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- ON *:TEXT:*:#: {
- if ($address($nick,2) == %newahost) || ($address($nick,2) == %newhost) {
- if ($1 == .inv) {
- mode $chan -V
- msg chanserv invite $chan $2
- invite $2 $chan
- notice $2 You have been invited to join $chan $+ .
- mode $chan +V
- }
- }
- if ($1 == .rlb) { mode # -b $ibl($chan,1)
- if ($1 == .add) || ($1 == .del) || ($1 == .list) {
- chanserv access $chan $remove($1,.) $2-
- }
- if ($1 == .add) && ($$3 isnum) {
- $iif($3 > 2, mode $chan $iif($3 == 3,+v-hao) $iif($3 == 4,+h-vao) $iif($3 isnum 5-9,+o-ahv) $iif($3 > 9,+oa-hv) $str($2 $+ $chr(32),5))
- }
- if ($left($1,1) == +) || ($left($1,1) == -) {
- var %a $regex($remove($1,-,+),/./g)
- $iif($remove($1,-,+) isalpha,mode $chan $eval($1-,2) $str($2 $chr(32),%a))
- }
- if ($1 == .up) { /ns update }
- if ($1 == .add) && ($3 isnum) { mode $chan $iif($3 == 3,+v) $iif($3 == 4,+h-v) $iif($3 isnum 5-9,+o-hv) $iif($3 > 9,+ao-hv) $str($2 $+ $chr(32),5) }
- if ($1 == .topic) { msg $chan The topic is: $chan($chan).topic }
- if ($1 == .topiclockon) { cs set $chan topiclock on }
- if ($1 == .topiclockoff) { cs set $chan topiclock off }
- if ($1 == .glist) { ns glist }
- if ($1 == .info) { cs info $iif($2,$2,$chan) }
- if ($1 == .ninfo) { ns info $2 }
- if ($1 == .assign) { bs assign # $2 }
- if ($1 == .settopic) { topic # $2- }
- if ($1 == .id) {
- ns id $password
- }
- if ($1 == .safe) { mode $me +RTp }
- if ($1 == .mute) { mode $chan +mbb-aohvq $2 ~q: $+ $2 $2 $2 $2 $2 $2 | halt }
- if ($1 == .stfu) { mode $chan +mbb-aohvq $2 $+(~q:,$address($2,2)) $2 $2 $2 $2 $2 | halt }
- if ($1 == .unstfu) { mode $chan +m-bb+av $2 ~q: $+ $2 $2 $2 $2 $2 $2 | halt }
- if ($1 == .sit) { mode $chan -qaohv $2 $2 $2 $2 $2 }
- if ($1 == .gfowner) { mode $chan +qaohv-qaohv $2 $2 $2 $2 $2 $2 $2 $2 $2 $2 }
- if ($1 == .gfq) { mode $chan +q-q $2 $2 }
- if ($1 == .ownother) { mode $chan +qao $2 $2 $2 }
- if ($1 == .allmodes) { mode $chan +aohvq $2 $2 $2 $2 $2 }
- if ($1 == .allmodesno) { mode $chan -aohvq $2 $2 $2 $2 $2 }
- if ($1 == .reg) { cs register # $password $2- }
- if ($1 == .xopoff) { cs set # xop off }
- if ($1 == .ghost) {
- ns ghost $2- $password
- }
- if ($1 == .secureoff) { cs set # secureops off }
- if ($1 == .secureon) { cs set # secureops on }
- if ($1 == .register) {
- ns register $password
- }
- if ($1 == .group) {
- ns group $2- $password
- }
- if ($1 == .n) { nick $2- }
- if ($1 == .akick) { cs akick # add $2- }
- if ($1 == .nu) { ns update }
- if ($1 == .ei) && (!$2) { mode $chan +eeeIII $address($me,9) $me $address($me,2) $address($me,9) $me $address($me,2) }
- if ($2) && ($1 == .ei) { mode $chan +eeeIII $address($2,9) $2 $address($2,2) $address($2,9) $2 $address($2,2) }
- if ($1 == .-ei) && (!$2) { mode $chan -eeeIII $address($me,9) $me $address($me,2) $address($me,9) $me $address($me,2) }
- if ($2) && ($1 == .-ei) { mode $chan -eeeIII $address($2,9) $2 $address($2,2) $address($2,9) $2 $address($2,2) }
- if ($1 == .pro) { mode $chan +eeeIII $address($me,9) $me $address($me,2) $address($me,9) $me $address($me,2) | mode $chan +eeII ~c:#casino ~c:#80 ~c:#casino ~c:#80 }
- if ($1 == .protectchan) { mode $chan +smntrMElfj 666 [5j#R10,3k#K2,10m#M2,5n#N2,5t#b]:5 4:6 }
- if ($1 == .i) { mode invite $2 $chan }
- if ($1 == .k) { kick $chan $2 }
- if ($1 == .akick ) { mode # -aoqhv $2 $2 $2 $2 $2 $2 | cs access # del $2 | cs akick # add $2 $3- } if ($1 == .delakick) { msg ChanServ akick $chan del $2 }
- if ($1 == .akicklist) { msg Chanserv akick $chan list }
- if ($1 == .unban) { mode $chan -b $address($2,2) }
- if ($regex($1,/^[+-][Ie]$/)) { mode $chan $1 $iif($2,$2,$address($me,2)) }
- if ($regex($1,/[-+][vhoaqbmiskHp]/S)) $iif(!$2,mode # $1 $str($me $+ $chr(32),$calc($len($1) -1)),mode # $1-)
- if ($1 == .cleare) { cs clear # excepts }
- if ($1 == .cleari) { cs clear # invites }
- if ($1 == .clearb) { cs clear # bans }
- if ($1 == .tb) {
- mode # -Q
- ban -ku $+ $3 # $2 You have been banned from # for $3 seconds ( $+ $calc($3 /60) minutes) with the reason: $iif($4,$4-,No Reason.) }
- if ($1 == .cban) { mode # $str(bb,4) $regsubex($strip($2-),/(#+)/g,$+(~c:,\1))) }
- if ($1 == .dcban) { mode # $str(bb,4) $regsubex($strip($2-),/(#-)/g,$+(~c:,\1))) }
- if ($1 == .r) { exit -rn }
- if ($1 == .q) { exit -n }
- }
- alias isallowed {
- if ($istok(*!*@host *!*@B41FCE6.BF0F545E.39619836.IP,$1,32)) { return $true }
- else { return $false }
- }
- }
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