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- #!/bin/bash
- unset IFS
- export PATH="/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:$PATH"
- # Prompt user until they type Y/y or N/n
- # Calling:
- # prompt_yesno
- prompt_yesno() {
- local input=""
- while true; do
- printf "%s" "(Y/n): "
- read input
- if [ "$input" = "" ] || [ "$input" = "Y" ] || [ "$input" = "y" ]; then
- return 0
- fi
- if [ "$input" = "N" ] || [ "$input" = "n" ]; then
- return 1
- fi
- done
- }
- if [ "$BASH_VERSION" = "" ]; then
- echo Required bash scripting environment not detected. You are likely running with /bin/sh. Rerun with /bin/bash?
- if prompt_yesno; then /bin/bash "$0"; fi
- exit 0
- fi
- if [ $UID -ne 0 ]; then
- # Clear out any existing credentials so the user always gets a prompt
- sudo -K
- echo "Type your password below to give ScreenConnect permission to install: "
- echo "(You can also Ctrl-C to exit and re-run the script as root)"
- sudo "$0"
- exit 0
- fi
- INSTALL_SCRIPT_PATH="$(dirname "$0")"
- echo ""
- echo "Welcome to the ScreenConnect Installer"
- echo ""
- echo "The installer will do these things:"
- echo "1) Prompt you for installation options"
- echo "2) Display a list of actions to be taken"
- echo "3) Prompt you for execution of the actions"
- echo "4) Execute the actions"
- find "$INSTALL_DIRECTORY/Distributions" -name "*.sh" -not -name ".*" | sort > /tmp/distros
- while read distroFile; do
- source "$distroFile"
- if is_distro_valid; then
- break;
- fi
- done < /tmp/distros
- rm /tmp/distros
- demand_system_compatible
- # This is filled by the base dependencies function (or whatever a script adds in dependency_check()
- # It consists of dependencies that need to be addressed in the form dependency:reason
- problematic_dependencies=()
- # These actions are used by the build_install_actions script
- installer_actions=()
- installer_action_descriptions=()
- # Execute the actual dependency check, this will fill problematic_dependencies
- dependency_check
- # Loop through the missing dependencies and build the installer action and description arrays
- for i in ${!problematic_dependencies[*]}
- do
- # Each element is dependency:reason
- dependency_parts=($(echo "${problematic_dependencies[$i]}"))
- build_dependency_action "${dependency_parts[0]}"
- if [ $? == 1 ]; then
- # Return value of 1 means a build action was added, so remove the element from the array
- unset problematic_dependencies[$i]
- fi
- done
- if [ ${#problematic_dependencies[*]} -gt 0 ]; then
- echo ""
- echo "We were unable to resolve these dependencies:"
- is_a_dependency_critical=0
- for i in ${!problematic_dependencies[*]}
- do
- echo ${problematic_dependencies[$i]}
- (echo ${problematic_dependencies[$i]} | grep "(critical)" > /dev/null) && is_a_dependency_critical=1
- done
- if [ $is_a_dependency_critical -eq 1 ]; then
- echo ""
- echo "One or more critical dependencies could not be resolved. Installation cannot continue."
- exit 1
- fi
- echo ""
- echo "None of these are required. Would you like to continue?"
- if ! prompt_yesno; then
- echo "Exiting due to unresolved dependencies..."
- exit 1
- fi
- fi
- # Prompt user for options
- installation_directory="/opt/ScreenConnect"
- # Let's use the new lower case one unless the old one exists
- # OS X's filesystem is case-insensitive, so a simple test -d $installation_directory won't distinguish between /opt/ScreenConnect and /opt/screenconnect
- # However, if you make bash do filename expansion, it will distinguish between them
- # Surrounding every non-slash character following a slash with [] will result in /opt/ScreenConnect if it does exist and /[o]pt/[S]creenConnect if it doesn't
- # The right-hand expression in the test must be unquoted for this wildcard expansion to happen
- if [ $installation_directory != $(echo "$installation_directory" | sed 's,/\([^/]\),/[\1],g') ]; then installation_directory="/opt/screenconnect"; fi
- while true; do
- echo ""
- echo "Where would you like to install ScreenConnect?"
- printf "%s" "[$installation_directory] "
- read input
- if [ "$input" == "" ]; then
- break;
- elif [[ "$input" == "/"* ]]; then
- installation_directory=$input
- break;
- else
- echo ""
- echo "Invalid location"
- fi
- done
- installer="`cd "$(dirname $0)"; pwd`/$(basename $0)" # installer full path
- if [[ $installer == $installation_directory/* ]]; then
- echo "The ScreenConnect installation directory cannot contain the installer ('$installer'). Please move the installer or choose a different location to install ScreenConnect and rerun this script."
- exit 1
- fi
- is_upgrade=0
- if test -d "$installation_directory"; then is_upgrade=1; fi
- if [ $is_upgrade -eq 1 ]; then
- old_version=$(get_product_version "$installation_directory")
- if ! is_version_a_gte_version_b "$old_version" "$MIN_UPGRADE_VERSION"; then
- echo ""
- echo "This package only supports upgrading from ScreenConnect $MIN_UPGRADE_VERSION or higher. Your version was detected as ${old_version}. Please upgrade and rerun this package."
