
Time Greet (FIX) for Error v1.2

Nov 28th, 2021 (edited)
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  1. menu channel {
  2.   .$iif($status !== connected,$style(2)) *OnJoin Greet*
  3.   ..$iif($istok(%ch. [ $+ [ $network ] ] ,$chan,44),$style(2)) Add Channel: { set %ch. $+ $network $addtok(%ch. [ $+ [ $network ] ] ,$chan,44) | echo -a 40* OnJoin Channel Greet Added to Channel $chan in $network Network }
  4.   ..$iif(!$istok(%ch. [ $+ [ $network ] ] ,$chan,44),$style(2)) Del Channel: { set %ch. $+ $network $remtok(%ch. [ $+ [ $network ] ] ,$chan,1,44) | echo -a 40* OnJoin Channel Greet Removed from to Channel $chan in $network Network }
  5.   ..-
  6.   ..$iif(%greet. [ $+ [ $network ] ] ,$style(2)) Enable: { set %greet. $+ $network on | echo -a 40* OnJoin Channel Greet is Enabled for $network Network }
  7.   ..$iif(!%greet. [ $+ [ $network ] ] ,$style(2)) Disable: { unset %greet. $+ $network | echo -a 40* OnJoin Channel Greet is Disabled for $network Network }
  8.   ..-
  9.   ..Status { echo -a 4Auto Greet for $network is $iif(%greet. [ $+ [ $network ] ] ,ON,OFF) }
  10.   ..Channel List {
  11.     if (%greet. [ $+ [ $network ] ] ) { echo -a 4List of active channel %ch. [ $+ [ $network ] ] ! }
  12.     else { echo -a 4Auto Greet is inactive in this Network. }
  13.   }
  14. }
  16. ON ME:*:JOIN:#: {
  17.   if (!$istok(%ch. [ $+ [ $network ] ] ,$chan,44)) || (!%greet. [ $+ [ $network ] ] ) { return }
  19.   if ($time >= 05:00:00) && ($time <= 11:59:59) { .timer 1 2 msg $chan Good Morning everyone :) }
  20.   if ($time >= 12:00:00) && ($time <= 16:59:59) { .timer 1 2 msg $chan Good Afternoon everyone :) }
  21.   if ($time >= 17:00:00) && ($time <= 23:59:59) { .timer 1 2 msg $chan Good Evening everyone :) }
  22.   if ($time >= 00:00:00) && ($time <= 04:59:59) { .timer 1 2 msg $chan Good Evening everyone :) }
  23. }
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