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- var input = await File.ReadAllLinesAsync("input.txt");
- var gridSize = input.Length;
- var grid = new Node[gridSize, gridSize];
- var regions = new List<(char Value, HashSet<Node> Nodes)>();
- for (var row = 0; row < gridSize; row++)
- {
- for (var col = 0; col < gridSize; col++)
- {
- grid[row, col] = new Node(input[row][col], new Position(row, col), []);
- }
- }
- for (var row = 0; row < gridSize; row++)
- {
- for (var col = 0; col < gridSize; col++)
- {
- //Populate all neighbors, including those that are out of bounds.
- AddNeighbor(row - 1, col); //Up
- AddNeighbor(row + 1, col); //Down
- AddNeighbor(row, col - 1); //Left
- AddNeighbor(row, col + 1); //Right
- continue;
- void AddNeighbor(int r, int c)
- {
- var position = new Position(r, c);
- var neighbor = position.OutOfBounds(gridSize) ? new Node('#', position, []) : grid[r, c];
- grid[row, col].Neighbors.Add(neighbor);
- neighbor.Neighbors.Add(grid[row, col]);
- }
- }
- }
- for (var row = 0; row < gridSize; row++)
- {
- for (var col = 0; col < gridSize; col++)
- {
- var node = grid[row, col];
- var region = regions.FirstOrDefault(r => r.Nodes.Contains(node));
- if (region == default)
- {
- //Node does not belong to any region, so we create a new one and do a simple BFS flood fill.
- region = (node.Value, [node]);
- var queue = new Queue<Node>();
- queue.Enqueue(node);
- while (queue.Count > 0)
- {
- var current = queue.Dequeue();
- foreach (var neighbor in current.Neighbors.Where(n => n.Value == region.Value))
- {
- if (region.Nodes.Add(neighbor))
- {
- queue.Enqueue(neighbor);
- }
- }
- }
- regions.Add(region);
- }
- }
- }
- var part1 = 0;
- var part2 = 0;
- foreach (var region in regions)
- {
- //We will store the collection of nodes outside the region and the direction from the region to the node.
- //Every node in this list can represent a fence, so the perimeter (number of fences) is the number of nodes.
- //We will use the direction in order to walk alongside the perimeter and count the sides.
- var outerPerimeter = new List<(Node Node, Direction Direction)>();
- foreach (var node in region.Nodes)
- {
- outerPerimeter.AddRange(node.Neighbors.Where(n => n.Value != region.Value)
- .Select(neighbor => (node, node.Position.DirectionTo(neighbor.Position))));
- }
- var area = region.Nodes.Count;
- part1 += area * outerPerimeter.Count;
- var sides = 0;
- while (outerPerimeter.Count > 0)
- {
- //Walk the current section of the outer perimeter in both directions until we reach a corner.
- //The visited nodes represent a single side of the polygon.
- //We remove the visited nodes from the outer perimeter list and increase the sides counter.
- var (node, direction) = outerPerimeter[0];
- outerPerimeter.RemoveAt(0);
- WalkSide(direction.TurnLeft());
- WalkSide(direction.TurnRight());
- sides++;
- continue;
- void WalkSide(Direction dir)
- {
- var next = node.Position.Move(dir);
- var nextNode = outerPerimeter.FirstOrDefault(n => n.Node.Position == next && n.Direction == direction);
- while (nextNode != default)
- {
- outerPerimeter.Remove(nextNode);
- next = next.Move(dir);
- nextNode = outerPerimeter.FirstOrDefault(n => n.Node.Position == next && n.Direction == direction);
- }
- }
- }
- part2 += area * sides;
- }
- Console.WriteLine($"Part 1: {part1}");
- Console.WriteLine($"Part 2: {part2}");
- internal record Node(char Value, Position Position, HashSet<Node> Neighbors);
- internal record Direction(int Row, int Col)
- {
- public Direction TurnLeft()
- {
- return new Direction(-Col, Row);
- }
- public Direction TurnRight()
- {
- return new Direction(Col, -Row);
- }
- public static readonly Direction Up = new(-1, 0);
- public static readonly Direction Down = new(1, 0);
- public static readonly Direction Left = new(0, -1);
- public static readonly Direction Right = new(0, 1);
- }
- internal record Position(int Row, int Col)
- {
- public Position Move(Direction dir)
- {
- return new Position(Row + dir.Row, Col + dir.Col);
- }
- public Direction DirectionTo(Position other)
- {
- return new Direction(other.Row - Row, other.Col - Col);
- }
- public bool OutOfBounds(int size)
- {
- return OutOfBounds(0, size);
- }
- public bool OutOfBounds(int start, int end)
- {
- return Row < start || Row >= end || Col < start || Col >= end;
- }
- }
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