
Tomahawk-Player Spotify Resolver crash on windows

Oct 26th, 2014
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  1. 03:54:55 Debug: Initializing Spotify
  2. 03:54:55 Debug: === Using LibVersion 12 ===
  3. 03:54:55 Debug: Looking for spotify settings file at "C:\Users\S0lll0s\AppData\Local\SpotifyResolver/settings"
  4. 03:54:55 Debug: Starting HTTPd on "" 55050
  5. 03:54:55 Debug: Tomahawk asked for credentials, sending! Logged in? false
  6. 03:58:56 Debug: Logging in with username: "<censored>"
  7. 03:58:56 Debug: Relogin username was truncated or an error occured... Logging in with credentials
  8. 03:58:56 Debug: No username, password or blob provided!
  9. 03:58:56 Debug: void __thiscall SpotifyResolver::loginResponse(bool,const class QString &) Notified of login response, sending to client: false "Failed to authenticate credentials."
  10. 03:59:06 Debug: Logging in with username: "<censored>"
  11. 03:59:06 Debug: Relogin username was truncated or an error occured... Logging in with credentials
  12. 03:59:06 Debug: void __thiscall SpotifySession::login(const class QString &,const class QString &,const class QByteArray &) Logging in with username: "<censored>" and is not using blob
  13. 03:59:06 Debug: SpotifyLog: "02:59:06.866 I [c:/Users/spotify-buildagent/BuildAgent/work/1e0ce8a77adfb2dc/client/core/session/offline_authorizer.cpp:297] Unable to login offline: no such user
  14. "
  15. 03:59:06 Debug: SpotifyLog: "02:59:06.927 I [ap:1752] Connecting to AP ap.gslb.spotify.com:4070
  16. "
  17. 03:59:07 Debug: SpotifyLog: "02:59:07.001 I [ap:1226] Connected to AP:
  18. "
  19. 03:59:09 Debug: SpotifyLog: "02:59:09.090 E [ap:3915] Connection error: 410
  20. "
  21. 03:59:09 Debug: void __stdcall SpotifySession::loggedIn(struct sp_session *,enum sp_error) ==== Bad username and/or password ====
  22. 03:59:09 Debug: void __thiscall SpotifyResolver::loginResponse(bool,const class QString &) Notified of login response, sending to client: false "Bad username and/or password"
  23. 03:59:09 Debug: Logging out
  24. 03:59:18 Debug: Logging in with username: "<censored>"
  25. 03:59:18 Debug: Relogin username was truncated or an error occured... Logging in with credentials
  26. 03:59:18 Debug: void __thiscall SpotifySession::login(const class QString &,const class QString &,const class QByteArray &) Logging in with username: "<censored>" and is not using blob
  27. 03:59:18 Debug: SpotifyLog: "02:59:18.003 I [c:/Users/spotify-buildagent/BuildAgent/work/1e0ce8a77adfb2dc/client/core/session/offline_authorizer.cpp:297] Unable to login offline: no such user
  28. "
  29. 03:59:18 Debug: SpotifyLog: "02:59:18.004 I [ap:1752] Connecting to AP ap.gslb.spotify.com:4070
  30. "
  31. 03:59:18 Debug: SpotifyLog: "02:59:18.050 I [ap:1226] Connected to AP:
  32. "
  33. 03:59:20 Debug: SpotifyLog: "02:59:20.143 E [ap:3915] Connection error: 410
  34. "
  35. 03:59:20 Debug: void __stdcall SpotifySession::loggedIn(struct sp_session *,enum sp_error) ==== Bad username and/or password ====
  36. 03:59:20 Debug: void __thiscall SpotifyResolver::loginResponse(bool,const class QString &) Notified of login response, sending to client: false "Bad username and/or password"
  37. 03:59:20 Debug: Logging out
  38. 04:04:09 Debug: Logging in with username: "<censored>"
  39. 04:04:09 Debug: Relogin username was truncated or an error occured... Logging in with credentials
  40. 04:04:09 Debug: void __thiscall SpotifySession::login(const class QString &,const class QString &,const class QByteArray &) Logging in with username: "<censored>" and is not using blob
  41. 04:04:09 Debug: SpotifyLog: "03:04:09.742 I [c:/Users/spotify-buildagent/BuildAgent/work/1e0ce8a77adfb2dc/client/core/session/offline_authorizer.cpp:297] Unable to login offline: no such user
  42. "
  43. 04:04:09 Debug: SpotifyLog: "03:04:09.788 I [ap:1752] Connecting to AP ap.gslb.spotify.com:4070
  44. "
  45. 04:04:09 Debug: SpotifyLog: "03:04:09.912 I [ap:1226] Connected to AP:
  46. "
  47. 04:04:12 Debug: SpotifyLog: "03:04:12.219 I [user_cache:135] UserCache::initiateGetUsers() will query for 1 users
  48. "
  49. 04:04:12 Debug: Logged in successfully!!
  50. 04:04:12 Debug: void __stdcall SpotifySession::loggedIn(struct sp_session *,enum sp_error) ==== No error ====
  51. 04:04:12 Debug: void __thiscall SpotifyResolver::loginResponse(bool,const class QString &) Notified of login response, sending to client: true "No error"
  52. 04:04:12 Debug: ==== Got blob update for "<censored>" ====
  53. 04:04:12 Debug: SpotifyLog: "03:04:12.977 I [user_cache:135] UserCache::initiateGetUsers() will query for 1 users
  54. "
  55. 04:04:13 Debug: SpotifyLog: "03:04:13.075 I [user_cache:135] UserCache::initiateGetUsers() will query for 3 users
  56. "
  57. 04:04:13 Debug: SpotifyLog: "03:04:13.180 I [user_cache:135] UserCache::initiateGetUsers() will query for 100 users
  58. "
  59. 04:04:13 Debug: SpotifyLog: "03:04:13.281 I [user_cache:135] UserCache::initiateGetUsers() will query for 14 users
  60. "
  61. 04:04:13 Debug: SpotifyLog: "03:04:13.594 I [user_cache:135] UserCache::initiateGetUsers() will query for 1 users
  62. "
  63. 04:04:13 Debug: SpotifyLog: "03:04:13.594 W [core/playlist/playlist.h:45] Adding observer while updating
  64. "
  65. 04:04:13 Debug: SpotifyLog: "03:04:13.594 W [core/playlist/playlist.h:45] Adding observer while updating
  66. "
  67. 04:04:13 Debug: SpotifyLog: "03:04:13.595 W [core/playlist/playlist.h:45] Adding observer while updating
  68. "
  69. 04:04:13 Debug: SpotifyLog: "03:04:13.596 W [core/playlist/playlist.h:45] Adding observer while updating
  70. "
  71. 04:04:13 Debug: SpotifyLog: "03:04:13.596 W [core/playlist/playlist.h:45] Adding observer while updating
  72. "
  73. 04:04:13 Debug: SpotifyLog: "03:04:13.597 W [core/playlist/playlist.h:45] Adding observer while updating
  74. "
  75. 04:04:13 Debug: SpotifyLog: "03:04:13.661 W [core/playlist/playlist.h:45] Adding observer while updating
  76. "
  77. 04:04:13 Debug: SpotifyLog: "03:04:13.661 W [core/playlist/playlist.h:45] Adding observer while updating
  78. "
  79. 04:04:13 Debug: SpotifyLog: "03:04:13.669 W [core/playlist/playlist.h:45] Adding observer while updating
  80. "
  81. 04:04:13 Debug: SpotifyLog: "03:04:13.669 W [core/playlist/playlist.h:45] Adding observer while updating
  82. "
  83. 04:04:13 Debug: SpotifyLog: "03:04:13.672 W [core/playlist/playlist.h:45] Adding observer while updating
  84. "
  85. 04:04:13 Debug: SpotifyLog: "03:04:13.672 W [core/playlist/playlist.h:45] Adding observer while updating
  86. "
  87. 04:04:14 Debug: SpotifyLog: "03:04:14.019 W [core/playlist/playlist.h:45] Adding observer while updating
  88. "
  89. 04:04:14 Debug: SpotifyLog: "03:04:14.019 W [core/playlist/playlist.h:45] Adding observer while updating
  90. "
  91. 04:04:14 Debug: SpotifyLog: "03:04:14.020 W [core/playlist/playlist.h:45] Adding observer while updating
  92. "
  93. 04:04:14 Debug: SpotifyLog: "03:04:14.020 W [core/playlist/playlist.h:45] Adding observer while updating
  94. "
  95. 04:04:14 Debug: SpotifyLog: "03:04:14.021 W [core/playlist/playlist.h:45] Adding observer while updating
  96. "
  97. 04:04:14 Debug: SpotifyLog: "03:04:14.022 W [core/playlist/playlist.h:45] Adding observer while updating
  98. "
  99. 04:04:14 Debug: SpotifyLog: "03:04:14.024 W [core/playlist/playlist.h:45] Adding observer while updating
  100. "
  101. 04:04:14 Debug: SpotifyLog: "03:04:14.024 W [core/playlist/playlist.h:45] Adding observer while updating
  102. "
  103. 04:04:14 Debug: SpotifyLog: "03:04:14.025 W [core/playlist/playlist.h:45] Adding observer while updating
  104. "
  105. 04:04:14 Debug: SpotifyLog: "03:04:14.025 W [core/playlist/playlist.h:45] Adding observer while updating
  106. "
  107. 04:04:14 Debug: SpotifyLog: "03:04:14.027 W [core/playlist/playlist.h:45] Adding observer while updating
  108. "
  109. 04:04:14 Debug: SpotifyLog: "03:04:14.027 W [core/playlist/playlist.h:45] Adding observer while updating
  110. "
  111. 04:04:14 Debug: SpotifyLog: "03:04:14.028 W [core/playlist/playlist.h:45] Adding observer while updating
  112. "
  113. 04:04:14 Debug: SpotifyLog: "03:04:14.028 W [core/playlist/playlist.h:45] Adding observer while updating
  114. "
  115. 04:04:14 Debug: SpotifyLog: "03:04:14.030 W [core/playlist/playlist.h:45] Adding observer while updating
  116. "
  117. 04:04:14 Debug: SpotifyLog: "03:04:14.030 W [core/playlist/playlist.h:45] Adding observer while updating
  118. "
  119. 04:04:14 Debug: SpotifyLog: "03:04:14.031 W [core/playlist/playlist.h:45] Adding observer while updating
  120. "
  121. 04:04:14 Debug: SpotifyLog: "03:04:14.032 W [core/playlist/playlist.h:45] Adding observer while updating
  122. "
  123. 04:04:14 Debug: SpotifyLog: "03:04:14.032 I [user_cache:135] UserCache::initiateGetUsers() will query for 6 users
  124. "
  125. 04:04:14 Debug: SpotifyLog: "03:04:14.049 W [core/playlist/playlist.h:45] Adding observer while updating
  126. "
  127. 04:04:14 Debug: SpotifyLog: "03:04:14.049 W [core/playlist/playlist.h:45] Adding observer while updating
  128. "
  129. 04:04:14 Debug: SpotifyLog: "03:04:14.398 W [core/playlist/playlist.h:45] Adding observer while updating
  130. "
  131. 04:04:14 Debug: SpotifyLog: "03:04:14.398 W [core/playlist/playlist.h:45] Adding observer while updating
  132. "
  133. 04:04:14 Debug: SpotifyLog: "03:04:14.398 W [core/playlist/playlist.h:45] Adding observer while updating
  134. "
  135. 04:04:14 Debug: WaitForLoaded is loaded BrutaleAutomusik
  136. 04:04:14 Debug: ========== GOT ALL PLAYLISTS LOADED, EMITTING SIGNAL!
  137. 04:04:14 Debug: void __thiscall SpotifyResolver::notifyAllPlaylistsLoaded(void) Sending all spotify playlists, found: 1
  138. 04:04:14 Debug: SENDING ALL PLAYLISTS JSON:
  139. 04:04:14 Debug: WaitForLoaded not loaded, adding to wait
  140. 04:04:14 Debug: WaitForLoaded not loaded, adding to wait
  141. 04:04:14 Debug: WaitForLoaded is loaded hhv
  142. 04:04:14 Debug: WaitForLoaded not loaded, adding to wait
  143. 04:04:14 Debug: WaitForLoaded not loaded, adding to wait
  144. 04:04:14 Debug: WaitForLoaded is loaded Best of Green Day
  145. 04:04:14 Debug: WaitForLoaded not loaded, adding to wait
  146. 04:04:14 Debug: WaitForLoaded not loaded, adding to wait
  147. 04:04:14 Debug: WaitForLoaded not loaded, adding to wait
  148. 04:04:14 Debug: WaitForLoaded is loaded Joggen wuhu
  149. 04:04:14 Debug: WaitForLoaded not loaded, adding to wait
  150. 04:04:14 Debug: WaitForLoaded not loaded, adding to wait
  151. 04:04:14 Debug: WaitForLoaded not loaded, adding to wait
  152. 04:04:14 Debug: WaitForLoaded not loaded, adding to wait
  153. 04:04:14 Debug: WaitForLoaded is loaded Yo mama
  154. 04:04:14 Debug: WaitForLoaded not loaded, adding to wait
  155. 04:04:14 Debug: WaitForLoaded not loaded, adding to wait
  156. 04:04:14 Debug: WaitForLoaded not loaded, adding to wait
  157. 04:04:14 Debug: WaitForLoaded not loaded, adding to wait
  158. 04:04:14 Debug: WaitForLoaded not loaded, adding to wait
  159. 04:04:14 Debug: WaitForLoaded not loaded, adding to wait
  160. 04:04:14 Debug: WaitForLoaded not loaded, adding to wait
  161. 04:04:14 Debug: WaitForLoaded not loaded, adding to wait
  162. 04:04:14 Debug: WaitForLoaded not loaded, adding to wait
  163. 04:04:14 Debug: WaitForLoaded not loaded, adding to wait
  164. 04:04:14 Debug: WaitForLoaded not loaded, adding to wait
  165. 04:04:14 Debug: WaitForLoaded is loaded El-P â?? Cancer 4 Cure
  166. 04:04:14 Debug: WaitForLoaded is loaded Bom
  167. 04:04:14 Debug: WaitForLoaded is loaded Last One Awake
  168. 04:04:14 Debug: WaitForLoaded is loaded Autumn Leaves
  169. 04:04:14 Debug: WaitForLoaded is loaded Night Rider
  170. 04:04:14 Debug: WaitForLoaded is loaded Traumtänzer
  171. 04:04:14 Debug: WaitForLoaded is loaded One of Those Days
  172. 04:04:14 Debug: WaitForLoaded not loaded, adding to wait
  173. 04:04:14 Debug: WaitForLoaded not loaded, adding to wait
  174. 04:04:14 Debug: WaitForLoaded not loaded, adding to wait
  175. 04:04:14 Debug: WaitForLoaded is loaded Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist
  176. 04:04:14 Debug: WaitForLoaded is loaded 17 Filles Soundtrack
  177. 04:04:14 Debug: WaitForLoaded not loaded, adding to wait
  178. 04:04:14 Debug: WaitForLoaded not loaded, adding to wait
  179. 04:04:14 Debug: WaitForLoaded is loaded A Tribute to Violet and The American Horror Story
  180. 04:04:14 Debug: WaitForLoaded not loaded, adding to wait
  181. 04:04:14 Debug: WaitForLoaded not loaded, adding to wait
  182. 04:04:14 Debug: WaitForLoaded is loaded Radio-Favoriten
  183. 04:04:14 Debug: WaitForLoaded not loaded, adding to wait
  184. 04:04:14 Debug: WaitForLoaded not loaded, adding to wait
  185. 04:04:14 Debug: WaitForLoaded not loaded, adding to wait
  186. 04:04:14 Debug: WaitForLoaded not loaded, adding to wait
  187. 04:04:14 Debug: WaitForLoaded not loaded, adding to wait
  188. 04:04:14 Debug: WaitForLoaded not loaded, adding to wait
  189. 04:04:14 Debug: void __thiscall SpotifyPlaylists::loadContainerSlot(struct sp_playlistcontainer *)
  190. 04:04:14 Debug: SpotifyLog: "03:04:14.423 W [core/playlist/playlist.h:45] Adding observer while updating
  191. "
  192. 04:04:14 Debug: SpotifyLog: "03:04:14.423 W [core/playlist/playlist.h:45] Adding observer while updating
  193. "
  194. 04:04:14 Debug: SpotifyLog: "03:04:14.590 W [core/playlist/playlist.h:45] Adding observer while updating
  195. "
  196. 04:04:14 Debug: SpotifyLog: "03:04:14.590 W [core/playlist/playlist.h:45] Adding observer while updating
  197. "
  198. 04:04:14 Debug: SpotifyLog: "03:04:14.593 W [playlist:1549] RESURRECTED PLAYLIST 2560e712661b471ea2416595a6aa946f02
  199. "
  200. 04:04:14 Debug: SpotifyLog: "03:04:14.668 I [user_cache:135] UserCache::initiateGetUsers() will query for 1 users
  201. "
  202. 04:04:14 Debug: SpotifyLog: "03:04:14.768 W [playlist:1549] RESURRECTED PLAYLIST 7164892f44aa03ebad548bdea0d304ba02
  203. "
  204. 04:04:14 Debug: SpotifyLog: "03:04:14.973 E [ap:4172] ChannelError(50, 1, playlist)
  205. "
  206. 04:04:15 Debug: SpotifyLog: "03:04:15.342 I [user_cache:135] UserCache::initiateGetUsers() will query for 1 users
  207. "
  208. 04:04:15 Debug: SpotifyLog: "03:04:15.469 I [user_cache:135] UserCache::initiateGetUsers() will query for 1 users
  209. "
  210. 04:04:15 Debug: SpotifyLog: "03:04:15.565 I [user_cache:135] UserCache::initiateGetUsers() will query for 1 users
  211. "
  212. 04:04:15 Debug: SpotifyLog: "03:04:15.702 I [user_cache:135] UserCache::initiateGetUsers() will query for 1 users
  213. "
  214. 04:04:15 Debug: SpotifyLog: "03:04:15.812 W [core/playlist/playlist.h:45] Adding observer while updating
  215. "
  216. 04:04:15 Debug: SpotifyLog: "03:04:15.812 W [core/playlist/playlist.h:45] Adding observer while updating
  217. "
  218. 04:04:16 Debug: SpotifyLog: "03:04:16.191 I [user_cache:135] UserCache::initiateGetUsers() will query for 1 users
  219. "
  220. 04:04:16 Debug: SpotifyLog: "03:04:16.355 I [user_cache:135] UserCache::initiateGetUsers() will query for 1 users
  221. "
  222. 04:04:16 Debug: Checked for all playlists loaded, but not all are yet! Refiring timer
  223. 04:04:18 Debug: Checked for all playlists loaded, but not all are yet! Refiring timer
  224. 04:04:20 Debug: Checked for all playlists loaded, but not all are yet! Refiring timer
  225. 04:04:22 Debug: Checked for all playlists loaded, but not all are yet! Refiring timer
  226. 04:04:24 Debug: Checked for all playlists loaded, but not all are yet! Refiring timer
  227. 04:04:26 Debug: ========== GOT ALL PLAYLISTS LOADED, EMITTING SIGNAL!
  228. 04:04:26 Debug: void __thiscall SpotifyResolver::notifyAllPlaylistsLoaded(void) Sending all spotify playlists, found: 51
  229. 04:04:26 Debug: SENDING ALL PLAYLISTS JSON:
  230. 04:04:33 Debug: SpotifyLog: "03:04:33.450 I [offline-mgr:2032] 0 files are locked. 0 images are locked
  231. "
  232. 04:04:33 Debug: SpotifyLog: "03:04:33.451 I [offline-mgr:2058] 0 files unlocked. 0 images unlocked
  233. "
  234. 04:05:39 Debug: void __thiscall SpotifyResolver::playdarMessage(const class QVariant &) Got request for playlist with sync: "spotify:user:<censored>:playlist:<censored>" true
  235. 04:05:39 Debug: ADDING SYNC CALLBACKS FOR PLAYLIST: Sol's
  237. 04:05:39 Debug: Sending Sol's playlist to client with: 199
  238. 04:05:39 Debug: Sending playlist to client: "Sol's" with number of tracks: 199
  239. 04:05:39 Debug: Logging in with username: "<censored>"
  240. 04:05:39 Debug: Asked to log in with same username and pw that we are already logged in with, ignoring login
  241. 04:05:39 Debug: void __thiscall SpotifyResolver::loginResponse(bool,const class QString &) Notified of login response, sending to client: true "Logged in"
  242. 04:05:39 Debug: void __thiscall SpotifyResolver::resendAllPlaylists(void) ReSending all spotify playlists, found: 51
  243. 04:05:39 Debug: reSENDING ALL PLAYLISTS JSON
  244. 04:05:44 Debug: Resolving: "7fa6b6f6-a363-496d-9a53-e411163e2f8c" "Klaypex" "Lights" fulltext? "" "spotify:track:2wl9I2ajE7SbL7ttFU3L47"
  245. 04:05:44 Debug: Sending resultHint
  246. 04:05:44 Debug: Resolving: "3f6672e9-03b7-463a-a26d-d64c85f807ff" "Klaypex" "Rain (feat. Sara Kay)" fulltext? "" "spotify:track:7LWH4HL1orhf9eqHSdli2N"
  247. 04:05:44 Debug: Sending resultHint
  248. 04:05:44 Debug: Resolving: "ac4f068e-2ea9-4e51-8d40-c9ca973d90a2" "Klaypex" "Gamefire (feat. Mike Diva)" fulltext? "" "spotify:track:688tjax6OWqqEkPzesU7Kc"
  249. 04:05:44 Debug: Sending resultHint
  250. 04:05:44 Debug: Resolving: "e83413ea-ba2b-4a3e-9603-dbb1262f26d9" "Benny Benassi" "Cinema - Skrillex Remix" fulltext? "" "spotify:track:0AmlEkErBrXAk8d7cebd7H"
  251. 04:05:44 Debug: Sending resultHint
  252. 04:05:44 Debug: Resolving: "7a8e13cd-13bc-426d-b05e-0705e5e4fc1e" "Skrillex" "Scary Monsters And Nice Sprites" fulltext? "" "spotify:track:4rwpZEcnalkuhPyGkEdhu0"
  253. 04:05:44 Debug: Sending resultHint
  254. 04:05:44 Debug: Resolving: "b90965db-e35a-4d94-8cdb-fd985f92ef14" "Linkin Park" "BURN IT DOWN" fulltext? "" "spotify:track:5ZOhKoqC0mqXmpBERIvxP3"
  255. 04:05:44 Debug: Sending resultHint
  256. 04:05:44 Debug: Resolving: "a7baf226-635a-4688-a8fd-ad97127cf242" "My Chemical Romance" "Na Na Na [Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na]" fulltext? "" "spotify:track:5FbMKftNTXCKiBYSf0TQrs"
  257. 04:05:44 Debug: Sending resultHint
  258. 04:05:44 Debug: Resolving: "2e070ebd-de79-43b3-9d32-8cf5833f6a79" "Mindless Self Indulgence" "Shut Me Up" fulltext? "" "spotify:track:4wURbAMRjf8rxTULrHCw1f"
  259. 04:05:44 Debug: Sending resultHint
  260. 04:05:44 Debug: Resolving: "50fc7e8b-a180-407e-9274-2e00cc9206b4" "Linkin Park" "From The Inside" fulltext? "" "spotify:track:74yeD5E6ugbDxaJgp7kXK1"
  261. 04:05:44 Debug: Sending resultHint
  262. 04:05:44 Debug: Resolving: "e7e00068-1c26-4f94-a395-6d941cebe644" "Linkin Park" "Blackout" fulltext? "" "spotify:track:29vUteiVAmoATNgtKNspwU"
  263. 04:05:44 Debug: Sending resultHint
  264. 04:05:45 Debug: Resolving: "96e1e0f3-566e-4536-9e9a-49145b30927e" "Linkin Park" "New Divide" fulltext? "" "spotify:track:6uXDMINfe9KJETjkzekznW"
  265. 04:05:45 Debug: Sending resultHint
  266. 04:05:45 Debug: Resolving: "99bf39b0-3dfa-4888-9dc7-eb3d0d77cf34" "Linkin Park" "Somewhere I Belong" fulltext? "" "spotify:track:5POU1tF9OsdvOMNyjv775F"
  267. 04:05:45 Debug: Sending resultHint
  268. 04:05:45 Debug: Resolving: "b338ffa0-c99d-43c1-bd66-4342ff2b72cb" "Linkin Park" "Lying From You" fulltext? "" "spotify:track:76PU5FI9mZua9kdfpPvw42"
  269. 04:05:45 Debug: Sending resultHint
  270. 04:05:45 Debug: Resolving: "3cf77f96-3361-441d-a408-a1f96ec920e1" "Linkin Park" "Faint" fulltext? "" "spotify:track:7tLJndqRei69HajlHHvyzi"
  271. 04:05:45 Debug: Sending resultHint
  272. 04:05:45 Debug: Resolving: "831004ae-e589-4821-9412-76d17150d020" "Linkin Park" "Waiting For The End" fulltext? "" "spotify:track:1m8YW1nU72t7wVfhcnxmMB"
  273. 04:05:45 Debug: Sending resultHint
  274. 04:05:45 Debug: Resolving: "588ab5af-4acd-4222-8f97-680d9ae67d11" "The Offspring" "You're Gonna Go Far, Kid" fulltext? "" "spotify:track:3jNyatJv1JxuIlwKoYlo7Y"
  275. 04:05:45 Debug: Sending resultHint
  276. 04:05:45 Debug: Resolving: "f9b42608-bf44-486f-b75c-41e245f9a7c2" "Eminem" "Kill You" fulltext? "" "spotify:track:3Zj58jFmu4nYz1I1skZzUD"
  277. 04:05:45 Debug: Sending resultHint
  278. 04:05:45 Debug: Resolving: "27cfeb07-41df-418c-8b47-a72c3ce68129" "Eminem" "Stan" fulltext? "" "spotify:track:2DmziJbL8yx0s4dCutrwTf"
  279. 04:05:45 Debug: Sending resultHint
  280. 04:05:45 Debug: Resolving: "4fd8f20a-98f7-4f20-be58-5772ebd69bf0" "Eminem" "Who Knew" fulltext? "" "spotify:track:0oIWQkfuqMZLY9XFcPyHor"
  281. 04:05:45 Debug: Sending resultHint
  282. 04:05:46 Debug: Resolving: "3aaade13-54ac-485c-808b-7fd278d3bb0a" "Eminem" "The Way I Am" fulltext? "" "spotify:track:0MhQ0WzWNnerAphjRstOFs"
  283. 04:05:46 Debug: Sending resultHint
  284. 04:05:46 Debug: Resolving: "9fa519f9-bd3a-4d0c-8657-6f45c61f10ae" "Eminem" "The Real Slim Shady" fulltext? "" "spotify:track:3fIKtD3KVTtyh2XO60R1fR"
  285. 04:05:46 Debug: Sending resultHint
  286. 04:05:46 Debug: Resolving: "0b84aefd-accf-4ed7-89de-8118d0f20e0e" "Eminem" "I'm Back" fulltext? "" "spotify:track:09fxNZHufbdOdoMwx5BJLo"
  287. 04:05:46 Debug: Sending resultHint
