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- local c = require("component")
- local term = require("term")
- local component = require("component")
- local event = require("event")
- local serialization = require("serialization")
- local gpu = component.gpu
- local w, h = gpu.getResolution()
- local computer = require("computer")
- gpu.fill(1, 1, w, h, " ")
- local asd = 1
- local os = require("os")
- local modem = component.modem
- local term = require("term")
- local sg = c.stargate
- local text = require("text")
- local sides = require("sides")
- local pass = "wind"
- local abortcode = "1337"
- local port = 123
- local placeholder = false
- local address
- repeat
- term.clear(true)
- print("Transport and gamemode control")
- print("Ask kratdavaham for password")
- print("Password:")
- answer =
- print()
- if answer == pass then
- print("ACCESS GRANTED!")
- os.sleep(2)
- term.clear(true)
- print("1. Set me as creative")
- print("2. Dial Spawn")
- print("3. Nether")
- print("4. Dial omega base")
- print("5. I want to type my adress manually")
- num =
- if num == "1" then
- modem.broadcast(124, "set.c")
- print("Setting you to creative mode")
- os.sleep(3)
- elseif num == "2" and component.stargate.getGateStatus() == "idle" then
- term.clear(true)
- modem.broadcast(124, "set.s")
- print("Dialing Spawn")
- os.sleep(3)
- address = {"Leo Minor", "Piscis Austrinus", "Eridanus", "Sculptor", "Microscopium", "Pisces", "Point of Origin"}
- for i,v in ipairs(address) do print(i,v) end
- function dialNext(dialed)
- glyph = address[dialed + 1]
- if component.stargate.getGateStatus() == "unstable" then
- term.clear(true)
- print("ERROR: Incoming wormhole!")
- os.sleep(10)
- computer.shutdown(true)
- elseif component.stargate.getEnergyRequiredToDial(address) == "address_malformed" then
- term.clear(true)
- print("ERROR: Destination Unavailable or does not exist!")
- os.sleep(10)
- computer.shutdown(true)
- elseif component.stargate.getEnergyRequiredToDial(address) == placeholder then
- term.clear(true)
- print("ERROR: Insufficent energy required to dial!")
- print("Current energy:", component.stargate.getEnergyStored())
- print("Required energy:", component.stargate.getEnergyRequiredToDial(address))
- else
- print("Engaging "..glyph.."... ")
- sg.engageSymbol(glyph)
- end
- end
- eventID = event.listen("stargate_spin_chevron_engaged", function(evname, address, caller, num, lock, glyph)
- os.sleep(2)
- if lock then
- term.clear(true)
- print("Engaging...")
- sg.engageGate()
- doing = false
- print("30 seconds before wormhole closes")
- os.sleep(20)
- print("10 seconds")
- os.sleep(5)
- os.sleep(1) print("5")
- os.sleep(1) print("4")
- os.sleep(1) print("3")
- os.sleep(1) print("2")
- os.sleep(1) print("1")
- sg.disengageGate()
- os.sleep(1) print("Stargate Shutdown")
- else
- dialNext(num)
- end
- end)
- dialNext(0)
- doing = true
- print()
- while doing do os.sleep(0.1) end
- elseif num == "3" and component.stargate.getGateStatus() == "idle" then
- term.clear(true)
- modem.broadcast(124, "set.s")
- print("Dialing Nether")
- os.sleep(3)
- address = {"Sagittarius", "Virgo", "Centaurus", "Triangulum", "Cetus", "Microscopium", "Cancer", "Point of Origin"}
- for i,v in ipairs(address) do print(i,v) end
- function dialNext(dialed)
- glyph = address[dialed + 1]
- if component.stargate.getGateStatus() == "unstable" then
- term.clear(true)
- print("ERROR: Incoming wormhole!")
- os.sleep(10)
- computer.shutdown(true)
- elseif component.stargate.getEnergyRequiredToDial(address) == "address_malformed" then
- term.clear(true)
- print("ERROR: Destination Unavailable or does not exist!")
- os.sleep(10)
- computer.shutdown(true)
- else
- print("Engaging "..glyph.."... ")
- sg.engageSymbol(glyph)
- end
- end
- eventID = event.listen("stargate_spin_chevron_engaged", function(evname, address, caller, num, lock, glyph)
- os.sleep(2)
- if lock then
- term.clear(true)
- print("Engaging...")
- sg.engageGate()
- doing = false
- print("30 seconds before wormhole closes")
- os.sleep(20)
- print("10 seconds")
- os.sleep(5)
- os.sleep(1) print("5")
- os.sleep(1) print("4")
- os.sleep(1) print("3")
- os.sleep(1) print("2")
- os.sleep(1) print("1")
- sg.disengageGate()
- os.sleep(1) print("Stargate Shutdown")
- else
- dialNext(num)
- end
- end)
- dialNext(0)
- doing = true
- print()
- while doing do os.sleep(0.1) end
- elseif num == "4" and component.stargate.getGateStatus() == "idle" then
- term.clear(true)
- print("Password required")
- print("Password:")
- num =
- if num == abortcode then
- modem.broadcast(124, "set.s")
- term.clear(true)
- print("Dialing omega base")
- os.sleep(3)
- address = {"Sculptor", "Bootes", "Centaurus", "Andromeda", "Pegasus", "Aquarius", "Point of Origin"}
- for i,v in ipairs(address) do print(i,v) end
- function dialNext(dialed)
- glyph = address[dialed + 1]
- if component.stargate.getGateStatus() == "unstable" then
- term.clear(true)
- print("ERROR: Incoming wormhole!")
