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- /*
- xx = [ "language", "your_new_lang_here" ]
- You must keep the '%s' and hex codes just like english string
- */
- Lang <- {
- // onPlayerJoin
- JoinAll = [ "[#ffffff]%s [#00cc99]joined the server from [#ffffff]%s." ],
- // onPlayerRequestSpawn
- Cop250Skill = [ "You need at lease [#ffffff]250 copskill [#e60000]to with this spawn."],
- Cop500Skill = [ "You need at lease [#ffffff]500 copskill [#e60000]to with this spawn."],
- WantedCop = [ "You cant spawn with this skin." ],
- // onPlayerPart
- PartAll = [ "[#ffffff]%s [#009933]has [#ffffff]%s" ],
- // onPlayerDeath
- DeathAll = [ "[#ffffff]%s has died. Possible cause [#ffffff]%s" ],
- // onPlayerKill / onPlayerTeamKill
- KillAll = [ "[#ffffff]%s killed [#ffffff]%s with [#ffffff]%s" ],
- // onPlayerChat
- MutedCantChat = [ "You cannot talk because you are muted!" ],
- // onPlayerCommand
- InvalidCmd = [ "Unknown command. Use /help" ],
- Stats = [ "Your stats" ]
- Stats1 = [ "Position [#ffffff]%s [#009933]XP [#ffffff]%s [#009933]Wantedlevel [#ffffff]%s [#009933]Copskill [#ffffff]%s" ],
- StatsGang = [ "Gang [#ffffff]%s" ],
- CashInHad = [ "You have [#ffffff]$%s [#009933]in hand." ],
- BankInHad = [ "You have [#ffffff]$%s [#009933]in bank." ],
- BankNo = [ "You dont have bank account." ],
- SurNotInSphere = [ "You need to be inside VCPD sphere." ],
- CashDropped = [ "You dropped [#ffffff]$%s [#009933]on the floor." ],
- DropNotEnoughCash = [ "You dont have enough cash." ],
- DropCashSyntax = [ "Syntax, /dropcash [amount]" ],
- HelpCmd = [ "(/) gencmds, playercmds, jobhelp, vehiclecmds, rpcmds, gangcmds, propcmds " ]
- PropHelp = [ "(/) buyprop, property, collect, setpropmsg" ]
- GenHelp = [ "(/) irc, server, credits, forum, admins" ]
- IRCLink = [ "#cnr @" ]
- ServerInfo = [ "[#ffffff]Skylarks Cops and Robbers [#009933]Version [#ffffff]v1.0" ]
- ServerCredits = [ "Server is scripted by [#ffffff][VU_T]kiki" ]
- ForumURL = [ "" ]
- PHelp = [ "(/) cash, bank, items, stats, sur, paycaution, dropcash, dropwep, breakcuff" ]
- VehHelp = [ "(/) car, parkcar, mycars" ]
- JobHelp = [ "(/) cophelp, crimecmds, medichelp" ]
- HouseHelp = [ "(/) house, buyhouse, setwelcomemessage, sharehouse, delsharehouse, sethousepass, storewep, viewstorage, getwep" ]
- GangHelp = [ "(/) creategang, ganginfo, setgangcar, setganghouse, getgangcar, ganginvite, gangaccept, gangreject, gangkick, leavegang, storegangcash, getgangcash, changegangname, listgang" ]
- CopHelp = [ "Arrest any nearest criminal by pressing RIGHT CLICK, and then take him/her to nearest police station(big sphere)." ]
- CopHelp1 = [ "Commands: (/) wanted, sus, unsus, r" ]
- Medhelp = [ "Heal any player and earn cash by using right click." ]
- Medhelp1 = [ "Commands: /r " ]
- RPCmd = [ "(/) 911, ad, me, sms" ]
- // PlayerRob
- RobFail = [ "Robbery failed. Someone has robbed this place, please try again later." ]