  288. 04:05:46 Debug: Resolving: "32fa06ea-8212-49a4-9806-ea70d57379f6" "Eminem" "Remember Me?" fulltext? "" "spotify:track:0Dsnc8sZtmvdSSUlzw5PEr"
  289. 04:05:46 Debug: Sending resultHint
  290. 04:05:46 Debug: Resolving: "1f3ba90f-5e18-4629-95be-544f36a2522e" "Eminem" "Marshall Mathers" fulltext? "" "spotify:track:61xDtE0lAm7zYfKXQp5uXf"
  291. 04:05:46 Debug: Sending resultHint
  292. 04:05:46 Debug: Resolving: "1c09cd93-3275-4fc9-a449-d0801d1c7402" "Eminem" "Drug Ballad" fulltext? "" "spotify:track:0e0jPOzwDNCn23pdaBhKz4"
  293. 04:05:46 Debug: Sending resultHint
  294. 04:05:46 Debug: Resolving: "c6d53959-4d9c-4d44-b220-c4ecd39abfd5" "Eminem" "Amityville" fulltext? "" "spotify:track:2LzRpaBYkWxu5H7jcSGM5P"
  295. 04:05:46 Debug: Sending resultHint
  296. 04:05:46 Debug: Resolving: "c4bf1d76-8935-4cef-96b0-ecb92f54ca98" "Eminem" "Bitch Please II" fulltext? "" "spotify:track:0vM2JGnMt1wBsufvvVrgDi"
  297. 04:05:46 Debug: Sending resultHint
  298. 04:05:47 Debug: Resolving: "0864836e-d97b-466e-924f-839f8edb9610" "Eminem" "Kim" fulltext? "" "spotify:track:1A7e7NCXfxe4l5WLosF1On"
  299. 04:05:47 Debug: Sending resultHint
  300. 04:05:47 Debug: Resolving: "e0e6198b-b362-42d1-a487-af850bec90e3" "Eminem" "Under The Influence" fulltext? "" "spotify:track:2I4fD1j0Q4Y5bp9VlMlYXD"
  301. 04:05:47 Debug: Sending resultHint
  302. 04:05:47 Debug: Resolving: "3541499f-c5eb-4475-8beb-c79744963184" "Eminem" "Criminal" fulltext? "" "spotify:track:04WP6UHj8IUyB5vach9omp"
  303. 04:05:47 Debug: Sending resultHint
  304. 04:05:47 Debug: Resolving: "1de42ff1-2e10-4d6b-a5cf-8090f3194b2b" "Eminem" "Just Lose It" fulltext? "" "spotify:track:2RzWl7MCWqwQbTkA3vwGUk"
  305. 04:05:47 Debug: Sending resultHint
  306. 04:05:47 Debug: Resolving: "f2d45b20-70ab-44b1-87d3-b5c7475bc3f5" "The Prodigy" "Stand Up" fulltext? "" "spotify:track:15mSSDkDMCsZTnBlqm0S41"
  307. 04:05:47 Debug: Sending resultHint
  308. 04:05:47 Debug: Resolving: "5ea3d956-5d60-4087-9409-4f32e3c901b7" "The Prodigy" "Invaders Must Die" fulltext? "" "spotify:track:3XqCWgqADuzm2faQPjdH8s"
  309. 04:05:47 Debug: Sending resultHint
  310. 04:05:47 Debug: Resolving: "6b7a3482-6872-4109-b6e2-40ef066a51b9" "The Prodigy" "O" fulltext? "" "spotify:track:2qgTvtCVbQ18SQ4ZDVUlMB"
  311. 04:05:47 Debug: Sending resultHint
  312. 04:05:47 Debug: Resolving: "9d3fdaff-e548-45fa-9555-92ba633dc1ee" "The Prodigy" "Thunder" fulltext? "" "spotify:track:67S0TqyoE8Z32QfgwSA39I"
  313. 04:05:47 Debug: Sending resultHint
  314. 04:05:47 Debug: Resolving: "31dc2932-5519-4d73-862b-5b3c59ef33fb" "The Prodigy" "Colours" fulltext? "" "spotify:track:2AiRbO6ai2HdLuHfwjs36R"
  315. 04:05:47 Debug: Sending resultHint
  316. 04:05:48 Debug: Resolving: "727f963f-f627-467f-8c1f-9703155ab7e9" "The Prodigy" "Take Me To The Hospital" fulltext? "" "spotify:track:440qJgqaesbDqOnKulyVsj"
  317. 04:05:48 Debug: Sending resultHint
  318. 04:05:48 Debug: Resolving: "416b1c14-cc9e-4136-b103-85699a73d2c9" "The Prodigy" "Take Me To The Hospital - Rusko Remix" fulltext? "" "spotify:track:0soeOGuXC0dMJVadEg5zGc"
  319. 04:05:48 Debug: Sending resultHint
  320. 04:05:48 Debug: Resolving: "7d375b05-cad8-4c31-99ef-8577de890b5e" "The Prodigy" "Take Me To The Hospital - Subfocus Remix" fulltext? "" "spotify:track:1pXSksTMBGE8qMDthcYokl"
  321. 04:05:48 Debug: Sending resultHint
  322. 04:05:48 Debug: Resolving: "bf95d610-0061-41be-8873-fba13212177a" "JAY Z" "Dirt Off Your Shoulder/Lying From You" fulltext? "" "spotify:track:7dvd3b2oz7AFgXrPBIIYxR"
  323. 04:05:48 Debug: Sending resultHint
  324. 04:05:48 Debug: Resolving: "627ff2eb-e94a-4d87-b5af-779820b44a89" "JAY Z" "Big Pimpin'/Papercut" fulltext? "" "spotify:track:4DLH2fr8pWX1iksMrk47Kw"
  325. 04:05:48 Debug: Sending resultHint
  326. 04:05:48 Debug: Resolving: "a2031b49-4b62-4cbc-8fd3-107bfab79707" "JAY Z" "Jigga What/Faint" fulltext? "" "spotify:track:4pnFRnCOfaETea25g0YSvG"
  327. 04:05:48 Debug: Sending resultHint
  328. 04:05:48 Debug: Resolving: "7e63cce5-dc78-499d-a833-78153a86e017" "JAY Z" "Numb/Encore" fulltext? "" "spotify:track:7dyluIqv7QYVTXXZiMWPHW"
  329. 04:05:48 Debug: Sending resultHint
  330. 04:05:48 Debug: Resolving: "807a85f6-16ae-4df1-8fc2-958293646ae4" "JAY Z" "Izzo/In The End" fulltext? "" "spotify:track:39sUeHQoIGY6BEIcgTMRXW"
  331. 04:05:48 Debug: Sending resultHint
  332. 04:05:48 Debug: Resolving: "944b2348-fef3-4c8f-9243-e01c2aab13e4" "JAY Z" "Points Of Authority/99 Problems/One Step Closer" fulltext? "" "spotify:track:65eohvrL4ttjA7EfFkQOhX"
  333. 04:05:48 Debug: Sending resultHint
  334. 04:05:48 Debug: Resolving: "62d4541a-5cb8-41f1-8a14-66a18800c9ed" "JAY Z" "No Church In The Wild" fulltext? "" "spotify:track:7r6PigmGzlB3YPB7wvBBbi"
  335. 04:05:48 Debug: Sending resultHint
  336. 04:05:49 Debug: Resolving: "ead150cc-02e2-48fc-a399-90dbbbd96cf9" "JAY Z" "Otis" fulltext? "" "spotify:track:14I61w6cyYUHiV2n28IYdP"
  337. 04:05:49 Debug: Sending resultHint
  338. 04:05:49 Debug: Resolving: "83de2c05-e953-4142-be7f-7ee50fb12b23" "JAY Z" "Who Gon Stop Me" fulltext? "" "spotify:track:22ngk2DRBy7audIugfYDKd"
  339. 04:05:49 Debug: Sending resultHint
  340. 04:05:49 Debug: Resolving: "9e3c6805-ed3c-4348-9e47-1dbd51c829ab" "JAY Z" "Why I Love You" fulltext? "" "spotify:track:4bDPr2VAjcfgUDmN9dGOC3"
  341. 04:05:49 Debug: Sending resultHint
  342. 04:05:49 Debug: Resolving: "2eff8bd9-5e5c-4fdf-b7f5-682b900e36b1" "Young Buck" "I'm A Soldier" fulltext? "" "spotify:track:6kcKQjtqzARt67cVxaZGCR"
  343. 04:05:49 Debug: Sending resultHint
  344. 04:05:49 Debug: Resolving: "4fbb6b75-0787-4303-a80e-2c5eae84cce6" "Young Buck" "Do It Like Me" fulltext? "" "spotify:track:3QZgmLxDNni6OK6585IH6S"
  345. 04:05:49 Debug: Sending resultHint
  346. 04:05:49 Debug: Resolving: "21e6ee12-ed6b-480d-8947-e1085f47795f" "Young Buck" "Let Me In" fulltext? "" "spotify:track:6EaLyLT4d2bvzX2XYYztQb"
  347. 04:05:49 Debug: Sending resultHint
  348. 04:05:49 Debug: Resolving: "9c024262-b934-42ab-b7d9-06d2885f246f" "Young Buck" "Look At Me Now" fulltext? "" "spotify:track:08ZPBLxyNZQCmmxiR8l1HK"
  349. 04:05:49 Debug: Sending resultHint
  350. 04:05:49 Debug: Resolving: "e2e319b1-cf50-40d2-9ddd-cfc31224138a" "Young Buck" "Welcome To The South" fulltext? "" "spotify:track:4PhxUH4bQPg9171ZZHsZ0e"
  351. 04:05:49 Debug: Sending resultHint
  352. 04:05:49 Debug: Resolving: "5c5d498a-082a-4a2e-9678-f08ea16cb561" "Young Buck" "Prices On My Head" fulltext? "" "spotify:track:1PiJ1m59ixVLQRCkGhWZul"
  353. 04:05:49 Debug: Sending resultHint
  354. 04:05:50 Debug: Resolving: "0bed0b8c-d0a4-402c-9290-6674b15fe509" "Young Buck" "Shorty Wanna Ride" fulltext? "" "spotify:track:7LNbEZIGqRliXxEJNuF9jk"
  355. 04:05:50 Debug: Sending resultHint
  356. 04:05:50 Debug: Resolving: "23bd846f-41c1-41bb-9803-143b4412e977" "Young Buck" "Bang Bang" fulltext? "" "spotify:track:3tdOH7ggO6IpSg5eTWZeum"
  357. 04:05:50 Debug: Sending resultHint
  358. 04:05:50 Debug: Resolving: "b62ff435-0ff2-4b2e-804b-c60b3334acf6" "Young Buck" "Thou Shall" fulltext? "" "spotify:track:4Cl1PIwBwOxnbaLvuYNQcW"
  359. 04:05:50 Debug: Sending resultHint
  360. 04:05:50 Debug: Resolving: "302bd304-e7b9-4041-b245-94a6adb09cba" "Young Buck" "Black Gloves" fulltext? "" "spotify:track:0zClPOQV1oscrmdGAiHBgY"
  361. 04:05:50 Debug: Sending resultHint
  362. 04:05:50 Debug: Resolving: "29a2773c-39ac-45c9-918f-c4cd0a091de9" "Young Buck" "Stomp" fulltext? "" "spotify:track:3RlAPkL7HLw3MRiYCjHriB"
  363. 04:05:50 Debug: Sending resultHint
  364. 04:05:50 Debug: Resolving: "2e713464-25d4-4d0c-9d0b-7f533a920dcc" "Fort Minor (Featuring Styles Of Beyond)" "Remember The Name" fulltext? "" "spotify:track:7vwkKw2Xd7Pks1X712Au0T"
  365. 04:05:50 Debug: Sending resultHint
  366. 04:05:50 Debug: Resolving: "c6c117d6-321f-47d8-baeb-a0b5d8e81726" "Fort Minor" "Petrified" fulltext? "" "spotify:track:74tB1XU3EsG8OKePjwUXtg"
  367. 04:05:50 Debug: Sending resultHint
  368. 04:05:50 Debug: Resolving: "83e3d1a7-582c-4031-a4e2-69dbb87d6fe1" "Linkin Park" "LOST IN THE ECHO" fulltext? "" "spotify:track:2oNYsdCasRRlz1shXFAz7D"
  369. 04:05:50 Debug: Sending resultHint
  370. 04:05:50 Debug: Resolving: "2831bb7d-288d-488e-a34a-4479a850dd6a" "Linkin Park" "IN MY REMAINS" fulltext? "" "spotify:track:00KfIFi2TpAaQGPbRbFbKJ"
  371. 04:05:50 Debug: Sending resultHint
  372. 04:05:51 Debug: Resolving: "0ac68111-7bc9-4870-98a0-16774db5e8a5" "Linkin Park" "I'LL BE GONE" fulltext? "" "spotify:track:3cQGb2POE359G9WH81bF60"
  373. 04:05:51 Debug: Sending resultHint
  374. 04:05:51 Debug: Resolving: "80881478-3eee-49ad-8882-70446c79e0d4" "Linkin Park" "CASTLE OF GLASS" fulltext? "" "spotify:track:1r1fPuhj9H4VdXr7OK6FL5"
  375. 04:05:51 Debug: Sending resultHint
  376. 04:05:51 Debug: Resolving: "dbe56693-7ff7-4644-b262-a8664fd4e115" "Linkin Park" "VICTIMIZED" fulltext? "" "spotify:track:35jdp4bY3CABKBroODRq7Y"
  377. 04:05:51 Debug: Sending resultHint
  378. 04:05:51 Debug: Resolving: "c3b5b5de-1866-48ac-9cfe-98f68980e6c3" "Linkin Park" "TINFOIL" fulltext? "" "spotify:track:5zoETs17V8PJkeGmB0Iagw"
  379. 04:05:51 Debug: Sending resultHint
  380. 04:05:51 Debug: Resolving: "57f7dc30-9369-4529-a682-578e4b399fef" "Linkin Park" "POWERLESS" fulltext? "" "spotify:track:4zNk347FJz4yDDcjUhJJMI"
  381. 04:05:51 Debug: Sending resultHint
  382. 04:05:51 Debug: Resolving: "a5b31c5a-3b45-42e7-81d5-05702c78d97a" "Breathe Carolina" "The Dressing Room" fulltext? "" "spotify:track:2abSrTXbvqQewNfdaHdfJ2"
  383. 04:05:51 Debug: Sending resultHint
  384. 04:05:51 Debug: Resolving: "960ae17c-d1d4-466e-a6ca-54b59a09c6b1" "Gorillaz" "Feel Good Inc" fulltext? "" "spotify:track:0d28khcov6AiegSCpG5TuT"
  385. 04:05:51 Debug: Sending resultHint
  386. 04:05:51 Debug: Resolving: "474d25de-4c77-4774-8e14-b92cce63dc82" "Bloodhound Gang" "The Bad Touch" fulltext? "" "spotify:track:57WEJn0HhoKXHsBFrQXmWo"
  387. 04:05:51 Debug: Sending resultHint
  388. 04:05:51 Debug: Resolving: "3bcad687-2dac-4dae-bb2e-a4ca9f8217b5" "Emily Browning" "Sweet Dreams (Are Made Of This) - Sucker Punch: Original Motion Picture Soundtrack" fulltext? "" "spotify:track:0cBTbpSTj66GXHBE4eJWdv"
  389. 04:05:51 Debug: Sending resultHint
  390. 04:05:52 Debug: Resolving: "f089c765-f541-430d-81d0-5ee057cbb9cb" "Alison Mosshart" "Tomorrow Never Knows - Sucker Punch: Original Motion Picture Soundtrack" fulltext? "" "spotify:track:57wK3cIBBIcMo2g0HJMNVF"
  391. 04:05:52 Debug: Sending resultHint
  392. 04:05:52 Debug: Resolving: "5a338d3b-f4fc-42db-96c5-ec3031d71c6a" "Eminem" "Lose Yourself - Soundtrack Version (Explicit)" fulltext? "" "spotify:track:0j5X6DrzkgY64Mm8NQp5mi"
  393. 04:05:52 Debug: Sending resultHint
  394. 04:05:52 Debug: Resolving: "b82c111f-2649-4165-907a-0a0c63cf4a34" "Bloodhound Gang" "Fire Water Burn" fulltext? "" "spotify:track:6EdUE6TbcVzxfDnBZPTAg5"
  395. 04:05:52 Debug: Sending resultHint
  396. 04:05:52 Debug: Resolving: "94a1edba-4ed5-4843-8b5f-1023596ce452" "Seeed Feat. Cee-Lo Green" "Aufstehn!" fulltext? "" "spotify:track:2KpvM181ZwtIWwIElZx4vI"
  397. 04:05:52 Debug: Sending resultHint
  398. 04:05:52 Debug: Resolving: "32433193-e989-4f51-835e-137d549c7888" "Linkin Park" "LOST IN THE ECHO" fulltext? "" "spotify:track:2oNYsdCasRRlz1shXFAz7D"
  399. 04:05:52 Debug: Sending resultHint
  400. 04:05:52 Debug: Resolving: "12d148f8-9c9c-44d0-a1c7-4662f19b7f2a" "Araab Muzik" "La prophétie des aigles" fulltext? "" "spotify:track:2S0vyvl5Q4V2RzLeFlBfTu"
  401. 04:05:52 Debug: Sending resultHint
  402. 04:05:52 Debug: Resolving: "9646cf9b-f0c4-4687-ac93-ab00ce4eeb6f" "K.I.Z." "Tekknohurensohn" fulltext? "" "spotify:track:0n99Bi90HHOSrd1iNnJa96"
  403. 04:05:52 Debug: Sending resultHint
  404. 04:05:52 Debug: Resolving: "c9bfb526-8c99-470c-a7df-88ce1a880695" "Modeselektor" "Humanized feat. Anti Pop Consortium" fulltext? "" "spotify:track:3k7gHOmtkrYHDdFqXBAeqZ"
  405. 04:05:52 Debug: Sending resultHint
  406. 04:05:52 Debug: Resolving: "28635d3e-6100-45ad-bf56-cf168fad2dc4" "JAY Z" "Hard Knock Life" fulltext? "" "spotify:track:5OyQwOnvyiQih96UnGprlo"
  407. 04:05:52 Debug: Sending resultHint
  408. 04:05:53 Debug: Resolving: "55d5c572-8537-4a81-ad6e-1eb2cd33733d" "Outlander" "Our World - Original" fulltext? "" "spotify:track:026XzRFyJrt0YMuH4HKUJM"
  409. 04:05:53 Debug: Sending resultHint
  410. 04:05:53 Debug: Resolving: "dc6a38e6-069d-471d-956e-436823cd8491" "K.I.Z." "Intro Böhse Enkelz - Live" fulltext? "" "spotify:track:5LHirtHdlHsVkexi5yQ3hn"
  411. 04:05:53 Debug: Sending resultHint
  412. 04:05:53 Debug: Resolving: "d30dd72f-a09b-43b6-98d2-649e3d448a61" "MC Villain" "X - Original Mix" fulltext? "" "spotify:track:6Wqz9YMHXvqKGaQLrabz0W"
  413. 04:05:53 Debug: Sending resultHint
  414. 04:05:53 Debug: Resolving: "65490943-e55b-4808-a3d4-55494cd2d79e" "Wilderness Crew" "Perfect Match" fulltext? "" "spotify:track:13C3vlHlCJVkYbBsqcTs2f"
  415. 04:05:53 Debug: Sending resultHint
  416. 04:05:53 Debug: Resolving: "c06261c6-fa30-4f0d-9f45-64f07ffb47c4" "Wilderness Crew" "Northwest Rotation" fulltext? "" "spotify:track:1qpGelnYbyW0MVWKgDQf8z"
  417. 04:05:53 Debug: Sending resultHint
  418. 04:06:02 Debug: Resolving: "ef72b3e7-5774-4cc2-98fe-93607fc824b3" "Wilderness Crew" "I'm Coming Home" fulltext? "" "spotify:track:2KuenmY8TFsJ5320ig4i23"
  419. 04:06:02 Debug: Sending resultHint
  420. 04:06:02 Debug: Resolving: "dff026ff-fd98-4a55-9872-7040938fd3bb" "Wilderness Crew" "Grammas Wishes" fulltext? "" "spotify:track:3jVGI0k173r5djZa8FmLjh"
  421. 04:06:02 Debug: Sending resultHint
  422. 04:06:02 Debug: Resolving: "cd794c50-9ffc-4f84-9f3f-89e7b47bdb0b" "Wilderness Crew" "The Push" fulltext? "" "spotify:track:5vw1NoCms2Rg5CknPxSd7O"
  423. 04:06:02 Debug: Sending resultHint
  424. 04:06:02 Debug: Resolving: "f52621d9-3ed3-4879-8cc5-02546fc606b8" "Borgore" "Love" fulltext? "" "spotify:track:6wEA4BiLfI2W8gToj3tXgr"
  425. 04:06:02 Debug: Sending resultHint
  426. 04:06:02 Debug: Resolving: "81e98b9e-eb59-4b95-bc3f-3d82e5ff5401" "Donkey Rollers" "Total Domination - Original Mix" fulltext? "" "spotify:track:0LN4Q50nMxpCNC4jwup403"
  427. 04:06:02 Debug: Sending resultHint
  428. 04:06:03 Debug: Resolving: "66fbfd1e-1976-41be-afab-b14f2d4225db" "Steve Berke" "Pot Shop" fulltext? "" "spotify:track:6U6KCkmPN7ZUQk3NPRtGna"
  429. 04:06:03 Debug: Sending resultHint
  430. 04:06:03 Debug: Resolving: "f8cb2433-1d09-410d-827c-6cf0895f8ce9" "The Heavy" "Short Change Hero" fulltext? "" "spotify:local:The+Heavy:Borderlands+2+Soundtrack:Short+Change+Hero:238"
  431. 04:06:03 Debug: Resolving: "0a223c69-eb30-4a82-aebc-3110373cb245" "Foo Fighters" "The Pretender" fulltext? "" "spotify:track:26Mj7D26lsxoUdE4p91mku"
  432. 04:06:03 Debug: Sending resultHint
  433. 04:06:03 Debug: Got num results: 1 for query artist:The Heavy track:Short Change Hero
  434. 04:06:12 Debug: Resolving: "acab1043-a040-4872-9169-044e0ca5432c" "Pimpulsiv" "Multimorbid" fulltext? "" "spotify:local:Pimpulsiv:Hepatitis+P:Multimorbid:176"
  435. 04:06:13 Debug: Resolving: "3ba3a7dc-0247-4068-92ca-c9adf6cf9df4" "P$C" "Do Ya Thing - feat. Young Dro amended" fulltext? "" "spotify:track:5ZcmLAogrj4HF8Odrz9XA2"
  436. 04:06:13 Debug: Sending resultHint
  437. 04:06:13 Debug: Got num results: 0 for query artist:Pimpulsiv track:Multimorbid
  438. 04:06:13 Debug: Resolving: "d19951d6-d356-4e02-87c4-9701415eee83" "Josef "J7" Lord (Sam B.) & Christopher H. Knight" "No Room in Hell (From Dead Island: Riptide) [feat. Chamillionaire]" fulltext? "" "spotify:track:7GCaQKkUKDexBZgsthGG9z"
  439. 04:06:13 Debug: Sending resultHint
  440. 04:06:13 Debug: Resolving: "47c43de5-ce6e-4c71-ad86-0758da2f97e0" "The Prodigy" "Warrior's Dance" fulltext? "" "spotify:track:4JkbOqUgExDrQu2wBlBOKc"
  441. 04:06:13 Debug: Sending resultHint
  442. 04:06:13 Debug: Resolving: "8fd6a7e0-3ee9-4c8f-a17f-903aeda9b2b0" "Infected Mushroom" "Wanted To" fulltext? "" "spotify:track:2uRKaLWBsWJjInYFTU0KHh"
  443. 04:06:13 Debug: Sending resultHint
  444. 04:06:13 Debug: Resolving: "3d2cb389-e831-480d-9d24-63c7f89d3f75" "Angerfist" "The Depths Of Despair (Official Masters Of Hardcore Anthem)" fulltext? "" "spotify:track:77cGnf6PMXebwgXWKHXWNz"
  445. 04:06:13 Debug: Sending resultHint
  446. 04:06:13 Debug: Resolving: "3f38c693-6a28-4e40-b9ba-8d19b143372f" "Angerfist" "Who Cares" fulltext? "" "spotify:track:47LEu6yVOwPhFmKmxLjhIX"
  447. 04:06:13 Debug: Sending resultHint
  448. 04:06:14 Debug: Resolving: "575fe8d6-4cd0-4068-b962-28d7b2f59940" "Angerfist" "The Voice Of Mayhem" fulltext? "" "spotify:track:6bomUOt461g8mpkagwz9UN"
  449. 04:06:14 Debug: Sending resultHint
  450. 04:06:22 Debug: Resolving: "91756adf-4ada-4fdc-b453-96fa0bef34e5" "Angerfist" "F@ckin' Wit Yo Head" fulltext? "" "spotify:track:7N0HOmL6L62eF7Pz8d3tlG"
  451. 04:06:22 Debug: Sending resultHint
  452. 04:06:23 Debug: Resolving: "d5340a00-3761-4dfb-baf9-2cbb5f1732f5" "Nero" "Me & You - Dirtyphonics Remix" fulltext? "" "spotify:track:4i3pAyl50GGPY2gnaBhyIk"
  453. 04:06:23 Debug: Sending resultHint
  454. 04:06:23 Debug: Resolving: "31040d83-797f-4fc9-a482-b901f2a4c9b6" "The Lonely Island" "I'm On A Boat" fulltext? "" "spotify:track:6J1NDncyE32ESFN45kGQU0"
  455. 04:06:23 Debug: Sending resultHint
  456. 04:06:24 Debug: Resolving: "821b667b-bb09-4b9c-850d-3933f0e74078" "Björk" "Army Of Me (Sucker Punch Remix) - Sucker Punch: Original Motion Picture Soundtrack" fulltext? "" "spotify:track:5mY1gIKCqG6yNmmXDwCtWp"
  457. 04:06:24 Debug: Sending resultHint
  458. 04:06:24 Debug: Resolving: "2e2e8094-275e-4ccc-8487-7c5d702b1d8c" "Rittz feat. Mike Posner" "Switch Lanes" fulltext? "" "spotify:track:2ysVuXmtSgghzyYijfj7Od"
  459. 04:06:24 Debug: Sending resultHint
  460. 04:06:24 Debug: Resolving: "0fd5e092-dc5d-43d6-b3df-0bc12517220d" "The Subways" "Rock & Roll Queen" fulltext? "" "spotify:track:1WyKUC38eOdVissKP4VzpA"
  461. 04:06:24 Debug: Sending resultHint
  462. 04:06:24 Debug: Resolving: "de62e6ca-b97e-45f9-bea9-21bb9752e7b9" "Imagine Dragons" "Radioactive" fulltext? "" "spotify:track:0Yo8GhK9HEaeIZetPARrW9"
  463. 04:06:24 Debug: Sending resultHint
  464. 04:06:25 Debug: Resolving: "b2ee0558-06c2-45ab-9680-35bf35c25879" "Sun Araw" "Deep Cover" fulltext? "" "spotify:track:6rne7RR7YOkAuRYeNP9GQT"
  465. 04:06:25 Debug: Sending resultHint
  466. 04:06:25 Debug: TOMAHAWK NOT RUNNING? Exiting...
  467. 04:06:25 Debug: exiting...
  468. 04:06:25 Debug: Destroy session
  469. 04:06:25 Debug: Destroying playlists
  470. 04:06:25 Warning: QObject::killTimer: timers cannot be stopped from another thread
  471. 04:06:25 Warning: QObject::killTimers: timers cannot be stopped from another thread
  472. 04:06:25 Warning: QThread: Destroyed while thread is still running
  473. 04:06:27 Debug: Initializing Spotify
  474. 04:06:27 Debug: void __thiscall SpotifyPlaylists::readSettings(void) Loading playlist to sync: "spotify:user:<censored>:playlist:<censored>" from user "<censored>"
  475. 04:06:27 Debug: === Using LibVersion 12 ===
  476. 04:06:27 Debug: Looking for spotify settings file at "C:\Users\S0lll0s\AppData\Local\SpotifyResolver/settings"
  477. 04:06:27 Debug: Found spotify settings file, parsing...
  478. 04:06:27 Debug: Starting HTTPd on "" 55050
  479. 04:06:27 Debug: Logging in with username: "<censored>"
  480. 04:06:27 Debug: Logging in as remembered user
  481. 04:06:27 Debug: SpotifyLog: "03:06:27.588 I [ap:1752] Connecting to AP ap.gslb.spotify.com:4070
  482. "
  483. 04:06:27 Debug: Logged in successfully!!
  484. 04:06:27 Debug: void __stdcall SpotifySession::loggedIn(struct sp_session *,enum sp_error) ==== No error ====
  485. 04:06:27 Debug: void __thiscall SpotifyResolver::loginResponse(bool,const class QString &) Notified of login response, sending to client: true "No error"
  486. 04:06:27 Debug: ==== Got blob update for "<censored>" ====
  487. 04:06:27 Debug: SpotifyLog: "03:06:27.647 I [offline-mgr:2084] Storage has been cleaned
  488. "
  489. 04:06:27 Debug: Looking for spotify settings file at "C:\Users\S0lll0s\AppData\Local\SpotifyResolver/settings"
  490. 04:06:27 Debug: Found spotify settings file, parsing...
  492. 04:06:27 Debug: SpotifyLog: "03:06:27.653 I [ap:1226] Connected to AP:
  493. "
  494. 04:06:28 Debug: ==== Got blob update for "<censored>" ====
  495. 04:06:28 Debug: void __thiscall SpotifyPlaylists::loadContainerSlot(struct sp_playlistcontainer *)
  496. 04:06:28 Debug: Container load from thread id 0x6948
  497. 04:06:28 Debug: Trying to load 51 playlists from this container!
  498. 04:06:28 Debug: Adding syncing for playlist "spotify:user:<censored>:playlist:<censored>"
  499. 04:06:28 Debug: ADDING SYNC CALLBACKS FOR PLAYLIST: Sol's
  501. 04:06:28 Debug: Created starred playlist: 0x8c3f9e8
  502. 04:06:28 Debug: Starred tracks loaded!
  503. 04:06:28 Debug: Playlist state changed for synced playlist: 0x3c28478 Sol's is loaded? true
  504. 04:06:29 Debug: SpotifyLog: "03:06:29.214 W [core/playlist/playlist.h:45] Adding observer while updating
  505. "
  506. 04:06:29 Debug: SpotifyLog: "03:06:29.214 W [core/playlist/playlist.h:45] Adding observer while updating
  507. "
  508. 04:06:29 Debug: Number of subscribers changed, sending!
  509. 04:06:29 Debug: Sending playlist metadata to client: "Sol's"
  510. 04:06:29 Debug: Playlist state changed for synced playlist: 0x3c28478 Sol's is loaded? true
  511. 04:06:29 Debug: SpotifyLog: "03:06:29.716 W [core/playlist/playlist.h:45] Adding observer while updating
  512. "
  513. 04:06:29 Debug: SpotifyLog: "03:06:29.716 W [core/playlist/playlist.h:45] Adding observer while updating
  514. "
  515. 04:06:30 Debug: ========== GOT ALL PLAYLISTS LOADED, EMITTING SIGNAL!