- exit 1
- fi
- new_version=$(get_product_version "$SCREENCONNECT_DIRECTORY")
- if ! is_version_a_gte_version_b "$new_version" "$old_version"; then
- echo ""
- echo "Detected existing installation at version $old_version. Cannot downgrade to $new_version."
- exit 1
- fi
- echo ""
- echo "It appears that there is already an installation at $installation_directory ($old_version)"
- echo "Would you like to upgrade?"
- if ! prompt_yesno; then
- echo "Installation directory already exists, and you chose not to upgrade it. Please erase the existing installation to perform a fresh install in $installation_directory or rerun this script and choose to upgrade"
- exit 1
- fi
- fi
- # Setup environment because we have to call mono
- export PATH=$installation_directory/App_Runtime/bin:$PATH
- export MONO_PATH=$installation_directory/App_Runtime/lib
- export MONO_CFG_DIR=$installation_directory/App_Runtime/etc
- # Find init.d or whatever is appropriate for this distro
- initialize_startup_directory_information
- service_name=""
- # Stop any running services and remove any existing service startup scripts
- # (That point to the install folder) if upgrading
- # This also gets the service name
- if [ $is_upgrade -eq 1 ]; then
- service_names=()
- get_existing_service_names
- if [ ${#service_names[*]} -gt 0 ]; then
- for cur_service_name in ${service_names[*]}
- do
- build_stop_and_remove_service_action "$cur_service_name"
- done
- service_name=${service_names[0]}
- fi
- fi
- if [ "$service_name" == "" ]; then
- service_name=$(basename "$installation_directory" | tr "[A-Z]" "[a-z]")
- fi
- # Determining name of init.d script / service name
- while true; do
- echo ""
- echo "What would you like as the service name for this ScreenConnect installation?"
- printf "%s" "[$service_name] "
- read input
- if ! [[ "$input" =~ ^[a-zA-Z0-9_\-]*$ ]]; then
- echo ""
- echo "Service name can only contain letters, numbers, underscores, and hyphens"
- elif [ "$input" != "" ]; then
- service_name=$input
- break
- else
- break
- fi
- done
- backup_mtime_unprefixed_reference_file_name=Core.dll
- backup_mtime_leeway_seconds=60
- # Build up a list of what we need to do
- # Back up files if upgrading
- if [ $is_upgrade -eq 1 ]; then
- installer_actions[${#installer_actions[*]}]="make_backup"
- installer_action_descriptions[${#installer_action_descriptions[*]}]="Back up the existing configuration"
- fi
- # Run distribution-specific function to add the build actions to do startup scripts
- build_startup_actions
- mono_executable_file_path=$(get_mono_executable_file_path "$INSTALL_DIRECTORY")
- if [ "$mono_executable_file_path" = "" ]; then
- echo ""
- echo "Could not find a suitable version of runtime executable for your system. This could be due to an unsupported instruction set. This could also be due to wiping of the execute bits during extraction of the tarball when /tmp is mounted with noexec."
- exit 1
- fi
- # Copy installation files
- installer_actions[${#installer_actions[*]}]="copy_installation_files"
- installer_action_descriptions[${#installer_action_descriptions[*]}]="Copy files into $installation_directory"
- # Determine configuration for xsl transform
- configuration="Release"
- if ls "$SCREENCONNECT_DIRECTORY"/Bin/*.mdb &>/dev/null; then
- configuration="Debug"
- fi
- # Restore backed up files if upgrading
- if [ $is_upgrade -eq 1 ]; then
- installer_actions[${#installer_actions[*]}]="restore_backup"
- installer_action_descriptions[${#installer_action_descriptions[*]}]="Restore backed up configuration"
- fi
- # Do the transforms
- installer_actions[${#installer_actions[*]}]="transform_configuration_files"
- installer_action_descriptions[${#installer_action_descriptions[*]}]="Transform configuration files"
- # Start screenconnect
- build_start_service_action
- # Confirm the what we're going to do
- echo ""
- echo "The installation will perform the following actions:"
- for i in ${!installer_action_descriptions[*]}
- do
- echo "- ${installer_action_descriptions[i]}"
- done
- echo ""
- echo "Do you want to install ScreenConnect?"
- if prompt_yesno; then
- echo ""
- # Do the install
- for i in ${!installer_actions[*]}
- do
- echo "Running '${installer_action_descriptions[i]}'..."
- eval ${installer_actions[i]}
- done
- echo ""
- echo "Installation complete!"
- echo ""
- echo "Trying to figure out the best URL for you to use..."
- echo ""
- launch_web_page "$(mono "$installation_directory/Bin/ScreenConnect.Service.exe" launch host)"
- echo ""
- exit 0
- else
- echo "You chose not to install, your system has not been modified."
- fi
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