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- /*
- * R e a d m e
- * -----------
- *
- *
- * Purpose: conveniently summoning specific numbers of torpedoes to attack your grid as needed in creative for testing PDCs or other defensive qualities.
- *
- * 1. Put this script in a grid with torpedo launchers, power, and antenna.
- * 2. Give torpedo launchers to enemy, such as pirates. do not give program block, power, antenna away - those should remain owned by you.
- * 3. Add this script to another grid. in that other grid, run command "fire X" where X is a number. Observe as that other grid is shot by X number of torpedoes from the torpedo launcher grid.
- */
- T getBlock<T>(Func<IMyTerminalBlock, bool> f = null) where T : class
- {
- List<IMyTerminalBlock> blocks = new List<IMyTerminalBlock>();
- GridTerminalSystem.GetBlocksOfType<T>(blocks, f);
- return blocks.Count > 0 ? (T)blocks[0] : null;
- }
- IMyRadioAntenna a = null;
- List<IMyTerminalBlock> weapons = new List<IMyTerminalBlock>();
- WcPbApi api = null;
- bool setup = false;
- public Program()
- {
- Runtime.UpdateFrequency = UpdateFrequency.Update1;
- }
- string _sharedSecret = "shhhh";
- IMyBroadcastListener _broadcastListener;
- string _broadcastTag = "SBT_";
- int FIRE_NUM = 0;
- void readMessages()
- {
- while (_broadcastListener.HasPendingMessage)
- {
- MyIGCMessage myIGCMessage = _broadcastListener.AcceptMessage();
- if (myIGCMessage.Tag == _broadcastTag)
- {
- var d = myIGCMessage.Data;
- try
- {
- if (d != null)
- {
- if (d is MyTuple<long, int>)
- {
- var dat = (MyTuple<long, int>)d;
- api.SetAiFocus(Me,dat.Item1);
- FIRE_NUM = dat.Item2;
- }
- }
- }
- catch (Exception e)
- {
- Echo(e.ToString());
- }
- }
- }
- }
- void update()
- {
- if (FIRE_NUM > 0)
- {
- foreach (var w in weapons)
- {
- if (api.IsWeaponReadyToFire(w))
- {
- var t = api.GetWeaponTarget(w);
- if(t.HasValue)
- {
- var tt = t.Value;
- if(tt.Type == MyDetectedEntityType.LargeGrid || tt.Type == MyDetectedEntityType.SmallGrid)
- {
- api.FireWeaponOnce(w);
- FIRE_NUM -= 1;
- }
- }
- }
- if (FIRE_NUM < 1) break;
- }
- a.CustomName = FIRE_NUM + " torps queued";
- }
- }
- void requestTorpedo(int num)
- {
- if (a != null)
- {
- MyTuple<long, int> pkt = new MyTuple<long, int>(Me.CubeGrid.EntityId, num);
- IGC.SendBroadcastMessage(_broadcastTag, pkt);
- a.CustomName = num + " torps requested";
- }
- }
- public void Main(string argument, UpdateType updateSource)
- {
- if(!setup)
- {
- setup = true;
- a = getBlock<IMyRadioAntenna>();
- a.Radius = 50000;
- api = new WcPbApi();
- api.Activate(Me);
- GridTerminalSystem.GetBlocksOfType<IMyTerminalBlock>(weapons, b => api.HasCoreWeapon(b));
- _broadcastTag += _sharedSecret;
- _broadcastListener = IGC.RegisterBroadcastListener(_broadcastTag);
- Echo("setup complete, weapons: "+ weapons.Count);
- }
- if(argument != "") Echo("arg: " + argument);
- try
- {
- readMessages();
- update();
- if (argument.StartsWith("fire "))
- {
- var num = int.Parse(argument.Split(' ')[1]);
- requestTorpedo(num);
- Echo("requested " + num);
- }
- }
- catch (Exception e)
- {
- Echo(e.ToString());
- }
- }
- }
- public class WcPbApi
- {
- public string[] WcBlockTypeLabels = new string[]
- {
- "Any",
- "Offense",
- "Utility",
- "Power",
- "Production",
- "Thrust",
- "Jumping",
- "Steering"
- };
- private Action<ICollection<MyDefinitionId>> _getCoreWeapons;
- private Func<Sandbox.ModAPI.Ingame.IMyTerminalBlock, IDictionary<string, int>, bool> _getBlockWeaponMap;
- private Action<IMyTerminalBlock, IDictionary<MyDetectedEntityInfo, float>> _getSortedThreats;
- private Func<long, bool> _hasGridAi;