- os.sleep(10)
- computer.shutdown(true)
- elseif component.stargate.getEnergyRequiredToDial(address) == "address_malformed" then
- term.clear(true)
- print("ERROR: Destination Unavailable or does not exist!")
- os.sleep(10)
- computer.shutdown(true)
- else
- print("Engaging "..glyph.."... ")
- sg.engageSymbol(glyph)
- end
- end
- eventID = event.listen("stargate_spin_chevron_engaged", function(evname, address, caller, num, lock, glyph)
- os.sleep(2)
- if lock then
- term.clear(true)
- print("Engaging...")
- sg.engageGate()
- doing = false
- print("30 seconds before wormhole closes")
- os.sleep(20)
- print("10 seconds")
- os.sleep(5)
- os.sleep(1) print("5")
- os.sleep(1) print("4")
- os.sleep(1) print("3")
- os.sleep(1) print("2")
- os.sleep(1) print("1")
- sg.disengageGate()
- os.sleep(1) print("Stargate Shutdown")
- else
- dialNext(num)
- end
- end)
- dialNext(0)
- doing = true
- print()
- while doing do os.sleep(0.1) end
- else
- print("ERROR: Wrong password")
- os.sleep(5)
- end
- elseif num == "5" and component.stargate.getGateStatus() == "idle" then
- term.clear(true)
- print("How many symbols do you want to dial?(7/8/9)")
- num =
- print()
- if num == "7" then
- print("The program will require 6 symbols from you (7th symbol is automatic). Start typing now.")
- print("Symbol 1")
- chev1 =
- print("Symbol 2")
- chev2 =
- print("Symbol 3")
- chev3 =
- print("Symbol 4")
- chev4 =
- print("Symbol 5")
- chev5 =
- print("Symbol 6")
- chev6 =
- chev7 = "Point of Origin"
- print(chev1)
- if chev1 == "Sculptor" or chev1 == "Scorpius" or chev1 == "Centaurus" or chev1 == "Monoceros" or chev1 == "Pegasus" or chev1 == "Andromeda" or chev1 == "Serpens Caput" or chev1 == "Aries" or chev1 == "Libra" or chev1 == "Eridanus" or chev1 == "Leo Minor" or chev1 == "Hydra" or chev1 == "Sagittarius" or chev1 == "Sextans" or chev1 == "Scutum" or chev1 == "Pisces" or chev1 == "Virgo" or chev1 == "Bootes" or chev1 == "Auriga" or chev1 == "Corona Australis" or chev1 == "Gemini" or chev1 == "Leo" or chev1 == "Cetus" or chev1 == "Triangulum" or chev1 == "Aquarius" or chev1 == "Microscopium" or chev1 == "Equuleus" or chev1 == "Crater" or chev1 == "Perseus" or chev1 == "Cancer" or chev1 == "Norma" or chev1 == "Taurus" or chev1 == "Canis Minor" or chev1 == "Capricornus" or chev1 == "Lynx" or chev1 == "Orion" or chev1 == "Piscis Austrinus" then
- if chev2 == "Sculptor" or chev2 == "Scorpius" or chev2 == "Centaurus" or chev2 == "Monoceros" or chev2 == "Pegasus" or chev2 == "Andromeda" or chev2 == "Serpens Caput" or chev2 == "Aries" or chev2 == "Libra" or chev2 == "Eridanus" or chev2 == "Leo Minor" or chev2 == "Hydra" or chev2 == "Sagittarius" or chev2 == "Sextans" or chev2 == "Scutum" or chev2 == "Pisces" or chev2 == "Virgo" or chev2 == "Bootes" or chev2 == "Auriga" or chev2 == "Corona Australis" or chev2 == "Gemini" or chev2 == "Leo" or chev2 == "Cetus" or chev2 == "Triangulum" or chev2 == "Aquarius" or chev2 == "Microscopium" or chev2 == "Equuleus" or chev2 == "Crater" or chev2 == "Perseus" or chev2 == "Cancer" or chev2 == "Norma" or chev2 == "Taurus" or chev2 == "Canis Minor" or chev2 == "Capricornus" or chev2 == "Lynx" or chev2 == "Orion" or chev2 == "Piscis Austrinus" then
- if chev3 == "Sculptor" or chev3 == "Scorpius" or chev3 == "Centaurus" or chev3 == "Monoceros" or chev3 == "Pegasus" or chev3 == "Andromeda" or chev3 == "Serpens Caput" or chev3 == "Aries" or chev3 == "Libra" or chev3 == "Eridanus" or chev3 == "Leo Minor" or chev3 == "Hydra" or chev3 == "Sagittarius" or chev3 == "Sextans" or chev3 == "Scutum" or chev3 == "Pisces" or chev3 == "Virgo" or chev3 == "Bootes" or chev3 == "Auriga" or chev3 == "Corona Australis" or chev3 == "Gemini" or chev3 == "Leo" or chev3 == "Cetus" or chev3 == "Triangulum" or chev3 == "Aquarius" or chev3 == "Microscopium" or chev3 == "Equuleus" or chev3 == "Crater" or chev3 == "Perseus" or chev3 == "Cancer" or chev3 == "Norma" or chev3 == "Taurus" or chev3 == "Canis Minor" or chev3 == "Capricornus" or chev3 == "Lynx" or chev3 == "Orion" or chev3 == "Piscis Austrinus" then
