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- aiofiles==23.2.1
- aiogram==3.10.0
- aiohttp==3.9.3
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- annotated-types==0.7.0
- anyio==4.3.0
- APScheduler==3.10.4
- argon2-cffi==23.1.0
- argon2-cffi-bindings==21.2.0
- arrow==1.3.0
- asttokens==2.4.1
- async-lru==2.0.4
- async-timeout==4.0.3
- attrs==23.2.0
- Automat==20.2.0
- Babel==2.14.0
- bcrypt==3.2.0
- beautifulsoup4==4.12.3
- bitmart-python-sdk-api==2.2.0
- bleach==6.1.0
- blinker==1.8.2
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- cloud-init==24.3.1
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- exceptiongroup==1.2.0
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- fastjsonschema==2.19.1
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- Flask==3.0.3
- fonttools==4.51.0
- fqdn==1.5.1
- frozenlist==1.4.1
- gevent==24.2.1
- greenlet==3.0.3
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- launchpadlib==1.10.16
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- MarkupSafe==3.0.2
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- Padding==0.5
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- pandocfilters==1.5.1
- parso==0.8.4
- passlib==1.7.4
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- pillow==10.3.0
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- pydantic_core==2.20.1
- Pygments==2.17.2
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- PyJWT==2.3.0
- pyOpenSSL==21.0.0
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- rfc3339-validator==0.1.4
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- rpds-py==0.18.0
- SecretStorage==3.3.1
- Send2Trash==1.8.3
- service-identity==18.1.0
- six==1.16.0
- sniffio==1.3.1
- sos==4.5.6
- soupsieve==2.5
- ssh-import-id==5.11
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- systemd-python==234
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- terminado==0.18.1
- tinycss2==1.2.1
- tomli==2.0.1
- tornado==6.4
- traitlets==5.14.2
- Twisted==22.1.0
- typeguard==4.3.0
- types-python-dateutil==
- typing_extensions==4.11.0rc1
- tzdata==2024.1
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- yarl==1.9.4
- zipp==1.0.0
- zope.event==5.0
- zope.interface==5.4.0
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