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- ON !*:TEXT:*:#: { ; by westor 2015
- if (%giveawaystart_ [ $+ [ $chan ] ]) {
- if ($1 == %giveawaymsg_ [ $+ [ $chan ] ]) {
- if ($read(Raffle_ $+ $chan $+ .txt,nw,$nick)) { msg # ( $+ $nick $+ ): You are already into the list! | return }
- write Raffle_ $+ $chan $+ .txt $nick
- msg # ( $+ $nick $+ ): You have been added to the list.
- }
- }
- if ($1 == !giveawaystart) {
- if ($nick isop #) {
- if ($2) {
- if (%giveawaystart_ [ $+ [ $chan ] ]) { msg # ( $+ $nick $+ ): There is an other giveaway at the moment! | return }
- set -e %giveawaystart_ [ $+ [ $chan ] ] On
- set -e %giveawaymsg_ [ $+ [ $chan ] ] $2
- set -e %giveawaynick_ [ $+ [ $chan ] ] $nick
- msg # ( $+ $nick $+ ): Giveaway started and will expire in 5 minutes, the word/phrase to join is $qt($2)
- .timer[GIVEAWAY_SAY] 0 60 giveaway_say $chan
- .timer[GIVEAWAY] 1 300 giveaway_end $chan
- if ($isfile(Raffle_ $+ $chan $+ .txt)) { .remove $qt(Raffle_ $+ $chan $+ .txt) }
- }
- elseif (!$2) { msg # ( $+ $nick $+ ): Please enter a word for the giveaway trigger. }
- }
- elseif ($nick !isop #) { msg # ( $+ $nick $+ ): You are NOT an channel operator! }
- }
- }
- alias giveaway_say { ; by westor 2015
- if (!$1) { .timer[GIVEAWAY_SAY] off | return }
- if ($me !ison $1) { .timer[GIVEAWAY_SAY] off | return }
- if (!%giveawaystart_ [ $+ [ $1 ] ]) { .timer[GIVEAWAY_SAY] off | return }
- var %l = $timer([GIVEAWAY]).secs
- .msg $1 (GIVEAWAY): The GiveAway will expire in: $+ $duration(%l) $+
- }
- alias giveaway_end { ; by westor 2015
- .timer[GIVEAWAY*] off
- if (!$1) { return }
- if (!%giveawaystart_ [ $+ [ $1 ] ]) { return }
- var %user = $read(Raffle $+ _ $+ $1 $+ .txt,n)
- unset %giveawaystart_ [ $+ [ $1 ] ]
- unset %giveawaymsg_ [ $+ [ $1 ] ]
- unset %giveawaynick_ [ $+ [ $1 ] ]
- if (%user) { tw_check_follow_auto $remove($1,$chr(35)) %user $1 }
- else { .msg $1 (GIVEAWAY): There is NOT any winner available. }
- if ($isfile(Raffle_ $+ $1 $+ .txt)) { .remove $qt(Raffle_ $+ $1 $+ .txt) }
- }
- alias tw_check_follow_auto { ; by westor 2015
- if (!$1) { return }
- var %u = $+ $2 $+ /follows/channels/ $+ $1 $+ ?limit=1&nocache= $+ $ticks
- var %v = twc_ $+ $ticks
- JSONOpen -ud %v %u
- if (%JSONError) { var %error = 1 | goto end | return }
- var %fc = $json(%v,error)
- if (%fc) {
- var %msg = $json(%v,message)
- if (is not following isin %msg) { var %status = 0 }
- }
- :end
- var %status = $json(%v,created_at)
- if (%error) { msg $3 (GIVEAWAY): Giveaway has ended, the winner is: $2 ( $+ $2 is NOT following the channel) | goto end2 }
- if (!%status) { msg $3 (GIVEAWAY): Giveaway has ended, the winner is: $2 ( $+ $2 is NOT following the channel) }
- elseif (%status) { msg $3 (GIVEAWAY): Giveaway has ended, the winner is: $2 ( $+ $2 is following the channel) }
- :end2
- JSONClose %v
- }
- ; -----
- alias JSONVersion {
- if ($isid) {
