
Megaman Battle Network 6 100% Route!

Jul 16th, 2014
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  1. Blastman:
  2. Jack back into the Robodog, and head - for 600z
  3. Grab the RegUp1 from the information board in 6-1.
  4. Get thunder & zenny from the 6-1 comp.
  5. Jack into 1-1 board and head SE for energy bomb k
  6. After the first prog in robot 1, head right for spread 1 M
  7. Before the second prog in robot 2, get the regup.
  8. Defeat blastman
  10. Diveman:
  11. On the way to Central 3, grab both Copydamg & the reg up from the other route
  12. Jack-in to 6-2 for RegUp (NE)
  13. Jack back into the toilet to pick up unlocker (SW)
  14. On the way to seaside Area, go the long way in central 3 for elecswrd
  15. In seaside 1, grab gmd as able (Hicannon N)
  16. Also hug the NW wall for an invisible path to an hpmem.
  17. Grab the regup1 from the trashcan after the dolphin show (10 mb total)
  18. In comp 1, grab LifSync (Far left BMD) while escorting the first Prog
  19. Also in Comp 1, grab the HPMem BMD (SW) while escorting the second Prog
  20. Grab BMD for RegUp while escorting the last Prog in Comp 2
  21. In Comp 3, grab the BMD near the last prog for HiCannon M (Optional, grab GMD while escorting last Prog)
  22. Defeat Diveman
  24. HeatCross:
  25. As soon as you're out, talk to the ladder for an HPmem (this'll be 180)
  26. Head into class 1-2, jack-in 1-2 comp for HPMem (SW) and the virus battler (NW), then talk to the little girl for a trade
  27. Jack into the blackboard in the Teacher's Room for optional Charge+1 (SE) and RegUp (SW)
  28. In heatman's comp, go south-east first for Fan* then north-west for FireHit F if needed
  29. Smash up heatman
  31. Circusman:
  32. 88674125..M-Boomer
  33. 69544569..........Lance
  34. 32310827..Diveman
  35. 60884138..........DrillArm
  36. 99910954..Unlocker 1
  37. 08749780..........HP+400
  38. 55031325..HP+500
  39. 19790420..........BustrPack
  40. 08789369..ElemTrap
  41. Stop and edit folder!
  42. 97403000..........Uninstall
  43. 44892547..ColArmy
  44. 38116449..........Geddon
  45. 75641392..Recov300
  46. 23722234..........Timebomb
  47. 51378085..CircGun
  48. 71757977..........AirSpin3
  49. 97049899..BlizzardBall
  50. 98766899..........LocEnemy4
  51. 14212857..GundelSol3
  52. 04789479..........Unlocker2
  53. 82564319..Unlocker3
  54. 41161139..........Unlocker4
  55. 16336487..LocEnemy1
  56. 37495453..........LocEnemy2
  57. 68008194..LocEnemy3
  59. Start request 2 "Find Keepsake"
  60. Talk to old woman by the school, then the tree next to your house
  61. After finishing the battle in Seaside 3 use a sneak run and loop the area for the PMD and the RegUp BMD
  63. Judgeman:
  64. Pick up mission 3 "Errand Request" on the way home from school
  65. Talk to scientist in Teacher's lounge before going to Seaside!
  66. While in the aquarium, talk to the kid in front of the piranhnas for a trade
  67. Before Aquarium HP, jack into Popcorn Comp for HPMem (NW)
  68. while in aquarium HP, grab the HPmem (260) and the PMD (tornado)
  69. Also make a warp.
  70. Grab east BMD in Seaside 2 then slide in the corner left of the pink girl navi
  71. Talk to Girl Navi in StuffedToy comp (other warp in Seaside 1) then jack out
  72. Jack into the watrmachineComp and go SW for a trade, grab BMD (W)
  73. In Fish Sticks Comp grab BMD for an Unlocker (SW)
  74. Talk to scientist in teachers lounge to turn in Request 3
  75. While in the Security Cam Comp grab the 3000z BMD (NE), optionally also grab Jungle (W)
  76. including an HPmem (280)