- //private Func<Sandbox.ModAPI.Ingame.IMyTerminalBlock, long, int, Vector3D?> _getPredictedTargetPos;
- //private Func<Sandbox.ModAPI.Ingame.IMyTerminalBlock, int, Sandbox.ModAPI.Ingame.MyDetectedEntityInfo> _getWeaponTarget;
- //private Action<ICollection<MyDefinitionId>> _getCoreTurrets;
- private Func<long, int, Sandbox.ModAPI.Ingame.MyDetectedEntityInfo> _getAiFocus;
- private Func<Sandbox.ModAPI.Ingame.IMyTerminalBlock, long, int, bool> _setAiFocus;
- private Action<Sandbox.ModAPI.Ingame.IMyTerminalBlock, bool, bool, int> _toggleWeaponFire;
- private Func<Sandbox.ModAPI.Ingame.IMyTerminalBlock, bool> _hasCoreWeapon;
- private Action<Sandbox.ModAPI.Ingame.IMyTerminalBlock, ICollection<Sandbox.ModAPI.Ingame.MyDetectedEntityInfo>> _getObstructions;
- private Func<Sandbox.ModAPI.Ingame.IMyTerminalBlock, ICollection<string>, int, bool> _getTurretTargetTypes;
- private Action<Sandbox.ModAPI.Ingame.IMyTerminalBlock, ICollection<string>, int> _setTurretTargetTypes;
- private Func<Sandbox.ModAPI.Ingame.IMyTerminalBlock, long, int, Vector3D?> _getPredictedTargetPos;
- private Func<Sandbox.ModAPI.Ingame.IMyTerminalBlock, int, Matrix> _getWeaponAzimuthMatrix;
- private Func<Sandbox.ModAPI.Ingame.IMyTerminalBlock, int, Matrix> _getWeaponElevationMatrix;
- private Func<Sandbox.ModAPI.Ingame.IMyTerminalBlock, long, int, MyTuple<bool, Vector3D?>> _isTargetAlignedExtended;
- private Func<Sandbox.ModAPI.Ingame.IMyTerminalBlock, int, string> _getActiveAmmo;
- private Action<Sandbox.ModAPI.Ingame.IMyTerminalBlock, int, string> _setActiveAmmo;
- private Func<long, float> _getConstructEffectiveDps;
- private Func<Sandbox.ModAPI.Ingame.IMyTerminalBlock, int, Sandbox.ModAPI.Ingame.MyDetectedEntityInfo> _getWeaponTarget;
- private Action<Sandbox.ModAPI.Ingame.IMyTerminalBlock, long, int> _setWeaponTarget;
- private Action<Sandbox.ModAPI.Ingame.IMyTerminalBlock, int, Action<long, int, ulong, long, Vector3D, bool>> _monitorProjectile;
- private Action<Sandbox.ModAPI.Ingame.IMyTerminalBlock, int, Action<long, int, ulong, long, Vector3D, bool>> _unMonitorProjectile;
- private Func<ulong, MyTuple<Vector3D, Vector3D, float, float, long, string>> _getProjectileState;
- private Func<long, MyTuple<bool, int, int>> _getProjectilesLockedOn;
- private Action<Sandbox.ModAPI.Ingame.IMyTerminalBlock, bool, int> _fireWeaponOnce;
- private Func<Sandbox.ModAPI.Ingame.IMyTerminalBlock, int, bool, bool, bool> _isWeaponReadyToFire;
- private Func<Sandbox.ModAPI.Ingame.IMyTerminalBlock, int, float> _getMaxWeaponRange;
- private Func<Sandbox.ModAPI.Ingame.IMyTerminalBlock, int, MyTuple<Vector3D, Vector3D>> _getWeaponScope;
- private Func<Sandbox.ModAPI.Ingame.IMyTerminalBlock, float> _currentPowerConsumption;
- public bool Activate(IMyTerminalBlock pbBlock)
- {
- var dict = pbBlock.GetProperty("WcPbAPI")?.As<IReadOnlyDictionary<string, Delegate>>().GetValue(pbBlock);
- if (dict == null) throw new Exception("WcPbAPI failed to activate");
- return ApiAssign(dict);
- }
- public bool ApiAssign(IReadOnlyDictionary<string, Delegate> delegates)
- {
- if (delegates == null)
- return false;
- AssignMethod(delegates, "GetCoreWeapons", ref _getCoreWeapons);
- AssignMethod(delegates, "GetBlockWeaponMap", ref _getBlockWeaponMap);
- AssignMethod(delegates, "GetSortedThreats", ref _getSortedThreats);
- AssignMethod(delegates, "GetObstructions", ref _getObstructions);
- AssignMethod(delegates, "HasGridAi", ref _hasGridAi);
- AssignMethod(delegates, "GetAiFocus", ref _getAiFocus);
- AssignMethod(delegates, "SetAiFocus", ref _setAiFocus);
- AssignMethod(delegates, "HasCoreWeapon", ref _hasCoreWeapon);