- return $iif($1 != short,JSONForMirc v,v) $+ 0.2.2
- }
- }
- alias JSONError {
- if ($isid) {
- return %JSONError
- }
- }
- alias JSONOpen {
- if ($isid) return
- unset %JSONError
- debugger -i 0 Calling /JSONOpen $1-
- var %switches = -, %error, %com, %file
- if (-* iswm $1) {
- %switches = $1
- tokenize 32 $2-
- }
- if ($regex(%switches, ([^dbfuw\-]))) {
- %error = Invalid switches specified: $regml(1)
- }
- elseif ($regex(%switches, ([dbfuw]).*?\1)) {
- %error = Duplicate switch specified: $regml(1)
- }
- elseif ($regex(%switches, /([bfu])/g) > 1) {
- %error = Conflicting switches: $regml(1) $+ , $regml(2)
- }
- elseif (u !isin %switches && w isin %switches) {
- %error = -w switch can only be used with -u
- }
- elseif ($0 < 2) {
- %error = Missing Parameters
- }
- elseif (!$regex($1, /^[a-z][a-z\d_.-]+$/i)) {
- %error = Invalid handler name: Must start with a letter and contain only letters numbers _ . and -
- }
- elseif ($com(JSONHandler:: $+ $1)) {
- %error = Name in use
- }
- elseif (b isin %switches && $0 != 2) {
- %error = Invalid parameter: Binary variable names cannot contain spaces
- }
- elseif (b isin %switches && &* !iswm $2) {
- %error = Invalid parameters: Binary variable names start with &
- }
- elseif (b isin %switches && !$bvar($2, 0)) {
- %error = Invalid parameters: Binary variable is empty
- }
- elseif (f isin %switches && !$isfile($2-)) {
- %error = Invalid parameters: File doesn't exist
- }
- elseif (f isin %switches && !$file($2-).size) {
- %error = Invalid parameters: File is empty
- }
- elseif (u isin %switches && $0 != 2) {
- %error = Invalid parameters: URLs cannot contain spaces
- }
- else {
- .comopen JSONHandler:: $+ $1 MSScriptControl.ScriptControl
- if (!$com(JSONHandler:: $+ $1) || $comerr) {
- %error = Unable to create an instance of MSScriptControl.ScriptControl
- }
- else {
- %com = JSONHandler:: $+ $1
- if (!$com(%com, language, 4, bstr, jscript) || $comerr) {
- %error = Unable to set ScriptControl's language to Javascript
- }
- elseif (!$com(%com, timeout, 4, bstr, 60000) || $comerr) {
- %error = Unable to set ScriptControl's timeout to 60seconds
- }
- elseif (!$com(%com, ExecuteStatement, 1, bstr, $JScript) || $comerr) {
- %error = Unable to add required javascript to the ScriptControl instance
- }
- elseif (u isincs %switches) {
- if (1 OK != $jstry(%com, $jscript(urlInit), $escape($2-).quote)) {
- %error = $gettok($v2, 2-, 32)
- }
- elseif (w !isincs %switches && 0 ?* iswm $jsTry(%com, $jscript(urlParse), status="error").withError) {
- %error = $gettok($v2, 2-, 32)
- }
- }
- elseif (f isincs %switches) {
- if (1 OK != $jstry(%com, $jscript(fileParse), $escape($longfn($2-)).quote)) {
- %error = $gettok($v2, 2-, 32)
- }
- }
- elseif (b isincs %switches) {
- %file = $tempfile
- bwrite $qt(%file) -1 -1 $2
- debugger %com Wrote $2 to $qt(%file)
- if (0 ?* iswm $jstry(%com, $jscript(fileParse), $escape(%file).quote)) {
