

Mar 18th, 2022
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  1. JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures
  2. Basic JavaScript
  3. Understanding Uninitialized Variables
  4. When JavaScript variables are declared, they have an initial value of undefined. If you do a mathematical operation on an undefined variable your result will be NaN which means "Not a Number". If you concatenate a string with an undefined variable, you will get a literal string of undefined.
  6. Initialize the three variables a, b, and c with 5, 10, and "I am a" respectively so that they will not be undefined.
  7. // Only change code below this line
  8. var a;
  9. var b;
  10. var c;
  11. // Only change code above this line
  13. a = a + 1;
  14. b = b + 5;
  15. c = c + " String!";
  16. for more:
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