- if chev4 == "Sculptor" or chev4 == "Scorpius" or chev4 == "Centaurus" or chev4 == "Monoceros" or chev4 == "Pegasus" or chev4 == "Andromeda" or chev4 == "Serpens Caput" or chev4 == "Aries" or chev4 == "Libra" or chev4 == "Eridanus" or chev4 == "Leo Minor" or chev4 == "Hydra" or chev4 == "Sagittarius" or chev4 == "Sextans" or chev4 == "Scutum" or chev4 == "Pisces" or chev4 == "Virgo" or chev4 == "Bootes" or chev4 == "Auriga" or chev4 == "Corona Australis" or chev4 == "Gemini" or chev4 == "Leo" or chev4 == "Cetus" or chev4 == "Triangulum" or chev4 == "Aquarius" or chev4 == "Microscopium" or chev4 == "Equuleus" or chev4 == "Crater" or chev4 == "Perseus" or chev4 == "Cancer" or chev4 == "Norma" or chev4 == "Taurus" or chev4 == "Canis Minor" or chev4 == "Capricornus" or chev4 == "Lynx" or chev4 == "Orion" or chev4 == "Piscis Austrinus" then
- if chev5 == "Sculptor" or chev5 == "Scorpius" or chev5 == "Centaurus" or chev5 == "Monoceros" or chev5 == "Pegasus" or chev5 == "Andromeda" or chev5 == "Serpens Caput" or chev5 == "Aries" or chev5 == "Libra" or chev5 == "Eridanus" or chev5 == "Leo Minor" or chev5 == "Hydra" or chev5 == "Sagittarius" or chev5 == "Sextans" or chev5 == "Scutum" or chev5 == "Pisces" or chev5 == "Virgo" or chev5 == "Bootes" or chev5 == "Auriga" or chev5 == "Corona Australis" or chev5 == "Gemini" or chev5 == "Leo" or chev5 == "Cetus" or chev5 == "Triangulum" or chev5 == "Aquarius" or chev5 == "Microscopium" or chev5 == "Equuleus" or chev5 == "Crater" or chev5 == "Perseus" or chev5 == "Cancer" or chev5 == "Norma" or chev5 == "Taurus" or chev5 == "Canis Minor" or chev5 == "Capricornus" or chev5 == "Lynx" or chev5 == "Orion" or chev5 == "Piscis Austrinus" then
- if chev6 == "Sculptor" or chev6 == "Scorpius" or chev6 == "Centaurus" or chev6 == "Monoceros" or chev6 == "Pegasus" or chev6 == "Andromeda" or chev6 == "Serpens Caput" or chev6 == "Aries" or chev6 == "Libra" or chev6 == "Eridanus" or chev6 == "Leo Minor" or chev6 == "Hydra" or chev6 == "Sagittarius" or chev6 == "Sextans" or chev6 == "Scutum" or chev6 == "Pisces" or chev6 == "Virgo" or chev6 == "Bootes" or chev6 == "Auriga" or chev6 == "Corona Australis" or chev6 == "Gemini" or chev6 == "Leo" or chev6 == "Cetus" or chev6 == "Triangulum" or chev6 == "Aquarius" or chev6 == "Microscopium" or chev6 == "Equuleus" or chev6 == "Crater" or chev6 == "Perseus" or chev6 == "Cancer" or chev6 == "Norma" or chev6 == "Taurus" or chev6 == "Canis Minor" or chev6 == "Capricornus" or chev6 == "Lynx" or chev6 == "Orion" or chev6 == "Piscis Austrinus" then
- if chev1 == chev2 or chev1 == chev3 or chev1 == chev4 or chev1 == chev6 or chev1 == chev7 or chev2 == chev3 or chev2 == chev4 or
- chev2 == chev6 or chev2 == chev7 or chev3 == chev4 or chev3 == chev5 or chev3 == chev6 or chev3 == chev7 or chev4 == chev5 or chev4 == chev6
- or chev4 == chev7 or chev5 == chev6 or chev5 == chev7 or chev6 == chev7 then
- print("ERROR: Two symbols are the same")
- else
- address = {chev1, chev2, chev3, chev4, chev5, chev6, chev7}
- print()
- print("Confirm address: ".. chev1 ..", ".. chev2 ..", ".. chev3 ..", ".. chev4 ..", ".. chev5 ..", ".. chev6 ..", ".. chev7 .." (y/n)")
- local answer =
- if answer == "y" then
- if component.stargate.getEnergyRequiredToDial(address) == "address_malformed" then
- term.clear(true)
- print("ERROR: Destination Unavailable or does not exist!")