- RobWait = [ "Please do not move while robbing." ]
- RobSucess = [ "[#ffffff]%s [#ff3399]has robbed [#ffffff]$%s [#ff3399]from [#ffffff]%s." ]
- RobAll = [ "[#ffffff]%s [#ff3399]has robbed [#ffffff]$%s [#ff3399]from [#ffffff]%s." ]
- // GetItemByList
- NoItem = [ "You got no item." ]
- Item = [ "[#ffffff]%s [#009933]Amount [#ffffff]%s" ]
- Item1 = [ "[#ffffff]%s, [#ffffff]%s [#009933]Amount [#ffffff]%s" ]
- // HandleSpawn
- F4 = [ "You can press [#ffffff]F4 [#00cc99]key to disable auto spawn." ]
- // RightHeal
- HealWithCash = [ "You healed [#ffffff]%s [#009933]and earned [#ffffff]$10." ]
- Heal = [ "You healed [#ffffff]%s." ]
- HealPlr = [ "You has been healed by [#ffffff]%s." ]
- HealNotAround = [ "You need near at injured player." ]
- // onMedicCmd
- NotCopORMedic = [ "You must be part of cop or medic to use this command." ]
- RadioSyntax = [ "Syntax, /r [text]" ]
- PoliceR = [ "[Police Radio] [#ffffff]%s: [#ffffff]%s" ]
- MedicR = [ "[Medic Radio] [#ffffff]%s: [#ffffff]%s" ]
- NotSpawn = [ "You must be spawned to use this command." ]
- Syntax911 = [ "Syntax, /911 [text]" ]
- Call911 = [ "[#ffffff]%s [#00cc99]is calling 911 in [#ffffff]%s" ]
- Call9111 = [ "For reason [#ffffff]%s" ]
- Call9112 = [ "Emergency team has been notified." ]
- // EnterToHeal
- FullHeal = [ "Your health is already full, you don't need to heal." ]
- HealWait = [ "Healing, please wait" ]
- // Heal
- NoMoney = [ "You need [#ffffff]$%s [#e60000]to heal." ]
- FullyHealed = [ "You are fully healed." ]
- // onPickupPickedUp
- HouseForSale = [ "This house is for sale for [#ffffff]$%s" ]
- HouseWelcomeMessage = [ "House: [#ffffff]%s" ]
- CashPickup = [ "You are picked [#ffffff]$%s, [#009933]Dropped by [#ffffff]%s." ]
- WeaponPickup = [ "You are picked [#ffffff]%s, [#009933]Dropped by [#ffffff]%s." ]
- BankPickup = [ "You are picked [#ffffff]$%s, [#ff3399]Total [#ffffff]$%s" ]
- NotEnoughHouse = [ "You need [#ffffff]$%s [#e60000]to buy this house." ]
- HouseBrough = [ "You successfully brough this house." ]
- // CheckArea
- NotInVault = [ "Get back to the vault!" ]
- PropWel = [ "Property: [#ffffff]%s" ]
- RobReward = [ "You got $[#ffffff]%s [#009933]from vault."]
- // onBizz
- NotInProperty = [ "You need to be inside property to use this command." ]
- PropNotForSale = [ "This property is not for sale." ]
- PropNotEnoughCash = [ "You need [#ffffff]$%s [#e60000]to [#e60000]buy this property." ]
- PropForSale = [ "This property is for sale for [#ffffff]$%s."]
- PropInfo = [ "Property ID [#ffffff]%s [#e6e600]Type [#ffffff]%s" ]
- PropHelp1 = [ "Owner [#ffffff]%s [#e6e600]Income [#ffffff]%s" ]
- PropHelp2 = [ "Welcome message [#ffffff]%s" ]
- PropNotOwner = [ "You are not this property owner." ]
- NotIncome = [ "Nothing to collect." ]
- SetMsgPropSyntax = [ "Syntax, /setpropmsg [text]" ]
- SetMsgProp = [ "You changed property welcome message to [#ffffff]%s."]