- AssignMethod(delegates, "GetPredictedTargetPosition", ref _getPredictedTargetPos);
- AssignMethod(delegates, "GetTurretTargetTypes", ref _getTurretTargetTypes);
- AssignMethod(delegates, "SetTurretTargetTypes", ref _setTurretTargetTypes);
- AssignMethod(delegates, "GetWeaponAzimuthMatrix", ref _getWeaponAzimuthMatrix);
- AssignMethod(delegates, "GetWeaponElevationMatrix", ref _getWeaponElevationMatrix);
- AssignMethod(delegates, "IsTargetAlignedExtended", ref _isTargetAlignedExtended);
- AssignMethod(delegates, "GetActiveAmmo", ref _getActiveAmmo);
- AssignMethod(delegates, "SetActiveAmmo", ref _setActiveAmmo);
- AssignMethod(delegates, "GetConstructEffectiveDps", ref _getConstructEffectiveDps);
- AssignMethod(delegates, "GetWeaponTarget", ref _getWeaponTarget);
- AssignMethod(delegates, "SetWeaponTarget", ref _setWeaponTarget);
- AssignMethod(delegates, "MonitorProjectile", ref _monitorProjectile);
- AssignMethod(delegates, "UnMonitorProjectile", ref _unMonitorProjectile);
- AssignMethod(delegates, "GetProjectileState", ref _getProjectileState);
- AssignMethod(delegates, "GetProjectilesLockedOn", ref _getProjectilesLockedOn);
- AssignMethod(delegates, "FireWeaponOnce", ref _fireWeaponOnce);
- AssignMethod(delegates, "ToggleWeaponFire", ref _toggleWeaponFire);
- AssignMethod(delegates, "IsWeaponReadyToFire", ref _isWeaponReadyToFire);
- AssignMethod(delegates, "GetMaxWeaponRange", ref _getMaxWeaponRange);
- AssignMethod(delegates, "GetWeaponScope", ref _getWeaponScope);
- AssignMethod(delegates, "GetCurrentPower", ref _currentPowerConsumption);
- return true;
- }
- private void AssignMethod<T>(IReadOnlyDictionary<string, Delegate> delegates, string name, ref T field) where T : class
- {
- if (delegates == null)
- {
- field = null;
- return;
- }
- Delegate del;
- if (!delegates.TryGetValue(name, out del))
- throw new Exception($"{GetType().Name} :: Couldn't find {name} delegate of type {typeof(T)}");
- field = del as T;
- if (field == null)
- throw new Exception(
- $"{GetType().Name} :: Delegate {name} is not type {typeof(T)}, instead it's: {del.GetType()}");
- }
- public void GetAllCoreWeapons(ICollection<MyDefinitionId> collection) => _getCoreWeapons?.Invoke(collection);
- public void GetSortedThreats(IMyTerminalBlock pbBlock, IDictionary<MyDetectedEntityInfo, float> collection) =>
- _getSortedThreats?.Invoke(pbBlock, collection);
- public bool HasGridAi(long entity) => _hasGridAi?.Invoke(entity) ?? false;
- //public Vector3D? GetPredictedTargetPosition(Sandbox.ModAPI.Ingame.IMyTerminalBlock weapon, long targetEnt, int weaponId) =>_getPredictedTargetPos?.Invoke(weapon, targetEnt, weaponId) ?? null;
- // public MyDetectedEntityInfo? GetWeaponTarget(Sandbox.ModAPI.Ingame.IMyTerminalBlock weapon, int weaponId = 0) => _getWeaponTarget?.Invoke(weapon, weaponId);
- //public void GetAllCoreTurrets(ICollection<MyDefinitionId> collection) => _getCoreTurrets?.Invoke(collection);
- public MyDetectedEntityInfo? GetAiFocus(long shooter, int priority = 0) => _getAiFocus?.Invoke(shooter, priority);
- public bool SetAiFocus(Sandbox.ModAPI.Ingame.IMyTerminalBlock pBlock, long target, int priority = 0) =>
- _setAiFocus?.Invoke(pBlock, target, priority) ?? false;
- public void ToggleWeaponFire(Sandbox.ModAPI.Ingame.IMyTerminalBlock weapon, bool on, bool allWeapons, int weaponId = 0) =>
- _toggleWeaponFire?.Invoke(weapon, on, allWeapons, weaponId);
- public bool HasCoreWeapon(Sandbox.ModAPI.Ingame.IMyTerminalBlock weapon) => _hasCoreWeapon?.Invoke(weapon) ?? false;
- public void GetObstructions(Sandbox.ModAPI.Ingame.IMyTerminalBlock pBlock, ICollection<Sandbox.ModAPI.Ingame.MyDetectedEntityInfo> collection) =>
