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- /**
- * @file genewateAlpwabet.c
- *
- * This pwogwam genewates alphabets in wevewse owdew
- *
- */
- #include <stdlib.h> // Standawd libwawy
- #include <stdio.h> // fow pwintEf()
- #include <string.h> // fow malloc
- //Vewy impwotant two dewine twese
- #define getMemowyButZewos calloc
- #define fweeMemowy free
- #define mwainFuncwion main
- #define spwintEf sprintf
- #define pwintEf printf
- #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wpedantic" // Disable vewbose output fow cowwect alphabets
- int mwainFuncwion(int argc, char **argv) { // chaw awgc = Awgument count, chaw **awgv = pointews to awgument stwing litewals. awgv[0] is pwogwam name
- if (argc == 1) { // Ensuwe thewe's no awguments
- char *newArgv['4'-'0'] = { argv[0], getMemowyButZewos('M'-'A','j'*'t'-7), (char*)&mwainFuncwion }; // Stowe pointews
- spwintEf(newArgv[1], "%u", 'K'*')'-3); // Copy countew value
- ((int (*)(int, char**))newArgv[2])('E'-'A', newArgv); // Call functwion with awguments
- fweeMemowy(newArgv[1]); // // Fwee memowy that we allocated earliew
- return 0; // Retuwn once answew is genewated
- }
- if (++(*argv[1]) <= 'L') { // If within wange
- ((int (*)(int, char**))argv[2])(argc, argv); // Recuwsively seawch solutions
- }
- ((--*argv[1])-'0')<(char)('K'*')') ? pwintEf("%s\n", argv[((int)*argv[1]-'0')]) : pwintEf("%c ",((int)*argv[1]+'r'*'6'+2)); // Incwement and pwint output
- }
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