- CollectIncome = [ "You are collected [#ffffff]$%s [#009933]from your property." ]
- // BuyProp
- BuyProp = [ "You are brought business [#ffffff]%s "]
- BuyProp1 = [ "Type /prophelp to learn more about property." ]
- // onCheckpointExited
- RobFailMove = [ "Robbery failed because you move." ]
- // BuyVehicle
- VehicleNotEnoughCash = [ "You need [#ffffff]$%s [#e60000]to buy this vehicle." ]
- VehicleBuyed = [ "You are brought [#ffffff]%s." ]
- // onVehicleCommand
- SucessPark = [ "Sucessfully parked your vehicle." ]
- NotOwner = [ "You are not owner of this vehicle." ]
- NotInVehicle = [ "You are not in vehicle." ]
- VehicleInfo = [ "Vehicle [#ffffff]%s [#009933]Owner [#ffffff]%s" ]
- MyVehicle = [ "[#ffffff]%s, [#009933]Vehicle [#ffffff]%s [#009933]ID [#ffffff]%s" ]
- MyVehicle1 = [ "[#009933]Vehicle [#ffffff]%s [#009933]ID [#ffffff]%s" ]
- MyVehicle3 = [ "Your vehicle: %s" ]
- MyVehicleNoVehicle = [ "You don't own any vehicle." ]
- CantEnterCopCar = [ "You need to be cop to enter this car." ]
- // RightCuff
- CuffTakeFirst = [ "Take [#ffffff]%s [#3366ff]to nearest police station first." ]
- CuffSucess = [ "You cuffed [#ffffff]%s, [#009933]take him/her to nearest police station. (RED SPHERE) " ]
- CuffSucessCrime = [ "You has been cuffed.You can break the cuff by using /breakcuff ." ]
- CuffNoNear = [ "You need near at wanted player." ]
- // FindCuffedPlayer
- Uncuff = [ "You had been uncuffed." ]
- // FindCuffPlayer
- CuffFail = [ "Cuff failed, [#ffffff]%s [#3366ff]left the server." ]
- // Jail
- UnjailAll = [ "[#ffffff]%s [#3366ff]has been release from jail." ]
- // ArrestSphere
- JailPlr = [ "[#ffffff]%s [#3366ff]has been jailed for [#ffffff]%s, [#3366ff]after being arrested by [#ffffff]%s" ]
- // HandleCopReward
- JailReward = [ "You jailed [#ffffff]%s [#009933]and got [#ffffff]$%s [#009933]and [#ffffff]%s copskill." ]
- // Sur
- NoWanted = [ "You dont have any wanted level." ]
- SurJail = [ "[#ffffff]%s [#3366ff]has been jailed for [#ffffff]%s, [#3366ff]after surrendering." ]
- // JailSpawn
- JailSpawn = [ "[#ffffff]%s [#3366ff]has been jailed for [#ffffff]%s." ]
- // onCopCommand
- NotACop = [ "You need to be a cop to use this command." ]
- SusSyntax = [ "Syntax, /sur [player] [reason]" ]
- UnknownPlr = [ "Unknown player." ]
- PlrNotSpawned = [ "This player is not spawned." ]
- CantSusJailedPlr = [ "You cant suspect jailed player." ]
- CantSusPlr = [ "You cant suspect that player." ]
- SusSucess = [ "[#ffffff]%s [#3366ff]has suspected [#ffffff]%s [#3366ff]Reason [#ffffff]%s" ]
- UnSusSyntax = [ "Syntax, /unsus [player] [reason]" ]
- UnSusSucess = [ "[#ffffff]%s [#3366ff]has unsus [#ffffff]%s [#3366ff]Reason [#ffffff]%s" ]
- CantUnsusPlr = [ "You cant unsus that player." ]
- PayCauNeedCash = [ "You need [#ffffff]%s [#e60000]to use this command." ]
- PayCauNotJailed = [ "You are not jailed." ]
- PayCauRel = [ "[#ffffff]%s [#3366ff]has been release from jail." ]
- WantedList = [ "[#ffffff]%s, [#009933]Player [#ffffff]%s [#009933]Wantedlevel [#ffffff]%s" ]
- WantedList1 = [ "[#009933]Player [#ffffff]%s [#009933]Wantedlevel [#ffffff]%s" ]
- WantedList2 = [ "Wanted player online: [#ffffff]%s" ]
- WantedNoWanted = [ "No online wanted player."]
