

Mar 11th, 2023
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  1. 00:00:00.000 [INFO] [sway/main.c:338] Sway version 1.8.1
  2. 00:00:00.000 [INFO] [sway/main.c:339] wlroots version 0.16.2
  3. 00:00:00.002 [INFO] [sway/main.c:120] Linux beryl 6.2.2-arch2-1 #1 SMP PREEMPT_DYNAMIC Wed, 08 Mar 2023 04:07:29 +0000 x86_64 GNU/Linux
  4. 00:00:00.002 [INFO] [sway/main.c:136] Contents of /etc/lsb-release:
  5. 00:00:00.002 [INFO] [sway/main.c:120] DISTRIB_ID="Arch"
  6. 00:00:00.002 [INFO] [sway/main.c:120] DISTRIB_RELEASE="rolling"
  7. 00:00:00.002 [INFO] [sway/main.c:120] DISTRIB_DESCRIPTION="Arch Linux"
  8. 00:00:00.002 [INFO] [sway/main.c:136] Contents of /etc/os-release:
  9. 00:00:00.002 [INFO] [sway/main.c:120] NAME="Arch Linux"
  10. 00:00:00.002 [INFO] [sway/main.c:120] PRETTY_NAME="Arch Linux"
  11. 00:00:00.002 [INFO] [sway/main.c:120] ID=arch
  12. 00:00:00.002 [INFO] [sway/main.c:120] BUILD_ID=rolling
  13. 00:00:00.002 [INFO] [sway/main.c:120] ANSI_COLOR="38;2;23;147;209"
  14. 00:00:00.002 [INFO] [sway/main.c:120] HOME_URL=""
  15. 00:00:00.002 [INFO] [sway/main.c:120] DOCUMENTATION_URL=""
  16. 00:00:00.002 [INFO] [sway/main.c:120] SUPPORT_URL=""
  17. 00:00:00.002 [INFO] [sway/main.c:120] BUG_REPORT_URL=""
  18. 00:00:00.002 [INFO] [sway/main.c:120] PRIVACY_POLICY_URL=""
  19. 00:00:00.002 [INFO] [sway/main.c:120] LOGO=archlinux-logo
  20. 00:00:00.002 [INFO] [sway/main.c:108] LD_LIBRARY_PATH=
  21. 00:00:00.002 [INFO] [sway/main.c:108] LD_PRELOAD=
  22. 00:00:00.002 [INFO] [sway/main.c:108] PATH=/home/iamkarlson/.pyenv/shims:/opt/google-cloud-sdk/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/bin/site_perl:/usr/bin/vendor_perl:/usr/bin/core_perl:/bin:/home/iamkarlson/go/bin
  23. 00:00:00.002 [INFO] [sway/main.c:108] SWAYSOCK=
  24. 00:00:00.002 [INFO] [sway/main.c:376] Starting sway version 1.8.1
  25. 00:00:00.002 [DEBUG] [sway/server.c:67] Initializing Wayland server
  26. 00:00:00.003 [INFO] [wlr] [libseat] [libseat/backend/seatd.c:64] Could not connect to socket /run/seatd.sock: No such file or directory
  27. 00:00:00.003 [INFO] [wlr] [libseat] [libseat/libseat.c:76] Backend 'seatd' failed to open seat, skipping
  28. 00:00:00.006 [INFO] [wlr] [libseat] [libseat/libseat.c:73] Seat opened with backend 'logind'
  29. 00:00:00.006 [INFO] [wlr] [backend/session/session.c:109] Successfully loaded libseat session
  30. 00:00:00.007 [DEBUG] [wlr] [backend/session/session.c:384] Ignoring '/dev/dri/card0': not a KMS device
  31. 00:00:00.008 [INFO] [wlr] [backend/backend.c:220] Found 1 GPUs
  32. 00:00:00.008 [INFO] [wlr] [backend/drm/backend.c:200] Initializing DRM backend for /dev/dri/card1 (i915)
  33. 00:00:00.008 [INFO] [wlr] [util/env.c:9] Loading WLR_DRM_NO_ATOMIC option: 1
  34. 00:00:00.008 [DEBUG] [wlr] [backend/drm/drm.c:80] WLR_DRM_NO_ATOMIC set, forcing legacy DRM interface
  35. 00:00:00.008 [DEBUG] [wlr] [backend/drm/drm.c:100] ADDFB2 modifiers supported
  36. 00:00:00.008 [INFO] [wlr] [backend/drm/drm.c:253] Found 4 DRM CRTCs
  37. 00:00:00.008 [INFO] [wlr] [backend/drm/drm.c:180] Found 32 DRM planes
  38. 00:00:00.009 [INFO] [wlr] [render/egl.c:201] Supported EGL client extensions: EGL_EXT_device_base EGL_EXT_device_enumeration EGL_EXT_device_query EGL_EXT_platform_base EGL_KHR_client_get_all_proc_addresses EGL_EXT_client_extensions EGL_KHR_debug EGL_EXT_platform_device EGL_EXT_platform_wayland EGL_KHR_platform_wayland EGL_EXT_platform_x11 EGL_KHR_platform_x11 EGL_EXT_platform_xcb EGL_MESA_platform_gbm EGL_KHR_platform_gbm EGL_MESA_platform_surfaceless
  39. 00:00:00.009 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:469] Using EGL device /dev/dri/card1
  40. 00:00:00.027 [INFO] [wlr] [render/egl.c:347] Using EGL 1.5
  41. 00:00:00.027 [INFO] [wlr] [render/egl.c:348] Supported EGL display extensions: EGL_ANDROID_blob_cache EGL_ANDROID_native_fence_sync EGL_EXT_create_context_robustness EGL_EXT_image_dma_buf_import EGL_EXT_image_dma_buf_import_modifiers EGL_EXT_protected_content EGL_IMG_context_priority EGL_KHR_cl_event2 EGL_KHR_config_attribs EGL_KHR_context_flush_control EGL_KHR_create_context EGL_KHR_create_context_no_error EGL_KHR_fence_sync EGL_KHR_get_all_proc_addresses EGL_KHR_gl_colorspace EGL_KHR_gl_renderbuffer_image EGL_KHR_gl_texture_2D_image EGL_KHR_gl_texture_3D_image EGL_KHR_gl_texture_cubemap_image EGL_KHR_image_base EGL_KHR_no_config_context EGL_KHR_reusable_sync EGL_KHR_surfaceless_context EGL_EXT_pixel_format_float EGL_KHR_wait_sync EGL_MESA_configless_context EGL_MESA_drm_image EGL_MESA_image_dma_buf_export EGL_MESA_query_driver EGL_WL_bind_wayland_display
  42. 00:00:00.027 [INFO] [wlr] [render/egl.c:350] Supported EGL device extensions: EGL_EXT_device_drm EGL_EXT_device_drm_render_node
  43. 00:00:00.027 [INFO] [wlr] [render/egl.c:352] EGL vendor: Mesa Project
  44. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:121] Supported DMA-BUF formats:
  45. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:165] AB4H (0x48344241)
  46. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] INVALID (0x00FFFFFFFFFFFFFF): ✓ texture ✓ render
  47. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] LINEAR (0x0000000000000000): ✓ texture ✓ render
  48. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] X_TILED (0x0100000000000001): ✓ texture ✓ render
  49. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] Y_TILED (0x0100000000000002): ✓ texture ✓ render
  50. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] Y_TILED_GEN12_RC_CCS (0x0100000000000006): ✓ texture ✓ render
  51. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] Y_TILED_GEN12_RC_CCS_CC (0x0100000000000008): ✓ texture ✓ render
  52. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:165] XB4H (0x48344258)
  53. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] INVALID (0x00FFFFFFFFFFFFFF): ✓ texture ✓ render
  54. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] LINEAR (0x0000000000000000): ✓ texture ✓ render
  55. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] X_TILED (0x0100000000000001): ✓ texture ✓ render
  56. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] Y_TILED (0x0100000000000002): ✓ texture ✓ render
  57. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] Y_TILED_GEN12_RC_CCS (0x0100000000000006): ✓ texture ✓ render
  58. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] Y_TILED_GEN12_RC_CCS_CC (0x0100000000000008): ✓ texture ✓ render
  59. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:165] AB48 (0x38344241)
  60. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] INVALID (0x00FFFFFFFFFFFFFF): ✓ texture ✓ render
  61. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] LINEAR (0x0000000000000000): ✓ texture ✓ render
  62. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] X_TILED (0x0100000000000001): ✓ texture ✓ render
  63. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] Y_TILED (0x0100000000000002): ✓ texture ✓ render
  64. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] Y_TILED_GEN12_RC_CCS (0x0100000000000006): ✓ texture ✓ render
  65. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] Y_TILED_GEN12_RC_CCS_CC (0x0100000000000008): ✓ texture ✓ render
  66. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:165] XB48 (0x38344258)
  67. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] INVALID (0x00FFFFFFFFFFFFFF): ✓ texture ✓ render
  68. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] LINEAR (0x0000000000000000): ✓ texture ✓ render
  69. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] X_TILED (0x0100000000000001): ✓ texture ✓ render
  70. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] Y_TILED (0x0100000000000002): ✓ texture ✓ render
  71. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] Y_TILED_GEN12_RC_CCS (0x0100000000000006): ✓ texture ✓ render
  72. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] Y_TILED_GEN12_RC_CCS_CC (0x0100000000000008): ✓ texture ✓ render
  73. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:165] AR30 (0x30335241)
  74. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] INVALID (0x00FFFFFFFFFFFFFF): ✓ texture ✓ render
  75. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] LINEAR (0x0000000000000000): ✓ texture ✓ render
  76. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] X_TILED (0x0100000000000001): ✓ texture ✓ render
  77. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] Y_TILED (0x0100000000000002): ✓ texture ✓ render
  78. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] Y_TILED_GEN12_RC_CCS (0x0100000000000006): ✓ texture ✓ render
  79. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] Y_TILED_GEN12_RC_CCS_CC (0x0100000000000008): ✓ texture ✓ render
  80. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:165] XR30 (0x30335258)
  81. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] INVALID (0x00FFFFFFFFFFFFFF): ✓ texture ✓ render
  82. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] LINEAR (0x0000000000000000): ✓ texture ✓ render
  83. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] X_TILED (0x0100000000000001): ✓ texture ✓ render
  84. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] Y_TILED (0x0100000000000002): ✓ texture ✓ render
  85. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] Y_TILED_GEN12_RC_CCS (0x0100000000000006): ✓ texture ✓ render
  86. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] Y_TILED_GEN12_RC_CCS_CC (0x0100000000000008): ✓ texture ✓ render
  87. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:165] AB30 (0x30334241)
  88. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] INVALID (0x00FFFFFFFFFFFFFF): ✓ texture ✓ render
  89. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] LINEAR (0x0000000000000000): ✓ texture ✓ render
  90. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] X_TILED (0x0100000000000001): ✓ texture ✓ render
  91. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] Y_TILED (0x0100000000000002): ✓ texture ✓ render
  92. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] Y_TILED_GEN12_RC_CCS (0x0100000000000006): ✓ texture ✓ render
  93. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] Y_TILED_GEN12_RC_CCS_CC (0x0100000000000008): ✓ texture ✓ render
  94. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:165] AR24 (0x34325241)
  95. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] INVALID (0x00FFFFFFFFFFFFFF): ✓ texture ✓ render
  96. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] LINEAR (0x0000000000000000): ✓ texture ✓ render
  97. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] X_TILED (0x0100000000000001): ✓ texture ✓ render
  98. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] Y_TILED (0x0100000000000002): ✓ texture ✓ render
  99. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] Y_TILED_GEN12_RC_CCS (0x0100000000000006): ✓ texture ✓ render
  100. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] Y_TILED_GEN12_MC_CCS (0x0100000000000007): ✓ texture ✗ render
  101. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] Y_TILED_GEN12_RC_CCS_CC (0x0100000000000008): ✓ texture ✓ render
  102. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:165] AB24 (0x34324241)
  103. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] INVALID (0x00FFFFFFFFFFFFFF): ✓ texture ✓ render
  104. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] LINEAR (0x0000000000000000): ✓ texture ✓ render
  105. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] X_TILED (0x0100000000000001): ✓ texture ✓ render
  106. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] Y_TILED (0x0100000000000002): ✓ texture ✓ render
  107. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] Y_TILED_GEN12_RC_CCS (0x0100000000000006): ✓ texture ✓ render
  108. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] Y_TILED_GEN12_MC_CCS (0x0100000000000007): ✓ texture ✗ render
  109. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] Y_TILED_GEN12_RC_CCS_CC (0x0100000000000008): ✓ texture ✓ render
  110. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:165] XR24 (0x34325258)
  111. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] INVALID (0x00FFFFFFFFFFFFFF): ✓ texture ✓ render
  112. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] LINEAR (0x0000000000000000): ✓ texture ✓ render
  113. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] X_TILED (0x0100000000000001): ✓ texture ✓ render
  114. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] Y_TILED (0x0100000000000002): ✓ texture ✓ render
  115. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] Y_TILED_GEN12_RC_CCS (0x0100000000000006): ✓ texture ✓ render
  116. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] Y_TILED_GEN12_MC_CCS (0x0100000000000007): ✓ texture ✗ render
  117. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] Y_TILED_GEN12_RC_CCS_CC (0x0100000000000008): ✓ texture ✓ render
  118. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:165] XB24 (0x34324258)
  119. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] INVALID (0x00FFFFFFFFFFFFFF): ✓ texture ✓ render
  120. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] LINEAR (0x0000000000000000): ✓ texture ✓ render
  121. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] X_TILED (0x0100000000000001): ✓ texture ✓ render
  122. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] Y_TILED (0x0100000000000002): ✓ texture ✓ render
  123. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] Y_TILED_GEN12_RC_CCS (0x0100000000000006): ✓ texture ✓ render
  124. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] Y_TILED_GEN12_MC_CCS (0x0100000000000007): ✓ texture ✗ render
  125. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] Y_TILED_GEN12_RC_CCS_CC (0x0100000000000008): ✓ texture ✓ render
  126. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:165] AR15 (0x35315241)
  127. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] INVALID (0x00FFFFFFFFFFFFFF): ✓ texture ✓ render
  128. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] LINEAR (0x0000000000000000): ✓ texture ✓ render
  129. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] X_TILED (0x0100000000000001): ✓ texture ✓ render
  130. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] Y_TILED (0x0100000000000002): ✓ texture ✓ render
  131. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] Y_TILED_GEN12_RC_CCS (0x0100000000000006): ✓ texture ✓ render
  132. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] Y_TILED_GEN12_RC_CCS_CC (0x0100000000000008): ✓ texture ✓ render
  133. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:165] RG16 (0x36314752)
  134. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] INVALID (0x00FFFFFFFFFFFFFF): ✓ texture ✓ render
  135. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] LINEAR (0x0000000000000000): ✓ texture ✓ render
  136. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] X_TILED (0x0100000000000001): ✓ texture ✓ render
  137. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] Y_TILED (0x0100000000000002): ✓ texture ✓ render
  138. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] Y_TILED_GEN12_RC_CCS (0x0100000000000006): ✓ texture ✓ render
  139. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] Y_TILED_GEN12_RC_CCS_CC (0x0100000000000008): ✓ texture ✓ render
  140. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:165] R8 (0x20203852)
  141. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] INVALID (0x00FFFFFFFFFFFFFF): ✓ texture ✓ render
  142. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] LINEAR (0x0000000000000000): ✓ texture ✓ render
  143. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] X_TILED (0x0100000000000001): ✓ texture ✓ render
  144. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] Y_TILED (0x0100000000000002): ✓ texture ✓ render
  145. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] Y_TILED_GEN12_RC_CCS (0x0100000000000006): ✓ texture ✓ render
  146. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] Y_TILED_GEN12_RC_CCS_CC (0x0100000000000008): ✓ texture ✓ render
  147. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:165] R16 (0x20363152)
  148. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] INVALID (0x00FFFFFFFFFFFFFF): ✓ texture ✓ render
  149. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] LINEAR (0x0000000000000000): ✓ texture ✓ render
  150. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] X_TILED (0x0100000000000001): ✓ texture ✓ render
  151. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] Y_TILED (0x0100000000000002): ✓ texture ✓ render
  152. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] Y_TILED_GEN12_RC_CCS (0x0100000000000006): ✓ texture ✓ render
  153. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] Y_TILED_GEN12_RC_CCS_CC (0x0100000000000008): ✓ texture ✓ render
  154. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:165] GR88 (0x38385247)
  155. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] INVALID (0x00FFFFFFFFFFFFFF): ✓ texture ✓ render
  156. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] LINEAR (0x0000000000000000): ✓ texture ✓ render
  157. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] X_TILED (0x0100000000000001): ✓ texture ✓ render
  158. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] Y_TILED (0x0100000000000002): ✓ texture ✓ render
  159. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] Y_TILED_GEN12_RC_CCS (0x0100000000000006): ✓ texture ✓ render
  160. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] Y_TILED_GEN12_RC_CCS_CC (0x0100000000000008): ✓ texture ✓ render
  161. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:165] GR32 (0x32335247)
  162. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] INVALID (0x00FFFFFFFFFFFFFF): ✓ texture ✓ render
  163. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] LINEAR (0x0000000000000000): ✓ texture ✓ render
  164. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] X_TILED (0x0100000000000001): ✓ texture ✓ render
  165. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] Y_TILED (0x0100000000000002): ✓ texture ✓ render
  166. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] Y_TILED_GEN12_RC_CCS (0x0100000000000006): ✓ texture ✓ render
  167. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] Y_TILED_GEN12_RC_CCS_CC (0x0100000000000008): ✓ texture ✓ render
  168. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:165] YUV9 (0x39565559)
  169. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] INVALID (0x00FFFFFFFFFFFFFF): ✓ texture ✓ render
  170. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] LINEAR (0x0000000000000000): ✓ texture ✗ render
  171. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] X_TILED (0x0100000000000001): ✓ texture ✗ render
  172. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] Y_TILED (0x0100000000000002): ✓ texture ✗ render
  173. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:165] YU11 (0x31315559)
  174. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] INVALID (0x00FFFFFFFFFFFFFF): ✓ texture ✓ render
  175. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] LINEAR (0x0000000000000000): ✓ texture ✗ render
  176. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] X_TILED (0x0100000000000001): ✓ texture ✗ render
  177. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] Y_TILED (0x0100000000000002): ✓ texture ✗ render
  178. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:165] YU12 (0x32315559)
  179. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] INVALID (0x00FFFFFFFFFFFFFF): ✓ texture ✓ render
  180. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] LINEAR (0x0000000000000000): ✓ texture ✗ render
  181. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] X_TILED (0x0100000000000001): ✓ texture ✗ render
  182. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] Y_TILED (0x0100000000000002): ✓ texture ✗ render
  183. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:165] YU16 (0x36315559)
  184. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] INVALID (0x00FFFFFFFFFFFFFF): ✓ texture ✓ render
  185. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] LINEAR (0x0000000000000000): ✓ texture ✗ render
  186. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] X_TILED (0x0100000000000001): ✓ texture ✗ render
  187. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] Y_TILED (0x0100000000000002): ✓ texture ✗ render
  188. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:165] YU24 (0x34325559)
  189. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] INVALID (0x00FFFFFFFFFFFFFF): ✓ texture ✓ render
  190. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] LINEAR (0x0000000000000000): ✓ texture ✗ render
  191. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] X_TILED (0x0100000000000001): ✓ texture ✗ render
  192. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] Y_TILED (0x0100000000000002): ✓ texture ✗ render
  193. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:165] YVU9 (0x39555659)
  194. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] INVALID (0x00FFFFFFFFFFFFFF): ✓ texture ✓ render
  195. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] LINEAR (0x0000000000000000): ✓ texture ✗ render
  196. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] X_TILED (0x0100000000000001): ✓ texture ✗ render
  197. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] Y_TILED (0x0100000000000002): ✓ texture ✗ render
  198. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:165] YV11 (0x31315659)
  199. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] INVALID (0x00FFFFFFFFFFFFFF): ✓ texture ✓ render
  200. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] LINEAR (0x0000000000000000): ✓ texture ✗ render
  201. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] X_TILED (0x0100000000000001): ✓ texture ✗ render
  202. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] Y_TILED (0x0100000000000002): ✓ texture ✗ render
  203. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:165] YV12 (0x32315659)
  204. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] INVALID (0x00FFFFFFFFFFFFFF): ✓ texture ✓ render
  205. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] LINEAR (0x0000000000000000): ✓ texture ✗ render
  206. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] X_TILED (0x0100000000000001): ✓ texture ✗ render
  207. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] Y_TILED (0x0100000000000002): ✓ texture ✗ render
  208. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:165] YV16 (0x36315659)
  209. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] INVALID (0x00FFFFFFFFFFFFFF): ✓ texture ✓ render
  210. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] LINEAR (0x0000000000000000): ✓ texture ✗ render
  211. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] X_TILED (0x0100000000000001): ✓ texture ✗ render
  212. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] Y_TILED (0x0100000000000002): ✓ texture ✗ render
  213. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:165] YV24 (0x34325659)
  214. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] INVALID (0x00FFFFFFFFFFFFFF): ✓ texture ✓ render
  215. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] LINEAR (0x0000000000000000): ✓ texture ✗ render
  216. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] X_TILED (0x0100000000000001): ✓ texture ✗ render
  217. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] Y_TILED (0x0100000000000002): ✓ texture ✗ render
  218. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:165] NV12 (0x3231564E)
  219. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] INVALID (0x00FFFFFFFFFFFFFF): ✓ texture ✓ render
  220. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] LINEAR (0x0000000000000000): ✓ texture ✗ render
  221. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] X_TILED (0x0100000000000001): ✓ texture ✗ render
  222. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] Y_TILED (0x0100000000000002): ✓ texture ✗ render
  223. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] Y_TILED_GEN12_MC_CCS (0x0100000000000007): ✓ texture ✗ render
  224. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:165] P010 (0x30313050)
  225. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] INVALID (0x00FFFFFFFFFFFFFF): ✓ texture ✓ render
  226. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] LINEAR (0x0000000000000000): ✓ texture ✗ render
  227. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] X_TILED (0x0100000000000001): ✓ texture ✗ render
  228. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] Y_TILED (0x0100000000000002): ✓ texture ✗ render
  229. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] Y_TILED_GEN12_MC_CCS (0x0100000000000007): ✓ texture ✗ render
  230. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:165] P012 (0x32313050)
  231. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] INVALID (0x00FFFFFFFFFFFFFF): ✓ texture ✓ render
  232. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] LINEAR (0x0000000000000000): ✓ texture ✗ render
  233. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] X_TILED (0x0100000000000001): ✓ texture ✗ render
  234. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] Y_TILED (0x0100000000000002): ✓ texture ✗ render
  235. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] Y_TILED_GEN12_MC_CCS (0x0100000000000007): ✓ texture ✗ render
  236. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:165] P016 (0x36313050)
  237. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] INVALID (0x00FFFFFFFFFFFFFF): ✓ texture ✓ render
  238. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] LINEAR (0x0000000000000000): ✓ texture ✗ render
  239. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] X_TILED (0x0100000000000001): ✓ texture ✗ render
  240. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] Y_TILED (0x0100000000000002): ✓ texture ✗ render
  241. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] Y_TILED_GEN12_MC_CCS (0x0100000000000007): ✓ texture ✗ render
  242. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:165] NV16 (0x3631564E)
  243. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] INVALID (0x00FFFFFFFFFFFFFF): ✓ texture ✓ render
  244. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] LINEAR (0x0000000000000000): ✓ texture ✗ render
  245. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] X_TILED (0x0100000000000001): ✓ texture ✗ render
  246. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] Y_TILED (0x0100000000000002): ✓ texture ✗ render
  247. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] Y_TILED_GEN12_MC_CCS (0x0100000000000007): ✓ texture ✗ render
  248. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:165] AYUV (0x56555941)
  249. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] INVALID (0x00FFFFFFFFFFFFFF): ✓ texture ✓ render
  250. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] LINEAR (0x0000000000000000): ✓ texture ✗ render
  251. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] X_TILED (0x0100000000000001): ✓ texture ✗ render
  252. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] Y_TILED (0x0100000000000002): ✓ texture ✗ render
  253. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:165] XYUV (0x56555958)
  254. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] INVALID (0x00FFFFFFFFFFFFFF): ✓ texture ✓ render
  255. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] LINEAR (0x0000000000000000): ✓ texture ✗ render
  256. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] X_TILED (0x0100000000000001): ✓ texture ✗ render
  257. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] Y_TILED (0x0100000000000002): ✓ texture ✗ render
  258. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:165] Y410 (0x30313459)
  259. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] INVALID (0x00FFFFFFFFFFFFFF): ✓ texture ✓ render
  260. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] LINEAR (0x0000000000000000): ✓ texture ✗ render
  261. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] X_TILED (0x0100000000000001): ✓ texture ✗ render
  262. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] Y_TILED (0x0100000000000002): ✓ texture ✗ render
  263. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:165] Y412 (0x32313459)
  264. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] INVALID (0x00FFFFFFFFFFFFFF): ✓ texture ✓ render
  265. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] LINEAR (0x0000000000000000): ✓ texture ✗ render
  266. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] X_TILED (0x0100000000000001): ✓ texture ✗ render
  267. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] Y_TILED (0x0100000000000002): ✓ texture ✗ render
  268. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:165] Y416 (0x36313459)
  269. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] INVALID (0x00FFFFFFFFFFFFFF): ✓ texture ✓ render
  270. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] LINEAR (0x0000000000000000): ✓ texture ✗ render
  271. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] X_TILED (0x0100000000000001): ✓ texture ✗ render
  272. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] Y_TILED (0x0100000000000002): ✓ texture ✗ render
  273. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:165] YUYV (0x56595559)
  274. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] INVALID (0x00FFFFFFFFFFFFFF): ✓ texture ✓ render
  275. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] LINEAR (0x0000000000000000): ✓ texture ✗ render
  276. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] X_TILED (0x0100000000000001): ✓ texture ✗ render
  277. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] Y_TILED (0x0100000000000002): ✓ texture ✗ render
  278. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] Y_TILED_GEN12_RC_CCS (0x0100000000000006): ✓ texture ✗ render
  279. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] Y_TILED_GEN12_MC_CCS (0x0100000000000007): ✓ texture ✗ render
  280. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] Y_TILED_GEN12_RC_CCS_CC (0x0100000000000008): ✓ texture ✗ render
  281. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:165] UYVY (0x59565955)
  282. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] INVALID (0x00FFFFFFFFFFFFFF): ✓ texture ✓ render
  283. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] LINEAR (0x0000000000000000): ✓ texture ✗ render
  284. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] X_TILED (0x0100000000000001): ✓ texture ✗ render
  285. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] Y_TILED (0x0100000000000002): ✓ texture ✗ render
  286. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] Y_TILED_GEN12_RC_CCS (0x0100000000000006): ✓ texture ✗ render
  287. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] Y_TILED_GEN12_MC_CCS (0x0100000000000007): ✓ texture ✗ render
  288. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] Y_TILED_GEN12_RC_CCS_CC (0x0100000000000008): ✓ texture ✗ render
  289. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:165] Y210 (0x30313259)
  290. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] INVALID (0x00FFFFFFFFFFFFFF): ✓ texture ✓ render
  291. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] LINEAR (0x0000000000000000): ✓ texture ✗ render
  292. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] X_TILED (0x0100000000000001): ✓ texture ✗ render
  293. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] Y_TILED (0x0100000000000002): ✓ texture ✗ render
  294. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:165] Y212 (0x32313259)
  295. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] INVALID (0x00FFFFFFFFFFFFFF): ✓ texture ✓ render
  296. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] LINEAR (0x0000000000000000): ✓ texture ✗ render
  297. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] X_TILED (0x0100000000000001): ✓ texture ✗ render
  298. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] Y_TILED (0x0100000000000002): ✓ texture ✗ render
  299. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:165] Y216 (0x36313259)
  300. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] INVALID (0x00FFFFFFFFFFFFFF): ✓ texture ✓ render
  301. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] LINEAR (0x0000000000000000): ✓ texture ✗ render
  302. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] X_TILED (0x0100000000000001): ✓ texture ✗ render
  303. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:104] Y_TILED (0x0100000000000002): ✓ texture ✗ render
  304. 00:00:00.027 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:185] EGL DMA-BUF format modifiers supported
  305. 00:00:00.028 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:420] Obtained high priority context
  306. 00:00:00.028 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/egl.c:518] Using EGL_PLATFORM_DEVICE_EXT
  307. 00:00:00.029 [INFO] [wlr] [render/gles2/renderer.c:718] Creating GLES2 renderer
  308. 00:00:00.029 [INFO] [wlr] [render/gles2/renderer.c:719] Using OpenGL ES 3.2 Mesa 22.3.6
  309. 00:00:00.029 [INFO] [wlr] [render/gles2/renderer.c:720] GL vendor: Intel
  310. 00:00:00.029 [INFO] [wlr] [render/gles2/renderer.c:721] GL renderer: Mesa Intel(R) Xe Graphics (TGL GT2)
  311. 00:00:00.029 [INFO] [wlr] [render/gles2/renderer.c:722] Supported GLES2 extensions: GL_EXT_blend_minmax GL_EXT_multi_draw_arrays GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc GL_EXT_texture_compression_dxt1 GL_EXT_texture_compression_rgtc GL_EXT_texture_format_BGRA8888 GL_OES_compressed_ETC1_RGB8_texture GL_OES_depth24 GL_OES_element_index_uint GL_OES_fbo_render_mipmap GL_OES_mapbuffer GL_OES_rgb8_rgba8 GL_OES_standard_derivatives GL_OES_stencil8 GL_OES_texture_3D GL_OES_texture_float GL_OES_texture_float_linear GL_OES_texture_half_float GL_OES_texture_half_float_linear GL_OES_texture_npot GL_OES_vertex_half_float GL_EXT_draw_instanced GL_EXT_texture_sRGB_decode GL_OES_EGL_image GL_OES_depth_texture GL_AMD_performance_monitor GL_OES_packed_depth_stencil GL_EXT_texture_type_2_10_10_10_REV GL_NV_conditional_render GL_OES_get_program_binary GL_APPLE_texture_max_level GL_EXT_discard_framebuffer GL_EXT_read_format_bgra GL_NV_pack_subimage GL_EXT_frag_depth GL_NV_fbo_color_attachments GL_OES_EGL_image_external GL_OES_EGL_sync GL_OES_vertex_array_object GL_OES_viewport_array GL_ANGLE_pack_reverse_row_order GL_ANGLE_texture_compression_dxt3 GL_ANGLE_texture_compression_dxt5 GL_EXT_occlusion_query_boolean GL_EXT_robustness GL_EXT_texture_rg GL_EXT_unpack_subimage GL_NV_draw_buffers GL_NV_read_buffer GL_NV_read_depth GL_NV_read_depth_stencil GL_NV_read_stencil GL_EXT_draw_buffers GL_EXT_map_buffer_range GL_KHR_debug GL_KHR_robustness GL_KHR_texture_compression_astc_ldr GL_NV_pixel_buffer_object GL_OES_depth_texture_cube_map GL_OES_required_internalformat GL_OES_surfaceless_context GL_EXT_color_buffer_float GL_EXT_debug_label GL_EXT_sRGB_write_control GL_EXT_separate_shader_objects GL_EXT_shader_framebuffer_fetch GL_EXT_shader_group_vote GL_EXT_shader_implicit_conversions GL_EXT_shader_integer_mix GL_EXT_tessellation_point_size GL_EXT_tessellation_shader GL_INTEL_conservative_rasterization GL_INTEL_performance_query GL_ANDROID_extension_pack_es31a GL_EXT_base_instance GL_EXT_compressed_ETC1_RGB8_sub_texture GL_EXT_copy_image GL_EXT_draw_buffers_indexed GL_EXT_draw_elements_base_vertex GL_EXT_gpu_shader5 GL_EXT_polygon_offset_clamp GL_EXT_primitive_bounding_box GL_EXT_render_snorm GL_EXT_shader_io_blocks GL_EXT_texture_border_clamp GL_EXT_texture_buffer GL_EXT_texture_cube_map_array GL_EXT_texture_norm16 GL_EXT_texture_view GL_KHR_blend_equation_advanced GL_KHR_blend_equation_advanced_coherent GL_KHR_context_flush_control GL_KHR_robust_buffer_access_behavior GL_NV_image_formats GL_NV_shader_noperspective_interpolation GL_OES_copy_image GL_OES_draw_buffers_indexed GL_OES_draw_elements_base_vertex GL_OES_gpu_shader5 GL_OES_primitive_bounding_box GL_OES_sample_shading GL_OES_sample_variables GL_OES_shader_io_blocks GL_OES_shader_multisample_interpolation GL_OES_tessellation_point_size GL_OES_tessellation_shader GL_OES_texture_border_clamp GL_OES_texture_buffer GL_OES_texture_cube_map_array GL_OES_texture_stencil8 GL_OES_texture_storage_multisample_2d_array GL_OES_texture_view GL_EXT_blend_func_extended GL_EXT_buffer_storage GL_EXT_float_blend GL_EXT_geometry_point_size GL_EXT_geometry_shader GL_EXT_shader_samples_identical GL_EXT_texture_sRGB_R8 GL_KHR_no_error GL_KHR_texture_compression_astc_sliced_3d GL_NV_fragment_shader_interlock GL_OES_EGL_image_external_essl3 GL_OES_geometry_point_size GL_OES_geometry_shader GL_OES_shader_image_atomic GL_EXT_clear_texture GL_EXT_clip_cull_distance GL_EXT_disjoint_timer_query GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc_srgb GL_MESA_shader_integer_functions GL_EXT_clip_control GL_EXT_color_buffer_half_float GL_EXT_memory_object GL_EXT_memory_object_fd GL_EXT_semaphore GL_EXT_semaphore_fd GL_EXT_texture_compression_bptc GL_EXT_texture_mirror_clamp_to_edge GL_KHR_parallel_shader_compile GL_EXT_EGL_image_storage GL_EXT_shader_framebuffer_fetch_non_coherent GL_EXT_texture_shadow_lod GL_INTEL_blackhole_render GL_MESA_framebuffer_flip_y GL_NV_compute_shader_derivatives GL_EXT_demote_to_helper_invocation GL_EXT_depth_clamp GL_EXT_texture_query_lod GL_MESA_bgra
  312. 00:00:00.037 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/allocator/allocator.c:106] Trying to create gbm allocator
  313. 00:00:00.040 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/allocator/gbm.c:210] Created GBM allocator with backend drm
  314. 00:00:00.040 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/allocator/gbm.c:213] Using DRM node /dev/dri/card1
  315. 00:00:00.040 [DEBUG] [wlr] [types/wlr_idle.c:246] idle manager created
  316. 00:00:00.040 [DEBUG] [wlr] [types/wlr_drm_lease_v1.c:638] Creating wlr_drm_lease_device_v1 for /dev/dri/card1
  317. 00:00:00.040 [INFO] [wlr] [backend/headless/backend.c:68] Creating headless backend
  318. 00:00:00.040 [INFO] [wlr] [util/env.c:9] Loading WLR_NO_HARDWARE_CURSORS option: 1
  319. 00:00:00.040 [DEBUG] [wlr] [types/output/output.c:382] WLR_NO_HARDWARE_CURSORS set, forcing software cursors
  320. 00:00:00.042 [INFO] [sway/config.c:415] Loading config from /home/iamkarlson/.config/sway/config
  321. 00:00:00.042 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 1: # -*- mode: i3wm-config -*-
  322. 00:00:00.042 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 2: # Read `man 5 sway` for a complete reference.