- %error = $gettok($v2, 2-, 32)
- }
- }
- else {
- %file = $tempfile
- write -n $qt(%file) $2-
- debugger %com Wrote $2- to $qt(%file)
- if (0 ?* iswm $jstry(%com, $jscript(fileParse), $escape(%file).quote)) {
- %error = $gettok($v2, 2-, 32)
- }
- }
- if (!%error) {
- if (d isin %switches) {
- $+(.timer, %com) -o 1 0 JSONClose $1
- }
- Debugger -s %com Successfully created
- }
- }
- }
- :error
- %error = $iif($error, $error, %error)
- reseterror
- if (%file && $isfile(%file)) {
- .remove $qt(%file)
- debugger %com Removed $qt(%file)
- }
- if (%error) {
- if (%com && $com(%com)) {
- .comclose %com
- }
- set -eu0 %JSONError %error
- Debugger -e 0 /JSONOpen %switches $1- --RAISED-- %error
- }
- }
- alias JSONUrlMethod {
- if ($isid) return
- unset %JSONError
- debugger -i 0 Calling /JSONUrlMethod $1-
- var %error, %com
- if ($0 < 2) {
- %error = Missing parameters
- }
- elseif ($0 > 2) {
- %error = Too many parameters specified
- }
- elseif (!$regex($1, /^[a-z][a-z\d_.\-]+$/i)) {
- %error = Invalid handler name: Must start with a letter and contain only letters numbers _ . and -
- }
- elseif (!$com(JSONHandler:: $+ $1)) {
- %error = Invalid handler name: JSON handler does not exist
- }
- elseif (!$regex($2, /^(?:GET|POST|PUT|DEL)$/i)) {
- %error = Invalid request method: Must be GET, POST, PUT, or DEL
- }
- else {
- var %com = JSONHandler:: $+ $1
- if (1 OK != $jsTry(%com, $JScript(UrlMethod), status="error", $qt($upper($2))).withError) {
- %error = $gettok($v2, 2-, 32)
- }
- else {
- Debugger -s $+(%com,>JSONUrlMethod) Method set to $upper($2)
- }
- }
- :error
- %error = $iif($error, $v1, %error)
- reseterror
- if (%error) {
- set -eu0 %JSONError %error
- if (%com) set -eu0 % [ $+ [ %com ] $+ ] ::Error %error
- Debugger -e $iif(%com, $v1, 0) /JSONUrlMethod %switches $1- --RAISED-- %error
- }
- }
- alias JSONUrlHeader {
- if ($isid) return
- unset %JSONError
- debugger -i 0 Calling /JSONUrlHeader $1-
- var %error, %com
- if ($0 < 3) {
- %error = Missing parameters
- }
- elseif (!$regex($1, /^[a-z][a-z\d_.\-]+$/i)) {
- %error = Invalid handler name: Must start with a letter and contain only letters numbers _ . and -
- }
- elseif (!$com(JSONHandler:: $+ $1)) {
- %error = Invalid handler name: JSON handler does not exist
- }
- elseif (!$regex($2, /^[a-z_-]+:?$/i)) {
- %error = Invalid header name: Header names can only contain letters, _ and -
- }
- else {
- %com = JSONHandler:: $+ $1
- if (1 OK !== $jsTry(%com, $JScript(UrlHeader), status="error", $escape($regsubex($2, :+$, )).quote, $escape($3-).quote).withError) {
- %error = $gettok($v2, 2-, 32)
- }
- else {
- Debugger -s $+(%com,>JSONUrlHeader) Header $+(',$2,') set to $3-
- }
- }
- :error
- %error = $iif($error, $v1, %error)
- reseterror
- if (%error) {
- set -eu0 %JSONError %error
- if (%com) set -eu0 % [ $+ [ %com ] $+ ] ::Error %error
- Debugger -e $iif(%com, $v1, 0) /JSONUrlMethod %switches $1- --RAISED-- %error