- // ReFillVCPD
- RefillVCPD = [ "Refilled." ]
- // onHouseCommand
- NotInHouse = [ "You need to be inside house." ]
- HouseNotForSale = [ "This house is not sale." ]
- SpawnHouseSyntax = [ "Syntax, /spawnhouse [on/off]" ]
- NotOwnerShared = [ "You are not owner or shared." ]
- SpawnHouseAlreadyOn = [ "House spawn already enable." ]
- SpawnHouseAlreadyOff = [ "House spawn already disable." ]
- SpawnHouseOn = [ "You enabled spawn house." ]
- SpawnHouseOff = [ "You disable spawn house." ]
- HouseInfo = [ "Owner [#ffffff]%s [#e6e600]Share [#ffffff]%s" ]
- HouseInfo1 = [ "Password [#ffffff]%s" ]
- HouseInfo2 = [ "Welcome message [#ffffff]%s" ]
- HouseType = [ "House type: [#ffffff]%s" ]
- HWelSyntax = [ "Syntax, /setwelcomemessage [text]" ]
- HWelSucess = [ "You set your welcome message to [#ffffff]%s." ]
- ShareHouseSyntax = [ "Syntax, /sharehouse [player]" ]
- ShareHouseAlreadyShared = [ "You already shared your house to this player." ]
- HouseNotOwner = [ "You are not owner." ]
- HouseShare = [ "You are shared your house [#ffffff]%s [#009933]to [#ffffff]%s." ]
- HouseShare1 = [ "[#ffffff]%s [#e6e600]has shared his/her house [#ffffff]%s to you." ]
- DelShareSyntax = [ "Syntax, /delsharehouse [player] " ]
- DelShareNotInShareList = [ "This player is not in house share list." ]
- DelShareSucess = [ "You delshare your house [#ffffff]%s [#009933]to [#ffffff]%s." ]
- DelShareSucess1 = [ "[#ffffff]%s [#e6e600]has delshared his/her house [#ffffff]%s to you." ]
- SetHPassSyntax = [ "Syntax, /sethousepass [password]" ]
- SetHPassSucess = [ "You changed your house password to [#ffffff]%s." ]
- WepStorage = [ "[#ffffff]%s, [#009933]Weapon [#ffffff]%s [#009933]Ammo [#ffffff]%s" ]
- WepStorage1 = [ "[#009933]Weapon [#ffffff]%s [#009933]Ammo [#ffffff]%s"]
- WepStorage3 = [ "Weapon storage: %s" ]
- WepStorageNo = [ "You dont have any weapon in storage." ]
- StorewepSyntax = [ "Syntax, /storewep [ammo]" ]
- StorewepUnarmed = [ "You cant store this weapon." ]
- StorewepNoAmmo = [ "You dont have enough ammo." ]
- StorewepNoNum = [ "Ammo must be in number." ]
- StorewepSucess = [ "You are stored weapon [#ffffff]%s [#009933]with ammo [#ffffff]%s [#009933]into storage." ]
- GetwepSyntax = [ "Syntax, /getwep [weapon] [ammo]" ]
- GetwepInvalidAmmo = [ "You dont have enough ammo in your storage." ]
- GetwepInvalidAmmo = [ "Invalid ammo. " ]
- GetwepNotExist = [ "This weapon is not exist in storage." ]
- GetwepSucess = [ "You got weapon [#ffffff]%s [#009933]with ammo [#ffffff]%s from your storage." ]
- // BuyHouse
- BuyhouseNotEnoughCash = [ "You need [#ffffff]%s [#e60000]to buy this house." ]
- BuyHouse = [ "You are brought house [#ffffff]%s" ]
- BuyHouse1 = [ "Type /househelp to learn more about house system." ]
- // CheckHousePass
- WrongHPass = [ "Wrong house password." ]
- ChangeHPass = [ "You changed your house password to [#ffffff]%s." ]
- // Class: Player
- AutoLogged = [ "You were auto logged." ]
- LoggedAs = [ "%s [#00cc99]has logged as [#ffffff]%s" ]
- AutoLoggedAs = [ "%s [#00cc99]has auto logged as [#ffffff]%s" ]
- Register = [ "You are registered." ]
- Logged = [ "You are logged." ]
- // CreateBankAccount
- BankCreated = [ "Successfully created bank account!" ]
