
Walk Away Wealthy: The Entrepreneur’s Exit-Planning Playbook

Aug 7th, 2014
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  3. "Hi Guys . I'm sharing to you the link to download free eBook Walk Away Wealthy: The Entrepreneur’s Exit-Planning Playbook by Mark Tepper [PDF/ePUB]
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  6. Walk Away Wealthy: The Entrepreneur’s Exit-Planning Playbook by Mark Tepper [PDF/ePUB]
  8. Publisher: Greenleaf Book Group Press (July 1, 2014)
  10. The essential guide to selling your business–and walking away with maximum wealth Nearly every entrepreneur dreams of one day selling their business for big bucks, but far too many aren’t aware of exactly what it takes to do so. The sobering truth is that it’s very easy for the entrepreneurs who don’t know what they’re doing to walk away from a sale without the financial freedom they hoped for. In fact, only about 20 percent of businesses for sale will successfully transfer to another owner!
  12. In Walk Away Wealthy, Mark Tepper–a leading authority on wealth management and financial planning for entrepreneurs–shows you how to build a strong exit plan, an absolute requirement if you hope to get the full value from a sale. Tepper’s twelve secrets debunk myths and deliver practical advice as he walks you through what most people don’t know (or refuse to believe) about the process of planning their exit. And although it’s best to start planning the exit as early as possible, the book also delivers advice for those who may have waited too long and feel lost in the face of a rapidly approaching sale.
  14. Selling the business you worked so hard to build can be a confusing and intimidating proposition. Let Mark Tepper clear away the misconceptions, steer you clear of common mistakes, and help you walk away wealthy!
  16. Hardcover: 264 pages
  17. Publisher: Greenleaf Book Group Press (July 1, 2014)
  18. Language: English
  19. ISBN-10: 1626340846
  20. ISBN-13: 978-1626340848
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