- }
- }
- alias JSONUrlOption {
- if ($isid) return
- unset %JSONError
- Debugger -i 0 /JSONUrlOption is depreciated and will be removed. Please use /JSONUrlMethod and /JSONUrlHeader
- if ($2 == method) {
- JSONUrlMethod $1 $3-
- }
- else {
- JSONUrlHeader $1-
- }
- }
- alias JSONUrlGet {
- if ($isid) return
- unset %JSONError
- Debugger -i 0 Calling /JSONUrlGet $1-
- var %switches = -, %error, %com, %file
- if (-* iswm $1) {
- %switches = $1
- tokenize 32 $2-
- }
- if (!$0 || (%switches != - && $0 < 2)) {
- %error = Missing parameters
- }
- elseif (!$regex(%switches, ^-[bf]?$)) {
- %error = Invalid switch(es) specified
- }
- elseif (!$regex($1, /^[a-z][a-z\d_.\-]+$/i)) {
- %error = Invalid handler name: Must start with a letter and contain only letters numbers _ . and -
- }
- elseif (!$com(JSONHandler:: $+ $1)) {
- %error = Specified handler does not exist
- }
- elseif (b isincs %switches && &* !iswm $2) {
- %error = Invalid bvar name: bvars start with &
- }
- elseif (b isincs %switches && $0 > 2) {
- %error = Invalid bvar name: Contains spaces: $2-
- }
- elseif (f isincs %switches && !$isfile($2-)) {
- %error = Specified file does not exist: $longfn($2-)
- }
- else {
- %com = JSONHandler:: $+ $1
- if ($0 > 1) {
- if (f isincs %switches) {
- if (0 ?* iswm $jsTry(%com, $JScript(UrlData), status="error", $escape($longfn($2-)).quote).withError) {
- %error = $gettok($v2, 2-, 32)
- }
- else {
- Debugger -s $+(%com,>JSONUrlGet) Stored $longfn($2-) as data to send with HTTP Request
- }
- }
- else {
- %file = $tempfile
- if (b isincs %switches) {
- bwrite $qt(%file) -1 -1 $2
- }
- else {
- write -n $qt(%file) $2-
- }
- Debugger -s $+(%com,>JSONUrlGet) Wrote specified data to %file
- if (0 ?* iswm $jsTry(%com, $JScript(UrlData), status="error", $escape(%file).quote).withError) {
- %error = $gettok($v2, 2-, 32)
- }
- else {
- Debugger -s $+(%Com,>JSONUrlGet) Stored $2- as data to send with HTTP Request
- }
- .remove $qt(%file)
- }
- }
- if (!%error) {
- if (0 ?* iswm $jsTry(%com, $JScript(URLParse), status="error").withError) {
- %error = $gettok($v2, 2-, 32)
- }
- else {
- Debugger -s $+(%com,>JSONUrlGet) Request finished
- }
- }
- }
- :error
- %error = $iif($error, $v1, %error)
- reseterror
- if (%error) {
- set -eu0 %JSONError %error
- if (%com) set -eu0 % [ $+ [ %com ] $+ ] ::Error %error
- Debugger -e $iif(%com, $v1, 0) /JSONUrlGet %switches $1- --RAISED-- %error
- }
- }
- alias JSONGet {
- if ($isid) return
- unset %JSONError
- debugger -i 0 /JSONGet is depreciated and will be removed. Please use /JSONUrlGet
- JSONUrlGet $1-
- }
- alias JSONClose {
- if ($isid) return
- unset %JSONError
- Debugger -i 0 /JSONClose $1-
- var %switches = -, %error, %com, %x
- if (-* iswm $1) {
- %switches = $1
- tokenize 32 $2-
- }
- if ($0 < 1) {
- %error = Missing parameters
- }
- elseif ($0 > 1) {
- %error = Too many parameters specified.