- BankCantCreate = [ "You need [#ffffff]$1000 [#e60000]to create a bank account." ]
- // ProcessBank
- CashNotInNum = [ "Amount be be in number." ]
- CashNotEnough = [ "You dont have enough cash." ]
- CashDeposit = [ "You are deposited [#ffffff]$%s [#009933]Balance [#ffffff]$%s." ]
- BankNotEnough = [ "You dont have enough bank cash to withdraw." ]
- BankWithdraw = [ "You are withdrew [#ffffff]$%s [#009933]Balance $[#ffffff]$%s" ]
- // BuyWeapon
- WepNotEnoughCash = [ "You need [#ffffff]$%s [#e60000]to buy this weapon." ]
- BombNotEnoughXP = [ "You need at lease [#ffffff]200 XP [#e60000]to buy this bomb." ]
- BuyBomb = [ "You are brought Bomb." ]
- BuyWep = [ "You are brought [#ffffff]%s." ]
- // onPlayerCmd
- WepCantDrop = [ "You cant drop this weapon." ]
- WepDropSyntax = [ "Syntax, /dropwep [ammo]" ]
- WepDropDuty = [ "You cannot drop any weapon while on cop duty." ]
- WepDropNoAmmo = [ "You dont have enough ammo." ]
- WepDrop = [ "You dropped weapon [#ffffff]%s [#009933]with ammo [#ffffff]%s [#009933]on the ground." ]
- AdNeedCash = [ "You need $500 to use this command." ]
- AdSyntax = [ "Syntax, /ad [text]" ]
- Ad = [ "[#ffffff]%s, [#00cc99]Contract [#ffffff]%s" ]
- MeNeedCash = [ "You need $100 to use this command." ]
- MeSyntax = [ "Syntax, /me [text]" ]
- SmsNeedCash = [ "You need $10 to use this command." ]
- SmsSyntax = [ "Syntax, /sms [player] [text]" ]
- SmsTo = [ "Sending message to [#ffffff]%s [#009933]with text [#ffffff]%s" ]
- SmsRev = [ "Recving message from [#ffffff]%s [#00cc99]with text [#ffffff]%s" ]
- PlrNeedSpawn = [ "This player need to be spawned." ]
- PlantbombNeedVault = [ "You need to at bank vault to plant bomb." ]
- NoBomb = [ "You dont have any bomb." ]
- BankRobInProcess = [ "Robbery in process, please try again later." ]
- BankRobWait = [ "Please wait [#ffffff]%s [#e60000]before you can crack the vault door." ]
- Plantbomb = [ "Planting a bomb. Do not leave the vault." ]
- ItemsS = [ "Your item: [#ffffff]%s" ]
- NoAdminOnline = [ "No admin online." ]
- AdminOnline = [ "Admin online: " ]
- // ExplodeVault
- BanrobFail = [ "Robbery failed, you are not in vault." ]
- Banrob = [ "[#ffffff]%s [#ff3399]has cracked the vault door." ]
- // F4
- F4Dis = [ "You disable auto spawn." ]
- F4Ena = [ "You enable auto spawn."]
- // onGange
- AlreadyGang = [ "You already in a gang." ]
- CopNotAllow = [ "Cop cannot use this command." ]
- GangNieExist = [ "This gang does not exist." ]
- NotGangLeader = [ "You are not gang leader." ]
- NotInGang = [ "You are not in any gang." ]
- GangAlreadyExist = [ "This gang already exist." ]
- NeedCashToGang = [ "You need [#ffffff]$50000 [#e60000]to create a gang." ]
- CreategangSyntax = [ "Syntax, /creategang [gangname]" ]
- Creategang = [ "Sucessfully founded gang [#ffffff]%s (gangtag: %s), [#009933]use /ganghelp for more information." ]
- SetgangircSyntax = [ "Syntax, /setgangirc [irc channel]" ]
- SetgangircUsed = [ "This channel already used by other gang." ]
- Setgangirc = [ "You has set [#ffffff]%s [#009933]as irc echo. Type !verifygang to comfirm your gang irc. NOTE: You must be channel owner to use this command." ]
- GanginfoSyntax = [ "Syntax, /ganginfo [gang tag]" ]
- GanginfoInvalidGangTag = [ "Invalid gang tag." ]
