulletShape = Enum.MeshType.Brick
  121. env.ChargedShotEnabled = false
  122. env.ChargingTime = 1
  123. env.MinigunEnabled = false
  124. env.DelayBeforeFiring = 1
  125. env.DelayAfterFiring = 1
  126. env.Knockback = 10
  127. env.Lifesteal = 999
  128. env.FlamingBullet = true
  129. env.DualEnabled = false
  130. env.Piercing = 999
  131. end
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