- os.sleep(10)
- else
- term.clear(true)
- address = serialization.serialize(address_raw)
- modem.broadcast(port, "manual", address)
- print("Address sent to gate computer.")
- end
- else
- print("Dialing Aborted")
- os.sleep(5)
- end
- end
- else
- print("ERROR: Sixth symbol is typed wrong.")
- os.sleep(10)
- end
- else
- print("ERROR: Fifth symbol is typed wrong.")
- os.sleep(10)
- end
- else
- print("ERROR: Fourth symbol is typed wrong.")
- os.sleep(10)
- end
- else
- print("ERROR: Third symbol is typed wrong.")
- os.sleep(10)
- end
- else
- print("ERROR: Second symbol is typed wrong.")
- os.sleep(10)
- end
- else
- print("ERROR: First symbol is typed wrong.")
- os.sleep(10)
- end
- elseif num == "8" then
- term.clear(true)
- print("The program will require 7 symbols from you (8th symbol is automatic). Write the symbols' full names.")
- print("Symbol 1")
- chev1 =
- print("Symbol 2")
- chev2 =
- print("Symbol 3")
- chev3 =
- print("Symbol 4")
- chev4 =
- print("Symbol 5")
- chev5 =
- print("Symbol 6")
- chev6 =
- print("Symbol 7")
- chev7 =
- chev8 = "Point of Origin"
- if chev1 == "Sculptor" or chev1 == "Scorpius" or chev1 == "Centaurus" or chev1 == "Monoceros" or chev1 == "Pegasus" or chev1 == "Andromeda" or chev1 == "Serpens Caput" or chev1 == "Aries" or chev1 == "Libra" or chev1 == "Eridanus" or chev1 == "Leo Minor" or chev1 == "Hydra" or chev1 == "Sagittarius" or chev1 == "Sextans" or chev1 == "Scutum" or chev1 == "Pisces" or chev1 == "Virgo" or chev1 == "Bootes" or chev1 == "Auriga" or chev1 == "Corona Australis" or chev1 == "Gemini" or chev1 == "Leo" or chev1 == "Cetus" or chev1 == "Triangulum" or chev1 == "Aquarius" or chev1 == "Microscopium" or chev1 == "Equuleus" or chev1 == "Crater" or chev1 == "Perseus" or chev1 == "Cancer" or chev1 == "Norma" or chev1 == "Taurus" or chev1 == "Canis Minor" or chev1 == "Capricornus" or chev1 == "Lynx" or chev1 == "Orion" or chev1 == "Piscis Austrinus" then
- if chev2 == "Sculptor" or chev2 == "Scorpius" or chev2 == "Centaurus" or chev2 == "Monoceros" or chev2 == "Pegasus" or chev2 == "Andromeda" or chev2 == "Serpens Caput" or chev2 == "Aries" or chev2 == "Libra" or chev2 == "Eridanus" or chev2 == "Leo Minor" or chev2 == "Hydra" or chev2 == "Sagittarius" or chev2 == "Sextans" or chev2 == "Scutum" or chev2 == "Pisces" or chev2 == "Virgo" or chev2 == "Bootes" or chev2 == "Auriga" or chev2 == "Corona Australis" or chev2 == "Gemini" or chev2 == "Leo" or chev2 == "Cetus" or chev2 == "Triangulum" or chev2 == "Aquarius" or chev2 == "Microscopium" or chev2 == "Equuleus" or chev2 == "Crater" or chev2 == "Perseus" or chev2 == "Cancer" or chev2 == "Norma" or chev2 == "Taurus" or chev2 == "Canis Minor" or chev2 == "Capricornus" or chev2 == "Lynx" or chev2 == "Orion" or chev2 == "Piscis Austrinus" then
- if chev3 == "Sculptor" or chev3 == "Scorpius" or chev3 == "Centaurus" or chev3 == "Monoceros" or chev3 == "Pegasus" or chev3 == "Andromeda" or chev3 == "Serpens Caput" or chev3 == "Aries" or chev3 == "Libra" or chev3 == "Eridanus" or chev3 == "Leo Minor" or chev3 == "Hydra" or chev3 == "Sagittarius" or chev3 == "Sextans" or chev3 == "Scutum" or chev3 == "Pisces" or chev3 == "Virgo" or chev3 == "Bootes" or chev3 == "Auriga" or chev3 == "Corona Australis" or chev3 == "Gemini" or chev3 == "Leo" or chev3 == "Cetus" or chev3 == "Triangulum" or chev3 == "Aquarius" or chev3 == "Microscopium" or chev3 == "Equuleus" or chev3 == "Crater" or chev3 == "Perseus" or chev3 == "Cancer" or chev3 == "Norma" or chev3 == "Taurus" or chev3 == "Canis Minor" or chev3 == "Capricornus" or chev3 == "Lynx" or chev3 == "Orion" or chev3 == "Piscis Austrinus" then