- Ganginfo = [ "Gang tag [#ffffff]%s [#93a5c1]Name [#ffffff]%s" ]
- Ganginfo1 = [ "Leader[#ffffff] %s [#93a5c1]Members [#ffffff]%s" ]
- Ganginfo2 = [ "Gang cash [#ffffff]$%s [#93a5c1]Skin [#ffffff]%s" ]
- GanginviteSyntax = [ "Syntax, /ganginvite [player]" ]
- GanginviteNotLogged = [ "This player is not logged." ]
- GanginviteAlreadyIngang = [ "This player already in a gang." ]
- GanginvitePending = [ "This player already have pending gang request." ]
- Ganginvite = [ "You are invite %s [#009933]to your gang." ]
- Ganginvite1 = [ "%s [#93a5c1]are invite you to gang [#ffffff]%s" ]
- Ganginvite2 = [ "Type /gangaccept to join OR /gangreject to deny request." ]
- GangNotPending = [ "You dont have any pending request." ]
- GangJoin = [ "%s joined the gang." ]
- GangReject = [ "%s has rejected the gang join request." ]
- GangkickSyntax = [ "Syntax, /gangkick [player]" ]
- GangkickSelf = [ "You cannot kick yourself." ]
- GangkickNonGangMember = [ "This player is not gang member." ]
- Gangkick = [ "Leader %s [#93a5c1]has kicked [#ffffff]%s [#93a5c1]from gang." ]
- GangHouse = [ "%s [#93a5c1]has set [#ffffff]%s [#93a5c1]as gang house." ]
- NotAGangHouse = [ "This is not a gang house." ]
- StoregangcashSyntax = [ "Syntax, /storegangcash [amount]" ]
- Storegangcash = [ "%s [#93a5c1]has stored [#ffffff]$%s [#93a5c1]into gang house." ]
- GetgangcashSyntax = [ "Syntax, /getgangcash [amount]" ]
- Getgangcash = [ "%s [#93a5c1]has withdraw [#ffffff]$%s [#93a5c1]from gang house." ]
- SetgangskinSyntax = [ "Syntax, /setgangskin [id]" ]
- SetgangskinNoNum = [ "Skin id must be in number." ]
- SetgangskinInvalid = [ "Skin id must between 1 and 150." ]
- Setgangskin = [ "Leader %s [#93a5c1]has set skin id [#ffffff]%s [#93a5c1]as gang skin." ]
- SetgangcarSyntax = [ "Syntax, /setgangcar [1/2]" ]
- SetgangcarSlotNoNum = [ "Slot must be in number." ]
- Setgangcar = [ "Leader [#ffffff]%s [#93a5c1]has set vehicle [#ffffff]%s [#93a5c1]as gang vehicle." ]
- Setgangcar1 = [ "Leader [#ffffff]%s [#93a5c1]has set vehicle [#ffffff]%s [#93a5c1]as second gang vehicle."]
- GetgangcarInsideCar = [ "You cannot use this commands while in vehicle." ]
- GetgangcarSlotNotAva = [ "Ask gang leader to set gang vehicle." ]
- GetgangcarSyntax = [ "Syntax, /getgangcar [1/2]" ]
- GetgangcarSlotNotAva1 = [ "Ask gang leader to set second gang vehicle." ]
- LeavegangLeader = [ "Leader are not allow to leave gang." ]
- Leavegang = [ "%s [#93a5c1]has left the gang." ]
- Listgang = [ "List of gang" ]
- Listgang1 = [ "Gang tag [#ffffff]%s [#93a5c1]Name [#ffffff]%s [#93a5c1]Leader [#ffffff]%s" ]
- EndGanglist = [ "End of gang list." ]
- ChangegangnameSyntax = [ "Syntax, /changegangname [text]" ]
- Changegangname = [ "Leader [#ffffff]%s [#93a5c1]has change gang name to [#ffffff]%s." ]
- // GangHelp
- GangNeedHelp = [ "%s [#93a5c1]need help at [#ffffff]%s [#93a5c1]Distance [#ffffff]%s" ]
- GangChat = [ "Gang chat: %s: [#ffffff]%s"]
- // Event
- StartMilitary = [ "The military has loaded some military equipment into truck in Vice Port."]
- AccWrongPass = [ "Wrong password." ]
- CopToBase = [ "Drive this truck to military base." ]
- ToLockup = [ "Drive this truck to colonel lockup, Little Haiti." ]
- }
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