

Mar 14th, 2018
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I'm sick of people being offended that white people are racist. White people in the United States have every reason to be racist.
You Niggas had an opportunity to leave the country, you didn't. When they freed you, you could've left? Did you leave? Nope.

You niggas have a chance to build your own everything. Do you do it? Nope.

You ask white folks to let them be a part of it. You niggas have a chance to get away from the white system. Do you do it? Nope.

You enjoy the fuck out of all the white benefits of being in their system while talking shit about them.

I don't have a problem with white folks being racist. I'm racist. I don't like niggers. I don't like going around them, I don't like being in groups of them. Because it never goes well. It just doesn't.

You've earned this name, American niggers. YOU EARNED IT. You get this name by acting stupid.

-Tommy Sotomayor

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