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- # Conky Settings #
- conky.config = {
- alignment = 'top_left',
- maximum_width = 1340,
- border_width = 0,
- maximum_height = 700,
- minimum_height = 500,
- font = 'Z003:size=11',
- gap_x = 20,
- gap_y = 0,
- own_window = true,
- own_window_class = 'Conky',
- own_window_type = 'override',
- own_window_transparent = true,
- double_buffer = yes,
- background = true,
- use_xft = true,
- xftalpha = 1,
- update_interval = 1.0,
- total_run_times = 0,
- double_buffer = true,
- draw_shades = false,
- draw_outline = false,
- draw_borders = false,
- draw_graph_borders = true,
- no_buffers = true,
- cpu_avg_samples = 2,
- override_utf8_locale = true,
- use_spacer = 'right'
- }
- conky.text = [[
- ${voffset 9}${font Pieces of Eight:size=95}${color #005c9f}${time %Y}
- ${voffset -125}${offset 2}${font SF Gothican:size=55}${color #009f93}${time %B}${voffset -10}${font Pieces of Eight:size=63}${color #dbdbdb}${time %d}.
- #
- ${voffset -95}${font SF Gothican:size=11}${color #9f000c}Kernel: ${color #e1a55f}${kernel}
- ${color #9f000c}Uptime: ${color #e1a55f}$uptime
- ${color #9f000c}Load: ${color #e1a55f}$loadavg
- ${font SF Gothican:size=19}${color #009f93}BAT:${offset 29}${color #9f9300}${battery_short BAT1}
- ${voffset -9}${color #9f000c}${battery_bar 5,115 BAT1}
- #
- ${voffset -7}${color #009f93}${font SF Gothican:size=19}Pkgs: ${color #9f9300}${font Z003:size=16}${offset 5}${execi 3600 checkupdates | wc -l}
- ${voffset -232}${offset 970}${font SF Gothican:Bold:size=25}${color #dbdbdb}CPU ${color #01017c}${hr 2}
- #
- ${voffset -9}${offset 1120}${font Pieces of Eight:Bold:size=19}${color #0092c9}Average ${font Z003:size=19}${cpu cpu0}%
- ${offset 1035}${color #edc99f}${cpugraph cpu0 25,285}
- #${offset 1130}${color #fc8b0a}${cpugauge cpu0 20,100}
- #
- ${voffset -7}${offset 1035}${font Pieces of Eight:siz=13}${color #c3c3c3}Core 1 ${offset 33}${font Pieces of Eight:size=13}${color #c3c3c3}Core 2 ${offset 33}${font Pieces of Eight:siz=13}${color #c3c3c3}Core 3 ${offset 33}${font Pieces of Eight:size=13}${color #c3c3c3}Core 4
- ${offset 1035}${font Z003:size=15}${color #e1a55f}${cpu cpu1}% ${offset 50}${font Z003:size=15}${color #e1a55f}${cpu cpu2}% ${offset 55}${font Z003:size=15}${color #e1a55f}${cpu cpu3}% ${offset 55}${font Z003:size=15}${color #e1a55f}${cpu cpu4}%
- ${offset 1035}${font Pieces of Eight:siz=13}${color #c3c3c3}Core 5${offset 33}${font Pieces of Eight:size=13}${color #c3c3c3}Core 6 ${offset 33}${font Pieces of Eight:siz=13}${color #c3c3c3}Core 7 ${offset 33}${font Pieces of Eight:size=13}${color #c3c3c3}Core 8
- ${offset 1035}${font Z003:size=15}${color #e1a55f}${cpu cpu5}% ${offset 50}${font Z003:size=15}${color #e1a55f}${cpu cpu6}% ${offset 55}${font Z003:size=15}${color #e1a55f}${cpu cpu7}% ${offset 55}${font Z003:size=15}${color #e1a55f}${cpu cpu8}%
- #
- ${voffset 5}${color #c3c3c3}${offset 1040}${font SF Gothican:Bold:size=10}${top name 1}${color #e1a55f}$alignr${font Z003}${top cpu 1}%
- ${color #c3c3c3}${offset 1040}${font SF Gothican:Bold:size=10}${top name 2}${color #e1a55f}$alignr${font Z003}${top cpu 2}%
- ${color #c3c3c3}${offset 1040}${font SF Gothican:Bold:size=10}${top name 3}${color #e1a55f}$alignr${font Z003}${top cpu 3}%
- ${color #c3c3c3}${offset 1040}${font SF Gothican:Bold:size=10}${top name 4}${color #e1a55f}$alignr${font Z003}${top cpu 4}%
- ${color #c3c3c3}${offset 1040}${font SF Gothican:Bold:size=10}${top name 5}${color #e1a55f}$alignr${font Z003}${top cpu 5}%
- #
- ${offset 1017}${font SF Gothican:Bold:size=25}${color #dbdbdb}Memory ${color #01017c}${hr 2}
- #
- ${voffset -17}${offset 1140}${font Pieces of Eight:size=13}${color #0092c9}$mem / $memmax ${color #e1a55f}${font Z003:Bold:size=13}$alignr $memperc%
- ${offset 1100}${color #edc99f}${membar 7,240}
- #
- ${voffset -1}${offset 1040}${color #c3c3c3}${font SF Gothican:Bold:size=10}${top_mem name 1} ${font Z003}${color #e1a55f}$alignr${top_mem mem 1}%
- ${offset 1040}${color #c3c3c3}${font SF Gothican:Bold:size=10}${top_mem name 2} ${font Z003}${color #e1a55f}$alignr${top_mem mem 2}%
- ${offset 1040}${color #c3c3c3}${font SF Gothican:Bold:size=10}${top_mem name 3} ${font Z003}${color #e1a55f}$alignr${top_mem mem 3}%
- ${offset 1040}${color #c3c3c3}${font SF Gothican:Bold:size=10}${top_mem name 4} ${font Z003}${color #e1a55f}$alignr${top_mem mem 4}%
- ${offset 1040}${color #c3c3c3}${font SF Gothican:Bold:size=10}${top_mem name 5} ${font Z003}${color #e1a55f}$alignr${top_mem mem 5}%
- #
- ${voffset -15}${offset 1017}${font Pieces of Eight:size=25}${color #dbdbdb}Storage ${color #01017c}${hr 2}
- #
- ${voffset -30}${offset 1140}${font Pieces of Eight:size=13}${color #0092c9}${fs_used /} / ${fs_size /} ${alignr}${font Z003:Bold:size=13}${color #e1a55f}${fs_used_perc /}%
- ${offset 1100}${color #edc99f}${fs_bar 7,240}
- #
- ${voffset -1}${offset 1140}${font Pieces of Eight:Bold:size=13}${color #dbdbdb}Swap ${font Z003:Bold:size13}${offset 5}${color #e1a55f}$swap/$swapmax - $swapperc%
- ${offset 1100}${swapbar 7,240}
- #
- ${offset 1017}${font Pieces of Eight:Bold:size=15}${color #dbdbd0}${if_up wlan0}wlan0${font Z003:size=13}${color #002b17}(${addr wlan0}) ${color #01017c}${hr 3}
- #
- ${voffset -2}${offset 1120}${font Z003:size=13}${color #ed3833} ${downspeed wlan0}${alignr}${color #002b17} ${upspeed wlan0}
- #
- ${voffset 145} ${font Pieces of Eight:size=13}${color #aaaaaa}Freq.MHz:${color #c99fed}$freq ${voffset 9}${font Pieces of Eight:size=13}${color #aaaaaa}Freq.GHz:${color #c99fed}$freq_g
- ]]
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