- if chev4 == "Sculptor" or chev4 == "Scorpius" or chev4 == "Centaurus" or chev4 == "Monoceros" or chev4 == "Pegasus" or chev4 == "Andromeda" or chev4 == "Serpens Caput" or chev4 == "Aries" or chev4 == "Libra" or chev4 == "Eridanus" or chev4 == "Leo Minor" or chev4 == "Hydra" or chev4 == "Sagittarius" or chev4 == "Sextans" or chev4 == "Scutum" or chev4 == "Pisces" or chev4 == "Virgo" or chev4 == "Bootes" or chev4 == "Auriga" or chev4 == "Corona Australis" or chev4 == "Gemini" or chev4 == "Leo" or chev4 == "Cetus" or chev4 == "Triangulum" or chev4 == "Aquarius" or chev4 == "Microscopium" or chev4 == "Equuleus" or chev4 == "Crater" or chev4 == "Perseus" or chev4 == "Cancer" or chev4 == "Norma" or chev4 == "Taurus" or chev4 == "Canis Minor" or chev4 == "Capricornus" or chev4 == "Lynx" or chev4 == "Orion" or chev4 == "Piscis Austrinus" then
- if chev5 == "Sculptor" or chev5 == "Scorpius" or chev5 == "Centaurus" or chev5 == "Monoceros" or chev5 == "Pegasus" or chev5 == "Andromeda" or chev5 == "Serpens Caput" or chev5 == "Aries" or chev5 == "Libra" or chev5 == "Eridanus" or chev5 == "Leo Minor" or chev5 == "Hydra" or chev5 == "Sagittarius" or chev5 == "Sextans" or chev5 == "Scutum" or chev5 == "Pisces" or chev5 == "Virgo" or chev5 == "Bootes" or chev5 == "Auriga" or chev5 == "Corona Australis" or chev5 == "Gemini" or chev5 == "Leo" or chev5 == "Cetus" or chev5 == "Triangulum" or chev5 == "Aquarius" or chev5 == "Microscopium" or chev5 == "Equuleus" or chev5 == "Crater" or chev5 == "Perseus" or chev5 == "Cancer" or chev5 == "Norma" or chev5 == "Taurus" or chev5 == "Canis Minor" or chev5 == "Capricornus" or chev5 == "Lynx" or chev5 == "Orion" or chev5 == "Piscis Austrinus" then
- if chev6 == "Sculptor" or chev6 == "Scorpius" or chev6 == "Centaurus" or chev6 == "Monoceros" or chev6 == "Pegasus" or chev6 == "Andromeda" or chev6 == "Serpens Caput" or chev6 == "Aries" or chev6 == "Libra" or chev6 == "Eridanus" or chev6 == "Leo Minor" or chev6 == "Hydra" or chev6 == "Sagittarius" or chev6 == "Sextans" or chev6 == "Scutum" or chev6 == "Pisces" or chev6 == "Virgo" or chev6 == "Bootes" or chev6 == "Auriga" or chev6 == "Corona Australis" or chev6 == "Gemini" or chev6 == "Leo" or chev6 == "Cetus" or chev6 == "Triangulum" or chev6 == "Aquarius" or chev6 == "Microscopium" or chev6 == "Equuleus" or chev6 == "Crater" or chev6 == "Perseus" or chev6 == "Cancer" or chev6 == "Norma" or chev6 == "Taurus" or chev6 == "Canis Minor" or chev6 == "Capricornus" or chev6 == "Lynx" or chev6 == "Orion" or chev6 == "Piscis Austrinus" then
- if chev7 == "Sculptor" or chev7 == "Scorpius" or chev7 == "Centaurus" or chev7 == "Monoceros" or chev7 == "Pegasus" or chev7 == "Andromeda" or chev7 == "Serpens Caput" or chev7 == "Aries" or chev7 == "Libra" or chev7 == "Eridanus" or chev7 == "Leo Minor" or chev7 == "Hydra" or chev7 == "Sagittarius" or chev7 == "Sextans" or chev7 == "Scutum" or chev7 == "Pisces" or chev7 == "Virgo" or chev7 == "Bootes" or chev7 == "Auriga" or chev7 == "Corona Australis" or chev7 == "Gemini" or chev7 == "Leo" or chev7 == "Cetus" or chev7 == "Triangulum" or chev7 == "Aquarius" or chev7 == "Microscopium" or chev7 == "Equuleus" or chev7 == "Crater" or chev7 == "Perseus" or chev7 == "Cancer" or chev7 == "Norma" or chev7 == "Taurus" or chev7 == "Canis Minor" or chev7 == "Capricornus" or chev7 == "Lynx" or chev7 == "Orion" or chev7 == "Piscis Austrinus" then
- if chev1 == chev2 or chev1 == chev3 or chev1 == chev4 or chev1 == chev6 or chev1 == chev7 or chev1 == chev8 or chev2 == chev3 or chev2 ==
- chev4 or chev2 == chev6 or chev2 == chev7 or chev2 == chev8 or chev3 == chev4 or chev3 == chev5 or chev3 == chev6 or chev3 == chev7 or chev3
- == chev8 or chev4 == chev5 or chev4 == chev6 or chev4 == chev7 or chev4 == chev8 or chev5 == chev6 or chev5 == chev7 or chev5 == chev8 or
- chev6 == chev7 or chev6 == chev8 or chev7 == chev8 then
- print("ERROR: Two symbols are the same")
- else
- address = {chev1, chev2, chev3, chev4, chev5, chev6, chev7, chev8}
- print()
- print("Confirm address: ".. chev1 ..", ".. chev2 ..", ".. chev3 ..", ".. chev4 ..", ".. chev5 ..", ".. chev6 ..", ".. chev7 ..", ".. chev8 .." (y/n)")
- local answer =
- if answer == "y" then
- if component.stargate.getEnergyRequiredToDial(address) == "address_malformed" then
- term.clear(true)
- print("ERROR: Destination Unavailable or does not exist!")