- }
- elseif (%switches !== - && %switches != -w) {
- %error = Unknown switches specified
- }
- elseif (%switches == -) {
- %com = JSONHandler:: $+ $1
- if ($com(%com)) { .comclose %com }
- if ($timer(%com)) { $+(.timer,%com) off }
- unset % [ $+ [ %com ] $+ ] ::Error
- Debugger -i %com Closed
- }
- else {
- %com = JSONHandler:: $+ $1
- %x = 1
- while (%x <= $com(0)) {
- if (%com iswm $com(%x)) {
- .comclose $v1
- $+(.timer,$v1) off
- unset % [ $+ [ $v1 ] $+ ] ::*
- Debugger -i %com Closed
- }
- else {
- inc %x
- }
- }
- }
- :error
- %error = $iif($error, $v1, %error)
- reseterror
- if (%error) {
- set -eu0 %JSONError %error
- }
- }
- alias JSONList {
- if ($isid) return
- Debugger -i 0 Calling /JSONList $1-
- var %x = 1, %i = 0
- while ($com(%x)) {
- if (JSONHandler::* iswm $v1) {
- inc %i
- echo $color(info) -a * # $+ %i : $regsubex($v2, /^JSONHandler::/, )
- }
- inc %x
- }
- if (!%i) {
- echo $color(info) -a * No active JSON handlers
- }
- }
- alias JSON {
- if (!$isid) {
- return
- }
- var %x, %calling, %i = 0, %com, %get = json, %ref = $false, %error, %file
- if ($JSONDebug) {
- %x = 0
- while (%x < $0) {
- inc %x
- %calling = %calling $+ $iif(%calling,$chr(44)) $($ $+ %x,2)
- }
- debugger -i 0 Calling $!JSON( $+ %calling $+ $chr(41) $+ $iif($prop,. $+ $prop)
- }
- if (!$0) {
- return
- }
- if ($regex($1, ^\d+$)) {
- %x = 1
- while ($com(%x)) {
- if (JSONHandler::* iswm $v1) {
- inc %i
- if (%i == $1) {
- %com = $com(%x)
- break
- }
- }
- inc %x
- }
- if ($0 == 1 && $1 == 0) {
- return %i
- }
- }
- elseif ($regex($1, /^[a-z][a-z\d_.-]+$/i)) {
- %com = JSONHandler:: $+ $1
- }
- elseif ($regex($1, /^(JSONHandler::[a-z][a-z\d_.-]+)::(.+)$/i)) {
- %com = $regml(1)
- %get = json $+ $regml(2)
- %ref = $true
- }
- if (!%com) {
- %error = Invalid name specified
- }
- elseif (!$com(%com)) {
- %error = Handler doesn't exist
- }
- elseif (!$regex($prop, /^(?:Status|IsRef|IsChild|Error|Data|UrlStatus|UrlStatusText|UrlHeader|Fuzzy|FuzzyPath|Type|Length|ToBvar|IsParent)?$/i)) {
- %error = Unknown prop specified
- }
- elseif ($0 == 1) {
- if ($prop == isRef) {
- return %ref
- }
- elseif ($prop == isChild) {
- Debugger -i 0 $!JSON().isChild is depreciated use $!JSON().isRef
- return %ref
- }
- elseif ($prop == status) {
- if ($com(%com, eval, 1, bstr, status) && !$comerr) {
- return $com(%com).result
- }
- else {
- %error = Unable to determine status
- }
- }
- elseif ($prop == error) {
- if ($eval($+(%,%com,::Error),2)) {
- return $v1
- }
- elseif ($com(%com, eval, 1, bstr, error) && !$comerr) {
- return $com(%com).result
- }
- else {
- %error = Unable to determine if there is an error
- }
- }
- elseif ($prop == UrlStatus || $prop == UrlStatusText) {
- if (0 ?* iswm $jsTry(%com, $JScript($prop))) {
- %error = $gettok($v2, 2-, 32)
- }
- else {
- return $v2
- }
- }
- elseif (!$prop) {
- return $regsubex(%com,/^JSONHandler::/,)
- }
- }
- elseif (!$regex($prop, /^(?:fuzzy|fuzzyPath|data|type|length|toBvar|isParent)?$/i)) {
- %error = $+(',$prop,') cannot be used when referencing items
- }
- elseif ($prop == toBvar && $chr(38) !== $left($2, 1) ) {
- %error = Invalid bvar specified: bvar names must start with &
- }
- elseif ($prop == UrlHeader) {
- if ($0 != 2) {
- %error = Missing or excessive header parameter specified
- }
- elseif (0 ?* iswm $jsTry(%com, $JScript(UrlHeader), $escape($2).quote)) {
- %error = $gettok($v2, 2-, 32)
- }
- else {
- return $gettok($v2, 2-, 32)
- }
- }
- elseif (fuzzy* iswm $prop) {
- if ($0 < 2) {
- %error = Missing parameters
- }
- else {
- var %x = 2, %path, %res
- while (%x <= $0) {
- %path = %path $+ $escape($($ $+ %x, 2)).quote $+ $chr(44)
- inc %x
- }
- %res = $jsTry(%com, $JScript(fuzzy), %get, $left(%path, -1))
- if (0 ? iswm %res) {
- %error = $gettok(%res, 2-, 32)
- }
- elseif ($prop == fuzzy) {
- %get = %get $+ $gettok(%res, 2-, 32)
- }
- else {
- return $regsubex(%get, ^json, ) $+ $gettok(%res, 2-, 32)
- }
- }
- }
- if (!%error) {
- if (fuzzy* !iswm $prop) {
- %x = $iif($prop == toBvar, 3, 2)
- while (%x <= $0) {
- %i = $ [ $+ [ %x ] ]
- if ($len(%i)) {
- %get = $+(%get, [", $escape(%i), "])
- inc %x
- }
- else {
- %error = Empty index|item passed.