  516. 04:06:30 Debug: void __thiscall SpotifyResolver::notifyAllPlaylistsLoaded(void) Sending all spotify playlists, found: 52
  517. 04:06:30 Debug: SENDING ALL PLAYLISTS JSON:
  518. 04:06:38 Debug: SpotifyLog: "03:06:38.643 I [offline-mgr:2032] 0 files are locked. 0 images are locked
  519. "
  520. 04:06:38 Debug: SpotifyLog: "03:06:38.644 I [offline-mgr:2058] 0 files unlocked. 0 images unlocked
  521. "
  522. 04:07:27 Debug: TOMAHAWK NOT RUNNING? Exiting...
  523. 04:07:27 Debug: exiting...
  524. 04:07:27 Debug: Destroy session
  525. 04:07:27 Debug: Destroying playlists
  526. 04:07:27 Warning: QObject::killTimer: timers cannot be stopped from another thread
  527. 04:07:27 Warning: QObject::killTimers: timers cannot be stopped from another thread
  528. 04:07:27 Warning: QThread: Destroyed while thread is still running
  529. 04:07:29 Debug: Initializing Spotify
  530. 04:07:29 Debug: void __thiscall SpotifyPlaylists::readSettings(void) Loading playlist to sync: "spotify:user:<censored>:playlist:<censored>" from user "<censored>"
  531. 04:07:29 Debug: === Using LibVersion 12 ===
  532. 04:07:29 Debug: Looking for spotify settings file at "C:\Users\S0lll0s\AppData\Local\SpotifyResolver/settings"
  533. 04:07:29 Debug: Found spotify settings file, parsing...
  534. 04:07:29 Debug: Starting HTTPd on "" 55050
  535. 04:07:29 Debug: Logging in with username: "<censored>"
  536. 04:07:29 Debug: Logging in as remembered user
  537. 04:07:29 Debug: SpotifyLog: "03:07:29.264 I [ap:1752] Connecting to AP ap.gslb.spotify.com:4070
  538. "
  539. 04:07:29 Debug: Logged in successfully!!
  540. 04:07:29 Debug: void __stdcall SpotifySession::loggedIn(struct sp_session *,enum sp_error) ==== No error ====
  541. 04:07:29 Debug: void __thiscall SpotifyResolver::loginResponse(bool,const class QString &) Notified of login response, sending to client: true "No error"
  542. 04:07:29 Debug: SpotifyLog: "03:07:29.326 I [ap:1226] Connected to AP:
  543. "
  544. 04:07:29 Debug: ==== Got blob update for "<censored>" ====
  545. 04:07:29 Debug: SpotifyLog: "03:07:29.328 I [offline-mgr:2084] Storage has been cleaned
  546. "
  547. 04:07:29 Debug: Looking for spotify settings file at "C:\Users\S0lll0s\AppData\Local\SpotifyResolver/settings"
  548. 04:07:29 Debug: Found spotify settings file, parsing...
  550. 04:07:30 Debug: ==== Got blob update for "<censored>" ====
  551. 04:07:30 Debug: void __thiscall SpotifyPlaylists::loadContainerSlot(struct sp_playlistcontainer *)
  552. 04:07:30 Debug: Container load from thread id 0x63c8
  553. 04:07:30 Debug: Trying to load 51 playlists from this container!
  554. 04:07:30 Debug: Adding syncing for playlist "spotify:user:<censored>:playlist:<censored>"
  555. 04:07:30 Debug: ADDING SYNC CALLBACKS FOR PLAYLIST: Sol's
  557. 04:07:30 Debug: Created starred playlist: 0x8947d50
  558. 04:07:30 Debug: Starred tracks loaded!
  559. 04:07:30 Debug: Playlist state changed for synced playlist: 0x3216040 Sol's is loaded? true
  560. 04:07:30 Debug: Playlist state changed for synced playlist: 0x3216040 Sol's is loaded? true
  561. 04:07:30 Debug: Number of subscribers changed, sending!
  562. 04:07:30 Debug: Sending playlist metadata to client: "Sol's"
  563. 04:07:31 Debug: SpotifyLog: "03:07:31.428 W [core/playlist/playlist.h:45] Adding observer while updating
  564. "
  565. 04:07:31 Debug: SpotifyLog: "03:07:31.428 W [core/playlist/playlist.h:45] Adding observer while updating
  566. "
  567. 04:07:31 Debug: SpotifyLog: "03:07:31.450 W [core/playlist/playlist.h:45] Adding observer while updating
  568. "
  569. 04:07:31 Debug: SpotifyLog: "03:07:31.450 W [core/playlist/playlist.h:45] Adding observer while updating
  570. "
  571. 04:07:32 Debug: ========== GOT ALL PLAYLISTS LOADED, EMITTING SIGNAL!
  572. 04:07:32 Debug: void __thiscall SpotifyResolver::notifyAllPlaylistsLoaded(void) Sending all spotify playlists, found: 52
  573. 04:07:32 Debug: SENDING ALL PLAYLISTS JSON:
  574. 04:07:40 Debug: SpotifyLog: "03:07:40.339 I [offline-mgr:2032] 0 files are locked. 0 images are locked
  575. "
  576. 04:07:40 Debug: SpotifyLog: "03:07:40.340 I [offline-mgr:2058] 0 files unlocked. 0 images unlocked
  577. "
  578. 04:08:11 Debug: Logging in with username: "<censored>"
  579. 04:08:11 Debug: Logging in as remembered user
  580. 04:08:11 Debug: Logged in successfully!!
  581. 04:08:11 Debug: void __stdcall SpotifySession::loggedIn(struct sp_session *,enum sp_error) ==== No error ====
  582. 04:08:11 Debug: void __thiscall SpotifyResolver::loginResponse(bool,const class QString &) Notified of login response, sending to client: true "No error"
  583. 04:08:11 Debug: ==== Got blob update for "<censored>" ====
  584. 04:08:29 Debug: TOMAHAWK NOT RUNNING? Exiting...
  585. 04:08:29 Debug: exiting...
  586. 04:08:29 Debug: Destroy session
  587. 04:08:29 Debug: Destroying playlists
  588. 04:08:29 Warning: QObject::killTimer: timers cannot be stopped from another thread
  589. 04:08:29 Warning: QObject::killTimers: timers cannot be stopped from another thread
  590. 04:08:29 Warning: QThread: Destroyed while thread is still running
  591. 04:08:30 Debug: Initializing Spotify
  592. 04:08:30 Debug: void __thiscall SpotifyPlaylists::readSettings(void) Loading playlist to sync: "spotify:user:<censored>:playlist:<censored>" from user "<censored>"
  593. 04:08:30 Debug: === Using LibVersion 12 ===
  594. 04:08:30 Debug: Looking for spotify settings file at "C:\Users\S0lll0s\AppData\Local\SpotifyResolver/settings"
  595. 04:08:30 Debug: Found spotify settings file, parsing...
  596. 04:08:30 Debug: Starting HTTPd on "" 55050
  597. 04:08:30 Debug: Logging in with username: "<censored>"
  598. 04:08:30 Debug: Logging in as remembered user
  599. 04:08:30 Debug: SpotifyLog: "03:08:30.870 I [ap:1752] Connecting to AP ap.gslb.spotify.com:4070
  600. "
  601. 04:08:30 Debug: Logged in successfully!!
  602. 04:08:30 Debug: SpotifyLog: "03:08:30.924 I [ap:1226] Connected to AP:
  603. "
  604. 04:08:30 Debug: void __stdcall SpotifySession::loggedIn(struct sp_session *,enum sp_error) ==== No error ====
  605. 04:08:30 Debug: void __thiscall SpotifyResolver::loginResponse(bool,const class QString &) Notified of login response, sending to client: true "No error"
  606. 04:08:30 Debug: ==== Got blob update for "<censored>" ====
  607. 04:08:30 Debug: SpotifyLog: "03:08:30.928 I [offline-mgr:2084] Storage has been cleaned
  608. "
  609. 04:08:30 Debug: Looking for spotify settings file at "C:\Users\S0lll0s\AppData\Local\SpotifyResolver/settings"
  610. 04:08:30 Debug: Found spotify settings file, parsing...
  612. 04:08:31 Debug: ==== Got blob update for "<censored>" ====
  613. 04:08:31 Debug: exiting...
  614. 04:08:31 Debug: Destroy session
  615. 04:08:31 Debug: Destroying playlists
  616. 04:08:31 Warning: QObject::killTimer: timers cannot be stopped from another thread
  617. 04:08:31 Warning: QObject::killTimers: timers cannot be stopped from another thread
  618. 04:08:40 Debug: Initializing Spotify
  619. 04:08:40 Debug: void __thiscall SpotifyPlaylists::readSettings(void) Loading playlist to sync: "spotify:user:<censored>:playlist:<censored>" from user "<censored>"
  620. 04:08:40 Debug: === Using LibVersion 12 ===
  621. 04:08:40 Debug: Looking for spotify settings file at "C:\Users\S0lll0s\AppData\Local\SpotifyResolver/settings"
  622. 04:08:40 Debug: Found spotify settings file, parsing...
  623. 04:08:40 Debug: Starting HTTPd on "" 55050
  624. 04:08:40 Debug: Logging in with username: "<censored>"
  625. 04:08:40 Debug: Logging in as remembered user
  626. 04:08:40 Debug: SpotifyLog: "03:08:40.426 I [ap:1752] Connecting to AP ap.gslb.spotify.com:4070
  627. "
  628. 04:08:40 Debug: Logged in successfully!!
  629. 04:08:40 Debug: SpotifyLog: "03:08:40.482 I [ap:1226] Connected to AP:
  630. "
  631. 04:08:40 Debug: void __stdcall SpotifySession::loggedIn(struct sp_session *,enum sp_error) ==== No error ====
  632. 04:08:40 Debug: void __thiscall SpotifyResolver::loginResponse(bool,const class QString &) Notified of login response, sending to client: true "No error"
  633. 04:08:40 Debug: ==== Got blob update for "<censored>" ====
  634. 04:08:40 Debug: SpotifyLog: "03:08:40.484 I [offline-mgr:2084] Storage has been cleaned
  635. "
  636. 04:08:40 Debug: Tomahawk asked for credentials, sending! Logged in? true
  637. 04:08:41 Debug: ==== Got blob update for "<censored>" ====
  638. 04:08:41 Debug: void __thiscall SpotifyPlaylists::loadContainerSlot(struct sp_playlistcontainer *)
  639. 04:08:41 Debug: Container load from thread id 0x34f4
  640. 04:08:41 Debug: Trying to load 51 playlists from this container!
  641. 04:08:41 Debug: Adding syncing for playlist "spotify:user:<censored>:playlist:<censored>"
  642. 04:08:41 Debug: ADDING SYNC CALLBACKS FOR PLAYLIST: Sol's
  644. 04:08:41 Debug: Created starred playlist: 0x33137f0
  645. 04:08:41 Debug: Starred tracks loaded!
  646. 04:08:41 Debug: Playlist state changed for synced playlist: 0x32b7238 Sol's is loaded? true
  647. 04:08:41 Debug: Playlist state changed for synced playlist: 0x32b7238 Sol's is loaded? true
  648. 04:08:42 Debug: Number of subscribers changed, sending!
  649. 04:08:42 Debug: Sending playlist metadata to client: "Sol's"
  650. 04:08:42 Debug: SpotifyLog: "03:08:42.504 W [core/playlist/playlist.h:45] Adding observer while updating
  651. "
  652. 04:08:42 Debug: SpotifyLog: "03:08:42.504 W [core/playlist/playlist.h:45] Adding observer while updating
  653. "
  654. 04:08:42 Debug: SpotifyLog: "03:08:42.644 W [core/playlist/playlist.h:45] Adding observer while updating
  655. "
  656. 04:08:42 Debug: SpotifyLog: "03:08:42.644 W [core/playlist/playlist.h:45] Adding observer while updating
  657. "
  658. 04:08:43 Debug: ========== GOT ALL PLAYLISTS LOADED, EMITTING SIGNAL!
  659. 04:08:43 Debug: void __thiscall SpotifyResolver::notifyAllPlaylistsLoaded(void) Sending all spotify playlists, found: 52
  660. 04:08:43 Debug: SENDING ALL PLAYLISTS JSON:
  661. 04:08:46 Debug: Resolving: "4cf4c5f3-9ff1-49b4-b478-379f08f510b8" "Linkin Park" "I'LL BE GONE" fulltext? "" ""
  662. 04:08:46 Debug: Resolving: "377b0ff7-b39a-4601-bf17-f7047baaaa81" "Kid Cudi" "Pursuit Of Happiness - Extended Steve Aoki Remix (Explicit)" fulltext? "" ""
  663. 04:08:46 Debug: Got num results: 3 for query artist:Linkin Park track:I'LL BE GONE
  664. 04:08:46 Debug: Resolving: "bf5d7937-1514-40e7-b5ad-b61828bd70c9" "Klaypex" "Lights" fulltext? "" ""
  665. 04:08:46 Debug: Got num results: 1 for query artist:Kid Cudi track:Pursuit Of Happiness - Extended Steve Aoki Remix (Explicit)
  666. 04:08:46 Debug: Resolving: "ccf776e1-6c00-45b2-b67b-38e8b8f65b7e" "K.I.Z." "Tekknohurensohn" fulltext? "" ""
  667. 04:08:46 Debug: Got num results: 3 for query artist:Klaypex track:Lights
  668. 04:08:46 Debug: Resolving: "bd2aa113-e395-47d1-abd3-75ae56919221" "Linkin Park" "Lying From You" fulltext? "" ""
  669. 04:08:46 Debug: Got num results: 1 for query artist:K.I.Z. track:Tekknohurensohn
  670. 04:08:46 Debug: Resolving: "cb8dacba-6973-43a1-ae6f-0822d5cadef2" "Die Antwoord" "Baby's On Fire" fulltext? "" ""
  671. 04:08:46 Debug: Got num results: 3 for query artist:Linkin Park track:Lying From You
  672. 04:08:46 Debug: Resolving: "ebc2ab6c-b6bd-4643-8c1e-84f9461a3dc3" "Pimpulsiv" "Multimorbid" fulltext? "" ""
  673. 04:08:46 Debug: Got num results: 1 for query artist:Die Antwoord track:Baby's On Fire
  674. 04:08:46 Debug: Resolving: "ccf4076b-2f0c-4d80-9efe-aba13f4e663e" "Eminem" "'Till I Collapse" fulltext? "" ""
  675. 04:08:46 Debug: Got num results: 0 for query artist:Pimpulsiv track:Multimorbid
  676. 04:08:46 Debug: Resolving: "c793583d-2fd2-43d4-b378-b4baf267ab7f" "JAY Z" "Why I Love You" fulltext? "" ""
  677. 04:08:46 Debug: Got num results: 1 for query artist:Eminem track:'Till I Collapse
  678. 04:08:47 Debug: Resolving: "3f33618f-7025-45d8-b65f-85b33d6bf798" "Savant" "Splinter - Original Mix" fulltext? "" ""
  679. 04:08:47 Debug: Got num results: 2 for query artist:JAY Z track:Why I Love You
  680. 04:08:47 Debug: Resolving: "c63a9f14-0aab-4ec5-9c22-1248475ea222" "Eminem" "Drug Ballad" fulltext? "" ""
  681. 04:08:47 Debug: Got num results: 3 for query artist:Savant track:Splinter - Original Mix
  682. 04:08:47 Debug: Got num results: 3 for query artist:Eminem track:Drug Ballad
  683. 04:08:47 Debug: Resolving: "c5a92fe9-4a75-47c3-9fbe-06a03e26a036" "System Of A Down" "B.Y.O.B." fulltext? "" ""
  684. 04:08:47 Debug: Resolving: "8425e82b-ba0d-49f2-81af-90a21c271248" "The Prodigy" "World's on Fire" fulltext? "" ""
  685. 04:08:47 Debug: Got num results: 3 for query artist:System Of A Down track:B.Y.O.B.
  686. 04:08:47 Debug: Resolving: "f77a6876-a8f3-41a4-a25c-d76ff83a5080" "Seeed Feat. Cee-Lo Green" "Aufstehn!" fulltext? "" ""
  687. 04:08:47 Debug: Got num results: 3 for query artist:The Prodigy track:World's on Fire
  688. 04:08:47 Debug: Resolving: "304e2df8-e799-45df-9d19-599bedbd132d" "Eminem" "Just Lose It" fulltext? "" ""
  689. 04:08:47 Debug: Got num results: 3 for query artist:Seeed Feat. Cee-Lo Green track:Aufstehn!
  690. 04:08:47 Debug: Resolving: "4236f528-5726-46eb-a3f1-50b9954a84c9" "Steve Berke" "Pot Shop" fulltext? "" ""
  691. 04:08:47 Debug: Got num results: 3 for query artist:Eminem track:Just Lose It
  692. 04:08:47 Debug: Resolving: "7faed0a9-253d-4ee1-98d9-a1425dc51d8a" "JAY Z" "Dirt Off Your Shoulder/Lying From You" fulltext? "" ""
  693. 04:08:47 Debug: Got num results: 1 for query artist:Steve Berke track:Pot Shop
  694. 04:08:47 Debug: Resolving: "e90aae71-2bed-4ff4-a46c-b90ff578eab8" "Yelawolf" "Till It's Gone" fulltext? "" ""
  695. 04:08:47 Debug: Got num results: 3 for query artist:JAY Z track:Dirt Off Your Shoulder/Lying From You
  696. 04:08:48 Debug: Resolving: "4b54e3ac-d8a6-4e3d-9dee-6a7c2be04429" "The Lonely Island" "Spring Break Anthem" fulltext? "" ""
  697. 04:08:48 Debug: Got num results: 2 for query artist:Yelawolf track:Till It's Gone
  698. 04:08:48 Debug: Resolving: "2117f662-a13b-4748-8909-ea7d1d5311fd" "Brusspup" "Soul Switch" fulltext? "" ""
  699. 04:08:48 Debug: Got num results: 3 for query artist:The Lonely Island track:Spring Break Anthem
  700. 04:08:48 Debug: Resolving: "281af626-eae7-422a-acd6-04a49b77bd01" "Sandro Silva" "Epic - Luminox Remix" fulltext? "" ""
  701. 04:08:48 Debug: Got num results: 0 for query artist:Brusspup track:Soul Switch
  702. 04:08:48 Debug: Resolving: "0853f70a-5671-4821-ad83-1d05d973b316" "Infected Mushroom" "Wanted To" fulltext? "" ""
  703. 04:08:48 Debug: Got num results: 1 for query artist:Sandro Silva track:Epic - Luminox Remix
  704. 04:08:48 Debug: Resolving: "c4c275d5-c0dd-4bd4-8d89-4b8bb11df49a" "Young Buck" "Do It Like Me" fulltext? "" ""
  705. 04:08:48 Debug: Got num results: 1 for query artist:Infected Mushroom track:Wanted To
  706. 04:08:48 Debug: Resolving: "7b6de776-0b5e-46a9-a3ef-975d955b1c29" "Ratatat" "Loud Pipes" fulltext? "" ""
  707. 04:08:48 Debug: Got num results: 2 for query artist:Young Buck track:Do It Like Me
  708. 04:08:48 Debug: Resolving: "08709e8c-98c5-4fe5-84e2-5375c5023dae" "The Heavy" "Short Change Hero" fulltext? "" ""
  709. 04:08:48 Debug: Got num results: 1 for query artist:Ratatat track:Loud Pipes
  710. 04:08:48 Debug: Resolving: "24986375-0bd4-40dc-86ec-3915eb5ff731" "The Prodigy" "Warrior's Dance" fulltext? "" ""
  711. 04:08:48 Debug: Got num results: 1 for query artist:The Heavy track:Short Change Hero
  712. 04:08:48 Debug: Resolving: "0eb141f1-eddc-4c73-b368-1c7884e30726" "K.I.Z." "Was Kostet Der Fisch? - How Much Is The Fish?" fulltext? "" ""
  713. 04:08:48 Debug: Got num results: 3 for query artist:The Prodigy track:Warrior's Dance
  714. 04:08:48 Debug: Got num results: 3 for query artist:K.I.Z. track:Was Kostet Der Fisch? - How Much Is The Fish?
  715. 04:08:48 Debug: Resolving: "731633b8-02d2-446a-bbec-0b645d25c349" "JAY Z" "No Church In The Wild" fulltext? "" ""
  716. 04:08:49 Debug: Resolving: "2423a517-4139-4716-8144-e5b592a48821" "Young Buck" "I'm A Soldier" fulltext? "" ""
  717. 04:08:49 Debug: Got num results: 3 for query artist:JAY Z track:No Church In The Wild
  718. 04:08:49 Debug: Resolving: "b2dbc9ab-6a33-481f-a4b3-f0b0477f8858" "Araab Muzik" "La prophétie des aigles" fulltext? "" ""
  719. 04:08:49 Debug: Got num results: 2 for query artist:Young Buck track:I'm A Soldier
  720. 04:08:49 Debug: Resolving: "3a1ab1c8-3a7b-4194-bb6e-c24d7cc9a6f9" "Ylvis" "Pressure" fulltext? "" ""
  721. 04:08:49 Debug: Got num results: 2 for query artist:Araab Muzik track:La prophétie des aigles
  722. 04:08:49 Debug: Resolving: "b625f224-e0fe-4c24-90e1-1a75d01405f2" "Funny Van Dannen" "Menschenverachtende Untergrundmusik" fulltext? "" ""
  723. 04:08:49 Debug: Got num results: 1 for query artist:Ylvis track:Pressure
  724. 04:08:49 Debug: Got num results: 2 for query artist:Funny Van Dannen track:Menschenverachtende Untergrundmusik
  725. 04:08:49 Debug: Resolving: "f4386c05-1390-47da-ac27-47c3a62dbcfd" "Viper" "You'll Cowards Don't Even Smoke Crack" fulltext? "" ""
  726. 04:08:49 Debug: Resolving: "467ecf6b-f3df-4c91-a5f1-5b7b8c95aee7" "The Widdler" "Outback" fulltext? "" ""
  727. 04:08:49 Debug: Got num results: 3 for query artist:Viper track:You'll Cowards Don't Even Smoke Crack
  728. 04:08:49 Debug: Resolving: "bbb202bd-c61a-4c9e-ab01-f6d6222627af" "The Prodigy" "Take Me To The Hospital - Rusko Remix" fulltext? "" ""
  729. 04:08:49 Debug: Got num results: 1 for query artist:The Widdler track:Outback
  730. 04:08:49 Debug: Resolving: "dad6e331-01ed-4d87-9ab9-c7c94b4565ce" "Grits" "Ooh Ahh (My Life Be Like) (feat. Toby Mac)" fulltext? "" ""
  731. 04:08:49 Debug: Got num results: 2 for query artist:The Prodigy track:Take Me To The Hospital - Rusko Remix
  732. 04:08:49 Debug: Resolving: "99255dfd-31f3-4060-a162-d8daa60a0bab" "The Prodigy" "Spitfire" fulltext? "" ""
  733. 04:08:50 Debug: Got num results: 2 for query artist:Grits track:Ooh Ahh (My Life Be Like) (feat. Toby Mac)
  734. 04:08:50 Debug: Resolving: "17464bc6-d5fc-4d8b-961c-3c4d45ff19d8" "Black Sabbath" "Iron Man" fulltext? "" ""
  735. 04:08:50 Debug: Got num results: 3 for query artist:The Prodigy track:Spitfire
  736. 04:08:50 Debug: Resolving: "9100e122-9236-4ff6-ab7b-c9af606944d5" "Eminem" "Under The Influence" fulltext? "" ""
  737. 04:08:50 Debug: Got num results: 3 for query artist:Black Sabbath track:Iron Man
  738. 04:08:50 Debug: Resolving: "d46d8cf7-915a-4c58-90eb-f9de59d1cfd2" "Boys Noize" "Merlin" fulltext? "" ""
  739. 04:08:50 Debug: Got num results: 2 for query artist:Eminem track:Under The Influence
  740. 04:08:50 Debug: Resolving: "c617ac7c-ee68-4dbc-9643-0bc18730543e" "Foo Fighters" "The Pretender" fulltext? "" ""
  741. 04:08:50 Debug: Got num results: 3 for query artist:Boys Noize track:Merlin
  742. 04:08:50 Debug: Resolving: "c7f9e144-67aa-4289-928a-45a107e6335a" "Tinie Tempah" "Pass Out" fulltext? "" ""
  743. 04:08:50 Debug: Got num results: 3 for query artist:Foo Fighters track:The Pretender
  744. 04:08:50 Debug: Resolving: "86071836-8056-4399-b6da-780ddcee071d" "Travis Barker" "Director's Cut (Michael Myers & Superman)" fulltext? "" ""
  745. 04:08:50 Debug: Got num results: 3 for query artist:Tinie Tempah track:Pass Out
  746. 04:08:50 Debug: Resolving: "a87ef27e-5576-4025-aaa0-daaaf36f8cfe" "The Prodigy" "Colours" fulltext? "" ""
  747. 04:08:50 Debug: Got num results: 1 for query artist:Travis Barker track:Director's Cut (Michael Myers & Superman)
  748. 04:08:50 Debug: Resolving: "226730ca-1899-461a-9f07-37bc9169d214" "The Widdler" "Lady Dub" fulltext? "" ""
  749. 04:08:50 Debug: Got num results: 3 for query artist:The Prodigy track:Colours
  750. 04:08:50 Debug: Resolving: "3c0e000e-8e07-47a2-988c-4d1ad8c9e3f9" "JAY Z" "Izzo/In The End" fulltext? "" ""
  751. 04:08:51 Debug: Got num results: 1 for query artist:The Widdler track:Lady Dub
  752. 04:08:51 Debug: Resolving: "75dbd281-0a7e-4f0b-858d-57444b5330b9" "Linkin Park" "Somewhere I Belong" fulltext? "" ""
  753. 04:08:51 Debug: Got num results: 1 for query artist:JAY Z track:Izzo/In The End
  754. 04:08:51 Debug: Resolving: "3acd57a3-9cf4-4570-b67d-46a54fe4fefd" "Blue Stahli" "Anti You" fulltext? "" ""
  755. 04:08:51 Debug: Got num results: 3 for query artist:Linkin Park track:Somewhere I Belong
  756. 04:08:51 Debug: Resolving: "75629503-be17-4ea9-b6ae-9cf56e331307" "Noisia" "Tommy's Theme - Original Mix" fulltext? "" ""
  757. 04:08:51 Debug: Got num results: 2 for query artist:Blue Stahli track:Anti You
  758. 04:08:51 Debug: Resolving: "2955b198-c6ed-4f0c-a08a-f4bcb83356a0" "Young Buck" "Bang Bang" fulltext? "" ""
  759. 04:08:51 Debug: Got num results: 1 for query artist:Noisia track:Tommy's Theme - Original Mix
  760. 04:08:51 Debug: SpotifyLog: "03:08:51.491 I [offline-mgr:2032] 0 files are locked. 0 images are locked
  761. "
  762. 04:08:51 Debug: SpotifyLog: "03:08:51.491 I [offline-mgr:2058] 0 files unlocked. 0 images unlocked
  763. "
  764. 04:08:51 Debug: Resolving: "285d1a5a-7b10-43dc-9ac1-8b7bd9859250" "Linkin Park" "New Divide" fulltext? "" ""
  765. 04:08:51 Debug: Got num results: 3 for query artist:Young Buck track:Bang Bang
  766. 04:08:51 Debug: Resolving: "d131d17a-610b-45da-b873-36630362973a" "System Of A Down" "Toxicity" fulltext? "" ""
  767. 04:08:51 Debug: Got num results: 3 for query artist:Linkin Park track:New Divide
  768. 04:08:51 Debug: Resolving: "0fe7f6ee-4630-4c36-a78a-73f4b6307e41" "My Chemical Romance" "Na Na Na [Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na]" fulltext? "" ""
  769. 04:08:51 Debug: Got num results: 3 for query artist:System Of A Down track:Toxicity
  770. 04:08:51 Debug: Resolving: "26d2be36-a434-4b87-8457-d77f078294cc" "Nero" "Me & You - Dirtyphonics Remix" fulltext? "" ""
  771. 04:08:51 Debug: Got num results: 3 for query artist:My Chemical Romance track:Na Na Na [Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na]
  772. 04:08:51 Debug: Got num results: 1 for query artist:Nero track:Me & You - Dirtyphonics Remix
