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- {
- PYTHAGOREAN_PRIME.PAS computes pythagorean prime numbers and the square
- numbers that sum up to the respective pythagorean prime.
- To compile run "fpc pythagorean_prime.pas".
- Copyright (C) <February 01, 2016> Henning Polzer,
- send comments and error reports to: h underscore polzer at gmx dot de.
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
- as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
- of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
- }
- PROGRAM pythagoreische_primzahlen_summe_zweier_quadratzahlen;
- TYPE Tgz = longint; { Standard: integer }
- VAR i, og, ug: Tgz;
- PROCEDURE ppz (zahl: Tgz); { pythag. Primzahl finden und ausgeben }
- VAR diff, pythag, wurzel: Tgz;
- FUNCTION prim (zahl: Tgz): boolean; { Primzahl? }
- VAR k: Tgz;
- BEGIN { prim }
- prim := true;
- k := 3;
- IF zahl / 2 = trunc (zahl / 2) THEN prim := false;
- IF zahl / 2 <> trunc (zahl / 2) THEN
- WHILE ((zahl / k <> trunc (zahl / k)) AND (k * k < zahl)) DO
- k := k + 2;
- IF zahl / k = trunc (zahl / k) THEN prim := false;
- CASE zahl OF
- 1 : prim := false;
- 2, 3, 5: prim := true
- END { case }
- END; { prim }
- FUNCTION qzl (zahl: Tgz): boolean; { Quadratzahl? }
- BEGIN { qzl }
- IF trunc (sqrt (zahl)) = sqrt (zahl) THEN qzl := true ELSE qzl := false
- END; { qzl }
- BEGIN { ppz }
- pythag := 4*zahl+1;
- IF prim (pythag) THEN
- wurzel := trunc (sqrt (pythag));
- diff := pythag - wurzel*wurzel;
- IF qzl (diff) THEN write (diff, '+', wurzel*wurzel);
- wurzel := wurzel-1
- UNTIL (qzl (diff)) OR (wurzel < 2); { sichere Abbruchbedingung }
- write ('=', pythag, ' ')
- END { if }
- END; { ppz }
- BEGIN { Hauptprogramm }
- write ('Untergrenze: '); readln (ug);
- write ('Obergrenze : '); readln (og);
- i := trunc (ug/4);
- ppz (i);
- i := i + 1
- UNTIL i > trunc (og/4);
- writeln
- END.
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