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- #! /usr/bin/env ruby
- #encoding utf-8
- $LOAD_PATH<<"."
- require 'io/console'
- require 'socket'
- require 'getoptlong'
- def check_commandline
- ['--Port', '--P', GetoptLong::OPTIONAL_ARGUMENT],
- ['--Addr', '--A', GetoptLong::OPTIONAL_ARGUMENT],
- ['--Help', '--H', GetoptLong::OPTIONAL_ARGUMENT]
- ).yield_self(
- &->(g){
- port = nil
- addr = nil
- g.each {
- |o, a|
- case o
- when '--Port' || '--P'
- begin
- port = Integer(a)
- rescue
- puts "Port number must be an integer: (#{a})"
- exit(1)
- end
- when '--Addr' || '--A'
- addr = a
- when '--Help' || '--H'
- puts "Must call #{$PROGRAM_NAME} with --Port|P=1234 --Addr|A="
- exit(0)
- end
- }
- [port, addr]
- }
- )
- end
- def box_string(str)
- line = "|--"+'-' * str.length+"--|"
- puts line
- puts "|->"+str+"<-|"
- puts line
- end
- def quit_server
- puts "Hit 'q' to shutdown server and exit"
- loop do
- char = STDIN.getch
- if char == 'q'
- puts "Shutting down server... Exiting..."
- exit(0)
- end
- end
- end
- if __FILE__ == $0
- port, addr = check_commandline
- if port.nil? || addr.nil?
- puts("Must call #{$PROGRAM_NAME} with --Port|P=1234 --Addr|A=")
- exit(1)
- end
- box_string("Server on: #{addr}:(#{port})")
- print "Start server(y/n)? "
- STDOUT.flush
- unless gets.chomp =~ /^y$/
- puts "Exiting #{$PROGRAM_NAME}"
- exit(0)
- end
- server =, port)
- box_string("Server active on: #{addr}:(#{port})")
- puts "Server running..."
-{ quit_server }
- loop do
- client = server.accept
- user = client.gets.chomp
- print "Message from #{user}\r\n"
- client<<"Here's the current date/time for #{user}: "<<(<<"\n"
- client.close
- end
- server.close
- end
- ###---Client follows
- #! /usr/bin/env ruby
- #encoding utf-8
- $LOAD_PATH<<"."
- require 'io/console'
- require 'socket'
- require 'getoptlong'
- def check_commandline
- ['--Port', '--P', GetoptLong::OPTIONAL_ARGUMENT],
- ['--Addr', '--A', GetoptLong::OPTIONAL_ARGUMENT],
- ['--User', '--U', GetoptLong::OPTIONAL_ARGUMENT],
- ['--Help', '--H', GetoptLong::OPTIONAL_ARGUMENT]
- ).yield_self(
- &->(g){
- port = nil
- addr = nil
- user = nil
- g.each {
- |o, a|
- case o
- when '--Port' || '--P'
- begin
- port = Integer(a)
- rescue
- puts "Port number must be an integer: (#{a})"
- exit(1)
- end
- when '--Addr' || '--A'
- addr = a
- when '--User' || '--U'
- user = a
- when '--Help' || '--H'
- puts "Must call #{$PROGRAM_NAME} with --Port|P=1234 --Addr|A= --User|U=UserName"
- exit(0)
- end
- }
- [port, addr, user]
- }
- )
- end
- def box_string(str)
- line = "|--"+'-' * str.length+"--|"
- puts line
- puts "|->"+str+"<-|"
- puts line
- end
- if __FILE__ == $0
- port, addr, user = check_commandline
- if port.nil? || addr.nil? || addr.nil?
- puts("Must call #{$PROGRAM_NAME} with --Port|P=1234 --Addr|A= --User|U=UserName")
- exit(1)
- end
- box_string("Client(#{user}) on: #{addr}:(#{port})")
- print "Start client(y/n)? "
- STDOUT.flush
- unless gets.chomp =~ /^y$/
- puts "Exiting #{$PROGRAM_NAME}"
- exit(0)
- end
- begin
- client =, port)
- box_string("Client(#{user}): #{addr}:(#{port})")
- client<<user<<"\n"
- client.each{|l| puts l}
- client.close;
- rescue
- puts "Client connection refused on #{addr}:(#{port})"
- end
- end
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