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- program Happy_New_Year;
- uses WinCrt, Windows, Graph;
- const MaxX= 640;
- MaxY= 475;
- BackFire_Cycle= 500;
- Explosion_Cycle= 1000;
- Max_BackFire= 10;
- Max_BackFire_Particle= 25;
- Max_BackFire_Vel_X= 50;
- BackFire_Vel_Y= -250;
- BackFire_Arc= Pi/3;
- BackFire_Particle_Size= 3;
- Particle_AirResist= 0.8;
- Max_Regular_Explosion= 20;
- Max_Explosion_Particle= 20;
- Chain_Explosion_Cycle= 500;
- Max_Regular_Speed= 400;
- Min_Regular_Speed= 300;
- Cycle= 5000;
- type Unit_Vector= record
- x, y: Real;
- end;
- Type_Position= Unit_Vector;
- Type_Velocity= Unit_Vector;
- Effect_BackFire= record
- PrePos, Pos: Type_Position;
- Vel: Type_Velocity;
- Use: Boolean;
- end;
- Type_Firework_BackFire= record
- Pos: Type_Position;
- Vel: Type_Velocity;
- Use: Boolean;
- Par: array[1..Max_BackFire_Particle]of Effect_BackFire;
- CurTime: LongInt;
- Color: Byte;
- end;
- Effect_Particle= record
- PrePos, Pos: Type_Position;
- Vel: Type_Velocity;
- Color: Byte;
- Size: Byte;
- end;
- Type_Regular_Explosion= record
- Use: Boolean;
- Angle, Arc: Real;
- StartTime: LongInt;
- Vel: Real;
- Chain: Byte;
- Par: array[1..Max_Explosion_Particle]of Effect_Particle;
- end;
- var GraphDriver, GraphMode: Integer;
- Time_Cycle, Explosion_Time_Cycle, BackFire_Time_Cycle, Time: LongInt;
- i: Byte;
- BackFire: array[1..Max_BackFire]of Type_Firework_BackFire;
- Number_BackFire: Byte;
- Regular_Explosion: array[1..Max_Regular_Explosion]of Type_Regular_Explosion;
- Number_Regular_Explosion: Byte;
- function Position(Ox, Oy: Real): Type_Position;
- begin
- Position.x:= Ox;
- Position.y:= Oy;
- end;
- operator +(V1, V2: Unit_Vector)V3: Unit_Vector;
- begin
- V3.x:= V1.x + V2.x;
- V3.y:= V1.y + V2.y;
- end;
- operator *(V1: Unit_Vector; Con: Real)V2: Unit_Vector;
- begin
- V2.x:= V1.x*Con;
- V2.y:= V1.y*Con;
- end;
- operator /(V1: Unit_Vector; Con: Real)V2: Unit_Vector;
- begin
- V2.x:= V1.x/Con;
- V2.y:= V1.y/Con;
- end;
- function Distance(Pos1, Pos2: Type_Position): Real;
- begin
- Distance:= Sqrt(Sqr(Pos1.x - Pos2.x) + Sqr(Pos1.y - Pos2.y));
- end;
- function VectorLength(Vec: Unit_Vector): Real;
- var BaseO: Type_Position;
- begin
- BaseO.x:= 0;
- BaseO.y:= 0;
- VectorLength:= Distance(BaseO,Vec);
- end;
- function VectorRotate(V1: Unit_Vector; Alpha: Real): Unit_Vector;
- begin
- VectorRotate.x:= V1.x*Cos(Alpha) - V1.y*Sin(Alpha);
- VectorRotate.y:= V1.x*Sin(Alpha) + V1.y*Cos(Alpha);
- end;
- procedure Draw_Particle(P: Type_Position; Size, Color: Byte);
- begin
- SetColor(Color);
- SetFillStyle(SolidFill,Color);
- Bar(Round(P.x)-Size div 2,Round(P.y)-Size div 2,Round(P.x)+Size div 2,Round(P.y)+Size div 2);
- end;
- function BackFire_OffScreen(Pos: Type_Position): Boolean;
- begin
- if (Pos.x < MaxX/8) or (Pos.x > MaxX*10/8) or (Pos.y < -MaxY) or (Pos.y > MaxY + 1) then
- BackFire_OffScreen:= True
- else BackFire_OffScreen:= False;
- end;
- procedure New_BackFire;
- var u: Byte;
- begin
- Number_BackFire:= Number_BackFire + 1;
- u:= 0;
- while u < Number_BackFire do
- begin u:= u + 1;
- if not BackFire[u].Use then
- Break;
- end;
- with BackFire[u] do
- begin Pos.x:= Random(MaxX);
- Pos.y:= MaxY;
- Vel.x:= Max_BackFire_Vel_X - Random(Max_BackFire_Vel_X*2);
- Vel.y:= BackFire_Vel_Y;
- Use:= True;
- CurTime:= GetTickCount;
- Color:= Random(20);
- end;
- end;
- procedure Process_BackFire(u: Byte);
- var v: Byte;
- begin
- with BackFire[u] do
- if BackFire_OffScreen(Pos) then
- begin for v:= 1 to Max_BackFire_Particle do
- begin Draw_Particle(Par[v].Pos,4*BackFire_Particle_Size,Black);
- Par[v].Use:= False;
- end;
- Use:= False;
- Number_BackFire:= Number_BackFire - 1;
- end
- else
- begin Pos:= Pos + Vel*(GetTickCount - Time)/1000;
- if (GetTickCount - CurTime) >= 20000/VectorLength(Vel) then
- begin v:= 0;
- while v < Max_BackFire_Particle do