  773. 04:08:51 Debug: Resolving: "e06d2e10-6572-417a-91d1-1ea0029b63d5" "Miike Snow" "Animal" fulltext? "" ""
  774. 04:08:52 Debug: Resolving: "dd1d4ce5-d428-44a0-8b33-a10fcde2b4aa" "Linkin Park" "Faint" fulltext? "" ""
  775. 04:08:52 Debug: Got num results: 3 for query artist:Miike Snow track:Animal
  776. 04:08:52 Debug: Resolving: "307bd644-0c7a-4256-b404-f0206d20b741" "Benny Benassi" "Cinema - Skrillex Remix" fulltext? "" ""
  777. 04:08:52 Debug: Got num results: 3 for query artist:Linkin Park track:Faint
  778. 04:08:52 Debug: Resolving: "80134bff-6e3a-4b15-8501-b86f2d19701c" "Kid Cudi" "Day 'N' Nite - Radio Edit" fulltext? "" ""
  779. 04:08:52 Debug: Got num results: 2 for query artist:Benny Benassi track:Cinema - Skrillex Remix
  780. 04:08:52 Debug: Resolving: "26b08828-1523-45a1-875f-22bc7e316b94" "Deers" "Bamboo" fulltext? "" ""
  781. 04:08:52 Debug: Got num results: 3 for query artist:Kid Cudi track:Day 'N' Nite - Radio Edit
  782. 04:08:52 Debug: Resolving: "fff806cb-59cc-4202-b476-7e4c1d3394f9" "Ol' Dirty Bastard" "Shimmy Shimmy Ya" fulltext? "" ""
  783. 04:08:52 Debug: Got num results: 1 for query artist:Deers track:Bamboo
  784. 04:08:52 Debug: Resolving: "87bd71f6-042d-4360-b6ba-fd8cb09a3db5" "Kavinsky" "Nightcall" fulltext? "" ""
  785. 04:08:52 Debug: Got num results: 3 for query artist:Ol' Dirty Bastard track:Shimmy Shimmy Ya
  786. 04:08:52 Debug: Resolving: "39a768a3-7d13-4f7c-ad98-060e848777d4" "Young Buck" "Shorty Wanna Ride" fulltext? "" ""
  787. 04:08:52 Debug: Got num results: 3 for query artist:Kavinsky track:Nightcall
  788. 04:08:52 Debug: Resolving: "d69e07ba-a389-4124-b780-789fc3aa911a" "K.I.Z." "Intro Böhse Enkelz - Live" fulltext? "" ""
  789. 04:08:52 Debug: Got num results: 2 for query artist:Young Buck track:Shorty Wanna Ride
  790. 04:08:52 Debug: Resolving: "72c7974b-a324-4358-9be2-4268257d3671" "Mindless Self Indulgence" "Shut Me Up" fulltext? "" ""
  791. 04:08:52 Debug: Got num results: 1 for query artist:K.I.Z. track:Intro Böhse Enkelz - Live
  792. 04:08:53 Debug: Resolving: "6ce6c4e4-04bc-4dbd-aac6-ceea4a5f236d" "Angerfist" "The Depths Of Despair (Official Masters Of Hardcore Anthem)" fulltext? "" ""
  793. 04:08:53 Debug: Got num results: 1 for query artist:Mindless Self Indulgence track:Shut Me Up
  794. 04:08:53 Debug: Resolving: "2a3ae57a-dd18-4210-a04c-c8a8af5ee5d6" "Fort Minor" "Petrified" fulltext? "" ""
  795. 04:08:53 Debug: Got num results: 3 for query artist:Angerfist track:The Depths Of Despair (Official Masters Of Hardcore Anthem)
  796. 04:08:53 Debug: Resolving: "4a3b8947-4377-47c1-add0-c413600390bb" "Eminem" "Ass Like That" fulltext? "" ""
  797. 04:08:53 Debug: Got num results: 3 for query artist:Fort Minor track:Petrified
  798. 04:08:53 Debug: Resolving: "8bb10fbf-7628-47d2-831f-874766acd38f" "Eiffel 65" "Blue (Da Ba Dee)" fulltext? "" ""
  799. 04:08:53 Debug: Got num results: 3 for query artist:Eminem track:Ass Like That
  800. 04:08:53 Debug: Resolving: "ebca2526-1ee0-4fb9-b630-d7f09341280e" "Die Antwoord" "In Your Face" fulltext? "" ""
  801. 04:08:53 Debug: Got num results: 3 for query artist:Eiffel 65 track:Blue (Da Ba Dee)
  802. 04:08:53 Debug: Resolving: "291a6964-81b9-413e-bf96-6cc3c112cd86" "King Krule" "Foreign 2" fulltext? "" ""
  803. 04:08:53 Debug: Got num results: 2 for query artist:Die Antwoord track:In Your Face
  804. 04:08:53 Debug: Resolving: "c7ccd6f2-d34f-46b6-88b3-c71308b7c98e" "Skrillex" "Scary Monsters And Nice Sprites" fulltext? "" ""
  805. 04:08:53 Debug: Got num results: 1 for query artist:King Krule track:Foreign 2
  806. 04:08:53 Debug: Resolving: "5089957d-5565-4f00-8d5e-ca349a5d1152" "Nirvana" "Rape Me" fulltext? "" ""
  807. 04:08:53 Debug: Got num results: 3 for query artist:Skrillex track:Scary Monsters And Nice Sprites
  808. 04:08:53 Debug: Resolving: "6541152d-0678-4e51-bf14-0c36e19b2e39" "Eminem" "The Way I Am" fulltext? "" ""
  809. 04:08:53 Debug: Got num results: 3 for query artist:Nirvana track:Rape Me
  810. 04:08:54 Debug: Resolving: "3e2455be-f661-4826-a6c4-352b614bc30d" "RUN-DMC" "It's Tricky" fulltext? "" ""
  811. 04:08:54 Debug: Got num results: 3 for query artist:Eminem track:The Way I Am
  812. 04:08:54 Debug: Got num results: 3 for query artist:RUN-DMC track:It's Tricky
  813. 04:08:54 Debug: Resolving: "f4ee71ba-bd5d-4fac-b02a-6390ef0415d6" "Eminem" "I'm Back" fulltext? "" ""
  814. 04:08:54 Debug: Resolving: "842c1bf1-0415-4721-be48-7faac1d2b17f" "Ana Tijoux" "1977" fulltext? "" ""
  815. 04:08:54 Debug: Got num results: 3 for query artist:Eminem track:I'm Back
  816. 04:08:54 Debug: Resolving: "61fc71e3-7e7b-4715-95d2-cb7aec0c33e7" "Young Buck" "Let Me In" fulltext? "" ""
  817. 04:08:54 Debug: Got num results: 3 for query artist:Ana Tijoux track:1977
  818. 04:08:54 Debug: Resolving: "4db348b2-d23f-4691-8744-fa263a56bac9" "Eminem" "Bitch Please II" fulltext? "" ""
  819. 04:08:54 Debug: Got num results: 3 for query artist:Young Buck track:Let Me In
  820. 04:08:54 Debug: Resolving: "f332bce6-8a03-4bcc-9ca8-0281fd572ebb" "Fatboy Slim" "Praise You" fulltext? "" ""
  821. 04:08:54 Debug: Got num results: 2 for query artist:Eminem track:Bitch Please II
  822. 04:08:54 Debug: Resolving: "fcd294a1-ec4e-458c-a946-0ecba4f19cef" "Rittz feat. Mike Posner" "Switch Lanes" fulltext? "" ""
  823. 04:08:54 Debug: Got num results: 3 for query artist:Fatboy Slim track:Praise You
  824. 04:08:54 Debug: Resolving: "b5f84c4d-de12-4c20-8556-39669d040e85" "Linkin Park" "VICTIMIZED" fulltext? "" ""
  825. 04:08:54 Debug: Got num results: 2 for query artist:Rittz feat. Mike Posner track:Switch Lanes
  826. 04:08:54 Debug: Got num results: 3 for query artist:Linkin Park track:VICTIMIZED
  827. 04:08:54 Debug: Resolving: "d6ac9048-e200-4971-aed5-ece4be761e3b" "Datsik" "Gecko" fulltext? "" ""
  828. 04:08:54 Debug: Got num results: 2 for query artist:Datsik track:Gecko
  829. 04:08:55 Debug: Resolving: "4899b803-0254-497d-a203-59d7d512c341" "Yelawolf" "Honey Brown" fulltext? "" ""
  830. 04:08:55 Debug: Resolving: "bead0420-5c46-4927-8ea1-fc3e4c39b92f" "Alligatoah" "Willst du" fulltext? "" ""
  831. 04:08:55 Debug: Got num results: 1 for query artist:Yelawolf track:Honey Brown
  832. 04:08:55 Debug: Resolving: "a1d6919d-c3e1-4266-8256-b6f189dc5042" "JAY Z" "Big Pimpin'/Papercut" fulltext? "" ""
  833. 04:08:55 Debug: Got num results: 3 for query artist:Alligatoah track:Willst du
  834. 04:08:55 Debug: Resolving: "9aef9684-94b9-4069-b8f5-4a7bf81f5be7" "Wilderness Crew" "The Push" fulltext? "" ""
  835. 04:08:55 Debug: Got num results: 1 for query artist:JAY Z track:Big Pimpin'/Papercut
  836. 04:08:55 Debug: Resolving: "4f7cfddc-fa6d-4ed5-b1a8-87111de65af6" "3 Steps Ahead" "Drop It" fulltext? "" ""
  837. 04:08:55 Debug: Got num results: 1 for query artist:Wilderness Crew track:The Push
  838. 04:08:55 Debug: Resolving: "a788d87d-4a0f-46e8-be51-2ed3f40ca936" "Angerfist" "The Voice Of Mayhem" fulltext? "" ""
  839. 04:08:55 Debug: Got num results: 3 for query artist:3 Steps Ahead track:Drop It
  840. 04:08:55 Debug: Resolving: "4de0030a-975d-472a-9e96-610f5e34ce62" "The Prodigy" "Mindfields" fulltext? "" ""
  841. 04:08:55 Debug: Got num results: 3 for query artist:Angerfist track:The Voice Of Mayhem
  842. 04:08:55 Debug: Resolving: "a7dc4f40-621c-47a5-87ef-e9119a85825d" "Aesop Rock" "None Shall Pass" fulltext? "" ""
  843. 04:08:55 Debug: Got num results: 3 for query artist:The Prodigy track:Mindfields
  844. 04:08:55 Debug: Resolving: "1767eb73-f94a-4ae5-abfa-dc3d9bfa143f" ""Weird Al" Yankovic" "Amish Paradise (Parody of "Gangsta's Paradise" by Coolio)" fulltext? "" ""
  845. 04:08:55 Debug: Got num results: 3 for query artist:Aesop Rock track:None Shall Pass
  846. 04:08:55 Debug: Resolving: "e52f0af3-b626-49df-bde1-62e6d5a56880" "The Prodigy" "Thunder" fulltext? "" ""
  847. 04:08:56 Debug: Got num results: 2 for query artist:"Weird Al" Yankovic track:Amish Paradise (Parody of "Gangsta's Paradise" by Coolio)
  848. 04:08:56 Debug: Resolving: "70421041-ad9f-4322-bd72-183b990c02a2" "Tristam" "Flight" fulltext? "" ""
  849. 04:08:56 Debug: Got num results: 3 for query artist:The Prodigy track:Thunder
  850. 04:08:56 Debug: Resolving: "70f91770-fbea-44a1-8b95-529205eb9de4" "Eminem" "Stan" fulltext? "" ""
  851. 04:08:56 Debug: Got num results: 3 for query artist:Tristam track:Flight
  852. 04:08:56 Debug: Resolving: "8e2b661b-65f4-434b-ad3e-f69e4219c850" "System Of A Down" "Lonely Day" fulltext? "" ""
  853. 04:08:56 Debug: Got num results: 3 for query artist:Eminem track:Stan
  854. 04:08:56 Debug: Got num results: 1 for query artist:System Of A Down track:Lonely Day
  855. 04:08:56 Debug: Resolving: "c889b94b-fef3-4149-a468-cb36d54c12a0" "RUN-DMC" "It's Tricky - SSX Pretty Lights Remix" fulltext? "" ""
  856. 04:08:56 Debug: Resolving: "b934ee6f-17f9-495c-a97c-f190c0986c36" "Sun Araw" "Deep Cover" fulltext? "" ""
  857. 04:08:56 Debug: Got num results: 1 for query artist:RUN-DMC track:It's Tricky - SSX Pretty Lights Remix
  858. 04:08:56 Debug: Resolving: "7cd894ee-f8fc-4b48-b5ce-b3cb80e07701" "Linkin Park" "POWERLESS" fulltext? "" ""
  859. 04:08:56 Debug: Resolving: "c6f807ce-d2a2-4c21-a31b-68c8e79bd0fc" "System Of A Down" "Deer Dance" fulltext? "" ""
  860. 04:08:56 Debug: Resolving: "87322501-e2f2-4da9-a699-6a411959ac78" "JAY Z" "Who Gon Stop Me" fulltext? "" ""
  861. 04:08:56 Debug: Resolving: "808c3be2-eb52-4e35-9755-548694f3f946" "Wilderness Crew" "Northwest Rotation" fulltext? "" ""
  862. 04:08:56 Debug: Got num results: 2 for query artist:Sun Araw track:Deep Cover
  863. 04:08:56 Debug: Got num results: 3 for query artist:Linkin Park track:POWERLESS
  864. 04:08:56 Debug: Got num results: 3 for query artist:System Of A Down track:Deer Dance
  865. 04:08:57 Debug: Got num results: 2 for query artist:JAY Z track:Who Gon Stop Me
  866. 04:08:57 Debug: Resolving: "0a2eee4d-df21-47f3-87fe-793ecb506671" "Angerfist" "Who Cares" fulltext? "" ""
  867. 04:08:57 Debug: Got num results: 1 for query artist:Wilderness Crew track:Northwest Rotation
  868. 04:08:57 Debug: Resolving: "543034bf-94bc-454d-b18e-0e7c447b0628" "Borgore" "Love" fulltext? "" ""
  869. 04:08:57 Debug: Got num results: 2 for query artist:Angerfist track:Who Cares
  870. 04:08:57 Debug: Resolving: "4a2f48a4-dcbf-4151-ac1b-5748befba517" "The Widdler" "Positive Vibes - Original Mix" fulltext? "" ""
  871. 04:08:57 Debug: Got num results: 2 for query artist:Borgore track:Love
  872. 04:08:57 Debug: Resolving: "dd462616-a6f5-4a77-ba91-8cfe4f71b312" "The Prodigy" "O" fulltext? "" ""
  873. 04:08:57 Debug: Got num results: 1 for query artist:The Widdler track:Positive Vibes - Original Mix
  874. 04:08:57 Debug: Resolving: "3f3612c7-057f-44b0-96ab-b88d87bb040a" "Linkin Park" "LOST IN THE ECHO" fulltext? "" ""
  875. 04:08:57 Debug: Got num results: 3 for query artist:The Prodigy track:O
  876. 04:08:57 Debug: Resolving: "cce1ec57-167e-4e3c-bdcb-ba5ef86b96c2" "Death Grips" "Get Got" fulltext? "" ""
  877. 04:08:57 Debug: Got num results: 3 for query artist:Linkin Park track:LOST IN THE ECHO
  878. 04:08:57 Debug: Got num results: 1 for query artist:Death Grips track:Get Got
  879. 04:08:58 Debug: 0x34f4 HTTP "http://:55050/sid/spotify:track:0soeOGuXC0dMJVadEg5zGc.wav" "spotify:track:0soeOGuXC0dMJVadEg5zGc.wav"
  880. 04:08:58 Debug: Got savedByteRange? 0
  881. 04:08:58 Debug: sid Headers QHash(("Connection", "close")("X-Request-Protocol", "HTTP/1.1")("Host", "localhost:55050")("Range", "bytes=0-")("User-Agent", "Tomahawk/0.7.0 (Phonon/4.6.0; Phonon-VLC/0.6.3) LibVLC/2.0.7")("Icy-MetaData", "1"))
  882. 04:08:58 Debug: 0x34f4 And stopping track
  883. 04:08:58 Debug: Getting iodevice...
  884. 04:08:58 Debug: Setting durationBytes 0
  885. 04:08:58 Debug: 0x34f4 Creating SpotifyIODevice for track..: SpotifyIODevice(0x2cd6a8) 0x34f4
  886. 04:08:58 Debug: wrote header: "52494646a498c60257415645666d7420100000000100020044ac000010b1020004001000646174618098c602"
  887. 04:08:59 Debug: SpotifyLog: "03:08:59.334 I [c:/Users/spotify-buildagent/BuildAgent/work/1e0ce8a77adfb2dc/client/core/protocol/file_streamer_simple.cpp:769] Request for file 79e0d21a673820b0f67f84dd5ba6f1c9ce961f2f complete (code: 0)
  888. "
  889. 04:08:59 Debug: SpotifyLog: "03:08:59.774 I [c:/Users/spotify-buildagent/BuildAgent/work/1e0ce8a77adfb2dc/client/core/protocol/file_streamer_simple.cpp:769] Request for file 79e0d21a673820b0f67f84dd5ba6f1c9ce961f2f complete (code: 0)
  890. "
  891. 04:09:03 Debug: SpotifyLog: "03:09:03.871 I [c:/Users/spotify-buildagent/BuildAgent/work/1e0ce8a77adfb2dc/client/core/protocol/file_streamer_simple.cpp:769] Request for file 79e0d21a673820b0f67f84dd5ba6f1c9ce961f2f complete (code: 0)
  892. "
  893. 04:09:06 Debug: Resolving: "fb78cb0b-5ad2-4c66-a27d-9d49b10f0bc9" "JAY Z" "Points Of Authority/99 Problems/One Step Closer" fulltext? "" ""
  894. 04:09:06 Debug: Resolving: "35e64dce-e0c7-496e-869a-7d7ff90d4b44" "The Prodigy" "Take Me To The Hospital - Subfocus Remix" fulltext? "" ""
  895. 04:09:06 Debug: Got num results: 0 for query artist:JAY Z track:Points Of Authority/99 Problems/One Step Closer
  896. 04:09:06 Debug: Resolving: "cbd93953-080f-486b-b8d4-a42368572dc5" "Die Antwoord" "Hey Sexy" fulltext? "" ""
  897. 04:09:06 Debug: Got num results: 3 for query artist:The Prodigy track:Take Me To The Hospital - Subfocus Remix
  898. 04:09:06 Debug: Resolving: "e534afc1-5b04-429f-a2e2-2163198e2990" "Björk" "Army Of Me (Sucker Punch Remix) - Sucker Punch: Original Motion Picture Soundtrack" fulltext? "" ""
  899. 04:09:06 Debug: Got num results: 1 for query artist:Die Antwoord track:Hey Sexy
  900. 04:09:07 Debug: Got num results: 1 for query artist:Björk track:Army Of Me (Sucker Punch Remix) - Sucker Punch Original Motion Picture Soundtrack
  901. 04:09:07 Debug: Resolving: "b905a9a5-359c-4a92-99a7-8bf0a7b21437" "Eminem" "Lose Yourself - Soundtrack Version (Explicit)" fulltext? "" ""
  902. 04:09:07 Debug: Resolving: "7712bbe6-26c5-4b25-81d3-73e2faae1657" "Eminem" "Marshall Mathers" fulltext? "" ""
  903. 04:09:07 Debug: Resolving: "0b018cf3-f608-40bc-88c0-6313fe7a56ea" "Eminem" "Criminal" fulltext? "" ""
  904. 04:09:07 Debug: Got num results: 3 for query artist:Eminem track:Lose Yourself - Soundtrack Version (Explicit)
  905. 04:09:07 Debug: Got num results: 2 for query artist:Eminem track:Marshall Mathers
  906. 04:09:07 Debug: Resolving: "bcb846d2-fc0e-4601-bb42-0851696103ab" "Josef "J7" Lord (Sam B.) & Christopher H. Knight" "No Room in Hell (From Dead Island: Riptide) [feat. Chamillionaire]" fulltext? "" ""
  907. 04:09:07 Debug: Got num results: 3 for query artist:Eminem track:Criminal
  908. 04:09:07 Debug: Got num results: 1 for query artist:Josef "J7" Lord (Sam B.) & Christopher H. Knight track:No Room in Hell (From Dead Island Riptide) [feat. Chamillionaire]
  909. 04:09:11 Debug: SpotifyLog: "03:09:11.050 I [c:/Users/spotify-buildagent/BuildAgent/work/1e0ce8a77adfb2dc/client/core/protocol/file_streamer_simple.cpp:769] Request for file 79e0d21a673820b0f67f84dd5ba6f1c9ce961f2f complete (code: 0)
  910. "
  911. 04:09:14 Debug: 0x34f4 HTTP "http://:55050/sid/spotify:track:2FTr8WafgU19wcqkgUaxYZ.wav" "spotify:track:2FTr8WafgU19wcqkgUaxYZ.wav"
  912. 04:09:14 Debug: Got savedByteRange? 0
  913. 04:09:14 Debug: sid Headers QHash(("Connection", "close")("X-Request-Protocol", "HTTP/1.1")("Host", "localhost:55050")("Range", "bytes=0-")("User-Agent", "Tomahawk/0.7.0 (Phonon/4.6.0; Phonon-VLC/0.6.3) LibVLC/2.0.7")("Icy-MetaData", "1"))
  914. 04:09:14 Debug: 0x34f4 And stopping track
  915. 04:09:14 Debug: Stopping track and closign iodev! from thread with other: 0x34f4 and iodev: 0x34f4
  916. 04:09:14 Debug: Getting iodevice...
  917. 04:09:14 Debug: Setting durationBytes 0
  918. 04:09:14 Debug: 0x34f4 Creating SpotifyIODevice for track..: SpotifyIODevice(0x2ce4c8) 0x34f4
  919. 04:09:14 Debug: wrote header: "524946467496e90257415645666d7420100000000100020044ac000010b1020004001000646174615096e902"
  920. 04:09:15 Debug: SpotifyLog: "03:09:15.486 I [c:/Users/spotify-buildagent/BuildAgent/work/1e0ce8a77adfb2dc/client/core/protocol/file_streamer_simple.cpp:769] Request for file c3396a6bcf9cdfa3c82994aee3874f08c7b90872 complete (code: 0)
  921. "
  922. 04:09:15 Debug: SpotifyLog: "03:09:15.937 I [c:/Users/spotify-buildagent/BuildAgent/work/1e0ce8a77adfb2dc/client/core/protocol/file_streamer_simple.cpp:769] Request for file c3396a6bcf9cdfa3c82994aee3874f08c7b90872 complete (code: 0)
  923. "
  924. 04:09:16 Debug: Resolving: "d19af7e4-2bd4-4fbb-8722-7d0da05eeaa7" "The Subways" "Rock & Roll Queen" fulltext? "" ""
  925. 04:09:16 Debug: Resolving: "e4e881e2-4fc2-4e80-ab39-13ad6864132a" "Death Grips" "Deep Web" fulltext? "" ""
  926. 04:09:16 Debug: Got num results: 3 for query artist:The Subways track:Rock & Roll Queen
  927. 04:09:16 Debug: Resolving: "c2e9a132-d1ea-4612-8623-9e3e56ac4992" "The Prodigy" "Stand Up" fulltext? "" ""
  928. 04:09:16 Debug: Got num results: 1 for query artist:Death Grips track:Deep Web
  929. 04:09:16 Debug: Resolving: "3cb2f552-6ee1-411d-ad93-f558873f6c32" "Linkin Park" "Waiting For The End" fulltext? "" ""
  930. 04:09:16 Debug: Got num results: 3 for query artist:The Prodigy track:Stand Up
  931. 04:09:16 Debug: Got num results: 3 for query artist:Linkin Park track:Waiting For The End
  932. 04:09:17 Debug: Resolving: "9a9b42e8-0171-4f98-9444-c0be87347b19" "JAY Z" "Hard Knock Life" fulltext? "" ""
  933. 04:09:17 Debug: Resolving: "29b99c4c-e835-4fed-bbd2-00750a6785df" "Yelawolf" "Daddy's Lambo" fulltext? "" ""
  934. 04:09:17 Debug: Got num results: 3 for query artist:JAY Z track:Hard Knock Life
  935. 04:09:17 Debug: Resolving: "5cb1a1d3-6865-421d-8289-718cc608b260" "Linkin Park" "From The Inside" fulltext? "" ""
  936. 04:09:17 Debug: Got num results: 1 for query artist:Yelawolf track:Daddy's Lambo
  937. 04:09:17 Debug: Resolving: "2b199f42-ccdd-4ecb-9a51-18c40f1d9b99" "West One Music" "Rage Racer" fulltext? "" ""
  938. 04:09:17 Debug: Got num results: 3 for query artist:Linkin Park track:From The Inside
  939. 04:09:17 Debug: Got num results: 0 for query artist:West One Music track:Rage Racer
  940. 04:09:20 Debug: SpotifyLog: "03:09:20.865 I [c:/Users/spotify-buildagent/BuildAgent/work/1e0ce8a77adfb2dc/client/core/protocol/file_streamer_simple.cpp:769] Request for file c3396a6bcf9cdfa3c82994aee3874f08c7b90872 complete (code: 0)
  941. "
  942. 04:09:21 Debug: SpotifyLog: "03:09:21.537 I [offline-mgr:2058] 0 files unlocked. 0 images unlocked
  943. "
  944. 04:09:26 Debug: Resolving: "a62421b1-35d7-4a6b-bf83-b2b8e074021a" "X-RX" "Push It!" fulltext? "" ""
  945. 04:09:26 Debug: Resolving: "1ec169cd-757c-44a9-b424-98483e17cec6" "Gorillaz" "Feel Good Inc" fulltext? "" ""
  946. 04:09:26 Debug: Got num results: 1 for query artist:X-RX track:Push It!
  947. 04:09:26 Debug: Resolving: "7b00909f-853a-4b89-b9ec-b05f4b583378" "JAY Z" "Otis" fulltext? "" ""
  948. 04:09:26 Debug: Got num results: 3 for query artist:Gorillaz track:Feel Good Inc
  949. 04:09:26 Debug: Resolving: "bd551d8f-851e-4a40-9155-d9fa28dda9ea" "Mr. Motherfucking Exquire" "Oh Hail No" fulltext? "" ""
  950. 04:09:26 Debug: Got num results: 3 for query artist:JAY Z track:Otis
  951. 04:09:27 Debug: Got num results: 1 for query artist:Mr. Motherfucking Exquire track:Oh Hail No
  952. 04:09:27 Debug: Resolving: "c00886f3-db45-4f3c-a6fa-622befd80e55" "Wilderness Crew" "Perfect Match" fulltext? "" ""
  953. 04:09:27 Debug: Resolving: "ac01b641-7fdc-469e-8ed8-24566d498ff9" "Ylvis" "Jan Egeland" fulltext? "" ""
  954. 04:09:27 Debug: Got num results: 1 for query artist:Wilderness Crew track:Perfect Match
  955. 04:09:27 Debug: Resolving: "a4992100-c427-43f1-ae57-d657a6d5dedc" "Arctic Monkeys" "Do I Wanna Know?" fulltext? "" ""
  956. 04:09:27 Debug: Got num results: 1 for query artist:Ylvis track:Jan Egeland
  957. 04:09:27 Debug: Got num results: 3 for query artist:Arctic Monkeys track:Do I Wanna Know?
  958. 04:09:27 Debug: Resolving: "c42cea56-2ac7-4e9f-91ed-bd0f7f1f3bb1" "Angerfist" "F@ckin' Wit Yo Head" fulltext? "" ""
  959. 04:09:27 Debug: Got num results: 2 for query artist:Angerfist track:F@ckin' Wit Yo Head
  960. 04:09:28 Debug: SpotifyLog: "03:09:28.363 I [c:/Users/spotify-buildagent/BuildAgent/work/1e0ce8a77adfb2dc/client/core/protocol/file_streamer_simple.cpp:769] Request for file c3396a6bcf9cdfa3c82994aee3874f08c7b90872 complete (code: 0)
  961. "
  962. 04:09:35 Debug: SpotifyLog: "03:09:35.553 I [c:/Users/spotify-buildagent/BuildAgent/work/1e0ce8a77adfb2dc/client/core/protocol/file_streamer_simple.cpp:769] Request for file c3396a6bcf9cdfa3c82994aee3874f08c7b90872 complete (code: 0)
  963. "
  964. 04:09:36 Debug: Resolving: "95d48ddd-ce10-4f8b-aede-ca3a89372a27" "Bloodhound Gang" "Fire Water Burn" fulltext? "" ""
  965. 04:09:36 Debug: Resolving: "d8ec6d82-f5c3-47e5-b0de-f50e8a0ab9c7" "Young Buck" "Black Gloves" fulltext? "" ""
  966. 04:09:36 Debug: Got num results: 3 for query artist:Bloodhound Gang track:Fire Water Burn
  967. 04:09:36 Debug: Got num results: 3 for query artist:Young Buck track:Black Gloves
  968. 04:09:36 Debug: Resolving: "5550098c-5644-46b2-b944-7021a1572cf7" "Pendulum" "Set Me On Fire" fulltext? "" ""
  969. 04:09:36 Debug: Resolving: "e6f38fdc-0a2f-433d-9daa-659e2570381f" "DJ Shadow" "Six Days - Remix" fulltext? "" ""
  970. 04:09:36 Debug: Got num results: 1 for query artist:Pendulum track:Set Me On Fire
  971. 04:09:36 Debug: Got num results: 2 for query artist:DJ Shadow track:Six Days - Remix
  972. 04:09:37 Debug: Resolving: "fc466841-b74f-476e-a7b3-e3d55ab19d89" "System Of A Down" "Aerials" fulltext? "" ""
  973. 04:09:37 Debug: Resolving: "f59b4cf1-bcbf-4ca7-8cea-bff8dce8fbdd" "Young Buck" "Look At Me Now" fulltext? "" ""
  974. 04:09:37 Debug: Got num results: 3 for query artist:System Of A Down track:Aerials
  975. 04:09:37 Debug: Resolving: "201ac6ae-d35c-4df6-b745-ebefd3518769" "Eminem" "Remember Me?" fulltext? "" ""
  976. 04:09:37 Debug: Got num results: 2 for query artist:Young Buck track:Look At Me Now
  977. 04:09:37 Debug: Got num results: 2 for query artist:Eminem track:Remember Me?