- os.sleep(10)
- else
- term.clear(true)
- address = serialization.serialize(address_raw)
- modem.broadcast(port, "manual", address)
- print("Address sent to gate computer.")
- end
- else
- print("Dialing Aborted")
- os.sleep(5)
- end
- end
- else
- print("ERROR: Seventh symbol is typed wrong.")
- os.sleep(10)
- end
- else
- print("ERROR: Sixth symbol is typed wrong.")
- os.sleep(10)
- end
- else
- print("ERROR: Fifth symbol is typed wrong.")
- os.sleep(10)
- end
- else
- print("ERROR: Fourth symbol is typed wrong.")
- os.sleep(10)
- end
- else
- print("ERROR: Third symbol is typed wrong.")
- os.sleep(10)
- end
- else
- print("ERROR: Second symbol is typed wrong.")
- os.sleep(10)
- end
- else
- print("ERROR: First symbol is typed wrong.")
- os.sleep(10)
- end
- elseif num == "9" then
- term.clear(true)
- print("The program will require 8 symbols from you (9th symbol is automatic). Start typing now.")
- print("Symbol 1")
- chev1 =
- print("Symbol 2")
- chev2 =
- print("Symbol 3")
- chev3 =
- print("Symbol 4")
- chev4 =
- print("Symbol 5")
- chev5 =
- print("Symbol 6")
- chev6 =
- print("Symbol 7")
- chev7 =
- print("Symbol 8")
- chev8 =
- chev9 = "Point of Origin"
- if chev1 == "Sculptor" or chev1 == "Scorpius" or chev1 == "Centaurus" or chev1 == "Monoceros" or chev1 == "Pegasus" or chev1 == "Andromeda" or chev1 == "Serpens Caput" or chev1 == "Aries" or chev1 == "Libra" or chev1 == "Eridanus" or chev1 == "Leo Minor" or chev1 == "Hydra" or chev1 == "Sagittarius" or chev1 == "Sextans" or chev1 == "Scutum" or chev1 == "Pisces" or chev1 == "Virgo" or chev1 == "Bootes" or chev1 == "Auriga" or chev1 == "Corona Australis" or chev1 == "Gemini" or chev1 == "Leo" or chev1 == "Cetus" or chev1 == "Triangulum" or chev1 == "Aquarius" or chev1 == "Microscopium" or chev1 == "Equuleus" or chev1 == "Crater" or chev1 == "Perseus" or chev1 == "Cancer" or chev1 == "Norma" or chev1 == "Taurus" or chev1 == "Canis Minor" or chev1 == "Capricornus" or chev1 == "Lynx" or chev1 == "Orion" or chev1 == "Piscis Austrinus" then
- if chev2 == "Sculptor" or chev2 == "Scorpius" or chev2 == "Centaurus" or chev2 == "Monoceros" or chev2 == "Pegasus" or chev2 == "Andromeda" or chev2 == "Serpens Caput" or chev2 == "Aries" or chev2 == "Libra" or chev2 == "Eridanus" or chev2 == "Leo Minor" or chev2 == "Hydra" or chev2 == "Sagittarius" or chev2 == "Sextans" or chev2 == "Scutum" or chev2 == "Pisces" or chev2 == "Virgo" or chev2 == "Bootes" or chev2 == "Auriga" or chev2 == "Corona Australis" or chev2 == "Gemini" or chev2 == "Leo" or chev2 == "Cetus" or chev2 == "Triangulum" or chev2 == "Aquarius" or chev2 == "Microscopium" or chev2 == "Equuleus" or chev2 == "Crater" or chev2 == "Perseus" or chev2 == "Cancer" or chev2 == "Norma" or chev2 == "Taurus" or chev2 == "Canis Minor" or chev2 == "Capricornus" or chev2 == "Lynx" or chev2 == "Orion" or chev2 == "Piscis Austrinus" then
- if chev3 == "Sculptor" or chev3 == "Scorpius" or chev3 == "Centaurus" or chev3 == "Monoceros" or chev3 == "Pegasus" or chev3 == "Andromeda" or chev3 == "Serpens Caput" or chev3 == "Aries" or chev3 == "Libra" or chev3 == "Eridanus" or chev3 == "Leo Minor" or chev3 == "Hydra" or chev3 == "Sagittarius" or chev3 == "Sextans" or chev3 == "Scutum" or chev3 == "Pisces" or chev3 == "Virgo" or chev3 == "Bootes" or chev3 == "Auriga" or chev3 == "Corona Australis" or chev3 == "Gemini" or chev3 == "Leo" or chev3 == "Cetus" or chev3 == "Triangulum" or chev3 == "Aquarius" or chev3 == "Microscopium" or chev3 == "Equuleus" or chev3 == "Crater" or chev3 == "Perseus" or chev3 == "Cancer" or chev3 == "Norma" or chev3 == "Taurus" or chev3 == "Canis Minor" or chev3 == "Capricornus" or chev3 == "Lynx" or chev3 == "Orion" or chev3 == "Piscis Austrinus" then