  77. Quiz kid.
  78. Before going to Green, pick up job 1
  79. Jack into the Statue in Green Town, grab RegUp (NE) and 2400z (W)
  80. Grab blkbomb from PMD (1 left)
  81. When you re-jack, grab the HPMem (300) in the BMD
  82. Grab the first GMD in Green 2
  84. Start the Slashman scenario! Grab both BMD in the Book Comp for SubMemory (S) and YoYo (N)
  86. Before going home to talk to mom, talk to the girl in 6-2 and finish her Request
  87. Also before going home, pick up Request "Somebody Help!" *ONLY IF YOU HAVE 10,000z!*
  88. If you took the request, finish it while in the RoboCtrl Comps
  89. Before going into the punishment room, grab the RegUp from the flowers
  90. Jack into the punisher chair and grab the Guardian PMD (NW) (last unlocker)
  91. When in the judgetree, you want all BMD except the first and all GMD
  92. Defeat Judgeman
  94. Elementman:
  95. Grab an unlocker from the guy behind asterland
  96. On the way to sliprun, talk to the scientist hiding in the alcove past the desk
  97. He'll give you 5 bugfrags for beating him up.
  98. Grab sliprun
  99. Jack into Air Conditioner for RegUp (E)
  100. Jack into the shower, and buy a rushfood and grab the BugFrag (SE) and the RegMem (W)
  101. Jack into the Observation Comp for RegUp (NE) and 3000z (SW)
  103. Go visit Elecman after talking to the Navi!
  104. Grab the unlocker to your right
  105. Grab the BMD you can see from the warp entering Sky 2
  106. Area 1: Down stairs, then up to the NW, first battery
  107. Down to the SW, then turn SE all the way for 2nd battery
  108. Head towards area 2 for third battery
  109. Area 2: First better is to the right
  110. Go south BEFORE the shortcut for #2
  111. Downstairs BEYOND the shortcut for #3. Take the further warp and go right 4 4
  112. Kill elecman
  114. Grab the BMD (vulcan3) but NOT the PMD in SkyHP, make sure you get the warp
  115. Grab the ExpMem as normal, and then grab Muramasa in the PMD, just before mick
  117. AirConditioner: ColorPt to SW (25)
  118. Heater: NE for Cash money
  119. Fan: NE for money, SW for Oilbody
  120. After examining the lockers, talk to the oxygen tanks for an hpmem (320), then jack in
  121. Grab the bugfrags (NE) and the PMD (NW)
  123. Mr.W1: SLIP RIGHT IMMEDIATELY for regup 1 (27)
  124. Also, dock at the cloud with a blue for Spreadr3
  125. Mr.W2: On last cloud, go south first for HPMem (320)
  126. Mr.W3: NE Cloud BMD
  127. Make sure you have DolThndr1 A before fighting Elementman! (10-S)
  128. Roast Elementman!
  130. Colonel:
  131. Head to Seaside 3 to turn in your request, also pick up a HP Memory from the shop
  132. After running through the Undernet take the Request "Stop Him!" and go to Green Town
  133. Talk to the girl in the court room, talk to the man in the punishment room and jack into Green HP
  134. Take the middle warp on the second section and fight the official navi
  135. If you don't have Spreader 2 then go pick it up from the far south BMD (Green 1)
  136. Turn in the request with the girl then finish up Moon Stone as normal
  137. *Make sure to grab the BMD after the sliders in Undernet 2 though!