  978. 04:09:37 Debug: Resolving: "0aa20b62-c2db-427d-a8ac-64e125df72ed" "Die Antwoord" "Never Le Nkemise" fulltext? "" ""
  979. 04:09:38 Debug: Got num results: 2 for query artist:Die Antwoord track:Never Le Nkemise
  980. 04:09:40 Debug: TOMAHAWK NOT RUNNING? Exiting...
  981. 04:09:40 Debug: exiting...
  982. 04:09:40 Debug: Destroy session
  983. 04:09:40 Debug: Starting playback
  984. 04:09:40 Debug: Destroying playlists
  985. 04:09:40 Warning: QObject::killTimer: timers cannot be stopped from another thread
  986. 04:09:40 Warning: QObject::killTimers: timers cannot be stopped from another thread
  987. 04:09:40 Warning: QThread: Destroyed while thread is still running
  988. 04:09:41 Debug: Initializing Spotify
  989. 04:09:41 Debug: void __thiscall SpotifyPlaylists::readSettings(void) Loading playlist to sync: "spotify:user:<censored>:playlist:<censored>" from user "<censored>"
  990. 04:09:41 Debug: === Using LibVersion 12 ===
  991. 04:09:42 Debug: Looking for spotify settings file at "C:\Users\S0lll0s\AppData\Local\SpotifyResolver/settings"
  992. 04:09:42 Debug: Found spotify settings file, parsing...
  993. 04:09:42 Debug: Starting HTTPd on "" 55050
  994. 04:09:42 Debug: Logging in with username: "<censored>"
  995. 04:09:42 Debug: Logging in as remembered user
  996. 04:09:42 Debug: Logged in successfully!!
  997. 04:09:42 Debug: void __stdcall SpotifySession::loggedIn(struct sp_session *,enum sp_error) ==== No error ====
  998. 04:09:42 Debug: void __thiscall SpotifyResolver::loginResponse(bool,const class QString &) Notified of login response, sending to client: true "No error"
  999. 04:09:42 Debug: ==== Got blob update for "<censored>" ====
  1000. 04:09:42 Debug: SpotifyLog: "03:09:42.152 I [offline-mgr:2084] Storage has been cleaned
  1001. "
  1002. 04:09:42 Debug: Looking for spotify settings file at "C:\Users\S0lll0s\AppData\Local\SpotifyResolver/settings"
  1003. 04:09:42 Debug: Found spotify settings file, parsing...
  1005. 04:09:42 Debug: SpotifyLog: "03:09:42.269 I [ap:1752] Connecting to AP ap.gslb.spotify.com:4070
  1006. "
  1007. 04:09:42 Debug: SpotifyLog: "03:09:42.509 I [ap:1226] Connected to AP:
  1008. "
  1009. 04:09:43 Debug: ==== Got blob update for "<censored>" ====
  1010. 04:09:43 Debug: void __thiscall SpotifyPlaylists::loadContainerSlot(struct sp_playlistcontainer *)
  1011. 04:09:43 Debug: Container load from thread id 0x6478
  1012. 04:09:43 Debug: Trying to load 51 playlists from this container!
  1013. 04:09:43 Debug: Adding syncing for playlist "spotify:user:<censored>:playlist:<censored>"
  1014. 04:09:43 Debug: ADDING SYNC CALLBACKS FOR PLAYLIST: Sol's
  1016. 04:09:43 Debug: Created starred playlist: 0x3111bb0
  1017. 04:09:43 Debug: Starred tracks loaded!
  1018. 04:09:43 Debug: Playlist state changed for synced playlist: 0x3114b10 Sol's is loaded? true
  1019. 04:09:44 Debug: SpotifyLog: "03:09:44.147 W [core/playlist/playlist.h:45] Adding observer while updating
  1020. "
  1021. 04:09:44 Debug: SpotifyLog: "03:09:44.147 W [core/playlist/playlist.h:45] Adding observer while updating
  1022. "
  1023. 04:09:44 Debug: Number of subscribers changed, sending!
  1024. 04:09:44 Debug: Sending playlist metadata to client: "Sol's"
  1025. 04:09:44 Debug: Playlist state changed for synced playlist: 0x3114b10 Sol's is loaded? true
  1026. 04:09:44 Debug: SpotifyLog: "03:09:44.687 W [core/playlist/playlist.h:45] Adding observer while updating
  1027. "
  1028. 04:09:44 Debug: SpotifyLog: "03:09:44.687 W [core/playlist/playlist.h:45] Adding observer while updating
  1029. "
  1030. 04:09:45 Debug: ========== GOT ALL PLAYLISTS LOADED, EMITTING SIGNAL!
  1031. 04:09:45 Debug: void __thiscall SpotifyResolver::notifyAllPlaylistsLoaded(void) Sending all spotify playlists, found: 52
  1032. 04:09:45 Debug: SENDING ALL PLAYLISTS JSON:
  1033. 04:09:53 Debug: SpotifyLog: "03:09:53.146 I [offline-mgr:2032] 0 files are locked. 0 images are locked
  1034. "
  1035. 04:09:53 Debug: SpotifyLog: "03:09:53.146 I [offline-mgr:2058] 0 files unlocked. 0 images unlocked
  1036. "
  1037. 04:10:41 Debug: TOMAHAWK NOT RUNNING? Exiting...
  1038. 04:10:41 Debug: exiting...
  1039. 04:10:41 Debug: Destroy session
  1040. 04:10:41 Debug: Destroying playlists
  1041. 04:10:41 Warning: QObject::killTimer: timers cannot be stopped from another thread
  1042. 04:10:41 Warning: QObject::killTimers: timers cannot be stopped from another thread
  1043. 04:10:41 Warning: QThread: Destroyed while thread is still running
  1044. 04:10:43 Debug: Initializing Spotify
  1045. 04:10:43 Debug: void __thiscall SpotifyPlaylists::readSettings(void) Loading playlist to sync: "spotify:user:<censored>:playlist:<censored>" from user "<censored>"
  1046. 04:10:43 Debug: === Using LibVersion 12 ===
  1047. 04:10:43 Debug: Looking for spotify settings file at "C:\Users\S0lll0s\AppData\Local\SpotifyResolver/settings"
  1048. 04:10:43 Debug: Found spotify settings file, parsing...
  1049. 04:10:43 Debug: Starting HTTPd on "" 55050
  1050. 04:10:43 Debug: Logging in with username: "<censored>"
  1051. 04:10:43 Debug: Logging in as remembered user
  1052. 04:10:43 Debug: SpotifyLog: "03:10:43.856 I [ap:1752] Connecting to AP ap.gslb.spotify.com:4070
  1053. "
  1054. 04:10:43 Debug: Logged in successfully!!
  1055. 04:10:43 Debug: void __stdcall SpotifySession::loggedIn(struct sp_session *,enum sp_error) ==== No error ====
  1056. 04:10:43 Debug: void __thiscall SpotifyResolver::loginResponse(bool,const class QString &) Notified of login response, sending to client: true "No error"
  1057. 04:10:43 Debug: ==== Got blob update for "<censored>" ====
  1058. 04:10:43 Debug: SpotifyLog: "03:10:43.910 I [offline-mgr:2084] Storage has been cleaned
  1059. "
  1060. 04:10:43 Debug: Looking for spotify settings file at "C:\Users\S0lll0s\AppData\Local\SpotifyResolver/settings"
  1061. 04:10:43 Debug: Found spotify settings file, parsing...
  1063. 04:10:43 Debug: SpotifyLog: "03:10:43.913 I [ap:1226] Connected to AP:
  1064. "
  1065. 04:10:44 Debug: ==== Got blob update for "<censored>" ====
  1066. 04:10:45 Debug: void __thiscall SpotifyPlaylists::loadContainerSlot(struct sp_playlistcontainer *)
  1067. 04:10:45 Debug: Container load from thread id 0x3584
  1068. 04:10:45 Debug: Trying to load 51 playlists from this container!
  1069. 04:10:45 Debug: Adding syncing for playlist "spotify:user:<censored>:playlist:<censored>"
  1070. 04:10:45 Debug: ADDING SYNC CALLBACKS FOR PLAYLIST: Sol's
  1072. 04:10:45 Debug: Created starred playlist: 0x3d45338
  1073. 04:10:45 Debug: Starred tracks loaded!
  1074. 04:10:45 Debug: Playlist state changed for synced playlist: 0x3d55450 Sol's is loaded? true
  1075. 04:10:45 Debug: SpotifyLog: "03:10:45.228 W [core/playlist/playlist.h:45] Adding observer while updating
  1076. "
  1077. 04:10:45 Debug: SpotifyLog: "03:10:45.228 W [core/playlist/playlist.h:45] Adding observer while updating
  1078. "
  1079. 04:10:45 Debug: Playlist state changed for synced playlist: 0x3d55450 Sol's is loaded? true
  1080. 04:10:45 Debug: Number of subscribers changed, sending!
  1081. 04:10:45 Debug: Sending playlist metadata to client: "Sol's"
  1082. 04:10:45 Debug: SpotifyLog: "03:10:45.785 W [core/playlist/playlist.h:45] Adding observer while updating
  1083. "
  1084. 04:10:45 Debug: SpotifyLog: "03:10:45.786 W [core/playlist/playlist.h:45] Adding observer while updating
  1085. "
  1086. 04:10:47 Debug: ========== GOT ALL PLAYLISTS LOADED, EMITTING SIGNAL!
  1087. 04:10:47 Debug: void __thiscall SpotifyResolver::notifyAllPlaylistsLoaded(void) Sending all spotify playlists, found: 52
  1088. 04:10:47 Debug: SENDING ALL PLAYLISTS JSON:
  1089. 04:10:54 Debug: SpotifyLog: "03:10:54.919 I [offline-mgr:2032] 0 files are locked. 0 images are locked
  1090. "
  1091. 04:10:54 Debug: SpotifyLog: "03:10:54.920 I [offline-mgr:2058] 0 files unlocked. 0 images unlocked
  1092. "
  1093. 04:11:43 Debug: TOMAHAWK NOT RUNNING? Exiting...
  1094. 04:11:43 Debug: exiting...
  1095. 04:11:43 Debug: Destroy session
  1096. 04:11:43 Debug: Destroying playlists
  1097. 04:11:43 Warning: QObject::killTimer: timers cannot be stopped from another thread
  1098. 04:11:43 Warning: QObject::killTimers: timers cannot be stopped from another thread
  1099. 04:11:43 Warning: QThread: Destroyed while thread is still running
  1100. 04:11:47 Debug: Initializing Spotify
  1101. 04:11:47 Debug: void __thiscall SpotifyPlaylists::readSettings(void) Loading playlist to sync: "spotify:user:<censored>:playlist:<censored>" from user "<censored>"
  1102. 04:11:47 Debug: === Using LibVersion 12 ===
  1103. 04:11:47 Debug: Looking for spotify settings file at "C:\Users\S0lll0s\AppData\Local\SpotifyResolver/settings"
  1104. 04:11:47 Debug: Found spotify settings file, parsing...
  1105. 04:11:47 Debug: Starting HTTPd on "" 55050
  1106. 04:11:47 Debug: Logging in with username: "<censored>"
  1107. 04:11:47 Debug: Logging in as remembered user
  1108. 04:11:47 Debug: SpotifyLog: "03:11:47.993 I [ap:1752] Connecting to AP ap.gslb.spotify.com:4070
  1109. "
  1110. 04:11:47 Debug: Logged in successfully!!
  1111. 04:11:48 Debug: SpotifyLog: "03:11:48.045 I [ap:1226] Connected to AP:
  1112. "
  1113. 04:11:48 Debug: void __stdcall SpotifySession::loggedIn(struct sp_session *,enum sp_error) ==== No error ====
  1114. 04:11:48 Debug: void __thiscall SpotifyResolver::loginResponse(bool,const class QString &) Notified of login response, sending to client: true "No error"
  1115. 04:11:48 Debug: ==== Got blob update for "<censored>" ====
  1116. 04:11:48 Debug: SpotifyLog: "03:11:48.054 I [offline-mgr:2084] Storage has been cleaned
  1117. "
  1118. 04:11:48 Debug: Looking for spotify settings file at "C:\Users\S0lll0s\AppData\Local\SpotifyResolver/settings"
  1119. 04:11:48 Debug: Found spotify settings file, parsing...
  1121. 04:11:49 Debug: ==== Got blob update for "<censored>" ====
  1122. 04:11:49 Debug: void __thiscall SpotifyPlaylists::loadContainerSlot(struct sp_playlistcontainer *)
  1123. 04:11:49 Debug: Container load from thread id 0x6154
  1124. 04:11:49 Debug: Trying to load 51 playlists from this container!
  1125. 04:11:49 Debug: Adding syncing for playlist "spotify:user:<censored>:playlist:<censored>"
  1126. 04:11:49 Debug: ADDING SYNC CALLBACKS FOR PLAYLIST: Sol's
  1128. 04:11:49 Debug: Created starred playlist: 0x329c2d8
  1129. 04:11:49 Debug: Starred tracks loaded!
  1130. 04:11:49 Debug: Playlist state changed for synced playlist: 0x32277f0 Sol's is loaded? true
  1131. 04:11:49 Debug: SpotifyLog: "03:11:49.634 W [core/playlist/playlist.h:45] Adding observer while updating
  1132. "
  1133. 04:11:49 Debug: SpotifyLog: "03:11:49.634 W [core/playlist/playlist.h:45] Adding observer while updating
  1134. "
  1135. 04:11:49 Debug: Number of subscribers changed, sending!
  1136. 04:11:49 Debug: Sending playlist metadata to client: "Sol's"
  1137. 04:11:49 Debug: Playlist state changed for synced playlist: 0x32277f0 Sol's is loaded? true
  1138. 04:11:50 Debug: SpotifyLog: "03:11:50.301 W [core/playlist/playlist.h:45] Adding observer while updating
  1139. "
  1140. 04:11:50 Debug: SpotifyLog: "03:11:50.301 W [core/playlist/playlist.h:45] Adding observer while updating
  1141. "
  1142. 04:11:51 Debug: ========== GOT ALL PLAYLISTS LOADED, EMITTING SIGNAL!
  1143. 04:11:51 Debug: void __thiscall SpotifyResolver::notifyAllPlaylistsLoaded(void) Sending all spotify playlists, found: 52
  1144. 04:11:51 Debug: SENDING ALL PLAYLISTS JSON:
  1145. 04:11:59 Debug: SpotifyLog: "03:11:59.069 I [offline-mgr:2032] 0 files are locked. 0 images are locked
  1146. "
  1147. 04:11:59 Debug: SpotifyLog: "03:11:59.070 I [offline-mgr:2058] 0 files unlocked. 0 images unlocked
  1148. "
  1149. 04:12:47 Debug: TOMAHAWK NOT RUNNING? Exiting...
  1150. 04:12:47 Debug: exiting...
  1151. 04:12:47 Debug: Destroy session
  1152. 04:12:47 Debug: Destroying playlists
  1153. 04:12:47 Warning: QObject::killTimer: timers cannot be stopped from another thread
  1154. 04:12:47 Warning: QObject::killTimers: timers cannot be stopped from another thread
  1155. 04:12:47 Warning: QThread: Destroyed while thread is still running
  1156. 04:12:49 Debug: Initializing Spotify
  1157. 04:12:49 Debug: void __thiscall SpotifyPlaylists::readSettings(void) Loading playlist to sync: "spotify:user:<censored>:playlist:<censored>" from user "<censored>"
  1158. 04:12:49 Debug: === Using LibVersion 12 ===
  1159. 04:12:49 Debug: Looking for spotify settings file at "C:\Users\S0lll0s\AppData\Local\SpotifyResolver/settings"
  1160. 04:12:49 Debug: Found spotify settings file, parsing...
  1161. 04:12:49 Debug: Starting HTTPd on "" 55050
  1162. 04:12:49 Debug: Logging in with username: "<censored>"
  1163. 04:12:49 Debug: Logging in as remembered user
  1164. 04:12:49 Debug: SpotifyLog: "03:12:49.656 I [ap:1752] Connecting to AP ap.gslb.spotify.com:4070
  1165. "
  1166. 04:12:49 Debug: Logged in successfully!!
  1167. 04:12:49 Debug: void __stdcall SpotifySession::loggedIn(struct sp_session *,enum sp_error) ==== No error ====
  1168. 04:12:49 Debug: void __thiscall SpotifyResolver::loginResponse(bool,const class QString &) Notified of login response, sending to client: true "No error"
  1169. 04:12:49 Debug: ==== Got blob update for "<censored>" ====
  1170. 04:12:49 Debug: SpotifyLog: "03:12:49.712 I [offline-mgr:2084] Storage has been cleaned
  1171. "
  1172. 04:12:49 Debug: Looking for spotify settings file at "C:\Users\S0lll0s\AppData\Local\SpotifyResolver/settings"
  1173. 04:12:49 Debug: Found spotify settings file, parsing...
  1175. 04:12:49 Debug: SpotifyLog: "03:12:49.819 I [ap:1226] Connected to AP:
  1176. "
  1177. 04:12:51 Debug: ==== Got blob update for "<censored>" ====
  1178. 04:12:51 Debug: void __thiscall SpotifyPlaylists::loadContainerSlot(struct sp_playlistcontainer *)
  1179. 04:12:51 Debug: Container load from thread id 0x6178
  1180. 04:12:51 Debug: Trying to load 51 playlists from this container!
  1181. 04:12:51 Debug: Adding syncing for playlist "spotify:user:<censored>:playlist:<censored>"
  1182. 04:12:51 Debug: ADDING SYNC CALLBACKS FOR PLAYLIST: Sol's
  1184. 04:12:51 Debug: Created starred playlist: 0x31f5318
  1185. 04:12:51 Debug: Starred tracks loaded!
  1186. 04:12:51 Debug: Playlist state changed for synced playlist: 0x3205430 Sol's is loaded? true
  1187. 04:12:52 Debug: Playlist state changed for synced playlist: 0x3205430 Sol's is loaded? true
  1188. 04:12:52 Debug: Number of subscribers changed, sending!
  1189. 04:12:52 Debug: Sending playlist metadata to client: "Sol's"
  1190. 04:12:52 Debug: SpotifyLog: "03:12:52.896 W [core/playlist/playlist.h:45] Adding observer while updating
  1191. "
  1192. 04:12:52 Debug: SpotifyLog: "03:12:52.896 W [core/playlist/playlist.h:45] Adding observer while updating
  1193. "
  1194. 04:12:53 Debug: SpotifyLog: "03:12:53.006 W [core/playlist/playlist.h:45] Adding observer while updating
  1195. "
  1196. 04:12:53 Debug: SpotifyLog: "03:12:53.007 W [core/playlist/playlist.h:45] Adding observer while updating
  1197. "
  1198. 04:12:53 Debug: ========== GOT ALL PLAYLISTS LOADED, EMITTING SIGNAL!
  1199. 04:12:53 Debug: void __thiscall SpotifyResolver::notifyAllPlaylistsLoaded(void) Sending all spotify playlists, found: 52
  1200. 04:12:53 Debug: SENDING ALL PLAYLISTS JSON:
  1201. 04:13:00 Debug: SpotifyLog: "03:13:00.705 I [offline-mgr:2032] 0 files are locked. 0 images are locked
  1202. "
  1203. 04:13:00 Debug: SpotifyLog: "03:13:00.706 I [offline-mgr:2058] 0 files unlocked. 0 images unlocked
  1204. "
  1205. 04:13:49 Debug: TOMAHAWK NOT RUNNING? Exiting...
  1206. 04:13:49 Debug: exiting...
  1207. 04:13:49 Debug: Destroy session
  1208. 04:13:49 Debug: Destroying playlists
  1209. 04:13:49 Warning: QObject::killTimer: timers cannot be stopped from another thread
  1210. 04:13:49 Warning: QObject::killTimers: timers cannot be stopped from another thread
  1211. 04:13:49 Warning: QThread: Destroyed while thread is still running
  1212. 04:13:51 Debug: Initializing Spotify
  1213. 04:13:51 Debug: void __thiscall SpotifyPlaylists::readSettings(void) Loading playlist to sync: "spotify:user:<censored>:playlist:<censored>" from user "<censored>"
  1214. 04:13:51 Debug: === Using LibVersion 12 ===
  1215. 04:13:51 Debug: Looking for spotify settings file at "C:\Users\S0lll0s\AppData\Local\SpotifyResolver/settings"
  1216. 04:13:51 Debug: Found spotify settings file, parsing...
  1217. 04:13:51 Debug: Starting HTTPd on "" 55050
  1218. 04:13:51 Debug: Logging in with username: "<censored>"
  1219. 04:13:51 Debug: Logging in as remembered user
  1220. 04:13:51 Debug: SpotifyLog: "03:13:51.372 I [ap:1752] Connecting to AP ap.gslb.spotify.com:4070
  1221. "
  1222. 04:13:51 Debug: Logged in successfully!!
  1223. 04:13:51 Debug: void __stdcall SpotifySession::loggedIn(struct sp_session *,enum sp_error) ==== No error ====
  1224. 04:13:51 Debug: void __thiscall SpotifyResolver::loginResponse(bool,const class QString &) Notified of login response, sending to client: true "No error"
  1225. 04:13:51 Debug: ==== Got blob update for "<censored>" ====
  1226. 04:13:51 Debug: SpotifyLog: "03:13:51.435 I [offline-mgr:2084] Storage has been cleaned
  1227. "
  1228. 04:13:51 Debug: Looking for spotify settings file at "C:\Users\S0lll0s\AppData\Local\SpotifyResolver/settings"
  1229. 04:13:51 Debug: Found spotify settings file, parsing...
  1231. 04:13:51 Debug: SpotifyLog: "03:13:51.567 I [ap:1226] Connected to AP:
  1232. "
  1233. 04:13:52 Debug: ==== Got blob update for "<censored>" ====
  1234. 04:13:53 Debug: void __thiscall SpotifyPlaylists::loadContainerSlot(struct sp_playlistcontainer *)
  1235. 04:13:53 Debug: Container load from thread id 0x35a8
  1236. 04:13:53 Debug: Trying to load 51 playlists from this container!
  1237. 04:13:53 Debug: Adding syncing for playlist "spotify:user:<censored>:playlist:<censored>"
  1238. 04:13:53 Debug: ADDING SYNC CALLBACKS FOR PLAYLIST: Sol's
  1240. 04:13:53 Debug: Created starred playlist: 0x32707e0
  1241. 04:13:53 Debug: Starred tracks loaded!
  1242. 04:13:53 Debug: SpotifyLog: "03:13:53.728 W [core/playlist/playlist.h:45] Adding observer while updating
  1243. "
  1244. 04:13:53 Debug: SpotifyLog: "03:13:53.728 W [core/playlist/playlist.h:45] Adding observer while updating
  1245. "
  1246. 04:13:53 Debug: Playlist state changed for synced playlist: 0x32564f8 Sol's is loaded? true
  1247. 04:13:54 Debug: Number of subscribers changed, sending!
  1248. 04:13:54 Debug: Sending playlist metadata to client: "Sol's"
  1249. 04:13:54 Debug: SpotifyLog: "03:13:54.637 W [core/playlist/playlist.h:45] Adding observer while updating
  1250. "
  1251. 04:13:54 Debug: SpotifyLog: "03:13:54.638 W [core/playlist/playlist.h:45] Adding observer while updating
  1252. "
  1253. 04:13:55 Debug: ========== GOT ALL PLAYLISTS LOADED, EMITTING SIGNAL!
  1254. 04:13:55 Debug: void __thiscall SpotifyResolver::notifyAllPlaylistsLoaded(void) Sending all spotify playlists, found: 52
  1255. 04:13:55 Debug: SENDING ALL PLAYLISTS JSON:
  1256. 04:14:02 Debug: SpotifyLog: "03:14:02.448 I [offline-mgr:2032] 0 files are locked. 0 images are locked
  1257. "
  1258. 04:14:02 Debug: SpotifyLog: "03:14:02.448 I [offline-mgr:2058] 0 files unlocked. 0 images unlocked
  1259. "
  1260. 04:14:51 Debug: TOMAHAWK NOT RUNNING? Exiting...
  1261. 04:14:51 Debug: exiting...
  1262. 04:14:51 Debug: Destroy session
  1263. 04:14:51 Debug: Destroying playlists
  1264. 04:14:51 Warning: QObject::killTimer: timers cannot be stopped from another thread
  1265. 04:14:51 Warning: QObject::killTimers: timers cannot be stopped from another thread
  1266. 04:14:51 Warning: QThread: Destroyed while thread is still running
  1267. 04:14:52 Debug: Initializing Spotify
  1268. 04:14:52 Debug: void __thiscall SpotifyPlaylists::readSettings(void) Loading playlist to sync: "spotify:user:<censored>:playlist:<censored>" from user "<censored>"
  1269. 04:14:52 Debug: === Using LibVersion 12 ===
  1270. 04:14:52 Debug: Looking for spotify settings file at "C:\Users\S0lll0s\AppData\Local\SpotifyResolver/settings"
  1271. 04:14:52 Debug: Found spotify settings file, parsing...
  1272. 04:14:52 Debug: Starting HTTPd on "" 55050
  1273. 04:14:52 Debug: Logging in with username: "<censored>"
  1274. 04:14:52 Debug: Logging in as remembered user
  1275. 04:14:53 Debug: Logged in successfully!!
  1276. 04:14:53 Debug: SpotifyLog: "03:14:53.064 I [ap:1752] Connecting to AP ap.gslb.spotify.com:4070
  1277. "
  1278. 04:14:53 Debug: void __stdcall SpotifySession::loggedIn(struct sp_session *,enum sp_error) ==== No error ====
  1279. 04:14:53 Debug: void __thiscall SpotifyResolver::loginResponse(bool,const class QString &) Notified of login response, sending to client: true "No error"
  1280. 04:14:53 Debug: ==== Got blob update for "<censored>" ====
  1281. 04:14:53 Debug: SpotifyLog: "03:14:53.072 I [offline-mgr:2084] Storage has been cleaned
  1282. "
  1283. 04:14:53 Debug: Looking for spotify settings file at "C:\Users\S0lll0s\AppData\Local\SpotifyResolver/settings"
  1284. 04:14:53 Debug: Found spotify settings file, parsing...
  1286. 04:14:53 Debug: SpotifyLog: "03:14:53.213 I [ap:1226] Connected to AP:
  1287. "
  1288. 04:14:54 Debug: ==== Got blob update for "<censored>" ====
  1289. 04:14:54 Debug: void __thiscall SpotifyPlaylists::loadContainerSlot(struct sp_playlistcontainer *)
  1290. 04:14:54 Debug: Container load from thread id 0x1174
  1291. 04:14:54 Debug: Trying to load 51 playlists from this container!
  1292. 04:14:54 Debug: Adding syncing for playlist "spotify:user:<censored>:playlist:<censored>"
  1293. 04:14:54 Debug: ADDING SYNC CALLBACKS FOR PLAYLIST: Sol's
  1295. 04:14:54 Debug: Created starred playlist: 0x8a82f10
  1296. 04:14:54 Debug: Starred tracks loaded!
  1297. 04:14:54 Debug: Playlist state changed for synced playlist: 0x33156a0 Sol's is loaded? true
  1298. 04:14:54 Debug: SpotifyLog: "03:14:54.959 W [core/playlist/playlist.h:45] Adding observer while updating
  1299. "
  1300. 04:14:54 Debug: SpotifyLog: "03:14:54.959 W [core/playlist/playlist.h:45] Adding observer while updating
  1301. "
  1302. 04:14:55 Debug: SpotifyLog: "03:14:55.024 W [core/playlist/playlist.h:45] Adding observer while updating
  1303. "
  1304. 04:14:55 Debug: SpotifyLog: "03:14:55.024 W [core/playlist/playlist.h:45] Adding observer while updating
  1305. "
  1306. 04:14:55 Debug: Number of subscribers changed, sending!
  1307. 04:14:55 Debug: Sending playlist metadata to client: "Sol's"
  1308. 04:14:56 Debug: ========== GOT ALL PLAYLISTS LOADED, EMITTING SIGNAL!
  1309. 04:14:56 Debug: void __thiscall SpotifyResolver::notifyAllPlaylistsLoaded(void) Sending all spotify playlists, found: 52
  1310. 04:14:56 Debug: SENDING ALL PLAYLISTS JSON:
  1311. 04:15:04 Debug: SpotifyLog: "03:15:04.084 I [offline-mgr:2032] 0 files are locked. 0 images are locked
  1312. "
  1313. 04:15:04 Debug: SpotifyLog: "03:15:04.085 I [offline-mgr:2058] 0 files unlocked. 0 images unlocked
  1314. "
  1315. 04:15:52 Debug: TOMAHAWK NOT RUNNING? Exiting...
  1316. 04:15:52 Debug: exiting...
