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- "use client";
- import React, { useContext, useEffect, useState } from "react";
- import st from "./styles.module.scss";
- import { Col, Container, Row } from "react-bootstrap";
- import { H3, H6, P } from "@/components/TextStyles";
- import Image from "@/components/Image";
- import { Formik, Form } from "formik";
- import Input from "@/components/Fields/Input";
- import Select from "@/components/Fields/Select";
- import CheckBox from "@/components/Fields/CheckBox";
- import Button from "@/components/Button";
- import { getCountries } from "@/utils/ordersApi";
- import { AuthContext } from "@/providers/AuthContext";
- import TextArea from "@/components/Fields/TextArea";
- import checkoutValidation from "@/_validations/checkout";
- import invoiceValidation from "@/_validations/invoice";
- import { getProfile } from "@/utils/authenticationApi";
- const ShippingAndBilling = ({
- setShippingValues,
- setInvoiceValues,
- setShippingErrors,
- setInvoiceErrors,
- setShippingDirty,
- setInvoiceDirty,
- checkoutErrors,
- shippingErrors,
- invoiceErrors,
- shippingDirty,
- invoiceDirty,
- setCheckoutStep,
- setNotesValues,
- }) => {
- const { context, updateContext } = useContext(AuthContext);
- const setAuthVisible = () => {
- updateContext({ authModal: "login" });
- };
- const [userInfo, setUserInfo] = useState(null);
- useEffect(() => {
- const fetchData = async () => {
- if (context.user) {
- const res = await getProfile(context.user.access_token);
- setUserInfo(;
- }
- };
- fetchData();
- }, [context.user]);
- const [countriesList, setCountriesList] = useState([]);
- const payloadFromStorage =
- typeof window !== "undefined" && localStorage.getItem("checkoutPayload")
- ? JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("checkoutPayload"))
- : null;
- const initalStateShipping = payloadFromStorage
- ? {
- first_name: payloadFromStorage.first_name,
- last_name: payloadFromStorage.last_name,
- email:,
- country_id: payloadFromStorage.country_id,
- city:,
- state: payloadFromStorage.state,
- zip:,
- address: payloadFromStorage.address,
- phone:,
- phone_code: "123",
- city_id: payloadFromStorage.city_id,
- }
- : {
- first_name:
- userInfo && userInfo.shipping_details ? userInfo.shipping_details.first_name : "",
- last_name:
- userInfo && userInfo.shipping_details ? userInfo.shipping_details.last_name : "",
- email: userInfo && userInfo.shipping_details ? : "",
- country_id:
- userInfo && userInfo.shipping_details ? userInfo.shipping_details.country_id : "",
- city: userInfo && userInfo.shipping_details ? : "",
- state: userInfo && userInfo.shipping_details ? userInfo.shipping_details.state : "",
- zip: userInfo && userInfo.shipping_details ? : "",
- address:
- userInfo && userInfo.shipping_details ? userInfo.shipping_details.address : "",
- phone:
- userInfo && userInfo.shipping_details ? : "+359",
- phone_code: "123",
- city_id: "",
- };
- const initialStateInvoice = payloadFromStorage
- ? {
- company_name: payloadFromStorage?.company_name || "",
- company_vat_number: payloadFromStorage?.company_vat_number || "",
- company_uin_number: payloadFromStorage?.company_uin_number || "",
- company_country_id: payloadFromStorage?.company_country_id || "",
- company_city: payloadFromStorage?.company_city || "",
- company_address: payloadFromStorage?.company_address || "",
- company_manager: payloadFromStorage?.company_manager || "",
- has_invoice: false,
- company_has_vat: payloadFromStorage.company_has_vat
- ? payloadFromStorage.company_has_vat === 1
- ? true
- : false
- : false,
- }
- : {
- company_name:
- (userInfo &&
- userInfo.invoice_details &&
- userInfo.invoice_details?.company_name) ||
- "",
- company_vat_number:
- (userInfo &&
- userInfo.invoice_details &&
- userInfo.invoice_details?.company_vat_number) ||
- "",
- company_uin_number:
- (userInfo &&
- userInfo.invoice_details &&