  139. Take Request "Song Writer" and head to ACDC
  140. After talking to everyone grad the HP Memory from Dex's door and go jack into the net
  141. Grab the PMD for Atk+30 (Off-path to the west) and finish ACDC as normal
  142. In Sky 1, head to the net cafe to finish the Request (212 3111), also fight ElementmanEX, then go fight Blast/Dive
  144. Gregar:
  145. Before heading to ACDC, take Request "DietGood Money", proceed as normal to the next day
  146. Talk to Dolphin in the hallway next to room 1-2
  147. Before going to ACDC, head to Seaside 2 and talk to the Punk Navi near the Seaside 1 entrance
  148. On the way to the principle's office jack into the RoboCtrl comps to collect your 100k zenny!
  149. Jack into principle office comp and get hpmem (SW) (460)
  150. Pavil Comp 1: On the way to the first prog, go to the East corner for Spreadr3*
  151. Also, coming back with 3rd prog, grab the recov200 on the 2nd to last safe spot
  152. Pavil Comp 2: Just GMD, hope for Timebomb and HolyPanel
  153. Pavil comp 3: The middle NW cloud has an HP Memory, also grab GMD for AuraHead1 B
  154. Pavil Comp 4: On way back from the 2nd, go north for 6000z
  155. On way to 3rd, stop off to the left near a cube for Longblade B then jack out
  156. Also grab GMDs
  157. Save the game then go beat Gregar!
  159. Collect and HP:
  160. Jack into GuidePanel Comp for TripleShot (NW)
  161. Head to Green town and talk to the lawer in the court room
  162. Buy two Unlockers from the dealer in GreenHP and head to Seaside 2 again to talk to the Punk Navi
  163. Turn in the request to Dolphin next to class 1-2
  165. Take Request "Daughter Worry" and head back to Green, requestor is on the far stump
  166. Jack in and go to Seaside 1 (bottom) and talk to Punk Navi (NE)
  167. Now go talk to the requestor again
  169. Next up is "Load Collection", take it and go to Green HP through your own PC
  170. Talk to the Red Punk Navi at ACDC 2 shop, then the Normal Navi, then buy HP Memory, YoYo L, Recov30 and TankCan (if needed)
  171. Next go to Seaside 3 shop and fight the Red Punk Navi againm also buy BambSword, Barrier100 and TimeBom (if needed)
  172. Turn in the request at Green HP
  174. Congrats you're now Rank B! Know what that means? More requests. Take "For Victory!"
  175. Buy a GunDelSol1, AirHocky, WideSht, FullCust and NumberBall from Tab, also order AuraHed1 C
  176. Talk to the Green Normal Navi in Central 1.
  177. That's it, go get another request
  179. "Juvenile Division", Monitor Comp (School Lobby), whilst you're in here grab the LocEnemy (SW)
  180. Turn in the request
  182. "Stock Up!", go to the Sun Fish tank in the Aquarium then to Seaside 1 (bottom)
  183. Brown - Shrimp
  184. Pink - Eel, Salmon
  185. Green - Herring, Snapper
  186. Fight DivemanEX between these two!
  187. Punk - Tuna
  188. Blue - YellowTail, Urchin
  189. Turn in the request
  191. Take "Stand In Recruit, go to Seaside HP
  192. Talk to Normal Navi, then Punk Navi (132 32), then Normal Navi again
  194. Next up is "Do Something!" head to the Fish Sticks vendor in Seaside
  195. Jack in and kill the LilBoiler's, then turn in the request
  197. "Lumber Merchant", go to Green Area 2 near the big tree (Pick up AntiSword from the Green Net Cafe on the way)
  198. Now go to Seaside 3 and talk to the bucket along the top of the sliders
  199. Fight JudgemanEX on the way back to Green 2, you might as well go fight Bass since you're already here
  201. "Buy Which Stock?", Go to Sky 1 Net Cafe (Buy Coffee for HP Memory while your here) and talk to the Girl Navi