  1317. 04:15:52 Debug: Destroy session
  1318. 04:15:52 Debug: Destroying playlists
  1319. 04:15:52 Warning: QObject::killTimer: timers cannot be stopped from another thread
  1320. 04:15:52 Warning: QObject::killTimers: timers cannot be stopped from another thread
  1321. 04:15:52 Warning: QThread: Destroyed while thread is still running
  1322. 04:15:54 Debug: Initializing Spotify
  1323. 04:15:54 Debug: void __thiscall SpotifyPlaylists::readSettings(void) Loading playlist to sync: "spotify:user:<censored>:playlist:<censored>" from user "<censored>"
  1324. 04:15:54 Debug: === Using LibVersion 12 ===
  1325. 04:15:54 Debug: Looking for spotify settings file at "C:\Users\S0lll0s\AppData\Local\SpotifyResolver/settings"
  1326. 04:15:54 Debug: Found spotify settings file, parsing...
  1327. 04:15:54 Debug: Starting HTTPd on "" 55050
  1328. 04:15:54 Debug: Logging in with username: "<censored>"
  1329. 04:15:54 Debug: Logging in as remembered user
  1330. 04:15:54 Debug: SpotifyLog: "03:15:54.723 I [ap:1752] Connecting to AP ap.gslb.spotify.com:4070
  1331. "
  1332. 04:15:54 Debug: Logged in successfully!!
  1333. 04:15:54 Debug: void __stdcall SpotifySession::loggedIn(struct sp_session *,enum sp_error) ==== No error ====
  1334. 04:15:54 Debug: void __thiscall SpotifyResolver::loginResponse(bool,const class QString &) Notified of login response, sending to client: true "No error"
  1335. 04:15:54 Debug: ==== Got blob update for "<censored>" ====
  1336. 04:15:54 Debug: SpotifyLog: "03:15:54.781 I [offline-mgr:2084] Storage has been cleaned
  1337. "
  1338. 04:15:54 Debug: Looking for spotify settings file at "C:\Users\S0lll0s\AppData\Local\SpotifyResolver/settings"
  1339. 04:15:54 Debug: Found spotify settings file, parsing...
  1341. 04:15:54 Debug: SpotifyLog: "03:15:54.858 I [ap:1226] Connected to AP:
  1342. "
  1343. 04:15:55 Debug: ==== Got blob update for "<censored>" ====
  1344. 04:15:56 Debug: void __thiscall SpotifyPlaylists::loadContainerSlot(struct sp_playlistcontainer *)
  1345. 04:15:56 Debug: Container load from thread id 0x1a50
  1346. 04:15:56 Debug: Trying to load 51 playlists from this container!
  1347. 04:15:56 Debug: Adding syncing for playlist "spotify:user:<censored>:playlist:<censored>"
  1348. 04:15:56 Debug: ADDING SYNC CALLBACKS FOR PLAYLIST: Sol's
  1350. 04:15:56 Debug: Created starred playlist: 0x3ce8a58
  1351. 04:15:56 Debug: Starred tracks loaded!
  1352. 04:15:56 Debug: Playlist state changed for synced playlist: 0x3d067c8 Sol's is loaded? true
  1353. 04:15:56 Debug: SpotifyLog: "03:15:56.605 W [core/playlist/playlist.h:45] Adding observer while updating
  1354. "
  1355. 04:15:56 Debug: SpotifyLog: "03:15:56.606 W [core/playlist/playlist.h:45] Adding observer while updating
  1356. "
  1357. 04:15:56 Debug: SpotifyLog: "03:15:56.666 W [core/playlist/playlist.h:45] Adding observer while updating
  1358. "
  1359. 04:15:56 Debug: SpotifyLog: "03:15:56.667 W [core/playlist/playlist.h:45] Adding observer while updating
  1360. "
  1361. 04:15:56 Debug: Number of subscribers changed, sending!
  1362. 04:15:56 Debug: Sending playlist metadata to client: "Sol's"
  1363. 04:15:56 Debug: Playlist state changed for synced playlist: 0x3d067c8 Sol's is loaded? true
  1364. 04:15:58 Debug: ========== GOT ALL PLAYLISTS LOADED, EMITTING SIGNAL!
  1365. 04:15:58 Debug: void __thiscall SpotifyResolver::notifyAllPlaylistsLoaded(void) Sending all spotify playlists, found: 52
  1366. 04:15:58 Debug: SENDING ALL PLAYLISTS JSON:
  1367. 04:16:05 Debug: SpotifyLog: "03:16:05.799 I [offline-mgr:2032] 0 files are locked. 0 images are locked
  1368. "
  1369. 04:16:05 Debug: SpotifyLog: "03:16:05.799 I [offline-mgr:2058] 0 files unlocked. 0 images unlocked
  1370. "
  1371. 04:16:54 Debug: TOMAHAWK NOT RUNNING? Exiting...
  1372. 04:16:54 Debug: exiting...
  1373. 04:16:54 Debug: Destroy session
  1374. 04:16:54 Debug: Destroying playlists
  1375. 04:16:54 Warning: QObject::killTimer: timers cannot be stopped from another thread
  1376. 04:16:54 Warning: QObject::killTimers: timers cannot be stopped from another thread
  1377. 04:16:54 Warning: QThread: Destroyed while thread is still running
  1378. 04:16:56 Debug: Initializing Spotify
  1379. 04:16:56 Debug: void __thiscall SpotifyPlaylists::readSettings(void) Loading playlist to sync: "spotify:user:<censored>:playlist:<censored>" from user "<censored>"
  1380. 04:16:56 Debug: === Using LibVersion 12 ===
  1381. 04:16:56 Debug: Looking for spotify settings file at "C:\Users\S0lll0s\AppData\Local\SpotifyResolver/settings"
  1382. 04:16:56 Debug: Found spotify settings file, parsing...
  1383. 04:16:56 Debug: Starting HTTPd on "" 55050
  1384. 04:16:56 Debug: Logging in with username: "<censored>"
  1385. 04:16:56 Debug: Logging in as remembered user
  1386. 04:16:56 Debug: SpotifyLog: "03:16:56.357 I [ap:1752] Connecting to AP ap.gslb.spotify.com:4070
  1387. "
  1388. 04:16:56 Debug: Logged in successfully!!
  1389. 04:16:56 Debug: void __stdcall SpotifySession::loggedIn(struct sp_session *,enum sp_error) ==== No error ====
  1390. 04:16:56 Debug: void __thiscall SpotifyResolver::loginResponse(bool,const class QString &) Notified of login response, sending to client: true "No error"
  1391. 04:16:56 Debug: ==== Got blob update for "<censored>" ====
  1392. 04:16:56 Debug: SpotifyLog: "03:16:56.419 I [offline-mgr:2084] Storage has been cleaned
  1393. "
  1394. 04:16:56 Debug: Looking for spotify settings file at "C:\Users\S0lll0s\AppData\Local\SpotifyResolver/settings"
  1395. 04:16:56 Debug: Found spotify settings file, parsing...
  1397. 04:16:56 Debug: SpotifyLog: "03:16:56.503 I [ap:1226] Connected to AP:
  1398. "
  1399. 04:16:57 Debug: ==== Got blob update for "<censored>" ====
  1400. 04:16:57 Debug: void __thiscall SpotifyPlaylists::loadContainerSlot(struct sp_playlistcontainer *)
  1401. 04:16:57 Debug: Container load from thread id 0x6390
  1402. 04:16:57 Debug: Trying to load 51 playlists from this container!
  1403. 04:16:57 Debug: Adding syncing for playlist "spotify:user:<censored>:playlist:<censored>"
  1404. 04:16:57 Debug: ADDING SYNC CALLBACKS FOR PLAYLIST: Sol's
  1406. 04:16:57 Debug: Created starred playlist: 0x3c8fc88
  1407. 04:16:57 Debug: Starred tracks loaded!
  1408. 04:16:57 Debug: Playlist state changed for synced playlist: 0x3c353f0 Sol's is loaded? true
  1409. 04:16:58 Debug: SpotifyLog: "03:16:58.554 W [core/playlist/playlist.h:45] Adding observer while updating
  1410. "
  1411. 04:16:58 Debug: SpotifyLog: "03:16:58.554 W [core/playlist/playlist.h:45] Adding observer while updating
  1412. "
  1413. 04:16:58 Debug: SpotifyLog: "03:16:58.663 W [core/playlist/playlist.h:45] Adding observer while updating
  1414. "
  1415. 04:16:58 Debug: SpotifyLog: "03:16:58.663 W [core/playlist/playlist.h:45] Adding observer while updating
  1416. "
  1417. 04:16:58 Debug: Number of subscribers changed, sending!
  1418. 04:16:58 Debug: Sending playlist metadata to client: "Sol's"
  1419. 04:16:58 Debug: Playlist state changed for synced playlist: 0x3c353f0 Sol's is loaded? true
  1420. 04:16:59 Debug: ========== GOT ALL PLAYLISTS LOADED, EMITTING SIGNAL!
  1421. 04:16:59 Debug: void __thiscall SpotifyResolver::notifyAllPlaylistsLoaded(void) Sending all spotify playlists, found: 52
  1422. 04:16:59 Debug: SENDING ALL PLAYLISTS JSON:
  1423. 04:17:17 Debug: SpotifyLog: "03:17:17.450 I [offline-mgr:2032] 0 files are locked. 0 images are locked
  1424. "
  1425. 04:17:17 Debug: SpotifyLog: "03:17:17.450 I [offline-mgr:2058] 0 files unlocked. 0 images unlocked
  1426. "
  1427. 04:17:56 Debug: TOMAHAWK NOT RUNNING? Exiting...
  1428. 04:17:56 Debug: exiting...
  1429. 04:17:56 Debug: Destroy session
  1430. 04:17:56 Debug: Destroying playlists
  1431. 04:17:56 Warning: QObject::killTimer: timers cannot be stopped from another thread
  1432. 04:17:56 Warning: QObject::killTimers: timers cannot be stopped from another thread
  1433. 04:17:56 Warning: QThread: Destroyed while thread is still running
  1434. 04:17:57 Debug: Initializing Spotify
  1435. 04:17:57 Debug: void __thiscall SpotifyPlaylists::readSettings(void) Loading playlist to sync: "spotify:user:<censored>:playlist:<censored>" from user "<censored>"
  1436. 04:17:57 Debug: === Using LibVersion 12 ===
  1437. 04:17:57 Debug: Looking for spotify settings file at "C:\Users\S0lll0s\AppData\Local\SpotifyResolver/settings"
  1438. 04:17:57 Debug: Found spotify settings file, parsing...
  1439. 04:17:58 Debug: Starting HTTPd on "" 55050
  1440. 04:17:58 Debug: Logging in with username: "<censored>"
  1441. 04:17:58 Debug: Logging in as remembered user
  1442. 04:17:58 Debug: SpotifyLog: "03:17:58.055 I [ap:1752] Connecting to AP ap.gslb.spotify.com:4070
  1443. "
  1444. 04:17:58 Debug: Logged in successfully!!
  1445. 04:17:58 Debug: void __stdcall SpotifySession::loggedIn(struct sp_session *,enum sp_error) ==== No error ====
  1446. 04:17:58 Debug: void __thiscall SpotifyResolver::loginResponse(bool,const class QString &) Notified of login response, sending to client: true "No error"
  1447. 04:17:58 Debug: ==== Got blob update for "<censored>" ====
  1448. 04:17:58 Debug: SpotifyLog: "03:17:58.117 I [offline-mgr:2084] Storage has been cleaned
  1449. "
  1450. 04:17:58 Debug: Looking for spotify settings file at "C:\Users\S0lll0s\AppData\Local\SpotifyResolver/settings"
  1451. 04:17:58 Debug: Found spotify settings file, parsing...
  1453. 04:17:58 Debug: SpotifyLog: "03:17:58.159 I [ap:1226] Connected to AP:
  1454. "
  1455. 04:17:59 Debug: ==== Got blob update for "<censored>" ====
  1456. 04:17:59 Debug: void __thiscall SpotifyPlaylists::loadContainerSlot(struct sp_playlistcontainer *)
  1457. 04:17:59 Debug: Container load from thread id 0x60b4
  1458. 04:17:59 Debug: Trying to load 51 playlists from this container!
  1459. 04:17:59 Debug: Adding syncing for playlist "spotify:user:<censored>:playlist:<censored>"
  1460. 04:17:59 Debug: ADDING SYNC CALLBACKS FOR PLAYLIST: Sol's
  1462. 04:17:59 Debug: Created starred playlist: 0xa8d6ef8
  1463. 04:17:59 Debug: Starred tracks loaded!
  1464. 04:17:59 Debug: Playlist state changed for synced playlist: 0x34067f0 Sol's is loaded? true
  1465. 04:18:00 Debug: SpotifyLog: "03:18:00.201 W [core/playlist/playlist.h:45] Adding observer while updating
  1466. "
  1467. 04:18:00 Debug: SpotifyLog: "03:18:00.201 W [core/playlist/playlist.h:45] Adding observer while updating
  1468. "
  1469. 04:18:00 Debug: Number of subscribers changed, sending!
  1470. 04:18:00 Debug: Sending playlist metadata to client: "Sol's"
  1471. 04:18:00 Debug: Playlist state changed for synced playlist: 0x34067f0 Sol's is loaded? true
  1472. 04:18:01 Debug: SpotifyLog: "03:18:01.342 W [core/playlist/playlist.h:45] Adding observer while updating
  1473. "
  1474. 04:18:01 Debug: SpotifyLog: "03:18:01.342 W [core/playlist/playlist.h:45] Adding observer while updating
  1475. "
  1476. 04:18:01 Debug: ========== GOT ALL PLAYLISTS LOADED, EMITTING SIGNAL!
  1477. 04:18:01 Debug: void __thiscall SpotifyResolver::notifyAllPlaylistsLoaded(void) Sending all spotify playlists, found: 52
  1478. 04:18:01 Debug: SENDING ALL PLAYLISTS JSON:
  1479. 04:18:09 Debug: SpotifyLog: "03:18:09.121 I [offline-mgr:2032] 0 files are locked. 0 images are locked
  1480. "
  1481. 04:18:09 Debug: SpotifyLog: "03:18:09.121 I [offline-mgr:2058] 0 files unlocked. 0 images unlocked
  1482. "
  1483. 04:18:57 Debug: TOMAHAWK NOT RUNNING? Exiting...
  1484. 04:18:57 Debug: exiting...
  1485. 04:18:57 Debug: Destroy session
  1486. 04:18:57 Debug: Destroying playlists
  1487. 04:18:57 Warning: QObject::killTimer: timers cannot be stopped from another thread
  1488. 04:18:57 Warning: QObject::killTimers: timers cannot be stopped from another thread
  1489. 04:18:57 Warning: QThread: Destroyed while thread is still running
  1490. 04:18:59 Debug: Initializing Spotify
  1491. 04:18:59 Debug: void __thiscall SpotifyPlaylists::readSettings(void) Loading playlist to sync: "spotify:user:<censored>:playlist:<censored>" from user "<censored>"
  1492. 04:18:59 Debug: === Using LibVersion 12 ===
  1493. 04:18:59 Debug: Looking for spotify settings file at "C:\Users\S0lll0s\AppData\Local\SpotifyResolver/settings"
  1494. 04:18:59 Debug: Found spotify settings file, parsing...
  1495. 04:18:59 Debug: Starting HTTPd on "" 55050
  1496. 04:18:59 Debug: Logging in with username: "<censored>"
  1497. 04:18:59 Debug: Logging in as remembered user
  1498. 04:18:59 Debug: SpotifyLog: "03:18:59.788 I [ap:1752] Connecting to AP ap.gslb.spotify.com:4070
  1499. "
  1500. 04:18:59 Debug: Logged in successfully!!
  1501. 04:18:59 Debug: void __stdcall SpotifySession::loggedIn(struct sp_session *,enum sp_error) ==== No error ====
  1502. 04:18:59 Debug: void __thiscall SpotifyResolver::loginResponse(bool,const class QString &) Notified of login response, sending to client: true "No error"
  1503. 04:18:59 Debug: ==== Got blob update for "<censored>" ====
  1504. 04:18:59 Debug: SpotifyLog: "03:18:59.844 I [offline-mgr:2084] Storage has been cleaned
  1505. "
  1506. 04:18:59 Debug: Looking for spotify settings file at "C:\Users\S0lll0s\AppData\Local\SpotifyResolver/settings"
  1507. 04:18:59 Debug: Found spotify settings file, parsing...
  1509. 04:18:59 Debug: SpotifyLog: "03:18:59.896 I [ap:1226] Connected to AP:
  1510. "
  1511. 04:19:01 Debug: ==== Got blob update for "<censored>" ====
  1512. 04:19:01 Debug: void __thiscall SpotifyPlaylists::loadContainerSlot(struct sp_playlistcontainer *)
  1513. 04:19:01 Debug: Container load from thread id 0x3784
  1514. 04:19:01 Debug: Trying to load 51 playlists from this container!
  1515. 04:19:01 Debug: Adding syncing for playlist "spotify:user:<censored>:playlist:<censored>"
  1516. 04:19:01 Debug: ADDING SYNC CALLBACKS FOR PLAYLIST: Sol's
  1518. 04:19:01 Debug: Created starred playlist: 0x3bb5318
  1519. 04:19:01 Debug: Starred tracks loaded!
  1520. 04:19:01 Debug: Playlist state changed for synced playlist: 0x3bc62d0 Sol's is loaded? true
  1521. 04:19:01 Debug: SpotifyLog: "03:19:01.797 W [core/playlist/playlist.h:45] Adding observer while updating
  1522. "
  1523. 04:19:01 Debug: SpotifyLog: "03:19:01.797 W [core/playlist/playlist.h:45] Adding observer while updating
  1524. "
  1525. 04:19:01 Debug: Number of subscribers changed, sending!
  1526. 04:19:01 Debug: Sending playlist metadata to client: "Sol's"
  1527. 04:19:01 Debug: SpotifyLog: "03:19:01.952 W [core/playlist/playlist.h:45] Adding observer while updating
  1528. "
  1529. 04:19:01 Debug: SpotifyLog: "03:19:01.953 W [core/playlist/playlist.h:45] Adding observer while updating
  1530. "
  1531. 04:19:02 Debug: Playlist state changed for synced playlist: 0x3bc62d0 Sol's is loaded? true
  1532. 04:19:03 Debug: ========== GOT ALL PLAYLISTS LOADED, EMITTING SIGNAL!
  1533. 04:19:03 Debug: void __thiscall SpotifyResolver::notifyAllPlaylistsLoaded(void) Sending all spotify playlists, found: 52
  1534. 04:19:03 Debug: SENDING ALL PLAYLISTS JSON:
  1535. 04:19:20 Debug: SpotifyLog: "03:19:20.877 I [offline-mgr:2032] 0 files are locked. 0 images are locked
  1536. "
  1537. 04:19:20 Debug: SpotifyLog: "03:19:20.877 I [offline-mgr:2058] 0 files unlocked. 0 images unlocked
  1538. "
  1539. 04:19:59 Debug: TOMAHAWK NOT RUNNING? Exiting...
  1540. 04:19:59 Debug: exiting...
  1541. 04:19:59 Debug: Destroy session
  1542. 04:19:59 Debug: Destroying playlists
  1543. 04:19:59 Warning: QObject::killTimer: timers cannot be stopped from another thread
  1544. 04:19:59 Warning: QObject::killTimers: timers cannot be stopped from another thread
  1545. 04:19:59 Warning: QThread: Destroyed while thread is still running
  1546. 13:53:39 Debug: Initializing Spotify
  1547. 13:53:39 Debug: void __thiscall SpotifyPlaylists::readSettings(void) Loading playlist to sync: "spotify:user:<censored>:playlist:<censored>" from user "<censored>"
  1548. 13:53:39 Debug: === Using LibVersion 12 ===
  1549. 13:53:39 Debug: Looking for spotify settings file at "C:\Users\S0lll0s\AppData\Local\SpotifyResolver/settings"
  1550. 13:53:39 Debug: Found spotify settings file, parsing...
  1551. 13:53:39 Debug: Starting HTTPd on "" 55050
  1552. 13:53:39 Debug: Logging in with username: "<censored>"
  1553. 13:53:39 Debug: Logging in as remembered user
  1554. 13:53:40 Debug: SpotifyLog: "12:53:40.009 I [ap:1752] Connecting to AP ap.gslb.spotify.com:4070
  1555. "
  1556. 13:53:40 Debug: Logged in successfully!!
  1557. 13:53:40 Debug: void __stdcall SpotifySession::loggedIn(struct sp_session *,enum sp_error) ==== No error ====
  1558. 13:53:40 Debug: void __thiscall SpotifyResolver::loginResponse(bool,const class QString &) Notified of login response, sending to client: true "No error"
  1559. 13:53:40 Debug: ==== Got blob update for "<censored>" ====
  1560. 13:53:40 Debug: SpotifyLog: "12:53:40.142 I [offline-mgr:2084] Storage has been cleaned
  1561. "
  1562. 13:53:40 Debug: Tomahawk asked for credentials, sending! Logged in? true
  1563. 13:53:40 Debug: SpotifyLog: "12:53:40.152 I [ap:1226] Connected to AP:
  1564. "
  1565. 13:53:41 Debug: ==== Got blob update for "<censored>" ====
  1566. 13:53:41 Debug: void __thiscall SpotifyPlaylists::loadContainerSlot(struct sp_playlistcontainer *)
  1567. 13:53:41 Debug: Container load from thread id 0xc34
  1568. 13:53:41 Debug: Trying to load 51 playlists from this container!
  1569. 13:53:41 Debug: Adding syncing for playlist "spotify:user:<censored>:playlist:<censored>"
  1570. 13:53:41 Debug: ADDING SYNC CALLBACKS FOR PLAYLIST: Sol's
  1572. 13:53:41 Debug: Created starred playlist: 0x32f2690
  1573. 13:53:41 Debug: Starred tracks loaded!
  1574. 13:53:41 Debug: Playlist state changed for synced playlist: 0x32f6500 Sol's is loaded? true
  1575. 13:53:41 Debug: SpotifyLog: "12:53:41.911 W [core/playlist/playlist.h:45] Adding observer while updating
  1576. "
  1577. 13:53:41 Debug: SpotifyLog: "12:53:41.911 W [core/playlist/playlist.h:45] Adding observer while updating
  1578. "
  1579. 13:53:42 Debug: SpotifyLog: "12:53:42.321 W [core/playlist/playlist.h:45] Adding observer while updating
  1580. "
  1581. 13:53:42 Debug: SpotifyLog: "12:53:42.321 W [core/playlist/playlist.h:45] Adding observer while updating
  1582. "
  1583. 13:53:42 Debug: Number of subscribers changed, sending!
  1584. 13:53:42 Debug: Sending playlist metadata to client: "Sol's"
  1585. 13:53:43 Debug: ========== GOT ALL PLAYLISTS LOADED, EMITTING SIGNAL!
  1586. 13:53:43 Debug: void __thiscall SpotifyResolver::notifyAllPlaylistsLoaded(void) Sending all spotify playlists, found: 52
  1587. 13:53:43 Debug: SENDING ALL PLAYLISTS JSON:
  1588. 13:53:45 Debug: Resolving: "55348770-4655-4359-b970-691db0cf2beb" "The Prodigy" "Take Me To The Hospital - Rusko Remix" fulltext? "" ""
  1589. 13:53:45 Debug: Resolving: "223e6e4b-5deb-492c-993b-c8859b2831e7" "Yelawolf" "Till It's Gone" fulltext? "" ""
  1590. 13:53:45 Debug: Resolving: "12fcddd0-f447-4601-98fe-95b75d31b983" "The Prodigy" "Take Me To The Hospital - Rusko Remix" fulltext? "" ""
  1591. 13:53:45 Debug: Resolving: "b1e0eafa-fb4a-49f4-be0f-139bf2f7d5ca" "Yelawolf" "Till It's Gone" fulltext? "" ""
  1592. 13:53:45 Debug: Got num results: 2 for query artist:Yelawolf track:Till It's Gone
  1593. 13:53:45 Debug: Got num results: 2 for query artist:Yelawolf track:Till It's Gone
  1594. 13:53:45 Debug: Got num results: 2 for query artist:The Prodigy track:Take Me To The Hospital - Rusko Remix
  1595. 13:53:45 Debug: Got num results: 2 for query artist:The Prodigy track:Take Me To The Hospital - Rusko Remix
  1596. 13:53:46 Debug: Resolving: "a0578eef-b359-4cea-8cb6-8c4165c938bc" "Klaypex" "Lights" fulltext? "" ""
  1597. 13:53:46 Debug: Resolving: "853a97dd-906a-4242-a514-b8f5e0d9de67" "Klaypex" "Rain (feat. Sara Kay)" fulltext? "" ""
  1598. 13:53:46 Debug: Resolving: "fb766a0c-eb87-4cba-8f7a-a1b515f36c2a" "Klaypex" "Gamefire (feat. Mike Diva)" fulltext? "" ""
  1599. 13:53:46 Debug: Got num results: 3 for query artist:Klaypex track:Lights
  1600. 13:53:46 Debug: Got num results: 1 for query artist:Klaypex track:Rain (feat. Sara Kay)
  1601. 13:53:46 Debug: Resolving: "b2c43ca7-ba77-4dae-84a7-228eaf07775f" "Benny Benassi" "Cinema - Skrillex Remix" fulltext? "" ""
  1602. 13:53:46 Debug: Resolving: "38e9d501-682e-4dd2-8394-ab7b1421d8db" "Skrillex" "Scary Monsters And Nice Sprites" fulltext? "" ""
  1603. 13:53:46 Debug: Resolving: "090213fc-bb10-4d7b-b33b-8a8460e6fb9c" "Linkin Park" "BURN IT DOWN" fulltext? "" ""
  1604. 13:53:46 Debug: Resolving: "ff12bcbc-9272-4d80-8719-c1b05bf19af5" "My Chemical Romance" "Na Na Na [Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na]" fulltext? "" ""
  1605. 13:53:46 Debug: Got num results: 2 for query artist:Benny Benassi track:Cinema - Skrillex Remix
  1606. 13:53:46 Debug: Got num results: 1 for query artist:Klaypex track:Gamefire (feat. Mike Diva)
  1607. 13:53:46 Debug: Resolving: "77fbc87f-0295-404f-a0e6-25ff7517ec8f" "Mindless Self Indulgence" "Shut Me Up" fulltext? "" ""
  1608. 13:53:46 Debug: Got num results: 3 for query artist:Linkin Park track:BURN IT DOWN
  1609. 13:53:46 Debug: Resolving: "3149b6ad-3fbd-48cc-ac64-168fdcf30b97" "Linkin Park" "From The Inside" fulltext? "" ""
  1610. 13:53:46 Debug: Got num results: 3 for query artist:Skrillex track:Scary Monsters And Nice Sprites
  1611. 13:53:46 Debug: Resolving: "b2d3b612-83dc-41ba-829f-3cf7ec333996" "Linkin Park" "Blackout" fulltext? "" ""
  1612. 13:53:46 Debug: Got num results: 3 for query artist:My Chemical Romance track:Na Na Na [Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na]
  1613. 13:53:47 Debug: Resolving: "c5768038-4d4b-47eb-9faf-b1de797dded8" "Linkin Park" "New Divide" fulltext? "" ""
  1614. 13:53:47 Debug: Got num results: 1 for query artist:Mindless Self Indulgence track:Shut Me Up
  1615. 13:53:47 Debug: Got num results: 3 for query artist:Linkin Park track:Blackout
  1616. 13:53:47 Debug: Got num results: 3 for query artist:Linkin Park track:From The Inside
  1617. 13:53:47 Debug: Resolving: "4457f2a8-0c39-4b61-9bdf-10a7f31b94a5" "Linkin Park" "Somewhere I Belong" fulltext? "" ""
  1618. 13:53:47 Debug: Resolving: "a924e8fa-dcd8-4416-a35f-7a7cd13ab231" "Linkin Park" "Lying From You" fulltext? "" ""
  1619. 13:53:47 Debug: Resolving: "ed1f6efe-d08a-42d2-af4a-39249439e31a" "Linkin Park" "Faint" fulltext? "" ""
  1620. 13:53:47 Debug: Got num results: 3 for query artist:Linkin Park track:New Divide
  1621. 13:53:47 Debug: Got num results: 3 for query artist:Linkin Park track:Somewhere I Belong
  1622. 13:53:47 Debug: Got num results: 3 for query artist:Linkin Park track:Lying From You
  1623. 13:53:47 Debug: Resolving: "f3e1270b-7a3c-42ed-9a90-e370d09b5dc0" "Linkin Park" "Waiting For The End" fulltext? "" ""
  1624. 13:53:47 Debug: Got num results: 3 for query artist:Linkin Park track:Faint
  1625. 13:53:47 Debug: Resolving: "4815332e-eecf-46c7-b266-c457d3284aec" "The Offspring" "You're Gonna Go Far, Kid" fulltext? "" ""
  1626. 13:53:47 Debug: Resolving: "4a7ccafa-e424-46cf-a518-20f6522319b4" "Eminem" "Kill You" fulltext? "" ""
  1627. 13:53:47 Debug: Got num results: 3 for query artist:Linkin Park track:Waiting For The End
  1628. 13:53:47 Debug: Resolving: "69e45e44-6f9c-42df-a247-d7b6e0df5679" "Eminem" "Stan" fulltext? "" ""
  1629. 13:53:47 Debug: Got num results: 3 for query artist:Eminem track:Kill You
  1630. 13:53:47 Debug: Got num results: 3 for query artist:The Offspring track:You're Gonna Go Far, Kid
  1631. 13:53:47 Debug: Resolving: "1b71ac30-50ef-4ab6-8cf2-e625a070b054" "Eminem" "Who Knew" fulltext? "" ""
  1632. 13:53:47 Debug: Got num results: 3 for query artist:Eminem track:Stan
  1633. 13:53:48 Debug: Resolving: "6cb5cce9-8048-4f99-8f1e-2b94b5bbfec3" "Eminem" "The Way I Am" fulltext? "" ""
  1634. 13:53:48 Debug: Resolving: "302d8378-f0de-4204-af0e-47897c7d2993" "Eminem" "The Real Slim Shady" fulltext? "" ""
  1635. 13:53:48 Debug: Got num results: 3 for query artist:Eminem track:Who Knew
  1636. 13:53:48 Debug: Resolving: "63be518d-6260-461e-8cde-038f32eaeea3" "Eminem" "I'm Back" fulltext? "" ""
  1637. 13:53:48 Debug: Got num results: 3 for query artist:Eminem track:The Way I Am
  1638. 13:53:48 Debug: Resolving: "a664e461-f19c-4af7-be7f-72b2527f4de1" "Eminem" "Remember Me?" fulltext? "" ""
  1639. 13:53:48 Debug: Resolving: "81f90bb5-80b4-4dd4-8361-57607b72fee4" "Eminem" "Marshall Mathers" fulltext? "" ""
  1640. 13:53:48 Debug: Got num results: 2 for query artist:Eminem track:Remember Me?
