

Jan 27th, 2020
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  1. >>74539433
  2. Checked. The best way to get good at computers is to use Linux every day and only use Windows when you absolutely need to.
  4. >Be me
  5. >Jan 2011 - get unpaid internship at managed services provider. 2 months later negotiate a raise to $1,000/mo. 1 month later get fired on April fool's day. Boss gives me the stereotypical "you'll probably never amount to anything" speech.
  6. >Get new short-term $20/hr job optimizing slow WinXP computers and making general IT improvements at the office of a recruiting company. Overhear recruiters talking about secretaries making $35/hr. I also ask a recruiter why they ask candidates how much they make at their jobs. He tells me it's so they can make an offer similar to what the person is currently making.
  7. >Apply to more jobs. When recruiter asks how much I make, tell him $30/hr. Get new job for $35/hr doing sysadmin/desktop support work. Get good experience and work on cool projects because company is in startup phase. Hold job for 9 months but quit because commute is 90 minutes each way.
  8. >Stagnate at $27-38/hr for 7 years because I actually hate computers and don't give a shit about them. Work at several different companies during this time. Many periods of long unemployment between jobs. Never practice at home or anything. Try to quit IT industry but nobody will hire me for anything else.
  9. >2017 - A total failure living on my mom's couch. Knew about Bitcoin in 2009/10 but bought gold and silver instead. I am become sad pepe. Start using the chans because I'm a failure and this is where I belong.
  10. (Continued)
  12. >>74539433
  13. (2/2)
  14. >Windows 10 pisses me off with it's constant forced updates/reboots so I decide to install Linux on my laptop. I actually kind of enjoy using Linux. Try to quit IT again but nobody will hire me for anything else.
  15. >Using the chans everyday gradually cures my autism and other mental problems resulting from a retarded and unstable childhood.
  16. >2018 - Realize I'm fucking up my life so I start trying really hard at work and practicing computer stuff at home.
  17. >Start standing up all day at work because my back is fucked up from office chairs. Standing up helps my back and helps me not hate work as much.
  18. > I use OpenBSD for a few months and it makes me understand how computers really work and I stop hating computers. I go back to Linux so I can run VMs.
  19. >Get laid off. Start applying for jobs nationwide because I don't give a fuck and I don't like my city. Recruiter calls and asks how much I'm looking for. Tell him $80/hr on a 1099. Get job paying $60-80/hr (depends on the job) + paid food, travel and lodging. Travelling all over the country setting up and supporting hypervisors and servers. Sometimes remote work also.
  20. >Using Linux everyday at home made me get good at computers.
  21. >OpenBSD made me understand computers and stop hating them.
  22. >Standing up all day made me stop hating work.
  23. >The chans cured my autism.
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