  323. 00:00:00.042 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 3:
  324. 00:00:00.042 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 4: #xwayland disable
  325. 00:00:00.042 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 5:
  326. 00:00:00.042 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 6:
  327. 00:00:00.042 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 7: ### Variables
  328. 00:00:00.042 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 8: #
  329. 00:00:00.042 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 9: # Logo key. Use Mod1 for Alt.
  330. 00:00:00.042 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 10: set $mod Mod4
  331. 00:00:00.042 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:380] Config command: set $mod Mod4
  332. 00:00:00.042 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:400] After replacement: set $mod Mod4
  333. 00:00:00.042 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 11: # Home row direction keys, like vim
  334. 00:00:00.042 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 12: set $left h
  335. 00:00:00.042 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:380] Config command: set $left h
  336. 00:00:00.042 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:400] After replacement: set $left h
  337. 00:00:00.042 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 13: set $down j
  338. 00:00:00.042 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:380] Config command: set $down j
  339. 00:00:00.042 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:400] After replacement: set $down j
  340. 00:00:00.042 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 14: set $up k
  341. 00:00:00.042 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:380] Config command: set $up k
  342. 00:00:00.042 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:400] After replacement: set $up k
  343. 00:00:00.042 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 15: set $right l
  344. 00:00:00.042 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:380] Config command: set $right l
  345. 00:00:00.042 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:400] After replacement: set $right l
  346. 00:00:00.042 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 16:
  347. 00:00:00.042 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 17: focus_follows_mouse no
  348. 00:00:00.042 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:380] Config command: focus_follows_mouse no
  349. 00:00:00.042 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:400] After replacement: focus_follows_mouse no
  350. 00:00:00.042 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 18:
  351. 00:00:00.042 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 19: # Your preferred terminal emulator
  352. 00:00:00.042 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 20: #set $term LIBGL_ALWAYS_SOFTWARE=1 alacritty
  353. 00:00:00.042 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 21: #set $term kitty
  354. 00:00:00.042 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 22: set $term alacritty
  355. 00:00:00.042 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:380] Config command: set $term alacritty
  356. 00:00:00.042 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:400] After replacement: set $term alacritty
  357. 00:00:00.042 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 23:
  358. 00:00:00.042 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 24: # Your preferred application launcher
  359. 00:00:00.042 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 25: # Note: pass the final command to swaymsg so that the resulting window can be opened
  360. 00:00:00.042 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 26: # on the original workspace that the command was run on.
  361. 00:00:00.042 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 27: #set $menu dmenu_path | dmenu | xargs swaymsg exec --
  362. 00:00:00.042 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 28: #set $menu bemenu-run | xargs swaymsg exec --
  363. 00:00:00.042 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 29: #set $menu mauncher-launcher | xargs swaymsg exec --
  364. 00:00:00.042 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 30: #set $menu rofi | xargs swaymsg exec --
  365. 00:00:00.042 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 31: #set $menu rofi -show drun -show-icons -font 'CaskaydiaCove Nerd Font 17'
  366. 00:00:00.042 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 32: set $menu ~/src/dotfiles/rofi/
  367. 00:00:00.042 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:380] Config command: set $menu ~/src/dotfiles/rofi/
  368. 00:00:00.042 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:400] After replacement: set $menu ~/src/dotfiles/rofi/
  369. 00:00:00.042 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 33:
  370. 00:00:00.042 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 34: #set $menu wofi -show drun -show-icons -font 'CaskaydiaCove Nerd Font 17'
  371. 00:00:00.042 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 35:
  372. 00:00:00.042 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 36:
  373. 00:00:00.042 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 37:
  374. 00:00:00.042 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 38: ### Input configuration
  375. 00:00:00.042 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 39: #
  376. 00:00:00.042 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 40: # Example configuration:
  377. 00:00:00.042 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 41: #
  378. 00:00:00.042 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 42: # input "2:14:SynPS/2_Synaptics_TouchPad" {
  379. 00:00:00.042 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 43: # dwt enabled
  380. 00:00:00.042 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 44: # tap enabled
  381. 00:00:00.042 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 45: # natural_scroll enabled
  382. 00:00:00.042 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 46: # middle_emulation enabled
  383. 00:00:00.042 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 47: # }
  384. 00:00:00.042 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 48: #
  385. 00:00:00.042 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 49: # You can get the names of your inputs by running: swaymsg -t get_inputs
  386. 00:00:00.042 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 50: # Read `man 5 sway-input` for more information about this section.
  387. 00:00:00.042 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 51:
  388. 00:00:00.042 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 52: input "type:keyboard" {
  389. 00:00:00.042 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:886] Entering block 'input "type:keyboard"'
  390. 00:00:00.042 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 53: xkb_layout us,ru
  391. 00:00:00.042 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:380] Config command: input "type:keyboard" xkb_layout us,ru
  392. 00:00:00.042 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:400] After replacement: input "type:keyboard" xkb_layout us,ru
  393. 00:00:00.042 [DEBUG] [sway/commands/input.c:55] entering input block: type:keyboard
  394. 00:00:00.042 [DEBUG] [sway/config/input.c:15] new_input_config(type:keyboard)
  395. 00:00:00.042 [DEBUG] [sway/commands.c:432] Subcommand: xkb_layout us,ru
  396. 00:00:00.042 [DEBUG] [sway/commands/input/xkb_layout.c:18] set-xkb_layout for config: type:keyboard layout: us,ru
  397. 00:00:00.042 [DEBUG] [sway/config/input.c:15] new_input_config(temp)
  398. 00:00:00.044 [DEBUG] [sway/config/input.c:354] Config stored for input type:keyboard
  399. 00:00:00.044 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 54: xkb_options grp:caps_toggle
  400. 00:00:00.044 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:380] Config command: input "type:keyboard" xkb_options grp:caps_toggle
  401. 00:00:00.044 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:400] After replacement: input "type:keyboard" xkb_options grp:caps_toggle
  402. 00:00:00.044 [DEBUG] [sway/commands/input.c:55] entering input block: type:keyboard
  403. 00:00:00.044 [DEBUG] [sway/config/input.c:15] new_input_config(type:keyboard)
  404. 00:00:00.044 [DEBUG] [sway/commands.c:432] Subcommand: xkb_options grp:caps_toggle
  405. 00:00:00.044 [DEBUG] [sway/commands/input/xkb_options.c:18] set-xkb_options for config: type:keyboard options: grp:caps_toggle
  406. 00:00:00.044 [DEBUG] [sway/config/input.c:15] new_input_config(temp)
  407. 00:00:00.046 [DEBUG] [sway/config/input.c:354] Config stored for input type:keyboard
  408. 00:00:00.046 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 55: }
  409. 00:00:00.046 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:903] Exiting block 'input "type:keyboard"'
  410. 00:00:00.046 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 56:
  411. 00:00:00.046 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 57: input type:keyboard xkb_numlock enabled
  412. 00:00:00.046 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:380] Config command: input type:keyboard xkb_numlock enabled
  413. 00:00:00.046 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:400] After replacement: input type:keyboard xkb_numlock enabled
  414. 00:00:00.046 [DEBUG] [sway/commands/input.c:55] entering input block: type:keyboard
  415. 00:00:00.046 [DEBUG] [sway/config/input.c:15] new_input_config(type:keyboard)
  416. 00:00:00.046 [DEBUG] [sway/commands.c:432] Subcommand: xkb_numlock enabled
  417. 00:00:00.046 [DEBUG] [sway/config/input.c:15] new_input_config(temp)
  418. 00:00:00.048 [DEBUG] [sway/config/input.c:354] Config stored for input type:keyboard
  419. 00:00:00.048 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 58:
  420. 00:00:00.048 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 59: #
  421. 00:00:00.048 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 60: # Media
  422. 00:00:00.048 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 61: #
  423. 00:00:00.048 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 62:
  424. 00:00:00.048 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 63:
  425. 00:00:00.048 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 64: # brightness control
  426. 00:00:00.048 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 65: set $brightness_up brightnessctl set +10%
  427. 00:00:00.048 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:380] Config command: set $brightness_up brightnessctl set +10%
  428. 00:00:00.048 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:400] After replacement: set $brightness_up brightnessctl set +10%
  429. 00:00:00.048 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 66: set $brightness_down brightnessctl set 10%-
  430. 00:00:00.048 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:380] Config command: set $brightness_down brightnessctl set 10%-
  431. 00:00:00.048 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:400] After replacement: set $brightness_down brightnessctl set 10%-
  432. 00:00:00.048 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 67:
  433. 00:00:00.048 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 68:
  434. 00:00:00.048 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 69: # audio control
  435. 00:00:00.048 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 70: set $sink_volume pactl get-sink-volume @DEFAULT_SINK@ | grep '^Volume:' | cut -d / -f 2 | tr -d ' ' | sed 's/%//'
  436. 00:00:00.048 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:380] Config command: set $sink_volume pactl get-sink-volume @DEFAULT_SINK@ | grep '^Volume:' | cut -d / -f 2 | tr -d ' ' | sed 's/%//'
  437. 00:00:00.048 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:400] After replacement: set $sink_volume pactl get-sink-volume @DEFAULT_SINK@ | grep '^Volume:' | cut -d / -f 2 | tr -d ' ' | sed 's/%//'
  438. 00:00:00.048 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 71: set $source_volume pactl get-source-volume @DEFAULT_SOURCE@ | grep '^Volume:' | cut -d / -f 2 | tr -d ' ' | sed 's/%//'
  439. 00:00:00.048 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:380] Config command: set $source_volume pactl get-source-volume @DEFAULT_SOURCE@ | grep '^Volume:' | cut -d / -f 2 | tr -d ' ' | sed 's/%//'
  440. 00:00:00.048 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:400] After replacement: set $source_volume pactl get-source-volume @DEFAULT_SOURCE@ | grep '^Volume:' | cut -d / -f 2 | tr -d ' ' | sed 's/%//'
  441. 00:00:00.048 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 72: set $volume_down $onscreen_bar $(pactl set-sink-volume @DEFAULT_SINK@ -5% && $sink_volume)
  442. 00:00:00.048 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:380] Config command: set $volume_down $onscreen_bar $(pactl set-sink-volume @DEFAULT_SINK@ -5% && $sink_volume)
  443. 00:00:00.048 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:400] After replacement: set $volume_down $onscreen_bar $(pactl set-sink-volume @DEFAULT_SINK@ -5% && pactl get-sink-volume @DEFAULT_SINK@ | grep '^Volume:' | cut -d / -f 2 | tr -d ' ' | sed 's/%//')
  444. 00:00:00.048 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 73: set $volume_up $onscreen_bar $(pactl set-sink-volume @DEFAULT_SINK@ +5% && $sink_volume)
  445. 00:00:00.048 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:380] Config command: set $volume_up $onscreen_bar $(pactl set-sink-volume @DEFAULT_SINK@ +5% && $sink_volume)
  446. 00:00:00.048 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:400] After replacement: set $volume_up $onscreen_bar $(pactl set-sink-volume @DEFAULT_SINK@ +5% && pactl get-sink-volume @DEFAULT_SINK@ | grep '^Volume:' | cut -d / -f 2 | tr -d ' ' | sed 's/%//')
  447. 00:00:00.048 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 74: set $volume_mute $onscreen_bar $(pactl set-sink-mute @DEFAULT_SINK@ toggle && pactl get-sink-mute @DEFAULT_SINK@ | sed -En "/no/ s/.*/$($sink_volume)/p; /yes/ s/.*/0/p")
  448. 00:00:00.048 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:380] Config command: set $volume_mute $onscreen_bar $(pactl set-sink-mute @DEFAULT_SINK@ toggle && pactl get-sink-mute @DEFAULT_SINK@ | sed -En "/no/ s/.*/$($sink_volume)/p; /yes/ s/.*/0/p")
  449. 00:00:00.048 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:400] After replacement: set $volume_mute $onscreen_bar $(pactl set-sink-mute @DEFAULT_SINK@ toggle && pactl get-sink-mute @DEFAULT_SINK@ | sed -En "/no/ s/.*/$(pactl get-sink-volume @DEFAULT_SINK@ | grep '^Volume:' | cut -d / -f 2 | tr -d ' ' | sed 's/%//')/p; /yes/ s/.*/0/p")
  450. 00:00:00.048 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 75: set $mic_mute $onscreen_bar $(pactl set-source-mute @DEFAULT_SOURCE@ toggle && pactl get-source-mute @DEFAULT_SOURCE@ | sed -En "/no/ s/.*/$($source_volume)/p; /yes/ s/.*/0/p")
  451. 00:00:00.048 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:380] Config command: set $mic_mute $onscreen_bar $(pactl set-source-mute @DEFAULT_SOURCE@ toggle && pactl get-source-mute @DEFAULT_SOURCE@ | sed -En "/no/ s/.*/$($source_volume)/p; /yes/ s/.*/0/p")
  452. 00:00:00.048 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:400] After replacement: set $mic_mute $onscreen_bar $(pactl set-source-mute @DEFAULT_SOURCE@ toggle && pactl get-source-mute @DEFAULT_SOURCE@ | sed -En "/no/ s/.*/$(pactl get-source-volume @DEFAULT_SOURCE@ | grep '^Volume:' | cut -d / -f 2 | tr -d ' ' | sed 's/%//')/p; /yes/ s/.*/0/p")
  453. 00:00:00.048 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 76:
  454. 00:00:00.048 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 77:
  455. 00:00:00.048 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 78:
  456. 00:00:00.048 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 79: # Idle configuration moved to profiles, as I don't want PC to go to suspend quickly.
  457. 00:00:00.048 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 80:
  458. 00:00:00.048 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 81:
  459. 00:00:00.048 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 82: #
  460. 00:00:00.048 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 83: # Status Bar:
  461. 00:00:00.048 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 84: #
  462. 00:00:00.048 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 85: bar swaybar_command waybar
  463. 00:00:00.048 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:380] Config command: bar swaybar_command waybar
  464. 00:00:00.048 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:400] After replacement: bar swaybar_command waybar
  465. 00:00:00.048 [DEBUG] [sway/commands/bar.c:93] Creating bar: bar-0
  466. 00:00:00.048 [DEBUG] [sway/commands.c:432] Subcommand: swaybar_command waybar
  467. 00:00:00.048 [DEBUG] [sway/commands/bar/swaybar_command.c:13] Using custom swaybar command: waybar
  468. 00:00:00.048 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 86:
  469. 00:00:00.048 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 87: set $profile "$(~/.config/sway/scripts/"
  470. 00:00:00.048 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:380] Config command: set $profile "$(~/.config/sway/scripts/"
  471. 00:00:00.048 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:400] After replacement: set $profile "$(~/.config/sway/scripts/"
  472. 00:00:00.048 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 88: exec echo "current profile: $profile" >> /tmp/sway.log
  473. 00:00:00.048 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:380] Config command: exec echo "current profile: $profile" >> /tmp/sway.log
  474. 00:00:00.048 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:400] After replacement: exec echo "current profile: "$(~/.config/sway/scripts/"" >> /tmp/sway.log
  475. 00:00:00.048 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:876] Deferring command `exec echo "current profile: $profile" >> /tmp/sway.log'
  476. 00:00:00.048 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 89: include "profiles/$(~/.config/sway/scripts/"
  477. 00:00:00.048 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:380] Config command: include "profiles/$(~/.config/sway/scripts/"
  478. 00:00:00.048 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:400] After replacement: include "profiles/$(~/.config/sway/scripts/"
  479. 00:00:00.053 [INFO] [sway/config.c:415] Loading config from /home/iamkarlson/src/dotfiles/sway/profiles/work.conf
  480. 00:00:00.053 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 1: exec_always echo "Using work profile" >> /tmp/sway.log
  481. 00:00:00.053 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:380] Config command: exec_always echo "Using work profile" >> /tmp/sway.log
  482. 00:00:00.053 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:400] After replacement: exec_always echo "Using work profile" >> /tmp/sway.log
  483. 00:00:00.054 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:876] Deferring command `exec_always echo "Using work profile" >> /tmp/sway.log'
  484. 00:00:00.054 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 2:
  485. 00:00:00.054 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 3: #
  486. 00:00:00.054 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 4: # Loading monitor config for home setup
  487. 00:00:00.054 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 5: #
  488. 00:00:00.054 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 6:
  489. 00:00:00.054 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 7:
  490. 00:00:00.054 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 8:
  491. 00:00:00.054 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 9: # Default wallpaper (more resolutions are available in /usr/share/backgrounds/sway/)
  492. 00:00:00.054 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 10: #output * bg /usr/share/backgrounds/sway/Sway_Wallpaper_Blue_1920x1080.png fill
  493. 00:00:00.054 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 11: output * bg /home/iamkarlson/pictures/wallpapers/cosmos.jpeg fill
  494. 00:00:00.054 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:380] Config command: output * bg /home/iamkarlson/pictures/wallpapers/cosmos.jpeg fill
  495. 00:00:00.054 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:400] After replacement: output * bg /home/iamkarlson/pictures/wallpapers/cosmos.jpeg fill
  496. 00:00:00.054 [DEBUG] [sway/commands.c:432] Subcommand: bg /home/iamkarlson/pictures/wallpapers/cosmos.jpeg fill
  497. 00:00:00.054 [DEBUG] [sway/config/output.c:236] Adding output * config
  498. 00:00:00.054 [DEBUG] [sway/config/output.c:240] Config stored for output * (enabled: -1) (-1x-1@-1.000000Hz position -1,-1 scale -1.000000 subpixel unknown transform -1) (bg /home/iamkarlson/pictures/wallpapers/cosmos.jpeg fill) (power -1) (max render time: -1)
  499. 00:00:00.054 [DEBUG] [sway/config/output.c:889] spawn_swaybg cmd[0] = swaybg
  500. 00:00:00.054 [DEBUG] [sway/config/output.c:889] spawn_swaybg cmd[1] = -o
  501. 00:00:00.054 [DEBUG] [sway/config/output.c:889] spawn_swaybg cmd[2] = *
  502. 00:00:00.054 [DEBUG] [sway/config/output.c:889] spawn_swaybg cmd[3] = -i
  503. 00:00:00.054 [DEBUG] [sway/config/output.c:889] spawn_swaybg cmd[4] = /home/iamkarlson/pictures/wallpapers/cosmos.jpeg
  504. 00:00:00.054 [DEBUG] [sway/config/output.c:889] spawn_swaybg cmd[5] = -m
  505. 00:00:00.054 [DEBUG] [sway/config/output.c:889] spawn_swaybg cmd[6] = fill
  506. 00:00:00.056 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 12:
  507. 00:00:00.056 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 13: output * position 0 0
  508. 00:00:00.056 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:380] Config command: output * position 0 0
  509. 00:00:00.056 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:400] After replacement: output * position 0 0
  510. 00:00:00.056 [DEBUG] [sway/commands.c:432] Subcommand: position 0 0
  511. 00:00:00.056 [DEBUG] [sway/config/output.c:217] Merging on top of existing output config
  512. 00:00:00.056 [DEBUG] [sway/config/output.c:240] Config stored for output * (enabled: -1) (-1x-1@-1.000000Hz position 0,0 scale -1.000000 subpixel unknown transform -1) (bg /home/iamkarlson/pictures/wallpapers/cosmos.jpeg fill) (power -1) (max render time: -1)
  513. 00:00:00.056 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 14:
  514. 00:00:00.056 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 15:
  515. 00:00:00.056 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 16: set $monitor "LG Electronics LG HDR 4K 0x0000F75D"
  516. 00:00:00.056 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:380] Config command: set $monitor "LG Electronics LG HDR 4K 0x0000F75D"
  517. 00:00:00.056 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:400] After replacement: set $monitor "LG Electronics LG HDR 4K 0x0000F75D"
  518. 00:00:00.056 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 17: #set $laptop eDP-1
  519. 00:00:00.056 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 18: set $laptop eDP-1
  520. 00:00:00.056 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:380] Config command: set $laptop eDP-1
  521. 00:00:00.056 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:400] After replacement: set $laptop eDP-1
  522. 00:00:00.056 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 19:
  523. 00:00:00.056 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 20: output $laptop {
  524. 00:00:00.056 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:886] Entering block 'output $laptop'
  525. 00:00:00.056 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 21: bg /home/iamkarlson/pictures/wallpapers/night_street.jpg fill
  526. 00:00:00.056 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:380] Config command: output $laptop bg /home/iamkarlson/pictures/wallpapers/night_street.jpg fill
  527. 00:00:00.056 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:400] After replacement: output eDP-1 bg /home/iamkarlson/pictures/wallpapers/night_street.jpg fill
  528. 00:00:00.056 [DEBUG] [sway/commands.c:432] Subcommand: bg /home/iamkarlson/pictures/wallpapers/night_street.jpg fill
  529. 00:00:00.056 [DEBUG] [sway/config/output.c:223] Adding non-wildcard output config
  530. 00:00:00.056 [DEBUG] [sway/config/output.c:226] Merging on top of output * config
  531. 00:00:00.056 [DEBUG] [sway/config/output.c:240] Config stored for output eDP-1 (enabled: -1) (-1x-1@-1.000000Hz position 0,0 scale -1.000000 subpixel unknown transform -1) (bg /home/iamkarlson/pictures/wallpapers/night_street.jpg fill) (power -1) (max render time: -1)
  532. 00:00:00.056 [DEBUG] [sway/config/output.c:889] spawn_swaybg cmd[0] = swaybg
  533. 00:00:00.056 [DEBUG] [sway/config/output.c:889] spawn_swaybg cmd[1] = -o
  534. 00:00:00.056 [DEBUG] [sway/config/output.c:889] spawn_swaybg cmd[2] = *
  535. 00:00:00.056 [DEBUG] [sway/config/output.c:889] spawn_swaybg cmd[3] = -i
  536. 00:00:00.056 [DEBUG] [sway/config/output.c:889] spawn_swaybg cmd[4] = /home/iamkarlson/pictures/wallpapers/cosmos.jpeg
  537. 00:00:00.056 [DEBUG] [sway/config/output.c:889] spawn_swaybg cmd[5] = -m
  538. 00:00:00.056 [DEBUG] [sway/config/output.c:889] spawn_swaybg cmd[6] = fill
  539. 00:00:00.056 [DEBUG] [sway/config/output.c:889] spawn_swaybg cmd[7] = -o
  540. 00:00:00.056 [DEBUG] [sway/config/output.c:889] spawn_swaybg cmd[8] = eDP-1
  541. 00:00:00.056 [DEBUG] [sway/config/output.c:889] spawn_swaybg cmd[9] = -i
  542. 00:00:00.056 [DEBUG] [sway/config/output.c:889] spawn_swaybg cmd[10] = /home/iamkarlson/pictures/wallpapers/night_street.jpg
  543. 00:00:00.056 [DEBUG] [sway/config/output.c:889] spawn_swaybg cmd[11] = -m
  544. 00:00:00.056 [DEBUG] [sway/config/output.c:889] spawn_swaybg cmd[12] = fill
  545. 00:00:00.058 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 22: }
  546. 00:00:00.058 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:903] Exiting block 'output $laptop'
  547. 00:00:00.058 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 23: output $monitor {
  548. 00:00:00.058 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:886] Entering block 'output $monitor'
  549. 00:00:00.058 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 24: bg /home/iamkarlson/pictures/wallpapers/abstract_grid.jpg fill
  550. 00:00:00.058 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:380] Config command: output $monitor bg /home/iamkarlson/pictures/wallpapers/abstract_grid.jpg fill
  551. 00:00:00.058 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:400] After replacement: output "LG Electronics LG HDR 4K 0x0000F75D" bg /home/iamkarlson/pictures/wallpapers/abstract_grid.jpg fill
  552. 00:00:00.058 [DEBUG] [sway/commands.c:432] Subcommand: bg /home/iamkarlson/pictures/wallpapers/abstract_grid.jpg fill
  553. 00:00:00.058 [DEBUG] [sway/config/output.c:223] Adding non-wildcard output config
  554. 00:00:00.058 [DEBUG] [sway/config/output.c:226] Merging on top of output * config
  555. 00:00:00.058 [DEBUG] [sway/config/output.c:240] Config stored for output LG Electronics LG HDR 4K 0x0000F75D (enabled: -1) (-1x-1@-1.000000Hz position 0,0 scale -1.000000 subpixel unknown transform -1) (bg /home/iamkarlson/pictures/wallpapers/abstract_grid.jpg fill) (power -1) (max render time: -1)
  556. 00:00:00.058 [DEBUG] [sway/config/output.c:889] spawn_swaybg cmd[0] = swaybg
  557. 00:00:00.058 [DEBUG] [sway/config/output.c:889] spawn_swaybg cmd[1] = -o
  558. 00:00:00.058 [DEBUG] [sway/config/output.c:889] spawn_swaybg cmd[2] = *
  559. 00:00:00.058 [DEBUG] [sway/config/output.c:889] spawn_swaybg cmd[3] = -i
  560. 00:00:00.058 [DEBUG] [sway/config/output.c:889] spawn_swaybg cmd[4] = /home/iamkarlson/pictures/wallpapers/cosmos.jpeg
  561. 00:00:00.058 [DEBUG] [sway/config/output.c:889] spawn_swaybg cmd[5] = -m
  562. 00:00:00.058 [DEBUG] [sway/config/output.c:889] spawn_swaybg cmd[6] = fill
  563. 00:00:00.058 [DEBUG] [sway/config/output.c:889] spawn_swaybg cmd[7] = -o
  564. 00:00:00.058 [DEBUG] [sway/config/output.c:889] spawn_swaybg cmd[8] = eDP-1
  565. 00:00:00.058 [DEBUG] [sway/config/output.c:889] spawn_swaybg cmd[9] = -i
  566. 00:00:00.058 [DEBUG] [sway/config/output.c:889] spawn_swaybg cmd[10] = /home/iamkarlson/pictures/wallpapers/night_street.jpg
  567. 00:00:00.058 [DEBUG] [sway/config/output.c:889] spawn_swaybg cmd[11] = -m
  568. 00:00:00.058 [DEBUG] [sway/config/output.c:889] spawn_swaybg cmd[12] = fill
  569. 00:00:00.058 [DEBUG] [sway/config/output.c:889] spawn_swaybg cmd[13] = -o
  570. 00:00:00.058 [DEBUG] [sway/config/output.c:889] spawn_swaybg cmd[14] = LG Electronics LG HDR 4K 0x0000F75D
  571. 00:00:00.058 [DEBUG] [sway/config/output.c:889] spawn_swaybg cmd[15] = -i
  572. 00:00:00.058 [DEBUG] [sway/config/output.c:889] spawn_swaybg cmd[16] = /home/iamkarlson/pictures/wallpapers/abstract_grid.jpg
  573. 00:00:00.058 [DEBUG] [sway/config/output.c:889] spawn_swaybg cmd[17] = -m
  574. 00:00:00.058 [DEBUG] [sway/config/output.c:889] spawn_swaybg cmd[18] = fill
  575. 2023-03-11 21:59:26 - [swaybg-1.2.0/main.c:582] wl_display_roundtrip failed
  576. 00:00:00.059 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 25: }
  577. 00:00:00.059 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:903] Exiting block 'output $monitor'
  578. 00:00:00.059 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 26:
  579. 00:00:00.059 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 27:
  580. 00:00:00.059 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 28:
  581. 00:00:00.059 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 29: ### Idle configuration
  582. 00:00:00.059 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 30: #
  583. 00:00:00.059 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 31: # Example configuration:
  584. 00:00:00.059 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 32: #
  585. 00:00:00.059 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 33: # exec swayidle -w
  586. 00:00:00.059 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 34: # timeout 300 'swaylock -f -c 000000'
  587. 00:00:00.059 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 35: # timeout 600 'swaymsg "output * dpms off"'
  588. 00:00:00.059 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 36: # resume 'swaymsg "output * dpms on"'
  589. 00:00:00.059 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 37: # before-sleep 'swaylock -f -c 000000'
  590. 00:00:00.059 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 38: #
  591. 00:00:00.059 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 39: # This will lock your screen after 300 seconds of inactivity, then turn off
  592. 00:00:00.059 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 40: # your displays after another 300 seconds, and turn your screens back on when
  593. 00:00:00.059 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 41: # resumed. It will also lock your screen before your computer goes to sleep.