  1641. 13:53:48 Debug: Got num results: 3 for query artist:Eminem track:The Real Slim Shady
  1642. 13:53:48 Debug: Got num results: 3 for query artist:Eminem track:I'm Back
  1643. 13:53:48 Debug: Resolving: "2a79f0e6-f0ce-451f-ab83-49f79fc3316b" "Eminem" "Drug Ballad" fulltext? "" ""
  1644. 13:53:48 Debug: Got num results: 2 for query artist:Eminem track:Marshall Mathers
  1645. 13:53:48 Debug: Resolving: "74612f90-33fe-4500-afc2-186b3783acaa" "Eminem" "Amityville" fulltext? "" ""
  1646. 13:53:48 Debug: Resolving: "11ca9a8d-5c2c-4ffb-8232-549763d93b11" "Eminem" "Bitch Please II" fulltext? "" ""
  1647. 13:53:48 Debug: Resolving: "25ba562b-6172-429b-b019-c8bc92d74692" "Eminem" "Kim" fulltext? "" ""
  1648. 13:53:48 Debug: Got num results: 2 for query artist:Eminem track:Bitch Please II
  1649. 13:53:48 Debug: Got num results: 3 for query artist:Eminem track:Drug Ballad
  1650. 13:53:49 Debug: Resolving: "ae95fcef-8748-4e4c-99ff-c87f4757eaa2" "Eminem" "Under The Influence" fulltext? "" ""
  1651. 13:53:49 Debug: Got num results: 2 for query artist:Eminem track:Amityville
  1652. 13:53:49 Debug: Resolving: "4112ec4e-87cb-46c1-87fb-714089a863c9" "Eminem" "Criminal" fulltext? "" ""
  1653. 13:53:49 Debug: Got num results: 2 for query artist:Eminem track:Kim
  1654. 13:53:49 Debug: Got num results: 2 for query artist:Eminem track:Under The Influence
  1655. 13:53:49 Debug: Resolving: "e73eaf81-509a-4145-abef-7240f7b176ad" "Eminem" "Just Lose It" fulltext? "" ""
  1656. 13:53:49 Debug: Got num results: 3 for query artist:Eminem track:Criminal
  1657. 13:53:49 Debug: Resolving: "74da8914-96db-40df-b8c0-9edcb5861977" "The Prodigy" "Stand Up" fulltext? "" ""
  1658. 13:53:49 Debug: Resolving: "e97af435-ebbc-4b28-8b08-8cf6825719fa" "The Prodigy" "Invaders Must Die" fulltext? "" ""
  1659. 13:53:49 Debug: Resolving: "b00f305a-ec8c-4821-aeaa-74a8352d43dd" "The Prodigy" "O" fulltext? "" ""
  1660. 13:53:49 Debug: Got num results: 3 for query artist:The Prodigy track:Stand Up
  1661. 13:53:49 Debug: Got num results: 3 for query artist:Eminem track:Just Lose It
  1662. 13:53:49 Debug: Got num results: 3 for query artist:The Prodigy track:Invaders Must Die
  1663. 13:53:49 Debug: Resolving: "fb47a00e-0cfc-40b7-bf3b-65b4f7a70cf9" "The Prodigy" "Thunder" fulltext? "" ""
  1664. 13:53:49 Debug: Got num results: 3 for query artist:The Prodigy track:O
  1665. 13:53:49 Debug: Resolving: "ba8c2e56-2a69-4834-baf9-330bff040322" "The Prodigy" "Colours" fulltext? "" ""
  1666. 13:53:49 Debug: Got num results: 3 for query artist:The Prodigy track:Thunder
  1667. 13:53:49 Debug: Resolving: "d0efbfbf-552d-4a66-badc-d6ed3535a847" "The Prodigy" "Take Me To The Hospital" fulltext? "" ""
  1668. 13:53:49 Debug: Got num results: 3 for query artist:The Prodigy track:Colours
  1669. 13:53:49 Debug: Resolving: "76dfd1ee-f1bf-45b0-8af0-e3aef13f6353" "The Prodigy" "Take Me To The Hospital - Rusko Remix" fulltext? "" ""
  1670. 13:53:50 Debug: Got num results: 3 for query artist:The Prodigy track:Take Me To The Hospital
  1671. 13:53:50 Debug: Resolving: "463cf3fb-6794-4896-8d76-48fba3f61159" "The Prodigy" "Take Me To The Hospital - Subfocus Remix" fulltext? "" ""
  1672. 13:53:50 Debug: Got num results: 2 for query artist:The Prodigy track:Take Me To The Hospital - Rusko Remix
  1673. 13:53:50 Debug: Resolving: "1194d67e-17a7-4baf-980f-bac54edac0e1" "JAY Z" "Dirt Off Your Shoulder/Lying From You" fulltext? "" ""
  1674. 13:53:50 Debug: Resolving: "e5a8bbf6-01cd-484f-b730-6018ceeff18c" "JAY Z" "Big Pimpin'/Papercut" fulltext? "" ""
  1675. 13:53:50 Debug: Resolving: "27c1da3a-eb88-492e-bc31-7c7129fcacde" "JAY Z" "Jigga What/Faint" fulltext? "" ""
  1676. 13:53:50 Debug: Got num results: 1 for query artist:JAY Z track:Big Pimpin'/Papercut
  1677. 13:53:50 Debug: Got num results: 3 for query artist:The Prodigy track:Take Me To The Hospital - Subfocus Remix
  1678. 13:53:50 Debug: Resolving: "c5e938e3-e841-46ba-a866-9e6416223257" "JAY Z" "Numb/Encore" fulltext? "" ""
  1679. 13:53:50 Debug: Got num results: 3 for query artist:JAY Z track:Jigga What/Faint
  1680. 13:53:50 Debug: Got num results: 3 for query artist:JAY Z track:Dirt Off Your Shoulder/Lying From You
  1681. 13:53:50 Debug: Resolving: "2e46625e-c8fe-45fe-8fe9-482804dc6eb8" "JAY Z" "Izzo/In The End" fulltext? "" ""
  1682. 13:53:50 Debug: Got num results: 3 for query artist:JAY Z track:Numb/Encore
  1683. 13:53:50 Debug: Resolving: "deb7f9f4-d79d-41f4-8123-321276926f48" "JAY Z" "Points Of Authority/99 Problems/One Step Closer" fulltext? "" ""
  1684. 13:53:50 Debug: Got num results: 1 for query artist:JAY Z track:Izzo/In The End
  1685. 13:53:50 Debug: Resolving: "8956c152-550f-4861-b751-798955b78d8f" "JAY Z" "No Church In The Wild" fulltext? "" ""
  1686. 13:53:50 Debug: Resolving: "82a5882e-6cbf-4870-8726-5e1b7b3ae390" "JAY Z" "Otis" fulltext? "" ""
  1687. 13:53:51 Debug: Resolving: "1a15a671-c66a-4fe2-aaa1-61d27ed5359a" "JAY Z" "Who Gon Stop Me" fulltext? "" ""
  1688. 13:53:51 Debug: Got num results: 3 for query artist:JAY Z track:Otis
  1689. 13:53:51 Debug: Got num results: 0 for query artist:JAY Z track:Points Of Authority/99 Problems/One Step Closer
  1690. 13:53:51 Debug: SpotifyLog: "12:53:51.132 I [offline-mgr:2032] 0 files are locked. 0 images are locked
  1691. "
  1692. 13:53:51 Debug: SpotifyLog: "12:53:51.132 I [offline-mgr:2058] 0 files unlocked. 0 images unlocked
  1693. "
  1694. 13:53:51 Debug: Got num results: 3 for query artist:JAY Z track:No Church In The Wild
  1695. 13:53:51 Debug: Resolving: "e3a91c28-b0ea-443f-86d9-31a023c104d0" "JAY Z" "Why I Love You" fulltext? "" ""
  1696. 13:53:51 Debug: Got num results: 2 for query artist:JAY Z track:Who Gon Stop Me
  1697. 13:53:51 Debug: Resolving: "3af63fd5-4bd1-4550-a73a-8ae04c86ccbf" "Young Buck" "I'm A Soldier" fulltext? "" ""
  1698. 13:53:51 Debug: Got num results: 2 for query artist:JAY Z track:Why I Love You
  1699. 13:53:51 Debug: Resolving: "0056f59c-1b37-4935-9d11-ce702c53ef8b" "Young Buck" "Do It Like Me" fulltext? "" ""
  1700. 13:53:51 Debug: Got num results: 2 for query artist:Young Buck track:I'm A Soldier
  1701. 13:53:51 Debug: Resolving: "e5a23111-052d-46f5-ab30-68a6345bf323" "Young Buck" "Let Me In" fulltext? "" ""
  1702. 13:53:51 Debug: Got num results: 2 for query artist:Young Buck track:Do It Like Me
  1703. 13:53:51 Debug: Resolving: "18effa91-7fa0-4726-aeae-7b02de16f0a8" "Young Buck" "Look At Me Now" fulltext? "" ""
  1704. 13:53:51 Debug: Resolving: "70f710b6-03e8-414d-bef9-89ba610f21ce" "Young Buck" "Welcome To The South" fulltext? "" ""
  1705. 13:53:51 Debug: Resolving: "e7b6c850-ff39-41cc-98ab-a294c6c95d63" "Young Buck" "Prices On My Head" fulltext? "" ""
  1706. 13:53:51 Debug: Got num results: 2 for query artist:Young Buck track:Look At Me Now
  1707. 13:53:51 Debug: Got num results: 3 for query artist:Young Buck track:Let Me In
  1708. 13:53:51 Debug: Got num results: 2 for query artist:Young Buck track:Welcome To The South
  1709. 13:53:51 Debug: Resolving: "51af6d59-e82b-4050-8e88-2a5528afec2e" "Young Buck" "Shorty Wanna Ride" fulltext? "" ""
  1710. 13:53:52 Debug: Got num results: 2 for query artist:Young Buck track:Prices On My Head
  1711. 13:53:52 Debug: Resolving: "bf34f67c-026a-4b06-9e71-29f69260511b" "Young Buck" "Bang Bang" fulltext? "" ""
  1712. 13:53:52 Debug: Got num results: 2 for query artist:Young Buck track:Shorty Wanna Ride
  1713. 13:53:52 Debug: Resolving: "5757a799-d7a7-4b1c-afb1-69ed0cbc40f4" "Young Buck" "Thou Shall" fulltext? "" ""
  1714. 13:53:52 Debug: Resolving: "a66e8411-ebb9-4e6d-875f-9f694497a5d0" "Young Buck" "Black Gloves" fulltext? "" ""
  1715. 13:53:52 Debug: Resolving: "5107d80d-0d74-4cea-896b-bc87f5060ff4" "Young Buck" "Stomp" fulltext? "" ""
  1716. 13:53:52 Debug: Got num results: 3 for query artist:Young Buck track:Black Gloves
  1717. 13:53:52 Debug: Got num results: 2 for query artist:Young Buck track:Thou Shall
  1718. 13:53:52 Debug: Got num results: 3 for query artist:Young Buck track:Bang Bang
  1719. 13:53:52 Debug: Resolving: "9c909c82-72b4-4788-8ce3-0dc252920fe8" "Fort Minor (Featuring Styles Of Beyond)" "Remember The Name" fulltext? "" ""
  1720. 13:53:52 Debug: Got num results: 3 for query artist:Young Buck track:Stomp
  1721. 13:53:52 Debug: Resolving: "989d9d69-32db-450f-8496-6b348b287ffd" "Fort Minor" "Petrified" fulltext? "" ""
  1722. 13:53:52 Debug: Resolving: "62d4d567-b8ae-4616-a92b-7ec9198ec28b" "Linkin Park" "LOST IN THE ECHO" fulltext? "" ""
  1723. 13:53:52 Debug: Resolving: "33d31a10-9ff1-4f7a-93c7-10e496f6d692" "Linkin Park" "IN MY REMAINS" fulltext? "" ""
  1724. 13:53:52 Debug: Got num results: 3 for query artist:Fort Minor track:Petrified
  1725. 13:53:52 Debug: Got num results: 3 for query artist:Linkin Park track:IN MY REMAINS
  1726. 13:53:52 Debug: Got num results: 3 for query artist:Linkin Park track:LOST IN THE ECHO
  1727. 13:53:52 Debug: Resolving: "b53fc80f-0df0-4907-83de-69c949711bb9" "Linkin Park" "I'LL BE GONE" fulltext? "" ""
  1728. 13:53:52 Debug: Got num results: 3 for query artist:Fort Minor (Featuring Styles Of Beyond) track:Remember The Name
  1729. 13:53:53 Debug: Resolving: "1a7762d8-cc7b-4e14-bbb0-b3d3a435e48b" "Linkin Park" "CASTLE OF GLASS" fulltext? "" ""
  1730. 13:53:53 Debug: Got num results: 3 for query artist:Linkin Park track:I'LL BE GONE
  1731. 13:53:53 Debug: Resolving: "261bcfc7-7f2c-42d5-b7b3-0c328a37bae0" "Linkin Park" "VICTIMIZED" fulltext? "" ""
  1732. 13:53:53 Debug: Got num results: 3 for query artist:Linkin Park track:VICTIMIZED
  1733. 13:53:53 Debug: Resolving: "e8930be9-446c-4774-8f6a-085ebde4771b" "Linkin Park" "TINFOIL" fulltext? "" ""
  1734. 13:53:53 Debug: Got num results: 3 for query artist:Linkin Park track:CASTLE OF GLASS
  1735. 13:53:53 Debug: Got num results: 1 for query artist:Linkin Park track:TINFOIL
  1736. 13:53:53 Debug: Resolving: "b8ebf6c3-c425-42c7-b300-977bd48bbce4" "Linkin Park" "POWERLESS" fulltext? "" ""
  1737. 13:53:53 Debug: Resolving: "a27dde8a-61d5-4656-bf97-938f1eea7d71" "Breathe Carolina" "The Dressing Room" fulltext? "" ""
  1738. 13:53:53 Debug: Resolving: "4d2b0c49-9030-491f-b7e2-e98b61eb5ec8" "Gorillaz" "Feel Good Inc" fulltext? "" ""
  1739. 13:53:53 Debug: Got num results: 1 for query artist:Breathe Carolina track:The Dressing Room
  1740. 13:53:53 Debug: Resolving: "24dbfa83-8a98-46f9-a832-2cbd73e2992e" "Bloodhound Gang" "The Bad Touch" fulltext? "" ""
  1741. 13:53:53 Debug: Got num results: 3 for query artist:Linkin Park track:POWERLESS
  1742. 13:53:53 Debug: Got num results: 3 for query artist:Gorillaz track:Feel Good Inc
  1743. 13:53:53 Debug: Resolving: "61c54ca6-7ed4-4b98-98cc-f0d0b02aacab" "Emily Browning" "Sweet Dreams (Are Made Of This) - Sucker Punch: Original Motion Picture Soundtrack" fulltext? "" ""
  1744. 13:53:53 Debug: Got num results: 3 for query artist:Bloodhound Gang track:The Bad Touch
  1745. 13:53:53 Debug: Resolving: "7f566fcf-288e-4ca0-aefa-764a158acbab" "Alison Mosshart" "Tomorrow Never Knows - Sucker Punch: Original Motion Picture Soundtrack" fulltext? "" ""
  1746. 13:53:53 Debug: Got num results: 1 for query artist:Emily Browning track:Sweet Dreams (Are Made Of This) - Sucker Punch Original Motion Picture Soundtrack
  1747. 13:53:54 Debug: Resolving: "56e20013-2224-4e3e-94c7-e515cfa7c00c" "Eminem" "Lose Yourself - Soundtrack Version (Explicit)" fulltext? "" ""
  1748. 13:53:54 Debug: Resolving: "b8d7e4d8-ba3c-4636-bd96-7b525700a3e7" "Bloodhound Gang" "Fire Water Burn" fulltext? "" ""
  1749. 13:53:54 Debug: Got num results: 3 for query artist:Bloodhound Gang track:Fire Water Burn
  1750. 13:53:54 Debug: Got num results: 1 for query artist:Alison Mosshart track:Tomorrow Never Knows - Sucker Punch Original Motion Picture Soundtrack
  1751. 13:53:54 Debug: Resolving: "c02cea2b-6a20-4997-a512-c8c11213ea18" "Seeed Feat. Cee-Lo Green" "Aufstehn!" fulltext? "" ""
  1752. 13:53:54 Debug: Got num results: 3 for query artist:Eminem track:Lose Yourself - Soundtrack Version (Explicit)
  1753. 13:53:54 Debug: Resolving: "1eeb5d9b-859d-4c5f-931d-cefd25aa318d" "Linkin Park" "LOST IN THE ECHO" fulltext? "" ""
  1754. 13:53:54 Debug: Resolving: "f8d27e61-4770-465d-b69b-a6324fd0dad0" "Araab Muzik" "La prophétie des aigles" fulltext? "" ""
  1755. 13:53:54 Debug: Resolving: "971c438a-932f-42ed-bfe1-96fe22fe0164" "K.I.Z." "Tekknohurensohn" fulltext? "" ""
  1756. 13:53:54 Debug: Got num results: 3 for query artist:Seeed Feat. Cee-Lo Green track:Aufstehn!
  1757. 13:53:54 Debug: Got num results: 3 for query artist:Linkin Park track:LOST IN THE ECHO
  1758. 13:53:54 Debug: Got num results: 2 for query artist:Araab Muzik track:La prophétie des aigles
  1759. 13:53:54 Debug: Resolving: "e773cda9-952a-4ae2-9f68-574b31cb62ef" "Modeselektor" "Humanized feat. Anti Pop Consortium" fulltext? "" ""
  1760. 13:53:54 Debug: Got num results: 1 for query artist:K.I.Z. track:Tekknohurensohn
  1761. 13:53:54 Debug: Resolving: "972018de-f58c-4d62-98a1-e12a7ac27977" "JAY Z" "Hard Knock Life" fulltext? "" ""
  1762. 13:53:54 Debug: Got num results: 1 for query artist:Modeselektor track:Humanized feat. Anti Pop Consortium
  1763. 13:53:54 Debug: Resolving: "258f963c-e29b-42a0-85a4-4cedd68a64e2" "Outlander" "Our World - Original" fulltext? "" ""
  1764. 13:53:55 Debug: Got num results: 3 for query artist:JAY Z track:Hard Knock Life
  1765. 13:53:55 Debug: Resolving: "9a72e15d-12b9-428a-a94d-463233f5d53d" "K.I.Z." "Intro Böhse Enkelz - Live" fulltext? "" ""
  1766. 13:53:55 Debug: Resolving: "05705186-e662-4b5d-a01f-95d90898eef1" "MC Villain" "X - Original Mix" fulltext? "" ""
  1767. 13:53:55 Debug: Resolving: "e389ccd7-33b4-4ba9-a14b-e400c4ed7ef9" "Wilderness Crew" "Perfect Match" fulltext? "" ""
  1768. 13:53:55 Debug: Got num results: 1 for query artist:K.I.Z. track:Intro Böhse Enkelz - Live
  1769. 13:53:55 Debug: Got num results: 3 for query artist:Outlander track:Our World - Original
  1770. 13:53:55 Debug: Got num results: 2 for query artist:MC Villain track:X - Original Mix
  1771. 13:53:55 Debug: Resolving: "34eb60f9-9393-491b-8979-818ec759f464" "Wilderness Crew" "Northwest Rotation" fulltext? "" ""
  1772. 13:53:55 Debug: Got num results: 1 for query artist:Wilderness Crew track:Perfect Match
  1773. 13:53:55 Debug: Got num results: 1 for query artist:Wilderness Crew track:Northwest Rotation
  1774. 13:53:55 Debug: Resolving: "f795072e-5022-4092-8b30-a0598071603c" "Wilderness Crew" "I'm Coming Home" fulltext? "" ""
  1775. 13:53:55 Debug: Resolving: "6d0f5daf-bb91-4497-95fd-807dbec78c93" "Wilderness Crew" "Grammas Wishes" fulltext? "" ""
  1776. 13:53:55 Debug: Resolving: "d1be8665-324f-4ff1-a954-d9c56b19f6ce" "Wilderness Crew" "The Push" fulltext? "" ""
  1777. 13:53:55 Debug: Resolving: "ebbaa8e3-b897-4da6-bd39-917d7dabe708" "Borgore" "Love" fulltext? "" ""
  1778. 13:53:55 Debug: Got num results: 1 for query artist:Wilderness Crew track:I'm Coming Home
  1779. 13:53:55 Debug: Got num results: 1 for query artist:Wilderness Crew track:The Push
  1780. 13:53:55 Debug: Got num results: 1 for query artist:Wilderness Crew track:Grammas Wishes
  1781. 13:53:55 Debug: Resolving: "c63da382-4521-494e-b061-7583885aee04" "Donkey Rollers" "Total Domination - Original Mix" fulltext? "" ""
  1782. 13:53:55 Debug: Got num results: 2 for query artist:Borgore track:Love
  1783. 13:53:55 Debug: Resolving: "b207c478-ddea-4087-b981-7d4bf77a297f" "Steve Berke" "Pot Shop" fulltext? "" ""
  1784. 13:53:56 Debug: Resolving: "5d88984c-157c-461c-b3f2-e599c8226d08" "The Heavy" "Short Change Hero" fulltext? "" ""
  1785. 13:53:56 Debug: Resolving: "466910c1-4697-41df-b3e3-281587f0fe87" "Foo Fighters" "The Pretender" fulltext? "" ""
  1786. 13:53:56 Debug: Got num results: 1 for query artist:Steve Berke track:Pot Shop
  1787. 13:53:56 Debug: Got num results: 1 for query artist:Donkey Rollers track:Total Domination - Original Mix
  1788. 13:53:56 Debug: Got num results: 1 for query artist:The Heavy track:Short Change Hero
  1789. 13:53:56 Debug: Resolving: "1b5291a2-1e4f-4d11-bb0c-c07840c221eb" "Pimpulsiv" "Multimorbid" fulltext? "" ""
  1790. 13:53:56 Debug: Got num results: 3 for query artist:Foo Fighters track:The Pretender
  1791. 13:53:56 Debug: Resolving: "9088c040-c016-435a-accc-9ee355cf9ec9" "P$C" "Do Ya Thing - feat. Young Dro amended" fulltext? "" ""
  1792. 13:53:56 Debug: Got num results: 0 for query artist:Pimpulsiv track:Multimorbid
  1793. 13:53:56 Debug: Resolving: "88a652d4-b7fd-44ad-8451-6d8a02f9395f" "Josef "J7" Lord (Sam B.) & Christopher H. Knight" "No Room in Hell (From Dead Island: Riptide) [feat. Chamillionaire]" fulltext? "" ""
  1794. 13:53:56 Debug: Got num results: 1 for query artist:P$C track:Do Ya Thing - feat. Young Dro amended
  1795. 13:53:56 Debug: Resolving: "21a16975-a21c-4425-8262-7b7d28a158ec" "The Prodigy" "Warrior's Dance" fulltext? "" ""
  1796. 13:53:56 Debug: Got num results: 1 for query artist:Josef "J7" Lord (Sam B.) & Christopher H. Knight track:No Room in Hell (From Dead Island Riptide) [feat. Chamillionaire]
  1797. 13:53:56 Debug: Resolving: "c5df7ba8-93e8-401b-a20a-52eb15073d4e" "Infected Mushroom" "Wanted To" fulltext? "" ""
  1798. 13:53:56 Debug: Resolving: "67910f82-29ae-4681-bed0-46f94aca020a" "Angerfist" "The Depths Of Despair (Official Masters Of Hardcore Anthem)" fulltext? "" ""
  1799. 13:53:56 Debug: Resolving: "7af158b3-8897-4f5a-bb93-d1c596051547" "Angerfist" "Who Cares" fulltext? "" ""
  1800. 13:53:57 Debug: Got num results: 1 for query artist:Infected Mushroom track:Wanted To
  1801. 13:53:57 Debug: Got num results: 3 for query artist:Angerfist track:The Depths Of Despair (Official Masters Of Hardcore Anthem)
  1802. 13:53:57 Debug: Got num results: 3 for query artist:The Prodigy track:Warrior's Dance
  1803. 13:53:57 Debug: Resolving: "aff6fdac-5855-4aed-8a1f-e72d4f0cbdd3" "Angerfist" "The Voice Of Mayhem" fulltext? "" ""
  1804. 13:53:57 Debug: Got num results: 2 for query artist:Angerfist track:Who Cares
  1805. 13:53:57 Debug: Resolving: "c15a1731-b239-4530-b8a1-b2b6e3a9e944" "Angerfist" "F@ckin' Wit Yo Head" fulltext? "" ""
  1806. 13:53:57 Debug: Resolving: "e3512264-37cc-4b44-8ed6-d1b6bc0ec5c1" "Nero" "Me & You - Dirtyphonics Remix" fulltext? "" ""
  1807. 13:53:57 Debug: Resolving: "1b34160f-6a31-4853-8249-fdf59a02b0f6" "The Lonely Island" "I'm On A Boat" fulltext? "" ""
  1808. 13:53:57 Debug: Got num results: 3 for query artist:Angerfist track:The Voice Of Mayhem
  1809. 13:53:57 Debug: Got num results: 2 for query artist:Angerfist track:F@ckin' Wit Yo Head
  1810. 13:53:57 Debug: Resolving: "e6cd869c-ad20-4fc3-82f0-44a8d6861135" "Björk" "Army Of Me (Sucker Punch Remix) - Sucker Punch: Original Motion Picture Soundtrack" fulltext? "" ""
  1811. 13:53:57 Debug: Got num results: 1 for query artist:Nero track:Me & You - Dirtyphonics Remix
  1812. 13:53:57 Debug: Resolving: "653b6484-b9c4-4197-9a23-687de52f46f0" "Rittz feat. Mike Posner" "Switch Lanes" fulltext? "" ""
  1813. 13:53:57 Debug: Got num results: 1 for query artist:Björk track:Army Of Me (Sucker Punch Remix) - Sucker Punch Original Motion Picture Soundtrack
  1814. 13:53:57 Debug: Got num results: 3 for query artist:The Lonely Island track:I'm On A Boat
  1815. 13:53:57 Debug: Resolving: "a99bc699-aaad-422b-bad8-d22f748b4f3e" "The Subways" "Rock & Roll Queen" fulltext? "" ""
  1816. 13:53:57 Debug: Got num results: 2 for query artist:Rittz feat. Mike Posner track:Switch Lanes
  1817. 13:53:57 Debug: Resolving: "e42a60a4-8a2d-44b5-896e-ebc8968c9d88" "Imagine Dragons" "Radioactive" fulltext? "" ""
  1818. 13:53:57 Debug: Got num results: 3 for query artist:The Subways track:Rock & Roll Queen
  1819. 13:53:57 Debug: Resolving: "9eb01d65-757e-43de-8d89-9be251f26dc3" "Sun Araw" "Deep Cover" fulltext? "" ""
  1820. 13:53:57 Debug: Got num results: 3 for query artist:Imagine Dragons track:Radioactive
  1821. 13:53:58 Debug: Resolving: "7904fc23-c15d-477f-a7cd-56b5d38cb5fd" "Funny Van Dannen" "Menschenverachtende Untergrundmusik" fulltext? "" ""
  1822. 13:53:58 Debug: Got num results: 2 for query artist:Sun Araw track:Deep Cover
  1823. 13:53:58 Debug: Resolving: "94db389e-0286-415b-84b3-5239e65f4690" "The Lonely Island" "Spring Break Anthem" fulltext? "" ""
  1824. 13:53:58 Debug: Got num results: 2 for query artist:Funny Van Dannen track:Menschenverachtende Untergrundmusik
  1825. 13:53:58 Debug: Resolving: "9b908668-a864-4751-a407-933316f6456c" "Sandro Silva" "Epic - Luminox Remix" fulltext? "" ""
  1826. 13:53:58 Debug: Got num results: 3 for query artist:The Lonely Island track:Spring Break Anthem
  1827. 13:53:58 Debug: Resolving: "b5b1e2ff-0dca-4f2a-9db7-5c7459502bb8" "West One Music" "Rage Racer" fulltext? "" ""
  1828. 13:53:58 Debug: Got num results: 1 for query artist:Sandro Silva track:Epic - Luminox Remix
  1829. 13:53:58 Debug: Resolving: "d110fddb-8bbc-4578-a1b6-b08e30222b25" "Brusspup" "Soul Switch" fulltext? "" ""
  1830. 13:53:58 Debug: Got num results: 0 for query artist:West One Music track:Rage Racer
  1831. 13:53:58 Debug: Resolving: "811214ef-9cf3-4cc9-a6c7-118c9b6da559" "Pendulum" "Set Me On Fire" fulltext? "" ""
  1832. 13:53:58 Debug: Got num results: 0 for query artist:Brusspup track:Soul Switch
  1833. 13:53:58 Debug: Resolving: "49808627-bdae-4f91-be28-85ad8b76874c" "Pendulum" "The Vulture" fulltext? "" ""
  1834. 13:53:58 Debug: Got num results: 1 for query artist:Pendulum track:Set Me On Fire
  1835. 13:53:58 Debug: Resolving: "03028f7b-11d0-4bd9-983e-8fee4063c7df" "Pendulum feat. DJ Fresh, $pyda & Tenor Fly" "Tarantula" fulltext? "" ""
  1836. 13:53:58 Debug: Got num results: 1 for query artist:Pendulum track:The Vulture
  1837. 13:53:58 Debug: Resolving: "844ae9eb-c09d-44fd-96c6-17829c9516ce" "Opeth" "To Rid the Disease" fulltext? "" ""
  1838. 13:53:59 Debug: Got num results: 1 for query artist:Pendulum feat. DJ Fresh, $pyda & Tenor Fly track:Tarantula
  1839. 13:53:59 Debug: Resolving: "2315e179-7d7f-4989-94cb-b1f2616052b4" "Aesop Rock" "None Shall Pass" fulltext? "" ""
  1840. 13:53:59 Debug: Got num results: 3 for query artist:Opeth track:To Rid the Disease
  1841. 13:53:59 Debug: Resolving: "6324c6ae-e5fc-485d-9d36-606b32b16112" "X-RX" "Kein Herz" fulltext? "" ""
  1842. 13:53:59 Debug: Got num results: 3 for query artist:Aesop Rock track:None Shall Pass
  1843. 13:53:59 Debug: Resolving: "3b6af135-ca83-4bf6-9b27-698ebac9460a" "X-RX" "Push It!" fulltext? "" ""
  1844. 13:53:59 Debug: Got num results: 1 for query artist:X-RX track:Kein Herz
  1845. 13:53:59 Debug: Resolving: "99c587af-9282-4aa1-afc0-349331136444" "The Lonely Island" "I Run NY" fulltext? "" ""
  1846. 13:53:59 Debug: Got num results: 1 for query artist:X-RX track:Push It!