- _getObstructions?.Invoke(pBlock, collection);
- public Vector3D? GetPredictedTargetPosition(Sandbox.ModAPI.Ingame.IMyTerminalBlock weapon, long targetEnt, int weaponId) =>
- _getPredictedTargetPos?.Invoke(weapon, targetEnt, weaponId) ?? null;
- public Matrix GetWeaponAzimuthMatrix(Sandbox.ModAPI.Ingame.IMyTerminalBlock weapon, int weaponId) =>
- _getWeaponAzimuthMatrix?.Invoke(weapon, weaponId) ?? Matrix.Zero;
- public Matrix GetWeaponElevationMatrix(Sandbox.ModAPI.Ingame.IMyTerminalBlock weapon, int weaponId) =>
- _getWeaponElevationMatrix?.Invoke(weapon, weaponId) ?? Matrix.Zero;
- public MyTuple<bool, Vector3D?> IsTargetAlignedExtended(Sandbox.ModAPI.Ingame.IMyTerminalBlock weapon, long targetEnt, int weaponId) =>
- _isTargetAlignedExtended?.Invoke(weapon, targetEnt, weaponId) ?? new MyTuple<bool, Vector3D?>();
- public string GetActiveAmmo(Sandbox.ModAPI.Ingame.IMyTerminalBlock weapon, int weaponId) =>
- _getActiveAmmo?.Invoke(weapon, weaponId) ?? null;
- public void SetActiveAmmo(Sandbox.ModAPI.Ingame.IMyTerminalBlock weapon, int weaponId, string ammoType) =>
- _setActiveAmmo?.Invoke(weapon, weaponId, ammoType);
- public float GetConstructEffectiveDps(long entity) => _getConstructEffectiveDps?.Invoke(entity) ?? 0f;
- public MyDetectedEntityInfo? GetWeaponTarget(Sandbox.ModAPI.Ingame.IMyTerminalBlock weapon, int weaponId = 0) =>
- _getWeaponTarget?.Invoke(weapon, weaponId);
- public void SetWeaponTarget(Sandbox.ModAPI.Ingame.IMyTerminalBlock weapon, long target, int weaponId = 0) =>
- _setWeaponTarget?.Invoke(weapon, target, weaponId);
- public void MonitorProjectileCallback(Sandbox.ModAPI.Ingame.IMyTerminalBlock weapon, int weaponId, Action<long, int, ulong, long, Vector3D, bool> action) =>
- _monitorProjectile?.Invoke(weapon, weaponId, action);
- public void UnMonitorProjectileCallback(Sandbox.ModAPI.Ingame.IMyTerminalBlock weapon, int weaponId, Action<long, int, ulong, long, Vector3D, bool> action) =>
- _unMonitorProjectile?.Invoke(weapon, weaponId, action);
- //// POs, Dir, baseDamageLeft, HealthLeft, TargetEntityId, AmmoName
- public MyTuple<Vector3D, Vector3D, float, float, long, string> GetProjectileState(ulong projectileId) =>
- _getProjectileState?.Invoke(projectileId) ?? new MyTuple<Vector3D, Vector3D, float, float, long, string>();
- public bool GetBlockWeaponMap(Sandbox.ModAPI.Ingame.IMyTerminalBlock weaponBlock, IDictionary<string, int> collection) =>
- _getBlockWeaponMap?.Invoke(weaponBlock, collection) ?? false;
- public MyTuple<bool, int, int> GetProjectilesLockedOn(long victim) =>
- _getProjectilesLockedOn?.Invoke(victim) ?? new MyTuple<bool, int, int>();
- public void FireWeaponOnce(Sandbox.ModAPI.Ingame.IMyTerminalBlock weapon, bool allWeapons = true, int weaponId = 0) =>
- _fireWeaponOnce?.Invoke(weapon, allWeapons, weaponId);
- public bool IsWeaponReadyToFire(Sandbox.ModAPI.Ingame.IMyTerminalBlock weapon, int weaponId = 0, bool anyWeaponReady = true,
- bool shootReady = false) =>
- _isWeaponReadyToFire?.Invoke(weapon, weaponId, anyWeaponReady, shootReady) ?? false;
- public float GetMaxWeaponRange(Sandbox.ModAPI.Ingame.IMyTerminalBlock weapon, int weaponId) =>
- _getMaxWeaponRange?.Invoke(weapon, weaponId) ?? 0f;
- public MyTuple<Vector3D, Vector3D> GetWeaponScope(Sandbox.ModAPI.Ingame.IMyTerminalBlock weapon, int weaponId) =>
- _getWeaponScope?.Invoke(weapon, weaponId) ?? new MyTuple<Vector3D, Vector3D>();
- public float GetCurrentPower(Sandbox.ModAPI.Ingame.IMyTerminalBlock weapon) => _currentPowerConsumption?.Invoke(weapon) ?? 0f;
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