- if chev4 == "Sculptor" or chev4 == "Scorpius" or chev4 == "Centaurus" or chev4 == "Monoceros" or chev4 == "Pegasus" or chev4 == "Andromeda" or chev4 == "Serpens Caput" or chev4 == "Aries" or chev4 == "Libra" or chev4 == "Eridanus" or chev4 == "Leo Minor" or chev4 == "Hydra" or chev4 == "Sagittarius" or chev4 == "Sextans" or chev4 == "Scutum" or chev4 == "Pisces" or chev4 == "Virgo" or chev4 == "Bootes" or chev4 == "Auriga" or chev4 == "Corona Australis" or chev4 == "Gemini" or chev4 == "Leo" or chev4 == "Cetus" or chev4 == "Triangulum" or chev4 == "Aquarius" or chev4 == "Microscopium" or chev4 == "Equuleus" or chev4 == "Crater" or chev4 == "Perseus" or chev4 == "Cancer" or chev4 == "Norma" or chev4 == "Taurus" or chev4 == "Canis Minor" or chev4 == "Capricornus" or chev4 == "Lynx" or chev4 == "Orion" or chev4 == "Piscis Austrinus" then
- if chev5 == "Sculptor" or chev5 == "Scorpius" or chev5 == "Centaurus" or chev5 == "Monoceros" or chev5 == "Pegasus" or chev5 == "Andromeda" or chev5 == "Serpens Caput" or chev5 == "Aries" or chev5 == "Libra" or chev5 == "Eridanus" or chev5 == "Leo Minor" or chev5 == "Hydra" or chev5 == "Sagittarius" or chev5 == "Sextans" or chev5 == "Scutum" or chev5 == "Pisces" or chev5 == "Virgo" or chev5 == "Bootes" or chev5 == "Auriga" or chev5 == "Corona Australis" or chev5 == "Gemini" or chev5 == "Leo" or chev5 == "Cetus" or chev5 == "Triangulum" or chev5 == "Aquarius" or chev5 == "Microscopium" or chev5 == "Equuleus" or chev5 == "Crater" or chev5 == "Perseus" or chev5 == "Cancer" or chev5 == "Norma" or chev5 == "Taurus" or chev5 == "Canis Minor" or chev5 == "Capricornus" or chev5 == "Lynx" or chev5 == "Orion" or chev5 == "Piscis Austrinus" then
- if chev6 == "Sculptor" or chev6 == "Scorpius" or chev6 == "Centaurus" or chev6 == "Monoceros" or chev6 == "Pegasus" or chev6 == "Andromeda" or chev6 == "Serpens Caput" or chev6 == "Aries" or chev6 == "Libra" or chev6 == "Eridanus" or chev6 == "Leo Minor" or chev6 == "Hydra" or chev6 == "Sagittarius" or chev6 == "Sextans" or chev6 == "Scutum" or chev6 == "Pisces" or chev6 == "Virgo" or chev6 == "Bootes" or chev6 == "Auriga" or chev6 == "Corona Australis" or chev6 == "Gemini" or chev6 == "Leo" or chev6 == "Cetus" or chev6 == "Triangulum" or chev6 == "Aquarius" or chev6 == "Microscopium" or chev6 == "Equuleus" or chev6 == "Crater" or chev6 == "Perseus" or chev6 == "Cancer" or chev6 == "Norma" or chev6 == "Taurus" or chev6 == "Canis Minor" or chev6 == "Capricornus" or chev6 == "Lynx" or chev6 == "Orion" or chev6 == "Piscis Austrinus" then
- if chev7 == "Sculptor" or chev7 == "Scorpius" or chev7 == "Centaurus" or chev7 == "Monoceros" or chev7 == "Pegasus" or chev7 == "Andromeda" or chev7 == "Serpens Caput" or chev7 == "Aries" or chev7 == "Libra" or chev7 == "Eridanus" or chev7 == "Leo Minor" or chev7 == "Hydra" or chev7 == "Sagittarius" or chev7 == "Sextans" or chev7 == "Scutum" or chev7 == "Pisces" or chev7 == "Virgo" or chev7 == "Bootes" or chev7 == "Auriga" or chev7 == "Corona Australis" or chev7 == "Gemini" or chev7 == "Leo" or chev7 == "Cetus" or chev7 == "Triangulum" or chev7 == "Aquarius" or chev7 == "Microscopium" or chev7 == "Equuleus" or chev7 == "Crater" or chev7 == "Perseus" or chev7 == "Cancer" or chev7 == "Norma" or chev7 == "Taurus" or chev7 == "Canis Minor" or chev7 == "Capricornus" or chev7 == "Lynx" or chev7 == "Orion" or chev7 == "Piscis Austrinus" then
