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- #
- import random
- import math
- class Neuron():
- '''
- A conceptual Neuron hat can be trained using a
- fit and predict methodology, without any library
- '''
- def __init__(self, position_in_layer, is_output_neuron=False):
- self.weights = []
- self.inputs = []
- self.output = None
- # This is used for the backpropagation update
- self.updated_weights = []
- # This is used to know how to update the weights
- self.is_output_neuron = is_output_neuron
- # This delta is used for the update at the backpropagation
- = None
- # This is used for the backpropagation update
- self.position_in_layer = position_in_layer
- def attach_to_output(self, neurons):
- '''
- Helper function to store the reference of the other neurons
- To this particular neuron (used for backpropagation)
- '''
- self.output_neurons = neurons
- def sigmoid(self, x):
- '''
- simple sigmoid function (logistic) used for the activation
- '''
- return 1 / (1 + math.exp(-x))
- def init_weights(self, num_input):
- '''
- This is used to setup the weights when we know how many inputs there is for
- a given neuron
- '''
- # Randomly initalize the weights
- for i in range(num_input+1):
- self.weights.append(random.uniform(0,1))
- def predict(self, row):
- '''
- Given a row of data it will predict what the output should be for
- this given neuron. We can have many input, but only one output for a neuron
- '''
- # Reset the inputs
- self.inputs = []
- # We iterate over the weights and the features in the given row
- activation = 0
- for weight, feature in zip(self.weights, row):
- self.inputs.append(feature)
- activation = activation + weight*feature
- self.output = self.sigmoid(activation)
- return self.output
- def update_neuron(self):
- '''
- Will update a given neuron weights by replacing the current weights
- with those used during the backpropagation. This need to be done at the end of the
- backpropagation
- '''
- self.weights = []
- for new_weight in self.updated_weights:
- self.weights.append(new_weight)
- def calculate_update(self, learning_rate, target):
- '''
- This function will calculate the updated weights for this neuron. It will first calculate
- the right delta (depending if this neuron is a ouput or a hidden neuron), then it will
- calculate the right updated_weights. It will not overwrite the weights yet as they are needed
- for other update in the backpropagation algorithm.
- '''
- if self.is_output_neuron:
- # Calculate the delta for the output
- = (self.output - target)*self.output*(1-self.output)
- else:
- # Calculate the delta
- delta_sum = 0
- # this is to know which weights this neuron is contributing in the output layer
- cur_weight_index = self.position_in_layer
- for output_neuron in self.output_neurons:
- delta_sum = delta_sum + ( * output_neuron.weights[cur_weight_index])
- # Update this neuron delta
- = delta_sum*self.output*(1-self.output)
- # Reset the update weights
- self.updated_weights = []
- # Iterate over each weight and update them
- for cur_weight, cur_input in zip(self.weights, self.inputs):
- gradient =*cur_input
- new_weight = cur_weight - learning_rate*gradient
- self.updated_weights.append(new_weight)
- class Layer():
- '''
- Layer is modelizing a layer in the fully-connected-feedforward neural network architecture.
- It will play the role of connecting everything together inside and will be doing the backpropagation
- update.
- '''
- def __init__(self, num_neuron, is_output_layer = False):
- # Will create that much neurons in this layer
- self.is_output_layer = is_output_layer
- self.neurons = []
- for i in range(num_neuron):
- # Create neuron
- neuron = Neuron(i, is_output_neuron=is_output_layer)
- self.neurons.append(neuron)
- def attach(self, layer):
- '''
- This function attach the neurons from this layer to another one
- This is needed for the backpropagation algorithm
- '''
- # Iterate over the neurons in the current layer and attach
- # them to the next layer
- for in_neuron in self.neurons:
- in_neuron.attach_to_output(layer.neurons)
- def init_layer(self, num_input):
- '''
- This will initialize the weights of each neuron in the layer.
- By giving the right num_input it will spawn the right number of weights
- '''
- # Iterate over each of the neuron and initialize
- # the weights that connect with the previous layer
- for neuron in self.neurons:
- neuron.init_weights(num_input)
- def predict(self, row):
- '''
- This will calcualte the activations for the full layer given the row of data
- streaming in.
