
Facing down and beheading an enemy on imvu and wishing it rl

Apr 11th, 2020
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  1. Xettaiks: mp
  2. Xettaiks: kaaf
  3. Xettaiks: weak liars like you can't handle decisions like who lives and who dies
  4. Xettaiks: for taking those decisions into your own hands, you die
  5. Xettaiks: I don't hate you over SPeedy
  6. CyborgNinjaAvenger: you're just talking about yourself kid
  7. Xettaiks: I hated you since day 1
  8. Xettaiks: you lying scumbag pile of shit
  9. CyborgNinjaAvenger: and I didn't come up with that decision for it was all on DomonicTavari.....he's the one that told me about it so SpeedsterHazzard got voted out of the clan
  10. CyborgNinjaAvenger: you don't even know me
  11. Xettaiks: I wish he never got involved with someone like you
  12. Xettaiks: I didn't want you getting involved with anyone
  13. Xettaiks: you should be qaurantined
  14. Xettaiks: /me with lightning speed, punches his face and takes his sword.
  15. Xettaiks: hahaha
  16. CyborgNinjaAvenger: at least I'm not confused about /who? I am "Pansexual" I mean /what? even is that /huh because I bet you don't even know the definition of it
  17. Xettaiks: lol
  18. CyborgNinjaAvenger: epic failed
  19. Xettaiks: /me trips him and slams him face first into the ground.
  20. Xettaiks: /me beheads him with his own sword.
  21. CyborgNinjaAvenger: your posts are worthless just like you
  22. Xettaiks: lol
  23. Xettaiks: just like an epic fail would say
  24. CyborgNinjaAvenger: exactly
  25. Xettaiks: this conversation is over then
  26. Xettaiks: lol
  27. CyborgNinjaAvenger: you're only doing this because of Speedy
  28. Xettaiks: no
  29. Xettaiks: I hate you
  30. CyborgNinjaAvenger: yes
  31. Xettaiks: and I wish you never met him
  32. CyborgNinjaAvenger: he came to me
  33. Xettaiks: I sensed you were scum
  34. Xettaiks: he knows that now because of me
  35. Xettaiks: he knows you are scum
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