- break
- }
- }
- }
- if (!%error) {
- if ($prop == type) {
- if (0 ?* iswm $jsTry(%com, $JScript(typeof), %get)) {
- %error = $gettok($v2, 2-, 32)
- }
- else {
- return $gettok($v2, 2-, 32)
- }
- }
- elseif ($prop == length) {
- if (0 ?* iswm $jsTry(%com, $JScript(length), %get)) {
- %error = $gettok($v2, 2-, 32)
- }
- else {
- return $gettok($v2, 2-, 32)
- }
- }
- elseif ($prop == isParent) {
- if (0 ?* iswm $jsTry(%com, $JScript(isparent), %get)) {
- %error = $gettok($v2, 2-, 32)
- }
- else {
- return $iif($gettok($v2, 2-, 32), $true, $false)
- }
- }
- elseif ($prop == toBvar) {
- %file = $tempfile
- if (0 ?* iswm $jsTry(%com, $JScript(tofile), $escape(%file).quote, %get)) {
- %error = $gettok($v2, 2-, 32)
- }
- else {
- bread $qt(%file) 0 $file(%file) $2
- }
- if ($isfile(%file)) { .remove $qt(%file) }
- }
- elseif (0 ?* iswm $jsTry(%com, $JScript(get), %get)) {
- %error = $gettok($v2, 2-, 32)
- if (%error == Object or Array referenced) {
- %error = $null
- Debugger -s $+(%com,>$JSON) Result is an Object or Array; returning reference
- return %com $+ :: $+ $regsubex(%get, /^json/, )
- }
- }
- else {
- var %res = $gettok($v2, 2-, 32)
- Debugger -s $+(%com,>$JSON) %get references %res
- return %res
- }
- }
- }
- :error
- %error = $iif($error, $v1, %error)
- if (%error) {
- set -eu0 %JSONError
- if (%com && $com(%com)) {
- set -eu0 $+(%,%com,::Error) %error
- }
- var %r
- %x = 0
- while (%x < $0) {
- inc %x
- %r = $addtok(%r, $chr(32) $+ $ [ $+ [ %x ] ] , 44)
- }
- debugger -e $iif(%com && $com(%com),%com,0) $!JSON( $+ %r $+ ) $+ $+ $iif($prop,. $+ $prop) --RAISED-- %error
- }
- }
- alias JSONDebug {
- if ($isid) {
- return $iif($group(#JSONForMircDebug) == on, $true, $false)
- }
- elseif ($0) {
- tokenize 32 $iif($group(#JSONForMircDebug) == on, off, on)
- }
- if ($regex($1-,/^(?:on|enable)$/i)) {
- .enable #JSONForMircDebug
- debugger -i Debugger Now Enabled
- }
- elseif ($regex($1-, /^(?:off|disable)$/i)) {
- .disable #JSONForMircDebug
- if ($window(@JSONForMircDebug)) {
- close -@ @JSONForMircDebug
- }
- }
- }
- #JSONForMircDebug off
- alias -l Debugger {
- if ($isid) return
- if (!$window(@JSONForMircDebug)) {
- window -zk0 @JSONForMircDebug
- }
- var %switches = -, %c
- if (-* iswm $1) {
- %switches = $1
- tokenize 32 $2-
- }
- if (e isincs %switches) {
- %c = 04
- }
- elseif (s isincs %switches) {
- %c = 12
- }
- else {
- %c = 03
- }
- var %n = $iif($1, $1, JSONForMirc)
- %n = $regsubex(%n, /^JSONHandler::, )
- aline -p @JSONForMircDebug $+($chr(3),%c,[,%n,],$chr(15)) $2-
- }
- #JSONForMircDebug end
- alias -l Debugger return
- menu @JSONForMircDebug {
- .Clear: clear -@ @JsonForMircDebug
- .Disable and Close: JSONDebug off
- }
- alias -l tempfile {
- var %n = 1
- while ($isfile($scriptdirJSONTmpFile $+ %n $+ .json)) {
- inc %n
- }
- return $scriptdirJSONTmpFile $+ %n $+ .json
- }
- alias -l escape {
- var %esc = $replace($1-,\,\\,",\")
