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- program natural;
- uses
- System.SysUtils;
- type
- TArray = array of Integer;
- procedure Print(A: TArray);
- var
- LastIndex, N, i: Integer;
- begin
- LastIndex := High(A);
- for i := 0 to LastIndex do
- Write(A[i], ' ');
- Writeln;
- end;
- function MergeTwoIntoOne(First, Second: TArray): TArray;
- var
- i, j, FirstLen, SecondLen, TotalIndex, FirstIndex, SecondIndex: Integer;
- Total: TArray;
- begin
- FirstLen := Length(First);
- SecondLen := Length(Second);
- FirstIndex := 0;
- SecondIndex := 0;
- TotalIndex := 0;
- SetLength(Total, FirstLen + SecondLen);
- while (FirstIndex < FirstLen) and (SecondIndex < SecondLen) do
- begin
- if First[FirstIndex] < Second[SecondIndex] then
- begin
- Total[TotalIndex] := First[FirstIndex];
- Inc(FirstIndex);
- end
- else
- begin
- Total[TotalIndex] := Second[SecondIndex];
- Inc(SecondIndex);
- end;
- Inc(TotalIndex);
- end;
- while FirstIndex < FirstLen do
- begin
- Total[TotalIndex] := First[FirstIndex];
- Inc(FirstIndex);
- Inc(TotalIndex);
- end;
- while SecondIndex < SecondLen do
- begin
- Total[TotalIndex] := Second[SecondIndex];
- Inc(SecondIndex);
- Inc(TotalIndex);
- end;
- MergeTwoIntoOne := Total;
- end;
- function FindSeparator(A: TArray; From: Integer): Integer;
- var
- i, Index, Len: Integer;
- ShouldEnd: Boolean;
- begin
- Index := From;
- Len := Length(A);
- ShouldEnd := False;
- while (Index < Len) and not ShouldEnd do
- if A[Index] >= A[Index - 1] then
- Inc(Index)
- else
- ShouldEnd := True;
- FindSeparator := Index;
- end;
- procedure MergeSort(Initial: TArray);
- var
- i, j, InitialLen, CurIndex, FirstSeparator, SecondSeparator: Integer;
- First, Second, Total: TArray;
- begin
- InitialLen := Length(Initial);
- repeat
- FirstSeparator := FindSeparator(Initial, 1);
- SecondSeparator := FindSeparator(Initial, FirstSeparator + 1);
- First := Copy(Initial, 0, FirstSeparator);
- Second := Copy(Initial, FirstSeparator, SecondSeparator - FirstSeparator);
- Total := MergeTwoIntoOne(First, Second);
- for i := 0 to Length(Total) - 1 do
- Initial[i] := Total[i];
- until SecondSeparator = InitialLen;
- end;
- var
- N, i: Integer;
- A, Res, d, c: TArray;
- begin
- Writeln('Enter N:');
- Readln(N);
- SetLength(A, N);
- Randomize;
- for i := 0 to N - 1 do
- begin
- //Write(i, 'th > ');
- //Readln(A[i]);
- A[i] := Random(15);
- end;
- Writeln('Unsorted array:');
- Print(A);
- MergeSort(A);
- Writeln('Sorted array:');
- Print(A);
- Readln;
- end.
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