- userInfo.invoice_details?.company_uin_number) ||
- "",
- company_country_id:
- (userInfo &&
- userInfo.invoice_details &&
- userInfo.invoice_details?.company_country_id) ||
- "",
- company_city:
- (userInfo &&
- userInfo.invoice_details &&
- userInfo.invoice_details?.company_city) ||
- "",
- company_address:
- (userInfo &&
- userInfo.invoice_details &&
- userInfo.invoice_details?.company_address) ||
- "",
- company_manager:
- (userInfo &&
- userInfo.invoice_details &&
- userInfo.invoice_details?.company_manager) ||
- "",
- has_invoice: "",
- company_has_vat:
- userInfo && userInfo?.invoice_details
- ? userInfo.invoice_details.company_has_vat === 1
- ? true
- : false
- : "",
- };
- const initialStateNotes = payloadFromStorage
- ? {
- note: payloadFromStorage?.note || "",
- }
- : {
- note: "",
- };
- const setShipping = (values, errors, dirty) => {
- setShippingValues(values);
- setShippingErrors(errors);
- setShippingDirty(dirty);
- };
- const setInvoice = (values, errors, dirty) => {
- setInvoiceValues(values);
- setInvoiceErrors(errors);
- setInvoiceDirty(dirty);
- };
- const setNotes = (values) => {
- setNotesValues(values);
- };
- useEffect(() => {
- const fetchData = async () => {
- const res = await getCountries();
- => {
- setCountriesList((oldArray) => [
- ...oldArray,
- { value:, label: },
- ]);
- });
- };
- fetchData();
- }, []);
- // const updateCountry = (name) => {
- // setShippingValues((val) => [...val, country: name])
- // }
- return (
- <Container>
- <div className={st.wrapper}>
- <div className={st.item}>
- <div className={st.titleSection}>
- <H3>Shipping details</H3>
- {!context.user && (
- <div className={st.loginInfo}>
- <Button underline onClick={() => setAuthVisible()}>
- Log in
- </Button>
- <P>for faster checkout</P>
- </div>
- )}
- {/* {JSON.stringify(shippingValues, null, 4)} */}
- </div>
- <div className={st.formWrapper}>
- <div className={st.formTitle}>
- <H6>We’ll ship to this address</H6>
- <div className={st.deliveryInfo}>
- <P>Delivery</P>
- <svg
- width='2'
- height='26'
- viewBox='0 0 2 26'
- fill='none'
- xmlns=''
- >
- <path
- d='M1 1L0.999999 25'
- stroke='#DEDFE0'
- stroke-linecap='round'
- />
- </svg>
- <Image
- src={"/images/checkout/speedy.png"}
- className={st.deliveryImage}
- />
- <Image
- src={"/images/checkout/dhl.png"}
- className={st.deliveryImage}
- />
- </div>
- </div>
- <svg
- width='100%'
- height='1'
- viewBox='0 0 747 1'
- fill='none'
- xmlns=''
- >
- <line y1='0.5' x2='747' y2='0.5' stroke='#EFEFEF' />
- </svg>
- <Formik
- enableReinitialize
- initialValues={initalStateShipping}
- validationSchema={checkoutValidation}
- validateOnMount
- // onSubmit={onSubmit}
- innerRef={(formikActions) =>
- formikActions &&
- setShipping(
- formikActions.values,
- formikActions.errors,
- formikActions.isValid
- )
- }
- >
- {({ values }) => (
- <Form className={st.form}>
- {/* {JSON.stringify(values, null, 4)}
- {JSON.stringify(errors, null, 4)} */}
- <Row className={st.row}>
- <Col lg={12}>
- <Row>
- <Col lg={6}>
- <Input
- label='First name'
- name='first_name'
- placeholder='Your first name'
- mb='24px'
- />
- </Col>
- <Col lg={6}>
- <Input
- label='Last name'
- name='last_name'
- placeholder='Your last name'
- mb='24px'
- />
- </Col>
- </Row>
- <Input
- label='Your email'
- name='email'
- placeholder=''
- mb='24px'
- />
- <Row>
- <Col lg={7}>
- <Select
- label='Your country'
- name='country_id'
- mb='24px'
- options={countriesList}
- />
- </Col>
- {values?.country_id === 26 ? (
- <>
- <Col lg={5}>
- <Select
- label='Your city'
- name='city_id'
- mb='24px'
- isSearchable={true}
- apiPath={"cities"}
- />
- </Col>
- </>
- ) : (
- <>
- <Col lg={5}>
- <Input
- label='Your city'
- name='city'
- placeholder='City'
- mb='24px'
- />
- </Col>
- </>
- )}
- </Row>
- <Row>
- <Col lg={7}>
- {/* <Select
- label="State / Province"
- name="state"
- placeholder="State / Province"
- mb="24px"
- options={optionsText}
- /> */}