  594. 00:00:00.059 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 42:
  595. 00:00:00.059 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 47: exec swayidle -w timeout 600 'swaylock -f' timeout 900 '~/.config/sway/scripts/' timeout 1800 'systemctl suspend' resume '~/.config/sway/scripts/'
  596. 00:00:00.059 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:380] Config command: exec swayidle -w timeout 600 'swaylock -f' timeout 900 '~/.config/sway/scripts/' timeout 1800 'systemctl suspend' resume '~/.config/sway/scripts/'
  597. 00:00:00.059 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:400] After replacement: exec swayidle -w timeout 600 'swaylock -f' timeout 900 '~/.config/sway/scripts/' timeout 1800 'systemctl suspend' resume '~/.config/sway/scripts/'
  598. 00:00:00.059 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:876] Deferring command `exec swayidle -w timeout 600 'swaylock -f' timeout 900 '~/.config/sway/scripts/' timeout 1800 'systemctl suspend' resume '~/.config/sway/scripts/''
  599. 00:00:00.059 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 90:
  600. 00:00:00.059 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 91: include /etc/sway/config.d/*
  601. 00:00:00.059 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:380] Config command: include /etc/sway/config.d/*
  602. 00:00:00.059 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:400] After replacement: include /etc/sway/config.d/*
  603. 00:00:00.060 [INFO] [sway/config.c:415] Loading config from /etc/sway/config.d/50-systemd-user.conf
  604. 00:00:00.060 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 1: # sway does not set DISPLAY/WAYLAND_DISPLAY in the systemd user environment
  605. 00:00:00.060 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 2: # See FS#63021
  606. 00:00:00.060 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 3: # Adapted from xorg's, which achieves a similar goal.
  607. 00:00:00.060 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 4:
  608. 00:00:00.060 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 5: exec systemctl --user import-environment DISPLAY WAYLAND_DISPLAY SWAYSOCK XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP
  609. 00:00:00.060 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:380] Config command: exec systemctl --user import-environment DISPLAY WAYLAND_DISPLAY SWAYSOCK XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP
  610. 00:00:00.060 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:400] After replacement: exec systemctl --user import-environment DISPLAY WAYLAND_DISPLAY SWAYSOCK XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP
  611. 00:00:00.060 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:876] Deferring command `exec systemctl --user import-environment DISPLAY WAYLAND_DISPLAY SWAYSOCK XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP'
  612. 00:00:00.060 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 7: exec hash dbus-update-activation-environment 2>/dev/null && dbus-update-activation-environment --systemd DISPLAY WAYLAND_DISPLAY SWAYSOCK XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP
  613. 00:00:00.060 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:380] Config command: exec hash dbus-update-activation-environment 2>/dev/null && dbus-update-activation-environment --systemd DISPLAY WAYLAND_DISPLAY SWAYSOCK XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP
  614. 00:00:00.060 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:400] After replacement: exec hash dbus-update-activation-environment 2>/dev/null && dbus-update-activation-environment --systemd DISPLAY WAYLAND_DISPLAY SWAYSOCK XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP
  615. 00:00:00.060 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:876] Deferring command `exec hash dbus-update-activation-environment 2>/dev/null && dbus-update-activation-environment --systemd DISPLAY WAYLAND_DISPLAY SWAYSOCK XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP'
  616. 00:00:00.060 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 92: include ~/.config/sway/local/*
  617. 00:00:00.060 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:380] Config command: include ~/.config/sway/local/*
  618. 00:00:00.060 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:400] After replacement: include ~/.config/sway/local/*
  619. 00:00:00.060 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:614] /home/iamkarlson/.config/sway/local/* not found.
  620. 00:00:00.060 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 93: include ~/.config/sway/config.d/*
  621. 00:00:00.060 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:380] Config command: include ~/.config/sway/config.d/*
  622. 00:00:00.060 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:400] After replacement: include ~/.config/sway/config.d/*
  623. 2023-03-11 21:59:26 - [swaybg-1.2.0/main.c:582] wl_display_roundtrip failed
  624. 00:00:00.060 [INFO] [sway/config.c:415] Loading config from /home/iamkarlson/src/dotfiles/sway/config.d/10-workspaces.conf
  625. 00:00:00.060 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 1: # -*- mode: i3wm-config -*-
  626. 00:00:00.060 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 2: #
  627. 00:00:00.060 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 3: # Workspaces:
  628. 00:00:00.060 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 4: #
  629. 00:00:00.060 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 5:
  630. 00:00:00.060 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 6: workspace {
  631. 00:00:00.060 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:886] Entering block 'workspace'
  632. 00:00:00.060 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 7:
  633. 00:00:00.060 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 8: #primary workspaces
  634. 00:00:00.060 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 9: 1 output $monitor
  635. 00:00:00.060 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:380] Config command: workspace 1 output $monitor
  636. 00:00:00.060 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:400] After replacement: workspace 1 output "LG Electronics LG HDR 4K 0x0000F75D"
  637. 00:00:00.060 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 10: 2 output $monitor
  638. 00:00:00.060 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:380] Config command: workspace 2 output $monitor
  639. 00:00:00.060 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:400] After replacement: workspace 2 output "LG Electronics LG HDR 4K 0x0000F75D"
  640. 00:00:00.060 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 11: 3 output $monitor
  641. 00:00:00.060 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:380] Config command: workspace 3 output $monitor
  642. 00:00:00.060 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:400] After replacement: workspace 3 output "LG Electronics LG HDR 4K 0x0000F75D"
  643. 00:00:00.060 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 12: 4 output $monitor
  644. 00:00:00.060 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:380] Config command: workspace 4 output $monitor
  645. 00:00:00.060 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:400] After replacement: workspace 4 output "LG Electronics LG HDR 4K 0x0000F75D"
  646. 00:00:00.060 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 13: 5 output $monitor
  647. 00:00:00.060 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:380] Config command: workspace 5 output $monitor
  648. 00:00:00.060 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:400] After replacement: workspace 5 output "LG Electronics LG HDR 4K 0x0000F75D"
  649. 00:00:00.060 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 14: 6 output $monitor
  650. 00:00:00.060 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:380] Config command: workspace 6 output $monitor
  651. 00:00:00.060 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:400] After replacement: workspace 6 output "LG Electronics LG HDR 4K 0x0000F75D"
  652. 00:00:00.060 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 15: 7 output $monitor
  653. 00:00:00.061 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:380] Config command: workspace 7 output $monitor
  654. 00:00:00.061 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:400] After replacement: workspace 7 output "LG Electronics LG HDR 4K 0x0000F75D"
  655. 00:00:00.061 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 16: 8 output $monitor
  656. 00:00:00.061 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:380] Config command: workspace 8 output $monitor
  657. 00:00:00.061 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:400] After replacement: workspace 8 output "LG Electronics LG HDR 4K 0x0000F75D"
  658. 00:00:00.061 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 17: 9 output $monitor
  659. 00:00:00.061 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:380] Config command: workspace 9 output $monitor
  660. 00:00:00.061 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:400] After replacement: workspace 9 output "LG Electronics LG HDR 4K 0x0000F75D"
  661. 00:00:00.061 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 18: 10 output $monitor
  662. 00:00:00.061 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:380] Config command: workspace 10 output $monitor
  663. 00:00:00.061 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:400] After replacement: workspace 10 output "LG Electronics LG HDR 4K 0x0000F75D"
  664. 00:00:00.061 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 19:
  665. 00:00:00.061 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 20: # auxiliary workspaces
  666. 00:00:00.061 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 21: 11 output $laptop
  667. 00:00:00.061 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:380] Config command: workspace 11 output $laptop
  668. 00:00:00.061 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:400] After replacement: workspace 11 output eDP-1
  669. 00:00:00.061 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 22: 12 output $laptop
  670. 00:00:00.061 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:380] Config command: workspace 12 output $laptop
  671. 00:00:00.061 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:400] After replacement: workspace 12 output eDP-1
  672. 00:00:00.061 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 23: 13 output $laptop
  673. 00:00:00.061 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:380] Config command: workspace 13 output $laptop
  674. 00:00:00.061 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:400] After replacement: workspace 13 output eDP-1
  675. 00:00:00.061 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 24: 14 output $laptop
  676. 00:00:00.061 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:380] Config command: workspace 14 output $laptop
  677. 00:00:00.061 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:400] After replacement: workspace 14 output eDP-1
  678. 00:00:00.061 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 25: 15 output $laptop
  679. 00:00:00.061 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:380] Config command: workspace 15 output $laptop
  680. 00:00:00.061 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:400] After replacement: workspace 15 output eDP-1
  681. 00:00:00.061 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 26: 16 output $laptop
  682. 00:00:00.061 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:380] Config command: workspace 16 output $laptop
  683. 00:00:00.061 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:400] After replacement: workspace 16 output eDP-1
  684. 00:00:00.061 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 27: 17 output $laptop
  685. 00:00:00.061 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:380] Config command: workspace 17 output $laptop
  686. 00:00:00.061 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:400] After replacement: workspace 17 output eDP-1
  687. 00:00:00.061 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 28: 18 output $laptop
  688. 00:00:00.061 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:380] Config command: workspace 18 output $laptop
  689. 00:00:00.061 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:400] After replacement: workspace 18 output eDP-1
  690. 00:00:00.061 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 29: 19 output $laptop
  691. 00:00:00.061 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:380] Config command: workspace 19 output $laptop
  692. 00:00:00.061 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:400] After replacement: workspace 19 output eDP-1
  693. 00:00:00.061 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 30: 20 output $laptop
  694. 00:00:00.061 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:380] Config command: workspace 20 output $laptop
  695. 00:00:00.061 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:400] After replacement: workspace 20 output eDP-1
  696. 00:00:00.061 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 31: }
  697. 00:00:00.061 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:903] Exiting block 'workspace'
  698. 00:00:00.061 [INFO] [sway/config.c:415] Loading config from /home/iamkarlson/src/dotfiles/sway/config.d/11-ui.conf
  699. 00:00:00.061 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 1: # -*- mode: i3wm-config -*-
  700. 00:00:00.061 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 2:
  701. 00:00:00.061 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 3: set $gnome-schema org.gnome.desktop.interface
  702. 00:00:00.061 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:380] Config command: set $gnome-schema org.gnome.desktop.interface
  703. 00:00:00.061 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:400] After replacement: set $gnome-schema org.gnome.desktop.interface
  704. 00:00:00.061 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 4:
  705. 00:00:00.061 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 5: exec_always {
  706. 00:00:00.061 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:886] Entering block 'exec_always'
  707. 00:00:00.061 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 6: gsettings set $gnome-schema gtk-theme 'Breeze-Dark'
  708. 00:00:00.061 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:380] Config command: exec_always gsettings set $gnome-schema gtk-theme 'Breeze-Dark'
  709. 00:00:00.061 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:400] After replacement: exec_always gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface gtk-theme 'Breeze-Dark'
  710. 00:00:00.061 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:876] Deferring command `gsettings set $gnome-schema gtk-theme 'Breeze-Dark''
  711. 00:00:00.061 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 7: gsettings set $gnome-schema icon-theme 'Breeze-Dark'
  712. 00:00:00.061 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:380] Config command: exec_always gsettings set $gnome-schema icon-theme 'Breeze-Dark'
  713. 00:00:00.061 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:400] After replacement: exec_always gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface icon-theme 'Breeze-Dark'
  714. 00:00:00.061 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:876] Deferring command `gsettings set $gnome-schema icon-theme 'Breeze-Dark''
  715. 00:00:00.061 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 8: gsettings set $gnome-schema cursor-theme 'Bibata-Rainbow-Modern'
  716. 00:00:00.061 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:380] Config command: exec_always gsettings set $gnome-schema cursor-theme 'Bibata-Rainbow-Modern'
  717. 00:00:00.061 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:400] After replacement: exec_always gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface cursor-theme 'Bibata-Rainbow-Modern'
  718. 00:00:00.061 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:876] Deferring command `gsettings set $gnome-schema cursor-theme 'Bibata-Rainbow-Modern''
  719. 00:00:00.061 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 9: gsettings set $gnome-schema font-name 'Hack Nerd Font 11'
  720. 00:00:00.061 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:380] Config command: exec_always gsettings set $gnome-schema font-name 'Hack Nerd Font 11'
  721. 00:00:00.061 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:400] After replacement: exec_always gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface font-name 'Hack Nerd Font 11'
  722. 00:00:00.061 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:876] Deferring command `gsettings set $gnome-schema font-name 'Hack Nerd Font 11''
  723. 00:00:00.061 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 10: }
  724. 00:00:00.061 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:903] Exiting block 'exec_always'
  725. 00:00:00.061 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 11:
  726. 00:00:00.061 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 12: #
  727. 00:00:00.061 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 13: # gaps
  728. 00:00:00.061 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 14: #
  729. 00:00:00.061 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 15: gaps inner 5
  730. 00:00:00.061 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:380] Config command: gaps inner 5
  731. 00:00:00.061 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:400] After replacement: gaps inner 5
  732. 00:00:00.061 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 16: smart_gaps off
  733. 00:00:00.061 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:380] Config command: smart_gaps off
  734. 00:00:00.061 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:400] After replacement: smart_gaps off
  735. 00:00:00.061 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 17:
  736. 00:00:00.061 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 18: #
  737. 00:00:00.061 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 19: # Titlebars
  738. 00:00:00.061 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 20: #
  739. 00:00:00.061 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 21: font pango:"Hack Nerd Font Mono" 9
  740. 00:00:00.061 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:380] Config command: font pango:"Hack Nerd Font Mono" 9
  741. 00:00:00.061 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:400] After replacement: font pango:"Hack Nerd Font Mono" 9
  742. 00:00:00.071 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 22: default_border pixel 3
  743. 00:00:00.071 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:380] Config command: default_border pixel 3
  744. 00:00:00.071 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:400] After replacement: default_border pixel 3
  745. 00:00:00.071 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 23: smart_borders on
  746. 00:00:00.071 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:380] Config command: smart_borders on
  747. 00:00:00.071 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:400] After replacement: smart_borders on
  748. 00:00:00.071 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 24: default_floating_border normal
  749. 00:00:00.071 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:380] Config command: default_floating_border normal
  750. 00:00:00.071 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:400] After replacement: default_floating_border normal
  751. 00:00:00.071 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 25: hide_edge_borders none
  752. 00:00:00.071 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:380] Config command: hide_edge_borders none
  753. 00:00:00.071 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:400] After replacement: hide_edge_borders none
  754. 00:00:00.071 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 26: titlebar_border_thickness 0
  755. 00:00:00.071 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:380] Config command: titlebar_border_thickness 0
  756. 00:00:00.071 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:400] After replacement: titlebar_border_thickness 0
  757. 00:00:00.071 [INFO] [sway/config.c:415] Loading config from /home/iamkarlson/src/dotfiles/sway/config.d/20-autorun.conf
  758. 00:00:00.071 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 1: # -*- mode: i3wm-config -*-
  759. 00:00:00.071 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 2: #
  760. 00:00:00.071 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 3: workspace number 1
  761. 00:00:00.071 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:380] Config command: workspace number 1
  762. 00:00:00.071 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:400] After replacement: workspace number 1
  763. 00:00:00.071 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:876] Deferring command `workspace number 1'
  764. 00:00:00.071 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 4:
  765. 00:00:00.071 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 5: # Notification Daemon
  766. 00:00:00.071 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 6: exec_always "pkill swaync; swaync"
  767. 00:00:00.071 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:380] Config command: exec_always "pkill swaync; swaync"
  768. 00:00:00.071 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:400] After replacement: exec_always "pkill swaync; swaync"
  769. 00:00:00.071 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:876] Deferring command `exec_always "pkill swaync; swaync"'
  770. 00:00:00.071 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 7: #exec swaync
  771. 00:00:00.071 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 8:
  772. 00:00:00.071 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 9: exec swaykbdd
  773. 00:00:00.071 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:380] Config command: exec swaykbdd
  774. 00:00:00.071 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:400] After replacement: exec swaykbdd
  775. 00:00:00.071 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:876] Deferring command `exec swaykbdd'
  776. 00:00:00.071 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 10:
  777. 00:00:00.071 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 11: exec_always "pkill kanshi; kanshi"
  778. 00:00:00.071 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:380] Config command: exec_always "pkill kanshi; kanshi"
  779. 00:00:00.071 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:400] After replacement: exec_always "pkill kanshi; kanshi"
  780. 00:00:00.071 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:876] Deferring command `exec_always "pkill kanshi; kanshi"'
  781. 00:00:00.071 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 12:
  782. 00:00:00.071 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 13: # Turn on keyboard backlight
  783. 00:00:00.071 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 14: exec brightnessctl --device='tpacpi::kbd_backlight' set 2
  784. 00:00:00.071 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:380] Config command: exec brightnessctl --device='tpacpi::kbd_backlight' set 2
  785. 00:00:00.071 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:400] After replacement: exec brightnessctl --device='tpacpi::kbd_backlight' set 2
  786. 00:00:00.071 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:876] Deferring command `exec brightnessctl --device='tpacpi::kbd_backlight' set 2'
  787. 00:00:00.071 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 15:
  788. 00:00:00.071 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 16: exec blueman-manager
  789. 00:00:00.071 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:380] Config command: exec blueman-manager
  790. 00:00:00.071 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:400] After replacement: exec blueman-manager
  791. 00:00:00.071 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:876] Deferring command `exec blueman-manager'
  792. 00:00:00.071 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 17:
  793. 00:00:00.071 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 18: # Clipboard manager between windows for Wayland
  794. 00:00:00.071 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 19: # Otherwise clipboard content will be gone once window is closed
  795. 00:00:00.071 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 20: exec wl-paste -t text --watch clipman store --no-persist
  796. 00:00:00.071 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:380] Config command: exec wl-paste -t text --watch clipman store --no-persist
  797. 00:00:00.071 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:400] After replacement: exec wl-paste -t text --watch clipman store --no-persist
  798. 00:00:00.071 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:876] Deferring command `exec wl-paste -t text --watch clipman store --no-persist'
  799. 00:00:00.071 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 21:
  800. 00:00:00.071 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 22:
  801. 00:00:00.071 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 23: set $nag exec swaynagmode
  802. 00:00:00.071 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:380] Config command: set $nag exec swaynagmode
  803. 00:00:00.071 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:400] After replacement: set $nag exec swaynagmode
  804. 00:00:00.071 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 24:
  805. 00:00:00.071 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 25: #exec_always --no-startup-id workstyle &> /tmp/workstyle.log
  806. 00:00:00.071 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 26: exec sworkstyle &> /tmp/sworkstyle.log
  807. 00:00:00.071 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:380] Config command: exec sworkstyle &> /tmp/sworkstyle.log
  808. 00:00:00.071 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:400] After replacement: exec sworkstyle &> /tmp/sworkstyle.log
  809. 00:00:00.071 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:876] Deferring command `exec sworkstyle &> /tmp/sworkstyle.log'
  810. 00:00:00.071 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 27:
  811. 00:00:00.071 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 28: exec dbus-update-activation-environment --systemd WAYLAND_DISPLAY XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP=sway
  812. 00:00:00.071 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:380] Config command: exec dbus-update-activation-environment --systemd WAYLAND_DISPLAY XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP=sway
  813. 00:00:00.071 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:400] After replacement: exec dbus-update-activation-environment --systemd WAYLAND_DISPLAY XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP=sway
  814. 00:00:00.071 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:876] Deferring command `exec dbus-update-activation-environment --systemd WAYLAND_DISPLAY XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP=sway'
  815. 00:00:00.072 [INFO] [sway/config.c:415] Loading config from /home/iamkarlson/src/dotfiles/sway/config.d/50-keybindings.conf
  816. 00:00:00.072 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 1: # -*- mode: i3wm-config -*-
  817. 00:00:00.072 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 2:
  818. 00:00:00.072 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 3: bindsym --to-code {
  819. 00:00:00.072 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:886] Entering block 'bindsym --to-code'
  820. 00:00:00.072 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 4: # Switch to workspace
  821. 00:00:00.072 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 5: $mod+1 workspace number 1
  822. 00:00:00.072 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:380] Config command: bindsym --to-code $mod+1 workspace number 1
  823. 00:00:00.072 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:400] After replacement: bindsym --to-code Mod4+1 workspace number 1
  824. 00:00:00.072 [DEBUG] [sway/commands/bind.c:298] bindsym - Bound Mod4+1 to command `workspace number 1` for device '*'
  825. 00:00:00.072 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 6: $mod+2 workspace number 2
  826. 00:00:00.072 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:380] Config command: bindsym --to-code $mod+2 workspace number 2
  827. 00:00:00.072 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:400] After replacement: bindsym --to-code Mod4+2 workspace number 2
  828. 00:00:00.072 [DEBUG] [sway/commands/bind.c:298] bindsym - Bound Mod4+2 to command `workspace number 2` for device '*'
  829. 00:00:00.072 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 7: $mod+3 workspace number 3
  830. 00:00:00.072 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:380] Config command: bindsym --to-code $mod+3 workspace number 3
  831. 00:00:00.072 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:400] After replacement: bindsym --to-code Mod4+3 workspace number 3
  832. 00:00:00.072 [DEBUG] [sway/commands/bind.c:298] bindsym - Bound Mod4+3 to command `workspace number 3` for device '*'
  833. 00:00:00.072 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 8: $mod+4 workspace number 4
  834. 00:00:00.072 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:380] Config command: bindsym --to-code $mod+4 workspace number 4
  835. 00:00:00.072 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:400] After replacement: bindsym --to-code Mod4+4 workspace number 4
  836. 00:00:00.072 [DEBUG] [sway/commands/bind.c:298] bindsym - Bound Mod4+4 to command `workspace number 4` for device '*'
  837. 00:00:00.072 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 9: $mod+5 workspace number 5
  838. 00:00:00.072 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:380] Config command: bindsym --to-code $mod+5 workspace number 5
  839. 00:00:00.072 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:400] After replacement: bindsym --to-code Mod4+5 workspace number 5
  840. 00:00:00.072 [DEBUG] [sway/commands/bind.c:298] bindsym - Bound Mod4+5 to command `workspace number 5` for device '*'
  841. 00:00:00.072 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 10: $mod+6 workspace number 6
  842. 00:00:00.072 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:380] Config command: bindsym --to-code $mod+6 workspace number 6
  843. 00:00:00.072 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:400] After replacement: bindsym --to-code Mod4+6 workspace number 6
  844. 00:00:00.072 [DEBUG] [sway/commands/bind.c:298] bindsym - Bound Mod4+6 to command `workspace number 6` for device '*'
  845. 00:00:00.072 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 11: $mod+7 workspace number 7
  846. 00:00:00.072 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:380] Config command: bindsym --to-code $mod+7 workspace number 7
  847. 00:00:00.072 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:400] After replacement: bindsym --to-code Mod4+7 workspace number 7
  848. 00:00:00.072 [DEBUG] [sway/commands/bind.c:298] bindsym - Bound Mod4+7 to command `workspace number 7` for device '*'
  849. 00:00:00.072 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 12: $mod+8 workspace number 8
  850. 00:00:00.072 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:380] Config command: bindsym --to-code $mod+8 workspace number 8
  851. 00:00:00.072 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:400] After replacement: bindsym --to-code Mod4+8 workspace number 8
  852. 00:00:00.072 [DEBUG] [sway/commands/bind.c:298] bindsym - Bound Mod4+8 to command `workspace number 8` for device '*'
  853. 00:00:00.072 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 13: $mod+9 workspace number 9
  854. 00:00:00.072 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:380] Config command: bindsym --to-code $mod+9 workspace number 9
  855. 00:00:00.072 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:400] After replacement: bindsym --to-code Mod4+9 workspace number 9
  856. 00:00:00.072 [DEBUG] [sway/commands/bind.c:298] bindsym - Bound Mod4+9 to command `workspace number 9` for device '*'
  857. 00:00:00.072 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 14: $mod+0 workspace number 10
  858. 00:00:00.072 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:380] Config command: bindsym --to-code $mod+0 workspace number 10
  859. 00:00:00.072 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:400] After replacement: bindsym --to-code Mod4+0 workspace number 10
  860. 00:00:00.072 [DEBUG] [sway/commands/bind.c:298] bindsym - Bound Mod4+0 to command `workspace number 10` for device '*'
  861. 00:00:00.072 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 15:
  862. 00:00:00.072 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 16: # Move focused container to workspace
  863. 00:00:00.072 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 17: $mod+Shift+1 move container to workspace number 1; workspace number 1
  864. 00:00:00.072 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:380] Config command: bindsym --to-code $mod+Shift+1 move container to workspace number 1; workspace number 1
  865. 00:00:00.072 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:400] After replacement: bindsym --to-code Mod4+Shift+1 move container to workspace number 1; workspace number 1
  866. 00:00:00.072 [DEBUG] [sway/commands/bind.c:298] bindsym - Bound Mod4+Shift+1 to command `move container to workspace number 1; workspace number 1` for device '*'
  867. 00:00:00.072 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 18: $mod+Shift+2 move container to workspace number 2; workspace number 2
  868. 00:00:00.072 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:380] Config command: bindsym --to-code $mod+Shift+2 move container to workspace number 2; workspace number 2
  869. 00:00:00.072 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:400] After replacement: bindsym --to-code Mod4+Shift+2 move container to workspace number 2; workspace number 2
  870. 00:00:00.072 [DEBUG] [sway/commands/bind.c:298] bindsym - Bound Mod4+Shift+2 to command `move container to workspace number 2; workspace number 2` for device '*'
  871. 00:00:00.072 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 19: $mod+Shift+3 move container to workspace number 3; workspace number 3
  872. 00:00:00.072 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:380] Config command: bindsym --to-code $mod+Shift+3 move container to workspace number 3; workspace number 3
  873. 00:00:00.072 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:400] After replacement: bindsym --to-code Mod4+Shift+3 move container to workspace number 3; workspace number 3
  874. 00:00:00.072 [DEBUG] [sway/commands/bind.c:298] bindsym - Bound Mod4+Shift+3 to command `move container to workspace number 3; workspace number 3` for device '*'
  875. 00:00:00.072 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 20: $mod+Shift+4 move container to workspace number 4; workspace number 4
  876. 00:00:00.072 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:380] Config command: bindsym --to-code $mod+Shift+4 move container to workspace number 4; workspace number 4
  877. 00:00:00.072 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:400] After replacement: bindsym --to-code Mod4+Shift+4 move container to workspace number 4; workspace number 4
  878. 00:00:00.072 [DEBUG] [sway/commands/bind.c:298] bindsym - Bound Mod4+Shift+4 to command `move container to workspace number 4; workspace number 4` for device '*'
  879. 00:00:00.072 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 21: $mod+Shift+5 move container to workspace number 5; workspace number 5
  880. 00:00:00.072 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:380] Config command: bindsym --to-code $mod+Shift+5 move container to workspace number 5; workspace number 5
  881. 00:00:00.072 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:400] After replacement: bindsym --to-code Mod4+Shift+5 move container to workspace number 5; workspace number 5
  882. 00:00:00.072 [DEBUG] [sway/commands/bind.c:298] bindsym - Bound Mod4+Shift+5 to command `move container to workspace number 5; workspace number 5` for device '*'
  883. 00:00:00.072 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 22: $mod+Shift+6 move container to workspace number 6; workspace number 6
  884. 00:00:00.072 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:380] Config command: bindsym --to-code $mod+Shift+6 move container to workspace number 6; workspace number 6
  885. 00:00:00.072 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:400] After replacement: bindsym --to-code Mod4+Shift+6 move container to workspace number 6; workspace number 6
  886. 00:00:00.072 [DEBUG] [sway/commands/bind.c:298] bindsym - Bound Mod4+Shift+6 to command `move container to workspace number 6; workspace number 6` for device '*'
  887. 00:00:00.072 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 23: $mod+Shift+7 move container to workspace number 7; workspace number 7
  888. 00:00:00.072 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:380] Config command: bindsym --to-code $mod+Shift+7 move container to workspace number 7; workspace number 7
  889. 00:00:00.072 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:400] After replacement: bindsym --to-code Mod4+Shift+7 move container to workspace number 7; workspace number 7
  890. 00:00:00.072 [DEBUG] [sway/commands/bind.c:298] bindsym - Bound Mod4+Shift+7 to command `move container to workspace number 7; workspace number 7` for device '*'
  891. 00:00:00.072 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 24: $mod+Shift+8 move container to workspace number 8; workspace number 8
  892. 00:00:00.072 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:380] Config command: bindsym --to-code $mod+Shift+8 move container to workspace number 8; workspace number 8
  893. 00:00:00.072 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:400] After replacement: bindsym --to-code Mod4+Shift+8 move container to workspace number 8; workspace number 8
  894. 00:00:00.072 [DEBUG] [sway/commands/bind.c:298] bindsym - Bound Mod4+Shift+8 to command `move container to workspace number 8; workspace number 8` for device '*'
  895. 00:00:00.072 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 25: $mod+Shift+9 move container to workspace number 9; workspace number 9
  896. 00:00:00.072 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:380] Config command: bindsym --to-code $mod+Shift+9 move container to workspace number 9; workspace number 9
  897. 00:00:00.072 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:400] After replacement: bindsym --to-code Mod4+Shift+9 move container to workspace number 9; workspace number 9
  898. 00:00:00.072 [DEBUG] [sway/commands/bind.c:298] bindsym - Bound Mod4+Shift+9 to command `move container to workspace number 9; workspace number 9` for device '*'
  899. 00:00:00.072 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 26: $mod+Shift+0 move container to workspace number 10; workspace number 10
  900. 00:00:00.072 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:380] Config command: bindsym --to-code $mod+Shift+0 move container to workspace number 10; workspace number 10
  901. 00:00:00.072 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:400] After replacement: bindsym --to-code Mod4+Shift+0 move container to workspace number 10; workspace number 10
  902. 00:00:00.072 [DEBUG] [sway/commands/bind.c:298] bindsym - Bound Mod4+Shift+0 to command `move container to workspace number 10; workspace number 10` for device '*'
  903. 00:00:00.072 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 27:
  904. 00:00:00.072 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 28: # Move windows to auxiliary workspaces
  905. 00:00:00.072 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 29: $mod+Alt+1 workspace number 11
  906. 00:00:00.072 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:380] Config command: bindsym --to-code $mod+Alt+1 workspace number 11
  907. 00:00:00.072 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:400] After replacement: bindsym --to-code Mod4+Alt+1 workspace number 11
  908. 00:00:00.072 [DEBUG] [sway/commands/bind.c:298] bindsym - Bound Mod4+Alt+1 to command `workspace number 11` for device '*'
  909. 00:00:00.072 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 30: $mod+Alt+2 workspace number 12
  910. 00:00:00.072 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:380] Config command: bindsym --to-code $mod+Alt+2 workspace number 12
  911. 00:00:00.072 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:400] After replacement: bindsym --to-code Mod4+Alt+2 workspace number 12
  912. 00:00:00.072 [DEBUG] [sway/commands/bind.c:298] bindsym - Bound Mod4+Alt+2 to command `workspace number 12` for device '*'
  913. 00:00:00.072 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 31: $mod+Alt+3 workspace number 13
  914. 00:00:00.072 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:380] Config command: bindsym --to-code $mod+Alt+3 workspace number 13
  915. 00:00:00.072 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:400] After replacement: bindsym --to-code Mod4+Alt+3 workspace number 13
  916. 00:00:00.072 [DEBUG] [sway/commands/bind.c:298] bindsym - Bound Mod4+Alt+3 to command `workspace number 13` for device '*'
  917. 00:00:00.072 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 32: $mod+Alt+4 workspace number 14
  918. 00:00:00.072 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:380] Config command: bindsym --to-code $mod+Alt+4 workspace number 14
  919. 00:00:00.072 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:400] After replacement: bindsym --to-code Mod4+Alt+4 workspace number 14
  920. 00:00:00.072 [DEBUG] [sway/commands/bind.c:298] bindsym - Bound Mod4+Alt+4 to command `workspace number 14` for device '*'
  921. 00:00:00.072 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 33: $mod+Alt+5 workspace number 15
  922. 00:00:00.072 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:380] Config command: bindsym --to-code $mod+Alt+5 workspace number 15
  923. 00:00:00.072 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:400] After replacement: bindsym --to-code Mod4+Alt+5 workspace number 15
  924. 00:00:00.072 [DEBUG] [sway/commands/bind.c:298] bindsym - Bound Mod4+Alt+5 to command `workspace number 15` for device '*'
  925. 00:00:00.072 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 34: $mod+Alt+6 workspace number 16
  926. 00:00:00.072 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:380] Config command: bindsym --to-code $mod+Alt+6 workspace number 16
  927. 00:00:00.072 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:400] After replacement: bindsym --to-code Mod4+Alt+6 workspace number 16