- return $iif($prop == quote, $qt(%esc), %esc)
- }
- alias -l JScript {
- if (!$isid) return
- if (!$0) return (function(){status="init";json=null;url={m:"GET",u:null,h:[],d:null};response=null;var r,x=['MSXML2.SERVERXMLHTTP.6.0','MSXML2.SERVERXMLHTTP.3.0','MSXML2.SERVERXMLHTTP','MSXML2.XMLHTTP.6.0','MSXML2.XMLHTTP.3.0','Microsoft.XMLHTTP'],i;while(x.length){try{r=new ActiveXObject(x.shift());break}catch(e){}}xhr=r?function(){,url.u,false);for(i=0;i<url.h.length;i+=1)r.setRequestHeader(url.h[i][0],url.h[i][1]);r.send(url.d);return(response=r).responseText}:function(){throw new Error("HTTP Request object not found")};read=function(f){var a=new ActiveXObject(""),d;a.CharSet="utf-8";a.Open();a.LoadFromFile(f);if(a.EOF){a.close();throw new Error("No content in file")}d=a.ReadText();a.Close();return d;};write=function(f,d){var a=new ActiveXObject("");a.CharSet="utf-8";a.Open();a.WriteText(d);a.SaveToFile(f,2);a.Close()};parse=function(t){if(/^[\],:{}\s]*$/.test((t=(String(t)).replace(/[\u0000\u00ad\u0600-\u0604\u070f\u17b4\u17b5\u200c-\u200f\u2028-\u202f\u2060-\u206f\ufeff\ufff0-\uffff]/g,function(a){return'\\u'+('0000'+a.charCodeAt(0).toString(16)).slice(-4)})).replace(/\\(?:["\\\/bfnrt]|u[0-9a-fA-F]{4})/g,'@').replace(/"[^"\\\n\r]*"|true|false|null|-?\d+(?:\.\d*)?(?:[eE][+\-]?\d+)?/g,']').replace(/(?:^|:|,)(?:\s*\[)+/g,''))){return eval('('+t+')')}throw new SyntaxError('Unable to Parse: Invalid JSON')};fuzzy=function(){var,b=a.shift(),c="",,e,f,g,h,i;for(e=0;e<a.length;e+=1){f=a[e];if(b.hasOwnProperty(f)){if(typeof b[f]==="function")throw new TypeError("Reference points to a function");b=b[f];c+="[\""+f+"\"]"}else if(d==="[object Object]"){if(typeof f==="number")f=f.toString(10);f=f.toLowerCase();g=-1;i=!1;for(h in b){if(b.hasOwnProperty(h)&&typeof b[h]!=="function"){g+=1;if(h.toLowerCase()===f){b=b[h];c+="[\""+h+"\"]";i=!0;break}else if(g.toString(10)===f){b=b[h];c+="[\""+h+"\"]";i=!0;break}}}if(!i)throw new Error("No matching reference found");}else{throw new Error("Reference does not exist")}}return c}}());
- if ($1 == FileParse) return if(status!=="init")throw new Error("Parse Not Pending");json=parse(read(@1@));status="done"
- if ($1 == UrlInit) return if(status!=="init")throw new Error("JSON handler not ready");url.u=@1@;status="url"
- if ($1 == UrlMethod) return if(status!=="url")throw new Error("URL Request Not Pending");url.m=@1@
- if ($1 == UrlHeader) return if(status!=="url")throw new Error("URL Request Not Pending");url.h.push([@1@,@2@])
- if ($1 == UrlData) return if(status!=="url")throw new Error("URL Request Not Pending");url.d=read(@1@)
- if ($1 == UrlParse) return if(status!=="url")throw new Error("URL Request Not Pending");json=parse(xhr());status="done"
- if ($1 == UrlStatus) return if(status!=="done")throw new Error("Data not parsed");if(!response)throw new Error("URL request not made");return response.status;