  202. Punk Navi in the back of Undernet 1 (Choose Black Hole)
  203. You should buy Collect now, if you don't have enough then reg AirHocky and get grinding!
  204. Once you have Collect, go turn in the request
  205. Compress NCPs
  206. Collect: ALABBAAABA
  207. UnderShirt: RRALLRAABB
  208. BusterPack: BAABBBALBA
  209. OilBody: LRABARBBLR
  211. Requesting Intensifies:
  212. We have Collect, you know what that means! Yup, still more requests.
  213. Take "Update Help" and head over to the Aquarium Turtle Tank
  214. Run through Aquarium comps and talk to the Progs, then return to the scientist
  215. Comp 1 closest ramp, Comp 2 last prog
  216. Bug an encounter program for comp 3, we need Rare StarFish, also go to where the first Prog was
  217. In addition we need WaveArm EFG 10-S for E/G and 7-9 for F (Can also order G)
  218. Once done, turn in the request (You might also want to fix your Navi Cust)
  220. There, A-Rank. Surely we can take a break now... right?
  221. NOPE! Take "Want to Meet Daughter" and head off to Sky HP
  222. Talk to the Girl Navi near the big tree in Green 2
  223. Head back to the requestor then enter Sky 1 and beat up the Punk Navi's
  224. Turn in request
  226. "Time Capsule", Green Town plaza
  227. One of the trees in Green 2 has it, fight JudgemanSP while you're there
  228. We also still need to clear out a few battles in green areas (maybe). Make sure you've got
  229. Cornsht1 LKJ (S,5-6,7-9)
  230. Irnshell1 JKL (7-9,6-7,9-S)
  231. RskyHony1
  232. Turn in request
  234. "Find the Virus" talk to Mr. Famous out passed the bus stop (trade with the green shirt dude now too)
  235. Central Teacher Room, Monitor and RoboDog comps (Do the first Virus Battler while here)
  236. Seaside Water Machine (Do Virus Battler) and Popcorn Comps
  237. Turn in Request
  239. "Can't Open Safe" Popcorn Comp, 564
  240. Do the Chargeman scenario on the way back, grab both BMD in his comp (N and E)
  241. Try to get his SP chip too, should be easy if you switch CrackShot to reg
  243. "Get the Bad Guys" out passed the LevBus again
  244. Jack in at home and take out the Punk Navi's
  245. 2 in Cen1, 1 in Cen2, 2 in Cen3 (Fight BlastmanEX and CircusmanEX now too)
  246. Turn in the request
  248. "Track the Criminal" Seaside Water Machine, talk to green shirt man 3 times, then the detective again
  249. Vending machine near LevBus, back to the detective
  250. Door to the left, talk to man then jack in and talk to the Punk Navi
  251. Turn in request
  253. "Official Request" Go the Observation Comp in Sky Town and finish up the mission
  255. "Penguins Ran Away", talk to the guy at the Piranha tank in the aquarium
  256. Auditorium (Seaside)
  257. South part of the plaza (Seaside)
  258. Your Bathroom (Central)
  259. Aster Land (Central)
  260. Class 6-2 (Central)
  262. "Got A Problem.", Seaside Auditorium, talk to Dolphin in class 6-2
  263. Turn in the request
  265. Cleaning Up:
  266. On your way out, grab some chips if you don't have them:
  267. Oxygentank - BblStar1
  268. Shower - AquaNdl2, 1 Rush Food
  269. HeaterComp - Firehit1 D (S) and E (5-6 or order)
  270. Airconditioner - Windbox, TrnArrow2
  271. Elevator - ElcPusl1 J (6-9 or order)
  273. RobotContrlComp:
  274. Fireburn1 F (7-8), Fireburn1 G (S)
  275. Lab1-Beat up heatmanSP!
  276. Also, grab heatman and run him over to Sky 2 for DblPoint (Fire Wall) and undernet0, via the rush bridge in under1 (729)