  928. 00:00:00.072 [DEBUG] [sway/commands/bind.c:298] bindsym - Bound Mod4+Alt+6 to command `workspace number 16` for device '*'
  929. 00:00:00.072 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 35: $mod+Alt+7 workspace number 17
  930. 00:00:00.072 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:380] Config command: bindsym --to-code $mod+Alt+7 workspace number 17
  931. 00:00:00.072 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:400] After replacement: bindsym --to-code Mod4+Alt+7 workspace number 17
  932. 00:00:00.072 [DEBUG] [sway/commands/bind.c:298] bindsym - Bound Mod4+Alt+7 to command `workspace number 17` for device '*'
  933. 00:00:00.072 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 36: $mod+Alt+8 workspace number 18
  934. 00:00:00.072 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:380] Config command: bindsym --to-code $mod+Alt+8 workspace number 18
  935. 00:00:00.072 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:400] After replacement: bindsym --to-code Mod4+Alt+8 workspace number 18
  936. 00:00:00.072 [DEBUG] [sway/commands/bind.c:298] bindsym - Bound Mod4+Alt+8 to command `workspace number 18` for device '*'
  937. 00:00:00.072 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 37: $mod+Alt+9 workspace number 19
  938. 00:00:00.072 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:380] Config command: bindsym --to-code $mod+Alt+9 workspace number 19
  939. 00:00:00.072 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:400] After replacement: bindsym --to-code Mod4+Alt+9 workspace number 19
  940. 00:00:00.072 [DEBUG] [sway/commands/bind.c:298] bindsym - Bound Mod4+Alt+9 to command `workspace number 19` for device '*'
  941. 00:00:00.072 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 38: $mod+Alt+0 workspace number 20
  942. 00:00:00.072 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:380] Config command: bindsym --to-code $mod+Alt+0 workspace number 20
  943. 00:00:00.073 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:400] After replacement: bindsym --to-code Mod4+Alt+0 workspace number 20
  944. 00:00:00.073 [DEBUG] [sway/commands/bind.c:298] bindsym - Bound Mod4+Alt+0 to command `workspace number 20` for device '*'
  945. 00:00:00.073 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 39: # Move focused container to workspace
  946. 00:00:00.073 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 40: $mod+Alt+Shift+1 move container to workspace number 11; workspace number 11
  947. 00:00:00.073 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:380] Config command: bindsym --to-code $mod+Alt+Shift+1 move container to workspace number 11; workspace number 11
  948. 00:00:00.073 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:400] After replacement: bindsym --to-code Mod4+Alt+Shift+1 move container to workspace number 11; workspace number 11
  949. 00:00:00.073 [DEBUG] [sway/commands/bind.c:298] bindsym - Bound Mod4+Alt+Shift+1 to command `move container to workspace number 11; workspace number 11` for device '*'
  950. 00:00:00.073 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 41: $mod+Alt+Shift+2 move container to workspace number 12; workspace number 12
  951. 00:00:00.073 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:380] Config command: bindsym --to-code $mod+Alt+Shift+2 move container to workspace number 12; workspace number 12
  952. 00:00:00.073 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:400] After replacement: bindsym --to-code Mod4+Alt+Shift+2 move container to workspace number 12; workspace number 12
  953. 00:00:00.073 [DEBUG] [sway/commands/bind.c:298] bindsym - Bound Mod4+Alt+Shift+2 to command `move container to workspace number 12; workspace number 12` for device '*'
  954. 00:00:00.073 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 42: $mod+Alt+Shift+3 move container to workspace number 13; workspace number 13
  955. 00:00:00.073 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:380] Config command: bindsym --to-code $mod+Alt+Shift+3 move container to workspace number 13; workspace number 13
  956. 00:00:00.073 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:400] After replacement: bindsym --to-code Mod4+Alt+Shift+3 move container to workspace number 13; workspace number 13
  957. 00:00:00.073 [DEBUG] [sway/commands/bind.c:298] bindsym - Bound Mod4+Alt+Shift+3 to command `move container to workspace number 13; workspace number 13` for device '*'
  958. 00:00:00.073 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 43: $mod+Alt+Shift+4 move container to workspace number 14; workspace number 14
  959. 00:00:00.073 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:380] Config command: bindsym --to-code $mod+Alt+Shift+4 move container to workspace number 14; workspace number 14
  960. 00:00:00.073 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:400] After replacement: bindsym --to-code Mod4+Alt+Shift+4 move container to workspace number 14; workspace number 14
  961. 00:00:00.073 [DEBUG] [sway/commands/bind.c:298] bindsym - Bound Mod4+Alt+Shift+4 to command `move container to workspace number 14; workspace number 14` for device '*'
  962. 00:00:00.073 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 44: $mod+Alt+Shift+5 move container to workspace number 15; workspace number 15
  963. 00:00:00.073 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:380] Config command: bindsym --to-code $mod+Alt+Shift+5 move container to workspace number 15; workspace number 15
  964. 00:00:00.073 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:400] After replacement: bindsym --to-code Mod4+Alt+Shift+5 move container to workspace number 15; workspace number 15
  965. 00:00:00.073 [DEBUG] [sway/commands/bind.c:298] bindsym - Bound Mod4+Alt+Shift+5 to command `move container to workspace number 15; workspace number 15` for device '*'
  966. 00:00:00.073 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 45: $mod+Alt+Shift+6 move container to workspace number 16; workspace number 16
  967. 00:00:00.073 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:380] Config command: bindsym --to-code $mod+Alt+Shift+6 move container to workspace number 16; workspace number 16
  968. 00:00:00.073 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:400] After replacement: bindsym --to-code Mod4+Alt+Shift+6 move container to workspace number 16; workspace number 16
  969. 00:00:00.073 [DEBUG] [sway/commands/bind.c:298] bindsym - Bound Mod4+Alt+Shift+6 to command `move container to workspace number 16; workspace number 16` for device '*'
  970. 00:00:00.073 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 46: $mod+Alt+Shift+7 move container to workspace number 17; workspace number 17
  971. 00:00:00.073 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:380] Config command: bindsym --to-code $mod+Alt+Shift+7 move container to workspace number 17; workspace number 17
  972. 00:00:00.073 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:400] After replacement: bindsym --to-code Mod4+Alt+Shift+7 move container to workspace number 17; workspace number 17
  973. 00:00:00.073 [DEBUG] [sway/commands/bind.c:298] bindsym - Bound Mod4+Alt+Shift+7 to command `move container to workspace number 17; workspace number 17` for device '*'
  974. 00:00:00.073 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 47: $mod+Alt+Shift+8 move container to workspace number 18; workspace number 18
  975. 00:00:00.073 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:380] Config command: bindsym --to-code $mod+Alt+Shift+8 move container to workspace number 18; workspace number 18
  976. 00:00:00.073 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:400] After replacement: bindsym --to-code Mod4+Alt+Shift+8 move container to workspace number 18; workspace number 18
  977. 00:00:00.073 [DEBUG] [sway/commands/bind.c:298] bindsym - Bound Mod4+Alt+Shift+8 to command `move container to workspace number 18; workspace number 18` for device '*'
  978. 00:00:00.073 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 48: $mod+Alt+Shift+9 move container to workspace number 19; workspace number 19
  979. 00:00:00.073 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:380] Config command: bindsym --to-code $mod+Alt+Shift+9 move container to workspace number 19; workspace number 19
  980. 00:00:00.073 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:400] After replacement: bindsym --to-code Mod4+Alt+Shift+9 move container to workspace number 19; workspace number 19
  981. 00:00:00.073 [DEBUG] [sway/commands/bind.c:298] bindsym - Bound Mod4+Alt+Shift+9 to command `move container to workspace number 19; workspace number 19` for device '*'
  982. 00:00:00.073 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 49: $mod+Alt+Shift+0 move container to workspace number 20; workspace number 20
  983. 00:00:00.073 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:380] Config command: bindsym --to-code $mod+Alt+Shift+0 move container to workspace number 20; workspace number 20
  984. 00:00:00.073 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:400] After replacement: bindsym --to-code Mod4+Alt+Shift+0 move container to workspace number 20; workspace number 20
  985. 00:00:00.073 [DEBUG] [sway/commands/bind.c:298] bindsym - Bound Mod4+Alt+Shift+0 to command `move container to workspace number 20; workspace number 20` for device '*'
  986. 00:00:00.073 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 50:
  987. 00:00:00.073 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 51: # Next/previous workspace on the screen
  988. 00:00:00.073 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 52: $mod+Tab workspace next_on_output
  989. 00:00:00.073 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:380] Config command: bindsym --to-code $mod+Tab workspace next_on_output
  990. 00:00:00.073 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:400] After replacement: bindsym --to-code Mod4+Tab workspace next_on_output
  991. 00:00:00.073 [DEBUG] [sway/commands/bind.c:298] bindsym - Bound Mod4+Tab to command `workspace next_on_output` for device '*'
  992. 00:00:00.073 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 53: $mod+Shift+Tab workspace prev_on_output
  993. 00:00:00.073 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:380] Config command: bindsym --to-code $mod+Shift+Tab workspace prev_on_output
  994. 00:00:00.073 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:400] After replacement: bindsym --to-code Mod4+Shift+Tab workspace prev_on_output
  995. 00:00:00.073 [DEBUG] [sway/commands/bind.c:298] bindsym - Bound Mod4+Shift+Tab to command `workspace prev_on_output` for device '*'
  996. 00:00:00.073 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 54:
  997. 00:00:00.073 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 55: ####################################################
  998. 00:00:00.073 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 56: # Moving around:
  999. 00:00:00.073 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 57: ####################################################
  1000. 00:00:00.073 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 58: # Move your focus around
  1001. 00:00:00.073 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 59: $mod+$left focus left
  1002. 00:00:00.073 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:380] Config command: bindsym --to-code $mod+$left focus left
  1003. 00:00:00.073 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:400] After replacement: bindsym --to-code Mod4+h focus left
  1004. 00:00:00.073 [DEBUG] [sway/commands/bind.c:298] bindsym - Bound Mod4+h to command `focus left` for device '*'
  1005. 00:00:00.073 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 60: $mod+$down focus down
  1006. 00:00:00.073 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:380] Config command: bindsym --to-code $mod+$down focus down
  1007. 00:00:00.073 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:400] After replacement: bindsym --to-code Mod4+j focus down
  1008. 00:00:00.073 [DEBUG] [sway/commands/bind.c:298] bindsym - Bound Mod4+j to command `focus down` for device '*'
  1009. 00:00:00.073 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 61: $mod+$up focus up
  1010. 00:00:00.073 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:380] Config command: bindsym --to-code $mod+$up focus up
  1011. 00:00:00.073 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:400] After replacement: bindsym --to-code Mod4+k focus up
  1012. 00:00:00.073 [DEBUG] [sway/commands/bind.c:298] bindsym - Bound Mod4+k to command `focus up` for device '*'
  1013. 00:00:00.073 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 62: $mod+$right focus right
  1014. 00:00:00.073 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:380] Config command: bindsym --to-code $mod+$right focus right
  1015. 00:00:00.073 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:400] After replacement: bindsym --to-code Mod4+l focus right
  1016. 00:00:00.073 [DEBUG] [sway/commands/bind.c:298] bindsym - Bound Mod4+l to command `focus right` for device '*'
  1017. 00:00:00.073 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 63: # Or use $mod+[up|down|left|right]
  1018. 00:00:00.073 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 64: $mod+Left focus left
  1019. 00:00:00.073 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:380] Config command: bindsym --to-code $mod+Left focus left
  1020. 00:00:00.073 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:400] After replacement: bindsym --to-code Mod4+Left focus left
  1021. 00:00:00.073 [DEBUG] [sway/commands/bind.c:298] bindsym - Bound Mod4+Left to command `focus left` for device '*'
  1022. 00:00:00.073 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 65: $mod+Down focus down
  1023. 00:00:00.073 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:380] Config command: bindsym --to-code $mod+Down focus down
  1024. 00:00:00.073 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:400] After replacement: bindsym --to-code Mod4+Down focus down
  1025. 00:00:00.073 [DEBUG] [sway/commands/bind.c:298] bindsym - Bound Mod4+Down to command `focus down` for device '*'
  1026. 00:00:00.073 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 66: $mod+Up focus up
  1027. 00:00:00.073 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:380] Config command: bindsym --to-code $mod+Up focus up
  1028. 00:00:00.073 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:400] After replacement: bindsym --to-code Mod4+Up focus up
  1029. 00:00:00.073 [DEBUG] [sway/commands/bind.c:298] bindsym - Bound Mod4+Up to command `focus up` for device '*'
  1030. 00:00:00.073 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 67: $mod+Right focus right
  1031. 00:00:00.073 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:380] Config command: bindsym --to-code $mod+Right focus right
  1032. 00:00:00.073 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:400] After replacement: bindsym --to-code Mod4+Right focus right
  1033. 00:00:00.073 [DEBUG] [sway/commands/bind.c:298] bindsym - Bound Mod4+Right to command `focus right` for device '*'
  1034. 00:00:00.073 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 68:
  1035. 00:00:00.073 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 69: # Move the focused window with the same, but add Shift
  1036. 00:00:00.073 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 70: $mod+Shift+$left move left
  1037. 00:00:00.073 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:380] Config command: bindsym --to-code $mod+Shift+$left move left
  1038. 00:00:00.073 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:400] After replacement: bindsym --to-code Mod4+Shift+h move left
  1039. 00:00:00.073 [DEBUG] [sway/commands/bind.c:298] bindsym - Bound Mod4+Shift+h to command `move left` for device '*'
  1040. 00:00:00.073 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 71: $mod+Shift+$down move down
  1041. 00:00:00.073 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:380] Config command: bindsym --to-code $mod+Shift+$down move down
  1042. 00:00:00.073 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:400] After replacement: bindsym --to-code Mod4+Shift+j move down
  1043. 00:00:00.073 [DEBUG] [sway/commands/bind.c:298] bindsym - Bound Mod4+Shift+j to command `move down` for device '*'
  1044. 00:00:00.073 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 72: $mod+Shift+$up move up
  1045. 00:00:00.073 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:380] Config command: bindsym --to-code $mod+Shift+$up move up
  1046. 00:00:00.073 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:400] After replacement: bindsym --to-code Mod4+Shift+k move up
  1047. 00:00:00.074 [DEBUG] [sway/commands/bind.c:298] bindsym - Bound Mod4+Shift+k to command `move up` for device '*'
  1048. 00:00:00.074 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 73: $mod+Shift+$right move right
  1049. 00:00:00.074 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:380] Config command: bindsym --to-code $mod+Shift+$right move right
  1050. 00:00:00.074 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:400] After replacement: bindsym --to-code Mod4+Shift+l move right
  1051. 00:00:00.074 [DEBUG] [sway/commands/bind.c:298] bindsym - Bound Mod4+Shift+l to command `move right` for device '*'
  1052. 00:00:00.074 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 74: # Ditto, with arrow keys
  1053. 00:00:00.074 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 75: $mod+Shift+Left move left
  1054. 00:00:00.074 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:380] Config command: bindsym --to-code $mod+Shift+Left move left
  1055. 00:00:00.074 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:400] After replacement: bindsym --to-code Mod4+Shift+Left move left
  1056. 00:00:00.074 [DEBUG] [sway/commands/bind.c:298] bindsym - Bound Mod4+Shift+Left to command `move left` for device '*'
  1057. 00:00:00.074 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 76: $mod+Shift+Down move down
  1058. 00:00:00.074 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:380] Config command: bindsym --to-code $mod+Shift+Down move down
  1059. 00:00:00.074 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:400] After replacement: bindsym --to-code Mod4+Shift+Down move down
  1060. 00:00:00.074 [DEBUG] [sway/commands/bind.c:298] bindsym - Bound Mod4+Shift+Down to command `move down` for device '*'
  1061. 00:00:00.074 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 77: $mod+Shift+Up move up
  1062. 00:00:00.074 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:380] Config command: bindsym --to-code $mod+Shift+Up move up
  1063. 00:00:00.074 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:400] After replacement: bindsym --to-code Mod4+Shift+Up move up
  1064. 00:00:00.074 [DEBUG] [sway/commands/bind.c:298] bindsym - Bound Mod4+Shift+Up to command `move up` for device '*'
  1065. 00:00:00.074 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 78: $mod+Shift+Right move right
  1066. 00:00:00.074 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:380] Config command: bindsym --to-code $mod+Shift+Right move right
  1067. 00:00:00.074 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:400] After replacement: bindsym --to-code Mod4+Shift+Right move right
  1068. 00:00:00.074 [DEBUG] [sway/commands/bind.c:298] bindsym - Bound Mod4+Shift+Right to command `move right` for device '*'
  1069. 00:00:00.074 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 79: #
  1070. 00:00:00.074 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 80: # Layout stuff:
  1071. 00:00:00.074 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 81: #
  1072. 00:00:00.074 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 82: # You can "split" the current object of your focus with
  1073. 00:00:00.074 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 83: # $mod+b or $mod+v, for horizontal and vertical splits
  1074. 00:00:00.074 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 84: # respectively.
  1075. 00:00:00.074 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 85: $mod+b splith
  1076. 00:00:00.074 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:380] Config command: bindsym --to-code $mod+b splith
  1077. 00:00:00.074 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:400] After replacement: bindsym --to-code Mod4+b splith
  1078. 00:00:00.074 [DEBUG] [sway/commands/bind.c:298] bindsym - Bound Mod4+b to command `splith` for device '*'
  1079. 00:00:00.074 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 86: $mod+v splitv
  1080. 00:00:00.074 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:380] Config command: bindsym --to-code $mod+v splitv
  1081. 00:00:00.074 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:400] After replacement: bindsym --to-code Mod4+v splitv
  1082. 00:00:00.074 [DEBUG] [sway/commands/bind.c:298] bindsym - Bound Mod4+v to command `splitv` for device '*'
  1083. 00:00:00.074 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 87:
  1084. 00:00:00.074 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 88: # Switch the current container between different layout styles
  1085. 00:00:00.074 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 89: $mod+s layout stacking
  1086. 00:00:00.074 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:380] Config command: bindsym --to-code $mod+s layout stacking
  1087. 00:00:00.074 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:400] After replacement: bindsym --to-code Mod4+s layout stacking
  1088. 00:00:00.074 [DEBUG] [sway/commands/bind.c:298] bindsym - Bound Mod4+s to command `layout stacking` for device '*'
  1089. 00:00:00.074 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 90: $mod+w layout tabbed
  1090. 00:00:00.074 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:380] Config command: bindsym --to-code $mod+w layout tabbed
  1091. 00:00:00.074 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:400] After replacement: bindsym --to-code Mod4+w layout tabbed
  1092. 00:00:00.074 [DEBUG] [sway/commands/bind.c:298] bindsym - Bound Mod4+w to command `layout tabbed` for device '*'
  1093. 00:00:00.074 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 91: $mod+e layout toggle split
  1094. 00:00:00.074 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:380] Config command: bindsym --to-code $mod+e layout toggle split
  1095. 00:00:00.074 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:400] After replacement: bindsym --to-code Mod4+e layout toggle split
  1096. 00:00:00.074 [DEBUG] [sway/commands/bind.c:298] bindsym - Bound Mod4+e to command `layout toggle split` for device '*'
  1097. 00:00:00.074 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 92:
  1098. 00:00:00.074 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 93: # Make the current focus fullscreen
  1099. 00:00:00.074 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 94: $mod+f fullscreen
  1100. 00:00:00.074 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:380] Config command: bindsym --to-code $mod+f fullscreen
  1101. 00:00:00.074 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:400] After replacement: bindsym --to-code Mod4+f fullscreen
  1102. 00:00:00.074 [DEBUG] [sway/commands/bind.c:298] bindsym - Bound Mod4+f to command `fullscreen` for device '*'
  1103. 00:00:00.074 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 95:
  1104. 00:00:00.074 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 96: # Toggle the current focus between tiling and floating mode
  1105. 00:00:00.074 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 97: $mod+Shift+space floating toggle
  1106. 00:00:00.074 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:380] Config command: bindsym --to-code $mod+Shift+space floating toggle
  1107. 00:00:00.074 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:400] After replacement: bindsym --to-code Mod4+Shift+space floating toggle
  1108. 00:00:00.074 [DEBUG] [sway/commands/bind.c:298] bindsym - Bound Mod4+Shift+space to command `floating toggle` for device '*'
  1109. 00:00:00.074 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 98:
  1110. 00:00:00.074 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 99: # Swap focus between the tiling area and the floating area
  1111. 00:00:00.074 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 100: $mod+space focus mode_toggle
  1112. 00:00:00.074 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:380] Config command: bindsym --to-code $mod+space focus mode_toggle
  1113. 00:00:00.074 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:400] After replacement: bindsym --to-code Mod4+space focus mode_toggle
  1114. 00:00:00.074 [DEBUG] [sway/commands/bind.c:298] bindsym - Bound Mod4+space to command `focus mode_toggle` for device '*'
  1115. 00:00:00.074 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 101:
  1116. 00:00:00.074 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 102: # Move focus to the parent container
  1117. 00:00:00.074 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 103: $mod+a focus parent
  1118. 00:00:00.074 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:380] Config command: bindsym --to-code $mod+a focus parent
  1119. 00:00:00.074 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:400] After replacement: bindsym --to-code Mod4+a focus parent
  1120. 00:00:00.074 [DEBUG] [sway/commands/bind.c:298] bindsym - Bound Mod4+a to command `focus parent` for device '*'
  1121. 00:00:00.074 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 104: #
  1122. 00:00:00.074 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 105: # Scratchpad:
  1123. 00:00:00.074 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 106: #
  1124. 00:00:00.074 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 107: # Sway has a "scratchpad", which is a bag of holding for windows.
  1125. 00:00:00.074 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 108: # You can send windows there and get them back later.
  1126. 00:00:00.074 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 109:
  1127. 00:00:00.074 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 110: # Move the currently focused window to the scratchpad
  1128. 00:00:00.074 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 111: $mod+Shift+minus move scratchpad
  1129. 00:00:00.074 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:380] Config command: bindsym --to-code $mod+Shift+minus move scratchpad
  1130. 00:00:00.074 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:400] After replacement: bindsym --to-code Mod4+Shift+minus move scratchpad
  1131. 00:00:00.074 [DEBUG] [sway/commands/bind.c:298] bindsym - Bound Mod4+Shift+minus to command `move scratchpad` for device '*'
  1132. 00:00:00.074 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 112:
  1133. 00:00:00.074 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 113: # Show the next scratchpad window or hide the focused scratchpad window.
  1134. 00:00:00.074 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 114: # If there are multiple scratchpad windows, this command cycles through them.
  1135. 00:00:00.074 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 115: $mod+minus scratchpad show
  1136. 00:00:00.074 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:380] Config command: bindsym --to-code $mod+minus scratchpad show
  1137. 00:00:00.074 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:400] After replacement: bindsym --to-code Mod4+minus scratchpad show
  1138. 00:00:00.074 [DEBUG] [sway/commands/bind.c:298] bindsym - Bound Mod4+minus to command `scratchpad show` for device '*'
  1139. 00:00:00.074 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 116: }
  1140. 00:00:00.074 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:903] Exiting block 'bindsym --to-code'
  1141. 00:00:00.074 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 117: #
  1142. 00:00:00.074 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 118: # Resizing containers:
  1143. 00:00:00.074 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 119: #
  1144. 00:00:00.074 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 120: mode "resize" {
  1145. 00:00:00.074 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:886] Entering block 'mode "resize"'
  1146. 00:00:00.074 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 121: bindsym --to-code {
  1147. 00:00:00.074 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:886] Entering block 'mode "resize" bindsym --to-code'
  1148. 00:00:00.074 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 122: # left will shrink the containers width
  1149. 00:00:00.074 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 123: # right will grow the containers width
  1150. 00:00:00.074 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 124: # up will shrink the containers height
  1151. 00:00:00.074 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 125: # down will grow the containers height
  1152. 00:00:00.074 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 126: $left resize shrink width 10px
  1153. 00:00:00.074 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:380] Config command: mode "resize" bindsym --to-code $left resize shrink width 10px
  1154. 00:00:00.074 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:400] After replacement: mode "resize" bindsym --to-code h resize shrink width 10px
  1155. 00:00:00.074 [DEBUG] [sway/commands.c:432] Subcommand: bindsym --to-code h resize shrink width 10px
  1156. 00:00:00.074 [DEBUG] [sway/commands/bind.c:298] bindsym - Bound h to command `resize shrink width 10px` for device '*'
  1157. 00:00:00.074 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 127: $down resize grow height 10px
  1158. 00:00:00.074 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:380] Config command: mode "resize" bindsym --to-code $down resize grow height 10px
  1159. 00:00:00.074 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:400] After replacement: mode "resize" bindsym --to-code j resize grow height 10px
  1160. 00:00:00.074 [DEBUG] [sway/commands.c:432] Subcommand: bindsym --to-code j resize grow height 10px
  1161. 00:00:00.074 [DEBUG] [sway/commands/bind.c:298] bindsym - Bound j to command `resize grow height 10px` for device '*'
  1162. 00:00:00.074 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 128: $up resize shrink height 10px
  1163. 00:00:00.074 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:380] Config command: mode "resize" bindsym --to-code $up resize shrink height 10px
  1164. 00:00:00.074 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:400] After replacement: mode "resize" bindsym --to-code k resize shrink height 10px
  1165. 00:00:00.074 [DEBUG] [sway/commands.c:432] Subcommand: bindsym --to-code k resize shrink height 10px
  1166. 00:00:00.074 [DEBUG] [sway/commands/bind.c:298] bindsym - Bound k to command `resize shrink height 10px` for device '*'
  1167. 00:00:00.074 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 129: $right resize grow width 10px
  1168. 00:00:00.074 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:380] Config command: mode "resize" bindsym --to-code $right resize grow width 10px
  1169. 00:00:00.074 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:400] After replacement: mode "resize" bindsym --to-code l resize grow width 10px
  1170. 00:00:00.074 [DEBUG] [sway/commands.c:432] Subcommand: bindsym --to-code l resize grow width 10px
  1171. 00:00:00.074 [DEBUG] [sway/commands/bind.c:298] bindsym - Bound l to command `resize grow width 10px` for device '*'
  1172. 00:00:00.074 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 130:
  1173. 00:00:00.074 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 131: # Ditto, with arrow keys
  1174. 00:00:00.074 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 132: Left resize shrink width 10px
  1175. 00:00:00.074 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:380] Config command: mode "resize" bindsym --to-code Left resize shrink width 10px
  1176. 00:00:00.074 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:400] After replacement: mode "resize" bindsym --to-code Left resize shrink width 10px
  1177. 00:00:00.074 [DEBUG] [sway/commands.c:432] Subcommand: bindsym --to-code Left resize shrink width 10px
  1178. 00:00:00.074 [DEBUG] [sway/commands/bind.c:298] bindsym - Bound Left to command `resize shrink width 10px` for device '*'
  1179. 00:00:00.074 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 133: Down resize grow height 10px
  1180. 00:00:00.074 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:380] Config command: mode "resize" bindsym --to-code Down resize grow height 10px
  1181. 00:00:00.074 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:400] After replacement: mode "resize" bindsym --to-code Down resize grow height 10px
  1182. 00:00:00.074 [DEBUG] [sway/commands.c:432] Subcommand: bindsym --to-code Down resize grow height 10px
  1183. 00:00:00.074 [DEBUG] [sway/commands/bind.c:298] bindsym - Bound Down to command `resize grow height 10px` for device '*'
  1184. 00:00:00.074 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 134: Up resize shrink height 10px
  1185. 00:00:00.074 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:380] Config command: mode "resize" bindsym --to-code Up resize shrink height 10px
  1186. 00:00:00.074 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:400] After replacement: mode "resize" bindsym --to-code Up resize shrink height 10px
  1187. 00:00:00.074 [DEBUG] [sway/commands.c:432] Subcommand: bindsym --to-code Up resize shrink height 10px
  1188. 00:00:00.074 [DEBUG] [sway/commands/bind.c:298] bindsym - Bound Up to command `resize shrink height 10px` for device '*'
  1189. 00:00:00.074 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 135: Right resize grow width 10px
  1190. 00:00:00.074 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:380] Config command: mode "resize" bindsym --to-code Right resize grow width 10px
  1191. 00:00:00.074 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:400] After replacement: mode "resize" bindsym --to-code Right resize grow width 10px
  1192. 00:00:00.074 [DEBUG] [sway/commands.c:432] Subcommand: bindsym --to-code Right resize grow width 10px
  1193. 00:00:00.074 [DEBUG] [sway/commands/bind.c:298] bindsym - Bound Right to command `resize grow width 10px` for device '*'
  1194. 00:00:00.074 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 136:
  1195. 00:00:00.074 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 137: b resize grow height 20px; resize grow width 20px;
  1196. 00:00:00.074 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:380] Config command: mode "resize" bindsym --to-code b resize grow height 20px; resize grow width 20px;
  1197. 00:00:00.074 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:400] After replacement: mode "resize" bindsym --to-code b resize grow height 20px; resize grow width 20px;
  1198. 00:00:00.074 [DEBUG] [sway/commands.c:432] Subcommand: bindsym --to-code b resize grow height 20px; resize grow width 20px;
  1199. 00:00:00.074 [DEBUG] [sway/commands/bind.c:298] bindsym - Bound b to command `resize grow height 20px; resize grow width 20px;` for device '*'
  1200. 00:00:00.074 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 138: s resize shrink height 20px;resize shrink width 20px;
  1201. 00:00:00.074 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:380] Config command: mode "resize" bindsym --to-code s resize shrink height 20px;resize shrink width 20px;
  1202. 00:00:00.074 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:400] After replacement: mode "resize" bindsym --to-code s resize shrink height 20px;resize shrink width 20px;
  1203. 00:00:00.074 [DEBUG] [sway/commands.c:432] Subcommand: bindsym --to-code s resize shrink height 20px;resize shrink width 20px;
  1204. 00:00:00.074 [DEBUG] [sway/commands/bind.c:298] bindsym - Bound s to command `resize shrink height 20px;resize shrink width 20px;` for device '*'
  1205. 00:00:00.074 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 139:
  1206. 00:00:00.074 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 140: # Return to default mode
  1207. 00:00:00.074 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 141: Return mode "default"
  1208. 00:00:00.074 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:380] Config command: mode "resize" bindsym --to-code Return mode "default"
  1209. 00:00:00.074 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:400] After replacement: mode "resize" bindsym --to-code Return mode "default"
  1210. 00:00:00.074 [DEBUG] [sway/commands.c:432] Subcommand: bindsym --to-code Return mode "default"
  1211. 00:00:00.074 [DEBUG] [sway/commands/bind.c:298] bindsym - Bound Return to command `mode "default"` for device '*'
  1212. 00:00:00.074 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 142: Escape mode "default"
  1213. 00:00:00.074 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:380] Config command: mode "resize" bindsym --to-code Escape mode "default"
  1214. 00:00:00.074 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:400] After replacement: mode "resize" bindsym --to-code Escape mode "default"
  1215. 00:00:00.074 [DEBUG] [sway/commands.c:432] Subcommand: bindsym --to-code Escape mode "default"
  1216. 00:00:00.074 [DEBUG] [sway/commands/bind.c:298] bindsym - Bound Escape to command `mode "default"` for device '*'
  1217. 00:00:00.074 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 143: }
  1218. 00:00:00.074 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:903] Exiting block 'mode "resize" bindsym --to-code'
  1219. 00:00:00.074 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 144: }
  1220. 00:00:00.074 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:903] Exiting block 'mode "resize"'
  1221. 00:00:00.074 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 145: bindsym --to-code $mod+r mode "resize"
  1222. 00:00:00.074 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:380] Config command: bindsym --to-code $mod+r mode "resize"
  1223. 00:00:00.074 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:400] After replacement: bindsym --to-code Mod4+r mode "resize"
  1224. 00:00:00.074 [DEBUG] [sway/commands/bind.c:298] bindsym - Bound Mod4+r to command `mode "resize"` for device '*'
  1225. 00:00:00.074 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 146:
  1226. 00:00:00.074 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 147: ##################################################
  1227. 00:00:00.074 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 148: #
  1228. 00:00:00.074 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 149: # Key bindings for applications
  1229. 00:00:00.074 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 150: #
  1230. 00:00:00.074 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 151: ##################################################
  1231. 00:00:00.074 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 152: bindsym --to-code {
  1232. 00:00:00.074 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:886] Entering block 'bindsym --to-code'
  1233. 00:00:00.074 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 153: # Start a terminal
  1234. 00:00:00.074 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 154: $mod+Return exec $term
  1235. 00:00:00.074 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:380] Config command: bindsym --to-code $mod+Return exec $term
  1236. 00:00:00.074 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:400] After replacement: bindsym --to-code Mod4+Return exec alacritty
  1237. 00:00:00.074 [DEBUG] [sway/commands/bind.c:298] bindsym - Bound Mod4+Return to command `exec alacritty` for device '*'
  1238. 00:00:00.074 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 155:
  1239. 00:00:00.074 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 156: # Kill focused window
  1240. 00:00:00.074 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 157: $mod+Shift+q kill
  1241. 00:00:00.074 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:380] Config command: bindsym --to-code $mod+Shift+q kill
  1242. 00:00:00.074 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:400] After replacement: bindsym --to-code Mod4+Shift+q kill
  1243. 00:00:00.074 [DEBUG] [sway/commands/bind.c:298] bindsym - Bound Mod4+Shift+q to command `kill` for device '*'
  1244. 00:00:00.074 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 158:
  1245. 00:00:00.074 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 159: # Start your launcher
  1246. 00:00:00.074 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 160: $mod+d exec $menu
  1247. 00:00:00.074 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:380] Config command: bindsym --to-code $mod+d exec $menu
  1248. 00:00:00.074 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:400] After replacement: bindsym --to-code Mod4+d exec ~/src/dotfiles/rofi/
  1249. 00:00:00.074 [DEBUG] [sway/commands/bind.c:298] bindsym - Bound Mod4+d to command `exec ~/src/dotfiles/rofi/` for device '*'
  1250. 00:00:00.074 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 161:
  1251. 00:00:00.074 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 162: # Exit sway (logs you out of your Wayland session)
  1252. 00:00:00.074 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 165: $mod+Shift+e exec swaynagmode -t warning -m 'You pressed the exit shortcut. Do you really want to exit sway? This will end your Wayland session.' -B 'Yes, exit sway' 'swaymsg exit'
  1253. 00:00:00.075 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:380] Config command: bindsym --to-code $mod+Shift+e exec swaynagmode -t warning -m 'You pressed the exit shortcut. Do you really want to exit sway? This will end your Wayland session.' -B 'Yes, exit sway' 'swaymsg exit'
  1254. 00:00:00.075 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:400] After replacement: bindsym --to-code Mod4+Shift+e exec swaynagmode -t warning -m 'You pressed the exit shortcut. Do you really want to exit sway? This will end your Wayland session.' -B 'Yes, exit sway' 'swaymsg exit'
  1255. 00:00:00.075 [DEBUG] [sway/commands/bind.c:298] bindsym - Bound Mod4+Shift+e to command `exec swaynagmode -t warning -m 'You pressed the exit shortcut. Do you really want to exit sway? This will end your Wayland session.' -B 'Yes, exit sway' 'swaymsg exit'` for device '*'
  1256. 00:00:00.075 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 166: }
  1257. 00:00:00.075 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:903] Exiting block 'bindsym --to-code'
  1258. 00:00:00.075 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 167:
  1259. 00:00:00.075 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 168:
  1260. 00:00:00.075 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 169: # Drag floating windows by holding down $mod and left mouse button.