- if ($1 == UrlStatusText) return if(status!=="done")throw new Error("Data not parsed");if(!response)throw new Error("URL request not made");return response.statusText;
- if ($1 == UrlHeader) return if(status!=="done")throw new Error("Data not parsed");if(!response)throw new Error("URL Request not made");return response.getResponseHeader(@1@)
- if ($1 == fuzzy) return if(status!=="done")throw new Error("Data not parsed");return "1 "+fuzzy(@1@,@2@)
- if ($1 == typeof) return if(status!=="done")throw new Error("Data not parsed");var i=@1@;if(i===undefined)throw new TypeError("Reference doesn't exist");if(i===null)return"1 null";var;if(s==="[object Array]")return"1 array";if(s==="[object Object]")return"1 object";return "1 "+typeof(i)
- if ($1 == length) return if(status!=="done")throw new Error("Data not parsed");var i=@1@;if(i===undefined)throw new TypeError("Reference doesn't exist");if(/^\[object (?:String|Array)\]$/.test("1 "+i.length.toString(10);throw new Error("Reference is not a string or array");
- if ($1 == isparent) return if(status!=="done")throw new Error("Data not parsed");var i=@1@;if(i===undefined)throw new TypeError("Reference doesn't exist");if(/^\[object (?:Object|Array)\]$/.test("1 1";return"1 0"
- if ($1 == tofile) return if(status!=="done")throw new Error("Data not parsed");var i=@2@;if(i===undefined)throw new TypeError("Reference doesn't exist");if(typeof i!=="string")throw new TypeError("Reference must be a string");write(@1@,i);
- if ($1 == get) return if(status!=="done")throw new Error("Data not parsed");var i=@1@;if(i===undefined)throw new TypeError("Reference doesn't exist");if(i===null)return"1";if(/^\[object (?:Array|Object)\]$/.test( new TypeError("Object or Array referenced");if(i.length>4000)throw new Error("Data would exceed mIRC's line length limit");if(typeof i == "boolean")return i?"1 1":"1 0";if(typeof i == "number")return "1 "+i.toString(10);return "1 "+i;
- }
- alias -l jsTry {
- if ($isid) {
- if ($0 < 2 || $prop == withError && $0 < 3) {
- return 0 Missing parameters
- }
- elseif (!$com($1)) {
- return 0 No such com
- }
- else {
- var %code = $2, %error, %n = 2, %o, %js
- if ($prop == withError) {
- %error = $3
- %n = 3
- }
- %o = %n
- while (%n < $0) {
- inc %n
- set -l $+(%, arg, $calc(%n - %o)) $eval($+($, %n), 2)
- }
- %code = $regsubex($regsubex(%code, /@(\d+)@/g, $var($+(%, arg, \t ),1).value), [\s;]+$, )
- %error = $regsubex($regsubex(%error, /@(\d+)@/g, $var($+(%, arg, \t ),1).value), [\s;]+$, )
- if (%code) %code = $v1 $+ ;
- if (%error) %error = $v1 $+ ;
- %js = (function(){error=null;try{ $+ %code $+ return"1 OK"}catch(e){ $+ %error $+ error=e.message;return"0 "+error}}())
- debugger $1>$jsTry Executing: %js
- if (!$com($1, eval, 1, bstr, %js) || $comerr) {
- return 0 Unable to execute specified javascript
- }
- return $com($1).result
- }
- }
- }
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