- begin v:= v + 1;
- if not Par[v].Use then
- Break;
- end;
- Par[v].Pos:= Pos;
- Par[v].PrePos:= Pos;
- Par[v].Vel:= VectorRotate(Vel,Pi - BackFire_Arc/2 + Random(Round(BackFire_Arc*1E9))/1E9);
- Par[v].Use:= True;
- CurTime:= GetTickCount;
- end;
- for v:= 1 to Max_BackFire_Particle do
- if Par[v].Use then
- with Par[v] do
- begin Draw_Particle(PrePos,4*BackFire_Particle_Size,Black);
- PrePos:= Pos;
- Vel:= Vel*(1 - (GetTickCount-Time)*Particle_AirResist/1000);
- if VectorLength(Vel) < VectorLength(BackFire[u].Vel)/2 then
- Use:= False
- else
- begin Pos:= Pos + Vel*(GetTickCount - Time)/1000;
- Draw_Particle(Pos,BackFire_Particle_Size,Color);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- procedure New_Regular_Explosion(P: Type_Position; Speed: Real; Ang, Ar: Real; Ch: Byte; Col: Byte; Si: Byte);
- var u, v: Byte;
- begin
- for u:= 1 to Max_Regular_Explosion do
- if not Regular_Explosion[u].Use then
- begin Number_Regular_Explosion:= Number_Regular_Explosion + 1;
- Break;
- end;
- with Regular_Explosion[u] do
- begin Use:= True;
- Angle:= Ang;
- Arc:= Ar;
- Chain:= Ch;
- Vel:= Speed;
- StartTime:= GetTickCount;
- for v:= 1 to Max_Explosion_Particle do
- with Par[v] do
- begin Pos:= P;
- PrePos:= P;
- Vel:= VectorRotate(Position(Speed,0),Angle - Arc/2 + Arc*v/(Max_Explosion_Particle - 1));
- Color:= Col;
- Size:= Si;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- procedure New_Chain_Explosion(P: Type_Position; Re: Byte; Max_Size, Min_Size: Byte);
- var v: Byte;
- begin
- for v:= 1 to Re do
- New_Regular_Explosion(P,Min_Regular_Speed + Random(Max_Regular_Speed - Min_Regular_Speed),0,Pi*2,Re - 1,Random(20),Min_Size + (Max_Size - Min_Size)*Round((Re - v + 1)/Re));
- end;
- procedure Process_Regular_Explosion(u: Byte);
- var v: Byte;
- begin
- with Regular_Explosion[u] do
- begin if GetTickCount - StartTime > Chain*Chain_Explosion_Cycle then
- for v:= 1 to Max_Regular_Explosion do
- with Par[v] do
- begin Draw_Particle(PrePos,2*Size,Black);
- PrePos:= Pos;
- Vel:= Vel*(1 - (GetTickCount - Time)*Particle_AirResist/1000);
- if (VectorLength(Vel) < Regular_Explosion[u].Vel/2) then
- Use:= False
- else
- begin Pos:= Pos + Vel*(GetTickCount - Time)/1000;
- Draw_Particle(Pos,Size,Color);
- end;
- end;
- if not Use then
- begin Number_Regular_Explosion:= Number_Regular_Explosion - 1;
- for v:= 1 to Max_Regular_Explosion do
- with Par[v] do
- Draw_Particle(Pos,2*Size,Black);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- begin
- ShowWindow(GetActiveWindow,0);
- GraphDriver:= VGA;
- GraphMode:= 2; // Use 2 for 640x475x16 resolution
- //GraphMode:= VGAHi; // Use VGAHi for maximum available resolution
- InitGraph(GraphDriver,GraphMode,'');
- SetBkColor(Black);
- ClearViewPort;
- SetColor(13);
- SetTextStyle(SansSerifFont,HorizDir,3);
- OutTextXY(75,440,'<3 Happy New Year <3');
- Randomize;
- BackFire_Time_Cycle:= GetTickCount;
- Explosion_Time_Cycle:= GetTickCount;
- Time:= GetTickCount;
- Time_Cycle:= GetTickCount;
- repeat SetColor(13);
- SetTextStyle(SansSerifFont,HorizDir,3);
- OutTextXY(75,440,'<3 Happy New Year <3');
- if (GetTickCount - BackFire_Time_Cycle >= BackFire_Cycle) and (Number_BackFire < Max_BackFire) then
- begin New_BackFire;
- BackFire_Time_Cycle:= GettickCount;
- end;
- if (GetTickCount - Explosion_Time_Cycle >= Explosion_Cycle) and (Number_Regular_Explosion < Max_Regular_Explosion) then
- begin New_Chain_Explosion(Position(Random(MaxX),Random(MaxY)),Random(8) + 1,3,3);
- Explosion_Time_Cycle:= GetTickCount;
- end;
- for i:= 1 to Max_BackFire do
- if BackFire[i].Use then
- Process_BackFire(i);
- for i:= 1 to Max_Regular_Explosion do
- if Regular_Explosion[i].Use then
- Process_Regular_Explosion(i);
- Time:= GetTickCount;
- until keypressed;
- CloseGraph;
- end.
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