  1261. 00:00:00.075 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 170: # Resize them with right mouse button + $mod.
  1262. 00:00:00.075 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 171: # Despite the name, also works for non-floating windows.
  1263. 00:00:00.075 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 172: # Change normal to inverse to use left mouse button for resizing and right
  1264. 00:00:00.075 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 173: # mouse button for dragging.
  1265. 00:00:00.075 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 174: floating_modifier $mod normal
  1266. 00:00:00.075 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:380] Config command: floating_modifier $mod normal
  1267. 00:00:00.075 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:400] After replacement: floating_modifier Mod4 normal
  1268. 00:00:00.075 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 175:
  1269. 00:00:00.075 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 176: ##################################################
  1270. 00:00:00.075 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 177: #
  1271. 00:00:00.075 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 178: # Media keys
  1272. 00:00:00.075 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 179: #
  1273. 00:00:00.075 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 180: ##################################################
  1274. 00:00:00.075 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 181:
  1275. 00:00:00.075 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 182: bindsym --locked {
  1276. 00:00:00.075 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:886] Entering block 'bindsym --locked'
  1277. 00:00:00.075 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 183:
  1278. 00:00:00.075 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 184: XF86AudioRaiseVolume exec $volume_up
  1279. 00:00:00.075 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:380] Config command: bindsym --locked XF86AudioRaiseVolume exec $volume_up
  1280. 00:00:00.075 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:400] After replacement: bindsym --locked XF86AudioRaiseVolume exec $onscreen_bar $(pactl set-sink-volume @DEFAULT_SINK@ +5% && pactl get-sink-volume @DEFAULT_SINK@ | grep '^Volume:' | cut -d / -f 2 | tr -d ' ' | sed 's/%//')
  1281. 00:00:00.075 [DEBUG] [sway/commands/bind.c:298] bindsym - Bound XF86AudioRaiseVolume to command `exec $onscreen_bar $(pactl set-sink-volume @DEFAULT_SINK@ +5% && pactl get-sink-volume @DEFAULT_SINK@ | grep '^Volume:' | cut -d / -f 2 | tr -d ' ' | sed 's/%//')` for device '*'
  1282. 00:00:00.075 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 185:
  1283. 00:00:00.075 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 186: XF86AudioLowerVolume exec $volume_down
  1284. 00:00:00.075 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:380] Config command: bindsym --locked XF86AudioLowerVolume exec $volume_down
  1285. 00:00:00.075 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:400] After replacement: bindsym --locked XF86AudioLowerVolume exec $onscreen_bar $(pactl set-sink-volume @DEFAULT_SINK@ -5% && pactl get-sink-volume @DEFAULT_SINK@ | grep '^Volume:' | cut -d / -f 2 | tr -d ' ' | sed 's/%//')
  1286. 00:00:00.075 [DEBUG] [sway/commands/bind.c:298] bindsym - Bound XF86AudioLowerVolume to command `exec $onscreen_bar $(pactl set-sink-volume @DEFAULT_SINK@ -5% && pactl get-sink-volume @DEFAULT_SINK@ | grep '^Volume:' | cut -d / -f 2 | tr -d ' ' | sed 's/%//')` for device '*'
  1287. 00:00:00.075 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 187:
  1288. 00:00:00.075 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 188: XF86AudioMute exec $volume_mute
  1289. 00:00:00.075 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:380] Config command: bindsym --locked XF86AudioMute exec $volume_mute
  1290. 00:00:00.075 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:400] After replacement: bindsym --locked XF86AudioMute exec $onscreen_bar $(pactl set-sink-mute @DEFAULT_SINK@ toggle && pactl get-sink-mute @DEFAULT_SINK@ | sed -En "/no/ s/.*/$(pactl get-sink-volume @DEFAULT_SINK@ | grep '^Volume:' | cut -d / -f 2 | tr -d ' ' | sed 's/%//')/p; /yes/ s/.*/0/p")
  1291. 00:00:00.075 [DEBUG] [sway/commands/bind.c:298] bindsym - Bound XF86AudioMute to command `exec $onscreen_bar $(pactl set-sink-mute @DEFAULT_SINK@ toggle && pactl get-sink-mute @DEFAULT_SINK@ | sed -En "/no/ s/.*/$(pactl get-sink-volume @DEFAULT_SINK@ | grep '^Volume:' | cut -d / -f 2 | tr -d ' ' | sed 's/%//')/p; /yes/ s/.*/0/p")` for device '*'
  1292. 00:00:00.075 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 189:
  1293. 00:00:00.075 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 190: XF86AudioMicMute exec $mic_mute
  1294. 00:00:00.075 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:380] Config command: bindsym --locked XF86AudioMicMute exec $mic_mute
  1295. 00:00:00.075 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:400] After replacement: bindsym --locked XF86AudioMicMute exec $onscreen_bar $(pactl set-source-mute @DEFAULT_SOURCE@ toggle && pactl get-source-mute @DEFAULT_SOURCE@ | sed -En "/no/ s/.*/$(pactl get-source-volume @DEFAULT_SOURCE@ | grep '^Volume:' | cut -d / -f 2 | tr -d ' ' | sed 's/%//')/p; /yes/ s/.*/0/p")
  1296. 00:00:00.075 [DEBUG] [sway/commands/bind.c:298] bindsym - Bound XF86AudioMicMute to command `exec $onscreen_bar $(pactl set-source-mute @DEFAULT_SOURCE@ toggle && pactl get-source-mute @DEFAULT_SOURCE@ | sed -En "/no/ s/.*/$(pactl get-source-volume @DEFAULT_SOURCE@ | grep '^Volume:' | cut -d / -f 2 | tr -d ' ' | sed 's/%//')/p; /yes/ s/.*/0/p")` for device '*'
  1297. 00:00:00.075 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 191:
  1298. 00:00:00.075 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 192: XF86MonBrightnessUp exec $brightness_up
  1299. 00:00:00.075 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:380] Config command: bindsym --locked XF86MonBrightnessUp exec $brightness_up
  1300. 00:00:00.075 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:400] After replacement: bindsym --locked XF86MonBrightnessUp exec brightnessctl set +10%
  1301. 00:00:00.075 [DEBUG] [sway/commands/bind.c:298] bindsym - Bound XF86MonBrightnessUp to command `exec brightnessctl set +10%` for device '*'
  1302. 00:00:00.075 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 193:
  1303. 00:00:00.075 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 194: XF86MonBrightnessDown exec $brightness_down
  1304. 00:00:00.075 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:380] Config command: bindsym --locked XF86MonBrightnessDown exec $brightness_down
  1305. 00:00:00.075 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:400] After replacement: bindsym --locked XF86MonBrightnessDown exec brightnessctl set 10%-
  1306. 00:00:00.075 [DEBUG] [sway/commands/bind.c:298] bindsym - Bound XF86MonBrightnessDown to command `exec brightnessctl set 10%-` for device '*'
  1307. 00:00:00.075 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 195:
  1308. 00:00:00.075 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 196: XF86AudioPlay exec playerctl play-pause
  1309. 00:00:00.075 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:380] Config command: bindsym --locked XF86AudioPlay exec playerctl play-pause
  1310. 00:00:00.075 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:400] After replacement: bindsym --locked XF86AudioPlay exec playerctl play-pause
  1311. 00:00:00.075 [DEBUG] [sway/commands/bind.c:298] bindsym - Bound XF86AudioPlay to command `exec playerctl play-pause` for device '*'
  1312. 00:00:00.075 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 197:
  1313. 00:00:00.075 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 198: XF86AudioNext exec playerctl next
  1314. 00:00:00.075 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:380] Config command: bindsym --locked XF86AudioNext exec playerctl next
  1315. 00:00:00.075 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:400] After replacement: bindsym --locked XF86AudioNext exec playerctl next
  1316. 00:00:00.075 [DEBUG] [sway/commands/bind.c:298] bindsym - Bound XF86AudioNext to command `exec playerctl next` for device '*'
  1317. 00:00:00.075 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 199:
  1318. 00:00:00.075 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 200: XF86AudioPrev exec playerctl previous
  1319. 00:00:00.075 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:380] Config command: bindsym --locked XF86AudioPrev exec playerctl previous
  1320. 00:00:00.075 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:400] After replacement: bindsym --locked XF86AudioPrev exec playerctl previous
  1321. 00:00:00.075 [DEBUG] [sway/commands/bind.c:298] bindsym - Bound XF86AudioPrev to command `exec playerctl previous` for device '*'
  1322. 00:00:00.075 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 201:
  1323. 00:00:00.075 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 202: Shift+Ctrl+Alt+p exec playerctl play-pause
  1324. 00:00:00.075 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:380] Config command: bindsym --locked Shift+Ctrl+Alt+p exec playerctl play-pause
  1325. 00:00:00.075 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:400] After replacement: bindsym --locked Shift+Ctrl+Alt+p exec playerctl play-pause
  1326. 00:00:00.075 [DEBUG] [sway/commands/bind.c:298] bindsym - Bound Shift+Ctrl+Alt+p to command `exec playerctl play-pause` for device '*'
  1327. 00:00:00.075 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 203: Shift+Ctrl+Alt+comma exec playerctl previous
  1328. 00:00:00.075 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:380] Config command: bindsym --locked Shift+Ctrl+Alt+comma exec playerctl previous
  1329. 00:00:00.075 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:400] After replacement: bindsym --locked Shift+Ctrl+Alt+comma exec playerctl previous
  1330. 00:00:00.075 [DEBUG] [sway/commands/bind.c:298] bindsym - Bound Shift+Ctrl+Alt+comma to command `exec playerctl previous` for device '*'
  1331. 00:00:00.075 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 204: Shift+Ctrl+Alt+period exec playerctl next
  1332. 00:00:00.075 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:380] Config command: bindsym --locked Shift+Ctrl+Alt+period exec playerctl next
  1333. 00:00:00.075 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:400] After replacement: bindsym --locked Shift+Ctrl+Alt+period exec playerctl next
  1334. 00:00:00.075 [DEBUG] [sway/commands/bind.c:298] bindsym - Bound Shift+Ctrl+Alt+period to command `exec playerctl next` for device '*'
  1335. 00:00:00.075 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 205: }
  1336. 00:00:00.075 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:903] Exiting block 'bindsym --locked'
  1337. 00:00:00.075 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 206:
  1338. 00:00:00.075 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 207: bindsym --locked --to-code {
  1339. 00:00:00.075 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:886] Entering block 'bindsym --locked --to-code'
  1340. 00:00:00.075 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 208:
  1341. 00:00:00.075 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 209: # Reload the configuration file
  1342. 00:00:00.075 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 210: $mod+Shift+c reload
  1343. 00:00:00.075 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:380] Config command: bindsym --locked --to-code $mod+Shift+c reload
  1344. 00:00:00.075 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:400] After replacement: bindsym --locked --to-code Mod4+Shift+c reload
  1345. 00:00:00.075 [DEBUG] [sway/commands/bind.c:298] bindsym - Bound Mod4+Shift+c to command `reload` for device '*'
  1346. 00:00:00.075 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 211:
  1347. 00:00:00.075 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 212: $mod+p exec "~/.config/sway/scrips/"
  1348. 00:00:00.075 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:380] Config command: bindsym --locked --to-code $mod+p exec "~/.config/sway/scrips/"
  1349. 00:00:00.075 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:400] After replacement: bindsym --locked --to-code Mod4+p exec "~/.config/sway/scrips/"
  1350. 00:00:00.075 [DEBUG] [sway/commands/bind.c:298] bindsym - Bound Mod4+p to command `exec "~/.config/sway/scrips/"` for device '*'
  1351. 00:00:00.075 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 213: }
  1352. 00:00:00.075 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:903] Exiting block 'bindsym --locked --to-code'
  1353. 00:00:00.075 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 214:
  1354. 00:00:00.075 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 215:
  1355. 00:00:00.075 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 216: bindsym $mod+Shift+Escape exec swaylock -f -c 000000
  1356. 00:00:00.075 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:380] Config command: bindsym $mod+Shift+Escape exec swaylock -f -c 000000
  1357. 00:00:00.075 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:400] After replacement: bindsym Mod4+Shift+Escape exec swaylock -f -c 000000
  1358. 00:00:00.075 [DEBUG] [sway/commands/bind.c:298] bindsym - Bound Mod4+Shift+Escape to command `exec swaylock -f -c 000000` for device '*'
  1359. 00:00:00.075 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 217:
  1360. 00:00:00.075 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 218:
  1361. 00:00:00.075 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 219: # Toggle control center
  1362. 00:00:00.075 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 220: bindsym --to-code $mod+Shift+n exec swaync-client -t -sw
  1363. 00:00:00.075 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:380] Config command: bindsym --to-code $mod+Shift+n exec swaync-client -t -sw
  1364. 00:00:00.075 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:400] After replacement: bindsym --to-code Mod4+Shift+n exec swaync-client -t -sw
  1365. 00:00:00.075 [DEBUG] [sway/commands/bind.c:298] bindsym - Bound Mod4+Shift+n to command `exec swaync-client -t -sw` for device '*'
  1366. 00:00:00.075 [INFO] [sway/config.c:415] Loading config from /home/iamkarlson/src/dotfiles/sway/config.d/51-utilities.conf
  1367. 00:00:00.075 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 1: # -*- mode: i3wm-config -*-
  1368. 00:00:00.075 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 2:
  1369. 00:00:00.075 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 3: # Screenshot
  1370. 00:00:00.075 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 4:
  1371. 00:00:00.075 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 5: set $screenshot_selected exec '~/.config/sway/scripts/'
  1372. 00:00:00.075 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:380] Config command: set $screenshot_selected exec '~/.config/sway/scripts/'
  1373. 00:00:00.075 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:400] After replacement: set $screenshot_selected exec '~/.config/sway/scripts/'
  1374. 00:00:00.075 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 6: set $screenshot_focused_window exec '~/.config/sway/scripts/'
  1375. 00:00:00.075 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:380] Config command: set $screenshot_focused_window exec '~/.config/sway/scripts/'
  1376. 00:00:00.075 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:400] After replacement: set $screenshot_focused_window exec '~/.config/sway/scripts/'
  1377. 00:00:00.075 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 7:
  1378. 00:00:00.075 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 8: set $screenshot_whole exec 'IMG_FILE=~/pictures/screenshots/$(date +"%Y%m%d%H%M%S").png && grim $IMG_FILE && $(wl-copy < $IMG_FILE)'
  1379. 00:00:00.075 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:380] Config command: set $screenshot_whole exec 'IMG_FILE=~/pictures/screenshots/$(date +"%Y%m%d%H%M%S").png && grim $IMG_FILE && $(wl-copy < $IMG_FILE)'
  1380. 00:00:00.075 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:400] After replacement: set $screenshot_whole exec 'IMG_FILE=~/pictures/screenshots/$(date +"%Y%m%d%H%M%S").png && grim $IMG_FILE && $(wl-copy < $IMG_FILE)'
  1381. 00:00:00.075 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 9: set $screenshot_selected_swappy exec 'IMG_FILE=~/pictures/screenshots/$(date +"%Y%m%d%H%M%S").png && grim -g "$(slurp)" $IMG_FILE && $(swappy -f $IMG_FILE -o $IMG_FILE) && $(wl-copy < $IMG_FILE)'
  1382. 00:00:00.075 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:380] Config command: set $screenshot_selected_swappy exec 'IMG_FILE=~/pictures/screenshots/$(date +"%Y%m%d%H%M%S").png && grim -g "$(slurp)" $IMG_FILE && $(swappy -f $IMG_FILE -o $IMG_FILE) && $(wl-copy < $IMG_FILE)'
  1383. 00:00:00.075 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:400] After replacement: set $screenshot_selected_swappy exec 'IMG_FILE=~/pictures/screenshots/$(date +"%Y%m%d%H%M%S").png && grim -g "$(slurp)" $IMG_FILE && $(swappy -f $IMG_FILE -o $IMG_FILE) && $(wl-copy < $IMG_FILE)'
  1384. 00:00:00.075 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 10: set $screenshot_whole_swappy exec 'IMG_FILE=~/pictures/screenshots/$(date +"%Y%m%d%H%M%S").png && grim $IMG_FILE && $(swappy -f $IMG_FILE -o $IMG_FILE) && $(wl-copy < $IMG_FILE) '
  1385. 00:00:00.075 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:380] Config command: set $screenshot_whole_swappy exec 'IMG_FILE=~/pictures/screenshots/$(date +"%Y%m%d%H%M%S").png && grim $IMG_FILE && $(swappy -f $IMG_FILE -o $IMG_FILE) && $(wl-copy < $IMG_FILE) '
  1386. 00:00:00.075 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:400] After replacement: set $screenshot_whole_swappy exec 'IMG_FILE=~/pictures/screenshots/$(date +"%Y%m%d%H%M%S").png && grim $IMG_FILE && $(swappy -f $IMG_FILE -o $IMG_FILE) && $(wl-copy < $IMG_FILE) '
  1387. 00:00:00.075 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 11:
  1388. 00:00:00.075 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 12: set $screenshot 1 selected, 2 whole, 3 "selected_to_swappy", 4 "whole_to_swappy"
  1389. 00:00:00.075 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:380] Config command: set $screenshot 1 selected, 2 whole, 3 "selected_to_swappy", 4 "whole_to_swappy"
  1390. 00:00:00.075 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:400] After replacement: set $screenshot 1 selected, 2 whole, 3 "selected_to_swappy", 4 "whole_to_swappy"
  1391. 00:00:00.075 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 13: mode "$screenshot" {
  1392. 00:00:00.075 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:886] Entering block 'mode "$screenshot"'
  1393. 00:00:00.075 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 14: bindsym 1 $screenshot_selected, mode "default"
  1394. 00:00:00.075 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:380] Config command: mode "$screenshot" bindsym 1 $screenshot_selected, mode "default"
  1395. 00:00:00.075 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:400] After replacement: mode "1 selected, 2 whole, 3 "selected_to_swappy", 4 "whole_to_swappy"" bindsym 1 exec '~/.config/sway/scripts/', mode "default"
  1396. 00:00:00.075 [DEBUG] [sway/commands.c:432] Subcommand: bindsym 1 exec '~/.config/sway/scripts/', mode "default"
  1397. 00:00:00.075 [DEBUG] [sway/commands/bind.c:298] bindsym - Bound 1 to command `exec '~/.config/sway/scripts/', mode "default"` for device '*'
  1398. 00:00:00.075 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 15: bindsym 2 $screenshot_whole, mode "default"
  1399. 00:00:00.075 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:380] Config command: mode "$screenshot" bindsym 2 $screenshot_whole, mode "default"
  1400. 00:00:00.075 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:400] After replacement: mode "1 selected, 2 whole, 3 "selected_to_swappy", 4 "whole_to_swappy"" bindsym 2 exec 'IMG_FILE=~/pictures/screenshots/$(date +"%Y%m%d%H%M%S").png && grim $IMG_FILE && $(wl-copy < $IMG_FILE)', mode "default"
  1401. 00:00:00.075 [DEBUG] [sway/commands.c:432] Subcommand: bindsym 2 exec 'IMG_FILE=~/pictures/screenshots/$(date +"%Y%m%d%H%M%S").png && grim $IMG_FILE && $(wl-copy < $IMG_FILE)', mode "default"
  1402. 00:00:00.075 [DEBUG] [sway/commands/bind.c:298] bindsym - Bound 2 to command `exec 'IMG_FILE=~/pictures/screenshots/$(date +"%Y%m%d%H%M%S").png && grim $IMG_FILE && $(wl-copy < $IMG_FILE)', mode "default"` for device '*'
  1403. 00:00:00.075 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 16: bindsym 3 $screenshot_selected_swappy, mode "default"
  1404. 00:00:00.075 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:380] Config command: mode "$screenshot" bindsym 3 $screenshot_selected_swappy, mode "default"
  1405. 00:00:00.075 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:400] After replacement: mode "1 selected, 2 whole, 3 "selected_to_swappy", 4 "whole_to_swappy"" bindsym 3 exec 'IMG_FILE=~/pictures/screenshots/$(date +"%Y%m%d%H%M%S").png && grim -g "$(slurp)" $IMG_FILE && $(swappy -f $IMG_FILE -o $IMG_FILE) && $(wl-copy < $IMG_FILE)', mode "default"
  1406. 00:00:00.075 [DEBUG] [sway/commands.c:432] Subcommand: bindsym 3 exec 'IMG_FILE=~/pictures/screenshots/$(date +"%Y%m%d%H%M%S").png && grim -g "$(slurp)" $IMG_FILE && $(swappy -f $IMG_FILE -o $IMG_FILE) && $(wl-copy < $IMG_FILE)', mode "default"
  1407. 00:00:00.075 [DEBUG] [sway/commands/bind.c:298] bindsym - Bound 3 to command `exec 'IMG_FILE=~/pictures/screenshots/$(date +"%Y%m%d%H%M%S").png && grim -g "$(slurp)" $IMG_FILE && $(swappy -f $IMG_FILE -o $IMG_FILE) && $(wl-copy < $IMG_FILE)', mode "default"` for device '*'
  1408. 00:00:00.075 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 17: bindsym 4 $screenshot_whole_swappy, mode "default"
  1409. 00:00:00.075 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:380] Config command: mode "$screenshot" bindsym 4 $screenshot_whole_swappy, mode "default"
  1410. 00:00:00.075 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:400] After replacement: mode "1 selected, 2 whole, 3 "selected_to_swappy", 4 "whole_to_swappy"" bindsym 4 exec 'IMG_FILE=~/pictures/screenshots/$(date +"%Y%m%d%H%M%S").png && grim $IMG_FILE && $(swappy -f $IMG_FILE -o $IMG_FILE) && $(wl-copy < $IMG_FILE) ', mode "default"
  1411. 00:00:00.075 [DEBUG] [sway/commands.c:432] Subcommand: bindsym 4 exec 'IMG_FILE=~/pictures/screenshots/$(date +"%Y%m%d%H%M%S").png && grim $IMG_FILE && $(swappy -f $IMG_FILE -o $IMG_FILE) && $(wl-copy < $IMG_FILE) ', mode "default"
  1412. 00:00:00.075 [DEBUG] [sway/commands/bind.c:298] bindsym - Bound 4 to command `exec 'IMG_FILE=~/pictures/screenshots/$(date +"%Y%m%d%H%M%S").png && grim $IMG_FILE && $(swappy -f $IMG_FILE -o $IMG_FILE) && $(wl-copy < $IMG_FILE) ', mode "default"` for device '*'
  1413. 00:00:00.075 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 18:
  1414. 00:00:00.075 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 19: bindsym Return mode "default"
  1415. 00:00:00.075 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:380] Config command: mode "$screenshot" bindsym Return mode "default"
  1416. 00:00:00.075 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:400] After replacement: mode "1 selected, 2 whole, 3 "selected_to_swappy", 4 "whole_to_swappy"" bindsym Return mode "default"
  1417. 00:00:00.075 [DEBUG] [sway/commands.c:432] Subcommand: bindsym Return mode "default"
  1418. 00:00:00.075 [DEBUG] [sway/commands/bind.c:298] bindsym - Bound Return to command `mode "default"` for device '*'
  1419. 00:00:00.075 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 20: bindsym Escape mode "default"
  1420. 00:00:00.075 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:380] Config command: mode "$screenshot" bindsym Escape mode "default"
  1421. 00:00:00.075 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:400] After replacement: mode "1 selected, 2 whole, 3 "selected_to_swappy", 4 "whole_to_swappy"" bindsym Escape mode "default"
  1422. 00:00:00.075 [DEBUG] [sway/commands.c:432] Subcommand: bindsym Escape mode "default"
  1423. 00:00:00.075 [DEBUG] [sway/commands/bind.c:298] bindsym - Bound Escape to command `mode "default"` for device '*'
  1424. 00:00:00.075 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 21: }
  1425. 00:00:00.075 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:903] Exiting block 'mode "$screenshot"'
  1426. 00:00:00.075 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 22:
  1427. 00:00:00.075 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 23: bindsym Print mode "$screenshot"
  1428. 00:00:00.075 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:380] Config command: bindsym Print mode "$screenshot"
  1429. 00:00:00.075 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:400] After replacement: bindsym Print mode "1 selected, 2 whole, 3 "selected_to_swappy", 4 "whole_to_swappy""
  1430. 00:00:00.075 [DEBUG] [sway/commands/bind.c:298] bindsym - Bound Print to command `mode "1 selected, 2 whole, 3 "selected_to_swappy", 4 "whole_to_swappy""` for device '*'
  1431. 00:00:00.075 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 24: bindsym $mod+Print $screenshot_focused_window, mode "default"
  1432. 00:00:00.075 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:380] Config command: bindsym $mod+Print $screenshot_focused_window, mode "default"
  1433. 00:00:00.075 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:400] After replacement: bindsym Mod4+Print exec '~/.config/sway/scripts/', mode "default"
  1434. 00:00:00.075 [DEBUG] [sway/commands/bind.c:298] bindsym - Bound Mod4+Print to command `exec '~/.config/sway/scripts/', mode "default"` for device '*'
  1435. 00:00:00.075 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 25: bindsym $mod+Shift+Print $screenshot_selected, mode "default"
  1436. 00:00:00.075 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:380] Config command: bindsym $mod+Shift+Print $screenshot_selected, mode "default"
  1437. 00:00:00.075 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:400] After replacement: bindsym Mod4+Shift+Print exec '~/.config/sway/scripts/', mode "default"
  1438. 00:00:00.075 [DEBUG] [sway/commands/bind.c:298] bindsym - Bound Mod4+Shift+Print to command `exec '~/.config/sway/scripts/', mode "default"` for device '*'
  1439. 00:00:00.075 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 26:
  1440. 00:00:00.075 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 27: # Colorpicker
  1441. 00:00:00.075 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 28:
  1442. 00:00:00.075 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 29: set $colorpicker exec swaynag -t warning -m "$(grim -g "$(slurp -p)" -t ppm - | convert - -format '%[pixel:p{0,0}]' txt:-)"
  1443. 00:00:00.075 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:380] Config command: set $colorpicker exec swaynag -t warning -m "$(grim -g "$(slurp -p)" -t ppm - | convert - -format '%[pixel:p{0,0}]' txt:-)"
  1444. 00:00:00.075 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:400] After replacement: set $colorpicker exec swaynag -t warning -m "$(grim -g "$(slurp -p)" -t ppm - | convert - -format '%[pixel:p{0,0}]' txt:-)"
  1445. 00:00:00.075 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 30: bindsym Alt+Print $colorpicker
  1446. 00:00:00.075 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:380] Config command: bindsym Alt+Print $colorpicker
  1447. 00:00:00.075 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:400] After replacement: bindsym Alt+Print exec swaynag -t warning -m "$(grim -g "$(slurp -p)" -t ppm - | convert - -format '%[pixel:p{0,0}]' txt:-)"
  1448. 00:00:00.075 [DEBUG] [sway/commands/bind.c:298] bindsym - Bound Alt+Print to command `exec swaynag -t warning -m "$(grim -g "$(slurp -p)" -t ppm - | convert - -format '%[pixel:p{0,0}]' txt:-)"` for device '*'
  1449. 00:00:00.075 [INFO] [sway/config.c:415] Loading config from /home/iamkarlson/src/dotfiles/sway/config.d/90-assignments.conf
  1450. 00:00:00.076 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 1: # -*- mode: i3wm-config -*-
  1451. 00:00:00.076 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 2: # apps
  1452. 00:00:00.076 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 3: # Use `swaymsg -t get_tree` for info
  1453. 00:00:00.076 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 4:
  1454. 00:00:00.076 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 5: assign [app_id="vivaldi-stable"] workspace number 1
  1455. 00:00:00.076 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:380] Config command: assign [app_id="vivaldi-stable"] workspace number 1
  1456. 00:00:00.076 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:400] After replacement: assign [app_id="vivaldi-stable"] workspace number 1
  1457. 00:00:00.076 [DEBUG] [sway/criteria.c:719] Found pair: app_id=vivaldi-stable
  1458. 00:00:00.076 [DEBUG] [sway/commands/assign.c:59] assign: '[app_id="vivaldi-stable"]' -> '1' added
  1459. 00:00:00.076 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 6:
  1460. 00:00:00.076 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 7: for_window [app_id="Slack"] move to workspace number 11
  1461. 00:00:00.076 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:380] Config command: for_window [app_id="Slack"] move to workspace number 11
  1462. 00:00:00.076 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:400] After replacement: for_window [app_id="Slack"] move to workspace number 11
  1463. 00:00:00.076 [DEBUG] [sway/criteria.c:719] Found pair: app_id=Slack
  1464. 00:00:00.076 [DEBUG] [sway/commands/for_window.c:34] for_window: '[app_id="Slack"]' -> 'move to workspace number 11' added
  1465. 00:00:00.076 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 8: for_window [class="Slack"] move to workspace number 11
  1466. 00:00:00.076 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:380] Config command: for_window [class="Slack"] move to workspace number 11
  1467. 00:00:00.076 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:400] After replacement: for_window [class="Slack"] move to workspace number 11
  1468. 00:00:00.076 [DEBUG] [sway/criteria.c:719] Found pair: class=Slack
  1469. 00:00:00.076 [DEBUG] [sway/commands/for_window.c:34] for_window: '[class="Slack"]' -> 'move to workspace number 11' added
  1470. 00:00:00.076 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 9: for_window [app_id="org.telegram.desktop"] move to workspace number 14
  1471. 00:00:00.076 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:380] Config command: for_window [app_id="org.telegram.desktop"] move to workspace number 14
  1472. 00:00:00.076 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:400] After replacement: for_window [app_id="org.telegram.desktop"] move to workspace number 14
  1473. 00:00:00.076 [DEBUG] [sway/criteria.c:719] Found pair: app_id=org.telegram.desktop
  1474. 00:00:00.076 [DEBUG] [sway/commands/for_window.c:34] for_window: '[app_id="org.telegram.desktop"]' -> 'move to workspace number 14' added
  1475. 00:00:00.076 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 10: for_window [class="Spotify"] move to workspace number 15
  1476. 00:00:00.076 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:380] Config command: for_window [class="Spotify"] move to workspace number 15
  1477. 00:00:00.076 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:400] After replacement: for_window [class="Spotify"] move to workspace number 15
  1478. 00:00:00.076 [DEBUG] [sway/criteria.c:719] Found pair: class=Spotify
  1479. 00:00:00.076 [DEBUG] [sway/commands/for_window.c:34] for_window: '[class="Spotify"]' -> 'move to workspace number 15' added
  1480. 00:00:00.076 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 11: for_window [app_id="org.keepassxc.KeePassXC"] move to workspace number 18
  1481. 00:00:00.076 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:380] Config command: for_window [app_id="org.keepassxc.KeePassXC"] move to workspace number 18
  1482. 00:00:00.076 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:400] After replacement: for_window [app_id="org.keepassxc.KeePassXC"] move to workspace number 18
  1483. 00:00:00.076 [DEBUG] [sway/criteria.c:719] Found pair: app_id=org.keepassxc.KeePassXC
  1484. 00:00:00.076 [DEBUG] [sway/commands/for_window.c:34] for_window: '[app_id="org.keepassxc.KeePassXC"]' -> 'move to workspace number 18' added
  1485. 00:00:00.076 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 12:
  1486. 00:00:00.076 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 13: #for_window [class="com.slack.Slack"] move to scratchpad
  1487. 00:00:00.076 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 14:
  1488. 00:00:00.076 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 15: for_window [title=".*\(Tree Style Tab\).*"] border none, floating enable, move absolute position 700 400
  1489. 00:00:00.076 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:380] Config command: for_window [title=".*\(Tree Style Tab\).*"] border none, floating enable, move absolute position 700 400
  1490. 00:00:00.076 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:400] After replacement: for_window [title=".*\(Tree Style Tab\).*"] border none, floating enable, move absolute position 700 400
  1491. 00:00:00.076 [DEBUG] [sway/criteria.c:719] Found pair: title=.*\(Tree Style Tab\).*
  1492. 00:00:00.076 [DEBUG] [sway/commands/for_window.c:34] for_window: '[title=".*\(Tree Style Tab\).*"]' -> 'border none, floating enable, move absolute position 700 400' added
  1493. 00:00:00.076 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 16:
  1494. 00:00:00.076 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 17: #for_window [app_id="firefox" title="^$"] border none, floating enable, move position 79 ppt 88 ppt
  1495. 00:00:00.076 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 18: for_window [title="Firefox — Sharing Indicator"] border none, floating enable
  1496. 00:00:00.076 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:380] Config command: for_window [title="Firefox — Sharing Indicator"] border none, floating enable
  1497. 00:00:00.076 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:400] After replacement: for_window [title="Firefox — Sharing Indicator"] border none, floating enable
  1498. 00:00:00.076 [DEBUG] [sway/criteria.c:719] Found pair: title=Firefox — Sharing Indicator
  1499. 00:00:00.076 [DEBUG] [sway/commands/for_window.c:34] for_window: '[title="Firefox — Sharing Indicator"]' -> 'border none, floating enable' added
  1500. 00:00:00.076 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 94:
  1501. 00:00:00.076 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 95: mode "nag" {
  1502. 00:00:00.076 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:886] Entering block 'mode "nag"'
  1503. 00:00:00.076 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 96: bindsym --to-code {
  1504. 00:00:00.076 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:886] Entering block 'mode "nag" bindsym --to-code'
  1505. 00:00:00.076 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 97: Ctrl+d mode "default"
  1506. 00:00:00.076 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:380] Config command: mode "nag" bindsym --to-code Ctrl+d mode "default"
  1507. 00:00:00.076 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:400] After replacement: mode "nag" bindsym --to-code Ctrl+d mode "default"
  1508. 00:00:00.076 [DEBUG] [sway/commands.c:432] Subcommand: bindsym --to-code Ctrl+d mode "default"
  1509. 00:00:00.076 [DEBUG] [sway/commands/bind.c:298] bindsym - Bound Ctrl+d to command `mode "default"` for device '*'
  1510. 00:00:00.076 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 98:
  1511. 00:00:00.076 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 99: Ctrl+c $nag --exit
  1512. 00:00:00.076 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:380] Config command: mode "nag" bindsym --to-code Ctrl+c $nag --exit
  1513. 00:00:00.076 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:400] After replacement: mode "nag" bindsym --to-code Ctrl+c exec swaynagmode --exit
  1514. 00:00:00.076 [DEBUG] [sway/commands.c:432] Subcommand: bindsym --to-code Ctrl+c exec swaynagmode --exit
  1515. 00:00:00.076 [DEBUG] [sway/commands/bind.c:298] bindsym - Bound Ctrl+c to command `exec swaynagmode --exit` for device '*'
  1516. 00:00:00.076 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 100: q $nag --exit
  1517. 00:00:00.076 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:380] Config command: mode "nag" bindsym --to-code q $nag --exit
  1518. 00:00:00.076 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:400] After replacement: mode "nag" bindsym --to-code q exec swaynagmode --exit
  1519. 00:00:00.076 [DEBUG] [sway/commands.c:432] Subcommand: bindsym --to-code q exec swaynagmode --exit
  1520. 00:00:00.076 [DEBUG] [sway/commands/bind.c:298] bindsym - Bound q to command `exec swaynagmode --exit` for device '*'
  1521. 00:00:00.076 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 101: Escape $nag --exit
  1522. 00:00:00.076 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:380] Config command: mode "nag" bindsym --to-code Escape $nag --exit
  1523. 00:00:00.076 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:400] After replacement: mode "nag" bindsym --to-code Escape exec swaynagmode --exit
  1524. 00:00:00.076 [DEBUG] [sway/commands.c:432] Subcommand: bindsym --to-code Escape exec swaynagmode --exit
  1525. 00:00:00.076 [DEBUG] [sway/commands/bind.c:298] bindsym - Bound Escape to command `exec swaynagmode --exit` for device '*'
  1526. 00:00:00.076 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 102:
  1527. 00:00:00.076 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 103: Return $nag --confirm
  1528. 00:00:00.076 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:380] Config command: mode "nag" bindsym --to-code Return $nag --confirm
  1529. 00:00:00.076 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:400] After replacement: mode "nag" bindsym --to-code Return exec swaynagmode --confirm
  1530. 00:00:00.076 [DEBUG] [sway/commands.c:432] Subcommand: bindsym --to-code Return exec swaynagmode --confirm
  1531. 00:00:00.076 [DEBUG] [sway/commands/bind.c:298] bindsym - Bound Return to command `exec swaynagmode --confirm` for device '*'
  1532. 00:00:00.076 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 104:
  1533. 00:00:00.076 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 105: Tab $nag --select prev
  1534. 00:00:00.076 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:380] Config command: mode "nag" bindsym --to-code Tab $nag --select prev
  1535. 00:00:00.076 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:400] After replacement: mode "nag" bindsym --to-code Tab exec swaynagmode --select prev
  1536. 00:00:00.076 [DEBUG] [sway/commands.c:432] Subcommand: bindsym --to-code Tab exec swaynagmode --select prev
  1537. 00:00:00.076 [DEBUG] [sway/commands/bind.c:298] bindsym - Bound Tab to command `exec swaynagmode --select prev` for device '*'
  1538. 00:00:00.076 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 106: Shift+Tab $nag --select next
  1539. 00:00:00.076 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:380] Config command: mode "nag" bindsym --to-code Shift+Tab $nag --select next
  1540. 00:00:00.076 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:400] After replacement: mode "nag" bindsym --to-code Shift+Tab exec swaynagmode --select next
  1541. 00:00:00.076 [DEBUG] [sway/commands.c:432] Subcommand: bindsym --to-code Shift+Tab exec swaynagmode --select next
  1542. 00:00:00.076 [DEBUG] [sway/commands/bind.c:298] bindsym - Bound Shift+Tab to command `exec swaynagmode --select next` for device '*'
  1543. 00:00:00.076 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 107:
  1544. 00:00:00.076 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 108:
  1545. 00:00:00.076 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 109: Left $nag --select prev
  1546. 00:00:00.076 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:380] Config command: mode "nag" bindsym --to-code Left $nag --select prev
  1547. 00:00:00.076 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:400] After replacement: mode "nag" bindsym --to-code Left exec swaynagmode --select prev
  1548. 00:00:00.076 [DEBUG] [sway/commands.c:432] Subcommand: bindsym --to-code Left exec swaynagmode --select prev
  1549. 00:00:00.076 [DEBUG] [sway/commands/bind.c:298] bindsym - Bound Left to command `exec swaynagmode --select prev` for device '*'
  1550. 00:00:00.076 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 110: Right $nag --select next
  1551. 00:00:00.076 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:380] Config command: mode "nag" bindsym --to-code Right $nag --select next
  1552. 00:00:00.076 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:400] After replacement: mode "nag" bindsym --to-code Right exec swaynagmode --select next
  1553. 00:00:00.076 [DEBUG] [sway/commands.c:432] Subcommand: bindsym --to-code Right exec swaynagmode --select next
  1554. 00:00:00.076 [DEBUG] [sway/commands/bind.c:298] bindsym - Bound Right to command `exec swaynagmode --select next` for device '*'
  1555. 00:00:00.076 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 111:
  1556. 00:00:00.076 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 112: Up $nag --select prev
  1557. 00:00:00.076 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:380] Config command: mode "nag" bindsym --to-code Up $nag --select prev
  1558. 00:00:00.076 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:400] After replacement: mode "nag" bindsym --to-code Up exec swaynagmode --select prev
  1559. 00:00:00.076 [DEBUG] [sway/commands.c:432] Subcommand: bindsym --to-code Up exec swaynagmode --select prev
  1560. 00:00:00.076 [DEBUG] [sway/commands/bind.c:298] bindsym - Bound Up to command `exec swaynagmode --select prev` for device '*'
  1561. 00:00:00.076 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 113: Down $nag --select next
  1562. 00:00:00.076 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:380] Config command: mode "nag" bindsym --to-code Down $nag --select next
  1563. 00:00:00.076 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:400] After replacement: mode "nag" bindsym --to-code Down exec swaynagmode --select next
  1564. 00:00:00.076 [DEBUG] [sway/commands.c:432] Subcommand: bindsym --to-code Down exec swaynagmode --select next
  1565. 00:00:00.076 [DEBUG] [sway/commands/bind.c:298] bindsym - Bound Down to command `exec swaynagmode --select next` for device '*'
  1566. 00:00:00.076 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 114:
  1567. 00:00:00.076 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 115: }
  1568. 00:00:00.076 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:903] Exiting block 'mode "nag" bindsym --to-code'
  1569. 00:00:00.076 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:832] Read line 116: }
  1570. 00:00:00.076 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:903] Exiting block 'mode "nag"'
  1571. 00:00:00.076 [DEBUG] [sway/server.c:276] Initializing Xwayland (lazy=1)
  1572. 00:00:00.076 [ERROR] [wlr] [xwayland/sockets.c:63] Failed to bind socket @/tmp/.X11-unix/X0: Address already in use
  1573. 00:00:00.076 [INFO] [sway/server.c:299] Starting backend on wayland display 'wayland-1'
  1574. 00:00:00.076 [DEBUG] [wlr] [backend/libinput/backend.c:87] Starting libinput backend
  1575. 00:00:00.437 [DEBUG] [wlr] [backend/libinput/events.c:70] Adding Power Button [0:1]
  1576. 00:00:00.437 [DEBUG] [sway/input/input-manager.c:234] adding device: '0:1:Power_Button'
  1577. 00:00:00.437 [DEBUG] [sway/input/libinput.c:208] sway_input_configure_libinput_device('type:keyboard' on '0:1:Power_Button')
  1578. 00:00:00.437 [DEBUG] [sway/input/input-manager.c:184] no fallback seat config - creating default
  1579. 00:00:00.437 [DEBUG] [sway/config/seat.c:66] Adding non-wildcard seat config
  1580. 00:00:00.437 [DEBUG] [sway/config/seat.c:83] Config stored for seat seat0
  1581. 00:00:00.437 [DEBUG] [sway/input/input-manager.c:602] applying seat config for seat seat0
  1582. 00:00:00.437 [DEBUG] [sway/input/seat.c:963] adding device 0:1:Power_Button to seat seat0
  1583. 00:00:00.439 [DEBUG] [sway/input/keyboard.c:924] Created keyboard group 0x563cc228da40
  1584. 00:00:00.439 [DEBUG] [sway/input/keyboard.c:947] Adding keyboard 0:1:Power_Button to group 0x563cc228da40
  1585. 00:00:00.443 [DEBUG] [wlr] [backend/libinput/events.c:70] Adding Video Bus [0:6]
  1586. 00:00:00.443 [DEBUG] [sway/input/input-manager.c:234] adding device: '0:6:Video_Bus'
  1587. 00:00:00.443 [DEBUG] [sway/input/libinput.c:208] sway_input_configure_libinput_device('type:keyboard' on '0:6:Video_Bus')
  1588. 00:00:00.443 [DEBUG] [sway/input/seat.c:963] adding device 0:6:Video_Bus to seat seat0
  1589. 00:00:00.446 [DEBUG] [sway/input/keyboard.c:899] Adding keyboard 0:6:Video_Bus to group 0x563cc228da40
  1590. 00:00:00.447 [DEBUG] [wlr] [backend/libinput/events.c:70] Adding Lid Switch [0:5]
  1591. 00:00:00.447 [DEBUG] [sway/input/input-manager.c:234] adding device: '0:5:Lid_Switch'
  1592. 00:00:00.447 [DEBUG] [sway/input/seat.c:963] adding device 0:5:Lid_Switch to seat seat0
  1593. 00:00:00.447 [DEBUG] [sway/input/switch.c:18] Allocated switch for device
  1594. 00:00:00.447 [DEBUG] [sway/input/seat.c:722] Applying input config to 0:5:Lid_Switch
  1595. 00:00:00.447 [DEBUG] [sway/input/switch.c:103] Configured switch for device
  1596. 00:00:00.447 [DEBUG] [wlr] [backend/libinput/events.c:70] Adding Sleep Button [0:3]
  1597. 00:00:00.447 [DEBUG] [sway/input/input-manager.c:234] adding device: '0:3:Sleep_Button'
  1598. 00:00:00.447 [DEBUG] [sway/input/libinput.c:208] sway_input_configure_libinput_device('type:keyboard' on '0:3:Sleep_Button')
  1599. 00:00:00.447 [DEBUG] [sway/input/seat.c:963] adding device 0:3:Sleep_Button to seat seat0
  1600. 00:00:00.450 [DEBUG] [sway/input/keyboard.c:899] Adding keyboard 0:3:Sleep_Button to group 0x563cc228da40
  1601. 00:00:00.450 [DEBUG] [wlr] [backend/libinput/events.c:70] Adding Integrated Camera: Integrated C [1266:46800]
  1602. 00:00:00.450 [DEBUG] [sway/input/input-manager.c:234] adding device: '1266:46800:Integrated_Camera:_Integrated_C'
  1603. 00:00:00.450 [DEBUG] [sway/input/libinput.c:208] sway_input_configure_libinput_device('type:keyboard' on '1266:46800:Integrated_Camera:_Integrated_C')
  1604. 00:00:00.450 [DEBUG] [sway/input/seat.c:963] adding device 1266:46800:Integrated_Camera:_Integrated_C to seat seat0
  1605. 00:00:00.453 [DEBUG] [sway/input/keyboard.c:899] Adding keyboard 1266:46800:Integrated_Camera:_Integrated_C to group 0x563cc228da40
  1606. 00:00:00.454 [DEBUG] [wlr] [backend/libinput/events.c:70] Adding Integrated Camera: Integrated I [1266:46800]
  1607. 00:00:00.454 [DEBUG] [sway/input/input-manager.c:234] adding device: '1266:46800:Integrated_Camera:_Integrated_I'
  1608. 00:00:00.454 [DEBUG] [sway/input/libinput.c:208] sway_input_configure_libinput_device('type:keyboard' on '1266:46800:Integrated_Camera:_Integrated_I')
  1609. 00:00:00.454 [DEBUG] [sway/input/seat.c:963] adding device 1266:46800:Integrated_Camera:_Integrated_I to seat seat0
  1610. 00:00:00.456 [DEBUG] [sway/input/keyboard.c:899] Adding keyboard 1266:46800:Integrated_Camera:_Integrated_I to group 0x563cc228da40
  1611. 00:00:00.457 [DEBUG] [wlr] [backend/libinput/events.c:70] Adding Intel HID events [0:0]
  1612. 00:00:00.457 [DEBUG] [sway/input/input-manager.c:234] adding device: '0:0:Intel_HID_events'
  1613. 00:00:00.457 [DEBUG] [sway/input/libinput.c:208] sway_input_configure_libinput_device('type:keyboard' on '0:0:Intel_HID_events')
  1614. 00:00:00.457 [DEBUG] [sway/input/seat.c:963] adding device 0:0:Intel_HID_events to seat seat0
  1615. 00:00:00.460 [DEBUG] [sway/input/keyboard.c:899] Adding keyboard 0:0:Intel_HID_events to group 0x563cc228da40
  1616. 00:00:00.460 [DEBUG] [wlr] [backend/libinput/events.c:70] Adding AT Translated Set 2 keyboard [1:1]
  1617. 00:00:00.460 [DEBUG] [sway/input/input-manager.c:234] adding device: '1:1:AT_Translated_Set_2_keyboard'
  1618. 00:00:00.460 [DEBUG] [sway/input/libinput.c:208] sway_input_configure_libinput_device('type:keyboard' on '1:1:AT_Translated_Set_2_keyboard')
  1619. 00:00:00.460 [DEBUG] [sway/input/seat.c:963] adding device 1:1:AT_Translated_Set_2_keyboard to seat seat0
  1620. 00:00:00.463 [DEBUG] [sway/input/keyboard.c:899] Adding keyboard 1:1:AT_Translated_Set_2_keyboard to group 0x563cc228da40
  1621. 00:00:00.464 [DEBUG] [wlr] [backend/libinput/events.c:70] Adding SynPS/2 Synaptics TouchPad [2:7]
  1622. 00:00:00.464 [DEBUG] [sway/input/input-manager.c:234] adding device: '2:7:SynPS/2_Synaptics_TouchPad'
  1623. 00:00:00.464 [DEBUG] [sway/input/seat.c:963] adding device 2:7:SynPS/2_Synaptics_TouchPad to seat seat0
  1624. 00:00:00.483 [DEBUG] [wlr] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:243] Loaded cursor theme 'default' at size 24 (124 available cursors)
  1625. 00:00:00.483 [DEBUG] [sway/input/seat.c:722] Applying input config to 2:7:SynPS/2_Synaptics_TouchPad
  1626. 00:00:00.483 [DEBUG] [wlr] [backend/libinput/events.c:131] libinput gesture not handled
  1627. 00:00:00.483 [DEBUG] [wlr] [backend/libinput/events.c:70] Adding TPPS/2 Elan TrackPoint [2:10]
  1628. 00:00:00.483 [DEBUG] [sway/input/input-manager.c:234] adding device: '2:10:TPPS/2_Elan_TrackPoint'
  1629. 00:00:00.483 [DEBUG] [sway/input/seat.c:963] adding device 2:10:TPPS/2_Elan_TrackPoint to seat seat0
  1630. 00:00:00.483 [DEBUG] [sway/input/seat.c:722] Applying input config to 2:10:TPPS/2_Elan_TrackPoint
  1631. 00:00:00.483 [DEBUG] [wlr] [backend/libinput/events.c:70] Adding ThinkPad Extra Buttons [6058:20564]
  1632. 00:00:00.483 [DEBUG] [sway/input/input-manager.c:234] adding device: '6058:20564:ThinkPad_Extra_Buttons'
  1633. 00:00:00.483 [DEBUG] [sway/input/libinput.c:208] sway_input_configure_libinput_device('type:keyboard' on '6058:20564:ThinkPad_Extra_Buttons')
  1634. 00:00:00.483 [DEBUG] [sway/input/seat.c:963] adding device 6058:20564:ThinkPad_Extra_Buttons to seat seat0
  1635. 00:00:00.486 [DEBUG] [sway/input/keyboard.c:899] Adding keyboard 6058:20564:ThinkPad_Extra_Buttons to group 0x563cc228da40
  1636. 00:00:00.487 [DEBUG] [wlr] [backend/libinput/backend.c:128] libinput successfully initialized
  1637. 00:00:00.487 [INFO] [wlr] [backend/drm/drm.c:1338] Scanning DRM connectors on /dev/dri/card1
  1638. 00:00:00.488 [INFO] [wlr] [backend/drm/drm.c:1389] Found connector 'eDP-1'
  1639. 00:00:00.488 [INFO] [wlr] [backend/drm/drm.c:1414] 'eDP-1' connected
  1640. 00:00:00.488 [DEBUG] [wlr] [backend/drm/drm.c:1220] Current CRTC: 98
  1641. 00:00:00.488 [INFO] [wlr] [util/env.c:9] Loading WLR_NO_HARDWARE_CURSORS option: 1
  1642. 00:00:00.488 [DEBUG] [wlr] [types/output/output.c:382] WLR_NO_HARDWARE_CURSORS set, forcing software cursors
  1643. 00:00:00.488 [INFO] [wlr] [backend/drm/drm.c:1230] Physical size: 340x190
  1644. 00:00:00.488 [INFO] [wlr] [backend/drm/drm.c:1287] Detected modes:
  1645. 00:00:00.488 [INFO] [wlr] [backend/drm/drm.c:1315] 1920x1080 @ 60.001 Hz (preferred)
  1646. 00:00:00.488 [INFO] [wlr] [backend/drm/drm.c:1389] Found connector 'HDMI-A-1'
  1647. 00:00:00.488 [INFO] [wlr] [backend/drm/drm.c:1389] Found connector 'DP-1'
  1648. 00:00:00.488 [INFO] [wlr] [backend/drm/drm.c:1389] Found connector 'DP-2'
  1649. 00:00:00.488 [INFO] [wlr] [backend/drm/drm.c:1389] Found connector 'DP-3'
  1650. 00:00:00.488 [INFO] [wlr] [backend/drm/drm.c:1389] Found connector 'DP-4'
  1651. 00:00:00.488 [DEBUG] [wlr] [backend/drm/drm.c:1011] Reallocating CRTCs
  1652. 00:00:00.488 [DEBUG] [wlr] [backend/drm/drm.c:1022] State before reallocation:
  1653. 00:00:00.488 [DEBUG] [wlr] [backend/drm/drm.c:1036] 'eDP-1' crtc=0 status=1 want_crtc=1
  1654. 00:00:00.488 [DEBUG] [wlr] [backend/drm/drm.c:1036] 'HDMI-A-1' crtc=-1 status=2 want_crtc=0
  1655. 00:00:00.488 [DEBUG] [wlr] [backend/drm/drm.c:1036] 'DP-1' crtc=-1 status=2 want_crtc=0
  1656. 00:00:00.488 [DEBUG] [wlr] [backend/drm/drm.c:1036] 'DP-2' crtc=-1 status=2 want_crtc=0
  1657. 00:00:00.488 [DEBUG] [wlr] [backend/drm/drm.c:1036] 'DP-3' crtc=-1 status=2 want_crtc=0
  1658. 00:00:00.488 [DEBUG] [wlr] [backend/drm/drm.c:1036] 'DP-4' crtc=-1 status=2 want_crtc=0
  1659. 00:00:00.488 [DEBUG] [wlr] [backend/drm/drm.c:1078] State after reallocation:
  1660. 00:00:00.488 [DEBUG] [wlr] [backend/drm/drm.c:1085] 'eDP-1' crtc=0 status=1
  1661. 00:00:00.488 [DEBUG] [wlr] [backend/drm/drm.c:1085] 'HDMI-A-1' crtc=-1 status=2
  1662. 00:00:00.488 [DEBUG] [wlr] [backend/drm/drm.c:1085] 'DP-1' crtc=-1 status=2
  1663. 00:00:00.488 [DEBUG] [wlr] [backend/drm/drm.c:1085] 'DP-2' crtc=-1 status=2
  1664. 00:00:00.488 [DEBUG] [wlr] [backend/drm/drm.c:1085] 'DP-3' crtc=-1 status=2
  1665. 00:00:00.488 [DEBUG] [wlr] [backend/drm/drm.c:1085] 'DP-4' crtc=-1 status=2
  1666. 00:00:00.488 [INFO] [wlr] [backend/drm/drm.c:1447] connector eDP-1: Requesting modeset
  1667. 00:00:00.488 [DEBUG] [sway/desktop/output.c:912] New output 0x563cc24f8d20: eDP-1 (non-desktop: 0)
  1668. 00:00:00.488 [DEBUG] [sway/config/output.c:395] Turning on output eDP-1
  1669. 00:00:00.488 [DEBUG] [sway/config/output.c:408] Set preferred mode
  1670. 00:00:00.488 [DEBUG] [wlr] [types/output/render.c:229] Attaching empty buffer to output for modeset
  1671. 00:00:00.488 [DEBUG] [wlr] [types/output/render.c:75] Choosing primary buffer format XR24 (0x34325258) for output 'eDP-1'
  1672. 00:00:00.488 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/swapchain.c:105] Allocating new swapchain buffer
  1673. 00:00:00.490 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/allocator/gbm.c:143] Allocated 1920x1080 GBM buffer with format XR24 (0x34325258), modifier Y_TILED_GEN12_RC_CCS_CC (0x0100000000000008)
  1674. 00:00:00.490 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/gles2/renderer.c:148] Created GL FBO for buffer 1920x1080
  1675. 00:00:00.490 [DEBUG] [sway/config/output.c:441] Auto-detected output transform: 0
  1676. 00:00:00.490 [DEBUG] [sway/config/output.c:455] Auto-detected output scale: 1.000000
  1677. 00:00:00.490 [DEBUG] [sway/config/output.c:506] Committing output eDP-1
  1678. 00:00:00.490 [DEBUG] [wlr] [types/output/render.c:229] Attaching empty buffer to output for modeset
  1679. 00:00:00.490 [INFO] [wlr] [backend/drm/drm.c:586] connector eDP-1: Modesetting with 1920x1080 @ 60.001 Hz
  1680. 00:00:00.533 [DEBUG] [sway/config/output.c:552] Set eDP-1 position to 0, 0
  1681. 00:00:00.533 [DEBUG] [sway/tree/workspace.c:283] Workspace: Generating new workspace name for output eDP-1
  1682. 00:00:00.533 [DEBUG] [sway/tree/workspace.c:220] Got valid workspace command for target: 'number 1'
  1683. 00:00:00.533 [DEBUG] [sway/tree/workspace.c:245] Isolated name from workspace number: '1'
  1684. 00:00:00.533 [DEBUG] [sway/tree/workspace.c:220] Got valid workspace command for target: 'number 2'
  1685. 00:00:00.533 [DEBUG] [sway/tree/workspace.c:245] Isolated name from workspace number: '2'
  1686. 00:00:00.533 [DEBUG] [sway/tree/workspace.c:220] Got valid workspace command for target: 'number 3'
  1687. 00:00:00.533 [DEBUG] [sway/tree/workspace.c:245] Isolated name from workspace number: '3'
  1688. 00:00:00.533 [DEBUG] [sway/tree/workspace.c:220] Got valid workspace command for target: 'number 4'
  1689. 00:00:00.533 [DEBUG] [sway/tree/workspace.c:245] Isolated name from workspace number: '4'
  1690. 00:00:00.533 [DEBUG] [sway/tree/workspace.c:220] Got valid workspace command for target: 'number 5'
  1691. 00:00:00.533 [DEBUG] [sway/tree/workspace.c:245] Isolated name from workspace number: '5'
  1692. 00:00:00.533 [DEBUG] [sway/tree/workspace.c:220] Got valid workspace command for target: 'number 6'
  1693. 00:00:00.533 [DEBUG] [sway/tree/workspace.c:245] Isolated name from workspace number: '6'
  1694. 00:00:00.533 [DEBUG] [sway/tree/workspace.c:220] Got valid workspace command for target: 'number 7'
  1695. 00:00:00.533 [DEBUG] [sway/tree/workspace.c:245] Isolated name from workspace number: '7'
  1696. 00:00:00.533 [DEBUG] [sway/tree/workspace.c:220] Got valid workspace command for target: 'number 8'
  1697. 00:00:00.533 [DEBUG] [sway/tree/workspace.c:245] Isolated name from workspace number: '8'
  1698. 00:00:00.533 [DEBUG] [sway/tree/workspace.c:220] Got valid workspace command for target: 'number 9'
  1699. 00:00:00.533 [DEBUG] [sway/tree/workspace.c:245] Isolated name from workspace number: '9'
  1700. 00:00:00.533 [DEBUG] [sway/tree/workspace.c:220] Got valid workspace command for target: 'number 10'
  1701. 00:00:00.533 [DEBUG] [sway/tree/workspace.c:245] Isolated name from workspace number: '10'
  1702. 00:00:00.533 [DEBUG] [sway/tree/workspace.c:220] Got valid workspace command for target: 'number 11'
  1703. 00:00:00.533 [DEBUG] [sway/tree/workspace.c:245] Isolated name from workspace number: '11'
  1704. 00:00:00.533 [DEBUG] [sway/tree/workspace.c:274] Workspace: Found free name 11
  1705. 00:00:00.533 [DEBUG] [sway/tree/workspace.c:220] Got valid workspace command for target: 'number 12'
  1706. 00:00:00.533 [DEBUG] [sway/tree/workspace.c:245] Isolated name from workspace number: '12'
  1707. 00:00:00.533 [DEBUG] [sway/tree/workspace.c:220] Got valid workspace command for target: 'number 13'
  1708. 00:00:00.533 [DEBUG] [sway/tree/workspace.c:245] Isolated name from workspace number: '13'
  1709. 00:00:00.533 [DEBUG] [sway/tree/workspace.c:220] Got valid workspace command for target: 'number 14'
  1710. 00:00:00.533 [DEBUG] [sway/tree/workspace.c:245] Isolated name from workspace number: '14'
  1711. 00:00:00.533 [DEBUG] [sway/tree/workspace.c:220] Got valid workspace command for target: 'number 15'
  1712. 00:00:00.533 [DEBUG] [sway/tree/workspace.c:245] Isolated name from workspace number: '15'
  1713. 00:00:00.533 [DEBUG] [sway/tree/workspace.c:220] Got valid workspace command for target: 'number 16'
  1714. 00:00:00.533 [DEBUG] [sway/tree/workspace.c:245] Isolated name from workspace number: '16'
  1715. 00:00:00.533 [DEBUG] [sway/tree/workspace.c:220] Got valid workspace command for target: 'number 17'
  1716. 00:00:00.533 [DEBUG] [sway/tree/workspace.c:245] Isolated name from workspace number: '17'
  1717. 00:00:00.533 [DEBUG] [sway/tree/workspace.c:220] Got valid workspace command for target: 'number 18'