- <Input
- label='State / Province'
- name='state'
- placeholder='State / Province'
- mb='24px'
- />
- </Col>
- <Col lg={5}>
- <Input
- label='Postcode / zip'
- name='zip'
- placeholder='4023'
- mb='24px'
- />
- </Col>
- </Row>
- <Input
- label='Address /street,flr,ap/'
- name='address'
- placeholder='Address'
- mb='24px'
- />
- <Input
- label='Your phone number'
- name='phone'
- placeholder='0899 921 111'
- mb='24px'
- phone
- />
- </Col>
- </Row>
- </Form>
- )}
- </Formik>
- </div>
- </div>
- {/* {JSON.stringify(payloadFromStorage, null, 4)}
- {JSON.stringify(initialStateInvoice, null, 4)}
- {JSON.stringify(initialStateNotes, null, 4)} */}
- <div className={st.item}>
- <div className={st.titleSection}>
- <H3>Invoice</H3>
- </div>
- <div className={st.formWrapper}>
- {/* {JSON.stringify(invoiceValues, null, 4)} */}
- <Formik
- enableReinitialize
- initialValues={initialStateInvoice}
- validationSchema={invoiceValidation}
- validateOnMount
- // onSubmit={onSubmit}
- innerRef={(formikActions) =>
- formikActions &&
- setInvoice(
- formikActions.values,
- formikActions.errors,
- formikActions.isValid
- )
- }
- >
- {({ values }) => (
- <Form className={st.form}>
- {/* {JSON.stringify(values, null, 4)}
- {JSON.stringify(errors, null, 4)} */}
- <CheckBox
- label='I want an invoice'
- name='has_invoice'
- textType='h6'
- />
- {/* {JSON.stringify(errors, null, 4)} */}
- {values.has_invoice && (
- <>
- <svg
- width='100%'
- height='1'
- viewBox='0 0 747 1'
- fill='none'
- xmlns=''
- style={{ marginBottom: "24px" }}
- >
- <line y1='0.5' x2='747' y2='0.5' stroke='#EFEFEF' />
- </svg>
- <Row className={st.row}>
- <Col lg={12}>
- <Input
- label='Your company'
- name='company_name'
- placeholder='Your company name'
- mb='24px'
- />
- <CheckBox
- label='VAT registration'
- name='company_has_vat'
- />
- {values.company_has_vat && (
- <Input
- label='VAT number'
- name='company_vat_number'
- placeholder='VAT registration number'
- mb='24px'
- />
- )}
- <Input
- label='Company registration number'
- name='company_uin_number'
- placeholder='Company registration number'
- mb='24px'
- />
- <Row>
- <Col lg={7}>
- <Select
- label='Your country'
- name='company_country_id'
- mb='24px'
- options={countriesList}
- />
- </Col>
- <Col lg={5}>
- <Input
- label='Your city'
- name='company_city'
- placeholder='City'
- mb='24px'
- />
- </Col>
- </Row>
- <Input
- label='Address'
- name='company_address'
- placeholder='Address'
- mb='24px'
- />
- <Input
- label='Financially responsible person'
- name='company_manager'
- placeholder='Financially responsible person'
- mb='24px'
- />
- </Col>
- </Row>
- </>
- )}
- </Form>
- )}
- </Formik>
- </div>
- </div>
- <div className={st.item}>
- <div className={st.titleSection}>
- <H3>Order notes</H3>
- </div>
- <div className={st.formWrapper}>
- {/* {JSON.stringify(invoiceValues, null, 4)} */}
- <Formik
- enableReinitialize
- validateOnMount
- initialValues={initialStateNotes}
- innerRef={(formikActions) =>
- formikActions && setNotes(formikActions.values)
- }
- >
- {() => (
- <Form className={st.form}>
- {/* {JSON.stringify(errors, null, 4)} */}
- <Row className={st.row}>
- <Col lg={12}>
- {/* <Input
- label="Your company"
- name="company_name"
- placeholder="Your company name"
- mb="24px"
- /> */}
- <TextArea
- name='note'
- placeholder={"Add your notes here..."}
- />
- </Col>
- </Row>
- </Form>
- )}
- </Formik>
- </div>
- </div>
- <div className={st.item}>
- <Button
- bg
- size='lg'
- // onClick={() => submit()}
- onClick={() => setCheckoutStep(3)}
- className={st.submitBtn}
- disabled={
- Object.keys(checkoutErrors).length !== 0 ||
- Object.keys(shippingErrors).length !== 0 ||
- Object.keys(invoiceErrors).length !== 0 ||
- !shippingDirty ||
- !invoiceDirty
- }
- >
- Preview and confirm
- </Button>
- </div>
- </div>
- </Container>
- );
- };
- export default ShippingAndBilling;
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