- if chev8 == "Sculptor" or chev8 == "Scorpius" or chev8 == "Centaurus" or chev8 == "Monoceros" or chev8 == "Pegasus" or chev8 == "Andromeda" or chev8 == "Serpens Caput" or chev8 == "Aries" or chev8 == "Libra" or chev8 == "Eridanus" or chev8 == "Leo Minor" or chev8 == "Hydra" or chev8 == "Sagittarius" or chev8 == "Sextans" or chev8 == "Scutum" or chev8 == "Pisces" or chev8 == "Virgo" or chev8 == "Bootes" or chev8 == "Auriga" or chev8 == "Corona Australis" or chev8 == "Gemini" or chev8 == "Leo" or chev8 == "Cetus" or chev8 == "Triangulum" or chev8 == "Aquarius" or chev8 == "Microscopium" or chev8 == "Equuleus" or chev8 == "Crater" or chev8 == "Perseus" or chev8 == "Cancer" or chev8 == "Norma" or chev8 == "Taurus" or chev8 == "Canis Minor" or chev8 == "Capricornus" or chev8 == "Lynx" or chev8 == "Orion" or chev8 == "Piscis Austrinus" then
- if chev1 == chev2 or chev1 == chev3 or chev1 == chev4 or chev1 == chev6 or chev1 == chev7 or chev1 == chev8 or chev1 == chev9 or
- chev2 == chev3 or chev2 == chev4 or chev2 == chev6 or chev2 == chev7 or chev2 == chev8 or chev2 == chev9 or chev3 == chev4 or chev3 == chev5
- or chev3 == chev6 or chev3 == chev7 or chev3 == chev8 or chev3 == chev9 or chev4 == chev5 or chev4 == chev6 or chev4 == chev7 or chev4 ==
- chev8 or chev4 == chev9 or chev5 == chev6 or chev5 == chev7 or chev5 == chev8 or chev5 == chev9 or chev6 == chev7 or chev6 == chev8 or chev6
- == chev9 or chev7 == chev8 or chev7 == chev9 or chev8 == chev9 then
- print("ERROR: Two symbols are the same")
- else
- address = {chev1, chev2, chev3, chev4, chev5, chev6, chev7, chev8, chev9}
- print()
- print("Confirm address: ".. chev1 ..", ".. chev2 ..", ".. chev3 ..", ".. chev4 ..", ".. chev5 ..", ".. chev6 ..", ".. chev7 ..", "..chev8 ..", ".. chev9 .." (y/n)")
- local answer =
- if answer == "y" then
- if component.stargate.getEnergyRequiredToDial(address) == "address_malformed" then
- term.clear(true)
- print("ERROR: Destination Unavailable or does not exist!")
- os.sleep(10)
- computer.shutdown(true)
- else
- term.clear(true)
- address = serialization.serialize(address_raw)
- modem.broadcast(port, "manual", address, 9)
- print("Address sent to gate computer.")
- end
- else
- print("Dialing Aborted")
- os.sleep(5)
- end
- end
- else
- print("ERROR: Eighth symbol is typed wrong.")
- os.sleep(10)
- end
- else
- print("ERROR: Seventh symbol is typed wrong.")
- os.sleep(10)
- end
- else
- print("ERROR: Sixth symbol is typed wrong.")
- os.sleep(10)
- end
- else
- print("ERROR: Fifth symbol is typed wrong.")
- os.sleep(10)
- end
- else
- print("ERROR: Fourth symbol is typed wrong.")
- os.sleep(10)
- end
- else
- print("ERROR: Third symbol is typed wrong.")
- os.sleep(10)
- end
- else
- print("ERROR: Second symbol is typed wrong.")
- os.sleep(10)
- end
- else
- print("ERROR: First symbol is typed wrong.")
- os.sleep(10)
- end
- elseif num ~= "9" or num ~= "8" or num ~= "7" then
- print("ERROR: number is not 7 or 8")
- else
- print("Unknown error")
- os.sleep(10)
- end
- elseif num ~= "1" or num ~= "2" or num ~= "3" or num ~= "4" or num ~= "5" then
- print("ERROR: Wrong number or wormhole already established")
- os.sleep(5)
- end
- os.sleep(3)
- else
- print("ACCESS DENIED")
- modem.broadcast(124, "intruderR")
- os.sleep(5)
- term.clear(true)
- print("Alarm abort code:")
- num =
- print()
- if num == abortcode then
- print("Alarms disabled.")
- modem.broadcast(124, "abort")
- os.sleep(5)
- else
- print("Await security")
- os.sleep(20)
- end
- end
- until asd == 2
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