  277. He needs to burn a tree, behind which you'll find VDoll F
  278. PrincipleComp: We need FlashBomb2 and SummonBlack2 (Would recommend Reg Protoman *)
  279. PavilComp 1:
  280. TrnArrow3, AquaBlade, BblStar3, LilBolr2
  281. PavilCOmp 2:
  282. Cornsht2, RskyHny2, Ringlog2, Irnshel2
  283. GMD: Timebomb2, HolyPanl S
  284. PavilComp 3:
  285. TankCan2, ElemSWrd, AirRaid2
  286. PavilComp 4:
  287. ElecDragn, BurnSqr1, Sandwrm2, MachGun3, FireHit3 C(5-6), FireHit3 A(S)
  288. FireHit3 B(7-9, or order), FireBrn3 C(10-S), FireBrn3 D(7-9), FireBrn3 E (1-6 or order)
  290. Buy Untraps from Green HP
  291. Beat BlastmanEX and CircusmanEX, then head to Underground.
  292. In area 1: HeatDrag, AuraHead2 (rare, though)
  293. In area 2:
  294. AuraHed1 D (7-9)
  295. SumnBlk1, Sensor1, LilBolr1, BurnSqr2
  296. WaveArm3 R (S), S(S), T (7-10 or order) (Reflector3 on reg helps with these)
  297. Wideshot R (Untrap SW GMD)
  298. AntiDmg * - Combat data
  299. While you're there, kill ColonelEX.
  300. Because there'll be a lot of jacking in/out for the untrapping (maybe), also pick up
  301. ColonelSP, CircusmanSP and BlastmanSP kills
  303. Head over to ACDC, your first goal is ProtomanSP
  304. Pick up the folder from the guy near-by and get on the net
  305. Flameswrd, Machgun2, Fanfare, Discord (OilBody helps a lot with Discord)
  306. WaveArm2 LMN (10-S, 10-S, 7-9 or order)
  307. You also need the Rare Catack
  308. Buy Magnum from the shop too if you need it
  310. Graveyard:
  311. Yes, this place needs it's own split.
  312. Head to Undernet 1 to start, we'll be picking up a few things on the way
  313. TrnArrow2, FlshBom1, Sandwrm1
  314. Moonblade & Navi+20 from battle data
  316. Next up enter Undernet 0 from Undernet 1, you need the following
  317. ElecPuls2 J (6-9 rank)
  318. Irnshel3, sensor2, Timpani
  319. Before leaving you also need to grab the SoulFolder
  321. In Undernet 2 you'll need
  322. MchnSwrd
  323. Sensor2
  324. You should also stop by the Vending Machine Comp and grind out LilBoilr3
  326. Okay, head over to Graveyard. First things first, read the email you just got for a Giga chip.
  327. You need a LOT of chips so I'll divide them up by element
  328. Note: More specifics need to be looked into
  329. Fish:
  330. AquaNdl3 A (S or order)
  331. AquaDrgn
  332. BubStar3 (You should already have this)
  333. Jungle:
  334. WoodDrgn
  335. CornSht3
  336. RskyHny3 A (S or order)
  337. RingLog3
  338. Battery:
  339. ElecPuls3 J (6-9)
  340. DolThndr3
  341. None:
  342. TankCan3
  343. AuraHed3
  344. FlshBom3
  345. SandWrm3
  346. SumnBlk3
  347. LilBoilr2
  348. AirRaid3
  349. AssnSwrd
  350. Silence
  351. Set AirHockey to reg and switch to OilBody, you'll likely be here a while
  352. BurnSq3
  353. Sensor3
  354. GolemHit3
  355. Meteors (BGMD)
  356. Recov200 (BGMD)
  357. Rare Earth Dragon
  358. Once you have everything listed you can either keep grinding BugFrags (You need 264)
  359. or you can grind on the Virus Battler later if you'd prefer
  360. Either way, you need to buy Static and CrossSlash before you leave
  362. Head over to Green Town and jack into the Punishment Chair to do the Virus Battler
  363. If you still don't have 264 BugFrags, resume grinding
  364. Next stop is Sky, jack into the Air Conditioner and put the AuraHed1 PA in your folder, use it and take it out
  365. Make the trade for AirSpin2 and jack out
  366. Go to the Oxygen comp for the Virus Battler
  367. Check your Zenny, you need
  369. I can't finish without price listings from the AsterLand order system. But buy these:
  370. AirHocky L
  371. FireBurn1 H*
  372. FireBurn3 E*
  373. Widesht Q
  374. AuraHed1 C*
  375. PoisonSeed P
  376. VDoll
  377. Uninstall R
  378. ElcPulse1 J*
  379. ElcPulse3 A*
  380. Cornsht1 J*
  381. Ironshel1 J*
  382. Wavearm1 G*
  383. Wavearm2 N*
  384. Wavearm3 T*
  385. Firehit1 E*
  386. FireHit3 B*
  387. AquaNdl3 A*
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