- '''
- row.append(1) # need to add the bias
- activations = [neuron.predict(row) for neuron in self.neurons]
- return activations
- class MultiLayerPerceptron():
- '''
- We will be creating the multi-layer perceptron with only two layer:
- an input layer, a perceptrons layer and a one neuron output layer which does binary classification
- '''
- def __init__(self, learning_rate = 0.01, num_iteration = 100):
- # Layers
- self.layers = []
- # Training parameters
- self.learning_rate = learning_rate
- self.num_iteration = num_iteration
- def add_output_layer(self, num_neuron):
- '''
- This helper function will create a new output layer and add it to the architecture
- '''
- self.layers.insert(0, Layer(num_neuron, is_output_layer = True))
- def add_hidden_layer(self, num_neuron):
- '''
- This helper function will create a new hidden layer, add it to the architecture
- and finally attach it to the front of the architecture
- '''
- # Create an hidden layer
- hidden_layer = Layer(num_neuron)
- # Attach the last added layer to this new layer
- hidden_layer.attach(self.layers[0])
- # Add this layers to the architecture
- self.layers.insert(0, hidden_layer)
- def update_layers(self, target):
- '''
- Will update all the layers by calculating the updated weights and then updating
- the weights all at once when the new weights are found.
- '''
- # Iterate over each of the layer in reverse order
- # to calculate the updated weights
- for layer in reversed(self.layers):
- # Calculate update the hidden layer
- for neuron in layer.neurons:
- neuron.calculate_update(self.learning_rate, target)
- # Iterate over each of the layer in normal order
- # to update the weights
- for layer in self.layers:
- for neuron in layer.neurons:
- neuron.update_neuron()
- def fit(self, X, y):
- '''
- Main training function of the neural network algorithm. This will make use of backpropagation.
- It will use stochastic gradient descent by selecting one row at random from the dataset and
- use predict to calculate the error. The error will then be backpropagated and new weights calculated.
- Once all the new weights are calculated, the whole network weights will be updated
- '''
- num_row = len(X)
- num_feature = len(X[0]) # Here we assume that we have a rectangular matrix
- # Init the weights throughout each of the layer
- self.layers[0].init_layer(num_feature)
- for i in range(1, len(self.layers)):
- num_input = len(self.layers[i-1].neurons)
- self.layers[i].init_layer(num_input)
- # Launch the training algorithm
- for i in range(self.num_iteration):
- # Stochastic Gradient Descent
- r_i = random.randint(0,num_row-1)
- row = X[r_i] # take the random sample from the dataset
- yhat = self.predict(row)
- target = y[r_i]
- # Update the layers using backpropagation
- self.update_layers(target)
- # At every 100 iteration we calculate the error
- # on the whole training set
- if i % 1000 == 0:
- total_error = 0
- for r_i in range(num_row):
- row = X[r_i]
- yhat = self.predict(row)
- error = (y[r_i] - yhat)
- total_error = total_error + error**2
- mean_error = total_error/num_row
- print(f"Iteration {i} with error = {mean_error}")
- def predict(self, row):
- '''
- Prediction function that will take a row of input and give back the output
- of the whole neural network.
- '''
- # Gather all the activation in the hidden layer
- activations = self.layers[0].predict(row)
- for i in range(1, len(self.layers)):
- activations = self.layers[i].predict(activations)
- outputs = []
- for activation in activations:
- # Decide if we output a 1 or 0
- if activation >= 0.5:
- outputs.append(1.0)
- else:
- outputs.append(0.0)
- # We currently have only One output allowed
- return outputs[0]
- # XOR function (one or the other but not both)
- X = [[0,0], [0,1], [1,0], [1,1]]
- y = [0, 1, 1, 0]
- # Init the parameters for the network
- clf = MultiLayerPerceptron(learning_rate = 0.1, num_iteration = 100000)
- # Create the architecture backward
- clf.add_output_layer(num_neuron = 1)
- clf.add_hidden_layer(num_neuron = 3)
- clf.add_hidden_layer(num_neuron = 2)
- # Train the network
- print("Expected 0.0, got: ",clf.predict([0,0]))
- print("Expected 1.0, got: ",clf.predict([0,1]))
- print("Expected 1.0, got: ",clf.predict([1,0]))
- print("Expected 0.0, got: ",clf.predict([1,1]))
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