  1847. 13:53:59 Debug: Resolving: "d7503245-f4f8-45e2-88f7-ffcb3ac5aa7c" "Grits" "Ooh Ahh (My Life Be Like) (feat. Toby Mac)" fulltext? "" ""
  1848. 13:53:59 Debug: Got num results: 2 for query artist:The Lonely Island track:I Run NY
  1849. 13:53:59 Debug: Resolving: "0b6d31c7-6515-4af5-9658-23a35e9e53d2" "Kid Cudi" "Pursuit Of Happiness - Extended Steve Aoki Remix (Explicit)" fulltext? "" ""
  1850. 13:53:59 Debug: Got num results: 2 for query artist:Grits track:Ooh Ahh (My Life Be Like) (feat. Toby Mac)
  1851. 13:53:59 Debug: Resolving: "969baa9a-f9c9-4b51-97b3-2a9852640432" "John Murphy" "In the House - In a Heartbeat" fulltext? "" ""
  1852. 13:53:59 Debug: Got num results: 1 for query artist:Kid Cudi track:Pursuit Of Happiness - Extended Steve Aoki Remix (Explicit)
  1853. 13:53:59 Debug: Resolving: "685bc8ae-debb-470b-9e79-305bac764d99" "Ana Tijoux" "1977" fulltext? "" ""
  1854. 13:53:59 Debug: Got num results: 2 for query artist:John Murphy track:In the House - In a Heartbeat
  1855. 13:53:59 Debug: Resolving: "7ff231de-dbd8-4f9a-a840-c56cc82f2640" "Blue Stahli" "Anti You" fulltext? "" ""
  1856. 13:53:59 Debug: Got num results: 3 for query artist:Ana Tijoux track:1977
  1857. 13:54:00 Debug: Got num results: 2 for query artist:Blue Stahli track:Anti You
  1858. 13:54:00 Debug: Resolving: "fc4a0cdc-0ed7-4bb3-851c-417d1be7533f" "Eiffel 65" "Blue (Da Ba Dee)" fulltext? "" ""
  1859. 13:54:00 Debug: Resolving: "8b33815a-e78d-40db-ac41-56112fb0a1d5" "Eminem" "Ass Like That" fulltext? "" ""
  1860. 13:54:00 Debug: Got num results: 3 for query artist:Eiffel 65 track:Blue (Da Ba Dee)
  1861. 13:54:00 Debug: Resolving: "96d01998-ecb5-47a2-9f07-9007ab4a7aca" "Meg & Dia" "Monster (DotEXE Remix)" fulltext? "" ""
  1862. 13:54:00 Debug: Got num results: 3 for query artist:Eminem track:Ass Like That
  1863. 13:54:00 Debug: Resolving: "07af5c68-71ff-47c9-a7ae-38204ed08ae3" "RUN-DMC" "It's Tricky" fulltext? "" ""
  1864. 13:54:00 Debug: Got num results: 1 for query artist:Meg & Dia track:Monster (DotEXE Remix)
  1865. 13:54:00 Debug: Resolving: "9e9d84a8-7606-48b2-84c4-88bc44d26555" "RUN-DMC" "It's Tricky - SSX Pretty Lights Remix" fulltext? "" ""
  1866. 13:54:00 Debug: Got num results: 3 for query artist:RUN-DMC track:It's Tricky
  1867. 13:54:00 Debug: Resolving: "848d5bed-4148-40a4-bbd5-16c41ad940d4" "Boys Noize" "Merlin" fulltext? "" ""
  1868. 13:54:00 Debug: Got num results: 1 for query artist:RUN-DMC track:It's Tricky - SSX Pretty Lights Remix
  1869. 13:54:00 Debug: Resolving: "9e508b1c-95c1-49fd-aa01-188413c3b180" "Ratatat" "Lex" fulltext? "" ""
  1870. 13:54:00 Debug: Got num results: 3 for query artist:Boys Noize track:Merlin
  1871. 13:54:00 Debug: Resolving: "e2bc8667-93ff-4c19-8866-143d598354ac" "Tristam" "Flight" fulltext? "" ""
  1872. 13:54:00 Debug: Got num results: 1 for query artist:Ratatat track:Lex
  1873. 13:54:00 Debug: Resolving: "74029ef4-24f0-4fb5-87f8-6c51eec58954" "Bingo Players" "Rattle - Original Mix" fulltext? "" ""
  1874. 13:54:00 Debug: Got num results: 3 for query artist:Tristam track:Flight
  1875. 13:54:01 Debug: Resolving: "058f88ae-7da8-48c7-a55c-136b9921df49" "Viper" "You'll Cowards Don't Even Smoke Crack" fulltext? "" ""
  1876. 13:54:01 Debug: Got num results: 3 for query artist:Bingo Players track:Rattle - Original Mix
  1877. 13:54:01 Debug: Resolving: "37e90f64-1d13-4dec-9782-c5fc63c26764" "Death Grips" "Deep Web" fulltext? "" ""
  1878. 13:54:01 Debug: Got num results: 3 for query artist:Viper track:You'll Cowards Don't Even Smoke Crack
  1879. 13:54:01 Debug: Resolving: "d353cd8a-0a23-4c3f-b0cb-aaf8fe98a7b6" "Death Grips" "I've Seen Footage" fulltext? "" ""
  1880. 13:54:01 Debug: Resolving: "039eca43-0c27-4614-b450-361ae3569a69" "Death Grips" "Get Got" fulltext? "" ""
  1881. 13:54:01 Debug: Got num results: 1 for query artist:Death Grips track:Deep Web
  1882. 13:54:01 Debug: Got num results: 1 for query artist:Death Grips track:I've Seen Footage
  1883. 13:54:01 Debug: Resolving: "35e654f5-b539-4de8-bd68-c159cee5662c" "Mr. Motherfucking Exquire" "Oh Hail No" fulltext? "" ""
  1884. 13:54:01 Debug: Got num results: 1 for query artist:Death Grips track:Get Got
  1885. 13:54:01 Debug: Got num results: 1 for query artist:Mr. Motherfucking Exquire track:Oh Hail No
  1886. 13:54:01 Debug: Resolving: "90d7994b-ec13-4d27-9bc7-e04835abcf20" "Nick Diamonds" "Stay Down" fulltext? "" ""
  1887. 13:54:01 Debug: Resolving: "ecc69a61-ee36-46a1-a4c1-f57f3fa81974" "King Krule" "Foreign 2" fulltext? "" ""
  1888. 13:54:01 Debug: Got num results: 1 for query artist:Nick Diamonds track:Stay Down
  1889. 13:54:01 Debug: Resolving: "1c4c221a-e22e-4aa2-8776-9e4587c16a6b" "System Of A Down" "Chop Suey!" fulltext? "" ""
  1890. 13:54:01 Debug: Got num results: 1 for query artist:King Krule track:Foreign 2
  1891. 13:54:01 Debug: Resolving: "894a9a2f-e517-4d84-8cf5-0f65f9352f0c" "System Of A Down" "B.Y.O.B." fulltext? "" ""
  1892. 13:54:01 Debug: Got num results: 3 for query artist:System Of A Down track:Chop Suey!
  1893. 13:54:02 Debug: Resolving: "25477424-5d1f-44d4-b53e-6f554f4f54de" "System Of A Down" "Toxicity" fulltext? "" ""
  1894. 13:54:02 Debug: Got num results: 3 for query artist:System Of A Down track:B.Y.O.B.
  1895. 13:54:02 Debug: Resolving: "a8cdeea2-2d6b-40b3-abc3-2f6289a0aa7b" "System Of A Down" "Lonely Day" fulltext? "" ""
  1896. 13:54:02 Debug: Resolving: "f53e81a4-cd6c-4fcc-884c-4f232d5159fc" "System Of A Down" "Deer Dance" fulltext? "" ""
  1897. 13:54:02 Debug: Got num results: 3 for query artist:System Of A Down track:Toxicity
  1898. 13:54:02 Debug: Got num results: 1 for query artist:System Of A Down track:Lonely Day
  1899. 13:54:02 Debug: Resolving: "cd5ec48a-0345-409e-80ef-cc9f022d3dd3" "System Of A Down" "Aerials" fulltext? "" ""
  1900. 13:54:02 Debug: Got num results: 3 for query artist:System Of A Down track:Deer Dance
  1901. 13:54:02 Debug: Got num results: 3 for query artist:System Of A Down track:Aerials
  1902. 13:54:05 Debug: Resolving: "abbb3b71-5f89-4b36-bcbd-000077fba9d4" "The Prodigy" "World's on Fire" fulltext? "" ""
  1903. 13:54:06 Debug: Got num results: 3 for query artist:The Prodigy track:World's on Fire
  1904. 13:54:08 Debug: Resolving: "c9f45c34-2d0c-4c96-b2f5-4c5e2c288b4e" "The Prodigy" "The Big Gun Down" fulltext? "" ""
  1905. 13:54:08 Debug: Resolving: "3791afcd-8ee8-47bd-8986-c3fc23d0d57d" "The Prodigy" "Piranha" fulltext? "" ""
  1906. 13:54:08 Debug: Got num results: 2 for query artist:The Prodigy track:The Big Gun Down
  1907. 13:54:08 Debug: Got num results: 3 for query artist:The Prodigy track:Piranha
  1908. 13:54:11 Debug: Resolving: "ccc873ff-7fa2-4825-bcd5-0b305bba2e5a" "The Prodigy" "Mindfields" fulltext? "" ""
  1909. 13:54:11 Debug: Resolving: "aa6c6996-127f-4f05-85e3-2c7843c6e063" "Nirvana" "Smells Like Teen Spirit" fulltext? "" ""
  1910. 13:54:11 Debug: Got num results: 3 for query artist:The Prodigy track:Mindfields
  1911. 13:54:11 Debug: Got num results: 3 for query artist:Nirvana track:Smells Like Teen Spirit
  1912. 13:54:11 Debug: Resolving: "c3d4d27b-ee8d-43e1-a4eb-af491916e757" "Nirvana" "Rape Me" fulltext? "" ""
  1913. 13:54:12 Debug: Resolving: "16cdf629-f231-491e-b011-c38392a2cdb1" "K.I.Z." "Was Kostet Der Fisch? - How Much Is The Fish?" fulltext? "" ""
  1914. 13:54:12 Debug: Got num results: 3 for query artist:Nirvana track:Rape Me
  1915. 13:54:12 Debug: Got num results: 3 for query artist:K.I.Z. track:Was Kostet Der Fisch? - How Much Is The Fish?
  1916. 13:54:12 Debug: Resolving: "de7248da-8aaf-4979-ae20-93973ed229a3" "Die Antwoord" "Hey Sexy" fulltext? "" ""
  1917. 13:54:12 Debug: Got num results: 1 for query artist:Die Antwoord track:Hey Sexy
  1918. 13:54:15 Debug: Resolving: "0930f5ba-75e2-4081-b980-f0d2768afe73" "Die Antwoord" "Baby's On Fire" fulltext? "" ""
  1919. 13:54:16 Debug: Got num results: 1 for query artist:Die Antwoord track:Baby's On Fire
  1920. 13:54:17 Debug: Resolving: "514d5eef-ae1b-450f-b936-d6d32f0c88f9" "Die Antwoord" "Never Le Nkemise" fulltext? "" ""
  1921. 13:54:18 Debug: Got num results: 2 for query artist:Die Antwoord track:Never Le Nkemise
  1922. 13:54:18 Debug: Resolving: "162c776e-45be-4d3e-bf77-0c2349559646" "Yelawolf" "Daddy's Lambo" fulltext? "" ""
  1923. 13:54:18 Debug: Got num results: 1 for query artist:Yelawolf track:Daddy's Lambo
  1924. 13:54:21 Debug: SpotifyLog: "12:54:21.145 I [offline-mgr:2058] 0 files unlocked. 0 images unlocked
  1925. "
  1926. 13:54:21 Debug: Resolving: "705ef52a-e408-4cb7-ab72-741d0bc953f8" "Yelawolf" "Marijuana" fulltext? "" ""
  1927. 13:54:21 Debug: Resolving: "54843662-8bdc-43c0-af0e-dbc4b05c1b97" ""Weird Al" Yankovic" "White & Nerdy (Parody of "Ridin'" by Chamillionaire featuring Krayzie Bone)" fulltext? "" ""
  1928. 13:54:21 Debug: Resolving: "64d90d20-cdf9-413b-9b4c-7f6e9a1b4d2b" ""Weird Al" Yankovic" "Amish Paradise (Parody of "Gangsta's Paradise" by Coolio)" fulltext? "" ""
  1929. 13:54:21 Debug: Got num results: 1 for query artist:Yelawolf track:Marijuana
  1930. 13:54:21 Debug: Got num results: 2 for query artist:"Weird Al" Yankovic track:White & Nerdy (Parody of "Ridin'" by Chamillionaire featuring Krayzie Bone)
  1931. 13:54:22 Debug: Resolving: "15d78acf-cf99-41b8-be38-08ea6faba60a" ""Weird Al" Yankovic" "Polka Face" fulltext? "" ""
  1932. 13:54:22 Debug: Got num results: 2 for query artist:"Weird Al" Yankovic track:Amish Paradise (Parody of "Gangsta's Paradise" by Coolio)
  1933. 13:54:22 Debug: Resolving: "7e91b78f-6b60-40d5-bcde-3e9effa4966a" "Kid Cudi" "Day 'N' Nite - Radio Edit" fulltext? "" ""
  1934. 13:54:22 Debug: Got num results: 1 for query artist:"Weird Al" Yankovic track:Polka Face
  1935. 13:54:22 Debug: Got num results: 3 for query artist:Kid Cudi track:Day 'N' Nite - Radio Edit
  1936. 13:54:25 Debug: Resolving: "42f44c04-bc65-436a-81d7-8aec5b4cc7d6" "Ylvis" "Pressure" fulltext? "" ""
  1937. 13:54:26 Debug: Got num results: 1 for query artist:Ylvis track:Pressure
  1938. 13:54:28 Debug: Resolving: "db91aca0-8052-4b15-867f-e42797c1f545" "Ylvis" "Jan Egeland" fulltext? "" ""
  1939. 13:54:28 Debug: Got num results: 1 for query artist:Ylvis track:Jan Egeland
  1940. 13:54:28 Debug: Resolving: "99614c46-b059-4764-a0d4-32126084c3b4" "Die Antwoord" "In Your Face" fulltext? "" ""
  1941. 13:54:28 Debug: Got num results: 2 for query artist:Die Antwoord track:In Your Face
  1942. 13:54:31 Debug: Resolving: "5d9044f8-a340-4e4f-8852-ef4807747391" "Black Sabbath" "Iron Man" fulltext? "" ""
  1943. 13:54:31 Debug: Resolving: "c0253cb5-3600-496a-b0ff-15c2cfd66a49" "Deers" "Bamboo" fulltext? "" ""
  1944. 13:54:31 Debug: Got num results: 3 for query artist:Black Sabbath track:Iron Man
  1945. 13:54:31 Debug: Resolving: "71239e86-9874-4eb5-b9ed-3d5f4d243161" "Fatboy Slim" "Right Here, Right Now" fulltext? "" ""
  1946. 13:54:31 Debug: Got num results: 1 for query artist:Deers track:Bamboo
  1947. 13:54:32 Debug: Resolving: "eac8fe39-f41a-4a6d-83ba-0a9c28318545" "Alligatoah" "Willst du" fulltext? "" ""
  1948. 13:54:32 Debug: Got num results: 3 for query artist:Fatboy Slim track:Right Here, Right Now
  1949. 13:54:32 Debug: Got num results: 3 for query artist:Alligatoah track:Willst du
  1950. 13:54:32 Debug: Resolving: "adbbea27-55f9-4ce5-89f3-7dce8daab3b2" "Tinie Tempah" "Pass Out" fulltext? "" ""
  1951. 13:54:32 Debug: Got num results: 3 for query artist:Tinie Tempah track:Pass Out
  1952. 13:54:35 Debug: Resolving: "d4037c9e-730a-4264-ace7-e2f40816b014" "Fatboy Slim" "Praise You" fulltext? "" ""
  1953. 13:54:36 Debug: Got num results: 3 for query artist:Fatboy Slim track:Praise You
  1954. 13:54:38 Debug: Resolving: "aefff7d6-c25a-4162-bd79-4a55398a06b5" "Ol' Dirty Bastard" "Shimmy Shimmy Ya" fulltext? "" ""
  1955. 13:54:38 Debug: Resolving: "b36a8f39-4359-4fd4-8093-54fde80f13c1" "3 Steps Ahead" "Drop It" fulltext? "" ""
  1956. 13:54:38 Debug: Got num results: 3 for query artist:Ol' Dirty Bastard track:Shimmy Shimmy Ya
  1957. 13:54:38 Debug: Got num results: 3 for query artist:3 Steps Ahead track:Drop It
  1958. 13:54:39 Debug: TOMAHAWK NOT RUNNING? Exiting...
  1959. 13:54:39 Debug: exiting...
  1960. 13:54:39 Debug: Destroy session
  1961. 13:54:39 Debug: Destroying playlists
  1962. 13:54:40 Warning: QObject::killTimer: timers cannot be stopped from another thread
  1963. 13:54:40 Warning: QObject::killTimers: timers cannot be stopped from another thread
  1964. 13:54:40 Warning: QThread: Destroyed while thread is still running
  1965. 13:54:41 Debug: Initializing Spotify
  1966. 13:54:41 Debug: void __thiscall SpotifyPlaylists::readSettings(void) Loading playlist to sync: "spotify:user:<censored>:playlist:<censored>" from user "<censored>"
  1967. 13:54:41 Debug: === Using LibVersion 12 ===
  1968. 13:54:41 Debug: Looking for spotify settings file at "C:\Users\S0lll0s\AppData\Local\SpotifyResolver/settings"
  1969. 13:54:41 Debug: Found spotify settings file, parsing...
  1970. 13:54:41 Debug: Starting HTTPd on "" 55050
  1971. 13:54:41 Debug: Logging in with username: "<censored>"
  1972. 13:54:41 Debug: Logging in as remembered user
  1973. 13:54:41 Debug: SpotifyLog: "12:54:41.824 I [ap:1752] Connecting to AP ap.gslb.spotify.com:4070
  1974. "
  1975. 13:54:41 Debug: Logged in successfully!!
  1976. 13:54:41 Debug: void __stdcall SpotifySession::loggedIn(struct sp_session *,enum sp_error) ==== No error ====
  1977. 13:54:41 Debug: void __thiscall SpotifyResolver::loginResponse(bool,const class QString &) Notified of login response, sending to client: true "No error"
  1978. 13:54:41 Debug: ==== Got blob update for "<censored>" ====
  1979. 13:54:41 Debug: SpotifyLog: "12:54:41.895 I [offline-mgr:2084] Storage has been cleaned
  1980. "
  1981. 13:54:41 Debug: Looking for spotify settings file at "C:\Users\S0lll0s\AppData\Local\SpotifyResolver/settings"
  1982. 13:54:41 Debug: Found spotify settings file, parsing...
  1984. 13:54:41 Debug: SpotifyLog: "12:54:41.984 I [ap:1226] Connected to AP:
  1985. "
  1986. 13:54:43 Debug: ==== Got blob update for "<censored>" ====
  1987. 13:54:43 Debug: void __thiscall SpotifyPlaylists::loadContainerSlot(struct sp_playlistcontainer *)
  1988. 13:54:43 Debug: Container load from thread id 0x15d0
  1989. 13:54:43 Debug: Trying to load 51 playlists from this container!
  1990. 13:54:43 Debug: Adding syncing for playlist "spotify:user:<censored>:playlist:<censored>"
  1991. 13:54:43 Debug: ADDING SYNC CALLBACKS FOR PLAYLIST: Sol's
  1993. 13:54:43 Debug: Created starred playlist: 0x3d132d8
  1994. 13:54:43 Debug: Starred tracks loaded!
  1995. 13:54:43 Debug: Playlist state changed for synced playlist: 0x3d16048 Sol's is loaded? true
  1996. 13:54:43 Debug: SpotifyLog: "12:54:43.932 W [core/playlist/playlist.h:45] Adding observer while updating
  1997. "
  1998. 13:54:43 Debug: SpotifyLog: "12:54:43.932 W [core/playlist/playlist.h:45] Adding observer while updating
  1999. "
  2000. 13:54:43 Debug: SpotifyLog: "12:54:43.987 W [core/playlist/playlist.h:45] Adding observer while updating
  2001. "
  2002. 13:54:43 Debug: SpotifyLog: "12:54:43.987 W [core/playlist/playlist.h:45] Adding observer while updating
  2003. "
  2004. 13:54:43 Debug: Number of subscribers changed, sending!
  2005. 13:54:43 Debug: Sending playlist metadata to client: "Sol's"
  2006. 13:54:44 Debug: Playlist state changed for synced playlist: 0x3d16048 Sol's is loaded? true
  2007. 13:54:45 Debug: ========== GOT ALL PLAYLISTS LOADED, EMITTING SIGNAL!
  2008. 13:54:45 Debug: void __thiscall SpotifyResolver::notifyAllPlaylistsLoaded(void) Sending all spotify playlists, found: 52
  2009. 13:54:45 Debug: SENDING ALL PLAYLISTS JSON:
  2010. 13:54:52 Debug: SpotifyLog: "12:54:52.892 I [offline-mgr:2032] 0 files are locked. 0 images are locked
  2011. "
  2012. 13:54:52 Debug: SpotifyLog: "12:54:52.893 I [offline-mgr:2058] 0 files unlocked. 0 images unlocked
  2013. "
  2014. 13:55:41 Debug: TOMAHAWK NOT RUNNING? Exiting...
  2015. 13:55:41 Debug: exiting...
  2016. 13:55:41 Debug: Destroy session
  2017. 13:55:41 Debug: Destroying playlists
  2018. 13:55:41 Warning: QObject::killTimer: timers cannot be stopped from another thread
  2019. 13:55:41 Warning: QObject::killTimers: timers cannot be stopped from another thread
  2020. 13:55:41 Warning: QThread: Destroyed while thread is still running
  2021. 13:55:43 Debug: Initializing Spotify
  2022. 13:55:43 Debug: void __thiscall SpotifyPlaylists::readSettings(void) Loading playlist to sync: "spotify:user:<censored>:playlist:<censored>" from user "<censored>"
  2023. 13:55:43 Debug: === Using LibVersion 12 ===
  2024. 13:55:43 Debug: Looking for spotify settings file at "C:\Users\S0lll0s\AppData\Local\SpotifyResolver/settings"
  2025. 13:55:43 Debug: Found spotify settings file, parsing...
  2026. 13:55:43 Debug: Starting HTTPd on "" 55050
  2027. 13:55:43 Debug: Logging in with username: "<censored>"
  2028. 13:55:43 Debug: Logging in as remembered user
  2029. 13:55:43 Debug: SpotifyLog: "12:55:43.595 I [ap:1752] Connecting to AP ap.gslb.spotify.com:4070
  2030. "
  2031. 13:55:43 Debug: Logged in successfully!!
  2032. 13:55:43 Debug: void __stdcall SpotifySession::loggedIn(struct sp_session *,enum sp_error) ==== No error ====
  2033. 13:55:43 Debug: void __thiscall SpotifyResolver::loginResponse(bool,const class QString &) Notified of login response, sending to client: true "No error"
  2034. 13:55:43 Debug: ==== Got blob update for "<censored>" ====
  2035. 13:55:43 Debug: SpotifyLog: "12:55:43.657 I [offline-mgr:2084] Storage has been cleaned
  2036. "
  2037. 13:55:43 Debug: Looking for spotify settings file at "C:\Users\S0lll0s\AppData\Local\SpotifyResolver/settings"
  2038. 13:55:43 Debug: Found spotify settings file, parsing...
  2039. 13:55:43 Debug: SpotifyLog: "12:55:43.660 I [ap:1226] Connected to AP:
  2040. "
  2042. 13:55:44 Debug: ==== Got blob update for "<censored>" ====
  2043. 13:55:45 Debug: void __thiscall SpotifyPlaylists::loadContainerSlot(struct sp_playlistcontainer *)
  2044. 13:55:45 Debug: Container load from thread id 0x740
  2045. 13:55:45 Debug: Trying to load 51 playlists from this container!
  2046. 13:55:45 Debug: Adding syncing for playlist "spotify:user:<censored>:playlist:<censored>"
  2047. 13:55:45 Debug: ADDING SYNC CALLBACKS FOR PLAYLIST: Sol's
  2049. 13:55:45 Debug: Created starred playlist: 0x3275260
  2050. 13:55:45 Debug: Starred tracks loaded!
  2051. 13:55:45 Debug: Playlist state changed for synced playlist: 0x3286728 Sol's is loaded? true
  2052. 13:55:45 Debug: Number of subscribers changed, sending!
  2053. 13:55:45 Debug: Sending playlist metadata to client: "Sol's"
  2054. 13:55:45 Debug: SpotifyLog: "12:55:45.515 W [core/playlist/playlist.h:45] Adding observer while updating
  2055. "
  2056. 13:55:45 Debug: SpotifyLog: "12:55:45.516 W [core/playlist/playlist.h:45] Adding observer while updating
  2057. "
  2058. 13:55:45 Debug: Playlist state changed for synced playlist: 0x3286728 Sol's is loaded? true
  2059. 13:55:46 Debug: SpotifyLog: "12:55:46.349 W [core/playlist/playlist.h:45] Adding observer while updating
  2060. "
  2061. 13:55:46 Debug: SpotifyLog: "12:55:46.349 W [core/playlist/playlist.h:45] Adding observer while updating
  2062. "
  2063. 13:55:47 Debug: ========== GOT ALL PLAYLISTS LOADED, EMITTING SIGNAL!
  2064. 13:55:47 Debug: void __thiscall SpotifyResolver::notifyAllPlaylistsLoaded(void) Sending all spotify playlists, found: 52
  2065. 13:55:47 Debug: SENDING ALL PLAYLISTS JSON:
  2066. 13:55:54 Debug: SpotifyLog: "12:55:54.669 I [offline-mgr:2032] 0 files are locked. 0 images are locked
  2067. "
  2068. 13:55:54 Debug: SpotifyLog: "12:55:54.669 I [offline-mgr:2058] 0 files unlocked. 0 images unlocked
  2069. "
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