  1718. 00:00:00.533 [DEBUG] [sway/tree/workspace.c:245] Isolated name from workspace number: '18'
  1719. 00:00:00.533 [DEBUG] [sway/tree/workspace.c:220] Got valid workspace command for target: 'number 19'
  1720. 00:00:00.533 [DEBUG] [sway/tree/workspace.c:245] Isolated name from workspace number: '19'
  1721. 00:00:00.533 [DEBUG] [sway/tree/workspace.c:220] Got valid workspace command for target: 'number 20'
  1722. 00:00:00.533 [DEBUG] [sway/tree/workspace.c:245] Isolated name from workspace number: '20'
  1723. 00:00:00.533 [DEBUG] [sway/tree/workspace.c:220] Got valid workspace command for target: 'next_on_output'
  1724. 00:00:00.533 [DEBUG] [sway/tree/workspace.c:220] Got valid workspace command for target: 'prev_on_output'
  1725. 00:00:00.533 [DEBUG] [sway/tree/output.c:127] Creating default workspace 11
  1726. 00:00:00.533 [DEBUG] [sway/tree/workspace.c:65] Adding workspace 11 for output eDP-1
  1727. 00:00:00.543 [DEBUG] [wlr] [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:243] Loaded cursor theme 'default' at size 24 (124 available cursors)
  1728. 00:00:00.543 [DEBUG] [wlr] [types/output/cursor.c:432] Falling back to software cursor on output 'eDP-1'
  1729. 00:00:00.544 [DEBUG] [wlr] [types/output/cursor.c:432] Falling back to software cursor on output 'eDP-1'
  1730. 00:00:00.544 [DEBUG] [sway/desktop/layer_shell.c:195] Usable area changed, rearranging output
  1731. 00:00:00.544 [DEBUG] [sway/tree/arrange.c:263] Usable area for ws: 1920x1080@0,0
  1732. 00:00:00.544 [DEBUG] [sway/tree/arrange.c:293] Arranging workspace '11' at 5.000000, 5.000000
  1733. 00:00:00.544 [DEBUG] [sway/tree/arrange.c:263] Usable area for ws: 1920x1080@0,0
  1734. 00:00:00.544 [DEBUG] [sway/tree/arrange.c:293] Arranging workspace '11' at 5.000000, 5.000000
  1735. 00:00:00.544 [DEBUG] [sway/input/libinput.c:208] sway_input_configure_libinput_device('type:keyboard' on '6058:20564:ThinkPad_Extra_Buttons')
  1736. 00:00:00.548 [DEBUG] [sway/input/seat.c:722] Applying input config to 2:10:TPPS/2_Elan_TrackPoint
  1737. 00:00:00.548 [DEBUG] [sway/input/seat.c:722] Applying input config to 2:7:SynPS/2_Synaptics_TouchPad
  1738. 00:00:00.548 [DEBUG] [sway/input/libinput.c:208] sway_input_configure_libinput_device('type:keyboard' on '1:1:AT_Translated_Set_2_keyboard')
  1739. 00:00:00.551 [DEBUG] [sway/input/libinput.c:208] sway_input_configure_libinput_device('type:keyboard' on '0:0:Intel_HID_events')
  1740. 00:00:00.554 [DEBUG] [sway/input/libinput.c:208] sway_input_configure_libinput_device('type:keyboard' on '1266:46800:Integrated_Camera:_Integrated_I')
  1741. 00:00:00.557 [DEBUG] [sway/input/libinput.c:208] sway_input_configure_libinput_device('type:keyboard' on '1266:46800:Integrated_Camera:_Integrated_C')
  1742. 00:00:00.560 [DEBUG] [sway/input/libinput.c:208] sway_input_configure_libinput_device('type:keyboard' on '0:3:Sleep_Button')
  1743. 00:00:00.563 [DEBUG] [sway/input/seat.c:722] Applying input config to 0:5:Lid_Switch
  1744. 00:00:00.563 [DEBUG] [sway/input/switch.c:103] Configured switch for device
  1745. 00:00:00.563 [DEBUG] [sway/input/libinput.c:208] sway_input_configure_libinput_device('type:keyboard' on '0:6:Video_Bus')
  1746. 00:00:00.566 [DEBUG] [sway/input/libinput.c:208] sway_input_configure_libinput_device('type:keyboard' on '0:1:Power_Button')
  1747. 00:00:00.569 [DEBUG] [wlr] [types/output/cursor.c:432] Falling back to software cursor on output 'eDP-1'
  1748. 00:00:00.569 [DEBUG] [wlr] [types/output/cursor.c:432] Falling back to software cursor on output 'eDP-1'
  1749. 00:00:00.569 [DEBUG] [sway/desktop/transaction.c:398] Transaction 0x563cc21b5850 committing with 2 instructions
  1750. 00:00:00.569 [DEBUG] [sway/desktop/transaction.c:294] Applying transaction 0x563cc21b5850
  1751. 00:00:00.569 [INFO] [wlr] [backend/headless/backend.c:16] Starting headless backend
  1752. 00:00:00.569 [DEBUG] [sway/config/bar.c:266] Invoking swaybar for bar id 'bar-0'
  1753. 00:00:00.571 [DEBUG] [sway/config/bar.c:258] Spawned swaybar bar-0
  1754. 00:00:00.571 [DEBUG] [sway/config.c:681] Running deferred commands
  1755. 00:00:00.571 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:260] Handling command 'exec echo "current profile: $profile" >> /tmp/sway.log'
  1756. 00:00:00.571 [DEBUG] [sway/commands/exec_always.c:59] Executing echo "current profile: "$(~/.config/sway/scripts/"" >> /tmp/sway.log
  1757. 00:00:00.573 [DEBUG] [sway/commands/exec_always.c:112] Child process created with pid 1626
  1758. 00:00:00.573 [DEBUG] [sway/commands/exec_always.c:114] Recording workspace for process 1626
  1759. 00:00:00.573 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:260] Handling command 'exec_always echo "Using work profile" >> /tmp/sway.log'
  1760. 00:00:00.573 [DEBUG] [sway/commands/exec_always.c:59] Executing echo "Using work profile" >> /tmp/sway.log
  1761. 00:00:00.575 [DEBUG] [sway/commands/exec_always.c:112] Child process created with pid 1628
  1762. 00:00:00.575 [DEBUG] [sway/commands/exec_always.c:114] Recording workspace for process 1628
  1763. 00:00:00.575 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:260] Handling command 'exec swayidle -w timeout 600 'swaylock -f' timeout 900 '~/.config/sway/scripts/' timeout 1800 'systemctl suspend' resume '~/.config/sway/scripts/''
  1764. 00:00:00.575 [DEBUG] [sway/commands/exec_always.c:59] Executing swayidle -w timeout 600 'swaylock -f' timeout 900 '~/.config/sway/scripts/' timeout 1800 'systemctl suspend' resume '~/.config/sway/scripts/'
  1765. 00:00:00.576 [DEBUG] [sway/commands/exec_always.c:112] Child process created with pid 1631
  1766. 00:00:00.576 [DEBUG] [sway/commands/exec_always.c:114] Recording workspace for process 1631
  1767. 00:00:00.576 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:260] Handling command 'exec systemctl --user import-environment DISPLAY WAYLAND_DISPLAY SWAYSOCK XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP'
  1768. 00:00:00.576 [DEBUG] [sway/commands/exec_always.c:59] Executing systemctl --user import-environment DISPLAY WAYLAND_DISPLAY SWAYSOCK XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP
  1769. 00:00:00.578 [DEBUG] [sway/commands/exec_always.c:112] Child process created with pid 1634
  1770. 00:00:00.578 [DEBUG] [sway/commands/exec_always.c:114] Recording workspace for process 1634
  1771. 00:00:00.578 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:260] Handling command 'exec hash dbus-update-activation-environment 2>/dev/null && dbus-update-activation-environment --systemd DISPLAY WAYLAND_DISPLAY SWAYSOCK XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP'
  1772. 00:00:00.578 [DEBUG] [sway/commands/exec_always.c:59] Executing hash dbus-update-activation-environment 2>/dev/null && dbus-update-activation-environment --systemd DISPLAY WAYLAND_DISPLAY SWAYSOCK XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP
  1773. 00:00:00.580 [DEBUG] [sway/commands/exec_always.c:112] Child process created with pid 1636
  1774. 00:00:00.580 [DEBUG] [sway/commands/exec_always.c:114] Recording workspace for process 1636
  1775. 00:00:00.580 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:260] Handling command 'exec_always gsettings set $gnome-schema gtk-theme 'Breeze-Dark''
  1776. 00:00:00.580 [DEBUG] [sway/commands/exec_always.c:59] Executing gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface gtk-theme 'Breeze-Dark'
  1777. 00:00:00.581 [DEBUG] [sway/commands/exec_always.c:112] Child process created with pid 1638
  1778. 00:00:00.581 [DEBUG] [sway/commands/exec_always.c:114] Recording workspace for process 1638
  1779. 00:00:00.581 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:260] Handling command 'exec_always gsettings set $gnome-schema icon-theme 'Breeze-Dark''
  1780. 00:00:00.581 [DEBUG] [sway/commands/exec_always.c:59] Executing gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface icon-theme 'Breeze-Dark'
  1781. 00:00:00.583 [DEBUG] [sway/commands/exec_always.c:112] Child process created with pid 1640
  1782. 00:00:00.583 [DEBUG] [sway/commands/exec_always.c:114] Recording workspace for process 1640
  1783. 00:00:00.583 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:260] Handling command 'exec_always gsettings set $gnome-schema cursor-theme 'Bibata-Rainbow-Modern''
  1784. 00:00:00.583 [DEBUG] [sway/commands/exec_always.c:59] Executing gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface cursor-theme 'Bibata-Rainbow-Modern'
  1785. 00:00:00.585 [DEBUG] [sway/commands/exec_always.c:112] Child process created with pid 1642
  1786. 00:00:00.585 [DEBUG] [sway/commands/exec_always.c:114] Recording workspace for process 1642
  1787. 00:00:00.585 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:260] Handling command 'exec_always gsettings set $gnome-schema font-name 'Hack Nerd Font 11''
  1788. 00:00:00.585 [DEBUG] [sway/commands/exec_always.c:59] Executing gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface font-name 'Hack Nerd Font 11'
  1789. 00:00:00.587 [DEBUG] [sway/commands/exec_always.c:112] Child process created with pid 1646
  1790. 00:00:00.587 [DEBUG] [sway/commands/exec_always.c:114] Recording workspace for process 1646
  1791. 00:00:00.587 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:260] Handling command 'workspace number 1'
  1792. 00:00:00.587 [DEBUG] [sway/tree/workspace.c:65] Adding workspace 1 for output eDP-1
  1793. 00:00:00.587 [DEBUG] [sway/tree/workspace.c:581] Switching to workspace 0x563cc25d5800:1
  1794. 00:00:00.587 [DEBUG] [sway/tree/workspace.c:145] Destroying workspace '11'
  1795. 00:00:00.587 [DEBUG] [sway/tree/arrange.c:263] Usable area for ws: 1920x1080@0,0
  1796. 00:00:00.587 [DEBUG] [sway/tree/arrange.c:293] Arranging workspace '1' at 5.000000, 5.000000
  1797. 00:00:00.587 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:260] Handling command 'exec_always "pkill swaync; swaync"'
  1798. 00:00:00.587 [DEBUG] [sway/commands/exec_always.c:59] Executing pkill swaync; swaync
  1799. 00:00:00.589 [DEBUG] [sway/commands/exec_always.c:112] Child process created with pid 1652
  1800. 00:00:00.589 [DEBUG] [sway/commands/exec_always.c:114] Recording workspace for process 1652
  1801. 00:00:00.589 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:260] Handling command 'exec swaykbdd'
  1802. 00:00:00.589 [DEBUG] [sway/commands/exec_always.c:59] Executing swaykbdd
  1803. 00:00:00.591 [DEBUG] [sway/commands/exec_always.c:112] Child process created with pid 1658
  1804. 00:00:00.591 [DEBUG] [sway/commands/exec_always.c:114] Recording workspace for process 1658
  1805. 00:00:00.591 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:260] Handling command 'exec_always "pkill kanshi; kanshi"'
  1806. 00:00:00.591 [DEBUG] [sway/commands/exec_always.c:59] Executing pkill kanshi; kanshi
  1807. 00:00:00.594 [DEBUG] [sway/commands/exec_always.c:112] Child process created with pid 1664
  1808. 00:00:00.594 [DEBUG] [sway/commands/exec_always.c:114] Recording workspace for process 1664
  1809. 00:00:00.594 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:260] Handling command 'exec brightnessctl --device='tpacpi::kbd_backlight' set 2'
  1810. 00:00:00.594 [DEBUG] [sway/commands/exec_always.c:59] Executing brightnessctl --device='tpacpi::kbd_backlight' set 2
  1811. 00:00:00.596 [DEBUG] [sway/commands/exec_always.c:112] Child process created with pid 1667
  1812. 00:00:00.596 [DEBUG] [sway/commands/exec_always.c:114] Recording workspace for process 1667
  1813. 00:00:00.596 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:260] Handling command 'exec blueman-manager'
  1814. 00:00:00.596 [DEBUG] [sway/commands/exec_always.c:59] Executing blueman-manager
  1815. 00:00:00.599 [DEBUG] [sway/commands/exec_always.c:112] Child process created with pid 1669
  1816. 00:00:00.599 [DEBUG] [sway/commands/exec_always.c:114] Recording workspace for process 1669
  1817. 00:00:00.599 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:260] Handling command 'exec wl-paste -t text --watch clipman store --no-persist'
  1818. 00:00:00.599 [DEBUG] [sway/commands/exec_always.c:59] Executing wl-paste -t text --watch clipman store --no-persist
  1819. 00:00:00.601 [DEBUG] [sway/commands/exec_always.c:112] Child process created with pid 1671
  1820. 00:00:00.601 [DEBUG] [sway/commands/exec_always.c:114] Recording workspace for process 1671
  1821. 00:00:00.601 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:260] Handling command 'exec sworkstyle &> /tmp/sworkstyle.log'
  1822. 00:00:00.601 [DEBUG] [sway/commands/exec_always.c:59] Executing sworkstyle &> /tmp/sworkstyle.log
  1823. 00:00:00.604 [DEBUG] [sway/commands/exec_always.c:112] Child process created with pid 1673
  1824. 00:00:00.604 [DEBUG] [sway/commands/exec_always.c:114] Recording workspace for process 1673
  1825. 00:00:00.604 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:260] Handling command 'exec dbus-update-activation-environment --systemd WAYLAND_DISPLAY XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP=sway'
  1826. 00:00:00.604 [DEBUG] [sway/commands/exec_always.c:59] Executing dbus-update-activation-environment --systemd WAYLAND_DISPLAY XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP=sway
  1827. Updated device 'tpacpi::kbd_backlight':
  1828. Device 'tpacpi::kbd_backlight' of class 'leds':
  1829. Current brightness: 2 (100%)
  1830. Max brightness: 2
  1832. 00:00:00.607 [DEBUG] [sway/commands/exec_always.c:112] Child process created with pid 1678
  1833. 00:00:00.607 [DEBUG] [sway/commands/exec_always.c:114] Recording workspace for process 1678
  1834. 00:00:00.607 [DEBUG] [sway/desktop/transaction.c:398] Transaction 0x563cc2602790 committing with 3 instructions
  1835. 00:00:00.607 [DEBUG] [sway/desktop/transaction.c:294] Applying transaction 0x563cc2602790
  1836. 00:00:00.607 [INFO] [sway/server.c:311] Running compositor on wayland display 'wayland-1'
  1837. 00:00:00.608 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/swapchain.c:105] Allocating new swapchain buffer
  1838. 00:00:00.609 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/allocator/gbm.c:143] Allocated 1920x1080 GBM buffer with format XR24 (0x34325258), modifier Y_TILED_GEN12_RC_CCS_CC (0x0100000000000008)
  1839. 00:00:00.609 [DEBUG] [wlr] [render/gles2/renderer.c:148] Created GL FBO for buffer 1920x1080
  1840. 00:00:00.610 [DEBUG] [sway/ipc-server.c:198] New client: fd 69
  1841. 2023-03-11 21:59:27 - no profile matched
  1842. [swaybg-1.2.0/main.c:293] Found config eDP-1 for output eDP-1 (BOE 0x09DC)
  1843. 00:00:00.610 [DEBUG] [wlr] [types/wlr_compositor.c:673] New wlr_surface 0x563cc22ead60 (res 0x563cc245e210)
  1844. 00:00:00.610 [DEBUG] [wlr] [types/wlr_layer_shell_v1.c:460] new layer_surface 0x563cc21c4c40 (res 0x563cc25f8de0)
  1845. 00:00:00.610 [DEBUG] [sway/desktop/layer_shell.c:609] new layer surface: namespace wallpaper layer 0 anchor 15 size 0x0 margin 0,0,0,0,
  1846. 00:00:00.617 [DEBUG] [sway/ipc-server.c:198] New client: fd 73
  1847. 00:00:00.617 [DEBUG] [sway/ipc-server.c:198] New client: fd 77
  1848. 00:00:00.762 [DEBUG] [wlr] [types/wlr_compositor.c:673] New wlr_surface 0x563cc2286080 (res 0x563cc2603940)
  1849. 00:00:00.762 [DEBUG] [wlr] [types/wlr_compositor.c:673] New wlr_surface 0x563cc2280490 (res 0x563cc26023e0)
  1850. 00:00:00.778 [DEBUG] [wlr] [types/wlr_compositor.c:673] New wlr_surface 0x563cc22dc350 (res 0x563cc25d00e0)
  1851. 00:00:00.778 [DEBUG] [wlr] [types/wlr_compositor.c:673] New wlr_surface 0x563cc22c4450 (res 0x563cc2601540)
  1852. [2023-03-11 21:59:27.691] [info] Using configuration file /home/iamkarlson/.config/waybar/config
  1853. [2023-03-11 21:59:27.691] [info] Using CSS file /home/iamkarlson/.config/waybar/style.css
  1855. (swaync:1652): Gtk-WARNING **: 21:59:27.693: Theme parsing error: style.css:51:16: Not using units is deprecated. Assuming 'px'.
  1857. (swaync:1652): Gtk-WARNING **: 21:59:27.693: Theme parsing error: style.css:52:17: Not using units is deprecated. Assuming 'px'.
  1859. (swaync:1652): Gtk-WARNING **: 21:59:27.693: Theme parsing error: style.css:182:11: Not using units is deprecated. Assuming 'px'.
  1861. (swaync:1652): Gtk-WARNING **: 21:59:27.693: Theme parsing error: style.css:192:11: Not using units is deprecated. Assuming 'px'.
  1862. ** Message: 21:59:27.704: factory.vala:42: Loading widget: menubar
  1863. ** Message: 21:59:27.705: factory.vala:42: Loading widget: buttons-grid
  1864. ** Message: 21:59:27.706: factory.vala:42: Loading widget: volume
  1865. ** Message: 21:59:27.707: factory.vala:42: Loading widget: backlight
  1866. ** Message: 21:59:27.708: factory.vala:42: Loading widget: mpris
  1867. ** Message: 21:59:27.708: factory.vala:42: Loading widget: title
  1868. ** Message: 21:59:27.708: factory.vala:42: Loading widget: dnd
  1869. 00:00:00.843 [DEBUG] [wlr] [types/wlr_compositor.c:673] New wlr_surface 0x563cc22d8a40 (res 0x563cc26010c0)
  1870. 00:00:00.843 [DEBUG] [wlr] [types/wlr_compositor.c:673] New wlr_surface 0x563cc22d7770 (res 0x563cc24a7bb0)
  1871. 00:00:00.948 [DEBUG] [wlr] [types/wlr_compositor.c:673] New wlr_surface 0x563cc22d9d10 (res 0x563cc245e9f0)
  1872. 00:00:00.948 [DEBUG] [wlr] [types/wlr_compositor.c:673] New wlr_surface 0x563cc18e92c0 (res 0x563cc25ff4a0)
  1873. 00:00:01.041 [DEBUG] [sway/ipc-server.c:198] New client: fd 87
  1874. 00:00:01.041 [DEBUG] [sway/ipc-server.c:198] New client: fd 89
  1875. 00:00:01.041 [DEBUG] [sway/ipc-server.c:198] New client: fd 91
  1876. 00:00:01.041 [DEBUG] [sway/ipc-server.c:198] New client: fd 93
  1877. 00:00:01.041 [DEBUG] [sway/ipc-server.c:198] New client: fd 95
  1878. 00:00:01.041 [DEBUG] [sway/ipc-server.c:198] New client: fd 97
  1879. 00:00:01.044 [DEBUG] [sway/ipc-server.c:198] New client: fd 99
  1880. 00:00:01.044 [DEBUG] [sway/ipc-server.c:198] New client: fd 101
  1881. [2023-03-11 21:59:27.935] [warning] As using a timezone, some format args may be missing as the date library haven't got a release since 2018.
  1882. 00:00:01.062 [DEBUG] [wlr] [types/wlr_compositor.c:673] New wlr_surface 0x563cc2654130 (res 0x563cc25d42b0)
  1883. 00:00:01.062 [DEBUG] [wlr] [types/wlr_layer_shell_v1.c:460] new layer_surface 0x563cc25fbcd0 (res 0x563cc26021a0)
  1884. 00:00:01.062 [DEBUG] [sway/desktop/layer_shell.c:609] new layer surface: namespace waybar layer 1 anchor 13 size 0x32 margin 0,0,0,0,
  1885. 00:00:01.062 [DEBUG] [sway/desktop/layer_shell.c:195] Usable area changed, rearranging output
  1886. 00:00:01.062 [DEBUG] [sway/tree/arrange.c:263] Usable area for ws: 1920x1048@0,32
  1887. 00:00:01.062 [DEBUG] [sway/tree/arrange.c:293] Arranging workspace '1' at 5.000000, 37.000000
  1888. 00:00:01.062 [DEBUG] [sway/desktop/transaction.c:398] Transaction 0x563cc21d7f80 committing with 1 instructions
  1889. 00:00:01.062 [DEBUG] [sway/desktop/transaction.c:294] Applying transaction 0x563cc21d7f80
  1890. 00:00:01.117 [DEBUG] [wlr] [types/wlr_compositor.c:673] New wlr_surface 0x563cc261a400 (res 0x563cc25d3890)
  1891. 00:00:01.117 [DEBUG] [wlr] [types/xdg_shell/wlr_xdg_surface.c:387] new xdg_surface 0x563cc2616b20 (res 0x563cc25d4d50)
  1892. 00:00:01.117 [DEBUG] [sway/desktop/xdg_shell.c:512] New xdg_shell toplevel title='Bluetooth Devices' app_id='blueman-manager'
  1893. 00:00:01.117 [DEBUG] [wlr] [types/wlr_server_decoration.c:105] new server_decoration 0x563cc24f6070 (res 0x563cc2602ce0)
  1894. [2023-03-11 21:59:28.067] [info] Bar configured (width: 1920, height: 40) for output: eDP-1
  1895. 00:00:01.188 [DEBUG] [sway/desktop/layer_shell.c:195] Usable area changed, rearranging output
  1896. 00:00:01.188 [DEBUG] [sway/tree/arrange.c:263] Usable area for ws: 1920x1040@0,40
  1897. 00:00:01.188 [DEBUG] [sway/tree/arrange.c:293] Arranging workspace '1' at 5.000000, 45.000000
  1898. 00:00:01.188 [DEBUG] [sway/desktop/transaction.c:398] Transaction 0x563cc263a870 committing with 1 instructions
  1899. 00:00:01.188 [DEBUG] [sway/desktop/transaction.c:294] Applying transaction 0x563cc263a870
  1900. 00:00:01.295 [DEBUG] [wlr] [types/wlr_compositor.c:673] New wlr_surface 0x563cc2619e30 (res 0x563cc23ac400)
  1901. 00:00:01.295 [DEBUG] [wlr] [types/wlr_compositor.c:673] New wlr_surface 0x563cc261cc60 (res 0x563cc24a9470)
  1902. 00:00:01.625 [DEBUG] [wlr] [types/wlr_compositor.c:673] New wlr_surface 0x563cc22dbdb0 (res 0x563cc2463270)
  1903. 00:00:01.625 [DEBUG] [wlr] [types/wlr_layer_shell_v1.c:460] new layer_surface 0x563cc2619b90 (res 0x563cc25f8a80)
  1904. 00:00:01.625 [DEBUG] [sway/desktop/layer_shell.c:609] new layer surface: namespace swaync-notification-window layer 3 anchor 9 size 500x126 margin 0,0,0,0,
  1905. 00:00:01.696 [DEBUG] [wlr] [types/wlr_compositor.c:673] New wlr_surface 0x563cc264b060 (res 0x563cc25fdf40)
  1906. 00:00:01.696 [DEBUG] [wlr] [types/wlr_compositor.c:673] New wlr_surface 0x563cc2765dd0 (res 0x563cc25fa220)
  1907. 00:00:01.704 [DEBUG] [sway/ipc-server.c:328] Sending window::new event
  1908. 00:00:01.704 [DEBUG] [sway/ipc-server.c:328] Sending window::title event
  1909. 00:00:01.704 [DEBUG] [sway/tree/arrange.c:263] Usable area for ws: 1920x1040@0,40
  1910. 00:00:01.704 [DEBUG] [sway/tree/arrange.c:293] Arranging workspace '1' at 5.000000, 45.000000
  1911. 00:00:01.704 [DEBUG] [sway/tree/arrange.c:77] Arranging 0x7fff9d019750 horizontally
  1912. 00:00:01.704 [DEBUG] [sway/ipc-server.c:328] Sending window::focus event
  1913. 00:00:01.704 [DEBUG] [sway/desktop/transaction.c:398] Transaction 0x563cc22da6b0 committing with 3 instructions
  1914. 00:00:01.704 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:260] Handling command 'input * xkb_switch_layout 0'
  1915. 00:00:01.704 [DEBUG] [sway/commands/input.c:55] entering input block: *
  1916. 00:00:01.704 [DEBUG] [sway/config/input.c:15] new_input_config(*)
  1917. 00:00:01.704 [DEBUG] [sway/commands.c:432] Subcommand: xkb_switch_layout 0
  1918. 00:00:01.713 [DEBUG] [sway/desktop/transaction.c:494] Transaction 0x563cc22da6b0 is ready
  1919. 00:00:01.713 [DEBUG] [sway/desktop/transaction.c:294] Applying transaction 0x563cc22da6b0
  1920. 00:00:01.713 [DEBUG] [sway/tree/container.c:1354] Container 0x563cc22d92e0 entered output 0x563cc25242a0
  1921. 00:00:01.718 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:260] Handling command 'rename workspace "1" to "1: ‭‬ "'
  1922. 00:00:01.718 [DEBUG] [sway/commands/rename.c:93] renaming workspace '1' to '1: ‭‬ '
  1923. 00:00:01.718 [DEBUG] [sway/ipc-server.c:302] Sending workspace::rename event
  1924. 00:00:02.215 [DEBUG] [wlr] [types/wlr_compositor.c:673] New wlr_surface 0x563cc27659b0 (res 0x563cc277a1c0)
  1925. 00:00:02.215 [DEBUG] [wlr] [types/xdg_shell/wlr_xdg_surface.c:387] new xdg_surface 0x563cc2779340 (res 0x563cc2779470)
  1926. 00:00:02.215 [DEBUG] [sway/desktop/xdg_shell.c:508] New xdg_shell popup
  1927. 00:00:02.651 [DEBUG] [sway/commands/bind.c:618] running command for binding: exec ~/src/dotfiles/rofi/
  1928. 00:00:02.651 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:260] Handling command 'exec ~/src/dotfiles/rofi/'
  1929. 00:00:02.651 [DEBUG] [sway/commands/exec_always.c:59] Executing ~/src/dotfiles/rofi/
  1930. 00:00:02.653 [DEBUG] [sway/commands/exec_always.c:112] Child process created with pid 1829
  1931. 00:00:02.653 [DEBUG] [sway/commands/exec_always.c:114] Recording workspace for process 1829
  1932. 00:00:02.672 [DEBUG] [wlr] [types/wlr_compositor.c:673] New wlr_surface 0x563cc277bf20 (res 0x563cc2466e70)
  1933. 00:00:02.672 [DEBUG] [wlr] [types/wlr_compositor.c:673] New wlr_surface 0x563cc277b410 (res 0x563cc246b1f0)
  1934. 00:00:02.672 [DEBUG] [wlr] [types/wlr_layer_shell_v1.c:460] new layer_surface 0x563cc264ce20 (res 0x563cc25d50b0)
  1935. 00:00:02.672 [DEBUG] [sway/desktop/layer_shell.c:609] new layer surface: namespace rofi layer 3 anchor 15 size 0x0 margin 0,0,0,0,
  1937. (process:1830): Modes.Window-WARNING **: 21:59:29.590: Unsupported window field name :role. Wayland window switcher supports only 'title' and 'app-id' ('class') fields
  1939. (process:1830): Modes.Window-WARNING **: 21:59:29.590: Unsupported window field name :name. Wayland window switcher supports only 'title' and 'app-id' ('class') fields
  1941. (process:1830): Modes.Window-WARNING **: 21:59:29.590: Unsupported window field name :desktop. Wayland window switcher supports only 'title' and 'app-id' ('class') fields
  1943. (process:1830): Helpers.IconFetcher-WARNING **: 21:59:29.632: Failed to load image: Failed to open file “network.cycles.wdisplays”: No such file or directory
  1944. 00:00:04.065 [DEBUG] [wlr] [types/wlr_compositor.c:673] New wlr_surface 0x563cc2779680 (res 0x563cc25d0680)
  1945. 00:00:04.066 [DEBUG] [wlr] [types/xdg_shell/wlr_xdg_surface.c:387] new xdg_surface 0x563cc27799e0 (res 0x563cc25d20f0)
  1946. 00:00:04.066 [DEBUG] [sway/desktop/xdg_shell.c:512] New xdg_shell toplevel title='(null)' app_id='(null)'
  1947. 00:00:04.066 [DEBUG] [wlr] [types/wlr_compositor.c:673] New wlr_surface 0x563cc2779ee0 (res 0x563cc24f3a90)
  1948. 00:00:04.066 [DEBUG] [wlr] [types/wlr_xdg_decoration_v1.c:206] new xdg_toplevel_decoration 0x563cc277d620 (res 0x563cc24a7f10)
  1949. 00:00:04.070 [DEBUG] [sway/desktop/launcher.c:82] Looking up workspace for pid 1860
  1950. 00:00:04.070 [DEBUG] [sway/ipc-server.c:328] Sending window::new event
  1951. 00:00:04.071 [DEBUG] [sway/ipc-server.c:328] Sending window::title event
  1952. 00:00:04.071 [DEBUG] [sway/tree/arrange.c:263] Usable area for ws: 1920x1040@0,40
  1953. 00:00:04.071 [DEBUG] [sway/tree/arrange.c:293] Arranging workspace '1: ‭‬ ' at 5.000000, 45.000000
  1954. 00:00:04.071 [DEBUG] [sway/tree/arrange.c:77] Arranging 0x7fff9d019750 horizontally
  1955. 00:00:04.071 [DEBUG] [sway/ipc-server.c:328] Sending window::focus event
  1956. 00:00:04.071 [DEBUG] [sway/ipc-server.c:328] Sending window::focus event
  1957. 00:00:04.071 [DEBUG] [sway/desktop/transaction.c:398] Transaction 0x563cc27781b0 committing with 4 instructions
  1958. 00:00:04.072 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:260] Handling command 'input * xkb_switch_layout 0'
  1959. 00:00:04.072 [DEBUG] [sway/commands/input.c:55] entering input block: *
  1960. 00:00:04.072 [DEBUG] [sway/config/input.c:15] new_input_config(*)
  1961. 00:00:04.072 [DEBUG] [sway/commands.c:432] Subcommand: xkb_switch_layout 0
  1962. 00:00:04.072 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:260] Handling command 'input * xkb_switch_layout 0'
  1963. 00:00:04.072 [DEBUG] [sway/commands/input.c:55] entering input block: *
  1964. 00:00:04.072 [DEBUG] [sway/config/input.c:15] new_input_config(*)
  1965. 00:00:04.072 [DEBUG] [sway/commands.c:432] Subcommand: xkb_switch_layout 0
  1966. 00:00:04.085 [DEBUG] [sway/desktop/transaction.c:494] Transaction 0x563cc27781b0 is ready
  1967. 00:00:04.085 [DEBUG] [sway/desktop/transaction.c:294] Applying transaction 0x563cc27781b0
  1968. 00:00:04.086 [DEBUG] [sway/tree/container.c:1354] Container 0x563cc27656d0 entered output 0x563cc25242a0
  1969. 00:00:04.086 [DEBUG] [sway/ipc-server.c:328] Sending window::close event
  1970. 00:00:04.086 [DEBUG] [sway/tree/arrange.c:263] Usable area for ws: 1920x1040@0,40
  1971. 00:00:04.086 [DEBUG] [sway/tree/arrange.c:293] Arranging workspace '1: ‭‬ ' at 5.000000, 45.000000
  1972. 00:00:04.086 [DEBUG] [sway/tree/arrange.c:77] Arranging 0x7fff9d019b30 horizontally
  1973. 00:00:04.086 [DEBUG] [sway/desktop/transaction.c:398] Transaction 0x563cc24a5c80 committing with 4 instructions
  1974. 00:00:04.108 [DEBUG] [sway/desktop/transaction.c:494] Transaction 0x563cc24a5c80 is ready
  1975. 00:00:04.108 [DEBUG] [sway/desktop/transaction.c:294] Applying transaction 0x563cc24a5c80
  1976. 00:00:04.160 [DEBUG] [wlr] [backend/libinput/events.c:70] Adding Espanso virtual device [4660:22136]
  1977. 00:00:04.160 [DEBUG] [sway/input/input-manager.c:234] adding device: '4660:22136:Espanso_virtual_device'
  1978. 00:00:04.160 [DEBUG] [sway/input/libinput.c:208] sway_input_configure_libinput_device('type:keyboard' on '4660:22136:Espanso_virtual_device')
  1979. 00:00:04.160 [DEBUG] [sway/input/seat.c:963] adding device 4660:22136:Espanso_virtual_device to seat seat0
  1980. 00:00:04.170 [DEBUG] [sway/input/keyboard.c:899] Adding keyboard 4660:22136:Espanso_virtual_device to group 0x563cc228da40
  1981. 00:00:04.171 [DEBUG] [sway/ipc-server.c:501] Sending input event
  1982. 00:00:04.171 [DEBUG] [sway/ipc-server.c:501] Sending input event
  1984. (process:1830): GLib-CRITICAL **: 21:59:31.280: g_string_insert_len: assertion 'len == 0 || val != NULL' failed
  1985. 00:00:04.413 [DEBUG] [sway/desktop/layer_shell.c:347] Layer surface destroyed (rofi)
  1986. 00:00:04.413 [DEBUG] [sway/desktop/transaction.c:398] Transaction 0x563cc27b6230 committing with 2 instructions
  1987. 00:00:04.413 [DEBUG] [sway/desktop/transaction.c:294] Applying transaction 0x563cc27b6230
  1988. 00:00:04.588 [DEBUG] [wlr] [types/wlr_compositor.c:673] New wlr_surface 0x563cc27b95d0 (res 0x563cc27a6da0)
  1989. 00:00:04.588 [DEBUG] [wlr] [types/xdg_shell/wlr_xdg_surface.c:387] new xdg_surface 0x563cc279b010 (res 0x563cc27a6fe0)
  1990. 00:00:04.588 [DEBUG] [sway/desktop/xdg_shell.c:508] New xdg_shell popup
  1991. Initializing local storage instance
  1992. maybeDisableGPU: Disabled hardware acceleration due to setting
  1993. (electron) Sending uncompressed crash reports is deprecated and will be removed in a future version of Electron. Set { compress: true } to opt-in to the new behavior. Crash reports will be uploaded gzipped, which most crash reporting servers support.
