
sound engine formats

Jun 13th, 2016
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  1. Pently:
  2. %pppppddd | p = pitch (two octaves available at once), d = duration (index into 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 12, 16)
  3. pitch 25 | tie (add this note's duration to previous note's duration)
  4. pitch 26 | rest
  5. $D8 xx | instrument change
  6. $D9 xx | arpeggio
  7. $DA | legato off
  8. $DB | legato on
  9. $DC xx | is transpose (changes what note the pitch values start at)
  10. $DD xx | grace note
  11. $DE-FE | unused
  12. $FF | ends of pattern
  14. ggsound:
  15. 0-86 | note
  16. 87-102 | set note duration (0-15)
  17. 103 | set length low byte
  18. 104 | set length high byte
  19. 105 | set volume envelope
  20. 106 | set pitch envelope
  21. 107 | set duty envelope
  22. 108 | goto
  23. 109 | call
  24. 110 | return
  25. 111 | stop
  26. 112 | set arpeggio envelope
  28. Famitone:
  29. %00nnnnnn | note (0..59 are octaves 1-5, 63 note stop)
  30. %01iiiii0 | instrument change (0 is default, silence)
  31. %10rrrrrr | number of empty rows (up to 63)
  32. %11eeeeee | special tag or effect
  33. eeeeee | $01..19 speed
  34. %11111110 | end of the stream, two next bytes are new pointer
  35. %11111111 | reference (next two bytes of absolute address, and number of rows)
  37. Nintendo's N-SPC
  38. $00 | End/return
  39. $01-$7F | Note parameters (duration and velocity)
  40. $80-$C7 | Note
  41. $C8 | Tie
  42. $C9 | Rest
  43. $CA DF | Percussion Note
  44. $E0 xx | Set Instrument
  45. $E1 xx | Pan
  46. $E2 xxyy | Pan Fade
  47. $E3 xxyyzz | Vibrato On
  48. $E4 | Vibrato Off
  49. $E5 xx | Master Volume
  50. $E6 xxyy | Master Volume Fade
  51. $E7 xx | Tempo
  52. $E8 xxyy | Tempo Fade
  53. $E9 xx | Global Transpose
  54. $EA xx | Per-Voice Transpose
  55. $EB xxyyzz | Tremolo On
  56. $EC | Tremolo Off
  57. $ED xx | Volume
  58. $EE xxyy | Volume Fade
  59. $EF xxyyzz | Call Subroutine
  60. $F0 xx | Vibrato Fade
  61. $F1 xxyyzz | Pitch Envelope To
  62. $F2 xxyyzz | Pitch Envelope From
  63. $F3 | Pitch Envelope Off
  64. $F4 xx | Tuning
  65. $F5 xxyyzz | Echo VBits / Volume
  66. $F6 | Echo Off
  67. $F7 xxyyzz | Echo Parameters
  68. $F8 xxyyzz | Echo Volume Fade
  69. $F9 xxyyzz | Pitch Slide
  70. $FA xx | Percussion Patch Base
  71. $FB-FF | Unused
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