  1994. 00:00:04.905 [DEBUG] [wlr] [types/wlr_compositor.c:673] New wlr_surface 0x563cc277d010 (res 0x563cc27b3550)
  1995. 00:00:04.905 [DEBUG] [wlr] [types/wlr_compositor.c:673] New wlr_surface 0x563cc277bf20 (res 0x563cc27b38b0)
  1996. 00:00:04.957 [INFO] [wlr] [xwayland/server.c:108] Starting Xwayland on :1
  1997. nvc0_screen_create:1154 - Error allocating PGRAPH context for M2MF: -110
  1998. libEGL warning: egl: failed to create dri2 screen
  1999. 00:00:09.318 [DEBUG] [sway/desktop/layer_shell.c:347] Layer surface destroyed (swaync-notification-window)
  2000. 00:00:30.139 [DEBUG] [sway/ipc-server.c:328] Sending window::focus event
  2001. 00:00:30.140 [DEBUG] [sway/desktop/transaction.c:398] Transaction 0x563cc277ed20 committing with 3 instructions
  2002. 00:00:30.140 [DEBUG] [sway/desktop/transaction.c:294] Applying transaction 0x563cc277ed20
  2003. 00:00:30.141 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:260] Handling command 'input * xkb_switch_layout 0'
  2004. 00:00:30.141 [DEBUG] [sway/commands/input.c:55] entering input block: *
  2005. 00:00:30.141 [DEBUG] [sway/config/input.c:15] new_input_config(*)
  2006. 00:00:30.141 [DEBUG] [sway/commands.c:432] Subcommand: xkb_switch_layout 0
  2007. 00:00:30.549 [DEBUG] [wlr] [types/wlr_compositor.c:673] New wlr_surface 0x563cc22dbdb0 (res 0x563cc27d5f00)
  2008. 00:00:30.571 [DEBUG] [wlr] [types/wlr_xdg_activation_v1.c:47] Activation token 'a23b2d364c4cc50d90c5af01d96b0f5b' has expired
  2009. 00:00:30.573 [DEBUG] [wlr] [types/wlr_xdg_activation_v1.c:47] Activation token '8e7b8049c64c8568c3b3e80428ca6680' has expired
  2010. 00:00:30.575 [DEBUG] [wlr] [types/wlr_xdg_activation_v1.c:47] Activation token 'a3bcd4675bd5d75cf39aeb37e01c3907' has expired
  2011. 00:00:30.576 [DEBUG] [wlr] [types/wlr_xdg_activation_v1.c:47] Activation token '6c35ccfeb9f1074a8fcace34a7fc784f' has expired
  2012. 00:00:30.578 [DEBUG] [wlr] [types/wlr_xdg_activation_v1.c:47] Activation token '7ab2ed0d3d4c6446c114fc9f6c01ccb4' has expired
  2013. 00:00:30.580 [DEBUG] [wlr] [types/wlr_xdg_activation_v1.c:47] Activation token 'a4e06b8dd7f224069e373721df1d9689' has expired
  2014. 00:00:30.582 [DEBUG] [wlr] [types/wlr_xdg_activation_v1.c:47] Activation token '5e0677a26c09fd8f5bb8759a642c1d98' has expired
  2015. 00:00:30.583 [DEBUG] [wlr] [types/wlr_xdg_activation_v1.c:47] Activation token 'db0bf9a480cd5235ba7b4e2b1e930a19' has expired
  2016. 00:00:30.585 [DEBUG] [wlr] [types/wlr_xdg_activation_v1.c:47] Activation token 'e2e6b97f839877896792a3df7104992b' has expired
  2017. 00:00:30.589 [DEBUG] [wlr] [types/wlr_xdg_activation_v1.c:47] Activation token 'e77a3196108554aecc8e49673684399f' has expired
  2018. 00:00:30.591 [DEBUG] [wlr] [types/wlr_xdg_activation_v1.c:47] Activation token '934a2f29b31abada072d0fb94a67e424' has expired
  2019. 00:00:30.594 [DEBUG] [wlr] [types/wlr_xdg_activation_v1.c:47] Activation token '867559dcede82832264cd17982b5eeb2' has expired
  2020. 00:00:30.599 [DEBUG] [wlr] [types/wlr_xdg_activation_v1.c:47] Activation token '2a4cc5474e1a8ce94a407cb3d8a2843c' has expired
  2021. 00:00:30.601 [DEBUG] [wlr] [types/wlr_xdg_activation_v1.c:47] Activation token 'fe83d3e51007e98a863f9861f4476804' has expired
  2022. 00:00:30.604 [DEBUG] [wlr] [types/wlr_xdg_activation_v1.c:47] Activation token '9ffc17de5d786eb0ccdf15cec7435ffb' has expired
  2023. 00:00:30.936 [DEBUG] [sway/commands/bind.c:618] running command for binding: kill
  2024. 00:00:30.936 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:260] Handling command 'kill'
  2025. 00:00:30.942 [DEBUG] [sway/ipc-server.c:328] Sending window::close event
  2026. 00:00:30.942 [DEBUG] [sway/tree/arrange.c:263] Usable area for ws: 1920x1040@0,40
  2027. 00:00:30.942 [DEBUG] [sway/tree/arrange.c:293] Arranging workspace '1: ‭‬ ' at 5.000000, 45.000000
  2028. 00:00:30.942 [DEBUG] [sway/desktop/transaction.c:398] Transaction 0x563cc27b8a40 committing with 2 instructions
  2029. 00:00:30.942 [DEBUG] [sway/desktop/transaction.c:294] Applying transaction 0x563cc27b8a40
  2030. 00:00:30.943 [DEBUG] [wlr] [types/output/cursor.c:432] Falling back to software cursor on output 'eDP-1'
  2031. 00:00:30.981 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:260] Handling command 'rename workspace "1: ‭‬ " to "1"'
  2032. 00:00:30.981 [DEBUG] [sway/commands/rename.c:93] renaming workspace '1: ‭‬ ' to '1'
  2033. 00:00:30.981 [DEBUG] [sway/ipc-server.c:302] Sending workspace::rename event
  2034. 00:00:32.651 [DEBUG] [wlr] [types/wlr_xdg_activation_v1.c:47] Activation token 'aa45f8924e58c92f316218106d2a1e9b' has expired
  2035. 00:00:34.920 [DEBUG] [sway/commands/bind.c:618] running command for binding: exec alacritty
  2036. 00:00:34.920 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:260] Handling command 'exec alacritty'
  2037. 00:00:34.920 [DEBUG] [sway/commands/exec_always.c:59] Executing alacritty
  2038. 00:00:34.926 [DEBUG] [sway/commands/exec_always.c:112] Child process created with pid 2082
  2039. 00:00:34.926 [DEBUG] [sway/commands/exec_always.c:114] Recording workspace for process 2082
  2040. 00:00:34.969 [DEBUG] [wlr] [types/wlr_compositor.c:673] New wlr_surface 0x563cc261a400 (res 0x563cc27cdb00)
  2041. 00:00:34.980 [DEBUG] [wlr] [types/wlr_compositor.c:673] New wlr_surface 0x563cc22d7770 (res 0x563cc27b4fb0)
  2042. 00:00:34.980 [DEBUG] [wlr] [types/xdg_shell/wlr_xdg_surface.c:387] new xdg_surface 0x563cc2795000 (res 0x563cc27b3c10)
  2043. 00:00:34.980 [DEBUG] [sway/desktop/xdg_shell.c:512] New xdg_shell toplevel title='(null)' app_id='(null)'
  2044. 00:00:34.980 [DEBUG] [wlr] [types/wlr_compositor.c:673] New wlr_surface 0x563cc22d8a40 (res 0x563cc27b3fa0)
  2045. 00:00:34.980 [DEBUG] [wlr] [types/wlr_xdg_decoration_v1.c:206] new xdg_toplevel_decoration 0x563cc277d620 (res 0x563cc27b2f40)
  2046. 00:00:35.016 [DEBUG] [sway/desktop/launcher.c:82] Looking up workspace for pid 2082
  2047. 00:00:35.016 [DEBUG] [sway/desktop/launcher.c:89] found workspace match for pid 2082: 1
  2048. 00:00:35.016 [DEBUG] [sway/ipc-server.c:328] Sending window::new event
  2049. 00:00:35.016 [DEBUG] [sway/tree/view.c:411] View 0x563cc277baa0 updated CSD to 1
  2050. 00:00:35.016 [DEBUG] [sway/ipc-server.c:328] Sending window::title event
  2051. 00:00:35.016 [DEBUG] [sway/tree/arrange.c:263] Usable area for ws: 1920x1040@0,40
  2052. 00:00:35.016 [DEBUG] [sway/tree/arrange.c:293] Arranging workspace '1' at 5.000000, 45.000000
  2053. 00:00:35.016 [DEBUG] [sway/tree/arrange.c:77] Arranging 0x7fff9d019750 horizontally
  2054. 00:00:35.016 [DEBUG] [sway/ipc-server.c:328] Sending window::focus event
  2055. 00:00:35.016 [DEBUG] [sway/desktop/transaction.c:398] Transaction 0x563cc2774970 committing with 3 instructions
  2056. 00:00:35.016 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:260] Handling command 'input * xkb_switch_layout 0'
  2057. 00:00:35.016 [DEBUG] [sway/commands/input.c:55] entering input block: *
  2058. 00:00:35.016 [DEBUG] [sway/config/input.c:15] new_input_config(*)
  2059. 00:00:35.016 [DEBUG] [sway/commands.c:432] Subcommand: xkb_switch_layout 0
  2060. 00:00:35.020 [DEBUG] [sway/desktop/transaction.c:494] Transaction 0x563cc2774970 is ready
  2061. 00:00:35.020 [DEBUG] [sway/desktop/transaction.c:294] Applying transaction 0x563cc2774970
  2062. 00:00:35.020 [DEBUG] [sway/tree/container.c:1354] Container 0x563cc27ac320 entered output 0x563cc25242a0
  2063. 00:00:35.090 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:260] Handling command 'rename workspace "1" to "1: ‭‬ "'
  2064. 00:00:35.090 [DEBUG] [sway/commands/rename.c:93] renaming workspace '1' to '1: ‭‬ '
  2065. 00:00:35.090 [DEBUG] [sway/ipc-server.c:302] Sending workspace::rename event
  2066. 00:10:01.811 [DEBUG] [wlr] [types/output/cursor.c:432] Falling back to software cursor on output 'eDP-1'
  2067. 00:10:02.517 [DEBUG] [wlr] [types/output/cursor.c:432] Falling back to software cursor on output 'eDP-1'
  2068. 00:10:02.875 [DEBUG] [wlr] [types/output/cursor.c:432] Falling back to software cursor on output 'eDP-1'
  2069. 00:10:04.070 [DEBUG] [wlr] [types/output/cursor.c:432] Falling back to software cursor on output 'eDP-1'
  2070. 00:10:05.972 [DEBUG] [wlr] [types/output/cursor.c:432] Falling back to software cursor on output 'eDP-1'
  2071. 00:10:06.677 [DEBUG] [sway/desktop/transaction.c:398] Transaction 0x563cc24a4720 committing with 3 instructions
  2072. 00:10:06.677 [DEBUG] [sway/desktop/transaction.c:294] Applying transaction 0x563cc24a4720
  2073. 00:10:07.773 [DEBUG] [wlr] [types/output/cursor.c:432] Falling back to software cursor on output 'eDP-1'
  2074. 00:10:09.320 [DEBUG] [sway/ipc-server.c:328] Sending window::focus event
  2075. 00:10:09.320 [DEBUG] [sway/desktop/transaction.c:398] Transaction 0x563cc2462f10 committing with 3 instructions
  2076. 00:10:09.320 [DEBUG] [sway/desktop/transaction.c:294] Applying transaction 0x563cc2462f10
  2077. 00:10:09.321 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:260] Handling command 'input * xkb_switch_layout 0'
  2078. 00:10:09.321 [DEBUG] [sway/commands/input.c:55] entering input block: *
  2079. 00:10:09.321 [DEBUG] [sway/config/input.c:15] new_input_config(*)
  2080. 00:10:09.321 [DEBUG] [sway/commands.c:432] Subcommand: xkb_switch_layout 0
  2081. 00:10:27.054 [DEBUG] [wlr] [types/output/cursor.c:432] Falling back to software cursor on output 'eDP-1'
  2082. 00:10:28.807 [DEBUG] [sway/commands/bind.c:618] running command for binding: exec ~/src/dotfiles/rofi/
  2083. 00:10:28.807 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:260] Handling command 'exec ~/src/dotfiles/rofi/'
  2084. 00:10:28.807 [DEBUG] [sway/commands/exec_always.c:59] Executing ~/src/dotfiles/rofi/
  2085. 00:10:28.812 [DEBUG] [sway/commands/exec_always.c:112] Child process created with pid 8344
  2086. 00:10:28.812 [DEBUG] [sway/commands/exec_always.c:114] Recording workspace for process 8344
  2087. 00:10:28.839 [DEBUG] [wlr] [types/wlr_compositor.c:673] New wlr_surface 0x563cc272a820 (res 0x563cc27cbb80)
  2088. 00:10:28.839 [DEBUG] [wlr] [types/wlr_compositor.c:673] New wlr_surface 0x563cc2617b00 (res 0x563cc27c3fd0)
  2089. 00:10:28.839 [DEBUG] [wlr] [types/wlr_layer_shell_v1.c:460] new layer_surface 0x563cc279b170 (res 0x563cc27cace0)
  2090. 00:10:28.839 [DEBUG] [sway/desktop/layer_shell.c:609] new layer surface: namespace rofi layer 3 anchor 15 size 0x0 margin 0,0,0,0,
  2092. ** (process:8345): WARNING **: 22:09:55.741: Failed to stat file: /home/iamkarlson/.config/Slack/SingletonLock, No such file or directory
  2094. ** (process:8345): WARNING **: 22:09:55.741: Failed to stat file: /home/iamkarlson/.config/Slack/SingletonCookie, No such file or directory
  2096. (process:8345): Modes.Window-WARNING **: 22:09:55.741: Unsupported window field name :role. Wayland window switcher supports only 'title' and 'app-id' ('class') fields
  2098. (process:8345): Modes.Window-WARNING **: 22:09:55.741: Unsupported window field name :name. Wayland window switcher supports only 'title' and 'app-id' ('class') fields
  2100. (process:8345): Modes.Window-WARNING **: 22:09:55.741: Unsupported window field name :desktop. Wayland window switcher supports only 'title' and 'app-id' ('class') fields
  2102. (process:8345): Helpers.IconFetcher-WARNING **: 22:09:55.747: Failed to load image: Failed to open file “network.cycles.wdisplays”: No such file or directory
  2104. (process:8345): GLib-CRITICAL **: 22:09:56.849: g_string_insert_len: assertion 'len == 0 || val != NULL' failed
  2105. 00:10:29.982 [DEBUG] [wlr] [types/output/cursor.c:432] Falling back to software cursor on output 'eDP-1'
  2106. 00:10:29.983 [DEBUG] [wlr] [types/output/cursor.c:432] Falling back to software cursor on output 'eDP-1'
  2107. 00:10:29.983 [DEBUG] [sway/ipc-server.c:328] Sending window::focus event
  2108. 00:10:29.983 [DEBUG] [sway/desktop/layer_shell.c:347] Layer surface destroyed (rofi)
  2109. 00:10:29.983 [DEBUG] [sway/desktop/transaction.c:398] Transaction 0x563cc27b3240 committing with 3 instructions
  2110. 00:10:29.983 [DEBUG] [sway/desktop/transaction.c:294] Applying transaction 0x563cc27b3240
  2111. 00:10:29.984 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:260] Handling command 'input * xkb_switch_layout 0'
  2112. 00:10:29.984 [DEBUG] [sway/commands/input.c:55] entering input block: *
  2113. 00:10:29.984 [DEBUG] [sway/config/input.c:15] new_input_config(*)
  2114. 00:10:29.984 [DEBUG] [sway/commands.c:432] Subcommand: xkb_switch_layout 0
  2115. 00:10:30.162 [DEBUG] [wlr] [types/wlr_compositor.c:673] New wlr_surface 0x563cc272a820 (res 0x563cc27d4760)
  2116. 00:10:30.162 [DEBUG] [wlr] [types/wlr_compositor.c:673] New wlr_surface 0x563cc27b9300 (res 0x563cc27d5600)
  2117. 00:10:30.345 [DEBUG] [wlr] [types/wlr_compositor.c:673] New wlr_surface 0x563cc277c4c0 (res 0x563cc27d4be0)
  2118. 00:10:30.345 [DEBUG] [wlr] [types/wlr_compositor.c:673] New wlr_surface 0x563cc27f4760 (res 0x563cc27a6fe0)
  2119. 00:10:30.403 [DEBUG] [wlr] [types/wlr_compositor.c:673] New wlr_surface 0x563cc277c4c0 (res 0x563cc25f9800)
  2120. 00:10:30.497 [DEBUG] [wlr] [types/wlr_compositor.c:673] New wlr_surface 0x563cc27f4760 (res 0x563cc25cfea0)
  2121. 00:10:30.497 [DEBUG] [wlr] [types/wlr_compositor.c:673] New wlr_surface 0x563cc27f4760 (res 0x563cc27cabc0)
  2122. 00:10:30.675 [DEBUG] [wlr] [types/xdg_shell/wlr_xdg_surface.c:387] new xdg_surface 0x563cc27c1e90 (res 0x563cc245ec30)
  2123. 00:10:30.675 [DEBUG] [sway/desktop/xdg_shell.c:512] New xdg_shell toplevel title='Mozilla Firefox' app_id='firefox'
  2124. 00:10:30.675 [DEBUG] [wlr] [types/wlr_server_decoration.c:105] new server_decoration 0x563cc24f6070 (res 0x563cc27adbb0)
  2125. 00:10:30.675 [DEBUG] [wlr] [types/wlr_compositor.c:673] New wlr_surface 0x563cc27f4760 (res 0x563cc25cf120)
  2126. 00:10:30.676 [DEBUG] [sway/ipc-server.c:328] Sending window::new event
  2127. 00:10:30.676 [DEBUG] [sway/ipc-server.c:328] Sending window::title event
  2128. 00:10:30.676 [DEBUG] [sway/tree/arrange.c:263] Usable area for ws: 1920x1040@0,40
  2129. 00:10:30.676 [DEBUG] [sway/tree/arrange.c:293] Arranging workspace '1: ‭‬ ' at 5.000000, 45.000000
  2130. 00:10:30.676 [DEBUG] [sway/tree/arrange.c:77] Arranging 0x7fff9d019750 horizontally
  2131. 00:10:30.676 [DEBUG] [sway/ipc-server.c:328] Sending window::focus event
  2132. 00:10:30.676 [DEBUG] [sway/desktop/transaction.c:398] Transaction 0x563cc2618180 committing with 4 instructions
  2133. 00:10:30.676 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:260] Handling command 'input * xkb_switch_layout 0'
  2134. 00:10:30.676 [DEBUG] [sway/commands/input.c:55] entering input block: *
  2135. 00:10:30.676 [DEBUG] [sway/config/input.c:15] new_input_config(*)
  2136. 00:10:30.676 [DEBUG] [sway/commands.c:432] Subcommand: xkb_switch_layout 0
  2137. 00:10:30.691 [DEBUG] [sway/desktop/transaction.c:494] Transaction 0x563cc2618180 is ready
  2138. 00:10:30.691 [DEBUG] [sway/desktop/transaction.c:294] Applying transaction 0x563cc2618180
  2139. 00:10:30.691 [DEBUG] [sway/tree/container.c:1354] Container 0x563cc27a88f0 entered output 0x563cc25242a0
  2140. 00:10:30.703 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:260] Handling command 'rename workspace "1: ‭‬ " to "1: ‭‬ ‭‬ "'
  2141. 00:10:30.703 [DEBUG] [sway/commands/rename.c:93] renaming workspace '1: ‭‬ ' to '1: ‭‬ ‭‬ '
  2142. 00:10:30.703 [DEBUG] [sway/ipc-server.c:302] Sending workspace::rename event
  2143. 00:10:30.766 [DEBUG] [wlr] [types/wlr_compositor.c:673] New wlr_surface 0x563cc27e9290 (res 0x563cc27d6c80)
  2144. 00:10:30.779 [DEBUG] [sway/ipc-server.c:328] Sending window::title event
  2145. 00:10:33.709 [DEBUG] [sway/ipc-server.c:328] Sending window::title event
  2146. 00:10:33.762 [DEBUG] [sway/ipc-server.c:328] Sending window::title event
  2147. 00:10:43.805 [DEBUG] [wlr] [types/output/cursor.c:432] Falling back to software cursor on output 'eDP-1'
  2148. 00:10:44.025 [DEBUG] [wlr] [types/output/cursor.c:432] Falling back to software cursor on output 'eDP-1'
  2149. 00:10:47.191 [DEBUG] [wlr] [types/wlr_compositor.c:673] New wlr_surface 0x563cc280e160 (res 0x563cc27c8860)
  2150. 00:10:48.191 [DEBUG] [sway/ipc-server.c:328] Sending window::title event
  2151. 00:10:48.233 [DEBUG] [sway/ipc-server.c:328] Sending window::title event
  2152. 00:10:50.622 [DEBUG] [wlr] [types/wlr_compositor.c:673] New wlr_surface 0x563cc28079a0 (res 0x563cc27c5ec0)
  2153. 00:10:50.623 [DEBUG] [wlr] [types/data_device/wlr_data_offer.c:85] Ignoring wl_data_offer.accept request on a non-drag-and-drop offer
  2154. 00:10:53.243 [DEBUG] [wlr] [types/wlr_primary_selection_v1.c:148] Ignoring duplicate MIME type offer text/plain;charset=utf-8
  2155. 00:10:53.244 [DEBUG] [wlr] [types/wlr_primary_selection_v1.c:148] Ignoring duplicate MIME type offer text/plain
  2156. 00:10:53.552 [DEBUG] [wlr] [types/wlr_primary_selection_v1.c:148] Ignoring duplicate MIME type offer text/plain;charset=utf-8
  2157. 00:10:53.552 [DEBUG] [wlr] [types/wlr_primary_selection_v1.c:148] Ignoring duplicate MIME type offer text/plain
  2158. 00:10:54.438 [DEBUG] [wlr] [types/wlr_primary_selection_v1.c:148] Ignoring duplicate MIME type offer text/plain;charset=utf-8
  2159. 00:10:54.438 [DEBUG] [wlr] [types/wlr_primary_selection_v1.c:148] Ignoring duplicate MIME type offer text/plain
  2160. 00:11:03.613 [DEBUG] [sway/ipc-server.c:328] Sending window::title event
  2161. 00:11:03.626 [DEBUG] [sway/ipc-server.c:328] Sending window::title event
  2162. 00:11:06.560 [DEBUG] [wlr] [types/data_device/wlr_data_source.c:196] Ignoring duplicate MIME type offer text/plain;charset=utf-8
  2163. 00:11:06.560 [DEBUG] [wlr] [types/data_device/wlr_data_source.c:196] Ignoring duplicate MIME type offer text/plain
  2164. 00:11:06.560 [DEBUG] [wlr] [types/data_device/wlr_data_source.c:189] Offering additional MIME type after wl_data_device.set_selection
  2165. 00:11:06.560 [DEBUG] [wlr] [types/wlr_primary_selection_v1.c:148] Ignoring duplicate MIME type offer text/plain;charset=utf-8
  2166. 00:11:06.560 [DEBUG] [wlr] [types/wlr_primary_selection_v1.c:148] Ignoring duplicate MIME type offer text/plain
  2167. 00:11:10.155 [DEBUG] [wlr] [types/wlr_compositor.c:673] New wlr_surface 0x563cc280a6e0 (res 0x563cc27d64a0)
  2168. 00:11:10.166 [DEBUG] [wlr] [types/wlr_compositor.c:673] New wlr_surface 0x563cc280e920 (res 0x563cc2753a20)
  2169. 00:12:31.548 [DEBUG] [sway/ipc-server.c:328] Sending window::focus event
  2170. 00:12:31.548 [DEBUG] [sway/desktop/transaction.c:398] Transaction 0x563cc280c760 committing with 4 instructions
  2171. 00:12:31.548 [DEBUG] [sway/desktop/transaction.c:294] Applying transaction 0x563cc280c760
  2172. 00:12:31.549 [INFO] [sway/commands.c:260] Handling command 'input * xkb_switch_layout 0'
  2173. 00:12:31.549 [DEBUG] [sway/commands/input.c:55] entering input block: *
  2174. 00:12:31.549 [DEBUG] [sway/config/input.c:15] new_input_config(*)
  2175. 00:12:31.549 [DEBUG] [sway/commands.c:432] Subcommand: xkb_switch_layout 0
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